Door in the northeast according to Feng Shui. Location on the cardinal points. Door facing south

The front door of a house The front door is main entrance and an outlet for qi energy flows. In an ideal situation, qi is accumulated and distributed in the space in front of the house, and its flow is activated by the movement of people entering and leaving.

In ancient China front door was called the “mouth of the house”, through which all positive and negative energy passes.

First of all, you should make sure that the “secret arrows” that we already talked about earlier are not directed at the front door. To do this, stand in front of the door and look around. Note any sharp corners, gutters, satellite dishes, lamp posts or spiers directing the flow negative energy sha to the front door.

Obstacles on the way to the front door worsen feng shui. If there is not enough space in front of the door for chi to accumulate, this can be corrected by painting the door the color of the direction it faces, or by hanging a lantern above it to well illuminate the area in front of the door.

The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. A simple way to avoid negative impacts is to raise the threshold 1-2 centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house. The same remedy can be used if the door opens to an elevator, since this also impedes the free movement of qi.

If the front door is located at the top of the stairs, then residents may find that money does not stay with them for a long time. In such cases, it is recommended to hang a medium-sized round or octagonal mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

Entrance door direction

The sector of the house where the front door is located, as well as the direction in which it faces, is associated with the head of the family. Traditionally in Chinese family the head was always the older man. These days, of course, this is not always the case, so you need to think and decide whether the destination meets your needs and the desires of your partner.

If the front door faces northwest, it is considered a good direction for the father and the eldest man in the family. It will promote such qualities as leadership and dignity of this family member, trust and respect for him from other residents.

A door facing north creates a tranquil lifestyle for the occupants of the house. However, there is a possibility that calmness will turn into lethargy and apathy and ultimately develop into mutual alienation. If you are concerned about this, the qualities of the opposing element can be introduced to activate other characteristics of the chi energy. Add a little earth element to the water element, for example by painting a door brown or ocher. yellow or by hanging a small crystal in the hallway.

In the Northeast, energies are quite variable, and residents of houses with front doors facing in this direction are likely to be actively exposed external forces. But if other feng shui readings are favorable, this direction is perfect for young people seeking to expand their knowledge and education.

The eastern direction is also favorable for young people, especially if they are just starting their career and dream of realizing their ideas and aspirations. It promises a bright future for those involved in business and commercial transactions.

The southeastern direction of the front door is favorable for those who want to improve their financial situation. Progress will be slow but sure, and peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

A door that faces south promotes active life and social activities, helping those who strive for recognition and even fame. However, in such a situation, you should act with caution, since indulging your own whims can create a tense atmosphere and lead to quarrels in the family. If necessary, moderate the fire by adding water element symbols to this direction.

If the front door faces southwest, this is considered most favorable for the mother of the family. The southwestern direction contributes to strong and harmonious family relations, although there is a danger that the mother's personality will become too dominant and intrusive, destroying the overall harmony. To soften this effect, you can introduce colors or symbols associated with the tree.

A door that faces west is good for families with small children, it provides best opportunities for their quick creative development. This direction is also associated with romantic feelings and pleasure. However, you need to make sure that your hobbies do not lead to excessive expenses. Here you can add a little stability given by the earth element.

Shape and color of the front door

Having established the direction of the main door of the house, you should choose a color or shade that matches this direction in order to support the qualities of a particular element. For example, if you want to emphasize the stability quality of a southwest facing door, you can paint it red; if the inhabitants of the house are more in need of family harmony, you can choose brown or yellow. If circumstances change, the door can always be repainted using elements of the spawn cycle.

If the door faces west or north-west, then the qualities of the main element - metal can be enhanced with a white, golden or silver shade, and yellow or brown can be used for support. Do not use red, blue and black colors.

A north facing door can be painted blue, black or white, according to your choice. Avoid brown, yellow and green colors.

If the door faces northeast or southwest, brown or yellow should be used as the main color, and red or orange as a secondary color. Green and white colors are not recommended.

For a door facing east or southeast, the best flowers will be green, black or blue, but not white.

A door facing south can be painted red or green; blue and black cannot be used. To a lesser extent, yellow and brown should be avoided.

In addition, forms associated with the basic five elements can be used to improve the qualities of the chi passing through the front door (picture below).

Door shape according to five elements:

a) water (north),
b) tree (east, southeast),
c) fire (south),
d) land (southwest, northeast),
e) metal (northwest, west).

If the front door faces north, use water symbols to enhance its cleansing properties and metal symbols for strength and support.

If the front door faces the east and southeast, you can use tree symbols to activate opportunities for growth and development and water symbols to purify and renew.

If the front door faces south, the symbols of fire will add liveliness and good spirits to the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, you can use tree element symbols.

If the front door faces southwest and northeast, the symbols of the earth element emphasize its stability. As additional symbols, you can use the symbols of the fire element.

If the front door faces west and northwest, the metal symbols will give it strength and strength. Additionally, you can use the symbols of the earth element.

Entrance door style

Since the front door is intended to protect the house, it should be solid and durable, but in no case glass. In addition, it should be the largest in the house to ensure maximum flow of qi energy into the living spaces. It should be taller than the tallest member of the family. In this case, no one will experience inconvenience when entering the house or going outside.

It's good if the front door opens into the house. If it opens outward, it is better to outweigh it by placing the hinges on the other side. This is what Feng Shui masters think.

If there are windows on either side of the front door, then the qi energy, having entered the house through the door, can freely exit through them, bypassing the house. In this case, you will be protected by lace curtains on the windows or potted plants on the windowsill.

Where does the front door open?

IN ideal The entrance door should be hung from the side closest to the wall of the house or apartment and open towards this wall. This creates a sense of space and promotes good feng shui for the hallway. If the door is hung on the opposite side, the person entering momentarily finds himself in a confined space and experiences a feeling of inconvenience.

If the front door is located opposite the back door (that is, the “back door”), this creates a powerful flow of qi, which, passing through the house, practically does not stop in it. To correct the situation, you should install barriers in the form of mirrors, screens or decorative grilles.

If it is difficult to erect a physical barrier between the front door and the “back door”, then you can improve the situation by hanging a curtain in front of the second door. Moreover, it does not have to be a heavy velvet curtain, it is too expensive for a corridor; an ordinary muslin curtain, which has an attractive appearance, will do.

Entering any building, be it your home, your friends' house or even a work space, you immediately feel how harmonious the interior is. If, upon entering, you are immediately confronted by the corner of a wall or the edge of a large closet, you will almost certainly instantly be in a bad mood. Such negative effects can be mitigated by using a decorative screen, plants or ornament.



The hallway is not the center family life Therefore, a neutral yin-yang balance should be maintained here in both design and lighting.

If the hallway is very bright and angular, this can be softened with pastel colors and curtains or reduced brightness of the light. If the hallway is too dark, use more saturated colors, increase the lighting and hang pictures or photographs in rectangular frames on the walls.

You can use rugs to attract beneficial qi energy. Choose a color that matches the direction of the front door: for the south - red, for the southwest - brown, etc., as well as additional colors: in the south - green, in the southwest - red.

You can also use wall decorations, dim lamps, hanging pots with climbing plants, if space permits.

As a rule, corridors cause problems more often in office premises than at home. But if you large apartment or a separate house, you should pay attention to this.

In both hallways and corridors, you need to maintain cleanliness and yin-yang balance, using a relatively neutral tone of wallpaper or wall upholstery.

Feng Shui of the front door

We get into a house or apartment through front door, the size of which also matters: too large causes financial difficulties, too small - conflicts and quarrels. To prevent energy from being dissipated, the front door should not be located opposite the stairs leading to another floor, and so that the door does not interfere with qi, it should open inward.

The influence of the front door on the room opposite which it is located is very noticeable:

✓ if this is a kitchen, residents will not know how to eat;

✓ if this is a bedroom, then fatigue and drowsiness will become constant companions of the household;

✓ if this is a living room with a TV or home theater, then time will be wasted;

✓ if it’s a toilet, then you won’t be able to get out of poverty; if this is an office or a library, then everyone will be distinguished by their hard work.

Bells, “wind chimes” hanging above it, amulets, and coins strung on a thread help alleviate or eliminate problems associated with the front door. They dissipate energy and convert negative sha energy into chi. To slow down the movement of qi, a red stripe around the door (you can circle all potentially dangerous doors) or a red rug under your feet is suitable.

Situations are considered unfavorable when:

✓ in a passage room, the doors are on the same axis and there is no obstacle between them, since the qi energy turns into sha during rapid linear movement. In this case, it is necessary to either close the doors, or separate them with a screen, or resort to the color red, circling the doors with it;

✓ opposite doors differ from each other in width (it’s good when they are the same), then the narrower door needs to be visually expanded by hanging a mirror, a picture and placing a pot with indoor plant;

✓ there are so many doors (including cabinets) opening into the hallway that it exceeds the number of residents. They will be haunted by conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, losses. To resolve the situation, you need to use the methods described above that Feng Shui offers.

In addition to the entrance door, there are other doors in an apartment or house that can be positioned and opened differently.

1. If two opposite doors swing open towards each other, they will require repairs faster. In addition, they provoke conflict situations in the house. A technique that can correct the situation is applying red spots to the area above the handles or to the ends of the doors.

2. Two opposite doors in the kitchen are also a negative factor leading to the breakup of a family. This will be eliminated by a red stripe on the floor or ceiling, which will act as a partition separating dangerous objects from each other.

3. Two doors in the bedroom, especially if they are constantly open, cause a state of discomfort and increased fatigue. Draping on one of them will save the family from negative consequences.

4. It is not good when the doors of two bedrooms open onto the corridor, especially if they open in different directions, which causes a unidirectional flow of energy. Both doors must open to the inside of the premises.

5. It matters where the door to the toilet opens. To prevent loss of wealth, it should only open inward. If it opens outward and is visible from the front door with a distance of 3 m between them, then a mirror should be hung on the toilet door; if the distance is less than 3 m, then the mirror should be replaced with a picture depicting a landscape, but not trees with fallen leaves.

6. Pay attention to the material from which the doors are made. Wood and metal are preferred. If the door is glass, then it should not be transparent. Therefore, hang a curtain or purchase opaque glass. In addition, the design on the door and the doors should be symmetrical to maintain harmony between yin and yang.

The right color for your front door helps to attract more favorable energy into your home. The front door is very important factor in feng shui. This applies to both home and office. It is through the front door, also called the mouth of qi, that the house receives nourishing feng shui energy.

It is through the front door, also called the mouth of qi, that the house receives nourishing feng shui energy.

The flow of energy, its quality and strength determine the quality of energy in your home. Since your personal energy is closely linked to the energy of the home you live in, do everything you can to create good feng shui in your home, starting with a beautiful color for your front door.

In feng shui choice favorable color the front door is related to the direction it faces and the main element of that direction. If you know which direction your front door faces, here are some feng shui tips for a favorable color.

Find your door and add beautiful energy to it with color.

Door facing east.

The feng shui element of the east is wood. Therefore, if your door faces east, the best colors for it will be wood colors - green and brown.

If none of these two colors are compatible with the facade of your house, then there is the possibility of using other colors, based on the feng shui generation cycle.

Since the wood element is nourished by earth and water, you can use the colors of these elements to create beautiful feng shui.

Door with exit to the southeast.

The choice of colors for the southeastern door will coincide with the colors of the east, because the same element dominates here - wood.

However, since the southeast is a wealth sector, there is also additional features color selection.

This is the color of the element of abundance of water, black or blue. It will be the most favorable for the southeastern sector of wealth.

Door facing south.

The front door that faces south is the sector of the fire element. That's why best color this will be red. Other matching colors to support the fire element these are yellow, purple, orange and pink. The feeding element of fire is wood. The colors of the wood - brown and green - are perfect for a southern entrance door.

Door facing southwest.

The main element of the southwestern direction is earth. The energy associated with the southwest is maternal, as is the energy of love and marriage. All this means that the best colors here are the colors of the earth element - yellow, sand. You can also use the colors of the earth-feeding element fire - red, purple, orange.

Door facing west.

The best colors for such a door are metal colors, white and gray. The colors of the earth element are also applicable here, since earth is the nourishing element for metal in the cycle of generation of the five elements. Avoid the colors of the fire and water elements, which weaken metal.

Door with exit to the northwest.

For such a door, the same colors are suitable as for the western one, because the main element of the northwest is metal. However, since the northwest direction is associated with heavenly blessings and helpers, special attention should be given to this door.

Door facing north.

North is the direction of the water element, so the best colors here are the colors of this element - black and blue. If these colors don't go well with appearance housing, then you can paint the front door in the north in metal colors, white or gray. In the cycle of generation, metal feeds water. The element of water is poorly affected by the elements of wood, fire and earth. Therefore, do not paint the northern entrance door in the colors of these elements.

Door facing northeast.

The Northeast is a sector of spiritual growth and development. The earth element reigns here, so the best colors for the front door in this direction will be the colors of the main element - earth and the feeding element - fire. Colors that weaken the earth should be avoided - green, brown, white, grey, blue and black. The front door is the entrance to the hallway, which is also extremely important for attracting favorable energy into the house. But still, first of all, good Feng Shui begins with the front door.

Front door of the house

The front door is the main entrance and exit for the flow of chi energy. In an ideal situation, qi is accumulated and distributed in the space in front of the house, and its flow is activated by the movement of people entering and leaving.

In ancient China, the front door was called the “mouth of the house,” through which all positive and negative energy passes.

First of all, you should make sure that there are no “secret arrows” directed at the front door. To do this, stand in front of the door and look around. Notice any sharp corners, gutters, satellite dishes, lamp posts or spiers that direct the flow of negative sha energy towards the front door.

Obstacles on the way to the front door worsen feng shui. If there is not enough space in front of the door for chi to accumulate, this can be corrected by painting the door the color of the direction it faces, or by hanging a lantern above it to well illuminate the area in front of the door.

The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. A simple way to avoid negative impacts is to raise the threshold 1-2 centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house. The same remedy can be used if the door opens to an elevator, since this also impedes the free movement of qi.

If the front door is located at the top of the stairs, then residents may find that money does not stay with them for a long time. In such cases, it is recommended to hang a medium-sized round or octagonal mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

Entrance door direction

The sector of the house where the front door is located, as well as the direction in which it faces, are associated with the head of the family. Traditionally, in the Chinese family, the head of the family has always been the eldest man. These days, of course, this is not always the case, so you need to think and decide whether the destination meets your needs and the desires of your partner.

If the front door faces northwest, it is considered a good direction for the father and the eldest man in the family. It will promote such qualities as leadership and dignity of this family member, trust and respect for him from other residents.

A door facing north creates a tranquil lifestyle for the occupants of the house. However, there is a possibility that calmness will turn into lethargy and apathy and ultimately develop into mutual alienation. If you are concerned about this, the qualities of the opposing element can be introduced to activate other characteristics of the chi energy. Add a little earth element to the water element, for example by painting your door brown or ocher yellow or hanging a small crystal in your hallway.

In the Northeast, energies are quite volatile, and residents of houses whose front doors face in this direction are likely to be actively exposed to external forces. But if other feng shui readings are favorable, this direction is perfect for young people seeking to expand their knowledge and education.

The eastern direction is also favorable for young people, especially if they are just starting their career and dream of realizing their ideas and aspirations. It promises a bright future for those involved in business and commercial transactions.

The southeastern direction of the front door is favorable for those who want to improve their financial situation. Progress will be slow but sure, and peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

A door that faces south promotes active life and social activities, helping those who strive for recognition and even fame. However, in such a situation, you should act with caution, since indulging your own whims can create a tense atmosphere and lead to quarrels in the family. If necessary, moderate the fire by adding water element symbols to this direction.

If the front door faces southwest, this is considered most favorable for the mother of the family. The southwestern direction promotes strong and harmonious family relationships, although there is a danger that the mother's personality will become too dominant and intrusive, destroying the overall harmony. To soften this effect, you can introduce colors or symbols associated with the tree.

A door that faces west is good for families with small children, it provides the best opportunity for their rapid creative development. This direction is also associated with romantic feelings and pleasure. However, you need to make sure that your hobbies do not lead to excessive expenses. Here you can add a little stability given by the earth element.

What should be the shape and color of the front door according to Feng Shui?

Having established the direction of the main door of the house, you should choose a color or shade that matches this direction in order to support the qualities of a particular element. For example, if you want to emphasize the stability quality of a southwest facing door, you can paint it red; if the inhabitants of the house are more in need of family harmony, you can choose brown or yellow. If circumstances change, the door can always be repainted using elements of the spawn cycle.

If the door faces west or north-west, then the qualities of the main element - the metal - can be enhanced with a white, golden or silver shade, and yellow or brown can be used for support. Do not use red, blue and black colors.

A north facing door can be painted blue, black or white, your choice. Avoid brown, yellow and green colors.

If the door faces northeast or southwest, brown or yellow should be used as the main color, and red or orange as a secondary color. Green and white colors are not recommended.

For a door facing east or southeast, the best colors are green, black or blue, but not white.

A door facing south can be painted red or green; blue and black cannot be used. To a lesser extent, yellow and brown should be avoided.

In addition, you can use the forms associated with the five basic elements to improve the qualities of the qi passing through the front door.

Door shape according to five elements:

a) water (north); b) tree (east, southeast); c) fire (south); d) land (southwest, northeast); e) metal (northwest, west).

If the front door faces north, use water symbols to enhance its cleansing properties and metal symbols for strength and support.

If the front door faces the east and southeast, you can use tree symbols to activate opportunities for growth and development and water symbols to purify and renew.

If the front door faces south, the symbols of fire will add liveliness and good spirits to the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, you can use tree element symbols.

If the front door faces southwest and northeast, the symbols of the earth element emphasize its stability. As additional symbols, you can use the symbols of the fire element.

If the front door faces west and northwest, the metal symbols will give it strength and strength. Additionally, you can use the symbols of the earth element.

Entrance door style

Since the front door is intended to protect the house, it should be solid and durable, but in no case glass. In addition, it should be the largest in the house to ensure maximum flow of qi energy into the living spaces. It should be taller than the tallest member of the family. In this case, no one will experience inconvenience when entering the house or going outside.

It's good if the front door opens into the house. If it opens outward, it is better to outweigh it by placing the hinges on the other side. This is what Feng Shui masters think.

If there are windows on either side of the front door, then the qi energy, having entered the house through the door, can freely exit through them, bypassing the house. In this case, you will be protected by lace curtains on the windows or potted plants on the windowsill.

Where does the front door open?

Ideally, the front door should be hung from the side closest to the wall of the house or apartment and open towards this wall. This creates a sense of space and promotes good feng shui for the hallway. If the door is hung on the opposite side, the person entering momentarily finds himself in a confined space and experiences a feeling of inconvenience.

If the front door is located opposite the back door (that is, the “back door”), this creates a powerful flow of qi, which, passing through the house, practically does not stop there. To correct the situation, barriers in the form of mirrors, screens or decorative grilles should be installed on the path of qi movement. If it is difficult to erect a physical barrier between the front door and the back door, then you can improve the situation by hanging a curtain in front of the second door. Moreover, it does not have to be a heavy velvet curtain, it is too expensive for a corridor; an ordinary muslin curtain, which has an attractive appearance, will do.


The direction of the front door determines which qi enters the house - harmonious for the owner of the house or inharmonious. This is the most important factor, since the quality of the entire qi available in the room.
If the house is filled with negativity qi, entering it from an unfavorable this person directions, it is difficult to improve anything in such a house. You always need to start with the location of the front door, otherwise all other efforts to harmonize the interior space may be in vain. The direction of the door is determined by the direction from which a person enters it, since this is how one enters the house qi. It is best if it coincides with the directions Shen-Qi, Yan Nian, or Tian-I owner of the house. A very negative direction for him Liu-Sha And Jue-Ming. The latter, for example, can lead to robbery, bankruptcy, incurable diseases and other troubles in the family and at work.

How to determine the direction of the front door of your home? This is done using a regular compass, preferably with a square base. Go out onto the landing in front of the apartment, stand facing the front door (about a meter away from it) and align the square base of the compass with the threshold of the house. The round disk should be rotated until the zero on it aligns with the red end of the arrow (for Russian compasses). Then we count down exact quantity degrees from zero to perpendicular to you or to the front door.

In Feng Shui, directions in degrees are as follows:
- angle from 337.5 to 22.5 degrees - north direction;
- angle from 22.5 to 67.5 degrees - northeast direction;
- angle from 67.5 to 112.5 degrees - east direction;
- angle from 112.5 to 157.5 degrees - southeast direction;
- angle from 157.5 to 202.5 degrees - south direction;
- angle from 202.5 to 247.5 degrees - southwest direction;
- angle from 247.5 to 292.5 degrees - western direction;
- angle from 292.5 to 337.5 degrees - northwest direction;

But it is not always possible to correctly measure the cardinal directions, especially in reinforced concrete houses, in which, in addition, there is also a lot of iron on the landings (doors, railings, etc.), which affects the compass readings. In order to test yourself, you can go outside and determine the cardinal directions there.

It may turn out that the front door is located exactly between the sectors. That is, it corresponds to a direction equal to 22.2; 67.5; 112.5; 157.5; 202.5; 247.5; 292.5 or 337.5 degrees. In this case, we cannot determine in which direction it is facing, since its degree lies at the junction of the two sectors. That is, we cannot determine what kind of energy enters our home. In general, this is considered bad feng shui.
If a door faces strictly one of the cardinal directions (0 or 360, 90, 180 and 270 degrees), its feng shui is also considered unfavorable. It was in these directions that the tombstones, as a rule, turned when the time came for the change of Chinese dynasties.

So, if your front door faces in an unfavorable direction for you, strictly between directions or in one of the cardinal directions of light, its orientation needs to be changed, and you will now learn how to do this. Our task is to change the direction of the door so that we enter it from the best side for ourselves. However, its location may remain unchanged.

When the door faces strictly between two directions or in one of the cardinal directions of light, it will be enough to change its direction by a couple of degrees by turning it slightly inside the jamb. It may look like a manufacturing defect, but the quality of life will change significantly. If the door faces a negative direction for you, you will have to work harder. For example, you can put the second inner door at such an angle that the flow qi it came from a side favorable to you. Or deploy it outside the apartment, if landing allows you to do this. Of course, maybe you have just completed renovations in your apartment and don’t want to remodel it in the near future. Then in front of the door in the hallway you can place a bright rug with multi-colored stripes or wavy lines at the right angle, which will symbolically turn the negatively oriented qi for you in the right direction. But in this case it should be remembered that what easier way we use, the less effort we put into making any changes, the less efficiency.
Although it is better to do at least something than nothing at all!



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