Where is the life line on the hand? double and triple

Many have heard and know what the line of life is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

Palmistry is beautiful and reliable way know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to guess by hand. But no less important is the timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially when it comes to the line of life.

What is the line of life and where is it

The life line is an arc that is in the palm of every person. It starts between the thumb and forefinger and goes down to the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as love of life, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person's endurance and energy.

The more clearly defined the line of life and the deeper it is, the better. She encircles the hill of Venus, thus directly connecting with vital energy and strength. The closer to the thumb is the line of life, the more likely a person can develop such qualities as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Dating along the line of life

Often people, seeing a short line of life, are afraid that a person will not live long. Actually it is not. To determine the death of a person by hand, it is necessary to take into account a lot of other factors. Moreover, throughout life, the pattern on the hands can change. This means that the negative events that were read on your hand and associated with some kind of dangerous incident can be softened or eliminated after some time.

There are several ways to tell about a person's age at the time of any events, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This will be an indicator of the age of 35 years.

There is another way to approximate the time period in which an event will occur. Find a point closer to the base of the thumb, where the line of life begins to go around it. This is an approximate mark of 70 years. You can measure the length of your life line (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period of 20 to 25 years.

Life line signs

Break in life line: this is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. This may be a break in love relationships, and illness, and any other dramatic event. But due to extenuating circumstances, they can be less painful.

Square on the life line: this sign can be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It is good if he, as it were, contains a gap in the line of life within himself. In this case, the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with difficult situation. If it is simply located on the line of life, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It could be a monastery, or it could be a prison.

Ovals (islands) on the line of life: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illnesses and hospitalizations.

Drawings often found next to the life line

Sister line: goes next to the life line, located a little closer to the thumb. It often starts from the very beginning, but it can take place at any point in your life line. She indicates that during these periods you will be protected from evil influences.

Lines of anxiety: most people have many thin lines that run from the thumb towards the life line. There are sometimes a lot of them, but they can also be located in a particular area. These are the lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will give you a lot of trouble and worries.

It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even find out. However, this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 05:07

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person, including his future. Should...

An important rule for all palmists is that when reading fate from the palms, it is important to take into account the lines on both the right and left hands. If a specialist looks at only one of your hands, then he is none other than a charlatan who knows nothing about palmistry. Many people who are interested in palmistry often ask questions: which hand should be guessed and what does the left and right palms reflect?

In palmistry, a passive and active hand is distinguished. For right-handers, the active hand will be the right, the passive hand will be the left. For left-handers, the opposite is true.

Passive palm in palmistry

The passive palm shows what the person was born with. From it you can learn about the character that was formed in childhood, about what parents invested in a person, what was given to him by fate. The passive hand also determines the origins and causes of events in life. The passive palm also tells about the life span, or rather about how many years a person was given at his birth. This hand also reflects a person's past.

Active palm in palmistry

The lines on the active palm show what the person did himself, how he changed his life and what was given to him from birth. In other words, active hand reflects the activities of a person throughout life and how exactly he disposed of what was given to him by fate.

By the active palm, you can find out the present and future of a person, since it shows everything that a person does, what he aspires to, what he thinks and dreams about.

How to guess by hand

In order to make a complete picture of a person’s fate, you need to guess both on the right and on the left hand. This allows the palmist to see impending events or problems and warn the person of changes in his destiny. For example, if on a passive hand the line of life is long, deep and clear, and on the active hand it is weakly expressed or has breaks and islands, then this is a direct sign that a person is not managing his life correctly. And here the main task of the palmist is to tell the person that he urgently needs to change something in his life.

Which hand to guess? The answer is obvious - both on the left and on the right. The main thing is to remember the meaning of the left and right palm and correctly interpret the information accordingly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.08.2014 09:07

According to the marriage line on the hand, you can find out about a person’s love affairs. This line is located on the hill of Mercury, at the base of the little finger. Many...

Palmistry studies not only the lines on the hand, but also other components of the palms: hills, fingers, fingerprints. There is one interesting...

Palmistry for many centuries has been trying to help a person correctly interpret what fate has prepared for him. Absolutely any protrusion or depression, dash or mark on the palm indicates a very important points during all periods of a person's life. Therefore, it is impossible to predict true information without studying all the details and all the intersections of the lines.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors learned to read and decipher the signs indicated on the hand. This is one of the types of predictions, but not everyone is given this. The most important thing to remember is that no one will tell you the exact answers and you should not completely rely on these predictions. Certainly, by different characters pending events can be predicted on the hand, but whether they happen or not will depend only on you.

The right choice of hand for divination

As a rule, most people do not often encounter this type of fortune-telling, and do not know which hand to guess. Everything is very simple here. If you are right handed, you can use right hand for prediction, if you are left-handed, therefore left-handed.

Now we have decided which hand it is necessary to guess for one or another person, and later in the course of the article we will find out exactly where the life line is and what it means.

All about the Line of Life - meaning and interpretation

A more detailed study of this line will help to learn much more about yourself than you can even imagine. So having learned everything about the line of life, you can change the course of your life path and increase its duration, protect yourself from accidents and overcome various diseases.

A person has 7 main and 12 minor lines in the palm of his hand. The life line is one of the most important on the hand, which is present in absolutely everyone. It is formed in the palm of a human embryo at a time when he is only eight weeks old!

  • She encircles the hill of Venus in the palm of a person. With it, you can determine the state of health of a person, his diseases and even age.
  • She may have different shape and length, may be bold or thin, with islets and dots, steep or bifurcated.
  • From it you can find out the character of a person, his temper, difficulties in certain periods of life. Possessing knowledge of palmistry and learning about certain events, you can try to prevent them.

Following this line, the line of the heart is formed, and then the third line of the mind. If the line of life originates from the line of reason, then in this case, the owner of the hand belongs to the category of generous people.

Often these people are too compassionate and merciful towards each other, they try never to refuse to help close people and acquaintances. But, as regards helping strangers, this is another matter, which should be considered from the position of his soul line and its direction.

If the line of life and mind starts from one point, such a person has an active life position and strives to achieve his goal. Such people cannot be called egoists, but somewhere deep down they have this quality. By their nature, they are too persistent and in almost all cases they always achieve their goals, and in various ways.

When the line of life originates separately from the line of reason, this is an arrogant and proud person. For people who have material values play a very important role in life, neither friendship nor devotion matters. They are so greedy that even they refuse to acquire any material things.

Most often, because of their greed, such people lose their friends. Their main disadvantage is the fact that they like to teach others, give advice, but at the same time they do not listen to the advice of their loved ones. As a rule, they are obsessed with their own interests, and the interests of those around them are of little concern.

Bold and thin lines

  • Bold stripes indicate a difficult and at the same time active life. Such an owner of a hand in life does not succeed in everything easily.

To achieve some heights or a set goal, he will need most of his life. A deep and bold line is an indicator of perseverance and diligence, and if it is also long, then success can be expected.

  • A thin or indistinct line of life indicates a windy personality, many obstacles along the path of life.

Such a person is not too persistent in achieving what he wants and listens more to the opinions of others than to himself. They can be persuaded of anything, so a leadership position is not for them. If at the same time the line is long and straight, then this is a sign of a measured fate.

Bifurcation of the Life Line

It is extremely interesting to find out what the bifurcation of the main band tells us about. If the line of life on the hand bifurcates, then this, first of all, indicates that this person is two-faced. The owner of such a split is fickle in his thoughts and actions.

He can think or say one thing, and do a completely different unthinkable act. double line life matters - another life, i.e. A person can live two lives at the same time.

Of course, it is better not to have any business dealings with such a category of people, and even more so of a personal nature, hoping for the loyalty of your companion and for creating a family with him. Splitting the line and turning it towards the hill of the Moon can mean great wanderlust and frequent change of residence. If such a bifurcation is present on two hands, then this is a sign of your emigration. Your life will end away from your homeland.

  • If a small line departs from the strip of life and connects with the line of fate, then this indicates that the person managed to achieve his cherished dream.
  • If a small dash departs from the line of reason and connects with the line of life, this indicates that changes will occur in a person’s life that will affect his personal destiny and career. Perhaps it will be a job change where he can earn money directly with his mind.
  • If the line of life is too thin and almost imperceptible, then the person is distrustful and fearful, treats everyone with suspicion. He passes all the problems through himself, constantly worries even for no particular reason.
  • Departing stripes from the line of life are an indicator of the loss of vital energy and strength, as well as trouble or disappointment.

If the line of life connects with the line of fate, this indicates that the person was able to achieve the desired result. His life goals are completely consistent with the principles, morals or traditions, but after achieving the goal, his life assets will decrease significantly.

Various symbols in the palm of your hand - what do they mean

In palmistry, you can also find a point, and if its location is directly on the main strip, then this is not a very good sign. It is likely the loss of a loved one, financial instability or other troubles.

In some cases, the dot may indicate the death of the owner of the hand, but should not be considered as a sentence. This is just a warning sign. As a rule, those who have such a sign on their hand cannot always cope with difficulties on their own.

A break in the main band indicates some kind of danger, but this is just a warning, not a sentence. This combination of lines can be explained as psychological or physical pain, an injury that can be cured and in the future it will not be reflected in the state of a person and his life. If this band breaks, the following can happen:

  • disappointment of religion;
  • difficulties in professional activity;
  • financial difficulties;
  • problems and disagreements in the family;
  • mutual understanding with others.

On the main line, you can also see some islands, indicating dead-end problems, faced with which, a person does not know how to solve them. It can be trouble not only in the family, but also financial difficulties. People who have an island on this line are prone to depression, so the problem needs to be solved only real actions and not rely on other forces or that everything will resolve itself.

There is sometimes another line that is parallel to the line of life. In palmistry, it is called the angel line. This is an additional energy that must be used correctly and not abused by additional power. The angel line also has its beginning and its end. Therefore, additional energy is given to a person only for a certain period of time.

Based on centuries of practice, in most cases, if you look at the hands of children, you can see that they have such lines too short, but then, as the children grow older, these lines become longer.

There is no way to calculate the length of the life line on a person's hand the exact date his death. This would require a thorough analysis of many other circumstances.

And even more than that, in no case is a palmist allowed to tell a person the estimated date of his death, because such foreshadowing tends to become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Ideally, such a line should be uninterrupted, deep, and also long. Although its length is not an indication that the life lived by a person will be long or that he is waiting for premature death. Therefore, it is erroneous to think that only one line can tell about the duration of a person's life.

In the course of your practice, you may come across people who will have the three main lines rather short. These lines:

  • life line,
  • mind line,
  • and the line of the heart.

Some skeptical people make their assertion about the above lines that they are ordinary folds acquired in the course of life. The most interesting thing is that these statements are absolutely not true, because all of the listed lines appear in the palm of the fetus much earlier than the time when he has the opportunity to move his arms and move his arms.

The life line serves as a kind of litmus test and shows how viable a person is and loves to live in this world. Therefore, it remains natural that the standard of living, its quality and the amount of a person's vital energy directly affect this line. Moreover, along the line of life, one can determine not only the strength and vigor of a person, but also his endurance.

Interpretation of symbols on the line of life

The location of various signs and symbols on the line of life helps to give an accurate description of the life path of a person. What these symbols are and what they mean, we will learn below:


The location of this symbol on the hand is very a good sign. If he is on any negative sign, it can mitigate its effect in the future.

  • Square small size located near the index finger will definitely bring well-being.
  • A large rectangle or square located on the hill of Venus warns that your freedom will not last long.
  • And this does not mean at all that you will be put on long term behind bars. For women, this may mean an unhappy marriage, and for men, subordination in work.


This sign is a harbinger of good luck. Those who are the owners of such a sign in the palm of their hand are very successful and enterprising in their careers. It is not difficult for such people to achieve heights and at the same time spend a minimum of their strength.


It is very difficult to interpret this sign correctly. It all depends on its location in the palm of your hand. A good sign of imminent prosperity in material terms, if the triangle is somewhere at the beginning of the line.

The location of this symbol next to the line of life will bring some disasters associated with fire, but if this symbol is on the line itself, then its owner himself will suffer. Do not get hung up on this, because you can suffer in figuratively, losing important documents, without which you will be fired from your job.

The loop

The presence of this sign indicates a complex unresolved situation, for which it will be necessary to spend not only monetary investments, but also your own own forces. If the square covers everything, then the value in this case changes and predicts, for example, some kind of training or advanced training.

A circle

  • The presence of such a sign makes it clear that a person is in harmony with the world, and that he has peace and tranquility in his soul. The size of the circle doesn't matter.
  • If the circle is located at the very beginning of the line, then fate destined a calm childhood without much upheaval.
  • Only when you reach a more mature age, you can part with the monotonous life and make any changes to it.


A line with this symbol at the beginning of a life path speaks of an unbearable character and mutual misunderstanding with more mature people. If this sign is located closer to the end of this band, then a person has a psychologically difficult and difficult life.

The complete absence of the Life Line - what does it mean

It is almost impossible to meet the owner with a palm on which there will be no life line, but there have been such cases. This may indicate a hectic, anxious life. This sign warns of danger and most likely you need to radically change the entire life path. It is necessary to reconsider priorities, values ​​and outlook in general.

  • There were such cases that when a child appeared in the family, the missing line was instantly restored.
  • This appearance of a child was regarded, first of all, as a gift from above and meant that this person was given another chance to start all over again.
  • The main thing in such a situation is to remember that the disappearance of the main line cannot be just like that!

We hope that you have received enough information by reading a detailed transcript about the line of life, about its symbols and their location. Do not forget that all these signs only predetermine your fate, but they are not. If you give up after receiving a negative prediction, you will not be able to change everything. Reconsider your actions, your life values, do everything to re-arrange the favor of the stars.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched on her website accurate horoscope. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

This line, of course, everyone knows! Even if I tried, I still could not count the number of people who came up to me with complaints: “My child has a very short lifeline. Does this mean he will die young? In the vast majority of cases, the life lines on children's hands look short, but they lengthen as children get older.

It is impossible to determine the date of death of a person by the line of life on his hand. To do this, it is necessary to analyze a number of other factors. Moreover, it is not permissible for a palmist to tell a person the time of his death, since this prediction can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. When my aunt was fifteen years old, a palmist predicted that she would die at the age of sixty-five. For many years, until she was sixty-five, my aunt worried about this prediction and could not get rid of the fear that constantly haunted her. Fortunately, she did not die at the age that the palmist spoke of, but became a victim of many years of and completely senseless stress and groundless experiences. And this is despite the fact that other palmists and clairvoyants have repeatedly tried to convince the aunt that the prediction that frightened her was wrong. But why was the palmist so certain that my aunt would die at sixty-five? Perhaps when she was fifteen, the lines and marks on her arm indicated that she would only live to that age. But the palmist ignored the fact that our hands are constantly changing. And as my aunt's hands changed over time, the sign that the palmist took as a clear sign of death at the age of sixty-five changed. I never discuss with clients the date of their death, even if it seems quite obvious to me, and I recommend that you adhere to the same principle.

Eventually, the hand may change and invalidate your prediction.

A short life line is not a sign that a person will live short life, just like long line life does not guarantee long life. You will certainly have to deal with people who have all three main lines (life, mind and heart) short.

The life line is the first line that appears in the palm of a person. It forms on the arm of a human embryo by the time it is eight weeks old!

This line is followed by the line of the heart, and then the line of the mind. It is interesting to note that these lines appear on the child's hand long before he gets the opportunity to move and move, so they can not be called folds formed as a result of the work of the hand, as some skeptics claim.

The life line is an indicator of the viability and love of life of a person. It reflects the level and quality of life and how much vitality he has. The life line also shows how strong, hardy and energetic a person is.

Life line encircles thumb(Fig. 52). It starts at the inner edge of the palm from the side of the index finger and outlines the hill at the base of the thumb in a semicircle.

Like other lines of the hand, the line of life should be clear and deep. Ideally, the semicircle formed by it should be as complete and wide as possible, since the section of the hand that encircles the line of life (the hill of Venus) is directly related to the amount of energy and vitality of a person. A person whose life line “hugs” the thumb, that is, is located close to it (Fig. 53), is most likely characterized by weakness, passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Conversely, a person whose life line forms a large semicircle (Fig. 54) will be distinguished by great enthusiasm, active life position and energy.

About a person whose life line on his hand “hugs” his thumb, we can say the following:

At times he suffers from a lack of energy. He does not have as much power in reserve as he would like to have. He needs regular rest and relaxation.

Such a person should be given more attention condition of your body, exercise exercise, and he will become more resilient and energetic.

This statement is the exact opposite of what could be said about a person with a life line that forms a large, regular, well-defined semicircle in the palm of your hand:

He is very hardy, cheerful and energetic. If he is engaged in a business that gives him pleasure, then he does not feel tired and does not feel the need for rest. He likes all kinds of physical activity, and sound sleep quickly restores his strength, and in the morning he is ready to start working again.


On the hands of many people, next to the line of life from the side of the thumb, you can find a thin parallel line (Fig. 55).

As a rule, it is located at the beginning of the life line, but it can appear on any other segment of it. For some especially lucky people, this line accompanies the life line along its entire length, which makes it seem as if they have two life lines. This line is called the sister line. She protects and protects a person in difficult and dangerous periods marked on the line of life.

In other words, some event that could cause very great harm to any other person, will not have the same negative impact on the individual who has a sister line on his hand.

Perhaps that is why the line-sister is sometimes called the line of the guardian angel. I know one woman who was in a terrible car accident and survived, while all the other passengers died. On her palm I found a very strong sister line. This line is always an extremely auspicious sign. If it is located closer to the end of the life line, this indicates that a person will lead an active lifestyle even in old age.


On the hands of most people, you can find many thin lines running from the base of the thumb to the line of life and sometimes even crossing it (Fig. 56).

These small, thin lines are called worry lines. You can be sure that in your lifetime you will see many hands literally dotted with such lines!

A person whose palms are covered with them constantly worries about everything in the world.

If there are few lines of concern on the hand, each of them indicates a period of time when a serious problem arose in front of a person. Sometimes you will meet people in whose hands there are no lines of concern. This means that they do not worry and never worry about anything, and at the same time - you can bet - their partners have dozens of lines of worry on their hands! If the lines of concern cross the line of life, this indicates serious troubles that have had or could have an adverse effect on the person's health. If this applies to the future of a person, I will definitely warn him of the troubles that threaten him and advise him to take up meditation or self-hypnosis in order to control himself and cope with difficulties.


Contrary to popular belief, breaks in the line of life are not serious unfavorable signs. The gap indicates significant changes in a person's life during the specified period of time (Fig. 57). As a rule, these are changes in views, as a result of which a person begins to look at life differently, treat himself and others around him differently, and his work.

In most cases, at breaks, the life line overlaps itself, forming something like a short sister line, due to which the changes go smoothly and without much shock to the individual. However, in some cases, these changes can still be dramatic, unexpected, associated with great psychological and emotional stress. Such changes include, for example, the breakup of a love relationship or a serious illness. It is often possible to determine quite accurately what kind of problem will be by analyzing other areas of the palm. How to interpret the information received, you will learn a little later.


It is rather difficult to determine the boundaries of a time period or identify a specific date along the line of life, and there are several ways to do this. The simplest is to draw an imaginary vertical line in the palm of your hand starting from the middle of Saturn's finger (middle finger). The point of its intersection with the life line corresponds to thirty-five years (Fig. 58).

Another way is to measure the length of the life line. The place where it reaches the base of the palm and turns around the thumb corresponds to the age of seventy. Measure the length of the line from its beginning to this mark, and in this way you can determine the boundaries of time periods quite accurately.

For example, the middle of the line would correspond to thirty-five years. In India, palmists use a very similar system, measuring the length of a lifeline with a string. On the hands of some people, the line of life goes around the thumb and ends only because a patch of skin without a pattern follows. This is considered the centenary mark. However, do not forget that a very long line of life does not necessarily mean that a person will live a long life.

Based on the length of the life line, we can only determine the time limits of certain life periods.

Another way of dating is to divide the life line into three equal segments from its beginning to the seventy-year mark. Each segment is equal to a time period of 20-25 years (Fig. 59).

Over time, I learned to use the life line as a mirror reflecting important events from a person's past. It is very comfortable. As a rule, these events are diseases, accidents and moments when a person was threatened with death. By knowing exactly when these events occurred in the past, I can more accurately date future events.

Hiro developed his own dating system based on the division of the life line and the fate line into seven-year segments-cycles (Fig. 60).

In Germany, many palmists date events from the base of the palm upwards. This happened under the influence of Julius Spier, the famous author of the book "Children's Hands" (it was to him that Carl Jung owes his interest in palmistry).

As you can see, it is rather difficult to accurately date any events based on the analysis of the life line. Each dating system has its drawbacks, and none of them guarantees a 100% accurate result.


Like the other main lines of the hand, the line of life should be clear and deep, without damage. But in practice, such a line of life is extremely rare.

A square on the line of life can sometimes be a favorable sign, sometimes unfavorable. It is a favorable sign when it isolates a gap in the line of life (Fig. 61). This sign is known as the guard square. He says that a person has enough strength to cope with a difficult situation.

Squares on the line of life that do not limit the gaps (Fig. 62) mean isolation and imprisonment. They may indicate a certain period of time that a person will have to spend in a closed limited space, for example, in a monastery. But most often they mean imprisonment. Twenty years ago I read on the hand of one young man, on the palm of which there were several such squares. I explained to him the meaning of these signs. Fortunately, he listened to my words, and when I met him a few months later, I found that the squares on his palm had disappeared. It turned out that he found the strength and desire to change his lifestyle and his hand also changed, reflecting the new person he had become.

One way to know the future is to read the hand. You can learn a lot about a person and what trials he will face just by looking at his hand and seeing the lines located on it. This method of divination is quite ancient, it was used even before our era in ancient india, but then it was not just fun, as in today's technological world, but a way to learn more.

This article will consider one of the main lines - the line of life (description, designation of various marks on it, etc.).

Palmistry. General information

The ancient art of reading lines on the hands is making a comeback today. In certain circles, you can find real experts who will tell you a lot about this, and also read your life completely from the palms of your hands. To become an expert in these matters yourself, you should learn quite a lot, in addition, intuition is very important, since sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the intricacies of lines. You also need to know the little nuances.

If we turn to history, we can find out that many minds of the past were fond of palmistry. For example, Hippocrates, physician Galen, Aristotle. In the Middle Ages, Paracelsus and Johann von Hagen systematized already known knowledge. Therefore, at that time, palmistry became so popular among the population. It was also studied at the medical universities of the time.

Only in the 19th century did the scientist Darpentigny from France discover that on one palm the lines remain unchanged, and on the second they are constantly changing. Today, this ancient tradition (reading fate from hand to hand) is returning at a rather slow pace. Psychologists were the first to realize that reading the lines could help in the treatment of diseases. Indeed, hands reflect the character of people, as well as their future. More and more famous doctors are interested in the science of dermatoglyphics. It is looking for a connection between the signs on the fingers and the outlines of the lines on the palms with some genetic factors.

How to read the lines on the hands?

To read correctly, you must first find them. Moreover, on the left and right hand, they can differ significantly - be on one and completely absent or have a different shape on the other. Why is this happening? The thing is that one hand shows what a person came into this world with, what is destined for him by fate, and the second hand tells about what is really happening now. That is why the lines on the hands are different.

So, the hand that shows what is destined is the left one, and the right one tells what really happened to the person, what he was able to change in his life and what to achieve. However, if, for example, the line of life on your left hand (which, in fact, will be discussed in our article) is long, and on the right hand is short, then this is not a reason to panic. Usually, palmists look at two hands at once, so they determine in a complex future destiny, because the line of life is usually influenced by the lines adjacent to it, as well as various inclusions on it. Of course, the line of life is of great importance, because it is one of the most important on a person’s hand.

It should also be noted that all of the above conditions are true if a person has an active right hand (i.e. he is right-handed). If a person is left-handed, then everything happens exactly the opposite. The right one will show and the left one - everything that actually happened, what was achieved by one's own work.

The main lines of the hand and some minor ones

Now consider what are the most important lines on the hand. There are only four of them, and they are more sharply marked on the hand:

  1. Life line.
  2. Head line.
  3. Heart line.
  4. Fate line.

So, if you want to know what awaits you in the future, what tests, then study your hand and the lines on it, and palmistry will help you with this. on the hand can warn of possible adverse health situations, show your well-being and changes in life (any - from injuries to moving). talk about emotional stability, love situations, some mental illness or heart disease.

The line of the head indicates how sociable a person is, how high his intellect and breadth of thinking, as well as his thirst for knowledge. Equally important is the line of fate. It shows how much a person's life is influenced by external circumstances that he cannot control.

There are also lines that are not the main ones, but can significantly influence fate or predict your future. So, let's look at them in more detail.

  • Sun line. It defines talent and happiness in a person's life.
  • Shows emotion and sensuality.
  • Also important are those called bracelets. The first bracelet shows your health, the second one tells about wealth, and the third one about love.
  • Marriage line. Everything is clear here. They show your serious romantic connection.
  • Baby lines can show how many children you are planning to have in your life.
  • Travel lines. With their help, you can learn about future travels, as well as whether they will be successful or not.
  • No less important is the line of intuition. If it is, then this means that a person quite often anticipates future events and his actions.

life line

In more detail in this article we will talk about the line of life. Consider its location on the hand, find out where the line of life is. It starts between big and index finger, most often located closer to the big one. Its length will speak about the possible life expectancy, as well as show the degree of human health. Let's just say that a short line of life does not always mean that a person's life will not be very long. This may also indicate that health will be weak, so it will need to be protected.

The line of life on the left hand is also important. It needs to be carefully studied. After all, if you are predestined to live long, then you just need to reconsider your current life. If you are comparing two hands, then those areas that are the same are the main ones and will have an impact on your life. They need to pay special attention.

The ideal line of a person's life is not very deep, long, smooth (without any sharp turns), Pink colour along the entire length of the strip. Also, it should not have gaps, islets and other defects, because they signal the difficulties that await a person during this period. You also need to pay attention to how the life line begins. Deciphering this data is also important. For example, if the line of the head and the line of life only touch at a slight sharp angle, then this is good.

Less favorable if the angle is obtuse. Then human well-being is unlikely. If they do not touch at all, but are at a wide distance from each other, then this indicates sadness. It also affects the temperament of a person. The connected lines are the presence of prudence, foresight and insight. If they are separated, then these qualities do not exist, but if they are at a distance from each other, then this means that the person is stingy and vain.

It is unfavorable if the line of life and head are connected in a long area. This indicates that the perception of a person is inhibited. An approximate or connected life line with a heart line speaks of misfortune. Here you need to be very careful. Now that you know how to determine the life line on your hand, as well as some of its features in the location, you can consider what your line looks like.

Features of life lines in women

Now consider what features the line of life in women has. For example, if you can see round or oval “islands” on it, then for the fair sex this can symbolize menopause (since these are signs of changes in physiology or body). If you correctly calculate the age along the line, then you can even tell when it will come.

Short life line: feature

So, it is now clear that a long line of life is almost always good and positive. But what does the short life line mean? How negative is this for a person? This was said a little above, but I want to repeat once again that a line that does not reach the wrist does not mean a short life at all. Here you should carefully examine both the left and right hand, compare. You also need to pay attention to other main and secondary lines, they are also important.

In some interpretations, a short line of life (especially if it is the same on both hands) suggests that a person is “threatened” with an easy and long life, which will be happy and rich both in youth and in adulthood. The downside is that a person can be too arrogant, which affects his relationships with people, he can be quite lonely. To exclude this, it is recommended to correctly evaluate events, then there will be less disappointment. But still energetically a person is rather weakened and this should be taken into account. As well as the fact that on the way there may be obstacles that need to be overcome.

What do the various icons on the short life line mean?

A life line without various defects is a rather rare occurrence. Usually it has various signs (for example, a triangle on the line of life) that warn of danger or other events in a person's life. This is especially important for those who have a short life line, which may indicate a lack of energy in the body. Let's consider in more detail:

  • Dash. It speaks of some turmoil at the stage of life where they are.
  • Breaks. This indicates diseases, often fatal, and if the lines overlap, then this indicates a change in life.
  • The chains that make up the line. These are periods of energy loss or lack of it. As a result, apathy or depression may appear.
  • If a cross is found on the line, then this marks a difficult period in life.
  • The grids speak of an aimless lifestyle, when a person simply lives it day after day, not thinking about the future or his development.
  • Pronounced islands on the line speak of diseases, chronic or sudden, of a difficult period. This may be a sign of depression due to some event.
  • A square on a line is very favorable, especially if there is one where there is a gap. This suggests that a possible threat to life will be successfully overcome. And if after this event the line of life goes clean and even, then there will be no consequences.
  • Having found specks on the line, we can say that a person is rather fragile and prone to illness.
  • A triangle on the life line is a sign of an intelligent and diplomatic person.
  • The presence of a star indicates an injury or accident. As a result of this event, a shock can occur, as well as energy weakening and poor resistance to external factors.
  • The grooves on the line speak of a nervous person.

Forking line of life (short) and branches on it

Very often, at different intervals, the line of life bifurcates or has different branches. This can say a lot, so let's take a closer look.

  • If at the beginning of the life line there is a small downward branch, then this indicates a psychological trauma (if the life line and the head go together at some interval) or a disease for life (if the life line and the head are at a distance from each other).
  • Notice the end of the life line. If there are small branch lines, then the person will be provided financially, and from childhood. It is like a material good of the kind itself. But there is also back side medals. This man may have many enemies waiting for him to fall. If this is the case, then you need to protect yourself. You can not tell about your successes or any secrets to people whom you cannot completely trust. It is not necessary to cooperate with the same people, otherwise deception is possible.
  • Pay attention to how the line of life correlates with the line of fate. If she connects with her in some area, and a small, but very clear line, then we can say that a person has a psychological trauma in his past, and after that there was a recovery period and everything returned to its original place.
  • If your life line simply forks in any place, then this means a double life. Such people often deceive, do not do what they promise. They may have a second family, which may also include children. Moreover, the first family for such a person is also important, and he would not want to lose it. If you calculate the age at which branching begins, you can find out when the period of double life begins.
  • If the end of the life line has a large and clear fork, then this is a very sociable person. He constantly needs to have fresh impressions, he needs flirting and travel. Such a person is always in a hurry somewhere, thinking about something. Often he does not really notice important events and the people in his life.
  • If the fork at the end is small, then we can say that you have a dreamer in front of you. He has a good intellect and imagination, but he is very susceptible to external factors. Even if there is good ideas he can back up if he meets resistance and repulse.
  • If your life line looks like a twig (i.e. has various branches), then this is favorable, but only if the twigs are directed upwards. Yes, there will be difficulties, but everything will end happily.
  • If the branch is pointing down, it is much worse. In this case, a person has rather diverse interests, which prevents him from achieving a result in at least one thing.
  • More rare branches on the line of life speak of good analytical mind. Such a person is bored and uncomfortable with people who fall short of him. negative trait a character of this type can be called incredulity, which is why such people are lonely and unsociable.
  • If there are very few branches, but they are quite well drawn, then such a person is a leader. This is a fairly independent person who implements his plans immediately. Such a person will not tolerate interference in his life, he is rather stubborn and firm.
  • There is also a line of life, where the branches of a small length are directed downwards. This is a sign of a person who does not needlessly interfere in the affairs of others. At the same time, he feels good almost everywhere, can become the soul of the company or easily make new acquaintances. Prefers to travel.

Now you know what it means if the life line bifurcates, and also if it has different branches on the hand.

What do the breaks in the line of life mean?

No less significant are the gaps in the line of life on the hand. This is especially important to know if it is short. In most cases, this means danger (illness or injury), and it can lead to the death of a person. During this period, you should be very careful and attentive. Particular attention should be paid to the life line that continues after the break. If it goes smooth, clear, then there is nothing to worry about. Whatever happens, everything will end well.

If they are enclosed in a square, then this is a very favorable sign - a person will be saved, nothing bad will happen. It is also favorable if next to this place there is a second line of life, which denotes a guardian angel. Then the personal energy of a person will definitely be enough to overcome difficulties and illness.

Branches from the line of life to the hills

If you, considering your line of life, saw that it has long branches to the hills of the hand, then often this is a sign that warns of misfortune. When deciphering the lines on the hand, this is not the last thing. If your life line is short, then these signs can show how difficult your life will be. In rare cases, it promises luck. Let's consider in more detail.

  • A line going to the Hill of the Moon. A person will be overtaken by a disease that is associated with a fight or injury. There may be an accident resulting in serious physical injury.
  • The line going to She warns of the illness of your husband or wife.
  • A line going to the Mount of Jupiter. There will come a time in life when career or good luck in financial matters (such as winning the lottery).
  • A line going to the Mount of Saturn. This is a sign of problems at work. It also suggests that there will come a period when there will be mutual misunderstanding in the family (problems with children, husband / wife), irritation with loved ones.
  • A line going to the hill of the Sun. Here you will find luck and luck. Perhaps financial well-being.
  • A line going to the Mount of Mercury. This is a sign of a successful marriage and good relations with loved ones.
  • Line going to Mars. This is a sign that a person is destined to travel a lot. Perhaps he can see the whole world.

Double life line

Two lines of life that run parallel to each other are a rare and very auspicious sign. The second line is located closer to the hill of Venus and is also called the line of Mars or guardian angel. A person with such a line is very successful, he has a huge supply of energy, very good intuition and outstanding talents. Also, most often he miraculously avoids various troubles and troubles in life. Even if he has an interrupted line of life, then the presence of a second line can neutralize this.

However, it should be noted that you need to look very carefully at the location of the sister line. It may not run parallel along the entire length of the life line. Where it ends, the guardian angel ceases to act. From now on, a person needs to rely on his own strength and be more careful and attentive.


Now you know where the life line on your hand is located, as well as various signs on it that can warn of misfortunes in your life. However, it should be remembered that you can only be warned of impending troubles. This is what palmistry means. The life line on your hand can change if you yourself change (lifestyle, actions, attitude to the world). Even fatal illnesses can be mitigated with good health and exercise. Remember that for correct reading of any lines on the hand, it is necessary to compare both hands, since sometimes the signs on one are neutralized by the signs on the other.



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