How to summon a spirit that answers questions. Summoning a good spirit at home and on the street - different harmless ways

Among all mystical rituals, there is one, the most mysterious and unpredictable. It is called and implies invoking a spirit to receive information from it. Despite the fact that this is considered a rather dangerous activity, such a ritual is very popular. In this article we will learn how to summon a good spirit and how to properly say goodbye to it later.

General information

Exists huge amount various spiritualistic seances. Some of them are familiar even to children. Many schoolchildren are already in early age tried to summon a gnome or the queen of spades. It was scary and a lot of fun. As for adults, not everyone believes in this. On the other hand, practicing magicians claim that everything is possible. They know well how to summon a good spirit and an evil one. It is very important to understand that otherworldly forces are not to be trifled with. Even a good spirit can become evil as a result of an improperly prepared ritual.

Where and when to summon a spirit

You should choose a special place to communicate with deceased people. It is not recommended to perform the ritual at home, especially in the room where your bed is located. It's best if it's workroom or street. You can also communicate with a good spirit in a cemetery; to do this, you need to find his grave. Best time for communication with otherworldly forces it is night. But during the day you can also summon good spirits. To do this, close all the curtains and create cozy atmosphere.

Types of perfumes

The other world is very diverse: the souls of all dead people, poltergeists, spirits of darkness. All of them belong to the astral plane. So who can be summoned - a good spirit or an evil one? There are a lot of them, but they are all divided into two parts: some serve the devil, others serve God. For those new to the world of magic, it is very difficult to tell them apart, especially if there is no eye contact. But in general, evil spirits blow cold, and your soul becomes very sad and scary. Good essences carry only positive energy of heat and light.

It is highly not recommended to summon any (any) spirit. It is very important that it be a specific entity. But sometimes it happens that all the acquaintances and relatives a person knows are alive, and he simply has no one to ask for advice. How to summon a good spirit in this case? You can refer to the story and call the character you have high level trust. The main thing is to study his biography and make sure that during his life he did only good deeds.

Preparing for the ritual

Any magical action requires preparation. The stages of preparation for a spiritualistic seance are determined by the method of conducting it. If you want to summon a spirit to a cemetery, then you need to take a small gift with you for the owner of the cemetery. This is an entity that lives there and keeps order.

Before performing any rituals, she must be appeased. Like everyone else, the owner of the cemetery prefers alcohol, raw meat, cigarettes, and candles. The gift should be left near the old and forgotten grave and be sure to say out loud: “King of the dead, accept my gift as a gift and allow me to perform the ritual.” You should also ask if you can work here now. If nothing happened (a tree fell, birds began to scream loudly, a wind rose, blowing from the direction of the cemetery and blocking the road, etc.), then you can go in the right direction.

How to summon a good spirit to a cemetery? Go to the grave of a relative, say hello to him, tell him about your problem. The answer may come to you in the form of an idea or unexpected news. It should be taken into account that it is not advisable to go to the cemetery at night and during the full moon.

Most often, the ritual of communicating with the spirit takes place indoors (in an apartment). To do this, you will need 7 candles and a tool with which you will communicate with the spirit (we will talk about it later).

To carry out the ritual, you need to draw a pentagram on the floor. Candles need to be placed one on each peak and two in the center. You can place wormwood branches in the corners of the room and light incense. This will scare away all evil creatures.

Magic equipment for summoning good spirits at home

How to summon good spirits at home? It was said earlier that to conduct a spiritualistic seance you must have special tools. You can make them yourself or buy them. It could be:

  • Ouija board;
  • pendulum;
  • saucer with alphabet circle.

The most difficult thing to make is a Ouija board, it is also called a Ouija board. As a rule, its body is made of wood, and all the letters of the alphabet, numbers (from 1 to 9), the words “yes” and “no” are printed on it. In addition, it comes with a special pointer with a hole in the center or an acute angle. At home, such a board can be made from thick cardboard.

You can make a pendulum from a thread and a needle or buy a special one in a store. As a rule, a tuning table is drawn for the pendulum. The working principle is that the desired letter the pendulum will rotate and then stop. The medium will feel as if someone is controlling his hand, which holds the pendulum.

The alphabet circle saucer is the most common option among new mediums. So, you need to draw a circle and write all the letters of the alphabet in it. A saucer with an arrow drawn on it is placed in the center. During the session, a person barely touches the saucer, and a good spirit rotates it in the right direction.

Session rules

So how to summon good spirits at home? When all the magical equipment is prepared, you need to draw up the questions that you will ask. Of course, it is important to determine who will do this and who will directly contact the spirit. This is done if the session is conducted by more than one person. Interestingly, most often such rituals are performed by 3-4 people. What is this connected with? Firstly, when there are a lot of people, doing this is not so scary. In addition, when a person himself begins to summon the spirit and sees how a saucer or a pointer from the board begins to move in his hand, he may think that he is imagining it. Sometimes it happens that one medium does not have enough energy to summon a good spirit.

Before performing the ritual, open the window and remove all metal jewelry (rings, bracelets). You need to light candles, turn off the electric lights (or close the curtains if the ritual is performed during the day) and say the following words: “Spirit (name), I call you, come to us.” They may need to be repeated many times. To strengthen the contact, you can put a photo of the person whose soul you are addressing.

If a good spirit came

If an astral entity appears in the room, you will feel it. Your hands will become heavy and practically uncontrollable. Ask the spirit: “(Name), have you come? are you here? can you talk to me? The answers must be positive. After this, you can ask questions that interest you. If you see that the answers are illogical or confusing, then the ritual should be stopped. Perhaps a bad spirit has made contact or is offended by you.

After finishing the ritual, thank him for everything and be sure to blow out the candles. During a session of spiritualism, you must not interrupt conversations, leave the pentagram, or put out candles. Otherwise, the astral entity will not be able to leave.

If the good spirit did not come

The other world is full of mysteries and surprises. Spirits are free beings who obey practically no one. They can help or harm people, but they can also ignore requests for help. Since it is not always possible to summon a good spirit at home, you should not despair. This may be the most various reasons:

  • The entity is offended by you and does not want to help.
  • You chose the wrong time/place/companions.
  • Your energy is weakened and is not enough for the spirit to hear you.
  • You did the ritual with ridicule, or someone present does not believe in it.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that we should not lose hope. Try, experiment, and you will definitely be able to summon a spirit.

Spirits of desires

There is another separate category of astral beings, which few people know about. What other good spirits can you summon? These are the so-called genies or wish-granting creatures. It’s worth noting right away that there is no free help. It doesn’t matter whether you ask for advice or ask for a wish to be fulfilled - you have to pay for everything. If you simply call upon a spirit to get answers, then you are settling with it with your energy. After such a ritual, mediums feel empty. They need at least four hours to recover. In the case of spirits of desires, the situation is more serious, because fulfilling it is not always easy. Before you decide to do this, remember that it is extremely dangerous.

So how to summon good spirits of desires? To do this you need to have very strong energy. Contacting a being from another dimension is not an easy task, but only a professional can ask him for something. Besides, even good spirits are unpredictable. For example, you ask financial well-being, and the next day your relative will die and you will receive an inheritance. On the one hand, the desire will come true, but on the other - at what cost. In addition, you should never ask spirits to do evil deeds, otherwise they may do the opposite and bring disaster upon you.

To summarize, we can say that an interesting and exciting activity can be very dangerous. Children are strictly prohibited from burning candles and calling on spirits without adults. All magical rituals must be carried out strictly according to the instructions and only for good purposes. If you do not believe in witchcraft, then it is better not to do anything at all.

Few people know that among the inhabitants magical world There are quite harmless good creatures that you can call with a friend even during the day, at home or on the street. Most often, such creatures are various fairies, gnomes and others, which are considered open entities and spirits for children.

Entities that can be summoned during the day

Who can you call at home during the day or at the entrance? First of all, it is worth noting that summoning some magical creature is a rather complex ritual. You need to develop a special talent for this. But if you already feel that you are completely ready to touch another world, you can try to summon good magical entities using accessible and simple rituals. These entities include the following:

  • Gnome.
  • Flower fairy.
  • Fairy of wishes.
  • Mermaid.
  • Kavyi.

This also includes the tooth fairy.. The ritual of calling her at home is quite simple.

Summoning the Tooth Fairy

There are two rituals through which you can summon this magical entity at home, which brings gifts in return for lost teeth.

  • Method 1.

Using the first method of summoning the tooth fairy, you need to wait until your baby tooth falls out. You need to tell your parents about this, and at night put the fallen tooth under your pillow. Some sources claim that in order for this ritual to work, the tooth must not be placed under the pillow, but placed in a container filled with water. In this case, the container must be placed near the head of the bed. After this, the following words are pronounced three times: “Tooth fairy, appear!”

When you fall asleep, the entity flies in and exchanges your tooth for sweets or a small gift. But if you want to see this fairy with your own eyes, then you just need to close your eyes tightly and pretend to be asleep. When do you start to feel the presence of a magical being?, try opening one eye slightly and then you will see a real tooth fairy standing in front of you.

  • Method 2.

There is another fairly simple way to see this magical creature. To do this you need to find a house. Most often a hollow is used in big tree, which is located quite low. During the day, the child must leave his fallen baby tooth by saying the following words: “Tooth fairy, come to me today.”

When night falls, a magical creature should come to the child, and then he should be asked to fulfill one wish. To do this, you also need to pretend to be asleep so as not to miss the appearance of the tooth fairy. If you fall asleep, the fairy will not wake you up, and will just leave a gift in the hollow. This gift will need to be picked up in the morning.

Spirits that can be summoned on the street during the day

There are many different entities that are fairly harmless and can be summoned even if you don't have enough magical abilities. These entities include the following:

  • Elemental spirits of the lowest rank.
  • Local perfumes.
  • Beregini.

To summon one of these good spirits, it does not require much work, but you need to decide what exactly you want to receive from such an entity. During the day, you can easily summon a good spirit on the street. You can do this yourself. If the summoning ritual is quite successful, and the spirit responds to you with its presence, then you will acquire a faithful assistant for the rest of your life. Such helpers most often are those entities that belong to various natural elements. But if, for example, is a rather difficult ritual, then summoning a water spirit of the highest rank is a fairly simple task that literally anyone can do.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that such kind creatures can also worry, feel, be afraid, and also joke about people. That is why there is no need to offend or anger them. To spend the day outside, you need to find a secluded place. This ritual can be performed with a friend. Agree with her in advance who exactly you want to see, and then hold hands and say the following words: “Spirit, bright, sweet, kind, come to us. Be our friend and helper."

These words in mandatory must be said three times, after which you must close your eyes and imagine the image of a good spirit in front of you. In just a few seconds you will begin to feel the warmth passing through your body. This means that the spirit has arrived and is ready to establish contact with you. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of him. When he is nearby, you need to tell one of you what exactly you want from the summoned good spirit. Try to explain to him all your desires.

After this, you must thank the entity for coming, and then release the spirit. If the spirit agrees to constantly help you when needed, it will be next to you and protect you, suggesting the right decision in some specific actions.

Calling the sun bunny

There are many different reliable and simple ways, which will help the novice wizard come into contact with the world of magic. For example, you can quite easily summon a sun bunny, which is considered the spirit of the sun's rays and is also capable of fulfilling your wishes. This creature will be faithful and a harmless assistant to any other wizard. To summon this spirit, you will need a sheet of paper, as well as a yellow felt-tip pen or pencil.

The ritual can be performed both independently and with friends, even at school. When calling a spirit at school, draw a bunny on a previously prepared sheet of paper, but without lifting your hands from the paper. After this, the drawing must be placed on the windowsill so that it gets sun rays. Now you should say the following words: “Come to me, little sunbeam, make my wishes come true!”

This text must be repeated 5 times, after which you must close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Mentally count to 10 and open your eyes. At this time, you will see a sunbeam sitting on your palms. Without taking your palms off the drawing, ask the spirit to fulfill your desire. When you say your wish, you need to take your hands off the drawing and release the bunny into the wild.

After some time, the wish will come true. It happens that the bunny gets scared and doesn’t come again. But most often he loves people and easily makes contact with them.

If you still can’t decide who exactly you want to call at home with a friend, then it is recommended to choose a good spirit, sunny bunny or the tooth fairy. It is these good spirits that can touch you, and you will touch the world of magic.

Queen of Spades

This horror is a favorite in the territory summer camps in the vastness of the former republics of the USSR. The woman who crawls out playing card, from the mirror, from under the bed, and is currently capable of exciting children's minds and young fragile psyches. But few people know what was originally in the image Queen of Spades There was nothing frightening from the well-known deck. It is believed that this painted royal figure represented Athena, Joan of Arc or the biblical Rachel. But how to summon the Queen of Spades at home?

First of all, you need to stand in front of a mirror, put the Queen of Spades card in front of it, and on both sides light candles from her. After this, you need to look in the mirror and say the following words three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” According to legends, at this moment a dark female silhouette should appear in the reflection. This is the Queen of Spades. To prevent the Queen of Spades from crawling out of the mirror and killing you, you must immediately extinguish the lit candles and turn the card face down.

Bloody Mary

Who can you invite to Halloween? Of course, Bloody Mary! Bloody Mary is an American alternative to the Queen of Spades familiar to Soviet children. But who is this mysterious entity? Why her spirit still cannot rest in peace. One legend says that it was an ordinary woman named Mary who died and her spirit was sucked into a mirror. Since then he has been wandering around all the mirrors. Hence they began to cover mirrors with rags if someone dies in the house. The mirror is a kind of trap for spirits.

Another version says that this was the name of the old Pennsylvania witch who drank the blood of kidnapped young girls for the purpose of rejuvenation.

The third version says that Bloody Mary is Mary Tudor, the first queen of England, who became famous for her bloody massacres of followers of Protestant schools, as well as her own relatives. How to call Bloody Mary at home?

To do this, you need to stand in front of the mirror and say this name three times. Next, you need to close your eyes for a few seconds. When you open them, you should see a female reflection in the mirror, this will be Bloody Mary standing behind you. You can scare Bloody Mary away by using a lit candle. That is why you need to make sure that she is near you.

Theoretically, it is possible to evoke the spirit of absolutely any deceased person, but most often the greatest research interest among thrill-seekers is caused by some celebrities who have won fame, among whom Pushkin and Gogol have occupied pride of place for several decades. Our grandmothers also practiced this kind of fortune-telling.

In general, calling spirits should not be joked about, otherwise they may be offended and even harm a person. A seance is considered quite popular. It is especially common among young girls. Thanks to a spiritualistic session, you can find out the answers to your questions. But you need to prepare for such a ritual very carefully:

  • For the session you will need paper, preferably clean, there should be no drawings or notes on it. You need to draw a small table on paper, indicating in it all the letters of the alphabet, numbers, as well as the words YES and NO.
  • A hexagon is drawn in the center of the table, inside which the name of the summoned spirit is written.
  • The main element of a spiritualistic seance is a needle on a thread or saucer with an arrow drawn or glued on.

The ritual must be performed only at night, not in the evening, and also in a quiet room. Before calling the spirit, the lights in the entire house are turned off and candles are lit on the table. This session is recommended to be done alone, or small company, up to 5 people. Most often, at first, the saucer turns out to be too slow or, on the contrary, very restless. You can independently regulate the activity of the saucer using your fingertips. But in the process the problem disappears by itself, as a rule.

Mediums must remember simple rules Etiquette: always greet the spirit before asking questions, make sure the spirit agrees to provide you with information, be sure to thank it, and say goodbye politely.

When everything is already prepared, you can begin the periodic session itself.

At first glance, it may seem that a spiritualistic session is quite harmless, but if you anger the spirit, then after the ritual health problems may arise and a series of failures will occur. That is why you need to think carefully about who you can call at home.

Attention, TODAY only!

Practicing magicians often turn to otherworldly forces for help. For a novice sorcerer, the ritual may turn out to be unsafe: not all inhabitants of the subtle worlds are favorable to people, in addition, they may become angry for needless concern.

It is for this reason that you should be clear about who you intend to call. To begin with, it is better to get acquainted with harmless spirits. Some of them are so peaceful and responsive that they willingly fulfill requests.

Communication with Entities

One of the basic rules of communicating with otherworldly entities is that you should not be afraid of them. Spirits differ from people only in that they do not have a material shell, but are endowed with other capabilities, sometimes inaccessible to humans.

There are also many similarities: spirits can empathize, be capricious, joke. It is not surprising that they are pleased when people communicate with them in a friendly and respectful manner.

How to summon a harmless spirit?

To feel more confident, choose a daytime time for the ritual and invite friends to participate.

You can summon a good spirit in a familiar environment: in the yard or on the street near the house, there is no need to go to deserted places.

Agree in advance what you intend to ask for, hold hands and say three times:

“Spirit, dear, bright, kind, come to us. Become our assistant and friend."

Close your eyes and try to imagine the person you are calling. If you suddenly feel warm, know that this is his positive response. It's time to tell him about your wishes, then thank him and say goodbye.

It is possible that you will meet again: the spirit may express a desire to come to the rescue, advise, protect. You will have an invisible friend.

Fairy Lady of Wishes

To summon a wish-granting fairy, two items required:

  • Bell.
  • A paper on which the wish is clearly and clearly formulated.

Please note that fairies never miss an opportunity to joke, therefore, think over the text of your desire so that there are no ambiguous interpretations in it.

Use the wording “Let it be” instead of “I want.”

It is advisable to choose a place that is not too crowded for the ritual. so as not to confuse passersby, at the same time, privacy is not a prerequisite.

Take the bell to left hand, in the other, hold a piece of paper on which your wish is written. If you are left-handed, swap objects.

While ringing the bell, walk three circles from right to left, freeze and say three times, continuing to ring the bell:

“Fairy of desires, I call on you, I trust in you. Fulfill my deepest dream” - tell me what you want. Now get comfortable, close your eyelids and mentally repeat the same text three more times.

Don’t doubt your actions and positive results for a second - this is the key to success. Fairies instantly feel any doubts of the caller and may, in turn, doubt the sincerity of your intentions.

Now be careful, don't miss the signs. Anything random and at first glance an inconspicuous event may be the key to fulfillment of desire.

Who can I invite along with my friend?

You can invite a wish-granting fairy to your home. Wait until the full moon to tap into the moon's energy. Daytime preferable for conducting a calling ritual, since fairies love sunlight.

You should know what fairies don't like: being disturbed because they have nothing to do. Remember that you are dealing with magic, so take the ritual seriously.

First, be clearly aware of what you want and why you need it. Secondly, remain calm and friendly when you feel the fairy's presence. These entities do not harm people under any circumstances.

The worst thing that can happen is that the fairy will not want to communicate. To avoid misunderstandings, prepare properly for the ritual. You will need the following ritual paraphernalia:

  • A piece of paper with a wish written on it which should be learned by heart.
  • Three glasses or elegant glasses filled with clean water.
  • Three dice Sahara.
  • A little chalk.
  • Clothes with pockets.
  • Small table.

The table can be improvised, for example, a stool covered with a beautiful napkin; it should be placed in the center of a circle drawn in chalk. Keep the note in your left pocket throughout the ritual.

Place the glasses on the table, put sugar in each. Wait for them to completely dissolve, step into the circle and say five times:

“I challenge you, fairy of desires, wake up from your sleep, come to me at least for a minute!”

Recite your desire loudly and clearly, word for word as written on the sheet in your left pocket. At the end of the ceremony, thoroughly wash the floor so that no traces of the circle remain.

Transfer the glasses to the windowsill and leave for several days until the moisture evaporates.

Want to chat with a vampire?

Daylight hours are safe enough to come into contact with dark forces . For example, call a vampire. For what? To get answers to any questions from him.

You have to deal not with himself, but only with his energy, therefore, daylight is not afraid of him, and he will not be able to cause physical harm.

You and your friends should Prepare for the visit of an unusual guest:

  • Draw a circle with salt.
  • Lock the doors and curtain the windows.
  • Light two black candles outside the circle.

Enter the center of the circle and whisper:

“Vampire, I call on you.

Come to me, reveal all your secrets to me.

Come in peace to my house and tell me everything you know.”

The presence of a vampire is accompanied by a chill in direct and figuratively: a chilling sensation will make itself felt. Some even manage to see a dark clot of energy. There is no place for fear in this ritual; the vampire does not take seriously those who fear him.

You can ask the vampire any questions, preferably no more than three. At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to the guest, thank him and leave with the words:

“Leave where you came from. Leave as if you weren’t invited. Leave my house and don't come back."

When the vampire leaves the room, collect salt from the floor and sprinkle it on the threshold and window sills so that he could not return as an uninvited guest.

Seance at home

A seance is perhaps the most popular and time-tested way of summoning spirits. Despite its venerable age, it has not lost its relevance today.

As a rule, several participants gather to conduct a session; time, place and cost of paraphernalia are not of fundamental importance for the spirits being called, although some of them have individual preferences.

Simple preliminary preparation will help participants get into the right frame of mind.

Spiritualism session represents a safe opportunity to touch the world of magic, sometimes with its help it is possible to discover the talent of clairvoyance.

Communicating with a spirit through a saucer scurrying around on a witch board does not require occult experience, even skeptical beginners are pleasantly surprised by the results.

And yet, the greatest effect can be achieved by those who are open to encounters with the new and unknown.

The principle is simple: moving around the board, the saucer marks with a pointer the letters that are to be put into words. Answers may contain numbers or consist of monosyllabic agreement or denial.

For a seance to be successful, follow a few rules:

  1. Summon cute spirits that you trust.
  2. Remember that spirits have personal preferences, for example, not everyone is ready to respond to a call in broad daylight.
  3. In the room chosen for the ritual there should be no foreign creatures: no pets, no uninvited guests like mice and insects.
  4. Participants should not have jewelry or metal objects on their fingers and wrists.
  5. Only one person can conduct a dialogue - a medium, the rest must remain silent.
  6. The connection with the other world is interrupted as soon as the medium removes his hands from the saucer.

Rest assured that famous people who inspire your admiration and respect, as well as loved ones who have passed on to another world, will not harm you and will answer your questions truthfully.

All you need is a magic board and a white saucer with smooth edges. You can buy a witchcraft board in an esoteric shop or make it yourself. Classic version made of special types of wood with symbols carved on the surface.

However, if the board is cardboard or thick paper, and the letters, numbers and other necessary elements are drawn with a pencil, this will not degrade the quality of the “connection”.

You will need a fairly large sheet - at least half a meter in length and width. Draw a circle, on its outer side write down all the letters of the alphabet in any order, with inside arrange the numbers from zero to nine and the words YES and NO.

You will need one more item: white saucer made of porcelain or earthenware. Make sure its edges are smooth that do not prevent slipping. Turn the saucer upside down and draw an arrow on the side.

It wouldn’t hurt to create an appropriate ambiance in the room: make yourself cozy, light some candles and incense sticks , get rid of distracting elements during the session.

Select a medium in advance, think through questions, coordinate actions. From the moment the spirit appears, there should be no extraneous conversations.

A medium holds a saucer over a candle inside to the flame until it becomes warm, then places it in the center of the board and touches with both hands. The rest of the participants follow his example.

“Spirit (name in the genitive case), please appear to us!” - the medium exclaims three times.

Ask the spirit to appear, not to come. An energetic presence is quite enough for a spiritualistic dialogue, but you don’t need a real ghost in the room.

When in the ensuing silence someone feels that something unusual is beginning, the medium asks the first question: “Spirit (name), are you here?” If the saucer points to the word “yes,” you can continue the session. If not, try again or contact another spirit.

At first the saucer may seem slow or, conversely, too restless. Its activity can be adjusted with your fingertips. In the process, the problem will disappear by itself.

The medium should remember the rules of etiquette: greet the guest before proceeding with questions, make sure that he agrees to provide information, thank him for the visit, and politely say goodbye.

Help cards

With the help of a deck of playing cards, you can summon not only a disembodied spirit, but also a person alive and well. Who will we call? For example, a guy you like. The purpose of the ritual is to make him want to seek a meeting with you.

Unlike a full-fledged love spell, the effect of the ritual is short-lived and has no side effects.

Cards have a strong energy memory and store information about everyone in whose hands they have been. To prevent one of the players from appearing in front of you instead of your favorite one, use only a new deck.

Shuffle the cards well, charge them with your energy, talk to them, say the guy's name and start laying them out in a vertical line.

Do not say another word until the ritual is completed. Put the paired suits aside. Ideally, you should be left with four cards of different suits.

If it doesn’t work out, it is permissible to shuffle the remaining cards one more time, but no more. If this does not help, try again no earlier than in a day - a secondary one on the same day will not be counted in the subtle world.

If you want to conduct a seance and summon the spirit of a deceased person, then first of all you need to think carefully about why you need it. There is no need to disturb the souls of the deceased over trifles. If you want to get answers to questions that concern you or clarify a situation, then you can resort to the help of the other world.

Before you begin the spirit summoning ritual, you should observe a few important rules communication with spirits and preparation for a seance.

  1. It is recommended to conduct a spiritualistic seance between 12 and 4 am. At this time, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead can be observed.
  2. Candles should be used in the ritual natural wax, there should be no electric light.
  3. Write down on paper in advance all the questions you want to ask the spirit, formulate them so that they can be answered either “yes” or “no”.
  4. Open the vents or windows, close the doors.
  5. Remove all jewelry and metal objects.
  6. Whatever happens, calmly and respectfully address the spirit.
  7. How to summon a spirit at home

    In order to summon the spirit of the deceased, you will need an old thick book, large scissors and a red wool thread(you can take tape). This seance must involve two people.

    Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings of the scissors stick out. Tie the thread around the middle of the book to attach the scissors to the book.

    After this, one person takes one ring of the scissors with his little finger, the other takes the second ring. The book should be hanging.

    From this moment you can begin to call upon the spirit of a deceased person. Start calling him by name, calling him, asking for help. If you feel a little cold, it means the spirit has arrived. To be absolutely sure of this, ask him: “Are you there?”, and if the book shakes, then the answer is yes.

    Ask questions to the spirit and watch carefully to see if the book sways. If yes, then the answer is yes; if the book does not move, the answer is no.

    Don't forget to thank the summoned spirit for the information provided. After the ritual, be sure to fumigate the room with incense and take a shower. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

As children, each of us managed to become a listener fascinating stories about how to summon spirits. Stories about kind and wish-fulfilling spirits have always seemed especially exciting. And, having matured, we have a desire to realize our childhood idea and “try” our luck in this matter. And in today’s article we will describe in detail the process itself, how to summon a spirit at home, and what is needed for this.

In reality, meetings with the souls of buried people do not always end in pleasant moments, and in order to prevent unfavorable situations, it is important to know how to properly organize a spiritualistic session.

It is worth considering that all spirits are different and each of them, like living people, has its own character and disposition. Therefore, no one can guarantee that you will be able to summon an absolutely good spirit (after all, few people would want to “tell fortunes” for an evil one). It is important to understand and realize what specific goal you are pursuing, and which of the dead you would like to “awaken” in a spiritualistic session. Moreover, there are certain precautions.

For example, it is undesirable to evoke the spirit of Pushkin, Gogol and other famous personalities. This is explained by the fact that such otherworldly substances often communicate, introducing themselves by a different name in order to receive your energy. As a rule, sessions of this kind end in complete exhaustion. To avoid this, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the basics of spiritualism. This way you will learn how to call a kind guest from another world who will answer your question.

Conducting a session to call the spirit wizard

Most common queries “How to summon a wish-granting spirit?”. And this is completely understandable, because since childhood, many have been worried about the easy implementation of their plans. Read on to learn how to do this at home.

There is a rather “old” way to call a gnome who would help you get something without spending effort and money. First, you need to take candy. The number of sweets should be equal to the number of wishes. To lure the gnome, you need to tie candies between two chairs. Then take all white objects and things out of the room, and when you return, turn off the lights. With your back to the sweets, you need to call the gnome who grants wishes. If he comes, you can hear the rustle of unwrapping wrappers. The light can be turned on after the noise subsides. If the gnome eats candy, his wishes will come true.

If the sweets remain untouched, dreams will not come true.

There is another way to summon a spirit that grants wishes. To do this, you will need to create absolute silence in the room, gain courage, and prepare in advance:

  • candle;
  • a needle;
  • thread;
  • ring.

Before summoning the spirit of fulfilling a wish, you need to close the curtains and light a candle. Then you need to sit down at the table and make a pendulum by threading a needle and hanging a ring on it. Taking the pendulum in your hand, you need to direct all your thoughts and the flow of internal energy with wishes to it. After this, you need to establish a connection with the spiritual image of the deceased. Ask him to swing the pendulum as a sign of agreement to communicate.

If the ring begins to swing back and forth, the spirit is ready to talk. Then you can ask your interlocutor questions that interest you.

The main thing is to formulate them in such a way that the answer sounds like “no” or “yes”.

This is how you can easily summon a spirit at home to fulfill your plans. It is important to understand that the inhabitants of the other world may not contribute to communication. And if you really need to call a guest from another world, first read the initial course on spiritualism.

How to summon the spirit of love affairs?

Summoning spirits at home is quite a responsible task. However, under the influence of emotions, we are not always aware of what we are doing. For example, many want to know how to summon the spirit of love in order to receive answers to questions of the heart.

Before calling a guest from the other world for such purposes, you need to know where it is best to conduct a session. So, for example, in the old days girls went to the bathhouse. Previously, this room was considered the most suitable for summoning spirits due to the absence daylight, icons and any static “interference”. Currently, sessions are held in the kitchen and living room. It is advisable to even choose a pantry if it is spacious.

This is explained by the fact that such spirits, like the spirit of Pushkin, Gogol, and others strong people, can “suck” your energy, remaining in the room even after the session is over.

Having chosen a suitable room, you should hang the curtains tightly, turn off all household items that emit unnecessary noise. However, remember that the procedure must be carried out in all alone and in good location spirit. You also first need to purchase a “Talking Board”, with the help of which you will communicate with a guest from the other world. If this is not possible, you can make one like this yourself at home. To do this, take whatman paper and draw a circle on it with a dot in the center. Next, the alphabet and numbers are applied along the contour. Also leave space for the words “Yes”, “No”.

Before summoning the spirit of love, take a needle and thread, a candle and a photo of the loved one you plan to find out about. Also place a bowl of water on the table near the laid out Whatman paper.

When starting a spiritualistic session, you need to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts, take a thread and, placing a needle in the center of the circle, call on the spirit of love. At the same time, it is important to believe that the guest will respond and come. A light blow of wind in the room can indicate the arrival of an otherworldly interlocutor. However, this may not happen, so it is better to ask if the spirit has arrived and is ready to speak. As a sign of confirmation, the needle should tilt towards the word “Yes”. After this, you can continue the session, asking heartfelt questions that interest you, looking at the photo of your loved one.

At the end of the ritual, when you have received all the answers, put out the candle and be sure to ask the spirit to leave. After this, open the curtains and ventilate the room.

To sum it up

It is important to remember, when calling guests from the other world at home, you need to believe in your plans and ask only about what really worries you. Also, before summoning the spirit of love or wish fulfillment, you need to clarify what the name of the good otherworldly inhabitant is, so that the meeting with him does not turn into unpleasant consequences. Also remember that it is dangerous to evoke the spirit of long-dead great personalities (Pushkin, Gogol and others).



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