Purple wax candles in magic. The magical meaning of candle color

Color contains an important part of creating a rite, and each color has its own magical meaning. Color can direct force within the required limits. Using colored candles, herbs and our magical oils, you can enhance the overall effect of a magical ritual. The color of a candle can be compared to a key that unlocks a certain area of ​​your subconscious and being. The actual meaning of each color of our candles may not match the traditional meanings, or accepted in different schools.


Physical strength, love, passion, enthusiasm, health, energy, courage. It is used in rituals aimed at sexual attraction and passion, love and marriage. Promotes fertility, courage, willpower, increase in magnetism. Faith, vitality, fellowship, protection. Red color gives protection against physical and mental attacks. Helps overcome laziness.


Symbolizes the sun at the height of summer. The color of strength and power. Adaptation, energy, enthusiasm, authority, power, luck, adaptability, attractiveness, weight loss, friendship. Justice, court cases, trade, property transactions. Calm. Used in rituals to attract success, "necessary things" and " the right people", fulfillment of desires.

Honor, glory, honor, respect, morality, romantic and sensual love, friendship. Femininity, softness, attractiveness, affection and harmony. Understanding, purity, prophecy, education, fidelity, reconciliation. It is also used in rituals for mental healing or sensual pleasure.


Removal of spells, divination, prediction. Ambition, business development, power, domination, submission, success. Wisdom, hidden knowledge, third eye, meditation, treatment of serious illnesses. Intuition, self-esteem, understanding, spirituality.
Strengthening your own magical abilities.
Can be used in rituals to acquire spiritual power. Effectively drives away evil, breaks the conditions and circumstances that bring misfortune.

fuchsia color

Candles of this color are usually used with other candles in a ritual to hasten the desired result, or in rituals aimed at obtaining quick changes.


Attracts victory, strength, masculinity, happiness, cosmic energy. Brings quick luck.

Gives confidence in spells, gives strength to the concentration of will and imagination in rituals. Used in divination, divination and clairvoyance. Energy, creativity, attractiveness, intelligence, memory improvement, learning acceleration. Breaks mental blocks. Removes obstacles and all that brings misfortune. Used in rituals whose purpose is to get someone to do what you want. Gives a charge of cheerfulness, drives away negativity.


Balances the connection with nature and the outside world. Used to attract money and overcome the financial crisis. It is also used in spells to attract and help the spirits of the earth.
Home magic, healing, animal magic. Love and affection of animals, treatment of animals. Earth connections, persistence, learning, telepathy, finding things that have been lost. The success of a common cause, professional goals.

Healing, meditation, calmness, forgiveness. Wisdom, harmony, inner light, truth, luck, protection. Spiritual inspiration. Prophetic dreams. Use in rituals to strengthen human social relations (friendship, partnership), for the success of a group of people.

Calmness, harmony, patience, health. Devotion, inspiration. Spiritual color, helps in piety or meditation, brings peace and tranquility. Spiritual and psychic requests. It can be used in spells aimed at making a person devoted to you, for peace and blessings.


understanding, thinking, moon magic, creative potential. Turquoise causes changes that allow you to "unblock" the problems that prevent your development or achievement of the goal.

Dark blue

Depression, impulsivity, volatility.

The color of inertia, stops situations or people, induces deep meditation.

Symbolizes nature and material gain. Promotes wealth, fertility and success. finance, luck, monetary success, career, achievement of personal goals, employment. Decisiveness, will. Youth, beauty. The magic of trees and plants. It is also used in spells aimed at positive changes in circumstances, at repeating or renewing a desire or intention and consolidating the result.

emerald green

Captivating love, social pleasures, fertility.

greenish yellow

Illness, cowardice, cowardice, anger, envy, jealousy, disagreements.

dark green

The color of ambition, greed, envy. Counteracts this in rituals.


Symbolizes stability and neutrality. Helps to remove negativity, helps to develop physical abilities. Astral energy, telepathy, intuition and dreams, receptivity and self-healing, clairvoyance. It is used in rituals to eliminate any existing negative influences.

Charm, charm. Neutralizing, color canceling. Useful for reflection and meditation.

Exorcism of spirits, treatment of serious illnesses, absorption and destruction negative energy, removing obstacles. Used to induce deep meditative states, opens the deep levels of the unconscious.
Works well in banishing rituals. A black candle is charged for almost any action, since the black color perfectly absorbs any kind of energy.
It can be used in both creative and destructive magic.

Symbolizes purity, truth, sincerity, wisdom. Promotes spiritual enlightenment, purification. Clairvoyance, healing, peace, purity, divinity, protection, peace, truth. Balances all other colors, if necessary, can replace any other color.

In many magical rituals red candles are used. The combination of fire and red is a very powerful tool, since red greatly enhances the energy contained in the burning flame. Do you want to change your life for the better? Then turn to the magic of red candles.

The power of red

Red has always been the color of burning passions, fiery love, frenzied energy, physical strength, pure enthusiasm, excitement, health and courage. That is why red candles have such wide range impact.

Red candles are used in rituals for passion, love and marriage. They can also be used to restore health (especially for problems with circulatory system, heart and veins) and physical strength. Their energy supports courage, willpower, enhances magnetism. Also, the red color of the candles provides protection against physical and mental attacks. It also helps to overcome bouts of laziness.

Red candles should be handled with care, because they have too strong energy. They are especially strong and therefore effective when lit on Tuesdays.

Red candle from negativity

In ordinary life, red candles can be indispensable assistants. They are easy to use and do not require much effort. For example, if you are very tired or you are oppressed by thoughts about the upcoming difficult task, you can just sit in cozy armchair or on the sofa, light a red candle and sit quietly near it, allowing your thoughts to flow slowly and just like that. After some time, forces, including the strength of the spirit, will definitely return to you.

· Magic matches for the color of candles

White - Purity, cleansing, protection. Any goals
Black - Revenge, curses, damage, love spell at all costs, getting rid of negative emotions, contact with the dead
Red - Love, happiness, improvement of health, expulsion of evil, improvement of fate. Passion and creativity.
Pink - Love, friendship, happiness
Orange - Attracting sympathy, success. Work, career.
Yellow - Predictions, divination, removal of obstacles and everything that brings misfortune. Intelligence.
Green - Prosperity, material well-being, rebirth, good luck. Money, healing.
Blue - Development and strengthening of psychic abilities
Blue - Fight against fear, protection from otherworldly forces. Serenity, wisdom
Violet - Strengthening the strength of the spirit, the treatment of serious diseases, magic. Spirituality.
Purple - Contact with otherworldly forces, achieving power, overcoming something.
Brown - Treatment of pets, all housing problems.
Silver - Animism, animal powers

You can use a white candle:
1. Cleansing the chakras. Near each chakra on four sides (except 1 and 7 - here 1 time each) cruciform movements are made, reading "Our Father ...".
2. Burning out negative energy from a diseased organ. Near a specific organ, the actions described above are performed.
3. Cleaning of premises. First, counterclockwise, then clockwise, they go around the entire room around the perimeter, reading prayers.
4. Purification of negative thoughts. It is necessary to look at the flame of a candle and ask for forgiveness from yourself, from those who have offended and from those who have offended you.

Red is the color of blood, and, accordingly, of life and existence, courage, health, sporting achievements and success in general. red excites nervous system, causes increased breathing, stimulates the work of muscles. It personifies desires and aspirations - to win, to win, to achieve good luck in life.
1. Used for exorcism (better red wax)
2. Purification from the forces of evil. Negative entities are annealed from the energy field.
3. Cleaning of premises. A red candle is placed in the center of each room. Let it burn to the end. At that time better windows keep open.
4. To restore strength in case of fatigue, fatigue. It is necessary to look at the flame of the red candle, trying not to think about anything.
5. In love magic used during rituals and ceremonies.
6. In the treatment of hypotension, impotence and frigidity, depression and melancholy, with lethargy of the digestive organs, to enhance the activity of the liver and stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.

Pink - a mixture of red and white, turns material red into the color of friendship, love, expectation of changes in personal life.
1. The ritual of attracting friendship. On the candle from the wick to the base in a spiral in any magical alphabet, you write name + name - an odd number of times and light the candle. Looking at the fire, you see the desired event has already happened. Work an odd number of days until the candle burns out.
2. The ritual of sexual magic. From svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha and ajna, it is necessary to release pink channels to the top of the candle flame (intensification by the elements of fire and pink) to the object on the same chakras with desired settings for each channel. Work 3-5-7 days.
3. Ritual of happiness. Write on paper what you want with the names and put the paper under the candle. Look at the candle and mentally see what you want. After the candle burns out, burn the paper and send it “downwind”.

On my own Orange color- Joyful and optimistic.
1. Ritual for increasing calls for people working on a home phone. A rune paper talisman is placed under the phone to attract money customers. On the candle in a spiral, write the runes ANSUTS and FEHU an odd number of times. Light a candle for at least 15 minutes a day while meditating on calls from money clients.
2. Establishing friendly and business relations at work. Write your name on one candle and your name on the other. right person(start writing from the side of the wick).
Candles put at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. For 7 days, meditate on the desired situation, looking at the flame of a candle. Every next day, move the candles towards each other. On the last day, write what you want on paper and put it under candles standing close to each other. When the candles burn out, burn the paper and let it go “downwind”.

It's also a color intellectual development, divination, predictions.
1. Light up when divination.
2. With depression, bad mood. Light a candle and, looking at the fire, mentally let go of all negative thoughts and feelings and try to see how they burn out - work to a positive result.

A green candle is traditionally used to attract material well-being and healing.
1. Healing. When treating, use a green candle.
2. Ritual to attract money. Light a green candle. On paper, write a wish list with an indication of the price (preferably no more than 3 wishes) and the total amount. Read the list aloud three times, looking at the candle flame. Burn this list, saying when the paper burns out: “So be it! So it will be! For the good of me and without harm to others!

We can see blue when we look at the sky on a clear day. This color, which is a mixture of white and blue, has the characteristics of both. This is the color of a calm, uniform, without fuss, desire for knowledge of the unknown.

Blue represents peace, even relationships, sensitivity, receptivity, the desire to achieve wholeness. It's a symbol calm waters and the evening sky, the keeper of tranquility and mystery.
1. The constant burning of a blue candle helps to recover from serious illnesses.
2. Light candles in the house of the dead. 2 hours of burning "drives away" guests "for 10 hours, and 1 month - they will leave completely.

Very beautiful, "otherworldly" color - purple. It is a mixture of red and blue, respectively, contains the characteristics of both colors, carrying, nevertheless, its meaning. The pressure of red and the calmness and pliability of blue gives rise to something incompatible, mystical, magical in this light. The color of intuition and understanding of the essence of things. The color of the complete erasure of the boundaries between the worlds, a magical action in which you create magic.…
1. Treatment of serious diseases.
2. Divination by candlelight.

1. Contact with otherworldly forces.
2. Achievement of power with the help of other forces.

Brown is the color of the earth, the color of the roots, the home, the hearth, the color of calmness and settled life, the color of "herd feeling". Emotionally very calm and almost nothing carrying color. Unrefined wax candles are brown.
1. Candles made of unrefined wax - lit for brownies. A bowl of milk is placed nearby and a slice of freshly baked bread or a fresh tortilla is placed on a clean napkin. You need to loudly call the person you are addressing three times and, having offered a treat, express your request for help.
2. When animals are sick.

Black is the darkest of colors and can also be seen as the negation of color. It is considered the color of mourning, grief, misfortune. It is the opposite of white.
1. To punish evil. Calm your feelings and thoughts, peer into the flame, imagine the face, the figure of the one who will be punished. Then repeat to yourself what he is guilty of and demand justice.
2. Work with the world of the dead.

Gray is the color of incompleteness and innuendo, intermediate between white and black. Having no pronounced characteristics of either one or the other, it is most often perceived negatively. Creates a feeling of unoriginality and boredom.

Candle colors for each day of the week

It is possible that you may need to know the correspondence between the color of the candle and the day of the week on which you should perform certain rituals.

Sunday is good for love rituals, rituals for the development of personality, career development and increasing prosperity.

Monday - for meditations, predictions, reflections and rituals aimed at influencing the human psyche and emotions.

Tuesday - for any active action, perfect for rituals aimed at removing obstacles and getting rid of enemies.

Wednesday - you can carry out any creative actions of a personal nature. In addition, it is suitable for rituals aimed at developing own business and activating personal talents.

Thursday - increase in personal attractiveness, personal growth, achievement of success and favor of fate.

Friday is for affairs of love magic and rituals aimed at interpersonal relationships. On this day, rituals are performed for children, as well as for those who want to conceive a child.

Saturday - just like Mars, is great for actions of destruction and removal of obstacles. In addition, it is possible to conduct rituals aimed at subjugating the will and controlling a person.

But there are times when time does not endure, and it is not possible to wait for the required day of the week, on which the ritual will be most effective. In this case, a candle of the corresponding day of the week is chosen, which will become central to your ritual. She will create the influence of the day.

Of course, this is a kind of ploy that will not replace the influence right day, but only make the ritual more effective.

So, if you have time, wait for the right day and do the work.

Sunday - yellow

Monday - white

Tuesday - red

Wednesday - purple

Thursday - blue

Friday - green

Saturday - black

A candle can help in the implementation of the plan.

It should be noted that only new candles that have not been in use are suitable for such rituals. They must be of high quality, fully dyed. Before the ritual, the candle can be consecrated. To do this, lower it into a vessel with mineral water, then pass through the smoke from the smoking lamp.

The very mechanism for fulfilling a wish with a candle is quite simple. Light a candle, watch the flame, think about your goal, and let it burn out. You can “scratch” your desire and the names of those people with whom it is associated with a sharp object on a candle. The main thing is the strength of your intention: you must do everything with a warm heart. You can think aloud over a lit candle. And one more thing: let the candle burn to the ground. An extinguished candle means a rejection of the plan. It must be borne in mind that in order to achieve a result, such actions with a candle should be carried out more than once.

Huge magic power have herbal candles. They are often made independently by adding plants to melted wax. In this case, the properties of the herbs themselves also work to achieve the plan. Aroma candles it is good to use it to create a certain atmosphere in the house: smells and fire will help to relax, get rid of a bad mood, tune in to the positive.

Choosing the time of the ritual

We partly raised the question of the timing of the ritual in the previous chapter, when we talked about the colors of the candles and how you can help yourself if you cannot do the ritual on the appropriate day.

But now we will talk about when and at what time it is better to do certain actions, not helping ourselves with tricks, but strictly observing the canons of candle magic.

The first thing you need to understand is that the time for a ritual can be determined as sunny days, and on Lunar. It all depends on what kind of ritual you are doing.

Lunar rituals

We will begin our description of the timing of the rituals with a description Lunar rituals, since all other rituals, by the principle of simple exclusion, will be classified as Solar.

Lunar rituals in their composition, in the very structure of the ritual, necessarily contain water. This can be water that has been spoken, or water into which wax is poured for a spell (but not divination, since it can be done at any time). This may be a slander on water, in which there is a candle as an element of the rite, in any case, there is water in the ritual.

And then you should refer to the following recommendations.

Waxing Crescent

Rituals aimed at creation, development, active growth, prosperity, good luck, improving health (of course, if a person is sick, then first you need to cure the disease, and then strengthen your health, otherwise the disease is activated), rituals associated with interpersonal relationships, love rituals.

Waning moon

Rituals of a destructive and destructive nature, for the destruction or getting rid of something, overcoming obstacles, for the treatment of diseases (getting rid of the disease).

It is known that the impact of color is reflected in the subconscious of people, causing a certain energy vibration, which can help or hinder, disperse or concentrate, and even create attachment to any element. Well, the lit candle itself helps to realize this vibration in life. Anyway, the list colors candles serve as a kind of incentive for implementation or a starting point, and there it is up to you to decide which color of the candle is closer and suits you.

When buying candles, we don’t even think about what it carries in itself, and even sorceresses select candles by color for their rituals.
So, the color and meaning of candles ...
white candles- a symbol of life, vitality and clarity, they are also a new source of energy or its surge. These candles are universal, therefore they are often used in meditation, to protect the hearth and defeat dark forces. Candles white color can be lit on any day of the week, but is more commonly associated with Monday.
red candles symbolize action, power and courage, strength and determination. It is recommended to use them at a time when you have a really very important life goal in front of you, another characteristic of these candles is the use in love magic, in view of the fact that red is the color of passion. You need to light red candles on a day - Tuesday.
orange- a symbol of growth, high self-esteem, confidence and abundance, for those who want to assert themselves, being under constant pressure, these candles will fit like no other. Their day is Sunday.
yellow candles correspond to the business and monetary sphere, will help in overcoming crises of a creative and life nature, good luck in travel and study. Their day Mercury is Wednesday.
Greens most often used for rituals with an increase in wealth, income, attracting good luck in business, as well as health and recovery. They should be lit on the day of Venus - Friday.
Turquoise candles, or as they are also called candles of the goddess Hathor, are suitable for love rituals, as well as for people who are eager to find peace of mind and balance, relieve stress, relax ... Their day is Thursday and Friday.
Blue will help to gain calmness, patience and tolerance, as well as balance and understanding. They are lit on Thursday.
Blue candles are a symbol of success, organization, self-improvement and spirituality. THEIR day Jupiter is Thursday.
purple candles for those who wish to gain a connection with another dimension, dive into the subconscious. These candles are perfect for meditation and work with past life. The best day for them is Thursday.
Pink candles - the color itself speaks for itself - this is femininity and softness, they will help you find a romantic atmosphere, heal spiritual wounds, especially when it comes to betrayal and unsuccessful love relationships, will reconcile after quarrels, and will contribute to the recovery of children. Pink candles are lit on Thursday and (or) Friday.
gray candles - the color of Mercury and Saturn are used to neutralize the negative, for easy compromise and protection of oneself. They should be healed on Saturday and (or) Wednesday.
black used when breaking up relationships, to expel negativity and overcome grief. With these candles, one should be careful not to fall into the power of depression, and if one is already present, then they can be replaced with dark blue or purple. Black candles are lit on Saturdays.
Silver candles or candles are for magic, they are lit on Mondays.
Golden candles will increase finances, personal security, confidence and charm. Light up on Sunday.
Brown, as they are called by the Candles of the Mother Earth, free from an excess of energy, prevent danger, and are also a kind of neutrality. For these candles Saturday.
Well, what color of candles do you prefer, it's up to you to decide, and if something goes wrong, don't blame the ZwonKa admins

Red has always been the color of burning passions, fiery love, frenzied energy, physical strength, pure enthusiasm, excitement, health and courage. That is why red candles have such a wide range of effects.

Red candles are used in rituals for passion, love and marriage. They can also be used to restore health (especially for problems with the circulatory system, heart and veins) and physical strength. Their energy supports courage, willpower, enhances magnetism. Also, the red color of the candles provides protection against physical and mental attacks. It also helps to overcome bouts of laziness.

Red candles should be handled with care, because they have too strong energy. They are especially strong and therefore effective when lit on Tuesdays.

Red candle from negativity

In ordinary life, red candles can be indispensable helpers. They are easy to use and do not require much effort. For example, if you are very tired or you are oppressed by thoughts about the upcoming difficult task, you can just sit in a comfortable chair or sofa, light a red candle and sit quietly near it, allowing your thoughts to flow slowly and just like that. After some time, forces, including the strength of the spirit, will definitely return to you.

If there is some kind of negativity in the house, and the owners themselves are seized with longing and bouts of inexplicable irritability and aggression are tormented, it's time to energetically clear the room. To do this, put a red candle in the center of each room, open the windows and, rejecting other thoughts, imagine how all the accumulated negativity is being forced out of the house.

Another way to cleanse the house of negativity is even simpler: you need to light a red candle and slowly go around all the rooms in the house with it, illuminating every corner with a candle flame, and especially the dark ones.

Red candle in love magic

And, of course, red candles are used in love magic. Their beneficial flame tunes in to the vibrations of love, brings new feelings to life or resurrects forgotten ones, helps in finding mutual love and happiness.

The easiest way: take a photo of a person you like, put it under a red candle, light it and let it burn out - and while the candle burns, think about this person, how you love him and how he loves you.



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