Is it possible to build a bathhouse from aspen signs. Aspen is wood as a building material. Why are there so few aspen baths?

In this article we will talk about something important - aspen lumber, its use and characteristics. Let’s say right away that this tree is unique, and various builders have ambiguous attitudes towards it. Aspen lumber cannot be considered universal; they have their own advantages and disadvantages; therefore, they should be used only in individual structures and for individual species works In order for you to make an informed choice, you should briefly mention the properties of aspen lumber.

Aspen - advantages and disadvantages

Aspen grows on moist and waterlogged soils, grows quickly and increases its mass, and is quite often affected by various diseases and rot. It is from these growing conditions and biological characteristics that the properties of lumber are formed. What can you briefly say about them?

  • The wood is quite resistant to prolonged exposure to moisture. Back in ancient times Shingles were made from it to cover the roofs of houses and religious buildings; such coverings served for many decades. By the way, not all of the most modern “innovative” materials can boast of such durability. AND bitumen shingles, and metal tiles have warranty period operation for an average of twenty years. Do you feel the difference? By the way, it was aspen that the bottom rows of log houses were once made of; the bottom rows “work” in the most difficult conditions.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Aspen lumber has large sizes intercellular space, this significantly reduces the coefficient of thermal conductivity.
  • Manufacturability. Aspen lumber is easy to process and a pleasure to work with, you can trust us. On cutting tools Resin does not stick, there is no need to clean them often.
  • Physical strength. Well-dried aspen lumber has high levels of physical strength.

Now, for the sake of objectivity, we need to talk about the disadvantages of these lumber.

  • Small yield of lumber. Due to the fact that the tree grows on waterlogged soils, the core is susceptible to rot, and the yield of commercial lumber decreases. This affects the price of boards and timber.
  • Warping during drying. Increased initial moisture content of wood causes difficulties during drying. Shrinkage can reach up to 20%, and there is a high risk of warping and cracking. Drying lumber from wood must be done very skillfully, strictly following the regimes, and only in special dryers.

By the way, the small yield of lumber and undeservedly low price(in our opinion) lead to the fact that few people are engaged in the production of lumber from aspen. It is much easier and more profitable to deal with coniferous trees, there is much less work with them, and the profit is greater. And another reason for the small amount of aspen materials on the market is the difficulty of harvesting: aspen grows on waterlogged soils, to harvest it you need to use special equipment, and even then all year round it is possible to do this. Now that you already have an idea of ​​the properties of aspen lumber, we can talk about the places where it is used.

Where is aspen used in construction?

  • Baths and saunas. Aspen lumber is almost perfect material for these buildings. You can use timber for the log house; all interior finishing is done using aspen boards. Unfortunately, today such a bathhouse is quite rare, but in vain. An aspen bathhouse has a long service life, it is warm, has no foreign odors, and has excellent appearance. It must be borne in mind that in baths and saunas there is always high humidity, namely, aspen boards have one of the best characteristics for resistance to prolonged exposure to moisture. All “bath accessories” can be made from aspen boards. If you are a true lover of traditional Russian baths, then you should make wooden barrel For cold water, shelves for the steam room, chairs, benches. You can make ladles, carved hangers, and a container for steaming brooms from aspen. Of course, the upholstery interior walls and the floor is also made of aspen lumber.
  • Wooden interior partitions. In the future, they can be covered with wallpaper, upholstered with clapboard or plastered.
  • Floor. From aspen boards, in addition to a bathhouse, you can make a floor in open gazebos and verandas. Now it has become fashionable to lay paths and sidewalks with boards and make them in the form of wooden paving stones. Aspen beams and boards - optimal solution for such structures. They will serve for a very long time, and at a cost that will satisfy most users.
  • Molded products. Skirting boards, platbands, fillets, etc. are very popular. The products have excellent decorative characteristics, they are easy and pleasant to work with.
  • Rafter system. Aspen sheathing is no worse than sheathing made of coniferous species tree. The boards can be cut into slats - you can save cubic capacity. In terms of strength, aspen lumber can be used to create roofs that exist today building codes and rules.

Aspen is a traditional material often used in the construction of baths. The building is built from solid logs or timber. During the preparation process, the material is dried in drying chamber. During construction, it must be taken into account that an aspen log house for a bathhouse must meet certain requirements.

Features and properties of aspen

This tree usually grows in swampy areas, due to which its wood is succulent and susceptible to disease and rot. The lifespan of aspen is 90 years, some trees grow up to 150 years. For the construction of bathhouses and other buildings in Rus', trunks aged 45-55 years were used. The material was prepared in certain time year, since the minimum humidity of the trunks is observed from August to November autumn.

Interesting fact! IN Ancient Rus' a certain mystical image was placed on the aspen. People believed that a tree of this species absorbs negativity and scares away evil spirits, so a bathhouse made from an aspen log is a symbolic place where one can obtain purity of body and spirit.

At different times of the year, the moisture content in wood changes by 50%. Moreover, the humidity indicator along the trunk is different; there is much more water at the top of the tree than at its base. Another feature of this tree species is that the degree of trunk shrinkage is 40-55%. Therefore, they are used exclusively for construction quality logs, which are dried and treated with chemicals.

Useful information! To ensure the attractiveness and durability of a house or bathhouse made from aspen logs, antiseptics are used to treat lumber.

During drying, half of the trunk is deformed, and 4.5 m of the felled tree is used in construction. Longer timber, logs and boards from aspen are “twisted” more often than shorter lumber. Therefore, the procurement of rounded aspen logs is not very profitable for domestic woodworking enterprises.

Useful information! In production, aspen is dried using a special “water hammer” method; as a result of its use, moisture comes out slowly, the wood dries evenly and does not rot.

When drying wood yourself, you need to leave not many upper branches, and you need to make longitudinal cuts along the length of the trunk. The logs selected for construction can be used to build a bathhouse only after 6 months. For this reason, harvesting aspen is a technically complex and lengthy process. When purchasing, you need to choose dry and even lumber, checking each log for core looseness and rot.

Positive qualities and benefits of aspen

According to experts, aspen has a number of unique properties and advantages:

  1. Aspen logs have a uniform structure. It can be processed independently, in any direction and without the use of special tools.
  2. Aspen boards have a fine-fiber structure and high density. Due to this, the logs are moisture resistant, and the timber becomes stronger when in contact with water.
  3. High resistance to wood abrasion after hardening and drying. This quality makes aspen buildings and products one of the most durable and durable.
  4. Well-dried and high-quality processed aspen timber does not rot when the material gets wet. This lumber is excellent for the construction of rooms with high humidity.
  5. Aspen wood contains antimicrobial substances, so it is not susceptible to mold and insects do not grow in it.
  6. Wood contains phytoncides that destroy microbes and cleanse respiratory system person. The aspen sauna provides clean and fresh air.
  7. Healing properties of aspen. As bathhouse attendants note, after visiting an aspen bathhouse, there is an increase in body tone and improvement general condition health.
  8. Aspen log has an aesthetic light shade with an original pattern and does not require decorative processing. Even without windows and with little lighting, the room looks bright, cozy and stylish.
  9. Compared to lumber from other tree species, aspen logs, beams and boards are inexpensive.

Due to moisture resistance, strength, resistance to drying out and others positive qualities Aspen lumber is often used for the construction of bathhouses and other wet rooms. The advantages of using aspen wood as a building material are combined into the main advantage - a bathhouse made from aspen logs improves over time performance characteristics and will serve its owners for several decades.

Disadvantages of aspen

Like any lumber, aspen timber and boards have disadvantages. When choosing raw materials for the construction of bathhouses and other buildings, the following disadvantages of wood should be taken into account:

  1. High percentage of shrinkage. After drying, an aspen log house decreases in size by 40-50%, so when purchasing blanks you must choose seasoned wood, otherwise it will deform and the structure of the bathhouse will shrink.
  2. Most mature trees have a trunk that is not tall enough or is rotten. If you do not notice this defect when purchasing logs, the structure will rot in 1-2 years.
  3. More often than not, aspen trunks do not meet the required quality standards. This significantly complicates the harvesting of wood, since a lot of time is spent searching for suitable wood.
  4. Aspen timber has a specific smell emanating from wood fumes. If you don’t like it, it’s enough to finish the walls of the room with clapboard made of a different material.
  5. Lumber requires significant shrinkage. If the manufacturer sells timber that is not ready for use and is not fully dried, then after it dries, the structure of the bathhouse may be damaged.
  6. The seasonality of aspen wood harvesting does not allow us to order lumber at any time of the year. It is better to process aspen in the spring, after the appearance of tree sap.
  7. Unlike birch, pine and linden, aspen wood shrinks when dried. The trunk becomes thinner, and if drying is not done well, it can become deformed - curl or crack.

Useful information! It is necessary to cut the recesses for aspen logs carefully, otherwise wood materials may crack. The best option- use the “paw” cutting method.

Owners of aspen baths and saunas often emphasize positive aspects lumber. It is recommended to take into account the disadvantages of this type of wood when choosing wood. This will avoid mistakes that affect the quality and durability of the structure.

How to build a log house from aspen for a bathhouse yourself?

The construction of a bathhouse must begin with a competent choice of raw materials. It is especially important that a do-it-yourself aspen log house for a bathhouse meets the following requirements:

  • The length of the workpiece should be no more than 4.5 m. More often, for aspen log houses, they take the top of an adult tree with a small number of knots, which is 40-50 years old.
  • When choosing a material, you need to pay attention special attention in place, pay attention to the place where the trunk is cut. The core should be dense on both sides, intact, without any signs of rotting.

  • Tree felling must be carried out in humid areas of the middle latitudes of Russia. In this way, you will be able to prepare a high-quality log house.
  • A tree of excellent quality, which was cut down in a swampy area, has special characteristics. The timber will quickly become strong, similar to monolithic concrete.

Useful information! Experts and owners of aspen baths recommend using rough-hewn pieces rather than ready-made timber for the log house. They are cheaper and, if necessary, easier to process.

Having studied the properties and characteristics of aspen, some owners country houses consider it inappropriate to use a tree of this species for the construction of a bathhouse. Some bath attendants choose aspen, which is characterized by resistance to moisture, temperature changes, as well as the influence of external and internal influences.

You can prepare lumber yourself, taking into account the recommendations of experts:

  • It is advisable to choose mature trees 40-50 years old that grow in a place that is not very wet. This will reduce the risk of using rotten trunks in the construction of a bathhouse.

  • It is better to harvest during the period of sap flow, then the tree can be cut down without much difficulty and is easy to process.
  • To properly dry the log, the bark and branches must be left on the bark. Then the buds will absorb moisture and due to this the leaves will bloom, which will ensure natural drying of the wood. The bark will prevent the aspen log from deforming.
  • During the drying stage, it is important to prevent sun rays for workpieces. Otherwise, an aspen log house for a bathhouse will quickly dry out, which will cause cracking and deformation of the trunk.

Aspen is a popular tree; it can be found in every corner of Russia. Aspen wood is often used for the construction and decoration of baths, the manufacture of furniture and various utensils. However, before installing an aspen log house, you should think twice, evaluating all the pros and cons, studying the properties and becoming familiar with the characteristics of the material.

Builders have mixed feelings about aspen lumber. Some are sure that aspen baths last for decades and delight the owners, others claim that the log house quickly turns black, rots in literally five years, shrinks almost in half and is deformed along its axis. If you look at it, both are right. It's all about the quality of the material and the correct selection of its workpiece.

On average, the lifespan of aspen is up to 90 years; specimens up to 150 years old are extremely rare, but such old trees are not used for building houses and baths. Aspen’s “favorite” place to grow is swampy areas, which makes the wood very succulent and susceptible to rot and disease.

Even in Rus', aspen trunks up to 45-50 years old were cut down, and the time of year was also taken into account - the least moisture in the trunks was from the last month of summer until mid-autumn. If we take humidity as the ratio of the H2O content in the dry mass of wood, we obtain the following data by month:

  • December – 105%;
  • January – 118%;
  • February – 107%;
  • July – 72%;
  • August – 64%;
  • September – 73%.

That is, during the year the percentage of moisture in wood changes by more than 50%. The humidity level is not the same throughout the trunk; at the top the amount of water is much greater than at the base of the tree.

The degree of shrinkage of aspen trunks reaches 40-54%. For this reason, only the highest quality logs and boards can be used for construction, completely dried and processed mechanically and chemically (the use of antiseptics is a prerequisite for the durability and aesthetics of the building). During the drying process, almost half of the lumber is deformed, and if you consider that a maximum of 4-5 meters of the entire felled tree is used, you can imagine how harvesting rounded aspen logs is not profitable for woodworking enterprises. Moreover, the longest boards, beams and logs are much more likely to “twist” than short-length lumber.

Pay attention! At enterprises, aspen is dried using the “water hammer” method, due to which the moisture comes out slowly, the wood dries evenly and does not rot.

When drying aspen yourself (the tree is dried only in the bark, leaving a few upper branches and making longitudinal cuts so that the moisture comes out slowly, but the wood does not rot), be patient - at least six months will pass before the selected logs can be used to build the walls of the bathhouse.

Thus, harvesting aspen is technically complex, and when purchasing or rejecting material, it is very important to check each log for rot, looseness of the core, and you must personally verify that the wood is sufficiently even and dry.

The nuances of building a bathhouse from aspen and the characteristics of the material

During the drying process, wood acquires the following properties:

  • external gloss due to the polymerization of aspen sap;
  • elasticity;
  • hardness bordering on solidity (sometimes the process of gaining strength is called “ossification”). According to research by A.M. Zhukov, in uninfected wood there is a process of accumulation of titanium, in addition to which aspen contains 16 more chemical elements, among them: copper, silicon, cobalt, iron, zinc, calcium and others;
  • resistance to moisture (aspen becomes suitable not only for the construction of baths, but even for the construction of wells);
  • antimicrobial properties;
  • fire resistance.

Well-dried aspen has minimal shrinkage, relatively low weight and a very high combination of hardness and elasticity. Moreover, the longer the built bathhouse lasts, the stronger its walls and rafter system will become. But these qualities, which are the undeniable advantages of aspen wood, can simultaneously become negative aspects:

Technical characteristics of aspen

Characteristics at 12% humidityMeaning
Density495 kg/m3
Ultimate strength at static bending, MPa76,5
Ultimate compressive strength along the fibers, MPa43,1
Tensile strength along the fibers, MPa121
Ultimate shear strength along the fibers, MPa:
in the radial direction6,15
in tangential direction8,42
Hardness, N/
Modulus of elasticity at static bending, GPa11,2
Radial shrinkage, %2,6-2,8
Tangential shrinkage,%5,4-6,3
Density of wood at natural humidity (kg/m3)689

According to GOST 2002.2-80, aspen is a species that is not resistant to decay. Most often, aspens grow in wetlands, so there are wormholes in the trees. Much more resistant to rotting rocks:

  • pine trees (common and Siberian);
  • larches;
  • oaks.

Protective compounds are absorbed moderately into aspen wood. By referring to the above GOST, you can compare the degree of absorption of products into wood:

  • pine, beech and birch have the best performance;
  • impregnations penetrate extremely poorly into spruce, Siberian larch, fir, oak kernel, spruce;
  • Along with aspen, oak (sapwood), linden, and European larch (sapwood) moderately absorb protective compounds.

Pay attention! Builders recommend cutting an aspen log house “into a bowl” or “into a paw,” especially when using wet logs, explaining this by the lesser possibility of logs deforming (bending, twisting) and cracking. Dovetail cutting and others are possible, but such methods are most suitable for already dried logs with a minimum percentage of shrinkage.

Finishing a bathhouse with aspen: pros and cons

If aspen as a building material has both pros and cons, then as a finishing material this wood is considered ideal.

Firstly, aspen lining is very beautiful. White wood with yellowish veins is perfect for finishing a steam room and relaxation room.

Bathhouse made of aspen timber (overlap in the photo)

Secondly, aspen is not resinous. Unlike pine, which releases resin when heated and is not suitable for finishing a bathhouse, aspen, even when heated to 100 degrees, does not emit an unpleasant odor or resin. That is, the vaping procedure will be pleasant and safe.

Thirdly, it is quite difficult to get burned on aspen bath shelves. This wood heats up less than other popular woods.

Fourthly, the owners of aspen baths emphasize the special atmosphere in the steam room and the light, gentle steam. Most likely, the problem is again in the absence of pine resin and turpentine evaporation from the surface of the boards.

Chemical composition of aspen wood

SubstancesResearcher: Komarov F.P. PercentageResearcher: Stromberg A.G.
Other sources.
Substances soluble in ether1,51 - -
Substances soluble in hot water2,96 - -
Lignin21,67 18,24 21,81
Pentosans23,52 27,47 16,33
Cellulose47,8 47,11 41,77
Ash- 0,32 0,26

Material cost

The cost of building materials is very important and is often paramount when building a bathhouse. Aspen logs, beams, and boards are quite cheap compared to pine, larch, and oak. Sometimes it can be difficult to find aspen beams of suitable length, but it is possible to combine two types of wood in a log house. For clarity, a comparative table of prices for popular types of wood for finishing baths is provided.

Wood speciesDimensions (thickness x width x length)Extra grade, price per 1 sq.m.Grade A, price per 1 sq.m.Extra grade, price per linear meterGrade A, price per linear meterIllustration
Aspen16x96(90)x 1-3 m550-680 rub.450-580 rub.53-65 rub.48-56 rub.
Linden16x96(90)x 1-3 m650-870 rub.550-770 rub.62-84 rub.53-74 rub.
Cedar16x96(90)x 1-3 m1400-1800 rub.1300-1700 rub.134-173 rub.125-163 rub.
Larch (Shtil lining)14x90 (115 or 140 width) x 2 (4, 5 or 6 meters length)950-1160 rub.770-940 rub.- -

Table. Prices for aspen timber

MaterialType of preparationCost in rubles per cubic meterIllustration
Regular timberNatural drying4-4.5 thousand
Regular timberChamber drying10-12 thousand
Natural drying4.5-5 thousand
Chamber drying12-18 thousand
- 20-28 thousand

Video - Aspen lining for finishing a steam room

Video – Bathhouse made of aspen timber

Video – Aspen bathhouse from a log frame 4x5 m

Thus, if you responsibly approach the selection and preparation of aspen wood, follow the technology of construction and processing of the material, then the bathhouse will last for many decades. Visiting such a bathhouse will not only be pleasant, but also very beneficial for health. The main disadvantages, which are discussed in detail above, can be easily eliminated, and if you take into account the entire list of advantages, you can judge the profitability of the construction and operation of aspen baths.

In the photo - a bathhouse made of rounded aspen logs

Despite the emergence of new synthetic and polymer materials, traditional raw materials, such as, do not lose their relevance and are actively used in various areas of our lives. And the need for its production is constantly growing. However, compared to other trees, aspen, which is one of the most common woody plants of the Eurasian continent, seems to be a little underestimated and undeservedly “pushed into the shadows.”

One of the characteristic qualities of common aspen is the high hygroscopicity of its wood, which is why it is often used for the construction of baths and wells.

The main advantages of bathhouses built from aspen timber include:

  • Durability and reliability. With high-quality drying of aspen timber used for the construction of a bathhouse, this material gains strength comparable in strength to concrete. Moreover, these characteristics improve even more over time.
  • Good moisture resistance. Unlike many trees of other species, aspen does not rot or deteriorate when exposed to water.
  • No resinous secretions. Thanks to this, aspen baths do not require additional interior finishing.
  • Pleasant unobtrusive aroma. The wood of this tree has a light and pleasant smell, which does not change its intensity when this material is heated.
  • Low price. Due to the low cost of raw materials (for example: a cubic meter of unedged aspen board costs approximately 4000-4300 rubles), the construction of bathhouses from aspen is very inexpensive.
  • Presence of bactericidal qualities. Even in ancient times, people noticed that the water in wells built from aspen remained clean for a long time, did not rot or bloom, so dishes and utensils were also made from this wood. And in the bath, thanks to the heating of the wood, these qualities were enhanced even more.

Photos of bathhouses and log cabins built from aspen timber

Bathhouse No. 1 Bathhouse No. 2 Log house No. 1 Log house No. 2 Log house No. 3

At home

Despite its ubiquity (aspen can be found throughout Europe and, partly, Asia), its low cost and ease of processing, aspen is rarely used for the construction of houses and farm buildings.

For a long time, people have treated it with some distrust, considering it a weed and unnecessary plant. In addition, according to ancient legend, aspen was the very tree on which Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ, hanged himself by selling him for thirty pieces of silver, so it was believed that the wood of this tree has negative, dead energy.

These beliefs can be treated differently. However, there are very real arguments against its use as a building material for the construction of houses.

These include:

  • Insufficient quality of raw materials. Indeed, in order to find a timber suitable for the construction of a log house, you will have to spend a lot of time. As a rule, no more than 10% of the material from this tree has the required characteristics.
  • Susceptibility to shrinkage. Since aspen has high natural humidity, its wood can be used for construction only after thorough drying. However, during this process it is greatly turned out and twisted.

When building houses from aspen, the quality of the timber used is of decisive importance, especially its humidity, which should not exceed 20%. Some experts recommend using aspen only for laying the first crown of a house made of timber, since it resists rotting well and is characterized by increased strength, and the log house itself should be laid out.

This move will reduce the cost of construction, since the cost of selected quality aspen timber is quite high - from 10,000 per cubic meter. meter and above.

Eurolining, floorboard, unedged aspen

For the interior decoration of baths and saunas, euro-lining made of aspen is used, which is distinguished by its attractive appearance, good moisture resistance and durability.

Its advantages:

  • Elegant white color and almost complete absence of knots, due to which a room decorated with this material looks very cozy and neat.
  • Not susceptible to rotting and cracking during operation. In a humid environment, euro-lining made from aspen feels excellent, and when dry, it does not change its shape or crack.
  • Thanks to the increased dimensions of the groove and tongue, the aspen lining is firmly and reliably fixed to the base, which avoids the occurrence of cracks as a result of constant exposure to humidity and high temperature.

Its dimensions: working width without tenons – 88 mm; width with spike – 96 mm; thickness – 12.5 mm. The length range of the planks is from 1 to 3 meters.

According to a number of characteristics and external qualities, aspen eurolining is divided into 4 grades:

  • “EXTRA”, characterized by increased quality, without knots or defects.
  • “A”, “B”, “C”, differing from each other by the presence of a certain number of knots and other defects per linear meter.

The video shows aspen lining and its features:

In addition, floorboards are also produced from aspen, which are of fairly high quality and are suitable for finishing baths and saunas. Using a five-point rating scale, this material can be rated “excellent” for its environmental friendliness, visual appeal and durability.

Aspen floorboards are characterized by good hygiene and high wear resistance, so they can be used for a long time without additional repairs or treatments.

In addition, when heated, an aspen floorboard does not burn your feet, which allows it to be used as a very practical and convenient material for finishing the floors of steam rooms and bath rooms.

To perform rougher, “rough” construction work, unedged aspen boards of natural moisture are used. Most often it is used for the manufacture of various types of flooring, as well as the construction of sheathing, elements of load-bearing structures and other works.

A distinctive feature of this material is low cost with high strength and durability.


In addition to being used as a practical and reliable material for the interior decoration of saunas, aspen wood is used to make durable and inexpensive sauna doors.

Door leaves made from this wood have virtually no cracks and do not change their shape and geometry during operation, under constant exposure to high temperatures and humidity.

Their main advantages are:

  • Affordability.
  • No need for additional care and ease of working with the material (Aspen does not emit resins and can be easily processed with any cutting tool).
  • Lightness, high moisture resistance, thanks to which the door made of aspen does not allow valuable and healing steam to escape from the steam room.

Since the texture of aspen is not particularly expressive, to improve the appearance of the door it is often coated with various stains and varnishes. The door leaf is usually made from selected grade wood, with a minimum of knots and defects.

To make the box, simpler and cheaper raw materials are used, since it is closed with a platband and does not stand out in the interior.

Flaws: darkening over time and the possibility of hidden rot.

Photos of log houses and doors made of aspen

Doors No. 1 Doors No. 2 Doors No. 3 Doors No. 4

Furniture panels made of aspen

People have been using furniture made from natural wood since ancient times. And today it does not lose its relevance and popularity. For its production, wood of various types is used, including common aspen.

Depending on the size of the pressing equipment used, panels, facade elements, decorative panels, etc. are made from it. In this case, the initial wood raw material, which is a 30 mm board with a moisture content of 80%, undergoes pre-treatment: it is impregnated and dried for 70 hours to a moisture content of 10%.


Since aspen wood raw materials have a number of specific characteristics, they cannot be classified as universal materials that are widespread in construction and industrial production. Therefore, lumber from this tree, for the most part, has limited use.

One of the advantages of lumber is its low cost, however, this only applies to “rough” wood, which has a fairly large rejection rate of about 60-80%. For exterior work, the upper part of the tree is used, since its middle often rots during growth.

Lumber is subject to severe shrinkage and changes in volume and weight during drying, so it is not of great value as a building material.

Wood processing

Being a fairly common and accessible natural raw material, aspen lends itself well to various types of mechanical processing: sawing, cutting, peeling, planing, etc. The largest percentage of material entering processing falls on plywood-match, pulp and paper, container production and sawmilling.

Since aspen wood “survives” peeling and planing operations well, it is successfully used for the manufacture of plywood and matches. At the same time, it is especially highly valued in match production.

Due to the absence of resinous and aromatic secretions, aspen wood is suitable for the production of barrels and boxes. Also, this material, which has a natural white color and a sufficient length of fibers, is used for the manufacture of paper and cardboard, wood fiber, particle boards, etc.

In addition, after appropriate processing, aspen wood can serve as a raw material for hydrolysis-yeast production, the production of a petroleum fuel substitute and other purposes.

The video shows the processing of aspen waste from a match factory on a granulation line:

Features of aspen products and reviews about them

Mainly, it is valued for its strength characteristics, comparable to fairly high quality concrete. Moreover, with age, aspen products only gain even more strength and strength.

Therefore, dried wood is often used for laying out the lower crowns of timber houses and constructing roof rafter systems. In addition, it is a good raw material for the production of furniture used outdoors.

According to consumer reviews, during the operation of log houses or linings made of aspen wood, no special hassle or problems arise. For their cost, durability and practicality, they can be given a solid “A” on our rating scale. And their appearance and ease of manufacture deserve confident “fours”.

You can see what is made from aspen in the photo below:

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4

Recently, aspen is rarely used for private construction. And in vain, because this material is durable and has a beautiful light color, and it can be used not only for kindling and cleaning the chimney, but also for building strong, durable walls. An aspen bathhouse will turn out to be light, strong, and there will be no fear that cracks will appear. Today we will tell you in more detail about aspen and how to build a bathhouse from it.

Why is it worth choosing an aspen log house for building a bathhouse?

Previously, aspen or linden were used to build bathhouses. And even where there were many coniferous trees, aspen was used. There have been and still are many mystical rumors surrounding the properties of this wood. And many therefore refused to use it. But aspen is truly an excellent material for building a bathhouse. Craftsmen value aspen for its ease of processing.

Aspen has a light tone, and the fiber structure is thin and is not afraid of moisture. And even after it has picked up moisture, when the log house dries out, it restores its properties. Such walls are ideal for a bathhouse. And the whole secret is in the density of the wood, and even after a long stay in water it becomes even stronger. Thanks to this, an aspen bathhouse will last a long time and will only become stronger over time. Aspen logs do not split even from an accidental blow.

Aspen is distinguished by its structure, like linden, but with the strength of ash and birch. Since aspen is homogeneous, it can be cut in any direction and there will be no chips or deformations. The abrasion of aspen is almost the same as that of oak, and at the same time a machine can be used to process it. In addition, aspen does not darken over time. Raw aspen is softer than pine, but after drying it becomes harder than oak.

The shrinkage rate of aspen is 40%. So, for example, a cube of logged aspen will weigh about 1000 kg, and a cube of already dried aspen will weigh about 500 kg. The humidity level of the central part of aspen is 80%, while that of pine is only 40%.

Pest beetles love aspen differently than other woods. The reason for this is that aspen contains special substances that kill bacteria.

Many owners of aspen baths claim that the air in them is lighter than in other baths. In addition, a bathhouse made of aspen does not need finishing and does not release resin when heated. An aspen log house is not afraid of either steam from the steam room or rain outside. The service life of such a bathhouse can be 70 years, and nothing will need to be repaired, except perhaps to change the lower crown. If you don’t like the light color of aspen, you can paint the bathhouse any color.

What is the reason that aspen is rarely used.

Despite all the advantages of aspen, it is rarely used for bathhouse construction. And the main reason is that it is very difficult to find a smooth and not rotten log house longer than three meters. And if you use low-quality aspen for construction, the bathhouse can rot in five years. Aspen is considered an unstable material, and if you build a bathhouse from wood that has not been completely dried, the log house may fail.

There are bath attendants who don’t particularly like the specific smell of aspen, especially in comparison with linden. But this is more about the interior decoration of the steam room than the process of choosing material for building walls. On the contrary, some consider the aroma of aspen to be subtle, pleasant and less tart than that of pine needles.

Although, of course, aspen has certain disadvantages that limit craftsmen in using it for construction. And the question is not only about rotting, but also about the fact that in order to select and prepare aspen wood, you need to spend twice as much effort and time as, for example, when preparing spruce or pine material.

It is very important how well and professionally the wood is dried, as it can twist. Some harvesters end up having to write off up to 80% of all harvested material as scrap, and this is undoubtedly reflected in the price of such wood. So, for example, if the aspen is not sufficiently dried in the bark, then at the end of construction it may begin to “turn inside out” and cracks will appear. For these reasons, professionals use a special technology for drying - “water hammer”, which contributes to the slow loss of moisture.

Experienced craftsmen do not advise cutting a bathhouse into a bowl, as the wood may even crack in half. Cutting “in the paw” reduces the risk of cracking, which is typical for any material.

When working with dry aspen, be prepared that the chainsaw chains will have to be sharpened frequently, just like an axe.

Rules for choosing a high-quality and durable log house.

If you have already decided that you should have a bathhouse made of aspen, then you will have to select the material personally so that they do not sell you rotten logs. And we will tell you how to choose it correctly.

Choosing aspen for a log house will not be so easy, and even the most reliable supplier will still have one bad one among 10 logs. Only the top of aspen, where the core has not yet rotted and the number of knots is smaller, is suitable for use in construction. The length of such a section is no more than 3 -4.5 meters, so you will not find longer lumber.

Aspen for a bathhouse is rarely ordered, and therefore they do not prepare it in advance, and when ordering they usually take a certain amount of advance payment. And if the finished log house is not suitable for you, for example, you find rot or defects, then the prepayment amount is unlikely to be returned to you, because all the logs are prepared according to individual parameters.

It is better to work with a rough log than with a profiled one. Since dry aspen is more difficult to process, but damp or half-rotten is more pliable. Conscientious companies are more likely to agree to work with unrounded logs. The differences between an unhewn log house and a profiled one are that well-dried and trimmed wood will be as strong as a concrete monolith. And over the years, an aspen bathhouse will gain weight and become stronger.

The main thing is to choose logs with straight trunks and without rotten core. A bathhouse made of aspen of this quality will turn out beautiful and reliable.

We prepare the log house ourselves.

In order for you to get a strong but lightweight aspen frame, the tree must be cut in the spring, when it contains the most sap. According to the masters, it is the frozen juice that gives aspen its polymerization properties. Experienced craftsmen advise cutting down the aspen when the buds begin to swell on it. Trees are usually felled from February to April, and harvested in April or May. The branches are left so that the buds can take moisture from the trunk and bloom the leaves. This process will be the first drying.

The ends need to be sealed with clay, this will allow the logs to dry properly. Aspen should not be exposed to the sun to dry to avoid cracks. Place the log house under a canopy and leave it for about a year. In the spring, remove the bark from the aspen to prevent bark beetles. Choose the first warm days for this work. A well-dried aspen log house, according to the rules, will be as strong as bone.

An aspen bathhouse is an example of construction.

Since a bathhouse made of aspen will weigh a lot, it is better to choose a strip version as a foundation, with a strip width of about 40 cm and a height of 50 cm. bathhouse made of rounded aspen logs - construction process part 1 bathhouse made of rounded aspen logs - construction process part 2

To make an aspen bathhouse white, you need to sand the walls and cover them with fire protection and bioprotection. Aspen is famous for its ability to relieve stress and fatigue - excellent qualities for a bath.

An aspen bathhouse is an excellent option for those who appreciate the beauty of natural wood. Contact our specialists for advice or order the construction of any turnkey bathhouse. The result of their work will delight you with its beauty, reliability and quality.



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