Multistage vertical pumps, API 610 (VS6 configuration)

Description and technical specifications

Maximum flow rate up to 1200 m³/hour
- Maximum differential head up to 1500 m
- Working environment temperature from “-” 120 to +150 °C

The main purpose of API610 class VS6 pumps is pumping low-temperature fluids, as well as extremely volatile and flammable substances in oil and gas refining and petrochemical production. To deliver high pressure, pumps can have up to 20 vane stages. IN vertical pumps High technology is also used to prevent leaks of hazardous substances and ensure safe, uninterrupted operation.

Heavy Duty Pump Design and Specification

1 - Fastening the leading element
2 - Clutch
3 - Pump shaft
4 - Shaft seals
5 - Rotor
6 - Wear rings
7 - Inner sleeve
8 - Head
9 - Bowl
10 - Outer casing
11 - Bottom liner
12 - Column

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take into account that when regulating the flow from Q to Q, the pump mode

should not leave the field of its characteristics

Based on the individual characteristics of a pump type TPE 80, we determine

operating point A (Fig. 2.24) and accept the TPE 80-180/2 pump. Installation

Rated power of the pump electric motor is N = 3.0 kW.

Selection of pumps for air conditioning systems.

The air conditioning system of a building includes a number of main blocks (Fig. 2.25):

central air conditioning unit with air

masters. Central installations provide processing of per-

primary outdoor air

fan coil units - units that include a fan, heat exchanger,

air purification filter and control panel;

chilled beams – radiation cooling systems for rooms

water-cooling refrigeration machine (chiller) – a source of cold during the warm season;

cooling tower - to remove heat from the refrigeration condenser

heat recovery system – for efficient use

energy in the building. The heat removed in the condenser can be used to heat water in the hot water supply system.


– accumulator tank – to accumulate cold sufficient to ensure a minimum interval between turning off and turning on the chiller compressor, or to ensure constant flow

yes coolant in the primary circuit and changing accordingly

tvii with the requirements of the consumer of flow in the secondary circuit;

make-up system - to compensate for coolant leaks and under

maintaining static pressure. The make-up system can be

combined with a deaeration system.

Accumulator tank, primary circuit pumps, secondary circuit pumps

circuit, make-up system, as well as shut-off, regulating and safety

wound fittings are usually combined into a single unit - pumping

station (hydraulic module). Some chiller models are available with

built-in hydraulic unit.

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Each hydraulic circuit of the air conditioning system has circulation pumps. Since changes in water temperature,

circulating in the circuits are small, then more powerful units are needed

pumps than for heating systems

At the initial stage, it is necessary to select the type of pump and the corresponding characteristics. The choice of pump type depending on the calculated values ​​of the operating parameters (flow and pressure) is carried out according to the summary characteristics, taking into account the need, the selected method

and the range of regulation of liquid flow in the circulation circuit.

Further selection is similar to the selection of pumps for heating systems. The use of a frequency converter allows automatic

technically maintain a given value of some technological

parameters (pressure drop, fluid flow, and temperature

liquid) and provides maximum efficiency system operation and minimal power consumption.

Let's consider possible options selection of primary con- pumps

round air conditioning system. Controlling the circuit

is filled using a coolant temperature sensor with measurement protection

evaporator knowledge

Option 1. Pump (working and standby) with constant frequency

rotation. The pump speed is adjusted manually until the required

expected consumption. More precise control of coolant flow

carried out using a control valve

Option 2. Installation of pumps (working and standby) with frequency regulation. Variable speed pumps operate at an operating point that matches the system's demand for at the moment time. Recommendations for choosing the type of pump are given in table. 2.4.

air conditioning systems

Centrifugal pumps are actively used both in everyday life and in industry. Depending on the design, they are classified as multi-stage or single-stage pumps. Pumping equipment belonging to each of these categories not only has a special internal structure, but also differs in specific technical characteristics and, accordingly, areas of application.

Design differences

A centrifugal pump, as is clear from its name, is a device that pumps liquid media due to the centrifugal force acting on them. The main working element of this type of pumping equipment, which ensures the formation of such force, is a wheel (or drum), on the outer cylindrical surface of which special blades are fixed.

The pump housing of this type can be made of cast iron or steel alloy. Inside such a housing there is a drive electric motor and a rotation shaft connected to it, on which the wheel with blades is fixed. According to its design, the pump impeller can be open or closed. Open impellers consist of one disk, on the outer surface of which blades are fixed, closed impellers consist of two disks connected to each other by working blades.

The blades are located at a certain angle, their bend is directed in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the impeller. This arrangement of the blades provides more effective work pumping equipment. The suction of the pumped liquid medium into the internal chamber of the pump, as well as its expulsion into the pressure line, is carried out through the nozzles.

The principle by which both single-stage devices and multi-stage pumps operate is as follows.

  • The liquid, located in the inner part of the pump before it starts, is captured by the blades when the impeller rotates and begins to move with them.
  • Under the influence of centrifugal force, the liquid is thrown towards the walls of the inner chamber, due to which high pressure is created near them.
  • As it moves through the discharge port area, the high-pressure liquid is pushed into it.
  • When the liquid pumped by the pump is thrown towards the walls of the working chamber, a vacuum of air is created in the central part of the latter, which facilitates the suction of the liquid medium through the inlet pipe.

Due to the above-described principle of operation in pumps of both single-stage and multi-stage types, the continuity of the process of suction and expulsion of the pumped liquid is ensured when the impeller rotates. The scope of application of this type of pumping equipment is significantly expanded by the fact that, unlike piston devices, it does not create pulsations of liquid pressure in the pipeline system it serves.

As mentioned above, single-stage and multi-stage centrifugal pumps have design features, which determine the differences in their technical specifications. Thus, the main design elements of a single-stage pump are:

  1. the body, which is often called the “snail”;
  2. impeller with blades;
  3. shaft sealing elements;
  4. a shaft connected to the drive motor and providing rotation of the impeller;
  5. chamber sealing elements with oil bath;
  6. support for bearing assembly;
  7. load-bearing support;
  8. hole through which the oil level in the chamber is controlled.

A single-stage centrifugal pump, unlike multi-stage models, is equipped with one impeller. A centrifugal multistage pump can be equipped with two or more impellers with blades, which can significantly increase the efficiency of such equipment.

Due to the presence of several impellers, centrifugal multistage devices, when compared with single-stage ones, have certain advantages.
  • With the help of multistage pumps, it is possible to pump liquid with a higher productivity, which characterizes the amount of liquid medium that the hydraulic machine passes through itself per unit of time.
  • Multistage pumps are capable of generating a fluid flow with higher pressure levels, measured in meters of water column. In fact, the liquid pressure created by multistage electric pumps is the sum of the pressures created by each of its stages. This quality of multi-stage hydraulic machines makes it possible to achieve more high pressure liquids in the pipeline systems they serve and move it through them over longer distances and greater heights.

A multistage centrifugal pump, depending on its design, can be sectional or spiral. In sectional type devices, during the pumping process, the liquid medium moves sequentially from the first section of the pump to the last, while the liquid pressure also increases sequentially. Modern models multi-stage sectional pumps are capable of providing a fluid pumping performance of up to 900 m3, while the pressure of the working medium created by such devices can reach up to 1900 meters of water column.

Advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal pumps

Both multistage and single-stage pumps have a number of advantages that make these devices so popular among consumers. The advantages of the hydraulic machines under consideration include:

  1. compact dimensions and light weight (since the operating shaft of the pumping equipment is directly connected to the drive motor, which eliminates the need to use additional transmission mechanisms);
  2. high reliability and long service life, no need for regular maintenance;
  3. minimizing the risk of pressure surges (the liquid medium pumped by pumps of this type is supplied to the pressure line in a smooth mode);
  4. absence of valve elements (this makes it possible to pump contaminated liquid media containing insoluble solids);
  5. simplicity of design (this is why any multi-stage or single-stage pump is affordable).

Among the disadvantages of single- and multistage pumps are:

  • rather low efficiency when operating in low-capacity mode (this becomes a problem when it is necessary to pump a small volume of liquid medium under high pressure);
  • impossibility of quick start-up (for such devices to start working, their working chamber must first be filled with liquid).

Basis of classification

Centrifugal pumps (both multi-stage and single-stage) are divided into different categories according to a number of their parameters and design options. So, depending on the spatial position of the axis of the working shaft, they can belong to one of the following types:

  • horizontal centrifugal pumps;
  • devices with a vertical working axis.

A centrifugal horizontal pump, the axis of rotation of the shaft and impeller of which is located strictly in the horizontal plane, is, as a rule, a large-sized installation used for industrial purposes. Centrifugal horizontal pumps are used to equip pumping stations that ensure the operation of autonomous water supply systems, in which such devices are used in conjunction with a hydraulic accumulator. Thus, a horizontal pump requires more space for its installation.

Centrifugal pumps with a vertical shaft and impeller axis are more widespread in the domestic sphere. In this design can be presented as a surface multi-stage pump used to service an autonomous water supply system, as well as a drainage or fecal pump.

Another criterion by which different categories are distinguished among single- and multi-stage pumps is the location of such equipment in relation to the pumped liquid medium. So, depending on this parameter pumps can be surface (or above ground), submersible and semi-submersible. Surface devices, which can be a vertical multi-stage and single-stage or a horizontal multi-stage and single-stage pump, are located on the surface of the earth, outside the well, but close to it.

Place such equipment, reliably protected from moisture, in a pit, on a specially prepared area or in a separate room. One of the most significant disadvantages of this type of pumping equipment is that it produces quite a lot of noise during operation. It should also be taken into account that surface centrifugal pumps can be chosen only if the depth of the well from which it is planned to pump water with their help does not exceed ten meters.

Centrifugal pumps submersible type During operation, they are completely immersed in the pumped medium. Some models of vertical submersible centrifugal pumps can even be placed in a pipe through which the liquid medium is pumped out. When using submersible pumps, water from a serviced well can be lifted from a depth of 40 meters or more. Submersible pumps are capable of pumping liquid media with a capacity of up to 16 m 3 /hour, while its pressure can reach 200 meters of water column. Submersible pumps make virtually no noise during operation, since they are completely in a liquid medium.

Centrifugal pumps are a huge group of equipment used for pumping various liquids, supplying and draining water in private households and large industries. Horizontal centrifugal pumps have their own classification and design features. They are reliable and relatively inexpensive, so they are widely used in many areas and areas of human activity.

How does a centrifugal pump work?

The name of the pump itself indicates that the required pressure of the moved liquid is obtained under the influence of centrifugal force resulting from the rotation of the internal impeller when the liquid medium interacts with it.

Water enters the housing through the suction pipe, which usually has a spiral shape. It contains an impeller mounted on a shaft, which is a pair of connected disks and has blades bent in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation. When the blades move, the water between them is thrown due to centrifugal force towards the walls of the inner casing.

When the wheel moves, a vacuum is created in the center with an increase in pressure at the periphery (near the walls), under the influence of which the liquid is squeezed out towards the pressure pipeline. At the same time, the next batch of water flows from the suction pipeline into the pump housing due to the vacuum formed in the center of the housing. As a result, it constantly circulates from the supply pipe through the check valve into the pressure pipe.

The faster the impeller rotates and the larger its diameter, the stronger the centrifugal force will be and, as a result, the pressure of the water leaving the pump.

In multi-stage units, liquid from the first stage flows into the second, then into the third, etc. Such equipment has more than one impeller, which affects the high power characteristics of the pumps.

Self-priming pumps do not require pre-filling the suction pipe with water to start working. Normally suction units must be filled with water before switching on.

Main pump components centrifugal type

Key structural elements pump are considered:

  • frame;
  • intake check valve with a mesh that serves to filter any impurities;
  • impellers (from 1 to 6);
  • safety valve protecting the pump from possible water hammer
  • valve;
  • pressure gauge;
  • vacuum gauge.

Features of horizontal pumps

The main difference between the pumping units under consideration is the horizontal arrangement of the working shaft (wheel axis) and the horizontal housing connector, which relates to classic version execution. Centrifugal horizontal installations are divided according to several characteristics and parameters:

  • by the number of stages and impellers. The design of centrifugal pumps provides for single-stage or multi-stage units. In turn, horizontal single-stage models of pumping equipment can be manufactured with a cantilever shaft;
  • by productivity, or the output volume of water per second (hour);
  • according to the pressure of the pumped liquid - there are low, high or medium pressure;
  • according to the method of liquid supply. The water supply to the impeller is carried out through a one-way inlet, or by double suction;
  • according to the connection option with an electric motor. The connection is made using couplings, V-belt transmission with a pulley, through a multiplier or gearbox;
  • by engine type. The horizontal centrifugal pump can be equipped with diesel or powered by electricity AC engine. Its model and power largely depend on the characteristics of the equipment, as well as on the parameters and purpose of the room in which the unit is supposed to be installed;
  • by type of suction - normal and self-priming;
  • by vacuum suction height, which determines the depth of water intake;
  • according to speed - quiet, high-speed and normal.

Manufacturers try to make centrifugal pumping equipment as silent as possible, so that a working unit installed indoors causes as little inconvenience as possible to the inhabitants of the house. The efficiency of large units reaches 0.9, and of small models - 0.6-0.7.

Types of horizontal pumps

Structurally, considered pumping units are divided into:

  • single-stage, equipped with one impeller. Used under normal conditions to move water;
  • multistage, having its own impeller in each stage. In units they are connected in series. Moreover, each subsequent “compartment” is responsible for raising the water pressure by more high level. Multistage pumps are used when liquid must be supplied under high pressure.

Double suction pumps

A horizontal double-entry centrifugal pump has discharge and suction pipes located on the same axis in a housing called “in-line”. This type of pump is characterized by good suction ability, thanks to the double wheel located in it, as well as a two-way liquid supply.

The equipment has improved cavitation qualities compared to cantilever pumps, allowing liquid to be pumped from levels located below zero levels. The electric motor is connected to the pump shaft via a sleeve-pin coupling.

Sealed pumps

The units are manufactured in a sealed housing in two different versions:

  • the wheel is mounted directly on the electric motor shaft;
  • A magnetic coupling is used to connect the pump and motor.

Sealed pumps require no external lubrication or shaft seal, and their casing is leak-free. Therefore, they are intended primarily for pumping hazardous liquids, mainly in chemical industry. There are several types of units with a sealed housing:

  • with reverse circulation;
  • water-cooled;
  • with transition fitting or seal.

The most popular pumping equipment, available in almost every household. It is intended for watering garden plots and water supply at home in the absence of centralized water supply networks. Surface pumps are installed on the surface of the earth, as their name implies, or indoors.

When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to its performance and pressure, as well as the type of suction (self-priming, normal-priming).

Self-priming pumps

They have high suction power combined with efficiency. They have ample opportunities for use and are easy to maintain. Distinctive feature Self-priming pumps have a high efficiency rate, as well as the ability to regulate power and ease of maintenance. The disadvantage of pumps of this type is the need to prime them before starting, but you can always adapt to this requirement.

In addition to the traditional and most common model of a centrifugal self-priming pump, the equipment is manufactured in several modifications, depending on the expected operating conditions.

A few of them:

  • for hot water – equipped with cooling chambers;
  • for water with a high percentage of mineralization - used in coal mines;
  • for transformer oil – intended for turbogenerators.

Other types of horizontal pumps

Centrifugal pumps represent the largest group of pumping equipment, one of the subgroups of which includes horizontal pumps. They have different functional purposes and areas of application. Some pump clean water, others slightly contaminated water, and specially manufactured units are used to transport aggressive or extremely hot liquids.

In addition to the above, horizontal pumps are:

  • with spiral casing;
  • explosion-proof;
  • high-speed;
  • with an open impeller, etc.

It is hardly possible to list all possible modifications of horizontal centrifugal pumps. There are too many of them to mention them all in our article.

designed for pumping stations. The most commonly used equipment in water supply installations is general purpose. For the most part, double-sided type D pumps are installed at the stations, and if large volumes are required, console devices are used.

Vertical pumps

A single-stage vertical centrifugal pump is used in buried stations, the construction of which is difficult when the water level is too close. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of construction, reduce the size of the machine room, and improve the quality of operating conditions for electric motors, which can be moved to the ground floor.

Axial pumps

Such installations are most often used for large water supplies. Sewage dynamic pumps are mostly installed at stations of household waste disposal systems. Water temperatures up to 80 degrees and a possible content of up to one percent of abrasive particles are provided. Installations of the Gr and GrU types can also be used in wastewater systems.

Centrifugal single-stage pump and its properties

The operational properties of such pumps are determined by their main parameters: power, pressure, cavitation reserve, flow, suction height. Important qualities The operation of the units is the voltage of the electric motor and the speed of the wheel.

It must be understood that the parameters of axial and centrifugal pumps are variable even with continuous action of the impeller and will depend on the flow. It is customary to show characteristics for reduced wheel diameters in the drawings. The characteristics of optimal operating points correspond to maximum efficiency. Adequate recruitment and flow are acceptable pump performance. These characteristics are included in the designation of installations.

Operating point

The operating point is the position corresponding to the current operating mode. It does not always coincide with an acceptable indicator, but it must definitely be close to them. A single-stage centrifugal water pump always operates within the working section, which is determined according to the permissible reduction in efficiency. Operating points should only be within these limits. The characteristics of each device are described by the manufacturer, based on clean water with a temperature of twenty degrees at optimal atmospheric pressure at ocean level.

Pumps types K and KM

The centrifugal single-stage type operates with a single-sided impeller located on the edge of the pump shaft. The pressure pipes rotate 90, 180, 270 degrees. This depends on the specific layout conditions. Bearings in mechanisms are lubricated with a liquid substance. The cantilever single-stage centrifugal pump can have several modifications: installation without an engine (K) and in a monoblock version (KM). After these letters, the marking indicates the flow and pressure.

Installations with two-way supply

Single-stage horizontal pumps of class D with semi-scroll supply are available on the market. The horizontal lift of the cast iron body is carried out in the plane of the shaft axis. This feature makes it possible to disassemble and repair the device without the need to dismantle the pipeline. Each two-way pump is marked with the symbol "D". After this letter two numbers are indicated: flow and pressure.

What does a console installation consist of?

A single-stage centrifugal water pump consists of the following parts: casing volute, support, front cover, impeller, suction pipe, nut, shaft, oil seal bushing, ball bearing.

The principle of connecting components

With the help of relief holes, the axial pressure is partially balanced. The wheel is also supplied with back side axial seal. A tube with a branch pipe is connected to the unloading chamber. A second ball bearing is installed to fix the rotor and better perceive the unbalanced axial force. The pump seals are equipped with a hydraulic seal.

Such installations have a capacity of 28 to 100 liters per second with a head of 12 to 98 meters. High-performance single-stage pumps mostly have a two-way supply option. At normal axial pressure, a good double-flow impeller has fairly high cavitation rates.

Housing and seals

Pumps designed for pumping clean liquid with temperatures up to 80 degrees are equipped with a cast iron body with horizontal connectors along the shaft axis. Replacement O-rings are made of cast iron. The pump shaft is made of steel and rotates on one thrust and radial bearings with ring lubrication.

The oil seals are equipped with tubes that supply fluid from spiral chambers. This single-stage cantilever-type centrifugal pump has a capacity of 30 to 1800 liters per second and a head of 10 to 100 meters.

Vertical shaft units

Two brands of single-stage devices for clean water are produced: 20 HB and 28 HB. They are designed for installation in buried stations. In this installation, the heel of the electric motor absorbs axial forces. The pump seal is equipped with a hydraulic seal with soft padding. Type NV units are directly connected to electric motors or by means of solid seam couplings via an intermediate shaft. The single-stage vertical centrifugal pump has a capacity from 3240 to 10,800 cubic meters per hour and pressure from 29 to 40 meters.

Features of sewage pumps

The centrifugal single-stage pump is used for pumping sewage liquid, waste water and sludge. One of the main reasons why pumps stop during use is their clogging. To prevent debris from getting into the mechanisms, special grilles are provided. Their installation necessitates changing the installation form.

Such pumps are sealed with steel rings with a sharp edge that cuts the fibers that get into the seals. The units are equipped with covers that provide easy access for cleaning the suction part of the impeller. The number of blades is kept to a minimum to reduce the possibility of clogging. The passages between them thus increase. Quite often the number of blades is reduced to two.

The cantilever single-stage centrifugal sewage pump is created from materials that are not susceptible to corrosion. Its body contains several connectors necessary for partial disassembly during the cleaning process. The inlet edges of the blades are very rounded. Thanks to this, fibrous bodies will not get stuck on them.

Pumps of the NF, NFuV and FV brands. Open and diagonal devices

The following standard sizes of installations are provided: 2NF, 4NF, 6NF, 8NF. Their productivity ranges from 36 to 864 cubic liters per hour with a pressure of 6.5 to 50 meters. Similarly to such installations, sewage pumps with an open impeller with two thick blades can be used. In such devices, all fibers are cut by the sharp edge of the blade.

To work with wastewater, a single-stage diagonal-type centrifugal pump is often used. The impeller in these units, as well as in models of the FV and NFuV brands, is equipped with two blades. Their productivity varies from 43 to 150 cubic meters per hour, and the pressure reaches 63 m.


Dredgers are used to pump mixtures of loosened soil and liquid through pipes to the required distance. Today, the market produces pumps with a transportation range of up to 5 km and a capacity of 40 to 1200 cubic meters per hour. With the help of dredgers, it is possible to develop excavations up to 15 m deep below the water horizon. These installations have a number of features due to the high concentration of large particles in the pumped water mass. For this reason, a wear-resistant wheel is created from manganese hard steel.

The single-stage vertical centrifugal pump is protected by armor on the inside of the housing to prevent rapid wear. To prevent the mechanism from becoming unusable so quickly, purified water is supplied between the wheel into the left cavity and to the oil seal through special drillings to flush out solid fragments from these places.

Radial blades are installed on the outer part of the working and covering wheel disks. They are selected so that the axial amplifier comes into balance during rotation.

Vacuum pumps

Single stage centrifugal pump with vacuum device It is created in two main versions: dry, which only sucks out gas, and wet, which also works with liquid. The difference can only be determined by distribution nodes. Wet pumps have a much larger dead space and therefore have a higher maximum pressure than dry pumps. The highest rotation speed during operation is achieved by samples with a vertical shaft arrangement.

Non-self-priming device

A non-self-priming single-stage centrifugal pump is used for pumping milk or other viscous food products whose temperature does not exceed 90 degrees. The working blades of the wheel are closed and every part of such an installation that comes into contact with the liquid is made of good stainless steel and other materials approved for use in the food industry. The engine is protected from water ingress by a special facing casing.


The single-stage centrifugal pump, the circuit of which is described in this article, can be used in a wide variety of applications. The method of application and the materials being pumped will determine the performance characteristics of such installations, as well as the material from which the parts are made and the method of their placement in the mechanisms. The pumps can be used for the distillation of clean water, a mixture of liquid and dirt, sewage waste and food mass of various viscosities.

Mechanisms intended for pumping liquids used for food are made of quality materials, the use of which is approved by the Ministry of Health. Pumps that are used to remove sewer liquids containing large fibers are designed in such a way that large parts are cut and do not interfere with the normal operation of the mechanisms.

Single Stage Horizontal Pumps, API 610 (OH1 Configuration)

- Maximum head up to 160 m
- Working environment temperature: - 60 +250 °C.

The API pumps conform to the OH1 configuration standard and feature a centrifugal, single-stage, horizontal, foot-mounted, self-flushing design. The pumps are designed for continuous operation in the chemical, petrochemical and gas processing industries.

Single Stage Horizontal Pumps, API 610 (OH2 Configuration)

Description and technical specifications

- Maximum head up to 380 m
- Working environment temperature: - 150… +450 °C.

The pumps have a centrifugal single-stage horizontal design, with the suction pipe located along the axis of rotation, a cantilever housing with a radial split and a coupling connection to the engine.

Design and drawing

Single Stage Horizontal Pumps, API 610 (BB1 Configuration)

Description and technical specifications

Maximum flow rate up to 6400 m³/hour
- Maximum head up to 180 m
- Working environment temperature up to +160 °C.

Centrifugal pumps according to the API standard correspond to type BB1 ​​and have a centrifugal single-stage horizontal design mounted on one axis, a casing with an end split along the axis of rotation of the rotor and with impellers located between bearing units.

Basic pump parameters

Single Stage Vertical Pumps, API 610 (VS2 Configuration)

Single-stage centrifugal vane pump unit. Horizontal centrifugal pumps - how they work, features, types. Advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal single-stage pumps

2.3. Centrifugal pumps

2.3.1. Device and principle of operation. Classification

Centrifugal pumps are used to circulate water in heating, water heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

air supply, boiler power supply, water supply to irrigation chambers and

many other cases

The main elements common to all the various designs of centrifugal pumps are (Fig. 2.9): a suction pipe, an impeller with blades, a spiral-shaped casing and a discharge pipe.

The suction pipe connects the pump housing to the suction pipeline, the pressure pipe connects to the pressure pipe. Impeller pump is rigidly mounted on the shaft, represents a single

cast and has front and rear discs with curved blades between them. The pump housing is not axisymmetric; between outside

The outer circumference of the wheel and the housing have a spiral chamber (spiral outlet), through which the liquid is smoothly removed from the impeller into the pressure pipeline.

Rice. 2.9. Design of a single-stage centrifugal pump 1 – suction pipe; 2 – impeller with blades; 3 – body; 4 – pressure

pipe branch; 5 – spiral outlet

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When the impeller rotates under the influence of centrifugal forces, the liquid moves from its center to the periphery and then enters the spiral chamber, pressure pipe and pressure pipeline. In a spiral outlet, the speed decreases and a partial conversion occurs.

transformation of kinetic energy into potential energy. In the central part

wheel, a vacuum is formed, under the influence of which liquid enters the pump from the suction pipeline. When the wheel rotates, continuous movement of fluid and its flow are ensured.


Centrifugal pumps are classified as vane pumps. Classification and

comparison of different design types of vane pumps

are calculated according to a general criterion - speed coefficient

where Q – flow, m3/s;

H – head, m

– impeller rotation speed, rpm.

Dependence (2.19) characterizes not the pump as a whole, but one impeller. A double entry impeller should be considered

like two parallel-connected wheels, and depending on (2.19)

the value Q/ 2 is set. For multi-stage pumps with sequential

By connecting the impellers directly, the pressure divided by

number of steps, i.e. the pressure from one stage is substituted.

Depending on the values, impellers are divided into 5

main types (Fig. 2.10, Table 2.3).

Rice. 2.10. Impellers of pumps of different speeds

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Table 2.3

Classification of pumps by speed coefficient

Type name





wheel sizes


D2 /D0 (Fig. 2.1)

Centrifugal low-speed

Centrifugal normal

Centrifugal high-speed


Axial (propeller)

With increasing values ​​of the speed coefficient, the flow rate increases and the pump pressure decreases, the working diameters are smaller

wheels and D 2 /D 0 ratio, smaller sizes and weights of pumps. Form

the wheel gradually moves from radial to axial, the direction is

current approaches the axis of the pump, the relative width of the blades at the exit from the wheel increases, and the efficiency of the pumps increases. Low-speed pumps have low flow rates at high pressures, while high-speed pumps have large ones.

supply at low pressures

In modern technology, vane pumps of various types are used

types that differ from each other in design features -

mi and operational data

Centrifugal pumps are classified according to the following


according to the developed pressure– low-pressure (H = 20 – 60 m) and high-

pressurized (H > 60 m);

by feed amount– small (Q< 0,2 м3 /с) и крупные (Q >0.2 m3/s);

by number of steps– single-stage (with one impeller) and multi-stage (with series connection of impellers)

by the number of flows in the pump– single-flow, double-flow and multi-flow


according to the design of the impellers– with an open wheel consisting

from a bushing and blades; with a semi-open wheel having a rear disc on the side opposite to the fluid inlet into the wheel; for-

a covered wheel with discs on both sides; with one-sided

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inlet, when the liquid enters the impeller from one side; with two-way entry, when the liquid enters the impeller from both sides of the impeller;

by the number of blades (blades) of the impeller – two-blade and


along the fluid inlet into the pump– with side entry, with axial entry;

with two-way input

according to the conditions for draining fluid from the pump – with spiral outlet

house, with a ring (cylindrical) outlet and with a guide app-

according to the location of the axis of rotation of the working bodies - horizon

tall and vertical

according to the housing connector method– with horizontal connector, with

vertical connector and sectional

by purpose and type of pumped liquid - for pumping

ki of water, oil, gasoline, cold and hot petroleum products; liquefy

fertile gases; fecal; artesian, etc.;

according to the method of connection to the engine – driven, having

connection directly, through a coupling or fluid coupling; mono-

by pump location– submersible, downhole, with transmission

Zion's shaft

according to operating requirements– reversible; reversible; regulate

lyirable, dosing, manual; according to suction conditions– self-priming and filling;

by location of working parts and support structure – console

ny, monoblock, with outriggers, with internal supports;

at the location of the pump installation– stationary, mobile, built-in.

2.3.2. Centrifugal pump designs

Various types of modern centrifugal pumps can be

look at the example of products from GRUNDFOS - a leading manufacturer

new manufacturer of pumping equipment.

Circulation pumps without seals (with a “wet rotor”)

systems for heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems

ha and hot water supply.

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All glandless pumps (Fig. 2.11) by application

conditionally divided into several groups

pumps ALPHA+, UPS/UPSD, UP/UPD series 100 – focused on

cottage construction (Q – up to 10 m3 / hour; H – up to 12 m);

UPS/UPSD pumps series 200 – oriented towards industrial applications

application (Q – up to 70 m3 / h; H – up to 18 m);

MAGNA UPE/UPED pumps series 2000 – pumps with built-in clock

variable flow (Q – up to 90 m3 / hour; H – up to 12 m).

Pumps can be three-speed (UPS) or electronically controlled

stepwise speed control (ALPHA+, MAGNA). Moreover

ALPHA+ and ALPHA Pro already combine both types of regulation (stage-

foam and stepless). The flagships of this type of pumps are ALPHA Pro and

MAGNA are also the first pumps with an energy class

Regeneration A

Note:Energy ratings were previously used to label household appliances, automobiles, and lighting products.

lamps Since 2005, such a classification has been introduced for circulation

pumps Energy consumption classification is represented by a scale, according to

consisting of 7 levels: A – the highest energy efficiency; B – you-

high energy efficiency; C – energy consumption below average; D – average level of energy consumption; E – higher energy consumption

middle level; F – low energy efficiency; G – lowest

energy efficiency. The average level of energy consumption of the circulation

tion pumps – D

Rice. 2.11. Circulation pumps without seals

a – ALPHA; b – UPS series 100; c – UPS series 200; g – MAGNA

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typical pumps, as a rule, contained a seal. For this reason,

when the first foreign pumps with other (essentially) types of seals began to arrive in Russia, an attempt to somehow identify them

led to a simple idea: if pumps with conventional seals

are called stuffing box pumps, then pumps without them are called stuffing box pumps.

responsibly. To be fair, it should be noted that limited

Among Russian specialists, sealless pumps (or, as they are called, “pumps with a wet rotor”) have been known for quite a long time.

Another thing is that the production technology and implementation of this type are

sosov is still in its “infancy”

Pumps with a “wet rotor” have a rotor chamber (aqueous medium)

yes) and the stator (air medium), separated from each other by a sleeve made of

stainless steel. The name “wet rotor” appeared due to

design features of the rotor chamber. The point is that internal

the sleeve cavity (also known as the rotor chamber) is filled with the pumped medium, which washes away wear products from ceramic bearing pairs

and partially cools the pump housing. Thus, the rotor is constantly

is in the water. This design made it possible to eliminate end seals (similar to stuffing box in essence, but different in design)

tions as such

The design diagram of a UPS type sealless pump is shown in Fig. 2.12. The impeller 2 is fixed on the rotor shaft 3 7 electrically

motor. Shaft 3 has a central channel 10 for removing air from the cavity of the protective screen 8. Air is released when the

plug 11. Profile screen 8 provides protection against ingress

water to the stator 9 of the electric motor. The pump housing is made of

cast iron, bronze or stainless steel. Connecting pipes 13 are made on threads (small sizes) or on flanges.

The consequence of this design was many significant


lack of seals;

– noiselessness;

– compactness

– light weight;

no maintenance costs as it is not necessary.

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temperature of the pumped medium – up to 110 – 120 °C;

maximum pressures – up to 10 bar.

Monoblock pumps with coaxial pressure and

suction pipes of the same diameter “in-line”.

In cases where it is not possible to use a “wet rotor”, pumps of the “TP” series with a standard electric motor and

mechanical shaft seal (Fig. 2.13). They are typical pre-

suppliers of the latest generation of standard pumps of the IN-LINE series

(coaxial pipes of the same diameter).

All pumps are single-stage centrifugal, with coaxial pipes, an electric motor and a mechanical shaft seal.

The dry rotor design of these pumps makes them less sensitive.

1 – pump housing; 2 – impeller; 3 – shaft; 4 – bearing; 5 – bearing plate;

6 – thrust bearing ring; 7 – “wet” electric motor rotor; 8 – protective screen of the electric motor stator; 9 – electric motor stator; 10 – channel for air outlet

spirit from the pump; 11 – plug with gasket for air release; 12 – terminal box; 13 – pipes for connecting pipelines

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susceptible to inclusions in the pumped medium compared to similar

pumps with a “wet” rotor

The pumps are designed so that they can be removed from the pipeline without disassembling the system components. Therefore, even the largest pumps can be serviced by one person.


Most pump sizes can be supplied in both single (TP and TPE) and double versions (TPD and TPED) with standard

Dart motors or with motors with built-in frequency converters (TPE and TPED) up to 22 kW.

By design, TR pumps are divided into four groups:

TR series 100 s pipe thread and flanges– with pipe thread

connection Rp 1” (DN 25), Rp 11/2” (DN 32), flanges DN 40 and power

motor from 0.12 to 0.25 kW;

TR series 200 with flange connection -sizes flan-

pumps from DN 32 to DN 100 and engine power from 0.12 to 2.2 kW;

TP series 300 with flange connection -sizes flan-

pumps from DN 32 to DN 150 and engine power from 0.25 to 30 kW;

TP series 400, PN 10 with flange connection– with size

flange frames from DN 100 to DN 250 and motor power from 30 to

TP series 100 and TP series 200 are single-stage centrifugal pumps with in-line connections. The suction and pressure connections have

same diameters.

The pump shaft seal is a mechanical single unbalanced seal. The pump shaft is rigidly connected to the electric motor shaft using a coupling.

Rice. 2.13. TR series “in-line” pumps

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allows you to remove the headband

part of the pump (motor,

lantern and impeller)

complete dismantling


(Figure 2.14). Twin-on

nipples represent


head ones

in one building. Built-in


double pump open

pumped by the pumping flow

liquid and pre-

Fig. 2.14. Design diagram of pumps of the TP series

prevents reverse current

1 – pump housing; 2 – impeller;


through reserve

3 – shaft; 4 – coupling; 5 – lantern


Radial and axial forces are absorbed by the electric motor bearings, therefore additional bearings in the pump part

not required.

The compact design with nozzles arranged in line allows the pump to be mounted directly on the pipeline. These on-

The pumps are also available in a double version (two pumps in one housing). These pumps implement all the latest world advances.

hydraulics and electrics. For example, the impeller is located

directly on the shaft, which made it possible to eliminate the coupling and connection

The operating and maintenance features associated with it, and the latest developments in the field of electric motor efficiency, have brought pumps of this type to new heights in the field of energy saving.

Main characteristics of this type of pumps:

temperature of the pumped medium – up to 150 °C;

maximum pressures – up to 25 bar;

– flow rate – up to 4500 m 3 /hour;

– pressure – up to 170 m.

Console and console-monoblock pumps (Fig. 2.15). Console-monoblock single-stage centrifugal pump

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Rice. 2.15. Console and console-monoblock pumps

NB type pump is shown in Fig. 2.15. The design of the pump makes it possible to reduce

mother electric motor and impeller without dismantling the pump housing from the pipeline (Fig. 2.16). The volute pump casing has an axial suction and radial discharge port. There is a drain plug located at the bottom of the housing.

The pressure pipe has a fitting for connecting a pressure gauge.

The lantern connects the pump housing and the electric motor and is equipped with a screw

to remove air. Installed between the pump housing and the lantern

o-ring round section. Coupling coupling

placed in the central part of the lantern. The shaft is made of stainless steel. The cylindrical shaft coupling has two holes

Rice. 2.16. NB Series Cantilever Monoblock Pump

1 – lantern; 2 – pump housing; 3 – screw for removing air; 4 – plug; 5 – drain plug; 6 – nut; 7 – impeller; 8 – shaft; 9 – sealing ring

round section; 10 – mechanical seal

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sty under the pins. A closed impeller (cast iron or bronze) provides high efficiency work.

All pumps are dynamically unloaded and the impellers are hydraulically balanced against axial load. Direction of rotation – according

clockwise when viewed from the drive side.

For horizontal installation, the terminal box should not be located

lie under the engine. When installed in vertical position electrical

the motor must be at the top

Main characteristics of the pumps:

pumped media – clean, with normal liquid viscosity

without abrasive or long-fiber inclusions and substances, ag-

pump parts that are resistant to the material; temperature

liquids – from minus 10 °C to plus 140 °C;

maximum pressure the housing can withstand at temperature

re up to plus 120 °C – 16 bar.

Standard pumps NK designed for serving clean or

slightly contaminated liquids without abrasive or long-lasting

fibrous inclusions and substances that are aggressive to the material of pump parts.

Diagram of a single-stage, cantilever, centrifugal pump NK

with horizontal shaft arrangement, axial suction and radiator

with normal pressure pipes is shown in Fig. 2.17. The pump and electric motor are mounted on a common steel frame. Thanks to technology

flexibility of design (couplings with spacer) dismantling the bearing

assembly, including the impeller and pump shaft on the drive side, can be performed without dismantling the pump housing.

The bearing assembly includes two durable anti-friction

long bearings lubricated with grease

services. Water deflector ring on the shaft prevents penetration

leaking water into the bearing housing. Sealing option

shaft with stuffing box includes a sleeve made of non-

rusting steel.

Pump specifications:

maximum feed – 2000 m 3 /h;

maximum head – 150 m;

temperature – from minus 10 °C to plus 140 °C;

maximum pressure – 16 bar.

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Rice. 2.17. Design diagram of the NK series cantilever centrifugal pump

1 – pump housing; 2 – bearing housing; 3 – impeller; 4 – shaft; 5 – mechanical seal; 6 – installation nut; 7 – ball bearing; 8 – plug; 9 – plug for

plum; 10 – O-ring; 11 – spacer sleeve to the end

compaction; 12 – housing cover; 13 – bushing washer; 14 – washer for fixing the impeller; 15 – spring ring; 16 – impeller key

High-pressure multistage pumps

The hallmark of the GRUNDFOS company is the vertical multistage pumps of the CR series - modular design, I have-

up to 36 stages, each of which includes an impeller

and guide vane (Fig. 2.18, 2.19). The pump consists of a base and

head part. Intermediate chambers and a cylindrical casing connect

incompatible with each other, as well as with the base and head of the pump when

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Rice. 2.18. CR Multistage Centrifugal Pumps

1 – electric motor; 2 – pump head;

3 – mechanical shaft seal; 4 – coupling bolts;

5 – base; 6 – base plate

using tightening bolts. At the base there are coaxially located suction and pressure pipes (in-line design). All pumps are equipped with a cartridge mechanical shaft seal that does not require maintenance. The electric motor is standard.

The pumps can be used either separately or as part of a pressure booster installation in which the pump is cascaded (automatically switched on).

and turns off as needed) operates from 2 to 6 parallel connected pumps, depending on the specified water consumption mode -

leniya. These pumps are currently at the top of the world

evolution of multistage pumps and are the undisputed favorites in the field of high technology. Among the unique features

These pumps can be noted for the presence of a cartridge mechanical seal

nia, the most high efficiency(81% for CR 90), unique patented

LiqTec™ dry run protection system, variety of materials

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flow part (cast iron, stainless steel, titanium), special design

for temperatures up to 180 °C, etc. The main characteristics of this

pump type

pumped temperature

environment – ​​-20 – 120 °C; (-40 – 180° C

– special version);

– flow rate – up to 120 m 3 /hour;

pressure – up to 200 m (390 m – special

nal execution).

Submersible pumps for drainage

And sewerage (Fig. 2.20). Pumps

GRUNDFOS for drainage can be

divided into three groups by region


drainage (nominal diameter of the pump or maximum size

solid impurities 10 – 12 mm).

In this case, the impeller is semi-

indoor, multi-channel

for pumping contaminated water

(conditional bore 35 – 50 mm). Ra-

barrel wheel – free-vortex

(the pumped liquid does not pass through

goes through the impeller, which

significantly reduces its wear);

Tickal multistage pumps

1 – pump head; 2 – flange

electric motor; 3 – shaft; 4 – working

wheel; 5 – camera; 6 – cylindrical

cue casing; 7 – sealing ring

round for cylindrical

th casing; 8 – base; 9 – gap seal; 10 – mechanical seal

tion of the shaft; 11 – bearing sleeve;

12 – thrust bearing bushing

for pumping waste water (conditional

65, 80, 100 mm or more). The impeller is free-vortex-

voice or channel (from one to four channels).

For productivity up to 15 – 20 m3/h, stainless steel is used

submersible pumps GRUNDFOS series KP, AP. More powerful pumps

are made of cast iron. All pumps are equipped with a built-in

coil is thermally protected, and professional sewage pumps have a humidity control relay in the oil chamber of the mechanical seal -

tion and in the electric motor

Automatic operation of one or more pumps is carried out

Rice. 2.20. Submersible pumps model S

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It is controlled using a control cabinet and level relays (usually float switches). Sewage pumps are used

used both in submersible and dry

performance. SE series pumps dry

installation does not require a cooling jacket

(heat from the electric motor is removed into the pumped liquid).

Main characteristics of this type

temperature of the pumped medium

dy – 0 – 40 °С;

– flow rate – up to 2500 m 3 /hour;

– pressure – up to 100 m.

Pressure booster installations (using the example of Hydro

2000 manufactured by GRUNDFOS).

Grundfos Hydro 2000 pressure booster units use -

in water supply systems and technological installations, character-

suffering from insufficient pressure and uneven water flow


A GrundfosHydro2000 installation consists of 2–6 pumps connected

parallel, installed on a common base plate and equipped with all necessary fittings and control cabinet Grundfos Control 2000

(Fig. 2.21). Maximum quantity There are 8 pumps in the installation.

Depending on the functions and operating mode of the Hydro 2000 unit,

are divided into 3 main groups: Hydro 2000 S, Hydro 2000 F (Fig. 2.22), Hydro 2000 E. Let's consider the functions of some types of installations:

Hydro 2000 MS – all pumps are unregulated – pressure maintenance

leniya within tolerance; required membrane tank large volume;

Hydro 2000 ME – all pumps are adjustable – maintaining a constant

pressure, frequency regulation is possible even if

failure of one pump

Hydro 2000 MEN – 2 adjustable pumps are installed, and the remaining pumps are unregulated (CR type) with full capacity

efficiency - maintaining constant pressure, in case of malfunction

pressure regulation of one pump is limited

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Rice. 2.21. Pressure booster Hydro 2000

1 – automation system cabinet

Control 2000; 2 – pressure sensor;

3 – pressure pipeline (non-

rusting steel); 4 – shut-off valve; 5 – suction

pipeline (stainless steel); 6 – check valve;

7 – base plate (stainless

steel); 8 – pump CR(E); 9 – pressure gauge; 10 – branded


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Rice. 2.22. Hydro 2000 MF installation

Hydro2000MES – one pump is adjustable, the rest of the pumps are not

adjustable – maintaining constant pressure; in case of breakdown

frequency converter, pressure regulation occurs

according to the cascade principle

To select pumps of any type, the GRUNDFOS WinCAPS program has been developed. Using WinCAPS, you can select pumps in accordance with system parameters and analyze its operation when different conditions and get detailed information about each pump separately. The program also includes drawings.

Selection of pumps for heating systems.

IN For heating systems with thermostats, it is recommended to use:

with a heat flow of the system of 50 kW or more - a pump with regulation

controlled rotation speed. Pumps installed in circulation

tion circuits of heating systems with boilers with a capacity of more than

25 kW, must have at least three stages of speed control

rotation growth and ensure electricity consumption in exact accordance with the heat loss of the building due to

outside air temperature;

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with a system heat flow of up to 25 kW - a pump with adjustable hour-

totoe rotation; for a pump with a constant speed it is necessary

It is necessary to provide a jumper between the supply and return pipelines with an automatic bypass valve or automatic

automatic pressure regulator

Heating systems must have at least two circulation

pumps connected in parallel, or one double pump. One

of these pumps is a reserve

In this case, the design parameters of the pumps are determined in two ways:

100% redundancy - one pump is working, the second is

spare. Switch from one to the other for uniform

wear occurs automatically after 24 hours. Every

in this operating mode, the pump is selected to supply the entire calculated coolant flow. To operate in systems with variable hydraulic mode, it is recommended that both pumps be equipped with devices for automatically changing the engine speed to best match the hydraulic characteristics of the system in partial operation mode.


peak load – twin pumps are selected at fifty percent

cent design load systems for each pump. At low

Under certain thermal loads, one pump operates. Worker shift cycle

And The backup pump is usually 24 hours. Manages

pumps automatic switching and adjustment device

rotation speed. In maximum heat consumption mode, both pumps operate in parallel.

IN In small heating systems (for example, cottages), it is not necessary to reserve a pump. You can store the backup pump on

When selecting a pump, the operating point must be in the zone

maximum efficiency. If several pumps meet design specifications

characteristics of the system, it is necessary to select a smaller pump


The characteristics of pumps for heating systems are given for water. When using antifreeze, for example, a water-glycol mixture,

General Sponsor –

Description and technical parameters

Maximum flow rate up to 10,000 m³/hour
- Maximum head up to 150 m
- Working environment temperature: -30 +250 °C.

The pumps are API type VS2 and have a vertical semi-submersible single-stage centrifugal design. Pumps are designed to pump large volumes of liquid from containers over long periods of time.

Single Stage Vertical Pumps, API 610 (VS4 Configuration)

Technical Parameters

Maximum flow rate up to 1000 m³/hour
- Maximum head up to 250 m

The API centrifugal pumps are VS4 type and have a vertical semi-submersible single-casing single-stage centrifugal design.

Flow characteristics

Horizontal multistage pumps, API 610 (BB1 configuration)

Description and technical specifications

Centrifugal pumps are technological horizontal multistage, with an axial split, with impellers located between bearing units, with one-way or two-way suction in the first stage, with a double volute casing and with a support along center line.

The pumps are designed to handle a variety of liquids with low NPSH, high flow rates and medium pressure.

Maximum flow rate up to 2000 m³/hour
- Maximum differential head up to 650 m
- Working environment temperature up to +200 °C

Main pump components

1 - Housing
2 - Impeller
3 - Wear rings
4 - Main shaft
5 - Shaft seals
6 - Bearing housing
7 - Bearings
8 - Labyrinth end seals and baffles

Multistage horizontal pumps, API 610 (BB2 configuration)

Description and technical specifications

Centrifugal pumps are technological horizontal two-stage, with a diffuser in the first stage, with a radial split, with impellers located between bearing units, with single-sided suction, with a double or single volute casing and with a support along the axial line.

The pumps are designed to work with various liquids with low productivity. Designed for continuous, long-lasting, heavy-duty operation

Maximum flow rate up to 500 m³/hour
- Maximum differential head up to 750 m
- Working environment temperature up to +400 °C.

Design Features

Frame. The tightness of the radial connector of the housing, as well as its fixation with the absence of any displacements and guaranteed working gaps in the flow part, is ensured by the use of a metal-to-metal gasket in the radial connector with fixed compression control. Supporting the casing along the centerline of the pump ensures that the casing is firmly fixed and prevents any movement caused by thermal expansion.

Pump rotor assembly. The two-stage pump rotor is designed to handle specific fluids and operating conditions with maximum performance and is a shaft-mounted pair of closed-type, single-suction impellers. Impellers and rotors are dynamically balanced.

Main shaft The pump and rotor assembly is designed to minimize axial movement of the shaft, resulting in maximum seal and bearing life.

Shaft seals. The horizontal pump design can accommodate any type of mechanical seal with all possible flushing plans in accordance with API 610 standards.

Baffles and replaceable labyrinth end seals in a centrifugal pump they provide a guaranteed volume of oil in the bearing assembly and protect the oil from foreign mechanical impurities.

Multistage horizontal pumps, API 610 (BB3 configuration)

Description and technical specifications

Maximum flow rate up to 1600 m³/hour
- Maximum head up to 1500 m
- Working environment temperature: - 40 +210 °C.

Centrifugal pumps according to the API standard correspond to type BB3 and, accordingly, have a centrifugal multistage horizontal design, with impellers located between bearing units, a housing with an end connector along the axis of rotation of the rotor and mutually compensated impellers

Pump flow parameters

Multistage Barrel Pumps, API 610 (BB5 Configuration)

Description and technical specifications

Designed for high pressure, high temperature, high speed, harsh operating conditions in process and industrial applications.

  • Maximum flow rate up to 1100 m³/hour
  • Maximum differential head up to 5000 m
  • Working environment temperature up to +400 °C

API 610 class BB5 centrifugal pumps, also known as “barrel pumps” due to the cylindrical shape of the outer casing, are high-pressure pumps with three or more blades. As pressure pumps in oil refineries, they apply high pressure to substances to pump them into reaction columns.

Design features of centrifugal pumps

Heavy duty design fully compliant with API610

  • Housing (reinforced double structure). Cylindrical forged from premium high-grade steel provides the strength needed to safely operate under high pressure at any temperature. Precision forging makes housing parts more durable than cast housings.
  • External housing with radial metal-to-metal connector with compression-controlled gasket guarantees excellent sealing without movement and ensures tight containment of substances with high temperature and under high pressure.
  • Inner housing made with precision machining of a forged steel workpiece, which improves the final mechanical parameters - precision machining, low surface roughness with a guaranteed strong metal structure throughout the body of the case.
  • Rotor assembly industrial pump - this is the basis of any rotating mechanism - primarily accumulates high technology to achieve great performance and reliability.
  • Balancing disc, reduces axial load to optimal level and extends bearing life. A balancing disc located behind the last impeller reduces the thrust force on the rotor shaft caused by the impellers and thus reduces the load on the bearings.
  • Main shaft Designed to provide minimal shaft misalignment to maximize bearing and seal life.
  • Impellers designed using the latest computer programs Fluid dynamics analysis to optimize performance and dynamic performance. To minimize shaft vibration and ensure balanced rotation, the impellers are fixed to the shaft using press fits, split rings and double keys.
Number of stages in the pump Up to 20
Differential head, m 200
Applicable bearings Radial thrust and/or axial roller


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