Useful stones for Aquarius. Aquarius lucky stones

The Aquarius stone will help representatives of this zodiac sign emphasize strengths of your character and make shortcomings less noticeable. It should be borne in mind that the same mineral can have a positive effect on a woman born under the mentioned constellation, but is completely unsuitable for a man. The ideal talisman for Aquarius should be selected taking into account his date of birth, age and life ambitions.

Sapphire for Aquarius – indispensable assistant in the implementation of life plans

All Aquarius females are united by a love of creativity and a desire for personal freedom. People born under this zodiac constellation have optimism, enviable calmness and are always ready to come to the rescue of friends and relatives who find themselves in trouble. difficult situation. Aquarius women are wonderful wives and mothers, but their desire to control loved ones often leads to conflict situations in the family. To maintain a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house, astrologers advise the fair sex to acquire jewelry with purple amethyst. The mineral will protect her family from quarrels and scandals, and will also help her win the respect and favor of those around her. Amethyst promotes smooth pregnancy and birth healthy child . For this reason, jewelry with it should be worn by a woman who is preparing to become a mother in the near future.

Amethyst promotes an easy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius women who have been married for a long time? Astrologers advise them to purchase jewelry with sea pearls. Such jewelry perfectly strengthens family ties and helps maintain love and mutual respect between spouses. Pearls will give their owner peace of mind, kindness and tenderness, and will protect her from excessive pride and conflict situations with loved ones.

Young girls and women born under the constellation Aquarius often prefer to spend time in solitude, building castles in the air in their dreams. Living in their fantasy world, they feel helpless when faced with harsh reality. Such young ladies should pay attention to jewelry with aquamarine. The soft blue stone will give them self-confidence and help them take a sober look at reality. He will surround his mistress with a whole army of admirers, among whom she will be able to choose a worthy life partner. Aquamarine will help her reveal her sensuality and protect her from making unforgivable mistakes.

When listing the stones of an Aquarius woman, a few words should be said about amber. Jewelry created from this solar gem will be ideal amulets for women prone to anxiety and depression. The mineral will drive away gloomy thoughts, improve your mood, strengthen self-confidence and help its owner always look elegant and attractive.

Stones and talismans for Aquarius (video)

Men's gem talismans

What stones are suitable for Aquarius men? Representatives of the stronger sex, who correspond to this zodiac sign, love to be in the center of female attention. To enhance sexuality, astrologers recommend that they wear jewelry with black agate inserts. This mineral will, like a magnet, attract women to its owner. According to the horoscope, the hot-tempered and aggressive Aquarius will be calmed by white and yellow agates. Light talisman stones will teach a man to control his emotions and make him more gentle in his interactions with others.

The stone of Aquarius men who strive for material stability and self-improvement is green jade. The gem will help the stronger sex get rid of character flaws, increase self-esteem and attract wealth into life.

Sapphire for Aquarius is an indispensable assistant in the implementation of life plans. It is ideal for active and determined men who are used to achieving what they want at any cost. The stone will protect them from obstacles that could prevent them from achieving their goals, and will also help them defeat their rivals.

Gallery: stones for Aquarius (50 photos)

Amulets and amulets for Aquarius

The best amulets for Aquarius are pastel-colored quartz. They normalize the emotional background of representatives of this sign, protect against stress and depression, and strengthen faith in own strength. For Aquarius who is involved in art (painter, sculptor, writer, actor), quartz should always be in a prominent place. The power of this stone can increase a person’s performance, give him inspiration and protect him from creative crisis. For people who have nothing to do with art, a talisman with quartz will protect them from accidents and injuries.

The sapphire mentioned above can be used as an amulet not only for men, but also for women. For a person born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the mineral will help to find peace of mind, become more inquisitive and intelligent. Sapphires effectively eliminate weakness of character, making their owner courageous, decisive and resilient. These gems for Aquarius are real amulets against deception. They teach a person to understand people well, to recognize liars and scammers among them.

Many astrologers agree that the best talisman stone for Aquarius is obsidian(aka volcanic glass). A mysterious black mineral will help a person take the right decision and will become for him reliable protection from enemies and dishonest people. In addition to the listed properties, obsidian relieves bad habits, so jewelry with inserts made from it is useful for anyone who wants to quit drinking and smoking. However, volcanic glass cannot be used constantly, as it contributes to the development of shyness in a person. For the gem to bring the desired effect, it should be worn no more than 4 hours a day or worn several times a week.

What stone should an Aquarius wear to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage? Astrologers recommend purchasing jewelry with agate for this purpose. A magical black stone will create a protective shell around its owner that will protect him from negative influence from the outside and will help you get out of any difficult situation. In addition, agate is an excellent natural healer. It will relieve its owner from stomach problems and ensure a quick recovery from a cold.

The best talisman for an Aquarius who has decided to radically change his life is a yellow or orange hyacinth. A stone of warm colors contributes to the successful completion of bold undertakings, helps to withstand the blows of fate with dignity and instills in its owner faith in a happy future.

Choosing a talisman by date of birth, contraindications to stones

  1. People born between January 21 and February 1 are calm, non-conflict, and prone to romance. They are under the protection of the planet Venus, which makes them liberated and sexy. To maximize their positive qualities, Aquarians born at this time should purchase jewelry with amethyst, jasper, pearls, jade and volcanic glass.
  2. Aquarians born in the time period from February 2 to February 11 are under the protection of Mercury. This planet has endowed them with a sharp mind, determination and an excellent sense of humor. Chrysoprase, amber, onyx, lapis lazuli, turquoise and amethyst will help them emphasize their main advantages.
  3. Those whose zodiac sign is Aquarius and were born between February 12 and February 20 are patronized by the Moon. These people are characterized by pathological truthfulness and hatred of deception. Excessive restraint often prevents them from achieving success in life, so in order to liberate themselves and give freedom to their emotions, they need to purchase jewelry with garnet, sapphire, zircon, aquamarine and tourmaline.

You can wear stones selected by date of birth every day. They provide exceptional positive impact on their owner, help him in solving important issues and overcoming life’s obstacles.

Aquarius and amethyst (video)

When selecting stones according to zodiac signs, Aquarius needs to remember that there are gems that can have a negative effect on him. These include golden quartz, peridot, topaz, opal and sardonyx. The listed stones have powerful fiery energy, so they can take away the vitality of Aquarius and provoke health problems. Representatives of this should not wear zodiac sign diamonds, as they can make a person overly arrogant, stubborn and vain. The list of contraindicated stones also includes cetrin, a mineral with a dual nature that has the ability to enhance both the positive and negative aspects of its owner’s character. It can push Aquarius to make the wrong decision. In addition, tsetrin can worsen his relationships with loved ones and provoke depression.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Aquarius woman is considered one of the representatives with the most creative character of all the zodiac signs. She has the ability to transmit personal positive energy to absolutely everyone. Tries to avoid all conflicts with others.

She is a fan of extravagant stone jewelry, which more thoroughly reveals her unique character.

Selection of a talisman stone by ten days of the month

To decide which stone is more suitable for an Aquarius woman, you need to understand what she lacks in character for a happy and full life. The choice of stone by date of birth corresponds to the ten-day period of the month in which the Aquarius woman was born. It is these talisman stones that help to fully reveal her character and give confidence in her actions.

Talismans from January 21 to February 1

Romantic notes can be traced in the nature of a representative of the Aquarius sign, born in the first decade of the sign. They lack self-esteem in their characteristics. They need to activate their energy forces to give them self-confidence. Stones will help give them such strength: jade, pearls, jasper, and rock crystal.

Talismans from February 2 to 11

Life wisdom and at the same time a sense of humor are inherent in Aquarius women born in the second decade of the sign. Their cherished dream is to achieve recognition and respect in everything.

The desire for career heights, and an understanding of what results they want to get in the future, pushes women to always be in constant active movement. On the way to achieving these heights, they are helped by amazing stones - lapis lazuli, amber and amethyst.

Talismans from February 12 to 20

Aquarius women of the third decade of the sign are considered the most sentimental. They always stand for honesty and know what justice should be. They are adherents of sincerity in actions and deeds. However, they do not often have the courage to express their emotionality out loud. Suitable stones for such representatives are: sapphire, aquamarine, garnet and alexandrite.

"Stop" stones for the Aquarius woman

The influence of the energy of the fair sex is taken into account when choosing a talisman. For women of the Aquarius sign, stones that have fiery energy are contraindicated. They can harm representatives of this sign, taking away their power.

The favorite talisman for the Aquarius woman is considered to be a symbol in the form of a key. He provides magical protection throughout the life of its owner. A particularly strong effect of its enchanting powers occurs if the key with the stone matches the color of the owner’s eyes. The presence of the totemic signs of the zodiac - peacock, toad and dragon, in the form of engraving, enhances the effect of the talisman.

Talismans will look good framed in light-colored metals. These can be alloys that contain gold and platinum.

They will add nobility and sophistication to the graceful feminine nature. For Aquarius women, the principle of confidence in the manifestation of the inner “I” is the main criterion when choosing a talisman.

Today it is no longer a secret that a person, based on his date of birth, is protected by a certain constellation, which has its own talismans and amulets. The latter may include:

  • planets of the Universe;
  • rocks and minerals;
  • stones, both ordinary and gems.

The statement that talismans can do a lot is not accidental, because it is in them that the life-giving forces of the Earth are concentrated, which help a person overcome all the obstacles that arise on the path of life.

The most optimistic sign of the Zodiac

Among all the signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius is considered the most balanced. Astrologers believe that a woman calmly pouring water from a jug is very optimistic. Nature has endowed her with the ability to be creative, a talent that always develops successfully.

Aquarius women are distinguished by the following traits:

  • sociable, she has an endless number of acquaintances and friends; with whom she likes to have heart-to-heart conversations with men; always at the center of the conversation, can express an opinion on any topic;
  • attitude towards friends is ambivalent: can be harsh, intolerant; Not everyone will like the evil tongue of an acquaintance, but it is safe to be with her.
  • has a very brave character; does not tolerate people interfering in her life or trying to advise her on something;
  • characterized by a desire to travel;
  • There is a constant desire to learn new things.

Summarizing what has been said, we can name three main traits of the Aquarius woman:

  • a constant desire to change something in your life;
  • thirst for active activity;
  • sociability and communication skills.

In front of everyone positive qualities women of the named constellation are not always happy in marriage, which is explained by the desire to defend their opinion and “inflate” a quarrel out of nothing. Nevertheless, nothing is impossible for Aquarius: all the men in the world are at the feet of this woman, but Aquarius takes the choice of a companion very seriously, love is not in the first place.

Stones suitable for Aquarius

Aquarius women do everything thoroughly, even when it comes to choosing a dress or jewelry. Among the gems, only those that can have an impact are purchased. positive influence on the world around us. Aquarius: the following can become a talisman stone for women:

  • By its nature, Aquarius delves into the essence of another person’s problems and tries to feel himself in someone else’s form. The friendliness of amethyst contributes to this as much as possible. Astrologers believe that girls must wear a talisman made from such a stone in order to protect themselves from the unkind human eye. Amethyst helps and married women: helps establish peace in the family, eliminates negative thoughts. Amethyst belongs to the category healing stones, muffling the symptoms of many diseases.
  • Astrologers advise married women to wear white pearls. It doesn’t matter at all what cut the pearl is in, the main thing is that it is of natural origin. Then its owner will become loving and understanding of her companion. The stone will help strengthen the family hearth, and both husband and wife will take care of its preservation. In addition, Aquarius women acquire wisdom and forget about their own interests for the sake of the family.
  • To hold your chosen one, to see him as he really is, you need an aquamarine stone.
  • And you simply need amber to help you maintain faith in yourself, in your own capabilities. The beauty of women who constantly wear sun necklaces will not fade. Amber grains sun rays they will imperceptibly encourage you to do only good things.
  • Sapphire that falls into the hands of Aquarius will bring them optimism and determination, self-confidence leading to victories, the desire to get out of any situation with dignity, to complete any undertaking. Astrologers claim that sapphire has an impact not only on a person’s state of mind, but also on his health. It normalizes metabolism, gives restful sleep. The stone teaches its owner wisdom and can improve brain activity. He will put up a barrier from envious people and the negative attitude of others.
  • Talismans made from red garnet - the stone of friendship. – will protect the resident from unnecessary quarrels, emotional costs, stressful situations. The whole world will be friends with the owner of the stone, the number of acquaintances will constantly increase, and relations with everyone will be only positive.
  • By nature, Aquarians are sociable people, the number of their acquaintances is huge. In order not to be at the mercy of gossip, representatives of this zodiac sign need to constantly wear discreet obsidian jewelry, which will act as a barrier.
  • Zircon will help develop creative motives. It will bring inspiration, creative energy, stimulate the imagination, increase efficiency, and develop a desire to improve oneself.
  • A very strong amulet for Aquarius is lapis lazuli, which gives them its accumulated positive energy, makes them happy, and sets them up for positive thoughts. Tall and medicinal properties stone: helps with joint pain, normalizes the blood system
  • A chrysoprase talisman will help you make friends with Lady Luck. The stone is suitable for women managers engaged in mental work. It helps conduct business negotiations: competitors suddenly change their minds and make positive decisions regarding the business.

Astrologers give some more advice:

  • Among the many talismans and amulets, suitable for Aquarius, you need to choose one, the one to which the soul is drawn.
  • Aquarians are better off wearing stones set in platinum and silver. Sapphires, only blue, are worn on left hand, because they improve heart function.
  • You need to merge with any talisman and amulet, feel the energy emanating from it. If this is not felt, it means that the talisman was chosen incorrectly. Please remember that stones react sharply to the touch of human hands: they can easily absorb negative energy.
  • You should not wear several jewelry at once. Energy different stones will be refracted, the talisman will lose power.

Stones unsuitable for Aquarius

Among the gems there are those that representatives of this constellation do not want to purchase:

  • You can't wear other zodiac signs, especially Leo. Talismans intended for Leo are full of vitality, which is much stronger than the water element.
  • Turquoise, although an attractive decoration, is completely unsuitable for Aquarius women: this stone will make a married lady stubborn and frivolous.
  • diamond will make Aquarius stubborn;
  • Citrine will contribute to the development of negative character traits.

These remarks also apply to diamonds. Women, long time Those wearing diamond jewelry gradually change their character, becoming cold and calculating.

Aquarius women. Who are they?

Ladies born according to this zodiac sign differ from other women in their mystery and ability to predict the course of events. It is very difficult to win the heart of such a person, because you need to feel her soul and learn to surprise her, give her gifts that no woman in the world will refuse. You just need to choose jewelry so that it becomes amulets for her:

  • Creative Aquarians very often become depressed. To prevent this from happening, they need constant self-affirmation and faith in their own strength. This will be facilitated by quartz in pastel shades. Quartz will help ensure that the spark of inspiration does not go out, but flares up.
  • If a woman decides that she needs to change something in her life, then she simply needs a ring with hyacinth. The stone will support her and give her self-confidence.

The choice of stones for Aquarius women is very extensive. Any of them can become a talisman. Aquarians need to purchase jewelry with meaning, while taking into account their date of birth. It is necessary to wear the talisman constantly so that it begins to work for its owner, to take care of her energy, but the representative of this zodiac sign can only manage this influence. However, no matter what stone a woman buys, it will influence her destiny.

Natural stones hide powerful energy that they are able to transmit to people. Certain minerals help representatives of different zodiac signs improve their internal state or avoid life's obstacles. Aquarius women are some of the most extraordinary personalities. Gems that will help them express their individuality are best suited for them. The science of astrology will help you choose a stone for an Aquarius woman based on her date of birth.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

The period of the Aquarius zodiac sign begins on January 21 and ends on February 20. Once upon a time, astrologers stated that its ruling planet was Saturn, but today experts in the field of astrology claim that it is the patron of the zodiac constellation Uranus. The natural element of Aquarius is Air.

People born during the air sign period are true contemplators. They do not want to participate in changing lives. Such natures prefer to observe what is happening from the side. The material side of life worries them little. Aquarians are spiritual, as well as a love for exciting activities and communicating with interesting people.

The patron planet saved them from envy and hatred. Representatives of the air element are devoted friends, freedom-loving, so they do not start a family in early age, because they do not want to depend on others. But in marriage, Aquarians become faithful and loving spouses who remain faithful until the end of their lives.

The weak point of the air sign is the lack of insight. These people are gullible and naive, which makes their life very difficult. Often such people indulge in unrealistic dreams.

They may mentally make grandiose plans, but they are not going to do anything to make their dreams come true.

A girl of the Air element can be easily identified by all these properties. In order to develop good qualities and get rid of shortcomings, astrologers recommend choosing amulets for Aquarius women that suit their horoscope. The correct selection of gems will help these individuals attract happiness and good luck into their lives. In addition, talismans will smooth out the contradictory character traits of such persons and protect them from dark forces.

Aquarians are very lucky as they can find support and help in many types of stones. For people who personify the peak of winter, it is necessary to choose amulets with transparent, shimmering gems that look like ice crystals. Iridescent minerals reminiscent of the aurora are also suitable. To strengthen the bright beginning in themselves, Aquarius girls need to supplement their box with talismans with bright and warm stones.

Talismans for representatives of the 1st decade

Talisman stones for the Aquarius zodiac sign should be selected by decades so that the mineral has the most beneficial effect on its owner. The first group of representatives of the air element refers to the period from January 21 to February 1. Venus patronizes them.

Ladies born at this time are characterized by dreaminess, modesty, sensitivity and indecisiveness. Such individuals often experience sudden changes in mood. They are often melancholy and can be saddened even by minor events. Romantic natures often attract representatives of the stronger sex, but pampered ladies rarely experience satisfaction from large number fans.

Suitable amulets for women born under the auspices of Venus:

  • Pearl. For an Aquarius woman, a natural stone will be a symbol of devotion, decency and material wealth. Pearls are recommended to married ladies, as they help strengthen family relationships, as well as prevent quarrels and conflicts. Since representatives of the element of Air are distinguished by their love of freedom and self-esteem, the gem will help them pacify these characteristics in order to family life Everything was peaceful and calm with them.
  • Coil. This mineral will help Aquarians cope with stubbornness and develop tolerance towards others. With this amulet, they will become better at understanding people and will be able to protect themselves from unsuccessful acquaintances and envious individuals.
  • Nephritis. The stone helps increase self-confidence and provides financial stability. In addition, the talisman is able to help the representative of the air sign to see her shortcomings and get rid of those that interfere with her interaction with other people.
  • Obsidian. The gem saves Aquarius from bad habits. With regular use of the amulet, women born in winter will become purposeful and attentive to details. With obsidian, the Aquarius girl will not commit rash acts, but frequently wearing jewelry with this mineral can lead to her becoming too timid.
  • Jasper. The mineral has long been considered a stone of spiritual life. Jasper will protect its owner from evil forces And dangerous people, and will also improve her mood and charge her with the missing energy.

With these talismans, women who were born on the twentieth of January and on the first day of February will be able to achieve spiritual harmony. Jewelry and figurines from natural stones will help them solve personal and relationship problems.

Aquarius under the auspices of Mercury

The second decade of Aquarius lasts from February 2 to February 11. Mercury patronizes people born during this period. Such individuals are endowed with energy, determination, a sharp mind and a great sense of humor. These persons are also characterized by insight, prudence and wisdom. Ladies born in the second decade zodiac constellation, attract others with their cheerful disposition and sociability. But sometimes these women “outweigh” dark sides personality.

Minerals different shades will help Aquarius women of the second decade achieve the desired heights in their careers, as well as achieve recognition in society. Properly selected amulets will help them cope with shortcomings and protect themselves from negative energy.

Amulets for women ruled by the Moon

A talisman for an Aquarius woman with a birth date from February 12 to 20 should be selected with special care, since such a person has a complex character. Representatives of the third decade are characterized by honesty and restrained behavior. They do not tolerate lying, so they immediately break off relationships with people who constantly lie. Aquarians under the auspices of the Moon are vulnerable natures. Their excessive sensuality prevents them from achieving the desired heights.

Amulets suitable for those born in the third decade of the sign:

Women born under the sign of Aquarius can purchase several amulets at once, each of which will help them in one area or another. But astrologers do not recommend wearing all talismans at the same time. Jewelry or accessories with useful minerals should be alternated, as they may differ in energy.

Amulets for men

Many males do not believe in the power of talismans, but there are also those who carry 1-2 pebbles with them, which effectively help them on the path of life.

Aquarius men who want to attract the attention of the fair sex should purchase black agate. With this mineral, such persons will become bolder and more talkative with women. Agates of white and yellow shades will reduce the harsh character traits in such gentlemen, and gray samples will help in establishing friendly relations.

Aquarius men will be able to achieve spiritual improvement with a jade amulet. The stone will indicate personality weaknesses that need to be worked on. Jade will add confidence and strength to the stronger sex in the struggle for their desired place in life. The gem guarantees Aquarius financial well-being.

Sapphire will be an ideal talisman for innovators. It will give the air sign not only inspiration to accomplish great things, but also the strength to complete the projects they have started. With such a talisman, representatives of the air element are not afraid of any rivals.

Stones to Avoid

Aquarius women should be wary of some gems that can bring them bad luck.

Diamond is contraindicated for such natures. Gemstone endows the air sign with stubbornness and arrogance. If an Aquarius girl often wears diamond jewelry, she will become harsh, cold and contemptuous. Because of the diamond, individuals born in winter period, become self-centered and overly proud.

Also sign of the element of Air you can't wear citrine. The stone can influence the negative aspects of a person and bring them to the extreme. Some astrologers believe that this mineral can also have a positive effect on Aquarius, revealing best sides and new abilities, but this is not always possible to achieve.

To avoid negative influence, these persons should give preference to talismans designed specifically for their sign. This is how stones will magically contribute to the improvement of life and self-improvement of the Aquarius personality.

Knowing the decade in which a person was born, you can choose a stone that suits him best. The Aquarius woman's birthstone is primarily sapphire. For them he is strong amulet. Minerals with strong and light energy are suitable for an Aquarius man. For example, aquamarine, which increases his self-esteem. If a person born under this sign is honest by nature, turquoise will become his reliable ally.

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    Choosing a stone for Aquarius

    Each zodiac sign includes several decades. That's why important criterion The choice of talisman is to match the stone to a certain period of the year.

    Aquarians born from January 21 to February 1 belong to the first decade. The patroness Venus provides them with incredible sexuality, a quiet and calm disposition. Such people should give preference to stones that give energy. They are matched by date of birth:

      • pearl;
      • amethyst;
      • obsidian;
      • jasper;
      • nephritis.

      Aquarians of the second decade are those born between February 2 and February 11. Being under the protection of Mercury, they are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor and natural prudence, and are able to achieve success in any business. The following stones can have the most beneficial effect on them:

      • chrysoprase;
      • lapis lazuli;
      • amber;
      • amethyst;
      • onyx;
      • sardonyx;
      • turquoise.

      People born in the third decade, namely from February 12 to 20, complete the Aquarius period. Under the auspices of the mysterious Moon, they value sincerity and hate deceivers. The following stones are suitable for such people:

      • zircon;
      • tourmaline;
      • aquamarine;
      • chrysoprase;
      • sapphire;
      • alexandrite;
      • pomegranate.

      Universal talismans

      There are several talismans that can have a beneficial effect on Aquarius of any decade. Most strong stone Aquarius is quartz. He is able to protect his subtle nature from depression, increase self-confidence, and develop a creative streak.

      Sapphire gives confidence and masculinity to its owner. It helps to find peace of mind. The stone is powerful amulet from deceivers.

      Obsidian, or volcanic glass, has a direct connection with Uranus, Saturn and the Sun. It is the most beneficial mineral for health, as it helps to get rid of bad habits. The gem helps the owner to concentrate on his goals, which will certainly lead him to success. This stone also has a negative effect - when constantly worn, its owner becomes too timid.

      Amethyst can be called the most positive gem. It has an amazing ability to increase tone and charge with optimism. It smoothes out stubborn traits and develops the so-called “sixth sense” in its owner.

      Agate has healing properties, it can have a positive effect on the stomach and respiratory organs. In addition, it will protect the owner from the evil eyes of enemies.

      If Aquarius is a lover of change and extreme decisions, then the best stone there will be hyacinth for him. It will help you keep yourself in good shape and not get discouraged in case of failures.

      Aquarius travelers best friend and aquamarine will be an assistant in matters of knowledge and broadening your horizons.

      Charms for women

      A true connoisseur of freedom - a girl born under the sign of Aquarius - simply needs to establish relationships with those around her. Amethyst will be her faithful assistant in this matter. For the Aquarius woman, it is a family stone. It will help maintain harmony in relationships and maintain vitality.

      Another assistant in maintaining peace and harmony in the family is pearls. This elegant talisman is more suitable for married ladies; it will help tame the pride of its owner and show her best qualities how tender and loving wife and mother.

      Dreamy and romantic Aquarius girls tend to idealize the world, so they are no strangers to disappointment and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the present. Aquamarine will help them take off their “rose-colored glasses” and look at the world more realistically. He is able to reveal the sensuality of a woman, which will undoubtedly delight her man. The mineral is able to strengthen the spirit of those born in the year of the Ox.

      Amber will help you preserve beauty and youth, believe in yourself and not give in to despondency. For Aquarius, born in the year of the Rabbit, the lucky talisman stone is malachite. Helps lead successful business, protects against poverty. Tigers a stone will do, which is called "tiger's eye".



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