Amount of social scholarship per year. Rules for assigning academic scholarships

Throughout recent years Deputies of the Russian State Duma promise students that they will consider a bill that will stipulate an increase in the level of scholarship payments for those who study on a budget in bachelor's, master's, or graduate school. In 2018, undergraduates and graduate students do not lose hope of finally hearing positive news, because the current issue is increasingly aggravating the issue of scholarships.

Today, prices for food, clothing and transport are at such high level that the scholarship award does not make it possible to cover these expenses without resorting to additional part-time work or financial assistance from parents. Moreover, the first of these solutions to the problem occurs as often as the second - not all mothers and fathers can fully provide for the needs of an adult child.

At the same time, working in parallel with studies often affects a student’s academic performance, so dean’s office employees increasingly complain about low attendance, and teachers complain about the increased number of retakes and the low level of knowledge. Let's talk about whether scholarships will be increased in 2018, and also find out whether a student receiving such a payment can live on it without additional sources income.

Government initiatives

Unfortunately, today the government has supported the requests of the Ministry of Finance to reduce government allocations allocated to the Education Development and Science and Technology Development programs. These amounts were cut again in the three-year period.

Literally in 2016, Dmitry Medvedev, who holds the post of Prime Minister of Russia, held a meeting during which optimization approaches to the above programs and other items of government spending were determined. As a result of the development of optimization measures, all-Russian budget expenditures for the period 2017-2019 were frozen in the amount of 15.78 trillion rubles annually. However, representatives of the Ministry of Education hastened to reassure bachelors, masters and graduate students.

They were assured that the size of the scholarship fund would not be an item that would be cut - cuts in funding for education, science and technology would only result in a reduction in construction investments and minimization of costs associated with the repair of educational buildings and dormitories.

Current scholarship situation

The amount of the scholarship depends on the accreditation of the university and the student’s academic performance

As of 2017, the amount of scholarship payments due to Russian students and graduate students is described by the following figures:

  • the maximum amount of a regular payment is expressed as up to 10,000 rubles. However, not every student can count on receiving such a scholarship. It is no secret that scholarship payments vary significantly in different cities and regions of the country. Typically, this payment is tied to the minimum required for living in a given area, determined by the regional leadership. Thus, the maximum of 10,000 is given only to those students who study at some universities and institutes in Moscow. The rest of the students receive from 1340 to 6000 rubles monthly;
  • a minimum of 1,340 rubles is received by those who entered the first year of bachelor's and master's degrees. Such payments are awarded to most students until they pass the first session and earn a scholarship increase with excellent grades;
  • excellent and excellent students can apply for increased scholarship payments - those who study with B grades are awarded on average from 2,200 to 6,000 rubles, and excellent students can receive 5,000-7,000 rubles monthly;
  • Postgraduate students in most specialties receive approximately 2,640 rubles per month. The exception is “technicians” - their scholarship payments can reach 6,350 rubles monthly;
  • in colleges the situation looks even worse - the minimum payment in educational institutions of this level of accreditation starts from 487 rubles per month;
  • a separate category of scholarship holders are those who managed to earn a Presidential scholarship - undergraduate and graduate students who have confirmed their participation in research of national significance can receive up to 7,000-14,000 rubles per month;
  • bachelors, masters and graduate students whose research falls into the category of the most promising developments for the Russian economy can receive an incentive payment from the president in an amount of up to 28,000 rubles;
  • some categories of full-time students who are disabled, children from low-income families or orphans receive from 730 to 2010 rubles social scholarship.

Will scholarships be indexed in 2018?

Let us recall that several years ago Dmitry Livanov, who at that time held the post of head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, stated the need to index scholarship payments in accordance with the real ones in the country. This issue has caused heated debate in government circles. The Ministry of Education demanded that scholarships be raised by at least 20%.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance responded that Russia’s current budget would not withstand such an increase, so scholarships should be left at the level at which they are currently fixed. This battle was won by the Ministry of Finance, which convinced the government of the need for austerity and maximum spending cuts. In 2016, the government nevertheless decided to slightly increase the level of scholarship payments, especially since the cost of living in the country as a whole was increased, amounting to 9,662 rubles.

The increase was completely insignificant (about 3%), so the Ministry of Education and Science continued to appeal to the country's leadership with a request to raise scholarships. The department’s main argument was that increasing budget expenditures for this purpose should pay for itself in the future, because a student who devotes the proper time to studying will give up part-time work and become a competent specialist who will benefit his country. However, current information about possible indexing remains disappointing.

Thus, in 2017, this payment was indexed in the amount of 5.9%, indexation in the amount of 4.8% is planned for 2018, and a 4.5% increase in the amount of the scholarship is planned for 2019. Moreover, it is worth clarifying that we are talking in general about the country’s scholarship fund. The final payment for students in Russia is determined by the direct management of the institute or university. For example, in some

A student can become a recipient of an increased scholarship in 2019 in two cases, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 28, 2013, namely:

  1. student who has distinguished himself with particular success in various areas activities (such as study, science, sports, cultural, creative and social activities) or,
  2. if you are studying in the first or second year, you are studying at “four” and “five” and are recognized as needing additional financial support.

For convenience, we will divide these two categories of those receiving increased scholarships into “merit” and “needy” and derive general criteria for these two types:

  • training financed from the federal budget
  • obtaining higher education
  • full-time education

General provisions

1) Increased cash payments are assigned educational institution within the limits of the funds provided for increasing the scholarship fund

2) The number of students applying for increased cash payments cannot be more than 10% of the total number of state-funded students

3) The decision to award an increased scholarship remains with the academic council (in addition to the criteria listed below, if a similar situation arises for several students, other criteria developed by educational institution, such as academic rating), but at the same time, priority should be given to students in more advanced courses.

Now let's move on to category 1 (for merit)

The amount of the increased scholarship is determined by the educational institution based on its scholarship fund. The minimum amount is not fixed by law; it should also be noted that the increased payment includes the amount of the academic scholarship. The student must meet all or at least one of the criteria for each activity:

1. Study

  • Passing the previous two sessions only with “excellent” and “good” marks, of which at least 50% were A’s
  • Recognition of a student as the winner of a special competition aimed at identifying his educational potential in the previous two years

2. Science

  • Availability of documents certifying receipt of an award or grant for research work or the exclusive right to scientific result intellectual activity
  • Availability of publications in this field of knowledge
  • Other other (e.g. speaking) outstanding achievements in this field

3. Social activities

  • Constant participation in organizing and conducting various types of events
  • Constant participation in informatization of students about socially significant processes
  • Student membership in one of the public organizations for at least 1 year
  • Systematic assistance in ensuring the protection of students’ rights
  • Carrying out gratuitous activities of a socially beneficial type

4. Culture and creativity

  • Availability of documents confirming the results of activities in this area for 2 years
  • Public presentation during the 1st year of a self-created work of art and literature
  • Systematic assistance to the institution in conducting cultural and creative events

5. Sports

  • Awards and prizes confirming sporting achievements
  • Regular participation in sporting events

Category 2 (needy)

Students of 1-2 years studying at “4” and “5” can count on receiving an increased scholarship for those in need.

The law classifies the following categories of students as needy:

  • your family income per person is below the subsistence level in your region Russian Federation(availability of a confirming certificate from the authority social protection population)
  • You are an orphan or a student without parental care
  • disabled person of the first and second groups
  • You are a victim of actions that took place at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or other actions related to radiation disasters
  • You are no more than twenty years old and at the same time you have only one parent left - a disabled person of the first group
  • Are you disabled or a combat veteran?

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2012 N 679 the minimum amount of increased scholarship paid to this category is 6307 rubles taking into account the amount of academic and (or) social scholarships that are paid to the student.

To receive an increased scholarship, you will need to study well and actively participate in all endeavors of your higher education institution. You don’t have to spread yourself thin and not participate in all types of activities, but at least choose one direction. And if you belong to the category of those in need, then collect everything necessary documents, confirming your appropriate status and reporting this to the dean’s office. But remember – the final word belongs to the educational council. Increased scholarships in colleges are awarded at the discretion of your secondary professional institution.

New in 2019

The Russian government has proposed increasing the amount of student scholarships by 4.3% in 2019. The initiative was formed within the framework of the draft federal budget for 2019–2021.

“The draft federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021 proposes an increase in budget allocations in connection with the indexation of the scholarship fund for students from September 1,” says the explanatory materials for the project.

In 2019, the Cabinet proposes to index scholarships by 4.3%, in 2020 by 3.8% and in 2021 by 4.0%.

In 2018, the volume of the scholarship fund was indexed by 4%.

At the beginning of 2019 medium size First-year student scholarships - 1,484 rubles. Payments are assigned to full-time students studying on a budget basis and who completed the last semester with “good” and “excellent” marks. An increased scholarship for success in education and social activities averages 8,755 rubles.

Usually, for an application you need to write the abstract of a report that is supposed to be read at the conference, sometimes you need to send the entire article. The abstracts will then be published in the conference proceedings, and this can be submitted to the scholarship committee. For your speech you can receive a prize and an invitation to publish a full article in a scientific journal or an expanded collection.

In Russia, scientific journals are certified by the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission), but publication in a journal included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) or Scientific Journal may also be suitable for a scholarship. electronic library Each journal has its own conditions for publication. For example, according to the rules for publication in the monthly magazine “Young Scientist” you need to pay 210 rubles for the first page and 168 rubles for the next. The article will be reviewed by the journal's editorial board within 3-5 days, it will be published in the next issue, and a certificate of publication will be sent immediately after payment.

For the competition, prepare the same diplomas, certificates and publications. The selection process is not as strict as for state scholarships for scientists, so performance at a conference can be considered as an achievement, not just victory.

Also prepare a resume and a motivation letter template. "BP" and "Ak Bars" invite students to interviews. Google asks for a letter of recommendation from a teacher, supervisor, or instructor.

Win the business game

Business games are an option for the charismatic and brave. The jury will look at leadership qualities, ability to work in a team and creativity. There are many such student competitions, but not all provide real scholarships. For example, the “Troika Dialogue Scholarship Program” is only called a scholarship: students are paid for transportation to Skolkovo and accommodation there, and finalists are invited to internships at partner companies of the program.

Potanin Foundation Scholarship Program

Sum: 15,000 rubles.
Payouts: once a month from February until the end of training.
Innings: in the fall.

The Potanin Foundation pays scholarships to full-time master's students. They don’t look at grades: I graduated from the specialty with C’s, but that didn’t stop me from winning.

The competition has two selection stages. In absentia, you need to fill out a form with personal data, the topic of your master's thesis, work and volunteer experience. You will have to prepare three essays: a popular science essay on the topic of the dissertation, a motivation letter and an essay about five memorable and significant events in life.

Documents for the Potanin Foundation scholarship:

  1. Copy of higher education diploma (bachelor, specialist).
  2. Recommendation from a supervisor (director of the master's program, head of the department).

The second round is a business game. From morning to evening - tests for teamwork, leadership qualities, creativity. Every year there are new competitions. I took part in the competition in 2015. In one competition, you had to write five associations to the word “blue”; in another, you had to distribute the budget of a charity fund together with a group of students.

The most difficult task was multitasking. It was necessary to lead the company and distribute vacations, hold meetings, and calculate profits during the working day. The sheet with the profit calculation was stuck to my folder. I noticed this when the 40 minutes for the task were up. I had to quickly “delegate” the task to one of the “employees”.

The ability to negotiate with people was tested role-playing game"Barriers". Two students had to coordinate their project in three instances. The “barriers” were other students. For example, children's excursions to the Peter and Paul Fortress had to be approved by the head of the excursions department, the PR specialist and the director of the museum. The authors of the project had to understand why their project “does not allow” the barrier and offer a compromise.

I volunteered to “manage” the excursion department of Petropavlovka. In the game, I was “afraid” that children would interfere with tours for foreigners. First, the authors talked about how excursions would improve the image of the museum. I didn't care about him. As a result, they promised that the groups would be small - five or six children - and always with a teacher. I let them through to the next barrier.

At lunch, the thought of being constantly being assessed did not allow me to sit down calmly with my tray. What if this is a test, and they watch me and decide that I don’t get along well with people if I sit at an empty table?

The last test - traditional game"What? Where? When?". My team didn't score many points, but I still got a scholarship. I always volunteered to present the results teamwork, even if it's an ugly poster, which makes me ashamed.

Scholarship "Consultant Plus"

Sum: 1000-3000 rubles.
Payouts: once a month during the semester.

Consultant Plus pays a stipend to those who know the system and can use it to solve a legal case. Competitions are held at Moscow universities among 1st-4th year students of economics and legal specialties.

At the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, a competition is organized among second-year students after a course of lectures. In the first round, students take a test of knowledge of the system and look for legal acts in it. The second round is an analysis of the legal situation using the service.

“Consultant Plus” advises checking with the computer science department to see if the competition is being held at your university. To prepare for the competition, study the educational and methodological materials of the service and take part in seminars. The materials published a collection of test tasks - “Training-testing system”.

Maximum scholarship amount

I calculated what maximum scholarship one student, a master of the Faculty of Economics at St. Petersburg State University living in a dormitory, could physically receive per month.

Let’s assume that he has no income other than a stipend of 1,485 rubles. He lives in a dormitory. He studies excellently, publishes a lot in scientific journals and receives grants for his research. Passed the GTO standards for a gold badge, heads the university club “What? Where? When?". This is what happened.

The scholarship is awarded to full-time students studying at the expense of the federal budget.

Academic scholarship
An academic scholarship is awarded twice a year based on the results of the examination session from the first day of the month following the examination session.

Academic scholarships are received only by those students who pass the examination session with “good” and “excellent” marks. When assigning a scholarship, grades on tests, practice and coursework are also taken into account along with grades obtained in exams.

As for the amount of the scholarship, at the moment minimum The amount of the academic scholarship is 1300 rubles. And it is received by those students who passed the session only “good”. For others it is provided increased scholarship, namely:

    students who passed the exam with only “excellent” marks in the amount of 200% of the minimum academic scholarship (2,400 rubles);

    students who passed the exam with “good” and “excellent” grades in the amount of 150% of the minimum academic scholarship (1,800 rubles).

Personalized scholarship from the Moscow City Hall
The Moscow City Hall’s personalized scholarship was established in accordance with the Order of the Moscow Mayor “On the establishment of personalized scholarships from the Moscow City Hall for students of higher educational institutions” to reward students for excellent studies. Applicants for this scholarship are selected on a competitive basis based on the following criteria:

  • 3-5 year students
  • Excellent study
  • Scientific activities
  • Accommodation in Moscow

The scholarship is assigned for one academic semester in addition to the main scholarship. At the moment, its amount is 1200 rubles per month.

Personalized scholarship from the Academic Council of MADI
A personal scholarship from the Academic Council can be received by a student who, firstly, is an excellent student, and secondly, actively participates in scientific and public life university. This scholarship is also awarded for one academic semester. Currently, the MADI Academic Council scholarship amount is 3,300 rubles.

Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation
Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and special scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation are awarded to students who have achieved outstanding success in educational and scientific activities.

University students who have become the authors of discoveries, two or more inventions, scientific articles in central Russian publications and abroad can apply for a scholarship. The successes of applicants for the Presidential Scholarship must be confirmed by diplomas or other documents of the winners of All-Russian and international olympiads, creative competitions, festivals. This scholarship is awarded to students for one year. Currently, this scholarship is 2200 rubles.

Social scholarship
A social scholarship is paid to students in need of social assistance. Currently The amount of the state social scholarship is 3,600 rubles.

Social scholarship in mandatory assigned to the following students:

    from among orphans left without parental care;

    recognized in in the prescribed manner disabled people of groups I and II;

    victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters;

    who are disabled and combat veterans

To apply for a state social scholarship, these students need to contact the dean’s office of the faculty, presenting a supporting document.

Also social scholarship paid students from low-income families. To apply for a social scholarship, a student must contact the social protection authority at permanent place residence with the following documents:

    a certificate from the house administration at the place of permanent registration about the composition of the family (children and parents with whom the student is registered)

    salary certificate of parents (or other relatives with whom the student is registered) for the last 3 months.

    certificate from the university (certificate issued by the student personnel department stating that the student is studying at full-time training).

If there are grounds, the specified authority issues a certificate of a certain form. This certificate must contain the following data:

    last name, first name, patronymic of the student;

    place of residence;

    the size of the average per capita family income;

    the minimum subsistence level valid on the day of receipt of the certificate;

    a phrase stating that the student belongs to the category low-income citizens and has the right to receive a state social scholarship;

    stamp and round seal of the social protection authority.

The student must submit the received certificate to the dean’s office of the faculty, after which an order will be issued on his appointment to a social scholarship. This procedure must be done every year.

A real student cannot imagine his life without a scholarship, because this is his first real “salary”. IN modern world the scholarship is considered small financial assistance, with the help of which the state tries to help students throughout the entire period of study. A similar fee is given to students of technical schools, colleges, institutes, schools, universities, as well as doctoral students and graduate students. As is already clear from the name itself, a social scholarship is considered a type of payment that is provided for those who have difficulties with financial support.

According to the legislative level, issues regarding the payment of student scholarships are regulated by the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Today, everyone is concerned about the question of what social scholarships will be for students at universities in 2016-2017. The amount of the social scholarship depends on the institution where the young people study. For technical schools, secondary educational institutions and colleges it should not be lower than 730 rubles, while in universities students should receive no lower than 2010 rubles. An increased social scholarship may also be issued, which will be equal to 6,307 rubles.

Who receives a social scholarship?

Initially, it is worth noting that only those students who study at
full-time and budget support. Also, students who do not have parents are entitled to this type of payment: children without parental care and orphans. Orphans are children whose parents have died and have not yet reached the age of 18, while children without parental guardianship are those whose parents were deprived of custody rights by their own children under the age of 18. If in this case the student is awarded a social scholarship, then its status can last up to 23 years.

Also, disabled children, people disabled since childhood and disabled people of categories 1 and 2 can also count on a social scholarship.
Children who have suffered some kind of radiation impact due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, or any other radiation disaster, also have the right to receive a social scholarship. This list also includes children who have deviations from tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

Another category of students entitled to a social scholarship are those who, before studying, served 3 years under a contract in the troops of the FSB of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in armed forces or executive authorities.

We should not forget about low-income children.

The threat of social scholarship

This year, the Russian government decided to amend the current bill, according to which the number of students receiving social scholarships will be significantly reduced. If the noted amendments are adopted by State Duma deputies, then from 2017 students may face serious changes, as well as bitterness regarding attractive payments.

According to experts, when making such a decision, Russian officials were most likely guided by the “all or nothing” principle.

Now they propose to pay scholarships in 2017 only to those students who are already considered recipients of social assistance assigned by special social protection authorities. It is worth recalling that now, in addition to the usual academic scholarship, students can also count on a social one, the amount of which can be regulated by the educational institution independently. According to analysts, in 2017 the size of the social scholarship may increase significantly and reach 10 thousand rubles - as a subsistence minimum.


Currently, a student who wants to apply for a social scholarship must bring a certificate from the social security authorities stating that he belongs to the category of citizens who can count on such payments. Now it seems to the government of the Russian Federation that in most cases students are being cunning and it is not difficult for them to earn such a certificate. At the same time, any student who lives in a dormitory can be recognized as low-income. According to official information from the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016 there were 5.2 million students in Russia, with 240 thousand of them receiving social scholarships. To be honest, it's not really exact numbers, because most of them are cunning about their “involvement” in the list of socially disadvantaged.

As a result, the government is currently proposing to tie the possibility of students receiving a social scholarship in 2017 from their eligibility for state assistance. True, while offering such a “way out of the situation,” the Russian government did not think about the fact that the implementation of one right should not depend on another, because a person must independently choose whether he wants to take advantage of existing privileges or not. As a result, if a student accidentally fills out documents for receiving social assistance incorrectly, he will lose not only it, but also the right to receive a social scholarship in the future. Where is the justice here?

At the moment, the officials’ proposal has caused a wave of discontent among citizens, because it turns out that with the adoption of such a law, the right to education will no longer be available to people with low incomes.

Even if the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation still have hope that in 2017 the situation will reverse and everything will return to normal, the reality turns out to be so rosy. More recently, the State Duma has already adopted a number of laws regarding new social support measures, which are based on criteria of need and the principle of targeting. Nevertheless, in the end, such laws can hit the budget very hard specifically for citizens in need.

To understand exactly how this whole saga will end, it is worth waiting until the end of 2016 - during this period the draft law regarding the payment of social scholarships in 2017 should be approved or rejected.



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