Damage from a photo - get rid of your rivals forever. Effective Methods to Punish Enemy with Black Magic

If things aren’t going well, your health has deteriorated, and problems arise every now and then at work and in your personal life, then it won’t take long to think that someone has cast the evil eye or caused damage. But before you come to such a conclusion, you need to make sure of this for sure, and for this it is useful to find out how damage can be done, in what ways, and how a person feels in such a situation.

Methods of causing damage

What is damage in essence? This is a powerful negative energy “push” that invades the energy of a particular person, destroys it and thereby causes a series of unpleasant consequences and problems of different nature and degree of severity. How to damage it? There are many ways to cause damage; let’s highlight the most basic and common ones.

  1. Through food and drink. So, for example, they can cast a spell on food or something (such spells induce negative energy on food), which they will then add to the victim’s food or drink. A person eats such food, and its negative energy spreads inside the victim, destroying the aura.
  2. Through a person’s personal belongings and gifts that are presented to him. To do this, they either use the person’s personal items, which he often uses, or present the enchanted item under the guise of a gift. By touching or using a charmed object, a person transfers negative energy to himself, which, in turn, begins to slowly destroy his energy.
  3. How can they cause damage using a doll? Many people are treated well here famous dolls voodoo The essence is that the magician creates a rag doll that personifies the victim, energetically connects it with it and with its help influences the person in the way he needs.
  4. From the photograph. One of the most frequently used methods of causing damage. A photograph of a person carries his powerful energy imprint, which is what magicians use, casting spells on the photo and thereby negatively affecting the person. One of the most terrible ways is this: an ill-wisher wants a serious illness or death of the victim, therefore, by slandering a photograph, he places it at the funeral in the coffin of the deceased, so that later he will be buried with her.
  5. Through nails, hair, menstrual blood. To damage a person, their own biomaterials are often used. Hair, nails and blood are most suitable for this, which are subsequently also endowed with negative energy, which then passes on to the victim.
  6. How can they cause damage through candles? Candles can be either an accompanying attribute in the process of causing damage, or the main object in this action. So, an ill-wisher can come to a church, buy a candle and light it for the repose of a living person, while uttering a conspiracy.
  7. Through sharp objects. This is also a popular way of causing damage. Its essence is to charm a sharp object (a needle, a pin, scissors, a knife) and quietly leave it in the victim’s house. Until the object is found and eliminated, its negative energy will poison a person’s life.
  8. Through the ground from the cemetery. Spellbound cemetery land is also often used for corruption rituals. Usually they try to drop it unnoticed at the door of the victim’s house.

Damage can be done both consciously and unconsciously. So, for example, you can offend someone so much with your words or actions that he will simply “break through” your energy with his negative emotions and thereby cause damage to you. This happens when a person is touched to the quick and he is very offended and angry. A very angry, envious and hateful person has exactly the same effect. Therefore, it is better to try not to offend others and not communicate with unpleasant people.

Of course, damage can be done intentionally. Usually this is an enemy who wants to greatly ruin the life of his victim, or a black magician who has been turned to for help. And any person can turn to him for help, be it a very jealous woman who decides to annoy her rival, or a businessman who thus wants to eliminate a competitor.

Signs of damage

We have found out how damage can be caused, now we will identify the signs by which it can be recognized. If a person has been damaged, then the following can happen to him:

  1. The woman is healthy, but she still has constant problems with menstrual cycle or she can't get pregnant.
  2. Availability large quantity age spots for no apparent reason.
  3. Dramatic weight loss or strong replenishment for no apparent reason.
  4. A girl meets a young man and everything is fine in their relationship, but she is not invited to marry.
  5. A person is sick, doctors make various diagnoses, treat, but there are no positive treatment results.
  6. It is difficult and unpleasant for a person to look at himself in the mirror.
  7. One pupil is larger than the other or the pupils often “run around”.
  8. In church, a person begins to feel bad, and pectoral cross either it gets lost, or you want to take it off.
  9. A person is in a long-term depressive state, he doesn’t want anything, nothing makes him happy, he has a complete loss of strength.
  10. Troubles and problems suddenly began to occur one after another.
  11. Pets do not like humans.
  12. In a dream or while resting, a person sees unclean things.

You can also recognize damage by certain signs at home:

  1. There are cockroaches or ants in the house, but the neighbors do not have them.
  2. In front of the door, in the door or in the house, a person finds strange objects (needles, pins and other sharp objects, not belonging to man and/or located in strange places; sand; Earth; blood; feathers, etc.). In pillows, a person who has been damaged may find corn, wheat, knitted feathers, sharp objects, and some strange threads.
  3. One or more photos are pierced with a needle.
  4. Animals in the house feel uncomfortable: cats want to go outside, and dogs bark.
  5. They don’t want to visit you.
  6. Problems in the family: incurable alcoholism, constant illnesses in the household, feelings of fear and anxiety in the family, constant scandals and quarrels.
  7. There are strange blurry or very clear drawings on the walls.

Should you believe in corruption?

Each person decides for himself whether to believe in corruption or not. But is it worth taking this so seriously and pushing yourself too hard? So, if you feel unwell, are sick, have problems at work, and nothing makes you happy at home, it is not a fact that someone has cast a spell on you. Calmly analyze the situation. Perhaps you didn’t pay attention to your health at all, didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t eat well, and that’s why you feel bad. You don’t work as efficiently and effectively, and that’s why your bosses are nagging you. Nothing makes you happy at home, because it is associated exclusively with household chores (washing, washing, etc.), it is uncomfortable and ugly. Look at your problems objectively, from the outside. Perhaps you yourself are to blame for this happening to you.

And by the way, there is another type of damage - when a person “drives” himself: he constantly expects tricks and problems everywhere, does not value himself, does not believe in himself and his strengths, considers himself worse than others. Here's how you can damage yourself even unconsciously. With this attitude, a person programs himself for constant failures and problems, and then wonders why everything is so bad in his life. In addition, it has been proven that strong energy protection a person is protected from damage by not believing in it, because it is quite difficult to damage someone who simply does not recognize it.

In my article you can read how to cause damage at home in order to punish the enemy yourself. I won’t say that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am a supporter of inflicting magical damage on a person. Adequate practicing magicians do such rituals not on a whim, but in moments of extreme necessity. If it is not possible to solve the problem in any other way, there is only one thing left - to send it to the enemy severe damage.
  1. Using the example of the first ritual of self-inflicted damage at home, which allows you to deprive a person of the main source of income, take away good luck and luck. More precisely, to influence magically so that on the physical plane a person changes his status to a loser, a beggar, etc. At certain conditions(if, for example, work is the only source of income), such a witchcraft ritual can be a curse on lack of money.
  2. The second ritual that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about today is an example of how to do damage yourself at home using a photo of an enemy. Not a bad option when you need to punish an offender or a boor.
  3. And finally, the third example of a powerful ritual of black magic allows you to cause damage to death while working in a place of Power.

Not simple enough make damage from a distance using a photo bad person. Practicing magicians always work comprehensively. And when it comes to in an independent way to damage a person, then the complex of witchcraft rituals necessarily includes breaking defenses and weakening one’s enemy. This can be done, among other things, with the help of Runes or Warlock rituals.

How to damage land from a personal grave at home

The strong ritual of damaging a person with grave soil is also interesting because, in addition to dismissal from work, you can achieve the removal of a person from home. For example, your husband’s (or wife’s) relatives have entered your family and consider themselves full members of your family. With all the ensuing consequences. Self-witchcraft will help you get rid of them. Here's some advice for you how to make damage yourself- remove enemies from home, fire them from work, ruin things for a competitor. This is done through cemetery land.

In addition to the burial ground, to independently inflict damage on the enemy, you will need:

  • piece of black cloth
  • table knife
  • church candle

This is independent damage per person in the following way: in the church they light a funeral candle for the enemy, after which they go to the cemetery, and take a handful of earth from the personal grave of the offender or competitor. An interesting point: this way you can curse several evil people at once. In this case, soil is collected from as many graves as there are enemies in your home or at work.

Place the grave soil in a piece of black natural material. If you want more than one person make a strong damage yourself at home, then take scraps of fabric according to the number of ill-wishers. And from each personalized grave, pour the earth into a separate patch. Leave a memorial on the graves, gifts for the owner, all according to the rules of witchcraft using the cemetery.

At home, place the bundle of earth on the table, in left hand take a knife that you constantly use in everyday life, stab the ground with it, and read the plot 9 times to bring a curse on the enemy:

“You, Mother of Cheese Earth, fed (the name of the deceased), you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and the slave (name of the enemy) alive. He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my sheets. Mother of Cheese Earth, tear it up and crush it, drive it out of your mind, consume it with your womb. Just as they don’t move their hands, they don’t move their heads, they don’t move their legs, so you, the slave (name), are left to lie down and wither and die, since you don’t leave this home, you won’t disappear from my sight. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I knock you out, I turn you away from my house. So be it."

Read a strong conspiracy 9 times in order to independently damage a person whom you, not without reason, consider to be your enemy, cross the ground with a knife 3 times. After which the flap with the earth should be taken into right hand and, starting from the door, walk around the house or apartment, counterclockwise, scattering earth around the perimeter, with your left hand over your right shoulder.
When you're done, to enhance the impact, and to damage a person at home, light a church candle, and recite funeral prayers for those whom you want to throw out of your home or work. Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, ask you to pay attention to this nuance: if you want to fire an enemy from work, pour the earth not at home, but in the office. Of course, without witnesses, and of course never tell anyone about it (including don’t discuss it with anyone, even after time has passed). Place a memorial in the flap that contained the soil from the cemetery and leave it in the church on the memorial table. At the same time, in your own words, remember the life of your hated enemy for the repose. Next, read how to make your own damage from a photo of your enemy, who is very annoying and ruins the life of you and your family.

How to damage a photo at home

Purpose magical damage sent to a person, miscellaneous. Every magical ritual done for a specific purpose. To get a result, the goal must be. So, in black there is a category of rituals of damage, which are done with the aim of punishing the offender. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you an example of how you can make damage at home from a photo a person who offended you or interfered with something.

This independent conspiracy damage to fire. To do, on the waning moon. All you need is a photo of the enemy. You can make this black damage from a photograph at home by lighting a fire in the stove. Possible at open place light a fire. If there is neither one nor the other possibility, try reading into a candle flame, visualizing the torment of a bad person (but usually this works worse, weaker).

According to reviews, those who did it on their own, a good, working ritual to make a strong damage to a certain person. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know that many practicing magicians do it, and reviews of him are very effective ritual, which always works great. Read a strong black magic conspiracy to punish evil people, it is necessary 47 times, looking into the flame, with very bright and clear visualization. In the end it turns out severe damage from photographs at home. The purpose of a magical ritual is to punish the offender, teach bad people a lesson, or make a sworn enemy suffer.

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. In the middle of the Kalmyk steppe stands a dry elm. They sit on that dry elm for seven years and forty minutes. Everyone sits, sits, and waits for the slave (name of the victim). Oh, you slave (name)! You walk around like a jester, you laugh at a sage. You go to the Kalmyk steppe under the dry elm. There they wait for you for seven years and forty minutes. Go to them along the road, bow at their feet. Ask for it, hopeless rudeness: “Oh, you, seven years and forty mentions! Give me, slave (name), a well-deserved reward: bitter grief, but dashingly one-eyed. So that I, slave (name), do not live, but howl, do not sleep, but piss under myself.” To all my words there is a key, a lock and a tongue. I sealed it, Doc (my name). I should help people, but slave (name) should die like a dog. Alatyr".

Reading at home, the text of the spell for damage based on the photo of the enemy, 47 times, burn this photo. During the entire ritual, imagine the torment of the one for whom you decided to cast a spell using the powers of black magic. The brighter the visualization, the stronger the result. Visualize correctly, excluding emotions, but completely concentrating on the result. A photograph of a certain person can be replaced with a personal item of the enemy.

In general, having the beginnings magical power, you can do it at home different types damage to people you don’t like.

A real magician can at home spoil death, if there is an objective need for this. Although, it is worth noting that killing an enemy with magic is literally a difficult task, and few are able to cope with it. So-called powerful spells for the quick death of a certain person usually result in troubles and illnesses for the victim.

How to severely damage an enemy’s illness at home

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, gave two examples of how you can cause damage yourself at home. As you understand, in the practices of black magic there are huge amount rituals performed. Black corruption, called "Rotten", is done by a magician in the forest on the waning moon. The goal is to make the enemy decay alive, get sick, and die through an incurable disease. Very powerful damage, which causes a significant blow to health, and when the offender is haunted by a serious illness, then he has no time for business, love or gossip and intrigue.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

This is a real curse on the enemy, which is quite possible to inflict on your own, having basic magical knowledge. What is needed for this ritual: to spoil a man - a live rooster, to spoil a woman - a chicken.

In addition, to make bad people ill at a distance, take:

  1. skein of natural coarse thread
  2. big needle
  3. axe
  4. photo of the victim

Not every day is suitable for this witchcraft ritual. What days are good?

  • Kasyanov day (February 29),
  • Good Friday,
  • the night before Trinity,
  • The Third Savior,
  • the night before the winter solstice,
  • and every third Thursday of the month.

And here is a homemade method on how to spoil the people you have chosen.

In the evening, while it is still dark, you need to take a live sacrificial bird, as well as everything necessary for the ritual, and move towards the forest. Find a place suitable for the ceremony, so that the stump there is strong and not rotten. You will cut off the bird's head on this stump. Having secluded yourself, read the words of the black conspiracy of a curse on a bad person over the bird:

“Just as God’s bird will endure everything, so the slave (name) will endure, take and die a cruel death. The holy day will pass, and so will the damage to the slave (name). Amen".

After this, chop off the bird's head. Let the blood drain, then rip open the bird's abdomen and put a photo of the enemy inside. Immediately after this, the torn abdomen needs to be stitched up.

Do this with the words of the conspiracy to independently inflict strong damage on the enemy:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. There is a domina - a meat grave, everyone goes around it, they don’t ask to stand. Only the slave (name of the enemy) will not pass by, wait and find him. So how long does he have to live, the slave (name) will rot. Just as the coffin goes into the ground, so will the slave (name) be damaged. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Reading the words strong conspiracy black magic, bury the bird in the ground, and immediately leave. Don't talk to anyone until dawn. Don't go to that place again, otherwise you'll end up in trouble. There is no need for ransom here. But the purchase is necessary for the Demon Enareus, the owner of the forest, according to the rules of dark witchcraft. I note that Enareus and him come with work to their domain. From Enareus there is always a response and help not only in magical rituals revenge and destruction, but also when you cast a spell for a good deed.

How to remove damage from a person at home - Annealing with a black candle

The one who himself caused damage to punish the enemy should also know how the magical negativity is removed from a person. How to rid yourself or another person of witchcraft damage that destroys health, love, and business? I propose a method of getting rid of the evil eye and black negativity, such as Annealing with a black candle.

This is a ritual that has been tested many times by magicians and beginners. Magic spell acceptable for independent use Houses. Can be done without calling on the Forces. But with the call it turns out strong demonic purge with a good classic fix. Cleaning damage caused to a person at home, in his presence. You can do it from a photo, for this you need an image in full height. Some practicing sorcerers perform annealing on themselves, although I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that it is quite inconvenient. So, what will you need for the ceremony: black wax candle, photo if necessary.

You may believe it, you may not believe it, but magic exists! Every person has encountered the consequences of someone else's energy interference - damage, evil eyes, pads, haircuts, love spells. How to damage a person, what the results will be, whether it is possible to eliminate the consequences and much more - this is what is important to know if for some reason there is a need to negatively impact someone’s life.

Damage is intentional or unconscious energy harm, inflicted by one person on another. This can be done using various systems magic, accordingly, various attributes will be used.

The evil eye is a milder effect that comes through the eyes, but multiple evil eyes will have a moderate damage effect.

In principle, anything can be spoiled, so there are many types of damage:

  • for health;
  • to suffering;
  • to loneliness;
  • to death;
  • for well-being;
  • on property, etc.

Hover Result

If a person has been damaged, then first of all his physical condition will worsen. Malaise, general weakness will appear, and chronic diseases will worsen. The person will feel instability, which will affect his psychological state.

At the same time, various troubles will begin at home, at work, in financial matters, and in personal life. The problems will be stronger in the area to which the damage is directed. If you are healthy, then, naturally, illnesses will have a stronger manifestation, and various troubles at home and at work will remain less critical. If pointed at financial well-being, then the malaise will be mild, and the loss of money will be enormous, even to the point of ruin.

There are also generational curses that can be traced by gender. For example, boys in a family are haunted by the same disease, which has been passed on for more than one generation. Or girls of one kind are doomed to loneliness, and no matter how they try to arrange their personal life- everything is in vain.

It is difficult to recognize skillfully caused damage, and almost impossible for an ignorant person. This is a lump of black energy that penetrates a person’s biofield and destroys it slowly but surely.

Preparing for work

If you decide to kill someone, then before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with the general set of rules in magic, so as not to harm yourself and your family. The first rule is “if you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the swamp,” yes, it’s a swamp, because magic does not forgive mistakes.

Whatever system of work you choose, be it a cemetery, cathedral witchcraft, incantations or volts, you must definitely familiarize yourself with what exactly you will be dealing with, and only then can you start casting damage. In order for the work to be as successful as possible, it will not hurt to read the information, which is abundant on the Internet.

Before starting work, you need to protect yourself and weaken the enemy. Beginners in magic will not be able to install complex protection, so they are recommended to at least make a reflective one. Reflective protection can be energy (cocoon, cap) and installed using any objects (mirror).

Weakening the enemy and removing his defenses will help get a better result. The most common method is a candle for the repose of the soul of a living person in a church. “Sorokoust” for the repose will be more effective, but problems may arise here, because the church clarifies the date of death of a person, but you will not be able to answer this question.

Anyone who has already been interested in how to hex a person has probably heard about kickbacks. Rollback is returning what you sent. According to the laws of nature, nothing appears from nowhere and nothing disappears into nowhere. Damaging is a negative action, so if a person you have spoiled recognizes someone else’s influence on themselves and turns to a specialist to get rid of it, then everything you have done will fly back to you. Very few magicians send messages to infinity; as a rule, they send them back to the customer.

In order to soften the return blow, protection is needed.

Options for influencing the enemy

Almost all people have enemies. Sometimes it happens that damage is the only way to take revenge on the offender. Unlike a curse, it is better to spoil with a cool head, having already thought through the causes and consequences many times. First, study your enemy well and strike where he is most dear. If a person loves money, make him poor; if he wants a big family, make him lonely; if he values ​​his health most of all, make him sick.

Do not take on complex rituals, because you will not be able to perform them correctly, and this is fraught with consequences for you. There are many simple and effective ways.

Spoilage by salt

One of the most reliable storehouses of information is salt. Take a new linen bag, pour a handful of salt into it, tie it and take it to where the victim walks. The bag should lie there for a day.

Take the bag and at home draw a face on it, imagining that this is your offender and write the name. Then read the spell over him, putting all the energy of your resentment into it: “as the salt dries, so do you dry (name).” The text of the conspiracy should be short, compose it yourself, this one is given as an example. Then place the bag in an inaccessible, warm place to allow the salt to dry, for example, on a cabinet or behind a radiator.

To your health from a photograph

Get a recent (no later than a year) photo of your enemy, preferably full-length, but waist-length will do. Take a wax candle, heat a needle on its flame and pierce places in the photograph with it, while pronouncing wishes for illness. The person will be sick in what you pierced with a needle, for example, legs, throat, stomach, and doctors will not be able to make a correct diagnosis.

After the ceremony, you need to get rid of the photo, and hide the rest of the candle and needle in a secret place.

To the fading of beauty

If you have a rival, you can ruin her beauty. Take a photo of a woman, preferably a photo of her face, and throw it into the mud. Any standing reservoirs that are nearby are suitable for this. How more photos will rot in the mud, the more the rival will get sick and lose her beauty.

Ritual for illness

The question of how to send a disease to a person is asked by many. If you have no knowledge of magic, then the most in a simple way It will be easy to bury a photograph of a person in a cemetery. At the same time, he will not die, but he will be sick for a long time and severely. A photo is an energy imprint of a person, and the necrotic field near the graves is so strong that, even if you don’t know how to do anything, destruction will still occur.

If you feel strong, you can perform a more serious ceremony. To do this, you need to make a small coffin, install it on a pedestal, for example, cover a table with a shroud and place the coffin on it. Put a photo of the victim in it and read spells for certain diseases. There are universal conspiracies that force the energy of the victim to flow to the customer.

In order to deliver information to the victim, a guide is needed. One of the strongest conductors is salt. Before the ritual begins, put salt in the coffin, and then throw it on the person’s doorstep. As soon as he steps over it, an energy leak will immediately begin, and the victim will become very ill.

Ritual for death

If you have a photo of an enemy, then performing a ritual for the death of a person at home is not very difficult. Just think a hundred times before doing this. After all, it may happen that you change your mind or circumstances will turn out differently, and this person will become your family and friends. Without some experience and strength, you will not be able to fully eliminate the consequences of your act.

Considering that everything in the Universe is natural, one cannot take a life with impunity. Therefore, after such a ritual, be prepared to lose something very dear to you.

If you still decide, then very effective ritual will place a photo of a person in the coffin of the deceased. To do this you need:

  • have a photo of the victim;
  • know the time and address where the funeral will take place;
  • be able to approach the coffin and quietly place a photo, preferably at the feet of the deceased.

As soon as the deceased receives the gift, he will immediately want to pull the victim towards him and will do this until she is next to him.

It is better not to perform other rituals that are associated with the cemetery yourself. Without knowing the rules of working in a graveyard, you risk dragging “guests” into your home and incurring the wrath of the Cemetery Owner.

Casting a curse

A curse differs from damage in that the emotional background of the curser is important for its induction. The stronger the hatred towards the target, the stronger the curse will be. It is imperative to remember that, as a rule, curses are passed down through the family, so you should not perform such a ritual if you do not wish harm to your descendants.

There are curses:

  1. programmed
  2. non-programmable.

An experienced magician can inflict a programmed curse, but an amateur can do a non-programmable one.

How to place a curse on a person without getting hurt yourself? Based on the fact that a verbal spell carries colossal power, it is virtually impossible to defend against a backlash. If suddenly, in a fit of anger, you nevertheless uttered terrible words and realized how dangerous what you had done, then you need to sincerely apologize to the person, specifying why exactly. In this case there will be no backlash.

Reaching out for help dark forces, remember: the consequences can be dire, so be aware of what you are doing and weigh the pros and cons.

You were offended and you are looking for revenge? Don’t just tell the offender everything you think about him or give back to the bully, but make sure that the offender was the person suffering?

In this article I will tell you how you can punish an offender from a distance, what this will require and what the consequences may be.

Damage how to get rid of resentment

Resentment is a strong negative emotion that each of us can feel:

  • stepped on a foot in public transport;
  • a work colleague bought your favorite cake in the cafeteria, which turned out to be the last one;
  • a less capable employee was promoted instead of you;
  • your “ugly” friend constantly changes boyfriends, and you haven’t been able to meet anyone for six months;
  • constant betrayal of your spouse;
  • painful divorce or separation.

You can give a million more stories where the result is strong resentment towards the opponent.

Accumulating such negativity is very harmful and sooner or later it will break out on its own. person . The result is a stormy showdown with the opponent, even to the point of assault.

Some people hide their resentment very deeply, looking for the most painful way to take revenge.

One of the options for revenge is cause damage or evil eye at the offender. This method of punishment can be considered “ perfect crime" No one can prove that you are related to the problems that have arisen in life person who offended you.

For example, you can:

  • perform a ritual to take revenge ex-husband or daughter's boyfriend;
  • use the services of a psychic to ruin your life ex-spouse and his new passion;
  • damage to a more successful colleague;
  • cast the evil eye so that an attractive girlfriend would lose all her suitors, could not be happy in marriage, or children, if they appear, would become a source of all sorts of problems.

The human brain can come up with many more cases , for which the “offender” can be punished.

Rituals who will help damage at someone who offended you person

Before resorting to a magical solution to the problem, think carefully - perhaps you will find the strength to forgive the offender, let go of the accumulated negativity and be able to move on with your life.

Have you thought about it? The desire for revenge is still very strong strong and asks to come out? Then keep reading and you will find out which rituals will help punish the offender.

Ritual for impotence

Very often women come to me and girls with a request to punish their husbands, boyfriends, men who harmed them strong mental and sometimes physical pain.

How can you punish such a “scoundrel”? It is natural to strike at the most precious thing a man has - his masculine strength.

Men at any time loved to show off their skills and achievements in bed. If you deprive them of the opportunity to receive physical and mental pleasure from sex, then the life of the abuser will turn into a living hell, consisting of a feeling of helplessness, dissatisfaction and loneliness.

To spoil male sexual power, you will need the following tools:

  • human figurine from clay or wax, which you need to sculpt with your own hands;
  • 1 black candle;
  • 2 red candles;
  • a black tablecloth or any piece of black cloth;
  • a bowl of water with a little salt added;
  • 3 needles. They must be new and never used.

Now follow all the steps one by one ritual:

  • Fashion a little man with the genitals. While sculpting, focus on your offender, constantly imagine his image or use photo with his image;
  • Spread a black cloth on the table and place it in the center of the table little man. On either side of it are red candles;
  • Sprinkle salted water on the figurine 6 times, saying the name of the man who you offended;
  • Take the needles and alternately pierce the figurine’s genital organ with them, saying the following words:for the first needle- “I stick this needle, I take away your power (name of the offender)”; for the second needle- “Plunging this needle, I take away carnal desire”; for the third needle - “Let this organ weigh like a whip for a whole century”;
  • Light a black candle. Drip wax from this candle onto the figurine's penis, saying the following:“When this candle burns out, my plot will reach you.”
  • Wait until all the candles burn out. Wrap the figurine in black cloth and bury it in the ground. Choose the most deserted place for this.

Because the power of corruption impotence does not appear immediately; you can only wait and watch how your offender changes.

Damage to financial failure

If your resentment is person connected with money, then you can damage for financial well-being. Your abuser will begin to be haunted by financial failures that will interfere with receiving material benefits in the future and will force you to get rid of existing savings.

Ritualmust be carried out on the waning moon. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • Take paper bill, 6 coins, a candle and photo of the person who offended you;
  • Place the bill on the table and hold it down with a candle holder and a stack of coins;
  • Place a photo next to it and light a candle;
  • Look at the photo , saying the following words: “Just as the eyes of the deceased will no longer see the light, so you (name of the offender) will no longer see money. ”;
  • Leave everything on the table as is until the candle burns out;
  • Coins and a candle stub should be buried in the ground. Remember: damage valid as long as the coins and the remains of the candle are in the ground. Therefore, choose the location carefully to exclude the possibility of the “treasure” being seized;
  • Leftover after ritual Throw a bill to your offender.

Damage that will help destroy a marriage

If the offender is Human who left you for another and you can’t bear their family happiness - you can spoil him destroying marriage.

Suggested by me ritual is very powerful magic that can come back to haunt you with bad consequences. Think carefully before to restore this damage.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Photo of the offender and his wife. It is not necessary to use general photo ;
  • Jack of Spades from a new deck of cards;
  • Some water blessed in the church.

If you do everything correctly, then very soon the offender’s family happiness will be destroyed:

  • Sprinkle the jack of spades with holy water;
  • Above the heads of the jack, write the names of the spouses: one name above each head;
  • Bury this card near the cemetery gate;
  • From a photograph of the spouses, cut out their heads and glue them together so that the result is something like a jack of cards;
  • During the gluing process photo say the following: “Just as heads of a jack should never lie together, so you should never be in the same bed, so you should never share food and shelter. ”;
  • Spellbound photo you need to give it to the couple you want to divorce.

To ritual worked, you need to get one of the spouses to touch the photo.

What happens if you damage it?

At first glance it may seem that cause damage - This perfect way punish the villain strongly who offended you. After all, all you need to do is study ritual , prepare all the ingredients and you can send the offender will suffer all sorts of misfortunes.

But I hasten to inform you that any action has consequences. For black magic it makes no difference for what purpose you decide visit evil eye or damage. Even if you want to punish a notorious scoundrel, you are interfering with the order of things, which is already predetermined. To maintain the balance of power and energy, not only the offender will suffer, but also you or your descendants.

Causing damage independently or by ordering execution ritual from a psychic, study it clearly possible consequences for yourself and evaluate whether the satisfaction of your revenge is worth such sacrifices.

If you think that by ordering execution ritual from a psychic, you are not risking anything, then I will disappoint you. No self-respecting specialist in the field of magic will undertake to carry out ritual unless you first protect yourself. The sorcerer will act as a guide negative energy, which connects you and the “victim” and without strong protection may experience the consequences of black magic.

In my practice, I have repeatedly encountered the consequences home witchcraft. People have come to me who don’t understand why they can’t start a family or give birth to a child, and why all attempts to improve their financial condition turn into complete failure. Studying the energy field of these people, I discovered that their troubles are the consequences of damaging ancestors. You have to work with such “lucky” people for a very long time in order to get rid of evil influence.

If the desire to cause damage remains

After reading everything I wish to damage a person who has greatly offended are you going anywhere? Then refuse to carry out rituals on your own - without experience in witchcraft, you will make a lot of mistakes. As a result, you will ruin the life not of the offender, but of yourself and your family.

It is better to contact a specialist in this field. And since you find yourself on my site, I can offer my help. In my work, I take seriously not only the desired result, but also the consequences it can cause, both for me and for the client. Therefore, I carefully study all the tools to protect against the consequences.

Contact me by phone, mail or through the website and I will tell you how to do it right visit the right type damage, how to protect yourself, or I will do everything for you without a single threat of consequences.



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