How to learn Spanish quickly and easily (personal experience). How to independently learn Spanish from scratch at home

What language is spoken in Mexico? Why can English not only not help, but also hinder you when traveling around Mexico? How to quickly and easily learn basic Spanish? I will try to provide answers to these and other questions in this article.

What is the language in Mexico?

Do you think you can easily travel in any country and feel comfortable if you know English? Let me tell you a secret: if you are going to Mexico, English will not help!

How so? What is the language in Mexico? - you ask. The answer is: Spanish. Yes, yes, thanks to the Spanish conquistadors.

Do Mexicans really not speak English at all? It is very, very rare to find such a valuable specimen. Perhaps in very tourist areas, like Cancun (where we haven’t gotten to yet), the situation is a little better, but I wouldn’t count on it too much. During our four months of traveling around Mexico, Andryusiks and I met literally several people who at least somehow spoke English (you can count them on your fingers, perhaps even one hand is enough).

The whole point is that English may not only not help you in Mexico, but also play a cruel joke. It turns out that Mexicans do not like English just as much as they do not like their northern neighbors who speak this wonderful language. It happens that even knowing English, a Mexican fundamentally does not want to speak it. He may not answer your question asked in English, pretending that he doesn’t understand anything at all, or will communicate completely reluctantly and not very friendly. But all you have to do is say a few words in Spanish, and they are ready to show and tell you everything.

So, my friends, Spanish!

The main thing is to have a goal

So what should we do now? How to go to Mexico? Learn at least the basics of Spanish. That’s exactly what I decided when Andryusiks and I decided to go on a long Mexican trip. The situation was made easier by the fact that I really liked Spanish and found it interesting.

And then a specific tangible goal appeared. After all, it is much easier to move forward when there is a reward waiting for you. We all need motivation.

So, if you want to feel comfortable in the wonderful country of Mexico, set yourself a goal - to get to know the local language better and speak it.

Spanish - easy and fast

Hooray! If you are going to Mexico, there is still time before the trip (I think that such long trips are all more or less planned in advance). A reasonable question is how to quickly and easily learn Spanish? I’ll say right away that I don’t know the secret “I wanted it in the evening, woke up in the morning and spoke Spanish.” Personally, I became concerned about this issue about three months before the trip. These three months I actively studied the language. So I can’t say that conversational Spanish was very easy for me. You will have to work too. But I think that three months is a very short period.

What makes you very happy? The fact that Spanish (especially its Mexican variant) is considered sufficient in easy language. Firstly, the pronunciation is very similar to our native one, there is no French “rrr” (well, you understand what I mean), nor an English “rrr”, which is also very unusual for us. Secondly, in Spanish, words are both heard and written, both written and read. You will have to remember a couple of rules, but there are minimal exceptions.

According to statistics, almost half a billion people around the world speak Spanish. This means that by signing up for and mastering the speech of the glorious caballeros, you will not be lost either in Europe, or in America, or even in Africa. Not to mention the fact that you will be able to communicate fluently in one of the six official languages UN.

The many faces of Spain

Modern Spain consists of several autonomous regions (seventeen plus two autonomous cities) that were once independent Iberian kingdoms. And each of which, naturally, had its own version of the language (and different settlements also had their own dialects, which appeared in the Middle Ages). Dialects and speech variations in different parts countries differed in pronunciation, vocabulary, and a little grammar. In fact, this situation continues today, because in Spain, in addition to the state castellano (Castilian), which everyone should know, the official languages ​​of the autonomies are also used: Basque, Galician and Catalan. They publish books, print newspapers, conduct radio broadcasts, since the country's constitution recognizes the right of autonomous regions (Basque country, Navarre, Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Valencian Community and others) to use their languages.

Features of castellano

It must be said that castellano is not as difficult to learn as it might seem, but some difficulties may still arise at the beginning of learning. Let's talk about them in more detail.

· Pronunciation. All Spanish words are pronounced as they are written, and when pronouncing, you should pay maximum attention to accents and stress. The thing is that the meaning of a word often depends on the accent. For example, the word “esta” with an accent on “a” means “he, it, she,” and without an accent it means “this, this, this.” In addition, the emphasis is placed on the penultimate syllable if the word ends with a vowel or the consonants “n” and “s”, and on the last syllable if the word ends with a consonant (with the exception of words ending with “n” and “s” In writing, phonological stress can be marked by an orthographic accent (a stroke, an accent mark). Another feature is that the letter “h” is never pronounced, and the letter “u” is not pronounced in the combinations QUE, QUI, GUE, GUI.

· Verbs. According to experts, it is verbs that are the most complex part of grammar, since the entire verbal system is divided into fourteen tenses (seven simple and seven compound complex, where past participles or auxiliary verb"haber") and is conjugated in four moods: demonstrative, subjunctive, obligatory and infinitive. At the same time, a significant part of all verbs used are irregular. All this just needs to be learned, as well as the fact that an adjective is almost always placed after a noun.

· Synonyms. Another pitfall could be large number synonyms and the subtleties of their use in speech. This means that for communication even on entry level you'll need a big one vocabulary.

Tips for learning castellano

Sometimes students drop out of their studies at the very beginning, deciding that they will never master the speech of the conquistadors, but many teachers are confident that for a Russian person Spanish is easier to learn than, for example, English. So, don't rush to admit defeat. It’s better to take a few tips from professionals:

· It is more convenient to study in small groups, and the most best results provides fully immersive training directly in Spain

· Of all the educational materials, the most necessary is the reference book of verbs

It is better to speak loudly and clearly (even if not entirely correctly) than politely and quietly

· the more speaking practice, the better

· the material should be repeated every day, and all new words and concepts should be written down

· you can consolidate the material in practice not only by communicating with other students or native speakers, but also by watching TV programs or films without translation

Of course, learning Spanish is a labor-intensive process. But you will be able to read Cervantes and Garcia Lorca in the original and will feel quite confident among Spanish-speaking people anywhere in the world.

The language of Gabriel García Márquez, Carmen, Don Quixote and, ultimately, the series The Rich Also Cry are all Spanish. Today this “language of passion” is considered one of the most widespread in the world. Another good reason to learn Spanish: you can easily do it yourself.

Spanish is ahead of English and second only to Chinese in terms of the number of speakers. It is spoken not only in Spain, but in most countries South America, in Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines. At the same time, Spain has always been very popular among tourists, largely due to its climate.

And at the end of last year, according to a survey among expats, the country was recognized as second after New Zealand in terms of comfort for foreigners. Regardless of whether you want to settle in Spain permanently or come there occasionally, knowing the language will certainly come in handy.

Where to start learning Spanish

Before you delve into understanding grammar and vocabulary, you need to ask yourself a trivial question: “Why do I need Spanish?” There are only four official languages ​​in the country, and there is nothing to say about the number of dialects. South America also speaks very different Spanish. Therefore, first you should decide where you plan to speak it. The main language of Spain is Castilian. It is most widespread in the north and center of the country, and on the borders with other regions there are its dialects - Aragonese, Madrid, Galician and others.

Castilian is understood throughout the country, but some people in Catalonia or the Basque Country speak it reluctantly.

Therefore, if you are planning to move to Barcelona, ​​you will definitely need Catalan. It is worth keeping in mind that, knowing Castilian, you are unlikely to understand all other languages ​​of Spain. The differences between them are significant.

Learning Spanish on your own requires willpower, discipline and serious motivation. However, if you understand exactly what you want to achieve and in what time frame, mastering the language is quite possible.

There are various options learning: with the help of books, Internet resources, friends and acquaintances. For some, taking classes or taking classes with a teacher is more suitable.

When drawing up a program, you need to sensibly evaluate your time and energy. It is hardly possible to speak Spanish fluently in a month, but if you set yourself a more realistic goal, you will succeed. Choose the pace and method that suits you. Some people find it easier to memorize information, others need to understand it logically and systematize it.

When you learn Spanish on your own, in addition to specific knowledge, what is also important is the enjoyment you get in the process. Therefore, you should not overexert yourself and strive for unattainable heights. And most importantly, you shouldn’t scold yourself for mistakes and be afraid of them.

Is it difficult to learn Spanish?

Spanish is easier for those who already speak English. Logics grammatical forms and tenses are almost the same, many words are similar (for example, continuar and continue). But there are also pitfalls. Spanish pronunciation very specific. Thus, in Spanish, the sounds t, p and k must be pronounced without aspiration, and n can be soft or hard.

At the same time, compared to English, Spanish has clearer reading rules, so it’s easy to figure out how to pronounce unfamiliar words without looking at the dictionary.

With grammar the situation is somewhat different. In Spanish, verb endings vary depending on person and number, tense and mood. Subjuntivo causes particular difficulties for many - subjunctive mood. However, as practice shows, it is practically not used in colloquial speech.

Spanish has a lot irregular verbs, however, unlike English ones, they do not have to be memorized.

Many people have “deviations” general principle, so you need to remember that certain combinations of letters in a word guarantee an atypical conjugation.

The complexity of the Spanish language is reflected in the fact that knowledge of grammatical tenses is necessary even for understanding basic spoken language. In addition, sometimes a verb can only be translated based on the general context. For example, crear (to create) and creer (to think) in the first person singular present tense look the same in writing.

Spanish has more synonyms than English. Therefore, to fully understand even spoken language, you need to spend more time studying vocabulary.

Learn Spanish online

If you want to learn Spanish from scratch on your own, then you can’t do it without the help of the Internet. You can find many on the Internet useful resources both for mastering grammar and maintaining vocabulary at the required level.

Sites like and are suitable for those who want to quickly start speaking at an everyday level. On the first of them there is very useful list one hundred most common verbs in Spanish.

The good thing about the portal is that it has a huge reference database with conjugations of all the main verbs, regardless of whether they are regular or not. The online project, in addition to the actual language lessons, shares interesting information about the history and traditions of Spanish-speaking countries.

The British BBC website is known for helping in learning various foreign languages, including Spanish. On it you can find texts on everyday topics, tests, and even crosswords.

It would be wrong to learn Spanish from scratch and not practice it. After certain period(usually a month or a month and a half) of continuous classes, you need to find a person with whom you can communicate.

IN major cities There are special language clubs where native speakers and course students meet. If you can’t visit them, you can find someone to talk to online. In all social networks There are groups to find Spanish-speaking people who will be happy to discuss various topics with you.

Watching movies and reading books will help you improve your vocabulary and learn new words. Teachers usually advise starting with simple series. To begin with, you can watch them with subtitles, and then gradually abandon them.

TV series in Spanish are not just “stupid” soap operas. For example, there is the famous mystical detective Bajo Sospecha (“Under Suspicion”) with a dashingly twisted plot.

The language in it is quite simple and easy to understand by ear, so it is useful to watch even for beginners. History buffs will love the series Isabel (“Isabella”) about the life of the Castilian queen. The series Aguila Roja (“Red Eagle”) tells the story of a man who lost his wife and is ready to do anything to find her killers.

However, the most famous Spanish TV series is rightfully considered El Ministerio del Tiempo (“Ministry of Time”). If in a conversation with local resident If you mention that you saw him, you will earn approving head nods. The series tells the story of a secret government agency whose main task is to protect time from interference and attempts to change history. “The Ministry of Time” can be easily found on the Internet, including with Russian subtitles.

To learn Spanish through films and TV series, the Netflix streaming service will be useful. If you select Spanish as the main language in the settings, you can turn on subtitles in it in all films. Some also have dubbing available. Rewatching familiar and favorite English-language TV series in a new language is not only easy, but also useful from an educational point of view.

Learn Spanish with a teacher

Working with a teacher has its advantages. The teacher will help you focus on the subject and constantly improve your language - as long as you don't skip lessons. In addition, you can practice with it colloquial speech. If you study with a native speaker, you simply will not have any other choice.

But, unfortunately, not every teacher can motivate to learn Spanish or create an individual program suitable for a specific person. In addition, not everyone has time for regular classes with a teacher.

However, classes with a Spanish-speaking teacher are especially helpful. You will constantly listen to correct and competent speech and know that you will hear exactly the same in the center of Madrid. This will help you not to get confused when you find yourself in Spain. In addition, you will actually have to constantly speak and remember new words and expressions faster.

On the other hand, a Russian-speaking teacher will be able to better explain the material, give examples and draw parallels with their native language. He will be better able to see your weak points that need to be emphasized, since such a teacher senses the logic of Russian-speaking students much better.

When you reach a certain level of knowledge, you can take the international DELE exam and receive a certificate.

This certificate will be useful for those who are planning to move to Spain and build a career there. To join any local company, you must speak the language at a sufficient level.

The DELE result is the proof that you qualify. There are six levels in total - from the level of “survival” (A1) to the level of “mastery” (C2). You can prepare for the exam yourself - using the books Cronometro and Nuevo DELE or on the Spanish-language website

You can also enroll in courses at the Cervantes Institute in Moscow or other cities. When preparing, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the exam and decide trial options many times. Out of habit, it can be difficult to fit into the allotted time. In this case, it is more logical to seek the help of a teacher who is well acquainted with the specifics of DELE.

Study Spanish in Spain

The language needs to be constantly practiced. This is easiest to do when you are in a country where it is official and widely used. Live in Spain and make do with knowledge English language you can, but working Spanish will make your holiday much more enjoyable. You can quite easily order a cup of coffee in the center of Madrid in Russian, but asking for directions somewhere in Seville is better in Spanish.

Today there is huge amount language schools in Spain and Latin America.

Many of them offer short summer programs both for those who already speak the language at a certain level, and for beginners. Before the start of classes, all students write a short test, which helps to distribute them into groups depending on their knowledge. At the same time, students from different countries can study in the same class, so they will also have to communicate with each other in Spanish.

As a rule, such schools offer accommodation options during their studies. These are either shared apartments with other students, or dormitories, or accommodation with local families. The last option will give additional features to practice the language and at the same time get to know local life, habits and traditions. Educational programs usually include trips around the country with excursions that will allow you to get acquainted with history and explore local color.

One of the most famous places The best place to study the language in Spain is the Cervantes International School, located in Malaga, in the south of the country.

The university offers various courses lasting from one week to nine months and helps prepare for the DELE exam. If necessary, the school helps you obtain a visa.

Learning Spanish for Kids

Many parents want their child to know several foreign languages, and send their children to specialized schools and preparatory courses. You can start learning Spanish at any age, but the approach to learning the language in children is different.

A site that helps you learn Spanish from scratch on your own - - offers a huge number of cartoons, songs and games in Spanish. Thanks to them, the child will better understand the material.

There are also amateur translations into Spanish of Soviet cartoons that are already known to Russian children. For example, on the Internet it is easy to find the Spanish version of everyone’s favorite “Prostokvashino”. True, the translation was done by residents of Mexico, so some words will differ from the Castilian version.

In addition, special courses are provided for children, whose teachers are game form will help your child gain a language base and prepare for entering a school with in-depth study of Spanish.

To the question: Is Spanish a difficult language? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is I will answer your question - easier! Compared to German and English. True, it is necessary to take into account other factors: what a language is for, this also determines the speed of learning.
Spanish is very easy to pronounce for a Russian person. Everything reads as it is written (and this is already a lot). Only the letter "h" is not readable! And then memorize verb conjugations and remember that in most cases the adjective is placed after the noun (unlike Russian!).
Spanish is really easy to learn; at one time I learned it in 3 months. At that time I bought a book with CDs "Spanish in 3 weeks". Learning in 3 weeks is a utopia. But this is a good basis for grammar. Then I had a textbook by Gonzalez-Fernandez, Shidlovskaya, Dementyev, it was entirely in Spanish, without Russian. What gives you the advantage of immediately starting to think in Spanish, without the mediation of Russian. But for the very beginning it is difficult.
And then, well, you just need to have language practice. To do this, you can find people on Skype (link), usually there are a lot of people sitting there, open to communication. The site is also highly praised. link .
Source: good luck!

Reply from Naiman[newbie]
No for me yes

Reply from Natalia Ilchenko[guru]
more difficult than English

Reply from Staff[guru]
they say it’s simple - at least the pronunciation there is unsophisticated

Reply from Landrail[guru]
No, en absoluto. There would be a desire....

Reply from M@xAnZH[active]
in general, it depends on who. I don't think so. I'm really learning English. but for a couple of years we had an elective in Spanish at school. I can say that Spanish is easier than English

Reply from Andrey Strizhkov[guru]
Each language is complex and easy in its own way. If you learn with pleasure, it will seem easy to you, and you will master it perfectly. And if only because you are forced, or simply unwillingly, then it will turn out to be an insurmountable peak for you.

Reply from Dimka Miller[guru]
There are no simple languages, you know, everything has its own squiggles.

Reply from Svetlana[guru]
harder than English but much easier than German, generally considered one of the easiest!!

Reply from DIMITRY SHUKOV[newbie]
Spanish belongs to the Romance group of languages. The most important thing is desire and patience. If you try, it will definitely happen good result... Phonetically - easier than English and German. It is grammatically complex in its own way.

Reply from Elena[guru]
I tried to study it on my own using a self-instruction manual, and after Polish it seemed much more difficult for me to study it - the most difficult thing is the verbs and how they change... but if you have the desire, you will be able to do everything!! Good luck!!

Reply from Lexy[guru]
I learn 4 languages ​​- English, French, German and Spanish
and Spanish is the EASIEST!! !
in general it is considered the lightest of the European

Reply from Anna[guru]
I guess not! but easier than Japanese))

Reply from Black Moon[guru]
it is easier than English. and if you learn it, knowing English at a decent level, then there will be no problems at all. and I would say German is many times more difficult than Spanish

Every year the interpenetration of peoples is gaining momentum. Globalization is intensifying, and with it comes the formation of new international corporations and other small and medium-sized businesses. Our country also has similar systems. Become partners different countries, but most often these are European countries. To communicate with foreigners you need to know foreign language, most often - English, since it is global. However, other European dialects are gradually gaining popularity - French, German, Italian, Spanish.

You can learn a language through courses or from a tutor. The cost of classes is usually quite high, so not everyone can afford such pleasure. What to do if there is no money for training, but you need to know the language in the near future? Many people try to study on their own at home, and most succeed. How to learn it yourself from scratch, is it possible, what is necessary for this - these and other questions will be discussed in the article.

Language description

Refers to Romanesque, which originally came from Latin. Related languages ​​include English, French and other European dialects. Their similarities resemble More than 60% of their structures and grammatical systems, as well as vocabulary, have many similarities.

The birthplace of the Romanesque is Rome. Latin gave its “children” grammar, most of the morphology and syntax. The differences are significant, but the foundation is the same throughout, and when analyzing the foundation of each of the languages ​​in this group, the similarities are obvious.

Language prevalence

The state that is the carrier of the described dialect is Spain. Almost the entire population owns it. However, there are some areas where local dialects have taken root, but their residents can also use classic Spanish if necessary.

In addition to Europe, the language is actively used in the countries of South America, where it was brought several hundred years ago by colonists. It took root there quite firmly, which is why it became official in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, and others.

Complexity of language

If you understand whether it is difficult to learn Spanish, then you can approach it from two sides.

  1. Knowledge of another European language makes it easier to remember what follows. This rule should be attributed to the relationship of dialects. They come from the same beginning, so partly all grammatical, lexical and other constructions will be similar, which will facilitate learning. However, every language is built on vocabulary, so learning new words and pronunciation is still quite difficult.
  2. The new language is the first. When there is no definite basis in the head or general idea about the foundation, learning will be difficult. You will have to remember the basics of grammar, syntax, etc. With clean slate. On the other hand, for many this can be a plus, because there will be no confusion and incorrect associations with another language in the head.

Beginners getting acquainted with foreign speech often wonder how to learn Spanish. It is possible to do this at home, but you need to know where to start and what you will need. This will be written below.

Self-study materials

To learn Spanish from scratch on your own, you will need a large number of teaching materials.

First you need to buy textbooks. You can choose classic school books or special ones marked “Tutorial”. In the first option, a standard program will be presented, where the lessons will go in order without additional explanations, which are usually done by the teacher. In the second, after each new material there will be notes and nuances will be written down. Knowledge will become more structured, and its acquisition will be more consistent. Which one to choose depends on the person’s personal desires.

An equally important part of learning is listening. Many schoolchildren are familiar with unloved listening sessions aimed at understanding the speaker. You have to concentrate, but even that is quite difficult to do. No matter how unpleasant such activities may be, they make a decisive contribution to learning a new language. When communicating with a native speaker, first of all you will need to be able to listen to him and understand what he is talking about. How to learn Spanish on your own from scratch? Constantly analyze foreign speech by ear. Discs are often included with printed materials that include listening tasks. If there are none, you can look for TV series or films in the language you are learning with subtitles, try to watch them and listen to the speech.

Self-study scheme

You should always start with the basics. Generally good educational materials The lessons are presented as they become more complex, so you can follow them and not have to worry about what to learn first. Every new lesson you need to carefully practice it for several days until the design or vocabulary is completely stuck in your head. Figuratively speaking, even waking up at night, a person must call new material without hesitation, then you can move on to the new. This is the second nuance that answers the question of how to independently learn Spanish from scratch.

It is advisable to add audio material to each lesson. You should not neglect it, because memorization occurs much better when different senses are involved. Visually, the design will be in memory, and if you listen to it a few more times, it is unlikely to be erased by time.

As the material becomes more complex, you need to start speaking it out. Having learned a couple of words, say them out loud, listen to the sound, remember the intonation of the speaker from the recording, repeat. Such procedures need to be done as often as possible, because then the language will be memorized at the physical level.

Self-study programs

Despite the fact that the algorithm of actions in almost all training schemes is the same, some programs stand out significantly from the rest.

Most striking is Zamyatkin's program. His method is very unusual, to the common man seems stupid and incredible. The scheme is based on just listening and speaking texts. The learning materials include several dialogues in the target language. The author himself writes that you need to listen to them until each sound becomes clear. Along with the audio material, a printed version of the dialogues in the language being studied is included, which also needs to be reviewed regularly. When the stage of understanding the sounds is passed, you need to start pronouncing the texts, and exactly as the speakers themselves say.

After a certain understanding of the language has been formed, you need to start watching films, reading books in an unfamiliar dialect, and try to do this without subtitles and, accordingly, a dictionary. The author claims that understanding will come on its own.

Actions need to be done with all dialogues. Training takes a lot of time, but it is individual for everyone. It all depends on the person’s abilities and his desire to learn.

Each language is interesting and complex in its own way, but absolutely any one can be learned. The main thing is not to forget about additional materials in the form of literature or cinema.

It is very useful when studying to begin to take an overall interest in the culture of the country that is the carrier of the dialect. Then a special foreign atmosphere will penetrate the entire being of the student, will be quickly overcome and understanding will come.

How long does it take to learn Spanish? This question will have an individual answer for everyone, because everything depends on the person’s efforts and desire to learn new things.



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