The use of western thuja in medicine. In homeopathic practice, thuja is used mainly for symptoms and pain localized on the left side of the body.

IN lately Doctors state facts such as an increase in the incidence of female oncology. A drug such as Thuja (homeopathy) is recommended as a treatment for precancerous conditions. And the immunomodulatory effects of this drug also allow you to quickly get rid of serious diseases.

One of the first homeopaths, who involuntarily became a professor in the department of homeopathy, was James Tyler Kent. His enormous contribution to this type of medicine was due to the serious illness of his wife. He began to delve into the basics that predate modern homeopathy. As a result, today this branch of medicine allows people to fight serious diseases and complex conditions. The use of Thuja is a great achievement in the medical industry. How does Thuja affect the body?

To accept this kind, to "address" it, would also mean to adhere to a practice that still remains a displacement. Imitated and simply carried over by academic thought and revealing new responsibilities in their daily "mission" or "passion". However, many of the leading physicians in the history of homeopathy were successful because they had achieved high professional goals in orthodox medicine; they abandoned, at the height of their careers, their agility and safety, defying the criticism of their unbelieving colleagues to follow the imperatives of their conscience.

Some people are concerned about whether it is possible to combine treatment with Thuja 200 for all kinds of exacerbations of diseases (pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.) that can be eliminated with other medications.

In most cases, Thuja can be taken, but there are some restrictions. Therefore, before purchasing this drug, you should pay attention to the indications for use indicated in the instructions:

Any crisis of knowledge is due to comparison. Homeopathy has withstood resistance and resistance for over 200 years in changing regimes and styles in both medicine and culture. Everyone, doctors and patients who believe or have converted to homeopathy have done so after being healed or that of your family, friends or dog; Or they resorted to it to find relief from their illnesses only when the concern of academic medicine failed their task.

And don’t come to me to say that the now famous Silvio Garattini and Piero Angela, or the Opponent of Homeopathy, such as Stefano Cagliano, and, alas, recently also Nobel Medicine Rita Levi Montalcini, somewhere repeatedly said and wrote that “homeopathy is It’s just fresh water!” Well, Madame Curie was a self-confident and self-taught practitioner of Homeopathy, as well as her husband and collaborator Pierre, also a Nobel Prize winner in physics, and her grandfather, who was even one of the pioneers in Homeopathy England before women took the chair at the Sorbonne. Marie Curie was not only the only woman to graduate in physics at the Sorbonne, but also the first woman to receive it after her death, in the Pantheon of Paris, where it lives next to Voltaire and Victor Hugo. Mrs. Curie is a homeopathic doctor, like her husband and colleague.

  1. For chronic conditions of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis. Especially if the disease is accompanied not only by frequent and difficult urination, but also by burning pain during this action.
  2. If men are concerned about prostate adenoma. This disease is almost always expressed in the form of dysuric disorders. In this case, urination is performed in an intermittent stream or drip. Burning pain in the anal area is also a sign of this disease.
  3. The instructions for the drug also indicate that Thuja allows you to quickly get rid of benign neoplasms (especially those localized in the genital area). Exudate has excessive unpleasant smell, genital warts can crack and bleed with slight pressure... Warts, weeping - all these conditions can be eliminated with the help of Thuja.

Other problems often become indications for use:

In homeopathic medicine from the origins of today's doctor. It often happens that misinformed characters, often unscrupulous and full of bruises, or simply arrogant and convinced to be the true "priests" of knowledge, are called upon by means mass media express their opinions and thoughts about what they really don’t know: Homeopathy. Then we will be punctual to the usual disgusting speeches and equally ignorant considerations; "Unbelievable" because in the best of these hypotheses, these subjects are completely unaware of what they are talking about, overwhelming the task of disseminating such a complex issue.

  1. Psoriasis in a non-aggravated form.
  2. Presence of acne vulgaris. Their occurrence is usually associated with excessive consumption of proteins.
  3. The presence of keloid scars resulting from injury. You can get rid of skin defects that appear due to past diseases.
  4. Presence of post-vaccination complications.
  5. If the patient is bothered by headaches in the parietal and frontal region (mainly on the left side). Often this pain is accompanied by a feeling of intracranial pressure and the presence of a sharp needle-like object in the head. The duration of these pains can be about 12 hours a day. Stops at night. Unsteadiness and slight closing of the eyes may also appear in this condition.
  6. This drug helps combat conditions resulting from neuritis facial nerve, accompanied by pain, irradiating from the face to the back of the head. With this pathology, the face turns red, the upper lip twitches, and there is a feeling of coldness with inside cheeks, which intensifies when the head is tilted forward and weakens when it is thrown back.

This is not the entire list of ailments that can be combated with the help of Thuja. The advantage of this drug is that it can be prescribed to children.

For some time now in our country, coupled with the growing number of people who are becoming more and more into homeopathy, we see that it is becoming more and more prolific and arrogant every day, pseudo-information, guided by the art of intolerance professionals, compatible journalists, pharmaceutical companies and media whose goal is to systematically destroy everything that differs from their way of thinking and desire. This is not happening in the press, newspapers, television networks or magazines, nor is any hostile statement appearing or being published and promoted by some of the few quality freelancers studied and brought into the art to discredit homeopathy without even knowing what it is.

Other ailments that can be treated with Thuja

There are other pathological conditions and diseases that Thuja helps to cope with. Thus, intense pain and leg twitching with sciatica, which intensifies while walking, bothers people less and less. Chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis - all these respiratory tract ailments also gradually disappear. People are often concerned about the condition of their teeth, especially if they become loose and fall out. These signs are characteristic of periodontal disease.

All this - it seems that at a time when the European Community issued a directive to regulate the production and trade of homeopathic medicines, which finally also in Italy acquired pharmacological merit. Homeopathy is, of course, a therapeutic method that collects more scientific evidence than any other treatment method, and at the same time fierce opposition to all other unorthodox medicines. The great anathema thrown against homeopathy by the solonons of official science Due to the fact that he uses diluted remedies outside the number of Avogadro; In other words, for them, homeopathic remedies do not contain any more pharmacologically active molecules chemicals, while denying even "evidence that they have" an undoubted therapeutic and biological effect, clinically proven in almost two centuries of clinical practice and experimentally proven in numerous and repeatable laboratory tests on biological substrates, plants, animals and humans, the great impasse and that " inspired" people of "science" and "culture" are bent on the desire to prove chemicals obsolete or mediocre chemical phenomena that are known to belong to the field of physics are what everyone knows except them!

  • gastritis;
  • chronic colitis;
  • chronic endometritis;
  • chronic adnexitis (mainly left-sided);
  • mastopathy (pain in the mammary glands during the menstrual period).

Taking into account all these conditions, homeopaths have identified a constitutional type among people for whom the use of Thuja is most likely to be indicated. Such a person is characterized by haste, irritability and constant self-doubt. As a result, this type of person becomes overly emotional, angry in all sorts of not very unpleasant situations, melancholic and has constant mood swings. Sometimes they are disturbed by animal fear or irritation due to such thoughts as “the presence of someone behind their back” or even their “pursuit”, “the presence of something living in the stomach”, etc.

It may be observed that if physiologists had only a thermometer as an instrument of examination, they would see only changes in temperature in every manifestation of life. Or would it be as if we took the meaning of a book with a single mechanical and chemical analysis physical materials from which the book was made, without a reader who understands the semantic code and also gives us a proper reading and interpretation of the text. It would be like after carefully studying and studying Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, these visionary researchers told us that Dante is a charlatan because his work only involves pulp!

Most often, their hair is greasy, their facial skin is oily, their lips have an uncharacteristic blue or purple tint, and there is a small white border along the edges. This type of people is prone to developing benign tumors or disorders of purine metabolism. Their condition can worsen from heat, dampness, while bending the head forward, after breakfast and eating fatty foods.

However, until now in biology and medicine the processes of living matter are considered only mechanical and chemical processes. One day the great Galileo asked one of these scientists to look through a telescope to check the truth of some of his statements. Well, he shouldn't be interested in defense, or he was a complete idiot! If we counted on the impartiality of scientists, writes Karl Popper in The Sorrows of Historicism, “science, even natural science, would be completely impossible.” To abandon the agony of homeopathy because it has not yet been "scientifically" explained is certainly an idea that often masks the bad faith of those who want to protect established other interests; Or the most glaring demonstration of arrogant stupidity.

Such people may be prescribed the drug Thuja 30, and as additional therapy, the use of Thuja essential oils and ointments for topical use, which include the active substance Occidentalis, is prescribed.

What else is useful for thuja?

So, essential oil Thuja allows you to suppress the growth of young tumors even when diluted. The antimicrobial (fungistatic) activity of this oil is much higher than that of other oils coniferous species with antimicrobial effects.

Pathogenetic research in man made the test method developed by Samuel Hanmann and his first students and collaborators was for more than a century the concern of almost exclusively homeopathic physicians. Knowledge acquired through experiments on healthy humans, homeopathic clinical practice and modern biological, toxicological and pharmacological knowledge has allowed the creation and systematization of current homeopathic medical materials. The clinical practice of many generations of homeopathic physicians has provided some essential elements of homeopathy research that we can summarize.

It is worth noting that this drug should not be abused, because in large doses this oil can provoke kidney irritation and a strong rush of blood to the organs of the genitourinary system. Seizures may also occur. Because in pure form Its use is highly discouraged, but diluting its components is not only acceptable, but also perfectly stimulates the functioning of the human immune system.

The concept of individual sensitivity involved in the development of clinical and biological experimental protocols, as well as in the study of results. The empirically observed efficacy of high dilutions in which the probability of molecular reconstitution is too low to explain the observed clinical effect. Experimental demonstration of the effectiveness of high dilutions, called “infinitesimal”, and the search for their mechanism of action is the most difficult and most exciting element of homeopathic research.

from the book George Vithoulkas, The Essence of Materia Medica

It is difficult to find precise words to describe the Thuja type condition. We'll have to resort to poetic descriptions. When you meet a Thuja patient for the first time, you feel something that makes you wary. He is very slow to trust other people, and you get the feeling that he is not authentically portraying what is really inside him. Of course, everyone hides information to some extent, but with Thuja you feel a sense of secrecy that is stronger than usual. Moreover, you have the feeling that what is being hidden is something vile, such that it is unpleasant to expose either the patient or the doctor. The closest words to describe a Thuja patient are UGLY and LYING.

The importance of the concept of "land" in homeopathic practice and hence the “scientific” evaluation of this practice. These pages will cover following topics. Biological and pharmacological studies describing some of the many results that have been obtained.

Clinical studies highlighting high-quality publications presented by our English and French colleagues. The search for the mechanism of action, or rather the hypotheses put forward, which are currently undergoing deep and complex physicochemical research. For over forty years now, there has been major experimental homeopathic research in France, carried out in large specialized homeopathic laboratories and an increasingly numerous university laboratories.

The Thuja patient is mean and manipulative. He's deliberately withholding information just to test you, to see if you know what you're doing. For example, a woman faints; she says, “I felt my soul leaving me and I was afraid that I was dying.” - She gives some other information, but does not tell you that she ate a lot of heavy food the day before. She asks, “Do you think it could be my stomach?” - Without any information to suggest this is a possibility, you say, “No, it's more like a spike in blood pressure.” - Only then does she say: “But yesterday I ate a lot of heavy food!” This is how she tries to catch you.

Currently, the experiment in homeopathy is carried out mainly in seven key areas. Of course, tens of hundreds of experiences cannot be summarized in these few pages. Numerous studies using the radioactive labeling method have made it possible to clarify the reality of the deconcentration of homeopathic medicine.

Partial desorption in the matrix of the car is absorbed by retreating on the walls of the bottle. The laws governing these phenomena are not well known, but there must be a new balance between the amount of substance absorbed on the glass and that left in solution after shaking. Three different radioactive solutions were used.

Thuja patients are always reserved. They take the position of an observer - they observe everything, but do not offer anything themselves. They do not allow any form of deep communication. They are very withdrawn, but not due to a lack of feelings. They are simply reserved and suspicious about what might happen to them if they engage in deep communication.

Isotonic granular sodium solution. An isotonic solution of human albumin serum, labeled with iodine 131. It consists of prescribing to the patient a dilution, on an average of high total, of the substance responsible for pathological disorders when there is a toxic or very specific microbial cause. Here, for example, between Numerous studies have been conducted, some protocols that have shown very significant results.

These studies tend to demonstrate the specific focus and specificity of the action of homeopathic medicine. They are intended to demonstrate that a homeopathically pre-diluted, diluted and dynamically administered substance is affected by certain conditions, to act as an antagonist at the same dose taken at the dose wt. The influence of infinitesimal doses on the elimination of the kinetics of elimination of a toxic substance under the influence of dynamically infinitesimal doses of the same substance.

Thuja type patients - difficult people. The difficulty of their emotional expression manifests itself even on the physical level in the form of hard tumors. The ugliness of their souls manifests itself as the ugliness of tumors.

However, don't be fooled by appearances. I remember very much nice person, who recovered quickly from Thuja, but it was difficult to detect the essence of Thuja in him. He was one of the nicest people you could meet - a very sensitive poet. However, he himself felt his distance from people. He felt he was unable to truly communicate directly and personally, so he turned to poetry as an outlet. To see Thuja in such a patient, of course, requires a keen understanding of both the patient and the remedy, but once prescribed, Thuja brings great relief to such patients.

If homeopathic arsenic solutions are administered from the onset of intoxication, and “during the period of spontaneous elimination, an increase in this elimination is observed, which can reach 42% of the total amount of arsenic administered.” Thus, the experiment is carried out: If guinea pig inhales strong, but not lethal dose arsenic, about 35% of the poison is eliminated in the urine within a maximum of five or six days. 11 The rest, about 65%, are fixed on certain organs or tissues of the animal. Doses aimed at confirming the presence of a toxic substance after the sixth day no longer show the least desire for arsenic in the urine.

What exactly did the sycotic miasm do to such a patient? - First, at an early stage in human history, it stimulates the basest instincts. These instincts then demand expression. However, society intervenes and “puts the patient in his place.” He is punished and he learns to control himself. This leads to the condition we see in Thuja. He learns to no longer show his true character, even though the tendencies within remain and continue to scream for expression. He finds ways to deceive. It becomes very correct. It's as if he learned that free expression of his instincts in society is not justified, and began to control himself greatly. Thus he adapts to the opinions of others, but not because he is afraid of what others will think, like Lycopodium. Thuja has it cold choice purely for practical reasons.

Dullness and forgetfulness gradually turn into despondency and dissatisfaction, which can be very deep. It is not as strong as Acidum nitricum, which is also very dissatisfied, but specifically in connection with health problems. Thuja may have health concerns but will tackle the problem head on. These patients are dissatisfied and depressed, but are also cold, calculating, manipulative, and scheming. They cut themselves off from people. You never know what's on their mind.

For this reason, the symptomatology of Thuja is usually UNCLEAR. You feel like there is something that you don't quite grasp. Therefore, you are rarely completely sure of the purpose of Thuja. The full image is never clear because the patient never opens up enough.

With the development of mental pathology, they develop obsessions. They can accept different shapes. What is most striking is their description of the feeling that their legs are brittle. Kent says they feel like their legs are made of glass. In my experience, today's patients rarely say this directly. They usually describe a feeling of fragility, as if their legs could easily break. In fact, in Thuja patients it is more than just a sensation.

Another strange idea they describe is that they have something alive in their stomach. They can go so far as to give detailed, accurate descriptions of this sensation, it is so strong. One patient said that he felt like little boy The right foot is knocking inside.

One more obsession Something that I have seen quite often in Thuja is the feeling that someone is walking nearby. This is not fear, but delirium. Medorrhinum, on the other hand, experiences the FEAR that someone is behind. Petroleum is close to Thuja in this respect: he feels that there is someone in bed next to him.

As stated, on the physical level there are all kinds of tissue overgrowth. Of course, Thuja's tendency to warts is well known. In addition, there is recurrent herpes on the genitals. Women have uterine fibroids (Calc. fluor., Calc. carb., Phosphorus). Fingernails and toenails are ugly and deformed.

A few key symptoms worth mentioning are: Thuja sweat has a sweetish odor. There is also a particular intolerance to onions, as well as to some extent intolerance to spicy foods in general. A rare and characteristic symptom, which I have seen only twice, is when the patient has a runny nose during stool.

There is a strong tendency to catarrh of all kinds - leucorrhoea, catarrh of the nose, urethra, etc. The discharge itself contains few differentiating characteristics, but the patient generally feels relief from any discharge.

Headaches are of a special nature. They usually start in the forehead above the left eye and then move along the side of the head to the back of the head. It can occur on either side, but in case of the right side it can be either Thuja or Prunus (if the pain moves along right side and is installed specifically on the right occipital protrusion, then it will be more likely Sanguinaria).

Being a sycotic remedy, Thuja is greatly affected by damp weather. She has rheumatic lesions of all types. It should be noted, however, that Thuja is not very effective in the acute stage of gonorrhea. It is more indicated when gonorrhea is suppressed to a more profound chronic state. For acute gonorrhea, it is better to consider drugs such as Medorrhinum, Cannabis sativa or Indica, Sasparilla and many others. If gonorrhea has been suppressed with antibiotics and the patient develops warts or, worse, chronic cachexia combined with decreased mental capacity, be sure to consider Thuja.

Thuja also has the typical sycotic instability, but not like Medorrhinum. A Thuja man may be quite correct, amiable and straightforward at work, but becomes a completely different person at home. In reality, he puts on a false mask at work, but has enough self-control to maintain it. Medorrhinum, on the other hand, does not control himself so well: a Medorrhinum person can explode at any moment. Thuja maintains a mask of uprightness and respectability, while Medorrhinum can be considered a more "ordinary" person.

In this sense, Thuja actually represents a deeper stage of pathology. This can also be seen when the sycotic trait is passed on to the next generation. Thuja is much more often indicated for hypertrophic children of sycotic parents. Medorrhinum is more often indicated when the patient has a history of gonorrhea.

The Thuja patient is more deeply ill than Medorrhinum. This idea that their legs break easily is a good image of the health of the Thuja patient in general. This is a very fragile state on the verge of complete destruction just from a slight push.

It is somewhat difficult to give a good explanation of the usefulness of Thuja after the adverse effects of smallpox vaccination. Such a specific prescription is usually a clear departure from the laws of treatment. However, I can confirm this exception from my experience. First, let me warn the reader that this only applies to smallpox vaccinations and does not apply to other immunizations, despite what Kent says. I believe this is due to the resonance between smallpox vaccination and Thuja. In other words, a patient who is very susceptible to the smallpox vaccine is probably also sensitive to Thuja. Pustules and vesicles common in smallpox are also found in the symptomatology of Thuja. The theme of ugliness also applies because smallpox usually leaves ugly scars (as does the vaccination itself). The problem seems to be that trials alone cannot show us all the phases of a particular remedy, and so the exact relationship between smallpox vaccinations and Thuja is unknown.

Every medicine has a sequence of events. Pathology begins somewhere and ends somewhere. In order to fully know any remedy, we must know each stage very clearly. The same drug will act in both the initial and final stages. For example, if you have a patient with chronic headaches that developed after receiving a smallpox vaccine. Thuja will probably cure it, although it may not correspond to the typical left-sided frontal Thuja headaches. For this to happen, the patient must be at a stage not yet studied in trials.

This is why we sometimes rely heavily on the etiological factor. We know that smallpox can cause meningitis, a disease characterized by the most severe headaches. However, it is important to point out that Thuja will bring cure based on such specific etiological indications

OFTEN, but by no means ALWAYS. In order to determine whether a given case is sufficiently covered by any other drug, it is necessary to conduct a complete survey of the patient. If there is no other such drug, then there is every reason to use Thuja.

Another ROUTINE use of Thuja is for suppressed warts. Here you can THINK about Thuja. However, caution must again be exercised because I may testify on the basis personal experience about several mistakes made as a result of just such routine use of Thuja.

Thuja is a very deep-acting remedy that can provide some amazing surprises. You can reach despair in relation to some patient. After several appointments there is no progress. The patient is very reserved and correct, you can even think of Kali carb., but it does not work. Finally, you realize that the patient was not being honest with you; there is manipulative evasiveness. When you notice this, you will give Thuja and you will probably see a dramatic improvement.



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