Weaving a hammock with your own hands: a diagram of the product, how to use it, the history of the origin of this item and instructions for its implementation using the macrame technique. DIY hammock made of fabric and rope

Since prices in stores are only rising every year, more and more connoisseurs comfortable rest thinking about how to sew a hammock with your own hands. Made from fabric or woven using the macrame technique, it will help you relax and unwind on fresh air with maximum comfort. And also save a lot of money and improve useful skills in the household.

How to weave a hammock with your own hands at home

  1. Durable, pleasant to the touch rope.
  2. Two metal rings.
  3. Wooden or metal strips about a meter wide.
  4. Tools.

Before weaving a rope hammock with our own hands, let’s do some simple calculations.

  • The width of the slats depends on your preferences. Mostly it is made about 1-1.2 m.
  • The total length of the rope is calculated as follows. Determine the distance from one plank to another. Add about a meter (for slings) to the resulting value. We multiply by 6 (since the “threads” during weaving will be double). We estimate how many holes there will be in the plank and multiply the length calculated in the previous step by this number.

When the calculations are finished, we proceed directly to weaving a hammock from a rope.

Step #1. We take the planks and make holes in them at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. To prevent the weaving rope from tearing or fraying in the future, we process the holes to make them smoother.

Step #2. We cut the rope according to the number of holes in the plank. Let's take one of metal rings and fasten the folded sections on it with a loop and a knot.

Step #3. We insert the ropes into the holes of one of the planks. We check that the distance between the ring and the bar is 50cm (half the length we put on the slings). On the side opposite to the ring we tie the ropes in pairs.

Step #4. Let's proceed directly to weaving a hammock. If you are proficient in the macrame technique, choose any options for knots and weaves. For beginners, we advise you to stick to the checkerboard pattern.

Step #5. When you are finished with the “hammock body” (make sure that the last row of cells duplicates the first), we thread the ends of the ropes into the second bar and fix them with knots on the side outside the main mesh.

Step #6. We tie the remaining ends of the ropes on the second metal ring.

Step #7. To give the hammock the shape of a regular rectangle, we thread a rope through the side holes of the slats. In the middle we intertwine the ropes with mesh cells, and also attach the ends to the rings.

The hammock is ready, have a nice rest.

Weaving a round hammock: step-by-step diagram

Not all lovers of relaxation in nature are suitable for the longitudinal shape of a hammock. Some people don’t have enough space for large structures, while others prefer to sit rather than lie down while relaxing. Ideal for such people round product, which can be easily hung in open spaces and indoors.

So, to weave a hammock with your own hands at home, you will need:

  1. One or two metal hoops of different diameters.
  2. Clothesline, nylon cord or other similar material for the hammock itself and for the slings.
  3. Cord for wrapping the hoop.
  4. Threads, glue and other auxiliary materials.

Step-by-step diagram:

Step #1. Calculate the length of the cord

The length of the rope depends on a number of factors: the diameter of the hoop, the size of the mesh and the desired tension force. To calculate it we do the following:

If you want to change the diameter of the cells, reduce or increase the number of segments.

Step #2. Wrap one or both hoops with cords

Try to avoid gaps and sagging. We secure the ends with glue, knots, fabric or any other option that seems reliable to you.

Step #3. We weave the seat.

Based on the diagram drawn earlier, we tie several ropes to the hoop and begin to intertwine. Please note that the “green” ropes are folded in four, the red ones - in half. For clarity in the photo green The “path” of one “quadruple” rope is highlighted, and the “path” of one double rope is highlighted in red.

Step 3.1. Making the back

If you want to make a hammock chair from 2 hoops, take a strong rope and fasten the hoops together on one side. We begin to braid the back. It can be the same pattern, or it can be different. Only the ends are now attached to the lower hoop. To add rigidity to the back, fasten 2 straight strips between the hoops and wrap them with cord.

Step #4. We fasten the slings

The hammock is ready. To hang it, we tie it to the (top) hoop of the sling. Then we assemble the slings into one knot or two (in the manner of a swing) and hang them. The round wicker hammock is ready.

Pay attention! The simplest weaving option is taken as an example. If you are proficient in the macrame technique, you can use any other solution.

How to sew a hammock for a summer house with your own hands

Those who find weaving a hammock with their own hands to be something prohibitively difficult can opt for the fabric version. To make it you will need:

  • Canvas at least 1 m wide.
  • Rope or clothesline (at least 8 mm in diameter).
  • Sewing and other accessories (for selected options).

When necessary materials will be assembled, we proceed directly to making the hammock.

Option #1. Hiking (for lazy people)

This method is considered the simplest, since it allows you to make a hammock yourself step by step in just 10 minutes.

Step 1. Calculate the length of the canvas. To do this, we determine where the hammock will hang and measure the distance between the bases (trees, poles). We add another 50 cm to the resulting value and get the length of the desired cut.

Step 2. We gather one edge of the canvas into an accordion, insert it into a carabiner and wrap it with rope so that the structure does not unravel. Repeat for the second edge.

Step 3. We tie ropes to the trees and attach carabiners to them. Ready.

Option #2. Dachny

Such a hammock for a dacha would be suitable people who are willing to sacrifice personal time for the sake of comfort. Step #1. As in the previous case, we calculate the length of the canvas and cut it out.

Step #2. We prepare the “body” of the hammock. We make a hem on each side and sew it on sewing machine. On the long side there is a hem of about 10 cm and one seam. On the short one there is a hem of about 25 cm and 5 seams with high-strength threads. The distance between the seams is 2.5 - 3 cm.

Step #3. We fasten the rope. We thread ropes into the resulting holes and tie their ends to the tree. The hammock is ready.

Step No. 3.1. If you want to add strength to the structure, the last point can be done differently. When you have completed a large hem and stitched it, we insert strips into the resulting loops and tie the ropes to them.

Step No. 3.2. To make the hammock as comfortable as possible, we do the following. We cut small pieces of fabric and attach them to the canvas in the manner of loops. We string the loops onto the bar. We insert a rope into the side (lengthwise) folds and also tie them to the bar. We attach the hammock to the tree with another (or several) rope. Ready.

Step No. 3.3. If you are afraid of getting tangled with the slings, wrap them under the ring into a single bundle.

Making a hammock according to one pattern, different people get different results. The point here is not only in the directness of the hands, the quality of the materials, but also in small tricks that not everyone is familiar with. For example:

What tricks do you use? Do you know something useful and unusual? Share your experience in the comments, let's discuss.

How to weave a hammock in different forms: photos and videos

In the matter of weaving a hammock with your own hands step by step diagram useful for both beginners and experienced professionals. Therefore, we invite you to look at our collections of photos and videos demonstrating various models and options for their assembly.

Sit comfortably in a comfortable hammock and relax in the shade of trees on your summer cottage- a dream for everyone! In order to turn a dream into reality, it is not at all necessary to spend money on a purchase. A hammock is an indispensable place to relax, which is easy to make with your own hands. In this article you will find: weaving a hammock with your own hands, a diagram of the product, its application, history of origin and instructions for making a hammock using the macrame technique.

The macrame weaving style is one of the oldest and most popular types of needlework. What is this process? We can say that this is a weaving technique various products which involves tying knots. Such products were popular not only among poor people, but were popular even on rich estates. Previously, only sailors used a hammock, as it was difficult to relax while sailing. There are many variations of macrame weaving. Weaving a hammock for beginners is easy to do with the diagram and text instructions described below.

Nowadays, diagrams of the macrame knot technique can be made on a laptop and tablet. The method of making things with your own hands is losing its relevance today. But don’t forget about the uniqueness and durability of things that you can do yourself at home. Based on the principle of a hammock, they are made and hanging chairs. The main difference between a chair and a hammock is the size and method of hanging. The hammock is fixed on two supports, and one is enough for the chair.

After studying the master class and learning what to do step by step, you can make incredibly cool crafts. Often, factory-made items are much inferior in quality to products made independently. This requires a minimum of knowledge and a small investment of time, but you can relax while making a beautiful thing. It will fit perfectly into the interior, as it was made specifically for it.

Required materials

To work you will need the following tools:

  • Strong clothesline (approximately 1 cm thick);
  • Ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Durable wooden planks (2 pcs.).

To make the hammock not only beautiful, but also durable and reliable, you need to use good wear-resistant material. A thick clothesline or cord is suitable for this.

Unlike rope, cord has low level comfort. It will be much more comfortable to sit on a soft rope than on an uncomfortable and hard cord.

Let's consider step by step instructions performing a hammock.

Let's get started

First, we cut 20 meters of rope for fasteners. We cut the rest into 6 meters into equal parts. Then we fasten each rope with a loop and a knot on the bar. Next we weave a hammock. The most suitable cell size, so as not to get confused and not fall through in the hammock while relaxing, is seven centimeters. Once you have finished the hammock, attach the ends of the cords with knots to the second plank and to both straps with fasteners.

Hammock Weaving Guide:

  1. Initially, you need to plan the size of the hammock. For example, its dimensions are 2.5 × 1 m. To do this, you need to knit a mesh, casting on 20 to 30 loops across the width. Remember, the thicker the rope, the fewer loops you need to cast.
  2. The process of knitting a hammock is reminiscent of making fabric. Knit the first row, turn the product wrong side out and knit the next one. Then turn over again and knit the third row, and continue in this way until the end.

  1. It is important to correctly calculate the remainder so that the knot is at the edge of the row and not in the middle. Knots can ruin appearance hammock may cause inconvenience when used.
  2. When the mesh is ready, prepare the wooden planks. Make holes in the bars for fastening.
  3. Then, in order, you need to thread the loops from each row into the holes.

  1. Do this with all the holes and loops, attaching the second bar to the future hammock.
  2. Gather the free ends of the rope together, fold them into a ring shape, wrap them across and tighten. We repeat the same with the other side of the product.
  3. Thread the holder into the newly formed holes or a tight cord that will secure the hammock to the trees.

This hammock is a symbiosis of a chair and a swing. It can be hung in the house on a hook screwed into the ceiling, and outside - on a crossbar or a fairly strong tree branch. To ensure that the hammock itself is strong and reliable, choose the appropriate fabric (thick cotton, tarpaulin), threads, cord and carabiners.

You will need:

Wooden plank (optimally oak),

Durable cord

About 2 sq. meters of durable fabric,

A durable carabiner (2 pcs.),

Sewing machine and strong threads,

Iron and ironing board.

1. Fold the fabric in half and cut it as shown in photo 1. Tuck the parallel sides of the piece and sew on the machine (photo 2).

2. Now on the two raw sides of the part you need to make drawstrings into which the cord will be threaded. When measuring the width of the drawstring, be guided by the thickness of your cord. Tuck and stitch the fabric as shown in photos 3, 4 and 5.

3. Drill two holes at both ends of the board, as shown in photo 6.

4. Thread the cord through the drawstrings and into the holes of the board as shown in the photo. Be sure to tie the knots tightly.

5. All that remains is to organize a place to attach the hammock and hang it.

2. Wicker hammock using macrame technique: master class

Macrame is the art of knot weaving from cords or thick threads. To make one like this wicker hammock, you need to master a couple of the simplest knots of the macrame technique - it’s not difficult.

You will need:

Durable thick cord in one or more colors,



Two dies for the edges of the hammock (in this case, the dies are taken from an old hammock; you can also drill holes in strong planks of the length you need).

1. First, one of the hammock dies will serve as the basis for weaving. Secure it in a position convenient for work (mounts for the curtain rod are used here, but you can come up with something else).

2. Cut 21 pieces from the cord, each about 730 cm long. Fold each piece in half and secure it to a die, as shown in the photo.

3. When all the pieces of cord are secured, start tying knots. Step back a few centimeters from the die and proceed as shown in the photo.

4. Continue making knots. You should end up with something like this:

5. Having weaved the first row of knots, step back some distance from it and start a second row of the same knots in a checkerboard pattern. Continue in this manner until you have a network like the one in the photo.

6. Now remove the loops from the die. Trim the lower ends of the work and tie it to form loops. Thread ropes into the upper and lower loops and secure the edges of the hammock to the dies. Tie the ropes at the top and bottom in a knot, making a loop to which the hammock will be attached.

3. Hammock with leather loops: master class

Another version of the classic hammock is with hinges made of durable leather. If your machine will not accept thick leather, replace it with a fairly thick and wide braid made of cotton or synthetics.

You will need:

Hammock fabric (thick cotton, tarpaulin, other durable fabric),

Fabric for strengthening the edges of the hammock,

Machine and strong threads,

Leather for loops (option - braid for loops),

Twine or strong rope,

Scissors, pins.

1. Decide on the length and width of the hammock you need and cut out a piece of appropriate size fabric. Tuck the long sides of the piece and sew on the machine.

2. Finish the sides of the hammock to which the loops will be attached by making the hem wider and strengthening it with an additional strip of fabric folded in half on each side.

3. Cut the leather into pieces for loops. Focus on the thickness of your hammock cord.

4. At equal distances from each other, mark places for attaching the hinges.

5. Sew the loops as shown in the photo.

6. Thread a rope through the loops. Tie the ends with a knot on each side, making a loop (see photo). Wrap both loops with rope for strength.

4. A simple hammock in 10 minutes: master class

This hammock option is one of the easiest to make. In addition, it turns out to be very light (due to the low weight of the fabric) and mobile, since it does not have heavy and rigid parts. It is convenient to take such a hammock with you to the forest or park for a walk.

You will need:

Lining fabric (3x150 cm),

A pair of carbines,

About 6 meters of strong rope.

Follow the instructions shown in the video.

More hammock ideas:

1. This hammock can be made from a rug or blanket.

2,3. Two options for hammock chairs - in different colors look completely different.

Photo: decoritem.com, deas4homes.com

What can’t you live without in the summer at the dacha? Without a shovel - a concerned gardener will exclaim; without a laptop - a resident of the Internet will say. Respecting other people's opinions, we will still take a broader look at the problem. A hammock is what both a gardener and someone who likes to sit in an ICQ need. A two-hour sleep in this rocking bed completely restores a person after working week. Psychotherapists think so. So let's think about how to make a hammock with your own hands. In a suspended state, it is easier to look at the world philosophically, without taking annoying little things to heart.

A two-hour sleep in a hammock completely restores a person after a working week.

  • For a hammock, the reliability of the supports is extremely important. The bed is usually suspended between two trees or specially dug posts. In order not to wake up from a collision with the ground, we take metal pipes with a cross-section of at least 86 mm, we dig them in to a depth of 80 cm and concrete them. Then the suspended resting place will not be afraid of the invasions of your own and neighbor’s children. And an adult can easily collapse into a hammock if his back no longer bends from weeding and dragging buckets.
  • Hang a hammock for a summer house a meter and a half above the ground. The distance between the pillars is calculated as follows: the length of the canvas plus 30 cm for deflection. If there are already supports (two trees with trunks at least 20 cm thick or posts for a swing), then we adjust the length of the hammock. You can tie it higher so that the deflection is deeper, tighten the fabric or loosen it - it depends on the distance between the supports.
  • For fastenings we use strong synthetic ropes with a diameter of at least 8-10 mm. We are not lazy to reinforce the fabric with eyelets if the hammock design provides for them.
  • It is better to take natural fabric for a hammock - mattress teak, camouflage, tarpaulin. Synthetics are, of course, lighter, stronger and cheaper. But the body does not breathe in it, it sweats, and the hammock is still designed to provide comfort. Besides natural material takes body shape faster.
  • For a wicker hammock, cotton cords are used. They tighten tighter, and the knots made from them are more pleasant to the touch than slippery nylon ones. In those places where the rope can fray, you need to put polyethylene tubes.

Sew a hammock

We will sew such a hammock

Preparatory work

Having decided to sew a hammock with your own hands, we prepare everything necessary for this:

  1. Strong fabric (teak, calico, camouflage) 3 m long, 2.20 m wide.
  2. Sintepon – 0.5 m.
  3. The sling is 5.2 m long, 3 cm wide.
  4. Nylon halyard with a cross section of 4 mm.
  5. Shovel handle (or any wooden beam same diameter).
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. Acrylic paint the same color as the fabric.

When figuring out how to make a hammock comfortable for each family member, we focus on the tallest and not offended by their build. Therefore, we use the entire width of the material. If you couldn’t find a suitable fabric with a width of 2.20 m, you will have to add a standard one and a half meter wide, so take a larger one.

To work you will need tools:

  • Ruler, pencil, chalk for drawing on fabric. It is better to once and for all purchase a metal ruler, 1 m long. This thing is very convenient, and also has high measurement accuracy.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Chisel.
  • Small paint brush.
  • Scissors, needles, pins for chopping fabric, centimeter.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Iron.

Some craftswomen do not give of great importance ironing the fabric, and in vain. This operation reduces the thickness of the parts and the stress of the seam. You don’t need to hold the ironed seam allowances with your hand when sewing, and the stitching lies much more evenly. Therefore, a seamstress definitely needs an iron.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing a hammock

It is better to attach the hanging bed to hooks welded to the posts. If the hammock is hung on trees, you will have to place blocks under the halyard so that it does not slide off the trunk.

Weaving a hammock

Few people are familiar with knitting these days. fishing nets using a needle and a board. Once upon a time, this activity was a good source of income for illegal lone artisans. Let's see how you can use these tools to weave a hammock with your own hands from a thick cord.

Weaving a hammock is not so difficult

To work you will need:

  1. Thick twine.
  2. Synthetic rope for fastenings.
  3. Template board.
  4. Self-made large needle.
  5. Two wooden end strips.
  6. Drill.

The needle is also a spool for the cord. The width of our hammock will be approximately 1 m, length – 2.5 m. We knit the mesh in width, casting from 20 to 30 loops, depending on the thickness of the twine. The thicker it is, the larger the loops will be, and the fewer of them will be needed.

Weaving a hammock with your own hands is similar to weaving fabric: after knitting the first row, we turn the work inside out and knit the second row. Then we turn it right side again, knit the third row and so on. Each time we wrap enough string on the needle so that it barely fits into the loop.

Weaving a hammock

When the line ends, it is extended. Here it is important to calculate the remaining length so that the knot falls on the edge of the row, and not in the middle. Otherwise, the knots will ruin the appearance of the mesh, and every time they will cut into the side of the person lying on the hammock.

Having weaved the mesh, we take the bars and drill through holes in them according to the number of loops on the short sides of the hammock. We drill wider holes from the edges for the supporting rope. We drag each loop of the first row in order into the corresponding hole. We take the rope prepared for fastenings, pull its end through the loop and fold it in half. We measure locally how long the rope should be and then cut it.

We repeat this operation with each loop. In the same way we attach the second bar to the other end of the mesh. Now we collect the free ends of the ropes together, put them in a ring, wrap them with twine across and tighten them securely. We repeat the same on the other side of the hammock. We pass a holder or a rope folded in half into the formed ring holes to hang the hammock on the hooks.

Hammock weaving pattern

Along the entire perimeter of the hammock, through the outer loops, we pull a thick rope, which will hold the shape of the bed. You can do without planks with holes. We thread strong ones into the outer loops round bars, and we tie ropes to the corners of the hammock, on which it will hang. You can take a wicker hammock with you to the forest, to the country, to the boat - rest and complete relaxation will be guaranteed to you.

Materials for production

The most important thing to consider when making a hammock chair with your own hands is the choice of material. The most durable fabrics:

  • canvas;
  • calico;
  • mattress teak;
  • camouflage or canvas fabric.

Synthetic products are also suitable for use, but they have one significant disadvantage - they do not “breathe”.

If we talk about cords, it is better to choose threads made of cotton. Synthetics in this case again loses. Cotton cords are more pleasant to the touch. They are easy to tie into knots and intertwine with each other.

General rules

Regardless of what kind of hammock chair you decide to make with your own hands, there are some rules that apply to all types garden furniture of this type remain the same.

  • The product is suspended either between two supports or between two trees. If you choose the latter option, the diameter of the tree trunk must be more than 20 centimeters. The supports are sunk into the ground to a depth of one meter.
  • The ropes are strong and thick. They should reach 8 millimeters in diameter. In some cases, the fabric is strengthened using eyelets.
  • Install the hammock at a height of one and a half meters above ground level. The distance between support pillars should reach 3 meters.

DIY hammock (video)

How to make a Mexican cocoon hammock

If you are thinking about how to make a hammock with your own hands, the presented option is one of the simplest. At the same time, it is quite convenient to use.

When folded, the hammock weighs 1 kilogram, making it convenient to carry. It is almost impossible to fall out of the “cocoon,” but you will have to work hard to get out of the product.

To make this type of hammock you will need:

  • a cord 20 meters long (it can withstand weight up to 200 kilograms);
  • dense fabric - 2 pieces of 3 meters each.

The assembly proceeds as follows:

  • the cuts are folded together;
  • they are stitched towards each other on both sides, it should look like a tunnel with unfinished edges;
  • the narrow side of the hammock is turned up a couple of centimeters and stitched;
  • the resulting tunnel is pulled through the cord;
  • then the cord is crossed and tightened so that the fabric gathers slightly;
  • The place of tightening is wrapped several times with a cord and a knot is tied.

Important! To avoid damaging the tree bark, there should be a cloth at the point of contact between it and the cord. You can see what the finished hammock should look like in the photo.

Wicker hammock

Previously, hammocks resembled a regular volleyball net. Now there are many improved options. It is enough to learn the macrame technique and you can make a beautiful and comfortable product yourself.

You will need:

  • 2 slats - the length should be one and a half meters;
  • rope with a diameter of 8 millimeters.

The rope is attached to the bars through specially made holes, whose diameter should be 20 millimeters. The distance between them should reach 5 centimeters. In order for the rope to fit firmly into the holes, the diameter of the latter must be made according to the 1/3 principle.

How much cord you need depends on the pattern you choose. How to calculate the amount of rope required? Measure the distance between the slats, multiply by 3. Then the result obtained should be multiplied by the number of holes.

Important! During use, a hammock made using the macrame technique does not lose its shape.

The technology is simple. To create a knot, 4 ropes are required. The cells should be less than 7 centimeters. Extra Strength Metal rings give the design.

How to secure a hammock (video)

When installing a hammock on supports, the length of the product is adjusted by tension. You can tie it higher and make the bend stronger.

Brazilian hammock

How to make a Brazilian hammock with your own hands? You will need:

  • nylon linen cord (2 packs of 10 meters each);
  • 2 pieces of fabric measuring 90x200 centimeters;
  • 2 wooden sticks 90 centimeters long.

Assembly of the product consists of several stages.

  • Two pieces of fabric are sewn together.

  • Then markings are made for the eyelets; the distance between them should reach 8.5 cm. You can insert the eyelets. If there are none, loops are sewn on. The cord passes through them, as well as through the eyelets. If possible, it is better to use hardware, they are more reliable.
  • The sticks must be marked. A distance of 2.5 centimeters is departed from the edges. Then measure 8.5 cm from the marks.

  • For an 8mm cord folded in half, you need to drill holes with a diameter of 20mm.
  • The cord is cut into meter-long pieces. Each piece is threaded through a hole in the stick. It must be inserted through the grommet, then again through the stick.
  • At a distance equal to half a meter from the end of the stick, all the cords are collected together. All that remains is to tie a knot and tighten it.

  • Next, the knot is braided. The hammock is ready to use! You can see what it looks like in the photo.
  • You may also be interested in an article in which we talk about what can be made for a summer house from plastic bottle caps.

Anyone can make a hammock on their own. It is important to choose the right materials. The cord must be durable, the fabric must be reliable, breathable, and made from natural materials.

There are several types of hammocks, which one to choose is up to you. If you want to get a comfortable place to sleep, you should choose a “cocoon”; if the main thing is aesthetics, you can weave a product using the “macrame” technique. Whichever option you choose, you should stick with it. general rules for product installation.



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