Red thread on the wrist - the meaning depends on the hand. Red woolen thread - a talisman against evil and disease

On the street and on the Internet you can meet people with a red thread tied to their wrist. It is tied to protect oneself from misfortunes, or because of fashion trends. This unique decoration will not cause any harm. If you wear it not like a bracelet, but tie it according to the rules, then it will protect a person.

The red thread is a talisman that can protect against the evil eye

About the red thread

Why is red thread needed?

This amulet is also found on the hands of Hollywood stars. But the first to try on this bracelet was Madonna, who is interested in Kabbalah, an ancient esoteric movement. Kabbalists believed that red thread is a talisman, which can protect against the evil eye. But it is important to tie it correctly, otherwise it will be just a bracelet, original decoration. And if all the rules are followed, it protects a person from troubles and guarantees success in life. How to do this?


Let's look at the rules that must be followed when wearing this bracelet on your wrist.

  • Tie only on left hand. Fans of Kabbalah believe that negative energy comes to a person through his left hand. Therefore, this bracelet will ward off the evil that people or supernatural beings bring.
  • You cannot tie it yourself. For the amulet to work, it must be tied by a close friend or loved one, parents. Instead, you can entrust this to a person who has positive energy. If you tie this bracelet on your wrist yourself, there will be no protection from it.
  • Just like a red thread appeared on your wrist, you can’t wish harm on someone. If a person himself is a source of evil, then this negativity will be absorbed by a red thread. So her strength will deplete over time. Those who wear this amulet should not be angry or offend someone. You will have to give up envy, forget about despondency and annoyance and other base feelings.
  • If the red thread breaks, it’s okay. Did a bracelet that was tied correctly break? We should be happy. You avoided a big disaster, and he was not harmed. Tie another amulet.

Red thread among Kabbalists

Where to get red thread

Kabbalists wear threads that are associated with sacred places. They buy this bracelet in special Kabbalistic centers. These threads were taken from one, which is located around the tomb of Rachel, in Israel. But there are so many people who want to receive this amulet that there would not be enough for everyone. But if you are not a follower of the teachings of Kabbalah, but want to wear this amulet, use a simple red thread. Making a talisman is not difficult. Take a ball of wool for him.

Why wool and not another material? People have long noticed healing properties wool It warms, improves blood circulation, and relieves pain. Women wore woolen scarves to keep warm and get rid of illnesses. And this healing effect confirmed. Weak static electricity has a positive effect on the body. This material contains a lot of lanolin, a unique natural component. When the wool is heated to 35-37 degrees, it enters first the skin and then into the blood. It helps muscles relax and relieves pain. And red has always been the color of energy and strength. The Slavic peoples also loved him very much; they made red amulets: towels, embroidered shirts, colored beads, etc. Many people call this color the color of aggression and pressure, so it can scare away everything hostile.

If you want to make a talisman with your own hands, use only a new ball of thread for the ritual.

How to tie

You have found a suitable thread and now want to tie it on your wrist. Ask someone close to you to do this: loved one, friend, parents, etc. a person who sincerely wants only the best for you. He will make one turn around the left wrist, and then 7 knots of red thread. When tying another knot, you need to read a prayer.

If a person does not know prayers, then he may simply wish for something good. Do you not believe in Kabbalah, but adhere to Slavic traditions? Tie the thread on your wrist by yourself, you can do it without outside help. But even then make 7 knots. At this moment, it is important to ask for protection for yourself and imagine how you would like to change your life. Think only about the good and believe that the amulet will work.

Method of tying a red thread: 1 - take a red thread along the length of the wrist; 2 - wrap the thread around your wrist for comfort; 3 - thread the knot at one end of the thread into the loop at the other

« Just as the fish on the earth are covered with water, and the eye has no evil power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.”

We pray: untie the fetters by the power of Your great right hand!Accept the prayer of Your people, cleanse and strengthen us, O Terrible One!We pray: Almighty! Protect those who proclaim Your unity like the apple of your eye!Bless them and cleanse them, show them mercy, grant them Thy justice invariably!Holy and Unshakable, rule Your people with great kindness!The Most High, the Only One, turn to Your people - to those who remember Your holiness!Accept our prayer, hear our cry, You, before whom the secret is revealed!Blessed be the Name of the Glory of His Kingdom forever and ever!

Various amulets, amulets and talismans have accompanied humanity throughout history. Belief in magical objects, in their ability to protect against dangers and bring good luck, the desire to find help and gain strength in conditions when usual means do not work - all this forces us to turn to various magical objects for help again and again. The red thread from Jerusalem is one of these amulets endowed with the power of energetic influence. What does such a thread mean, how to tie it correctly and where to buy - the answers to these questions will help you competently and with maximum benefit apply it.

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A red thread on the wrist made of natural wool is a powerful protection against the evil eye. Most often, the amulet consists of natural wool, which is worn on the hand in the form of a kind of bracelet. The tradition of using it to protect against the effects of negative energy appeared a long time ago.

In the countries of the Balkan Peninsula A red thread is tied on the right wrist of men, and on the left by women. But it is generally accepted that it is the bracelet from Jerusalem that has the maximum power. A special ritual performed in the Holy Land gives the talisman the ability to reliably protect its owner from all kinds of troubles and from the evil eye. Negative energy and its impact on a person will be significantly weakened or completely eliminated.

In Christianity The attitude towards the red thread is ambiguous. On the one hand, the thread means an object of idolatry, on the other hand, the amulet can be bought at the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai (Egypt), one of the oldest Christian buildings in the world. In this case, the red bracelet stands on a par with any other attributes of the Christian faith: crosses, incense, candles, images of saints.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist correctly

A woolen thread tied around the wrist is a powerful amulet, but if you don’t know how to tie it correctly and what prayer should be said, instead of the expected protective effect, you can get a neutral or even the opposite result. You must adhere to a number of rules. They were developed by the centuries-old experience of followers of Kabbalah, which is based on ancient knowledge humanity about the nature of things and the practice of their application in everyday life.

The tradition of using woolen threads as magical amulets is present in the culture of many peoples, isolated from each other throughout the history of their existence, which excludes chance or borrowing.

  • In Thailand It is customary to tie beige ropes on the hands. Such ropes renew and restore internal energy and protect against the effects of negative energy.
  • Indians of North America they tied red yarn on the wrists of sick tribesmen, as well as newborns, which should increase their vital energy.
  • According to beliefs Kabbalists, the red thread from Jerusalem should be tied on the person’s left hand, because it is left side of a person is a kind of gate through which the external world influences the internal. In this case, it effectively protects against the evil eye, otherwise external influence can be of the most destructive nature.

The wool thread is intended for both children and adults; it must be worn by both men and women. The thread must be tied by a loved one: those whom you completely trust, those whose good intentions you do not doubt. If you do this yourself, the protective effect completely disappears, and the person becomes open to all sorts of troubles and failures. The thread can be tied into several knots.

Kabbalistic tradition suggests tying seven knots, which corresponds to the seven days of the week during which protection will be provided. During the ritual of tying with a red thread, it is necessary to say a prayer, which will give the amulet magical power.

On which hand is the red thread worn?

The Kabbalistic tradition clearly answers the question - it should be the left hand. A protective talisman on the left hand will protect against the evil eye and become effective means attracting money.

  • In India a red thread was tied on the right hand of an unmarried woman. On the one hand, she protected its owner from evil forces, on the other hand, was a sign of a potential bride.
  • Among the ancient Slavs there was also a tradition of wearing the thread on the right wrist. Our ancestors believed that the red thread attracted good luck and financial wealth.

Currently, the amulet is worn mainly on the left hand, which is associated with the emerging tradition of using the amulet.

Conspiracies on the red thread

According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the ritual of tying threads from natural wool requires the mandatory use of prayers or incantations provided for these cases. The red thread only gains its power when it has been spoken the right words. The magical power of words can truly work wonders. Thus, athletes who engage in strength martial arts and use spiritual practices achieve higher results than those who direct all their efforts to physical training and improving combat techniques.

The plot can be read at home. The prayer that accompanies tying charges the amulet with positive energy and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. As a result, a person’s resistance to stress increases, general physical tone increases, and the intellectual level increases.

A thread on the wrist, tied with seven knots, can be coded for money or against the evil eye. The choice of the purpose for using the thin red thread and what words to pronounce remains up to the owner of the amulet. As a rule, commercially available kits are equipped with a version of the corresponding prayer. If necessary, it is easy to find various conspiracies on the Internet and choose the one that most closely matches the assigned tasks.

The main thing is that the words come from the heart, are understood and perceived as life beliefs. Otherwise, with a purely mechanical reading of the prayer, you should not count on a serious result.

Price and where to buy red thread from Jerusalem

The red thread from Jerusalem is a magical talisman, so it cannot be bought in a store. The choice of place of purchase determines whether you will become the owner of an ordinary item that does not have magical powers, or whether you will acquire a truly worthwhile thing that can change your life for the better.

Ideally, you need to buy an amulet in the Holy Land. Tourist and business trips to other countries are necessarily accompanied by the purchase of various souvenirs, which are business card the places you have visited. The red thread on the wrist is the best option souvenir from Israel - a Kabbalistic amulet will serve a wonderful gift to a loved one.

A large assortment of similar products is presented in specialized stores and souvenir shops, which are located in the most visited tourist places. You can also buy a magic bracelet near the synagogue. It is believed that a bracelet made of woolen thread, purchased in places of worship, has maximum protective power.

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit Israel due to lack of funds and time. In this case, an online store will come to the rescue. By visiting the official website, you can order almost any number of red wool bracelets without any difficulties.

The price for ordering will directly depend on the number of threads included in the kit: 1 thread will cost 490 rubles. The more threads in the set, the greater the discount.

Moscow is not the only city where you can buy a magic bracelet. The online store offers delivery to any city in Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Real customer reviews

To better understand how the red thread works on the wrist, you can read: real reviews buyers.

The red thread from Jerusalem was acquired by accident. My boyfriend advised me to make a purchase. He talked about magical properties amulets about the ability to bring good luck and suggested wearing them for a month as an experiment. In the end, basic human curiosity prevailed and, having placed an order via the Internet, I became the owner of a thread bracelet from Israel. At the beginning, no special miraculous changes were noticed in life. But over time, I began to become convinced that I felt much more confident, that I began to doubt my abilities less and was able to successfully cope even with difficult situations. life situations. But serious troubles pass me by as if under a spell. Positive Feedback about magical properties turned out to be true.

Marina Sh., 25 years old, Moscow

I was in constant search of means that would protect me from serious life problems. Trouble at work, illness of close relatives, health problems, absence personal life- all this lined up in an endless series of failures, which had a beginning, but, apparently, was not going to end. A work colleague said that it was just an evil eye, and in order to cope with it, you need to tie a talisman - a thin red woolen thread from Israel - on the wrist of your left hand. Having visited a specialized website, I bought a magic set of two threads at an affordable price.

My left hand felt absolutely no discomfort from wearing the wool bracelet, but strange and surprising things gradually began to happen around me. The management at work has changed, the new bosses noted my efforts and diligence. I was offered a better paying position with the opportunity career growth. There have also been positive changes in other areas of life. I fully felt its powerful power.

Lyudmila N., 30 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Can Orthodox Christians wear a red thread?

The thread on the wrist is a magical talisman that can have a protective effect on anyone, regardless of their views on the principles of the world order and religion. Almost everyone can wear a bracelet made of red wool thread on their wrist. But the question is: can a Christian use it?

The official church prohibits Orthodox Christians from purchasing and wearing items associated with the Kabbalistic tradition. Such a hobby can only mean a connection with demonic forces, and the tenets of faith do not encourage witchcraft, idolatry and sorcery.

Such amulets are even sold in one of the oldest Christian monasteries, St. Catherine. The evil eye and damage are phenomena that quite a few people have encountered. large number people. A bracelet made of red woolen thread on a hand is a guarantee that a person is under serious protection from various life shocks.

What does it mean if the thread breaks?

If the red thread breaks and you don’t know what it means or what to do about it, this is not a reason to panic. A person can wear such a talisman on his wrist for a very long time, and sometimes the bracelet can last on his hand for only a few days. But the problem that has arisen with loss or damage is explained and solved quite simply.

This means only one thing - the magic thread has fulfilled its purpose. protective function and took on all the negative energy. You can no longer tie it and wear it again; you should use a new red thread. In this case, the negative evil eye will not be scary, and your energy will always be at your best. high level. It has been noticed that if you tie a new bracelet on time, it will last much longer. Your left hand will quickly get used to such decoration, and you will soon stop paying attention to it.

Video: How to properly tie a thread on your wrist

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One of the first world stars to tie a red thread on her wrist was Madonna. The singer did this not for fun, but to protect herself from the evil eye. According to Kabbalistic beliefs (esoteric movement of Judaism) red wool thread– a very strong energy sign that protects against bad things and helps to become successful.

What does a red thread on your wrist mean?

The belief of Kabbalists states that the amulet should be tied by a close relative or loved one, and then the bracelet will receive magical powers. The red rope is a powerful barrier against human envy and bad thoughts. Madonna has said more than once that the teachings of Kabbalah helped her become more confident and achieve success. Over time, other celebrities (Demi Moore, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears) and ordinary people adopted this trend, but not everyone has heard what a red thread bracelet actually means.

On the left wrist

Followers of Kabbalistic beliefs believe that the left hand is the gateway to the body and aura for negative energy. The desire to succeed in life and receive something is associated with the left wrist. After you put on a red thread, the amulet will begin to scare away evil and supernatural creatures directed by other people. It is very important to wear a string purchased in sacred places, for example, Jerusalem, the Israeli city of Netivot.

On the right hand

A red string on her wrist indicates that the girl is not married. This sign is found in Hindu temples. Why is the thread put on right hand young girls, unknown. Perhaps it’s just a bright object that allows you to attract attention. Some Slavs believe that the red thread attracts good luck and prosperity to life. However, meaningful, one might say magical, tying a bright rope is not common among Orthodox Christians.

There is another side to this amulet. The person who wears it opposes himself to Orthodoxy, since the ritual itself contradicts Christian beliefs. Christianity has a sharply negative attitude towards Kabbalah, considering the belief an occult teaching. Orthodox priests forced to remove the red thread when entering the church and said that any connection with the occult involves a person in a conspiracy with fallen spirits.

Why wool and red?

You can tie a rope just like that, without any religious or magical meaning. To do this, you do not need to attract the help of loved ones and loved ones. Wool thread has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the capillaries. It relieves inflammation, eliminates tendon sprains and accelerates wound healing. Wool is a source of weak static electricity, which provides a healing effect. Natural material capable of:

  • relieve aching joints;
  • relieve headache, dental, lumbar pain;
  • help the body get stronger (premature babies in the old days were placed on sheep's wool);
  • normalize blood circulation.

If you notice that malfunctions are occurring in the body, you can safely tie a red thread. In this case, no rituals need to be observed. Regarding the color of the rope there are different versions, because every religion has its own legend. Most of them say that red on the wrist helped treat all sorts of diseases. In Buddhism, not only red, but also green and blue amulet are used. The Kabbalist version says that the tomb of Rachel, the foremother of humanity, was entwined with a red thread. It is also the color of the planet Mars, which symbolizes protection and strength.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist correctly

Tying a rope yourself does not protect against the evil eye and bad energy. If you want to wear for beauty or medicinal purposes, tie it as you wish and on any hand. Kabbalistic teachings They say that you need to perform a small ritual:

  • First you need to buy or order thread from sacred places. You definitely need to pay your own money for it, and not accept it as a gift or do it yourself.
  • Ask for help from a person with whom you have love and mutual understanding.
  • The red thread on the hand is tied with seven knots. At the same time, your assistant should read a Jewish prayer.
  • The rope should hang freely on the arm and not squeeze the veins.

How to wear a magic thread

The magic of the amulet works only when you yourself believe in it. While wearing the rope, beware of negative thoughts, actions, and words. Try not to judge other people and do not interfere in conflict situations. Do good deeds and create a positive aura around yourself. With this situation, you will not be afraid of the evil eye and other negative interventions. A red thread on your wrist will not in itself become a talisman, but if you act righteously, then it will help you.

What to do if the amulet is broken

It is necessary to change the thread when it breaks. This means that the amulet has accumulated negative energy. In this case, you should thank the rope for its help, because it took the entire blow that was intended for you. If the thread often breaks, think about it, perhaps you have a strong ill-wisher. Then throw away the amulet, or better yet, burn it. You can wear it as much as you like, even throughout your life, if you feel the need for protection.


Surely many have noticed red threads on people’s wrists. Celebrities wear them, and mothers even tie them to babies. What does this mysterious talisman mean?

Contents of the article:

For the first time, a fiery thread appeared on the left wrist on one of the famous stars- Madonna, after she became interested in ancient Kabbalistic Judaism. Then, gradually, other legendary singers and show business actresses began to wear this thread. Then this fashion trend rapidly gained momentum and has now reached ordinary citizens of our country. Why do we wear it? What does this tradition mean? For the answer, let us turn to the esoteric knowledge of Kabbalah.

What does the red thread on your hand mean?

Initially, the red thread meant a Kabbalistic amulet. According to beliefs, a relative, lover or friend ties a red woolen thread on a person's wrist. When tied correctly, it becomes a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage. This is a strong energy drink that influences a person’s destiny, protects him from adversity, negative energy, gets rid of bad thoughts and helps you achieve success. Damage of this kind can negatively affect fate: the absence of a loved one, career growth, health, etc. The Bible says that Rachel, the wife of Jacob, was barren. But one day an angel appeared and showed her how to solve the problem. The magic red thread helped give birth to Joseph and Benjamin. Similarly, the super-powerful red thread of Kabbalah gave humanity the opportunity to change fate and protect a person from dark forces. In addition to its main function, the red thread helps fulfill wishes - when tying knots, you need to make a wish for something cherished.

Why is there a red thread on my wrist?

Note that red is the color of the planet Mars, strength and protection. This is a strong energy color that helps strong-willed individuals and protects weak people. The fiery color signified Blood and the Sun. The red thread is a symbol of passion for Kabbalah and protection from danger. The tradition of tying it is associated with Israel. Tourists who visited this country returned with red threads in their arms. This is explained as follows: red thread was wrapped in one of the tombs of the ancestors of the Jewish family of Rachel. But just having a “miracle” thread is not enough. It is necessary that monks or women with positive energy put it on their wrist.

Why red wool thread?

According to legend, wool has a healing effect:
  • Heals wounds faster.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Relieves tendon strain.
  • Helps with headaches and toothaches.
  • Positively affects blood circulation in capillaries.

Why is there a red thread on the left hand?

The chronicles of Kabbalists say that negative energy penetrates into the human body and aura through the left hand. Putting a red amulet on left wrist, scare away evil, envy and negativity directed by bad people.

How to properly tie a red thread on your wrist?

There are three rules:
  • The amulet must be worn close person: husband/wife, sister/brother, mom/dad, girlfriend/friend.
  • You need to tie the thread with 7 knots. During the ritual, the astringent reads a prayer depending on the desired effect.
  • If the amulet is too long, the remains are cut off, but not thrown away. Place them in a bag and hide them in a secluded place.

What if the red thread is lost?

Over time, the thread can stretch, break and get lost. In this case, do not be upset. It's the other way around good sign. If this happens, it means that your wish will soon come true or the talisman will protect you from strong blow. But that’s what the thread was tied for, i.e. for your protection, and having completed the mission, she disappeared. After what happens, tie a new talisman in accordance with the rules.

Is it possible to put a red thread on a child’s hand - the whole truth

To protect your baby from unkind glances, you can and even need to tie a red thread. The main thing is that the mother or godmother should do this.

False myths about the red thread on the wrist

  1. An incorrectly tied red thread brings evil, not good. Not true! It is important that the wearer believes in the power of the amulet. If, after tying a thread, you did not know how to do it correctly, do not rush to remove it. If you are comfortable with the amulet and feel protected, wear it until it breaks.
  2. The red thread is a powerful spell that can only be used skillfully. It's not true, there is no witchcraft. If you believe in the power of a talisman, use it! If you think it’s not true, but want to be fashionable, tie a thread and wear it as decoration.
  3. The red thread will help you pass your exams. Of course, the red thread is a strong amulet, but without knowledge, no higher powers will help you get good grades.
After reading the article, we can conclude that a red woolen thread on the wrist does not bring any harm. It has a good effect on health and serves the most powerful amulet from the evil eye. The main thing is to tie it correctly.

At the end of the article, we suggest you watch an interesting video: why you wear a red thread on your wrist.

You've probably come across people more than once who have a red thread on their wrist. This is a kind of amulet, protection from negativity, and also a way to get rid of serious diseases. We will tell you below where the custom of wearing a red thread came from, how you can get this talisman and how to attract wealth with the help of a ritual with a red thread.

Showbiz stars also use protective bracelets made of red thread

Where did the tradition of tying a red thread on the wrist come from, the rules for tying

In the West, many fans of a special religion, Kabbalah, have appeared, among whom there are many stars. They believe that the red thread has a good influence on the fate of people if a special ritual has been performed beforehand. It should only be attached to the left wrist. According to the beliefs of Kabbalah negative energy we can receive through the left hand.

You can only trust your relatives to tie a thread on your hand: parents, grandmother, i.e. those who inspire trust. It is necessary to make 7 knots, each of which is a symbol of a particular god. It is advisable to read the Ben Parada prayer at this moment. For those who don’t know her, you can simply ask for protection from the evil eye, for goodness.

The first star to wear such an amulet was Madonna. After her, a similar talisman on the hand could be seen on many stars. You can wear it for 9 days, and then you can throw it into the fire.

Only those closest to you can tie a red thread on your hand.

And our great-grandmothers used the magical power of the red thread, not for protection, but for healing. Grandmothers advised tying it on those who had joint pain, if they suddenly pulled their arm, etc.

Where to get red thread

You cannot protect yourself from negativity with any red thread; it is advisable to perform a special ritual in Israel. There you can find special clergy who read conspiracies by tying seven knots. The content of this prayer depends on what exactly the person is asking for: health, well-being, etc.

You can buy the sacred red thread at the Western Wall. But if you want to use the Kabbalah ritual, you need to purchase a thread in the Israeli city of Netivot. There, the thread that was once wrapped around the tomb of the famous Rachel is divided into small pieces. You can contact Kabbalistic centers.

Naturally, our grandmothers did not have the opportunity to visit other countries, so for treatment they used the usual wool thread red. It was supposed to be tied on the sore arm. But you can make a special thread that can heal and protect from negativity by reading conspiracies.

A ritual that will give the power of the red thread

Sometimes you want to have a strong amulet that will relieve various ailments and help from negativity. It can become an ordinary red thread. True, you will first have to read conspiracies over her.

This bracelet can heal and protect from negativity

Before performing the ritual and reading the conspiracies, you need to go to the store and buy bright red yarn. It is important to choose this particular shade; other threads are not suitable. You also need to make sure that there are no additional impurities in the wool. You have to pay with money, among which there should be a copper coin.

In order for a thread to become special and strong, it is necessary to read spells over it.

To perform the ceremony you need:

  1. Start the ritual on the full moon, at 12 o'clock at night.
  2. Lock yourself and sit near the table, taking three candles of different colors.
  3. Place the yarn on the table.
  4. Placed on the right green candle, on the left is red, and behind the threads is white.
  5. The candles must be lit, starting with the white one, after which the fire should appear on the red one and on the green one.
  6. You need to hold the yarn in your hands and say to it:

    “From the past to the future, a ball is rolling, A path is spreading, We will walk along that path, We will come to joy and happiness, We will overcome any misfortune, The red ball is our guarantee of that!”

  7. As soon as these words are spoken, you need to make a ball of thread.

In order for the bracelet to work, you need to speak to it.

The important point is that this is done from right to left. As soon as you come across a knot, you should break the thread; you have already created a special ball. If there is nothing, you can continue reeling.

After the conspiracies were read, this ball became special. It is advisable to remove it away. If you suddenly need protection or treatment, you need to tie a red thread to the sore spot, making three knots, repeating:

“What hurts has gone, What’s bad has come, has gone.”

When using the magical power of threads, you need to know that this amulet does not react well to church attributes, is not “friendly” with constantly working equipment and does not tolerate bright artificial lighting.



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