Rose muscat pink encyclopedia of roses. Musk rose description, photo, planting and care in open ground

Growing and caring for roses is quite a troublesome task. Musk (landscape) roses differ from others in that they are less demanding in care. Their advantages are beauty, pleasant aroma of flowers.

Musk roses cut very carefully. If necessary, remove up to a third of the length of the branches. But it is better not to carry out any circumcision other than sanitary. Only broken, weak and diseased branches are removed. The buds of young bushes need to be cut off after planting. This will help the rose take root faster.

The Crusaders are indeed using perfume again in Europe. The industrial core of perfumery then began to develop around Genoa in Italy, and rose water became one of the most popular perfumes. In France, the Grasse region, famous for its leather and glove products, is one of the most important centers for perfume production. The perfume is used for perfume gloves, a specialty of this Provence city, to disguise bad smell new skin. The first written record of modern perfume exports dates back to today.

After flowering, the rose may begin to bear fruit. They are the same as wild rose hips. You can leave them on the bush. This will decorate it for a few more months. If you need to get as many flowers as possible, the fruits are picked off.

Musk roses are most often planted in the background of a garden or flower bed. Their flowers are not as beautiful as those of hybrid tea varieties. But from a distance they look good and serve as an excellent background for other colors. Combines with ornamental cereal plants.

Global production of essential oil and concrete is estimated at about 15 tons per year, including about 5 tons of essential oil. Türkiye and Bulgaria are the two main producers. Although production volumes are smaller, Iran, China, Egypt, France, India and Morocco are also major players in this sector.

It is not a botanical species, but a horticultural variety, probably cultivated for a very long time and comprising several forms and cultivars. The flower, semi-double, has about 30 very fragrant petals. She was probably born in the Middle East, which is her name. This plain, located at the foot of the Balkans, is called the “Rose Valley”, its name taken from the vast fields and hills dedicated to the cultivation of roses. The climate and nature of the soil are very favorable for this crop, and Bulgaria is still an important producer of the essential oil.

Look good with other species, including hybrid teas. You can make a monochromatic or contrasting composition.

There are low varieties of musk roses that can be planted in the foreground - this is "Ballerina", which has the shape of a ball.

Tall varieties look great next to contrasting colors. They can be placed near the benches where the owners often relax, next to the conversation. Beginner gardeners are advised to grow musk roses. They take root easier and are easy to care for.

Methods for Extracting Rose Perfume

However, since its yield using the hydrodistillation method is unsatisfactory, it is used to produce concrete by solvent extraction, mainly in France and Morocco. It has very fragrant and very double flowers. Many other rose varieties have been evaluated for essential oil production. None of them can be profitable for the industry. From this failed attempt we still have the Rose Fragrance de la Ha variety that graces many gardens. Currently, hydrodistillation is the most common process for obtaining essential oils.

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Imagine that there are roses in the world that bloom profusely, practically do not get sick, are not picky about growing conditions, and are hardy to our weather conditions and have an amazing aroma. Introduced? So from fantasy to reality there is one step. Such flowers are not a figment of imagination, they really exist and are called musk roses.

The steam emitted by boiling the mixture condenses after cooling in the coil. Decanting finally produces a layer of rose water topped with essential oil. Because this extraction requires a lot of labor, farmers sometimes organize into cooperatives to use large-capacity storage facilities. Fifty liters of condensate is collected from this distillation of flowers. To optimize extraction, this is done in two steps. Straight oil is left in the sun for several days to settle the impurities and decant the water.

The aqueous oil is briefly filtered and then the two oils are mixed. This way they get essential oil roses along with rose water, which is reconstituted and mixed. Rose essential oil is also called rose essence or rose satin. Attar comes from the Turkic attar, which is derived from the Farsi attra, which means fatty body. To produce 1 kg of rose essential oil, the distillation of 3 to 5 tons of roses is required, which is equivalent to approximately 200 million petals. Flowers rose bush They are collected by hand, one after another, at the moment when the concentration of perfume is maximum, that is, between 5 and 9 o'clock in the morning.

The history of musk roses

The beginning of the 20th century, a breeder from Germany named Peter Lambert developed the “Trier” variety, which was destined to become the first in the collection of musk rose varieties. The result of the selection was amazing, because Lambert managed to breed a profusely flowering, very fragrant and, most importantly, reusable blooming rose, that Lambert’s cause was picked up by other breeders.
His assistants, the Bentall spouses, who are responsible for the discovery of the “Ballerina” variety, Joseph Pemberton from England discovered such varieties as “Cornelia”, “Penelope”, Louis Lene from Belgium opened the LensRosen nursery, where new varieties of musk roses have been grown and bred for so many years .

Ideally, the flowers should be distilled immediately. The second most common method for extracting rose scents is solvent extraction. In this technique, the flowers, stirred or not, are washed three times with a solvent such as hexane. At the end of extraction, the latter is removed by vacuum evaporation. Full extraction takes about 5 hours and produces concrete, a semi-solid product concentrated in perfumes, as well as pigments and waxes, which must be treated with warm alcohol to eliminate them.

The alcohol is then cooled to 0-10°C to precipitate the waxes and then filtered. The alcohol is then evaporated under vacuum, which gives a very concentrated product in aromatic molecules and very expensive, absolutely pink. To obtain 1 kg of concrete and 0.5 kg of absolute weight, about 400 kg of roses are required.

Features of musk roses

Unlike rose bushes that are familiar to us, musk roses are diverse shrubs depending on the variety; they can be gigantic up to two meters in length or compact for growing in a flower bed in a small garden.
What makes musk roses so remarkable is that they need to be admired from a distance, not up close. Only by taking a decent number of steps back can you see all the charm and splendor of these flowers.
Unlike traditional roses, in musk hybrids the flowers in the cluster bloom simultaneously, turning the bush into an airy, lush cloud. It looks more than impressive and beautiful, while all musk roses bloom profusely, which is a true find for fans large quantity bright colors.
The flowering period of roses is wave. Rest breaks are insignificant, which again benefits those gardeners who want to admire lush vegetation all season long.
A separate topic for discussion is the aroma of musky rose - it is very strong, floral and fruity, reeking of musk, a substance especially revered in perfumery. At the same time, in order to feel the aroma, you don’t need to bend over the petals; musk roses, even one, can scent the entire garden, because the fragrance is emitted not by the petals, but by the stamens. Among the most fragrant varieties are: “Cornelia”, “Daphnia”, “Felicia”.

Solvent extraction today exceeds hydrodistillation in production volume. However, because hydrodistillation has such a low yield, the volumes of flowers processed for essential oil production still exceed the volumes used for solvent extraction. Indeed, its flowers are less suitable for distillation and give low yields using this technique. The disadvantage of solvent extraction is that it leaves traces of the solvent in the essential oil. Thus, products obtained from this technology cannot be described as organic, unlike products obtained from hydrodistillation.

Where to grow musk roses?

As mentioned above, these roses are best admired from a long distance, so it is best to plant them in the last row of the flower garden.
Fragrant varieties are best planted next to a gazebo or garden benches.
The only variety that can be grown in the foreground of a flower bed is “Ballerina”; due to the small flowers, these roses form a bush of a regular spherical shape.
In addition, musk roses look organic together with decorative cereals, as well as with other varieties of roses, for example tea rose.
Climbing varieties can be grown next to clematis, which will perfectly complement the visual range.

The advantage of solvent extraction is to better extract the perfume by penetrating deeper into the petals and doing it at a low temperature, thereby avoiding the denaturation of certain molecules that are sensitive to thermal decomposition. However, hydrodistillation is a simpler process, with more rudimentary machinery and therefore personnel requiring less training. According to perfumers, the two products, essential oil and absolute oil, have different olfactory properties. One difference is the concentration of 2-phenylethanol.

Using rose perfume

It is very present in absolute and much lesser amounts in oil due to its solubility in water. Today these two methods coexist because they provide products with different characteristics. Research into other extraction processes, such as those using supercritical fluids, is being assessed. Products received various methods, are mainly used in perfumes and cosmetics. The conditions for collecting rose bush flowers and the low yield of essential oil extract make them luxury items. At all times, rose has been used in the creations of perfumers.

Rules for caring for musk roses

Another great advantage of musk rose is its unpretentiousness. It tolerates shading and is ready to grow even on not too rich soil, although these roses are very responsive to care and good care, their abundant, fragrant flowering will not leave anyone indifferent.
The main thing that gardeners planning to grow musk roses should remember is that there is no need to do heavy pruning; only diseased and dead shoots should be removed.
For the winter, roses need to be bent; this is a simple procedure, because the shoots have excellent flexibility. These are, perhaps, the basic rules of care.
Musk roses do not require grafting for propagation; they grow beautifully on their roots.
Let us repeat once again that these roses are very hardy and if you have long wanted to grow personal plot rose garden, it is best to start with musk roses.

Rose products can also be used as flavoring agents in the food industry or pharmaceutical industry for them medicinal properties. However, for such applications, less expensive solvent extraction products or synthetic molecules derived from chemical industry, are used more than essential oil. Rose water, a by-product of hydrodistillation, is used in cosmetics, especially for facial care. It has, for example, astringent properties for skin.

Essential oil components

It can also be used to flavor candies and cakes. More than 275 subjects were identified in Bulgarian rose oil. Among the compounds that smell like roses, the most common are alcohols such as geraniol and nerol. The aroma compound, 2-phenylethanol, also has a typical rose aroma, which is mainly found in rose water. Other molecules present in trace form give rose essential oil its unique character. Some of these compounds are degradation products that are formed during extraction.



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