6 oar yawl. How wooden ships are built. Policy regarding the processing of personal data

Fig. 1. Boat structure (according to V.I. Shatrov, 1998):

1 - sternpost; 2 - hole for weed; 3 - stern eye for painter; 4 - transom beam; 5 - steering head; 6 - transom board; 7 - seat for the helmsman; 8 - shaped butt; 9 - guide strips; 10 - back board; 11 - aft seat; 12 - cleat for the foresail; 13 - connection; 14 - chuck under a metal knuckle; 15 - metal bookcase; 16 - cleat for jib sheet; 17- inter-jar chaka; 18 - shrouds; 19 - fish; 20 - medium jar; 21 - footrest; 22 - basting; 23 - dowel; 24 - mast bank; 25 - fender; 26 - strip with a socket for a lamp stand; 27 - gap; 28 - tack hook; 29 - stem; 30 - bow eye for painter; 31 - bow lattice hatch; 32 - gunwale; 33 - steps; 34 - steps of the lamp stand; 35 - nasal bank; 36 - nasal chain lift; 37 - clamping nut and keelson washer; 38 - steps for the mast; 39 - frames; 40 - shearstrek; 41 - collar; 42 - piller shoe; 43 - pillers; 44 - casing; 45 - podlegars; 46 - stern (stern) bank; 47 - brass drain plug; 48 - tongue and groove sheathing belt; 49 - aft lattice hatch; 50 - footrest; 51 – keel; 52 – keelson; 53 - wooden spacer under the bookcase; 54 - stern chain lift; 55 - metal bookcase; 56 - weather vane; 57 – steering wheel; 58 - steering loop with fittings; 59 - rod for attaching the steering wheel; 60 - rudder feather.

A set of longitudinal and cross beams, representing the frame of the boat, is called a set. The boat hull set consists of 5 main elements: keel, stem, sternpost, frames and transom (transom board).

For longitudinal strength of the boat hull, oak timber is placed in the frame - keel (Figure 1.51; Figure 2.1), ending at the bow vertical beamstem (Figure 1.29; Figure 2.4), and in the stern - sternpost (Figure 1.1; Figure 2.8). The stem is firmly connected to the keel using a wooden connecting bracket - button (nasal knob) (Fig. 2.7), and the sternpost with the help steel bookcase (Fig. 1.55; Fig. 2.10) on brass bolts.

Attached to the keel from above rezen-keel (Fig. 2.2), serving as additional strength to the set. A metal strip is applied to the keel and stem - fitting (Figure 2.5), protecting the boat from damage during mooring.

Fig 2. Six-oar YaL (details) (according to M.M. Kopp, 1988):

1- keel; 2 - rezen-keel; 3 - tongue and groove; 4 - stem; 5 - keel strip, or trim; 6 - falsestem; 7 - button (nasal book); 8 - sternpost; 9 - transom board or transom; 10 - stern metal bracket; 11 - wooden spacer under the bookcase; 12 - fastening bolts; 13 - keelson; 14 - mast steps; 15 - steps of the lamp stand; 16 - piller shoe; 17 - pillar shoe fastener; 18 - pillers; 19- eye of the nasal chain lift; 20 - chain nose lift; 21 - chain lift bracket; 22 - chain lift butt; 23 - keelson mounting bolt; 24 - keelson washer; 25 - keelson nut; 26 - stern chain lift; 27 - nose chain lift clip; 28 - stern chain lift clip; 29 - strip with a socket for a lamp stand; 30 - bow lattice hatch; 31 - tack hook; 32 - fish; 33 - footrest; 34 - removable front part of the aft lattice hatch; 35 - aft lattice hatch; 36 - footrest; 37 - tank can; 38 - shearstrek (upper sheathing belt); 39 - frame; 40 - fender; 41-gunwale; 42 - collar; 43 - podlegars; 44 - mast bank; 45 - inter-jar chaka; 46 - metal bookcase; 47 - dowel; 48 - strip with a socket for a dowel; 49 - mast basting strips; 50 - mast basting; 51 - subclavian; 52 - oarlock; 53 - butt for the pin; 54 - rod for oarlock; 55 - shrouds; 56 - cable lanyard; 57 - shroud thimble; 58 - shroud; 59 - drain plug; 60 - socket for drain plug; 61 - leather pad; 62 - back board; 63 - guide bar; 64 - shaped butt for the fore-rod; 65 - seat for the helmsman (stern bracket); 66 - trim of the transom board; 67 - eye for the stern painter; 68 - stern painter; 69 - aft seat; 70 - flagpole clip; 71 - flagpole steps; 72 - boat nail with washer; 73 - figured timber.

The transverse strength and reliability of the boat hull set are frames (Figure 1.39; Figure 2.39), which are attached with galvanized steel screws to the rubber keel along the entire length of the boat on both sides.

On top of the frames, a rubber keel is applied keelson (Fig. 1.52; Fig. 2.13)– a removable board that is connected to the keel brass bolts (Figure 2.23). On the keelson there are steps (Figure 1.38; Figure 2.14) for installing masts and sockets for racks – pillers (Figure 1.43; Figure 2.18), supporting banks. The upper ends of the frames are connected by two oak frames curved to the shape of the boat's side fenders (Figure 1.25; Figure 2.40), which, in turn, are cut into the stem with their bow ends and connected to it and to each other breshtuk (Fig. 1.27)- steel bookcase with wooden overlay. The stern ends of the fenders are fastened with a bracket transom beam (Figure 1.4). The fender gives the boat longitudinal strength and reliability of the set.

To protect the frames from damage, the bottom of the boat is covered with removable panels - fish (Figure 1.19; Figure 2.32), having footrests (Fig. 1.21; Fig. 1.50) rowers, and the aft part of the bottom is closed lattice hatch (Fig. 1.49; Fig. 2.34,2.35), consisting of two parts.

The upper end of the piller fits into the socket on the can, the lower end into shoe (Figure 1.42; Figure 2.16) on the keelson. Between the banks on the sides there are spacers called inter-can cups (Figure 1.17; Figure 2.45).

On the inside of the boat, slightly above the design waterline, oak beams are laid along the sides - podlegarsy (Fig. 1.45; Fig. 2.43), on which the bank, stern seats and bow lattice hatch (Fig. 1.31; Fig. 2.30) with bar and a socket for a lamp stand (Figure 1.26; Figure 2.29). The lower end of the post fits into the step socket on the stem. The cans and the stern seat are attached to the frame and fender using knits (Fig. 1.15; Fig. 2.46). The fenders and support beams in the bow are firmly connected to each other and the stem, and in the stern to the transom board.

Flush mounted to the sternpost transom board (transom) (Fig. 1.6; Fig. 2.9).

Along the perimeter from the inside it is attached to the transom wooden beamtransom beam (Figure 1.4).

Parallel to the transom board, the vertical guide strips are inserted removable back board (Fig. 1.10; Fig. 2.62), which is installed parallel to the transom board at a distance of 35 - 45 cm from it.

On inside transom board is located clip (Figure 2.70), and on the stern seat - socket for attaching a flagpole, (flagpole steps) (Fig. 1.7; Fig. 2.65)

Between the back and transom boards on the starboard side on a wooden plate - knitse (Fig. 1.7; Fig. 2.65), resting on the fender and transom bars, is the place of the foreman of the boat.

Belts sheathing (Figure 1.44) The YALAs are placed in a cover. The bottom line of planks entering the keel tongue is called tongue and groove belt (Figure 1.48), and the upper belt – shearstrake (Figure 1.40; Figure 2.38).

The fenders of the ends of the frames and the upper edges of the shearstrake are covered on top on both sides with oak boards - gunwale (Figure 1.32; Figure 2.41), which are fenced on the outside with a semicircular collar (Figure 1.41), and the lower side is located on the belt, below the shearstrake. The beads are attached to the skin with screws; they cover the groove between the gunwale and the shearstrap and protect the sides of the boat from impacts when mooring.

In the bottom of the boat, in the area of ​​the stern can, there is a hole with an unscrewing brass plug (Fig. 1.47; Fig. 2.59, 2.60), which serves to drain water accumulated at the bottom when lifting the boat.

The boat hull is equipped with various metal parts that serve to connect the parts of the set to each other.

When lowering and lifting the boat aboard the ship, use chain lifts (Fig. 1.36, 1.54; Fig. 2.20, 2.26), which consist of butt (Figure 2.22), tightly riveted to the keel, a rigging shackle, a piece of chain and eye (Figure 2.19). The hooks of the boat hoists are placed behind the eyelets. To prevent the boat from heeling during descent (ascent), the bow eye is passed through a locking bar on the bow, which forms nose chain lift clip (Figure 2.28), and the stern one through a special hole in the stern seat, which forms aft chain volume clip (Figure 2.28).

To install the mast in vertical position and securing it to the mast bank is strengthened basting (Fig. 1.22; Fig. 2.50) And nests (Figure 2.48) For dowels (Figure 1.23; Figure 2.47), which are ordinary bolts with an oblong shaped head. They are designed to secure rigging marks and gear.

Steps (Figure 1.38; Figure 2.14) attached to the keelson and serves to install the end (spur) of the mast.

On the inner edge of the fenders on the left and right sides there are shaped butts - cable stays (Figure 1.18; Figure 2.55). They are used for fastening cables (Fig. 2.58), holding the mast in a vertical position, as well as for laying and tightening fore-sheets (Figure 1.12; Figure 2.64), shaped rims are also available on the ends of the middle jar for stowing jib sheets (Figure 1.16).

Hook on the stem (tack hook) (Fig. 1.28; Fig. 2.31) serves for setting and fastening the jib-tack.

Installed on the inside of the fender ducks (Fig. 1.12, 18) for jib sheet, foresail sheet, as well as for fastening fenders when mooring.

The mooring device consists of nasal (Figure 1.30) And stern eye (Figure 1.3; Figure 2.67), to which the fire is attached painter-rope (Fig. 2.68) from plant and synthetic fibers.

Attached to the gunwale subclavicles (Fig. 1.13; Fig. 2.51) With sockets for oarlocks (Fig. 2.52). There are four banks in YAL: bow (Figure 1.35), forecastle (mast) (Figure 1.24), middle (Figure 1.20) and stern (stern) (Figure 1.46).

To keep the boat on a given course or change the direction of its movement, it is used steering device (Figure 1.57). The steering wheel is hung in the center plane on special rod (Figure 1.59), why is it fixed on it? loop with binding (Fig. 1.58). To prevent the tiller from falling out, it is secured with a pin connected by a chain to steering head (Figure 1.5). IN steering wheel (Figure 1.60) available weed hole (Figure 1.2)- a small tench. One end of the weed, passed through the hole on the steering wheel, is sealed with a knot - a button, and the second is tied to the eye on the sternpost.

Outside in the bow from the stem, as well as on the transom board on the right and left sides, they are reinforced edgings for weather vanes (Fig. 1.56).

Review of the Yala-6 model from LS Model (Russia)

Manufacturer: LS Model (Russia).
Model scale: 1:36.
Model length: 175 mm.
Model height: 172 mm.
Model width: 56 mm.
Material: wood, fabric, metal.
Source: http://karopka.ru/community/user/16133/?MODEL=450369.

I would like to present to your attention a kit for assembling a wooden model of Yala-6 with sailing rigs on a scale of 1:36 from the St. Petersburg company LS Model.
First, information about the prototype from the kit manufacturer's website. Yal-6 or six-oared yawl is a seaworthy boat with a rack-split sailing rig, the main parts of which are a spar - a mast and racks, sails - a foresail and a jib, standing rigging - gear for supporting the spar, running rigging - gear for lifting and controlling the sails.
A sailing-rowing yawl is designed for transporting people or light cargo, for communication between ships or ship-to-shore, and is also used for educational or pleasure purposes, driven by oars and sails. Most often used in inland waters or in the coastal zone of the seas. Has following parameters: length - 6.11 m, width - 1.85 m, there is one mast on a six-oar yawl, called the foremast and serves as a support for the sails. Made from pine or spruce (glued), length 5.5 m, cladding - clinker type.

Now about the set itself. The main features of the kit, in my opinion, are, firstly, the large scale - 1/36, and secondly, the clinker lining. As far as I know, at the time of its release it was the first domestic kit with clinker lining. The design of the slipway is also interesting. It is not internal, like the Milania and Falconet boats, but external. On the one hand, this will apparently make it more convenient to assemble the housing kit accurately and without distortions. On the other hand, further, when sticking the skin, the set will not be fixed in any way, and most likely it will wander. In addition, in the future, the slipway can be turned over and the hull can be installed on it by inserting the protrusions on the keel into special grooves.
Dimensions finished model: length 175 mm, width 56 mm, height 172 mm.
The set includes:

  • Laser cut walnut, makkore (mahogany) plates, anegri and plywood slips.
  • Photo-etched brass plate.
  • A piece of brass wire with a cross section of 0.9 mm.
  • Two spools of thread for standing and running rigging
  • Ready sewn sails.
  • Assembly instructions.

Solid walnut plates. They are equipped with a keel, frames, spars, oars and a stand. The cladding is made of 0.6 mm makkore veneer. A plate made of makkore with a gunwale, fishtails and a transom, as well as a plate made of anegri with a keelson, sublegs, cans, collars, chucks and a back board - glued from two layers of veneer (or rather, apparently welded with film under a heat press). You will have to be careful when welding these parts with a heat applicator, because... When heated, they can delaminate.

The photo-etched plate shows the frame of the keel and stem, rudder loops, rowlocks, knuckles, eyes, hooks, cleats, dowels, etc.

I would like to dwell in detail on the sails. On the one hand, these are ready-made sails with luffs, reef bows and sewn liktros. On the other hand, the stitching does not follow the grain of the fabric, the luffs and reef bows are too wide even compared to the templates from the instructions, the liktros is sewn “into the coverage” and not through, and even at this scale it is already possible to sew sails from individual strips of fabric. In general, the sails are very good for out-of-the-box assembly, and if you wish, you can sew your own according to the template given in the instructions.

For some reason, the spools of thread I came across in the kit were both black, although in the photographs of the manufacturer’s assembly the running rigging is light. The threads are synthetic and quite shiny. Thick - three-strand, thin - two-strand.
After the release of the first edition, the manufacturer changed the design of the cover of the set, and also began to complete it with turned dowels own production. They are in the photo at the end. I took the design from the Internet, and the manufacturer sent me the dowels at my request.

    KEEL – the basis of the boat.

    FORE – the forward extension of the keel.

    FRAMES - stiffening ribs that give the boat lateral strength.

    CASE – double plastic, with a foam layer.

    TRANSOM - the stern end of the boat.

    FAIL BAR – connects the stem to the transom, strengthens the strength of the side.

    GUNWARE - the upper part of the fender beam.

    BEAD - protects the side from hitting the pier.


    BANK – seat for rowers

TANK - for signalmen

MAST – for forecastle rowers

MEDIUM – for average rowers

ZAGREBNAYA – for rowers

STERN SEAT - for spare



Boat KEEL - a longitudinal beam of rectangular cross-section, running along the entire length of the boat. Serves to ensure longitudinal strength of the side. Frames are placed on the keel. The name sounds the same in English, Dutch and German. This term came to us during the construction of the first Russian warship “Eagle” by the Dutchman Van Bukoven (1667). V.I. Dahl, in his “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” gave not only its exact explanation, but also a proverb: “It’s smart to lay the keel, but good people will lay the kokors (ribs - i.e. frames).”

The terms wake and keel block are formed by adding words. The word KILKA, which came to us from the Estonian language, is also associated with the keel found in the lower part of the body of this fish.

LAYING THE KEEL – laying the foundation of the vessel, beginning of construction.

BOOK is the term from which accusations of clogging the “ship’s” language with meaningless foreign words began. In Dutch the wordsknie, knitjemeans knee, knee. In Russian documents, KNITSA is found for the first time in the “List of forest supplies for one ship,” dated 1698. It says here that for one hull it is necessary to prepare “120 elbow curves - called knis.” In classical shipbuilding, the brackets were cut from a suitable tree with a branch. These antics were quite impressive. In the mentioned “Painting” it is said that the “underside” (lower vertical) end of the beam-blanket blank must be at least 10 feet long (1 foot - 30.5 cm), the upper, extending at an angle of 90° - 7 or 8 feet ( “and how thick is it possible to find”). “Elbow crookedness” is also not a random play on words. In Holland language There once was a term - kromhout, where krom means crooked. This crooked tree was translated as “crooked”. And the comparison with the elbow is obviously up to the translator.

Blogger Alexey Izmailov writes:

After visiting the yacht port "Sands", our part of the expedition visited the Varyag wooden shipyard. It is located near the port in a large hangar. “Varyag” is a unique (if not the only) enterprise of its kind, they design and build wooden vessels: sea cruise sailing yachts and training sailboats, pleasure sailing and motor vessels, crew and tourist boats, fishing boats, sea boats of the YAL type -2, YAL-4, YAL-6, recreational sailing and rowing boats, traditional folk boats “Soima”, “Kizhanka”, “Finka”, etc.

One of the main directions is the construction of replica ships, stylized as ancient sailing and steam ships. During the construction process the following are used:

  • traditional and modern technologies and materials;
  • equipping ships with domestic and imported equipment from leading manufacturers;
  • author's design interior decoration and exterior decor.

Upon entering the hangar, I immediately saw a wood carver who was turning out such a head - the bow decoration of the ship.

Over the 20 years of operation of the shipyard, several dozen motor and sailing vessels, several hundred boats and boats have been built, including:

  • copies of historical sailing ships of the 14th - 18th centuries;
  • Russian sea and river boats and plows of the 11th-15th centuries;
  • copies of the boots of I and Catherine the Great for the museums of Tsarskoe Selo and Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • replicas of Viking ships for the city;
  • floating models of ancient sailing ships and rowing ships for the filming of the English TV series “Hornblower” and the Russian film “The Passenger” directed by Stanislav Govorukhin.

There is another ship on the shipyard slips. The shipyard has enough orders, they don’t sit without work. The ships are made not only for customers from Russia, but also from abroad, so they can be found in England, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Caribbean Sea and the Canary Islands.

The Varyag wooden shipyard is one of the few enterprises where the traditions of domestic wooden shipbuilding are carefully preserved and developed.

Freshly painted sides.

The build quality is respectable.

Rows of rivets, carefully fitted parts.

Immediately the master grinds oars for it.

Yal-6, structural drawing of the hull.

On the right with orange sides is a tourist boat of the Grumant-30T project. Designed for lovers of long sea voyages and water recreation.

The sailing-motor vessel of the Askold-65 project is intended for use as a pleasure vessel on inland waters.

The external appearance of the vessel is an attempt to reconstruct a Russian river boat of the 15th century. It was on such a ship that the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin could begin his famous “Walking across the Three Seas.”

Another vessel is being assembled next to Askold.

At the Varyag office they told us about already implemented projects. Many private customers who ask to build a replica of a historical ship always choose a legend for it, for example, to lure tourists))

What else pleased me about the office was the office furniture, all handmade from solid wood, made to individual sizes)

There is a design for a new ship on the table.

Inspiration comes from everywhere.

This is how the excursion turned out.

Walkingonlifeboats promotes the physical development of personnel, the development of strong-willed and naval qualities- eye, observation, sharpness, educates persistence in achieving your goal...

Classification of boats and their design

Boats are small rowing, sailing and motor undecked vessels. They are made of wood, metal, plastics and rubber fabrics - inflatable. Sailing on boats contributes to the physical development of personnel, the development of strong-willed and seafaring qualities - eye, observation, ingenuity, fosters perseverance in achieving a set goal, and instills a love of the sea.

Ship's boats in everyday life are used for communication with the shore of the ship's personnel stationed in the roadstead, for performing various ship, hydrographic and diving work, delivering ropes, detonating floating mines, as well as for rescue purposes. Depending on design and dimensions rowboats are divided into longboats, cutters, whaleboats, yawls and tuziks.

Longboats are the largest boats, having sails and up to 22 oars. The length of the barge reaches 11.6 m, and the width is 3.4 m. They are used for transportation large number people, delivery of main anchors, etc. Currently removed With production.

Boats - have sailing equipment and from 10 to 16 oars. The length of the boat is 7.92 m, width 2.25 m. They are used for transporting people and goods. Self-propelled boats with a deck are also called boats.

Whaleboats are narrow boats with a sharp bow and stern that have high seaworthiness. They have sailing rigs and six oars. The length of the whaleboat is 8.54 m, width is 1.83 m. Hermetically sealed air boxes are installed along the sides of the whaleboat, which allows them to remain afloat even if completely flooded. The whaleboat is generally recognized best type lifeboat. Special lifeboats of this type can be various sizes and driven by a screw with manual drive on the shaft

Yala - six-, four- and two-oared boats. Based on the number of standard oars, they are called: sixes, fours and twos. Sixes are quite durable, light and seaworthy, have sailing rigs and oars. The length of the six is ​​6.1, the width is 1.9 m. It is used to transport a small number of people (oaring - 13, sailing - 8 people in winds up to force 5 in areas protected from waves), cargo, as well as for sporting purposes and performing various ship works (delivery of mooring lines, ropes, etc.). The fours have a length of 5.26, a width of 1.61 m, are equipped with sailing rigs and are intended for the same purposes as the sixes. Doubles do not have sailing rigs. Their length is 3.55 m, width 1.25 m. They are intended for transporting up to three people over short distances in sea conditions up to 2 points.

The frame of the body is a set consisting of longitudinal and transverse oak or ash beams. The kit gives the body the required shape and ensures its strength.

The main part of the set is the keel.

Keel - solid oak or laminated from two oak and three pine boards a straight beam running the entire length of the boat.

In the bow, it is attached to the keel with brass bolts, forming the bow end of the boat (Fig. 2),

stem - a curved beam glued from several oak boards.

The aft end of the boat is formed by a rectangular laminated oak beam cut into the keel at an angle of ~ 100° - sternpost.

Sternpost secured to a galvanized steel keel knight on brass bolts.

Rice. 2. Keel and stems:
1 - hook for attaching the jib-tack (tack hook); 2 - stem; 3, 9, 10 - bolts; 4 - lining; 5 - knitsa; 6 - stern eye; 7 - sternpost; 8 - transom board; 11- keel; 12 - under-keel strip

Flush embedded into the sternpost transom board(transom), made of two or three oak boards. On the inside, along the perimeter, a wooden rim is attached to the transom - transom beam. An oak one is attached to the keel on top with galvanized nails. resen - keel, giving the keel extra strength.

Along the entire length of the keel, on both sides of its upper part, tongues are cut to attach the first plating chord (Fig. 3).

The keel and stem are protected from damage by metal under-the-knee strip.

Attached to the rubber keel with galvanized steel screws frames- transverse ribs from hard rocks wood, curved to the shape of the contours of the boat (Fig. 4). The six-oar yawl has 25 frames.

On top of the frames on the rubber keel lies keelson-removable board, fastened to the keel with brass bolts (Fig. 4 and 14).

Rice. 3. Keel design:
1 - rezen-keel; 2 - tongue and groove; 3 - keel; 4 - under-keel strip

The upper ends of the frames are fastened with two oak bent to the shape of the side fender bars.

Rice. 4. Fastening frames:
1 - keelson; 2 - frame; 3 - nail with washer; 4 - casing; 5 - rezen-keel; 6 - screw; 7 - keel

The bow ends of the fenders are cut into the stem and fastened to it and to each other steel breshtuk knight with a wooden overlay (Fig. 5).

The aft ends of the fenders are fastened with steel brackets to the transom beam.

A casing made of pine and oak boards is nailed to the set of yawls with galvanized or copper nails. The bow ends of the skin are recessed into a cut tongue on the stem, and the stern ends are fastened to the stern by a transom rim and a transom board. The covering consists of 14 belts.

Rice. 5. Fastening the fenders:
1 - stem; 2 - hook for attaching the jib-tack; 3 - steel bookcase; 4 - wooden lining (breshtuk); 5 - nasal ring; 6 - frame; 7 - fender; 8 - shearstrek

First belt- tongue and groove made of 16 mm oak boards (the thickness of the remaining boards is 12 mm).

Upper belt sheathing -shearstreck also made of oak planks. Between the shearstrake and the fenders there is a wooden filler. The yawl sheathing belts are laid out overlapping (Fig. 6, a).

The fenders, the ends of the frames and the upper edges of the shearstrake are closed on top of oak board - gunwale.

Two beads - semicircular oak or ash bars - protect the sides of the boat from impacts when mooring. The upper flange covers the groove between the gunwale and the shearstrak, and the lower one is located on the belt, which is below the shearstrak. The beads are attached to the sheathing with brass screws. The gunwale and wood core have holes for oarlocks (three on each side) (Fig. 12).

Rice. 6. Sheathing:
a - cover; b - smooth; 1 - gunwale; 2 - shoulders; 3 - sheathing boards; 4 - nails with washers; 5 - frame; 6 - podlegars; 7 - bank; 8 - glazing bead; 9 - fender

On longitudinal oak beams - podlegarsy the cans are supported, which serve as seats for the rowers and elements of the transverse fastening of the boat.

There are four banks in the yawl: bow, forecastle (mast), middle and stern (stern). Galvanized steel knits they are fastened to the fenders (Fig. 7). To prevent the cans from bending under the weight of the rowers, their middle parts are reinforced with racks - pillers. The upper end of the stand fits into the socket on the can, the lower end into the shoe on the keelson (Fig. 14). Between the banks on the sides there are spacers called Chucks. An oak plank is laid on top of the cans and chak close to the frames - glazing bead(Fig. 6 and 7).

Rice. 7. Attaching the can to the fender:
1 - metal bookcase; 2 - gunwale; 3 - fender; 4 - frame; 5 - wooden filler; 6 - glazing bead; 7 - shaped collar for winding the jib sheet; 8 - podlegars; 9 - bank (medium); 10 -- chaka

In the bow of the boat, a removable support rests on the support bow lattice hatch with hole for light post (or race number). The lower end of the post fits into the shoe socket on the stem.

In the aft part of the boat (Fig. 8), a seat rests on the support, on which, when sailing, passengers, the commander and the chief officer of the boat are placed. Parallel to the transom board, a removable back board is inserted into the vertical guide shoes.

Between the back and transom boards on the starboard side, on a wooden plate - a knuckle resting on the fender and transom bars, there is a place for the foreman of the boat when moving on the oars.

To protect the frames from damage, ease movement around the boat and evenly distribute the load, the bottom of the yawl is covered with removable wooden panels - fish, and between the stern can and the stern seat - aft lattice hatch(Fig. 8 and 9), consisting of two parts.

Rice. 8. Aft part of a six-oar yawl:
1 - duck; 2 - guide shoe; 3 - split shaped butt for winding the foresail; 4 - wooden knitsa (the place of the foreman of the boat when rowing); 5 - transom beam; 6 - stern eye; 7 - hole for chain lifting eye; 8 - aft seat; 9 - aft lattice hatch; 10 - plug

There are supports for the rowers' feet on the fish and the hatch. To drain the water accumulated at the bottom of the boat, under the aft hatch in the casing there is a hole with a screw-out plug. When lowering and raising the boat aboard the ship, use chain lifts(lifting eyes). Ducks- metal double-horned strips for fastening fenders

Rice. 9. Rybina:
1 - fish; 2 - support; 3 - construction

Rice. 10. Chain lift (chain lifting eye):
1 - eye; 2 -. locking bar; 3 - chain; 4 - lifting bracket; 5 - nuts; 5 - keelson; 7 - bolt; 5 - keel; 9 - butt; 10 - pin

The chain hoist consists of a butt tightly attached to the keel, a rigging shackle, a length of chain and an eye (Fig. 10). The hooks of the boat hoists are placed behind the eyelets.

To prevent the boat from heeling during descent (ascent), the bow eye is passed through locking bar on the bow can, and the stern one - through a special hole in the stern seat.

Rice. 11. Steering device:
1 - steering head; 2 - check with a chain; 3, 5 - loops with bindings; 4 - hole for weed; 6 - rudder blade; 7 - sternpost; 8 - rod; 9 eye of the stern painter; 10 - sorlin; 11 - tiller

To keep the boat on a given course or change the direction of its movement, it is used steering gear(Fig. 11), consisting of a mounted rudder, parts for its attachment and a tiller (when rowing, a curved tiller is used, when sailing, a straight one is used).
Steering wheel made of oak and consists of a head, feather and hinges with bindings. It is hung on a galvanized steel rod mounted on the transom board and sternpost of the yawl. There is a square hole in the steering head for tiller. To prevent the tiller from falling out, it is secured with a pin connected by a chain to the steering head or tiller. There is a hole in the steering wheel for weed- a small line with a circumference of 25 mm. One end of the weed, passed through the hole on the steering wheel, is sealed with a knot - a button, and the second is tied to the eye on the sternpost.

Rice. 12. Subclavian:
1 - gunwale; 2 - sub-clavicle; 3 - hole for the oarlock; 4 - wooden filler; 5 - fender

For fastening the oars, mast and gear when controlling the sails, as well as for other needs, the following parts are available on the boat hull.

Sub-clavicle- corner galvanized metal strips embedded flush into the gunwale with holes for oarlocks (Fig. 12).

Basting- a folding metal bracket on a hinge to hold the mast in a vertical position. One end of the basting is fixed to the mast can, the other, folding, is attached to the can with a dowel (Fig. 13).

Steps- a metal attachment attached to the keelson for installing the lower end (spur) of the mast. In the recess of the step there is a horizontal pin on which the mast sits with a spur groove (Fig. 14).

Steps are also called metal fittings with holes for oarlocks, which are sometimes installed below the fender.

Vantputensy- metal strips with eyes for attaching cables. They are located on the inside of the fender bars, two on each side (Fig. 20).

Split shaped rims serve for laying the foresails. Located on the gunwale between the back and transom boards (Fig. 8). On the brackets of the middle can there are shaped lugs for winding the jib sheets (Fig. 7).

Rice. 13. Basting:
1 - hole for dowel; 2 - basting; 3 - dowel

Huck on the stem (tack hook) serves for setting and fastening the jib tack

(Fig. 2 and 5).

Rice. 14. Keelson with steps and shoes for racks:
1 - shoe for the stand (pillar); 2 - pin; 3 - steps; 4 - keelson

Mooring device consists of bow (on the stem) and stern (on the stern) eyelets, to which they are attached with a fire falini- cables made of plant or synthetic fibers. Designed for mooring and towing boats.

There is a clip on the inside of the transom board, and on the stern seat there is a nest(or shoe) for attaching the flagpole (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Details on the transom board:
1 - flagpole; 2 - a duck on a flagpole for attaching a flag halyard; 3 - metal strips for mounting the outboard motor; 4 - shaped collar for fastening the handrail: 5 - transom beam; 6 - metal plate with data on the seaworthiness of the boat; 7 - stern painter; 8 - shaped board; 9 - socket for flagpole; 10 - flag call sign; 11 - clip for flagpole

To mount the motor, two metal strips are installed on the transom board. For fastening the handrail when sheathing the boat there is shaped butt.

To the left of the sternpost, a metal plate with data on the seaworthiness and passenger capacity of the boat is nailed to the transom board, and the flag call sign of the boat is painted on the right.

The flag call sign is assigned to a boat by order of the commander of the ship (unit) and consists of a combination of two flags of the Boat Signal Book: the upper flag indicates the letter, the lower one - “Boat”. Thus, the flag call signs look like: A. Shl., B. Shl. etc.

Rice. 16. Location of the weather vane on the transom

In addition to the flag call sign, the boat is assigned a weather vane and a digital call sign by a circular from the Chief of Fleet Staff. The latter is painted on the racing number and sewn onto the sail. The procedure for using call signs is set out in the Boat Signal Book (SBS).

In the bow, on the fender beam on the starboard side, there is a plate indicating the type of boat, manufacturer, serial number and year of construction.

Vanes are round signs with a wooden edge (Fig. 16), indicating which ship (part) the boat belongs to. They are located outside the skin in the bow and on the transom on both sides.


1. Wind up to 5 points on oars - 13 people. on sails 8 people.

2. Load capacity (capacity) 2.5 tons. Or(80kg instead of one rower)

Commands given on the boat when operating the oars.

1 . “Insert oarlocks”

2. “Take apart the oars.”- starting from the propelling oars, the oar rolls should be at the height of the gunwale, pressed against the sides, the blades in a horizontal position aligned with the propelling ones.

3. "Oars"- rowers insert the oars into the oarlocks and hold them parallel to the water, at the level of the gunwale.

4. "On the water"- the rowers raise the blades to their noses, lower them into the water and begin to row.

5. "Sushi paddles"- bring the oars parallel to the water at the level of the gunwale.

6. "Oars on board"- when passing through narrow areas, the oars bring the blades close to the side.

7. "Oars on the water"- to slow down the speed of the boat, oars are placed abeam the boat.

8. "Taban"- when the boat needs to reverse, the blades are towards the stern, row from the stern. COMMAND “Taban” - used if the boat is motionless

9. "Oars under the rangaunt"

For a long rest for rowers

First, dry the oars, then the oars under the rangout, the rowers move them with the handle under the rangout inside the boat.

Oars under the gunwale - the handles are inserted under the gunwale.

10. "Pounded"- increase speed.

11. "It's easier to row"- reduce speed.

12. "Oars for a prick"- when refloating a boat, the rowers place their handles on the fish (oars between their knees) and then, resting their handles on the ground, try to move the boat from the shallows.

13. "Oars on the roller"

After passing the finish line at a race

The rowers place the oar handles on the rybtsy (oars between the knees).

14. "Coven"- for cleaning oars. They are taken out of the rowlocks and placed on the jars towards the nose. The rods of the oarlocks hold the oars to the side.

15. To turn the boat to the right- the command “Left to the water - right herd” is given. “The left one is easier to row, the right one is easier to row”

16. To turn the boat to the left- the command “right to the water - left herd” is given. "The right one is easier to row - the left one is easier to row"

TEAM "Taban"- applies if the boat is not moving

“Pull in - it’s easier to row” - applies if the boat is underway. The steering wheel is also used to speed up turns.

Command “Right” (Left) - the helmsman gives the tiller to the left, then the steering wheel will be to the right and vice versa.

1. Zagrebnaya bank

2.Medium bank (longest oars)

3.Mast bank

4. Tank can (the shortest oars)

Stowing items on the boat.

1. Oars - on cans.

2. Oarlocks - attached with studs to the frames (frames)

3. Release hook - short at the bow, long at the stern.

4. Dowel pins to the pillers of the can.

5. Anchor - between the mast and forecastle bank (Peters to the keelson)

6.Anchor rope - 60m in a bay under the bow hatch.

7. Anchor-25 l. on anchor blocks in the DL to the fish.

8.Canvas bucket under the bow hatch.

9. Mat - one in the bow, the other in the stern

10 Ax - bow hatch.

11.Kisa - to the eye of the stern chain lift.

12.Gipettes - under the cans.

Commands given into the boat when landing: .“ROWERS IN THE BOAT.”

The rowers run towards the boat and take their places. First the tanks, then the middle tanks,

After them, the rowers board the boat. The last to board the boat is the foreman.


To move away from the shore, 2 commands are given sequentially

The first command is “REACH”

The right propeller and left forecastle take the release hooks and pull the boat

giving her a go. After which both put hooks in the DP of the boat.

Second team « OARS."

Rowers, starting with the strokers, take their oars with one hand on the handle and the other

under the roller, lift the oars and bring them at the level of the oarlocks and insert them into

subclavicle (the skin under the collar should be in the subclavicle). Next. The hand that

is under the roller, placed on the roller in the girth. The oar blades unfurl

parallel to the water at gunwale level. The rowers take the starting position for

rowing: - rowers sit straight on the bank; with slightly bent knees rest against the supports

rybin; one hand on the handle, the other on the roller, chest-width apart, palms down.

The foreman gives the command - "ON THE WATER"- pause and give a command "I-I-I-I" By

to this team, the rowers independently: - take the starting position; - bend

knees, move the body forward and bring the oars to the bow of the boat; - lower the blades

into the water and conduct wiring; - with straight arms, move the body back. At the end

wiring command is given "ONCE" The rowers take the blades out of the water, quickly

turn the blades parallel to the water, bring the oars to the bow of the boat and the foreman

gives the command again "I-I-I-I" and everything is repeated again until the command "ONCE". The third stage of practicing rowing technique is carried out without counting. First time sergeant major

only commands "ONCE". At the end of the posting, and then stops this account.

Commands given when rowing:





When approaching the shore, the foreman takes into account the speed of the boat, the direction of the wind,

flow, then gives commands 1 .“SHABASH”. After executing the command "SHABASH"

and the nose of the boat touches the bottom soil, the command is given .“SERVE THE FALIN” - right

the forecastle brings the bow painter ashore. When the boat is moored

the command is given "ROWERS GET OUT OF THE BOAT" - rowers carry the boat ashore,

they bring the equipment into the skipper's room and put the boat in order.



The hydrological regime of the Sea of ​​Azov is determined by its shallowness, river flow, water exchange with the Black Sea and Sivash Bay, as well as meteorological conditions.

Due to the shallowness of the sea, heating and cooling of water masses occurs quickly throughout the entire water column, which leads to equalization of temperatures.

The influx of fresh water from land desalinizes the waters of the sea.

The water exchange of the Azov Sea with the Black Sea and Sivash Bay determines the distribution of salinity, density, transparency and color of water. Of the meteorological factors influencing the hydrological regime, the most important is the wind, which causes waves, currents, groans, surges and mixing of water masses.

Level fluctuations and tides.

Level fluctuations in the Sea of ​​Azov are caused by river runoff, precipitation, evaporation, wind (surge fluctuations) and water exchange with the Black Sea. Stock river waters, precipitation and evaporation influence the seasonal variation of sea level; in the warm season the level is usually higher than in the cold season. Most high level observed in June and is 18 cm above the long-term average. The minimum sea level is observed in November and is 14 cm below the long-term average.

The average long-term level of the Sea of ​​Azov is 30 cm below the zero of the Kronstadt water gauge.

IN Taganrog Bay and in the eastern part of the Azov Sea, winds fromS.W.AndWcause a surge of water,

and the winds fromNE and E - drive. With an average surge wind speed of 15 m/s or more at the top of the Taganrog Bay, surges reach maximum values. This is explained not only by the elongated shape of the bay, but also by the fact that surges are usually observed here during floods, which also cause an increase in the level.

Ship management.


    Mooring the vessel to the pier

For parking near a deep shore or near a pier, the vessel can be positioned with its stern towards the shore. Then permanent parking can be organized as shown in the figure (Fig. 120, b). At a distance greater than the length of the ship's hull from the pier or a suitable shore, a pile is driven in, to which an eye, a block is attached, or a groove is made on the pile. The cable from the bow of the vessel is fed to the shore, first passed through an eye or through a groove on a pile.

The vessel must be moved away from the shore by this bow moving cable to a sufficiently large distance so that it, with its hull or any

some of it did not rub against the pier. The depth must also be sufficient to guarantee safety when the water horizon fluctuates from drying out and impacts on the ground by the underwater part and, in particular, by the rudder. From the stern of the vessel, mooring lines must be supplied to the pier and secured after securing the bow mooring line, which also goes through the pile to the pier. For long-term mooring, the boat can be placed in the corner of the pier behind the bow and stern moorings, supplied to the pier (Fig. 120, d).

Lagoon parking of small vessels is used as a temporary or even short-term berth for boarding or disembarking people at the pier or on another vessel. If it is necessary to become a lag to the pier, the bow and stern mooring lines are strengthened respectively on the pier at an angle forward and backward. In case of strong wind or waves, one or two additional cables are supplied from the sides of motor yachts. Methods of fastening the cable on the pier (pier) when setting a log are shown in Fig. 120, a. Parking side by side, especially during rough weather, should be avoided. When moored at the pier, you must constantly monitor the boat, changes in its draft, fluctuations in water horizons, and accordingly adjust or select mooring lines.

Parking can also be organized in cases where there is no specially equipped berth or a larger number of vessels need to be accommodated in the berth water area. Schemes of such a vessel arrangement are shown in Fig. 122. Position A ensures that the vessel moves on the wave and prevents it from hitting the shore. Metal ballast on the anchor rope (position b) acts as a shock absorber for the vessel to bounce back on the wave and, in addition, brings the rope into a vertical position, which is necessary in places of large traffic and congestion of ships. To position V the vessel is driven in a manner similar to that shown in Fig. 122,6, those. a moving cable attached not to the pile, but to the anchor.

Rules for the separation of a sailing vessel from other vessels

1. A recreational vessel under sail must not impede the movement transport ships on waterways: cross the fairway, make turns or stops dangerously close to them.

2. When meeting on intersecting courses two ships sailing without the help of a motor, the following international rules are observed (Fig. 142):

a) a ship going with full wind gives way to a ship going steeply to the wind;

b) a vessel sailing steeply to the wind on the port tack gives way to a vessel sailing steeply to the wind on the starboard tack;

c) when both vessels are sailing with full wind, but on different tacks, then the vessel sailing on the port tack must give way to the vessel sailing on the starboard tack;

d) when both vessels are sailing full wind and on the same tack, then the vessel in the wind must give way to the vessel located downwind;

e) a ship going downwind must give way to another ship.



Mast; top mast; spur-mast; yoke with butts; pulley; halyard; raks-yoke; shrouds; thimbles; turnbuckle ends; yoke with tack hook, sorcerers (see Fig. 1).

The six-oared yawl has a single-masted rack split sailing rig, the main parts of which are the spar - the mast and racks, the foresail sails and the jib, the standing rigging - gear for supporting the spar, the running rigging - gear for lifting and controlling the sails.

A six-oar yawl has only one mast, called the foremast, and serves as a support for the sails. Made from pine or spruce (glued). Length 5.5 m. The lower end of the mast - the spur - is tetrahedral and lined with metal frames for strength.

To ensure a tight fit of the mast to the can, its lower part in front has a flat shape. Above the can, the cross-section of the mast is circular with a gradual decrease in diameter along the height. The greatest thickness of the mast is in the area of ​​the basting (100 mm). In this place it takes the main load of the sails. Above the basting on the mast there is a yoke with a hook for setting and fastening the foresail tack. On the upper end of the mast - the top level with its upper cut - is placed and secured with screws by a yoke with caps for attaching the cables. Below the yoke, a through hole is cut in the mast, into which a pulley is placed. The running end of the fore-halde is passed through the pulley.

The shrouds are used to secure the mast. Made from hemp cable with a circumference of 50 mm or steel cable with a diameter of 4-6 mm. At both ends of the shrouds there are thimbles - metal rings with grooves - woven into them. The upper ends of the cables are attached to the butts of the yoke. The shrouds are attached to the lower thimbles of the shrouds - the ends of a line with a circumference of 25 mm, which serve as cable ties for tightening and fastening the shrouds to the shrouds. The length of the cables must be such that, when covered, the cable lanyard is no shorter than 20 cm. It is prohibited to shorten the cables using knots.

Foresail - a halyard is made of plant rope with a circumference of 40 mm and is used to lift the rack with the sail. The root end of the halyard is attached to the butt of the yoke, and the running gear is passed through a pulley in the mast and attached to the dowel.

Raks-yoke - metal ring with a hook, is put on the mast and serves to hold the rack with the sail at the mast. The raks-yoke ring is covered with leather.

The mast with shrouds and halyard is stored on cans in the center plane of the boat to the left of the sail.

Lath - made from pine or spruce. It has a length of 4.3 m. The ends of the rake are called legs. The ends of the slats have notches or drilled holes, with the help of which the luff of the sail is stretched with a slack line along the rail. To enhance strength, a groove-shaped oak strip called a scale is placed on the slats. The scale is attached to the rack in three places with benzels. At a distance of one third from the front end of the lath, a third line is strengthened, which serves to connect the lath to the rax yoke. The third line is made of thin galvanized steel flexible cable and covered with leather. When hoisting the sail, the third line is put on the hook of the yoke with a point.

Position, installation, fastening of the spar.

Installation of the spar in working position:

To install the spar in the working position, it is necessary to have prepared dowels, the serviceability of the shrouds with turnbuckle tips, and the absence of visible damage to the mast, steps, mast can and folding basting mechanism.

To install the spar, the rowers bring the folded spar with the top mast to the stern, place the spur mast opposite the step, and fold back the basting. Before lifting the top mast, it is checked: the shroud thimbles on the top mast must hang on the bottom of the pads, the spar must be turned with the tack hook down (in the raised state, the yoke with the tack hook must be above the folding basting mechanism and turned with the hook towards the stern). Then the top mast is raised, the spur mast is guided and installed in the steps, then the spar is installed vertically.

Spar fastening:

As soon as the spar has been placed vertically, it is necessary to close the folding basting tightly and secure it with a dowel. After this, both shrouds and the halyard are unraveled. The shrouds are attached with turnbuckle units to the nearest shrouds.

Before hoisting the sails, you should check: the tightness of the spar in the folding basting mechanism, the yoke must be turned with the hook to the starboard side so that the halyard does not wrap around the mast, and also additionally check the integrity of the spar and rigging.

The spar is rolled up using the command “cut the spar” before each removal of the sailing rig from the boat. The spar is folded as follows: the free end of the halyard is pulled out so that the distance between the yoke and the yoke with the tack hook is 0.5 - 0.8 m; both shrouds and the free end of the halyard are twisted together around the mast in 3-4 turns; then the shrouds and halyard are tightened with a turnbuckle knot on the hook on the yoke and the hook on the yoke with a tack hook; in this position the spar is removed, transported and stored.


The sails on the boat include the following removable individual elements (see Fig. 2): slats with scale, third line; seizing; slack tench; forward sail “jib”, rear sail “foresail”; jib-tack; fore-tack; jib sheets; fore-sheets; reefsters.

In turn, each sail consists of the following permanent elements: canvas; lik-rope; Krengels; bows; boats, reef bows; eyelets.

When sailing special attention pays attention to the correct installation, tension and position of both working sails. Therefore, in the future, for the convenience of orientation, installation and position of the sails, it is necessary to use the accepted names of the parts and sides of the sails. The YaL-6 uses sails according to the split foresail design, in the shape of irregular quadrangles with an area of ​​14.6 and 5.8 square meters. m. Each corner of both sails and all four edges of the canvas fabric received their names. Both sails with their upper edges are tied with their tips (slack) to the rack; the slats are lifted onto the mast and located along the center plane of the boat (in length). Jib - the front sail is located at the bow in front of the mast; Foresail - the rear sail is located on the remaining part after the mast (from the mast to the stern).

Composition and placement of rake elements :

1 - rack; 2 - scale; 3 - knock-yard; 4 - third line; 5 - benzel; 6 - slack line; 7 - bows; 8 - lyktros; 9 - eyelets.

Bottom of sails:

1 - jib-tack; 2 - jib sheets; 3 - fore-tack; 4 - fore-sheets; 5 - reef pins; 6 - krengels (thongs); 7 - lyktros; 8 - eyelets; 9 - bows; 10 - boots.

Fig.2. Sail structure

The sail is made from the best varieties canvas with a special waterproof impregnation. The sails are sewn from separate panels using a double seam. Front. the rear, upper and lower edges of the sails, called luffs, are edged with a cable of a special gentle slope - a lik-rope. The lik-rope is sewn to the front side of the sail with its entire end and has only one braid, located in the place where the sail experiences the least stress - at the top. The corners of the sails experience the greatest tension during operation and are therefore additionally reinforced with pieces of canvas - bows and stripes of canvas - boots sewn on both sides of the sail. The upper forward corner of the foresail and the upper rear corner of the jib are called benzels. The upper front corner of the jib is called the forward knock-benzel angle, the rear upper corner of the foresail is called the rear knock-benzel angle. The lower forward angles of the foresail and jib are called tack and the rear angles are called clew.

Along the entire length of the upper luff of the foresail and jib, holes are punched - grommets, which for strength along the edges are overcast with thread or bound with brass. Through the eyelets located at the upper corners of the sail, slack lines are tied, with which the sail is stretched along the batten; a slack line is threaded through the remaining eyelets, grabbing the sail to the batten along the entire length of the luff.

In the lower part of the sail, parallel to the lower luff, two rows are pierced at the foresail, and at the jib there is one row of grommets, through which short (up to 60 cm) sections of line are passed - reefers, which serve to reduce the area of ​​​​the sails in fresh weather. Reef pins are attached to the sail using knots tied on the reef pins on both sides of the sail, close to it. For strength, reef bows are sewn in the area of ​​the eyelets on both sides of the sail.

A Navy flag is sewn to the luff of the rear bow-benzel corner of the foresail, and under it there is a weather vane measuring 30x50 cm. On top of the bows, quadrangular pieces of canvas measuring 30x30 cm are sewn to the canvas of the rear bow-benzel corner on both sides, on which a digital call sign is written in black paint (number) of the boat.

All the lower corners of the sail for attaching tacks and sheets have krengels - loops made of cable, into which galvanized metal thimbles are inserted, protecting the krengels from chafing. Krengels are also available at the reef-sheet level and are used to transfer tacks and sheets when taking reefs.

Tacks serve to tighten and fasten the tack corners of the sail and are made of plant rope with a circumference of 25 mm. The foresail tack is called the foresail tack, the jib tack is called the jib tack. The fore and jib tacks are 125 cm long.

The sheets are used to control the sails and are made of cable with a circumference of 30 mm. They are attached in the middle to the clew angles and, depending on the sail, are called fore-sheets or jib-sheets. The fore-sheets are 15 m long, the jib-sheets are 9 m long.

Fig.3. Layout of sails in working position on the boat

Names of angles and sides of sails.

Luff of the Jib

Foresail luff

Fig.4. Luff sails

The edge of the canvas is called the luff. The full name of the edge of the sail indicates the name of the sail and the position of this edge of the sail relative to the bow or stern and relative to the top or bottom (see Fig. 4).

The name of the sail angles is determined not only by the name of the sail and the position of the angle, but also in most cases by the name of the rigging element attached to this angle. Rigging is a collection of ends and ropes that provide attachment, position and control of sails.

Rear knock-benzel corner

Fig.5. Name of sail angles

IN In extreme situations, you must be able to do:

1. Water safety measures.

2. Providing first medical care. Rules for using a first aid kit.

3.Use of personal life-saving equipment.

4. Boat control during squalls.

5. Rules for taking and cleaning reefs.

6. Approach to the shore during the run-up.

7. Departure from the shore during the run-up.

8. Towing rules, safety measures.

9. Boat approach to shore during surf

Approaching the shore during the swell.

Approaching the shore during the surf is one of the most difficult maneuvers when operating a boat and must be carried out by well-trained oarsmen under the command of an officer.

Surf, as a rule, occurs when there is a wind from the sea, but it can also occur in calm weather from a swell resulting from a distant storm. The surf waves are higher and steeper than the waves of the open sea and pose a greater danger. They raise the stern and lower the bow of the boat, and vice versa, as a result of which the boat buries itself, abruptly loses speed, and does not obey the steering wheel. It can be flooded from the stern with water or, what is most dangerous, it can be turned with its lag (side) towards the wave and overturned. The surf near the steep rocky shore is especially dangerous.

In case of emergency, you should approach the shore during surf only during daylight hours, choosing a flat sandy shore for landing. If the boat was sailing, then before entering the surf zone it is necessary to remove the sails, cut down the spar and move to the oars.

Before entering the surf zone, the boat commander must decide how to approach the shore, determine and explain the actions of each oarsman and foreman during disembarkation, and order the crew to put on life jackets and prepare the anchor for release. You should approach the shore bow or stern and, as a rule, with the anchor released.

The nose approach is performed as follows. Before entering the surf zone, the commands “Oars on board”, “Put on life belts (vests)”, “Move the anchor and anchor rope to the stern” are given. The propellers place the anchor and rope on the aft lattice hatch.

Then the command “Make a recoil anchor” is given. The propellers prepare the anchor for release, and the foreman at this time moves to the stern seat, prepares a loop from the stern painter, inserts a spare oar into it and removes the rudder.

Having received a report about the readiness of the anchor to be released, the commander of the boat orders the foreman to accept the anchor from the propellers and be prepared for its release, enters the surf zone and, controlling the oar, holds the boat against the surf line.

The stroke of the boat is adjusted so that when the next wave approaches, it decreases (for which the oars are dried and even pulled), and after the wave passes, it increases.

When approaching the shore at a distance of 3/4 of the length of the anchor rope (about 40 m), the command “Release anchor” is given. The foreman releases the anchor and, by pulling or holding the anchor rope, holds the boat against the surf. The rowers continue rowing until the bow of the boat touches the ground. As soon as this happens, the commander commands “Sabbath, rowers into the water.” The rowers quickly remove the oars (the oarlocks are not removed) and, holding the gunwale, jump into the water at their sides. The commander and the foreman, remaining in the boat, use an anchor rope to hold the boat against the waves. The rowers, holding the gunwale with one hand and the rowlock with the other, pull the boat ashore as quickly as possible, using the rolling force. The commander and the foreman jump into the water when the boat is firmly on the ground and take part in lifting the boat ashore. The steering oar is removed after the boat is lifted ashore.

The moment of disembarking from the boat is very dangerous: the next wave of surf can pick up the rowers and hit the rocks, and the boat can be turned around, turned over or overwhelmed by a wave. That is why special care and speed of action are required from the entire team at this moment. If there are passengers on the boat, they must follow all the commander's instructions and not interfere with the rowers. Passengers jump into the water after the rowers.

The approach by the stern with the release of the anchor from the bow is carried out in strong surf, when the boat can be swept by a wave through the transom board. In this case, before entering the surf zone, the boat turns its nose against the wave and, swimming, approaches the shore. Before the anchor is released, the boat is held against the wave by oars and a rudder. After the anchor is released, the rudder is retracted and the boat is held against the wave with the help of an anchor rope by the forecastle rowers.

To skip the next wave, if necessary, take the oars “into the water” and then row again. When the boat touches the ground, the commander and foreman jump into the water along with the rowers, and the foremen, using an anchor rope, hold the boat against the waves.

Approaching the shore without releasing the anchor is even more difficult; the danger of setting the boat up against the wave and capsizing it in this case increases. In this regard, it is recommended to use a sea anchor or an end with ballast when passing through the surf zone (see figure). When approaching the shore, the commands “Tank Sabbath” and “Measure depth” are given. The left tank measures the depth with a long release hook.

When the depth decreases to 1 m, the commander, having missed the next wave of surf, commands “Sabbath, rowers into the water.” The rowers proceed as above. The commander and the foreman, using an oar and a sea anchor, hold the boat against the waves, and as soon as the keel touches the ground, they jump into the water and help the rowers pull the boat out.

If the landing is carried out by a team that does not have sufficient experience and in an unfamiliar area, it is recommended not to come close to the shore, but to descend on an anchor rope as close as possible. Passengers and rowers swim to the shore, and one oarsman remains on the boat, who picks up the slack of the anchor rope and takes the boat to a safe depth. He, with the help of a throwing end or painter, helps the rowers return to the boat.

When several boats approach the shore, it is recommended that one of them anchor seaward of the surf and provide the rest of the boats with a pre-prepared end (you can tie the anchor ropes), along which they descend one by one to the shore, observing the rules described above.

Departure from shore in the surf

When leaving the shore in the surf, you need to turn the boat with its bow towards the water, insert the rowlocks, prepare a loop from the stern painter and insert an oar into it, put on life jackets for everyone, and then, using round timber, lower the boat into the water.

When lowering the boat, the rowers enter the water while standing near their cans; the bow of the boat is held against the wave. As soon as the stem leaves the ground, the foremen quickly board the boat and, choosing the rope of the anchor given when approaching the shore, hold the boat against the wave. The remaining rowers, the commander and the foreman quickly move the boat forward. When the boat lifts off the ground, the rowers, at the command of the commander, get into the boat, quickly dismantle the oars and begin to row. The bowmen select the anchor rope and then the anchor. The foreman uses an oar to hold the boat against the waves.

After raising the anchor, the forecastle ones, without disarming it, sit in their places, dismantle the oars and join the general rowing pace. Rowers lean on their oars to get out of the surf zone faster. After leaving the surf zone, the rudder is installed, the steering oar is removed and the anchor is disarmed.

If the anchor was not set during approach, it is recommended to move away from the shore as follows. The rowers place their oars on the spar in advance. When lowering the boat, the fore and middle oarsmen board the boat at the command of the commander, when the stem comes off the ground, dismantle the oars and begin to row, holding the boat against the wave. The commander, the foreman and the rowers, during the landing of the forecastle and middle oarsmen, hold the boat against the wave, and at the moment when they begin to row, they give the boat as much speed as possible and quickly get into the boat; the rowers disassemble the oars and join the overall rowing pace. The sergeant major controls the boat with an oar. The commander makes sure that the boat is held against the waves and does not lose speed. The rowers tighten the tension of the oars when the next wave approaches and weaken it when lowering the boat from the wave.

Boat towing

Boats can be towed with a full complement of oarsmen or with a crew of three people (at least) - a foreman and two oarsmen. If several boats need to be towed, heavier ones are placed in front. At large quantities boats are towed in a two-wake column. In this case, fenders are placed on the inner sides of the boats.

Boats can be towed on painters or on a special towing rope. When towing with painters, the bow painter of the first boat is fed to the towing boat and attached to the bollard. The bow painters of subsequent boats are fed onto the boat in front and are attached in one of three ways: behind the stern lifting eye with a fishing bayonet, behind the scullery with a boat assembly, behind the bow eye with a simple or fishing bayonet. In the latter case, jerks during towing are perceived not by the cans and the hull of the boat, but by painters, and the boats better maintain the formation of the wake.

It is not recommended to attach the painter to the stern eye when towing, since a jerk on the wave can tear out the transom board.

In fresh weather and swell, it is recommended to tow boats using a long tow rope. For towing, you can use a sisal, hemp or nylon cable with a circumference of 100-120 mm. The length of the cable is selected depending on the number of towed boats and sea conditions. On all boats (except for the end boats), the bow painters are attached to the towing rope with a locking knot. The distance between the boats and the boat is set so that the towing boat and boats simultaneously enter the crest of the wave. It is recommended to mark the places where painters are attached to the tow rope with special marks.

To prevent the tow rope and painter from fraying, mats are placed under them face down and secured with a shackle near the transom board and at the stem. If the tow rope and painter are not secured with an eyelet, then they, changing position when turning, can touch and injure the rowers.

The order of towing boats is determined by the commander of the trip and promptly announces it to the foremen of the boats and the foreman of the towing boat.

To put the boats into tow, the command “Boats to be towed in a single-wake (double-wake) column” is given.

When setting up on a painter, the lead boat approaches the boat first. The rest of the boats sequentially approach her wake.

When placed on the towline, the end boat approaches the boat first. The cable, supplied from the boat, is attached to the bow lifting eye with a fishing bayonet or tank jar boat knot. After this, the boat gives the smallest forward speed and pulls the tow rope. The oarsmen, the tabanya, hold the boat in place and tighten the sagging towing rope. When the end is pulled out and tightened, the remaining boats approach it at the same time. The cable is lifted out of the water using release hooks and the bow painters are attached to it.

When approaching a boat (boat, towing rope), the commands “Oars on board” and “Apply (secure) painter” are given. After securing the painters, the command “Sabbath” is given, followed by “The rowers sit on the fish.”

When towing, the rowers are on the fish and the stern lattice hatch, creating a slight trim to the stern so that the boat can better enter the wave. The sergeant major is on the right in the stern seat and controls the steering wheel. If there is cargo, it is placed as low as possible and closer to the stern.

After being towed, the stern flag is lowered on all boats except the end boats. The foremen of the boats report to the boat that they are ready for towing, raising a response pennant.

To avoid the towing rope being wound around the propeller of the boat and the painters breaking off due to a jerk at the beginning of the movement, the tank painters, after attaching the painters, pick up the slack and, when the movement begins, gradually tighten, avoiding jerks.

The foreman of the boat, having made sure that the boats are ready for towing, gives the smallest speed and, when the towing rope begins to tighten, stops the speed for a while. When the cable is pulled tight and the boats are level, the foreman again gives the smallest stroke and gradually increases it to the required value. The towing speed depends on the sea state, the number of boats, the strength of the towing rope and the power of the boat's engine. Usually it does not exceed 6-8 knots.

A special watch is assigned to monitor the boats from the boat.

During towing, foremen must restrain the yaw of the boats, ensuring their movement in the wake of the boat. It is important to continuously monitor the course of the boat, which, if it makes an unexpected turn, can cause the boat to become jammed and capsize it.

The boat foreman notifies the boats about the upcoming turn. To do this, he uses an electric megaphone and a siren: one short siren signal - “turn right”, two short ones - “turn left”. Before turning, he reduces the speed of the boat to small and, putting the steering wheel at 8-10°, makes a smooth turn.

When passing oncoming ships, in order to avoid sharp jerks and breakage of painters from the resulting waves, the boat foreman reduces or stops the speed.

In the event of a painter breaking or a person falling overboard, the boat and the boats behind are immediately notified. The boat stops its progress, and the boats are controlled so as not to hit a person or a disabled boat with the stem. A man is thrown a lifebelt. The foreman of the end boat independently releases the towing line and takes measures to save the person.

While towing, paddlers use rain suits or life jackets to protect them from splashes. It is prohibited to cover rowers with a boat cover.

When transmitting signals and orders from the boat, the boats confirm their receipt by raising the response pennant. For those boats that do not raise a response pennant, signals are rehearsed by voice.

When approaching the destination, the boat stops its progress, and the command “Give up the painter” or “Give up the tug” is given from it. The boats are given to the painters and then act on the instructions of the expedition commander.


The boat goes to the rescued person without a stern flag. You should approach from the windward side, taking great care. When approaching, the command “Oars on board” or “Tank sabbath” is given. The tank crew lifts the person being rescued on board (if necessary, he is given assistance), and the boat commander places the stern flag.

Actions of the crew in case of boat capsizing

Once in the water after the boat capsizes, the foreman and all the rowers must first of all look around to see if anyone needs help, and then grab onto the side of the boat, floating oars or anchors in order to stay on the surface until help arrives. If anyone from the team is absent, the sergeant major must immediately organize a search for him.

First of all, help will be needed for those who become entangled in the gear or find themselves covered by a sail. You can free yourself from the sail by plunging into the water and then emerging onto clean water. You should sail along the seams of the sail (along the short side).

Until the rescue boats approach, the crew must be on the leeward side of the boat. It is prohibited to leave an overturned boat without permission and swim to suitable watercraft, ships or the shore.

If the situation allows, floating items of boat equipment should be attached to the hull or mast of the boat using pins.

When approaching watercraft, you need to be careful not to get hit by the stem or propellers. It is dangerous to be between the sides of two boats. It is necessary to swim to the watercraft from the leeward side, otherwise a person caught by a wave may hit the side and be seriously injured.

When help is not expected, the sergeant major acts according to the situation. If the shore is not far, the team swims to it in an organized manner. In this case, shoes and excess clothing are removed. Any rescue equipment is used. All possible measures are provided to help those in need.

Far from the shore, the spar and sails are removed from the boat, and then measures are taken to level it. As the wind and waves decrease, the water recedes and the boat is in a condition suitable for moving with oars or sails.

Capsizing a boat is especially dangerous at night and in cold weather. In the dark, the boat may go unnoticed and, therefore, without timely assistance. In cold weather, personnel are more likely to lose strength and the ability to fight for life. For these reasons, boating is prohibited at night and extreme caution is advised when sailing in cold weather.

Yal-6 sailing system - page 13



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