How to memorize foreign words easily and effectively. Useful techniques and technologies for memorizing new English words

Which we are studying, we have known for a long time, but to replenish vocabulary and remember large number foreign words are problematic for us. Because of this, the speech, although correct, is meager. What to do?

In this article we will tell you how to quickly and easily memorize foreign words to expand your vocabulary and make it richer.

Foreign words

Set goals

The first step to learning a new language is setting goals. Many people treat this point superficially, but it is the main one in this matter. By working on it, you can ultimately determine whether you have truly achieved everything you wanted. When you are faced with the desire or need to learn new language, many questions, problems and small parts: Too many words, difficult to learn, learning methods vary.

When you set a goal for yourself, work out what you want to achieve in the end, you focus on narrower areas. Research shows that people who work to set goals are more likely to succeed than those who just start teaching without knowing what they want to achieve. Use following tips to successfully set a goal and achieve it:

Focus on a specific outcome. Work out the details and determine what exactly you want to learn, not how much time you want to spend on it. For example, tell yourself: “This week I want to learn 30 English words related to shopping."

Set short-term goals. Of course, having a serious goal is good, but if it is too broad and requires a huge investment of time, it will not be enough to motivate you to work every day. Break your big goal into smaller ones, and successfully complete small weekly or monthly tasks.

Challenge yourself. Goals are always achieved much faster if they force you to make an effort. The main thing is that you do not feel burdened or pressured. This method can work if you set yourself one goal, but with different possible outcomes. For example, say: “I will learn 30-50 English words this week.” The most small number allows you to start working, realizing that the goal is not so difficult to achieve. The most large number will force you to make an effort to show the best result.

Write down your goals. This obvious method really works because keeping your paper organized allows you to focus on what you're writing fully. In fact, you can use some other means for this: notes on your phone, notes on the refrigerator, a marker on the wall, or your finger on the mirror.

Read also: 5 most unusual languages ​​people speak

The most common foreign words

Make a schedule

Have you ever wondered how musicians memorize so many songs and remember them for a long time? It's all about daily practice, because for this they rehearse over and over again. This process takes time, but is rewarded later.

When learning new words, you may think that it takes too much time and that what you already know is enough for you. However, you will be able to speak beautifully, correctly and interestingly only when you enrich your vocabulary. In fact, it doesn't take much time. Just make a schedule and you will see it.

If you are a person who prefers to get up early, study words for half an hour - in the morning. Teach them while you choose clothes, wash and dress, while you make tea. Plus, you can treat yourself to small prizes for a job well done - allow yourself new thing or going to a restaurant, for example, after a week of working with new words. Remember that this will only work if you actually learn the words every day.

Group words by topic

Many people, when expanding their vocabulary, make one common mistake - they start learning all the words in a row. To make it easier to memorize foreign words, you should not study everything by simply remembering and translating them. Create a list of words grouped by topic or category. For example, write down all the words for colors, food, animals, verbs of motion, and others.

This method allows you to divide the entire huge vocabulary into small parts that are much easier to learn. In addition, associations with a topic will help you remember both the words themselves and the area in which they are used. Small lists of words will motivate you to study them, because you will not feel overwhelmed or pressured, but the result will not be long in coming.

Look for opportunities

“Learn a word” and “memorize” are completely different concepts. A person who truly learns new words always knows how and in what situation they need to be applied, otherwise all efforts become meaningless. Otherwise, they are simply erased from memory, and you have to start over.

In order for the learned word to firmly settle in your memory, use it as often as possible. If the word is rare or unusual, find out when it is appropriate to use it. If the word is completely ordinary and the situation allows it, start a topic that would require the use of learned words. For example, if you are on at the moment study the list of animals that live in the forest, interest your interlocutor and tell him a few amazing facts about wild nature.

How to memorize foreign words

Video and audio

If you really want to enrich your vocabulary, but notice that you have a bad visual memory If you are tired of constantly repeating words out loud, use various educational videos and audio recordings with the pronunciation of words. This will help you relax, go about your business, while listening to someone repeat words that are new to you.

You can turn them on as background to your daily activities and listen while getting ready for work or taking a bath. This way, you will not only remember words, but also know how to pronounce them correctly - this is a very important point in expanding your vocabulary and when communicating with native speakers.

Own words

In order to understand which words are most often used in everyday life, and which ones are practically no longer used, highlight the most popular ones in your speech and the speech of your loved ones. If you notice that you often use a certain word, or it often appears in the speech of your friends, write it down.

Over time, you will collect a list of words that you can translate and learn, because the words that you are given to study in old books and textbooks are not always used in everyday life. They are important for general development, however, you should first find out how often and in what situations native speakers use them - otherwise you may find yourself in an awkward position or simply not understood.

Synonyms and antonyms

As in the Russian language, many foreign words have synonyms and antonyms. This point will help you enrich your vocabulary and make your speech richer and more beautiful, because using the same word in a sentence several times in a row will not add beauty to it.

If you find a word that you use often, try to find a replacement for it. Learn a few synonyms - you will know what it means, and the associations will do their job. You won't have to spend a long time searching and remembering the area in which this word is used, because synonyms have the same meaning.

When learning a foreign language, almost every person has a question about how to memorize foreign words quickly. Currently, there are many methods and techniques that will help expand foreign vocabulary easily and quickly, without resorting to tedious cramming, which is often not useful.

Method of interaction of sensations

This method works most effectively when used in combination with other methods and techniques for memorizing words.

The method of interaction of sensations shows how to better memorize foreign words through sensory perception. It is based not on simple mechanical memorization of a word or phrase, but on their presentation and comparison with any sensations. This approach helps you use the words you’ve learned more confidently. colloquial speech and don’t waste extra time just remembering them. With just the mention of a person, object, action or phenomenon, previously used sensory associations will automatically remind the brain of the necessary word.

An example is the English word cup, translated into Russian as “cup”. When using the method of interaction of sensations, you should not just memorize the “word - translation” pair, but also imagine the cup itself, the manipulations that can be performed with it, as well as the sensations that can be associated with it.

The method of interaction of sensations can be combined with mnemonics based on the search for consonances in native language and incorporating sound associations and translation into a common, easy-to-remember phrase. The English word cup is very similar to the Russian "cap". Based on a consonant association and translation, it is easy to create a phrase like: “Water drips from the tap into the mug: drip-drip-drip.” This combination of techniques perfectly shows how to memorize foreign words quickly and effectively. Mnemonics helps to transfer a word into long-term memory, and the method of interaction of sensations helps to consolidate it in memory and remind the brain of it when necessary to use it.

Cards and stickers method

Based on repeating 10-20 words throughout the day. Small rectangles are cut from thick paper or cardboard. Words in a foreign language are written on one side, and Russian translation on the other. Words are looked up at any free moment: at breakfast, lunch or dinner, in transport, at work, etc. You can view both foreign words and their translation in Russian. The main thing is when viewing, try to remember the translation of the word or its original sound and spelling in a foreign language.

Lessons with cards can be made more effective if carried out in several stages:

  1. Familiarization with new words. Pronunciation, search for associations, initial memorization.
  2. Memorizing new foreign words. Restoring the translation into Russian in memory, constantly shuffling the cards until all the words are learned.
  3. A stage similar to the previous one, but in reverse order- work with words in Russian.
  4. Consolidation of learned words. Repeat words as quickly as possible using a stopwatch. Target this stage- recognition of words without translation.

Original version The card method is to use stickers. With their help, you can learn the names of surrounding objects and the actions that can be performed with them. For example, you can stick the English “door” on the door, and on its handle - “push” on the side from which the door needs to be pushed, and “pull” on the side from which the door is pulled.

Another option for working with stickers is to stick them in those places where the student can most often see them. This could be a place near the computer (including the screen), a mirror in the bathroom, kitchen shelves etc. Any foreign words can be written on stickers. The main condition is that the stickers should often catch your eye.

The use of stickers clearly shows how to memorize words of a foreign language using visual information.


This is a very interesting and simple way of learning that is suitable even for kids. Methods of lexical or phonetic associations talk about how to memorize foreign words using Russian words consonant with them. At the same time, foreign and consonant with it Russian word must be connected in meaning. If such a semantic connection is not clearly visible, you should come up with it yourself.

For example, the English word palm translated into Russian means “palm” and is consonant with the Russian “palm”. To remember the meaning of the word palm by association, you should think of the leaves of a palm tree as looking like human palms with outstretched fingers.

Don't think that there are exceptions to association methods. For one foreign word it is quite easy to find similar-sounding words in Russian, while another is completely inconsonant with anything. However, for any foreign word you can choose either a consonant variant, or divide it into its component parts and look for a similar phrase in the Russian language.

Or divide one compound word into two simple ones already known to the language learner, and by combining their translations form a single association. For example, the English word butterfly (butterfly) is easily divided into butter (butter) and fly (fly, fly). Thus, butterfly is easily remembered through associations such as “fly on butter” or “butter flies.”

Association methods are described in many works of professional linguists and are widely used in the practice of language schools. Some of the most interesting works and effective methods were proposed by Igor Yuryevich Matyugin, the developer of a special technique that develops attention and memory. To make it easier to understand how to memorize foreign words, I.Yu. Matyugin presented to the world a book containing 2,500 English words with vivid and interesting associations.

Yartsev method

He's the best suitable for those who perceive information more easily visually. This method will not tell you how to memorize hundreds of foreign words a day, but it will definitely help to significantly expand your vocabulary, consolidating it in long-term memory.

The essence of Yartsev’s method lies in the specific writing of words. A regular notebook sheet is divided into 3 columns. In the first the word is written, in the second - its translation. The third column is for synonyms and antonyms, as well as examples of word combinations and phrases in which the word being studied will be present.

The nice thing about using this technique is that there is no cramming. The written words should be re-read from time to time, thus gradually consolidating them in memory. But reading alone will not be enough. Words, in addition to lists, should also appear in articles, films, etc. Thus, they need to be activated in memory.

Grouping Methods

This technique helps you figure out how to quickly memorize foreign words. Combining them into groups can occur:

  • By meaning.
  • According to grammatical features.

In the case of grouping by meaning, words that are synonyms or antonyms are collected together. The purpose of this grouping is to maximize the enrichment of vocabulary. An example would be such a group of words translated into any foreign language:

good, wonderful, wonderful, great, bad, unimportant, etc.

There can be a lot of options for grouping words based on grammatical features. When composing groups, you can rely on words with the same root, nouns of the same gender, verbs with a certain ending, etc. This grouping helps not only to expand your vocabulary, but also to improve your understanding of the basics of language grammar.

Mnemonic associations

Mnemonics takes a creative approach to the question of how to remember foreign words and put them into long-term memory. According to this method, for each foreign word it is necessary to come up with a consonant Russian word that will be associated with the foreign original. Then the sound association and translation are combined into a phrase or story that needs to be remembered. The repetition algorithm looks like this:

  • Foreign word.
  • Consonant association in Russian.
  • Phrase or story.
  • Translation.

As part of the methodology, the algorithm for each word is spoken 4 times a day for two days. The result is the exclusion of the “association” and “story, phrase” stages from the algorithm and the movement of the “foreign word - translation” pair to the part of the brain responsible for long-term memory.

Initially, the story gets into it, but the translation lingers in quick memory for only 30 minutes. In the future, at one glance at a word, a sound association will pop up in memory, a phrase will be remembered with it, and then a translation will be extracted from the phrase. The algorithm will also work in the opposite direction: the translation helps the brain remember the phrase, and from it or the story a sound analogy is extracted that reminds of the original foreign word. Thus, the mnemonic association technique shows how to effectively memorize foreign words, leaving them in memory for a long time.

An example is the English word puddle, translated into Russian meaning “puddle”. The sound association for him would be the Russian “fell”, and a suitable phrase would be: “Nikita fell into a puddle many times.” The word repetition algorithm will look like this:

  • Puddle (original foreign word).
  • Fell (sound association).
  • Nikita fell into a puddle many times (a phrase or story containing a consonant association and translation).
  • Puddle (translation).

Using the method of mnemonic associations, in order to easily remember foreign words, it is not necessary to come up with consonances and examples of phrases yourself. Currently, there are a large number of information resources that offer ready-made algorithms for memorizing foreign words and phrases.

Spaced Repetition

The spaced repetition method also suggests learning foreign words using flashcards. Its main difference from the card method is that it suggests how to memorize foreign words. The spaced repetition method requires that the words on the cards be reviewed and spoken at specific intervals. Thanks to this repetition algorithm, the foreign words being studied will be consolidated in the long-term memory department of the brain. But without the absence of repetition, the brain will “remove” unnecessary (in its opinion) information.

The spaced repetition method is not always useful or appropriate. For example, when studying frequently used words (days of the week, frequent actions, etc.), which are constantly heard and regularly used in speech, repetition of words will become a natural process - they will often appear in conversations, when reading and watching videos.


This method will ideal option for those who like to listen to music or any information. It is based on listening to foreign words, which must be pronounced correctly, as well as repeating them. The materials can be either special educational audio recordings or a variety of videos with a detailed analysis of words, phrases and sentences.


When deciding how to memorize foreign words, books, articles, and other printed materials in the target language can be of great help. Learning words while reading texts in a foreign language is appropriate when a person learning a language already knows about 2-3 thousand words. It is with the presence of such a vocabulary that comes understanding of simple texts.

The best option for memorizing through reading would be to write down unknown words from texts. In this case, you do not need to write out all the incomprehensible phrases in a row. Attention should be paid only to those without which it is impossible to understand the general meaning of the sentences. Surely they will be useful in the future use of a foreign language. Such memorization will be much more effective, since new information“extracted” from the context, forming more vivid and pronounced associations in memory.

The number of words written out should also be limited. To replenish your vocabulary without interrupting reading, it is enough to write out just a few of them from one read page.

If you wish, you can do without writing it out, since your vocabulary is replenished even in the process of continuous reading. But learning words and consolidating them in long-term memory in this case occurs much more slowly.

Watch video

Learning new words from videos also requires the learner to have certain knowledge of the language. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to understand what foreign word, still unknown to the student, was uttered. Watching a video in a foreign language allows you to achieve two results at once: expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension skills. oral speech by ear.

The simplest approach in this technique is to watch the video without being distracted by writing out unknown words. But the most positive result will be achieved only if you stop the film while watching, take notes and analyze words and phrases that are new to the language learner.

It's no secret that most of the time when learning foreign languages ​​is spent on memorizing words. At school we were taught only one method - rote learning. Yes, this is a cool method, although not! – not fun, ineffective and very boring. Cramming makes memorization seem like torture, but this is far from true. How to memorize foreign words effectively and interestingly?

In fact, when using the right technology, is a very fast and fun process. And the main thing is that we can remember huge amounts of information in a short period of time.

How to do this? How to increase the speed of learning any foreign language at least 2 times? The answer is simple - using the technology described in this article.

How to memorize foreign words We memorize one, two, three

The magic tool we will use is called a mnemonic. Yes, good old mnemonics. This tool is by far the most effective assistant in memorizing any type of information.

To remember a foreign word, we need to do only three steps:

→ Encode the meaning of the word
Encode the sound of a word
Combine two images into one

It's very simple. Moreover, this method is suitable for memorizing words of any foreign language.

Let's look at examples:

English language.

Word foot – foot

1. Image for meaning. We represent any foot. You can look at your foot first, then imagine it in your head.
2. Image for sound. We select the closest possible association. For example, T-shirt, football.
3. We connect two images. We wrap a T-shirt around our foot, concentrate our attention on connecting these images and at the same time pronounce the word “foot” three times to remember the pronunciation of this word.
Or you can imagine a football player kicking a ball with his bare foot.
This is how easy it is to remember nouns. How to remember verbs and adjectives?


Word press (pres) - iron (iron)

1. Image for meaning. Imagine an ironing board and an iron.
2. Image for sound. Pres. Imagine a person with 6-pack abs.
3. We connect two images. Imagine that instead of an ironing board there is a bare-chested man. You walk up to him, take the iron and start stroking his abs. Concentrate on the connection point and say the word “press” three times.
The pictures may seem very strange, but the more unusual the images in your head, the better for memorization.

Word green(green) - green

1. Image for meaning. For example, a green apple.
2. Image for sound. You can take the Brothers Grimm.
3. We connect two images. You can imagine one of the Brothers Grimm biting into an apple and turning green.

What to do if you can’t find one image to go with the word? Then you need to use several images.

Word Elderly (‘Eldali) – elderly

1. Image for meaning. A gray-haired old man with a stick.
2. Image for sound. Elf and Dali (Salvador)
3. We connect two images. Introducing the old elf with a Dali mustache. The elf's mustache and hair are gray. We introduced you, said this word three times and that’s it, you remembered it.

Some tips when working with images:

∨ When working with images, we do not close our eyes; they are directed upward. This correct position to engage the visual channel
It is necessary to create objects of the same size, or at least approximately the same. If you combine the image of an elephant with the image of a fly, then the fly should be the same size as the elephant
∨ The most best ways for connection - sex, humor, violence. The simplest one is to stick one image into another
You need to concentrate on the connection between two objects at a time. No more
∨ Focus not on the objects themselves, but on their connection

Mnemonics allows you to remember a large amount of information in a very short period of time, but in order to remember this information for a long time, you need to repeat it.

During the first 96 hours, repeat the words you have learned as often as possible. Then repeat the learned words after a month, then after 2, after 6 and after a year.

If you decide to memorize 100–1000 words a day, then I recommend working in batches:

Remember ten words
We repeated them three times (from Russian to foreign, from foreign to Russian)
Move on to the next ten words
They repeated them three times, moved on to the next ten words, etc.
We accumulated three packs of 10 words each and repeated all 30 words
When they had accumulated three packs of 100 words each, they repeated all 300 words, etc.

We teach English language all our lives, we know the rules, but we still can’t answer a foreigner correctly and watch the series in the original without pain. Why is this so?

We decided to understand this injustice and found a way to better learn foreign words. There is a universal memorization formula proposed by the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. And it works.

Why do we forget

The brain protects us from overload and constantly gets rid of unnecessary information. That is why all the new words that we learn first end up not in long-term, but in short-term memory. If they are not repeated and used, they are forgotten.

The Ebbinghaus “Forgetting Curve” shows that within 1 hour of learning, we forget more than half of the information. And after a week we remember only 20%.

How to remember everything

To keep new words in your head, you need to try to “put” them into long-term memory. Memorization in this case is ineffective, since the brain does not have time to quickly comprehend the information and build strong associative connections. To remember longer, it is better to stretch the memorization process over several days, or even weeks. In this case, repeating it once is enough.

You can practice spaced repetition using homemade flashcards or special applications like: Anki (Android, iOS) and SuperMemo (Android, iOS)

12 more secrets for memorizing new words

  • Teach mindfully. Meaningful material is remembered 9 times faster.
  • Decide on a list of words you need to keep the conversation going. There are only about 300–400 of them. Remember them first.
  • Please note that Words at the beginning and end of a list are remembered better(“edge effect”).
  • Switch your attention from the chosen topic to another. Know that similar memories mix(interference principle) and turn into “porridge”.
  • Teach the opposite. If you remember day, then consider night. Antonyms are remembered faster and easier.
  • Build your “memory halls”. The essence of the method is that you need to associate the words you are learning with a specific place. For example, while walking around the room, associate new words with individual details in the interior. Repeat several times and leave the room. Afterwards, recall the room and at the same time the words you learned with its prompts.
  • Use the "word-nails" technique. The essence of the method is to add the word being learned to an already known word for memorization. This way, when you think of “nail,” you may be able to think of another word. For example, in the counting rhyme: “One, two, three, four, let’s count the holes in the cheese,” the words “four” and “in the cheese” are connected with each other.
  • Associate new words with ones you already know. For example, the word heel (heel) can be remembered by remembering Achilles and his Achilles heel. And you can learn the word look if you remember how difficult it is to look when cutting an onion.
  • Write stories. If you need to remember words in a certain order, try organizing them into an impromptu story. It is important that all words are related to each other according to the plot.
  • Use a voice recorder. Say the words while recording, and then listen to them several times. This method is especially suitable for those who perceive information better by ear.
  • Bring it to life and visualize it. Use facial expressions when learning about emotions. Get moving as you learn sports-themed words. This way you also use muscle memory.
  • Don't learn the language from a dictionary or school textbooks. If you love Game of Thrones, try learning words from this series. It's much more interesting this way.

The human brain tends to save effort (some would call it laziness): if there is a chance to somehow simplify the process, it will definitely take advantage of this chance. Our cunning “processor” does not immediately allow new foreign words into the palace of long-term memory; First, they have to serve out their sentence in a kind of waiting room - in short-term memory. If a new word is not used or repeated, it will be forgotten quite quickly: the brain mercilessly gets rid of unnecessary information. If you repeat a memorized word - and this must be done at strictly defined moments - you will remember it forever. What is the secret to correctly remembering new information?

How we remember information: types of memory and the Ebbinghaus curve

So, human memory is divided into two types:

  1. Short-term or operational
  2. Long-term

Information entering the brain is first stored in RAM. Over time, depending on the frequency of use, this information passes into long-term, long-term memory. At the end of the 19th century, the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus experimentally proved the well-known postulate about the direct relationship between learning and repetition. During the experiment, Ebbinghaus determined exactly when it was necessary to repeat new words in order to remember them for a long time, if not forever.

The sad fact is that the most valuable discovery of Hermann Ebbinghaus is almost never used these days. School analysts and developersSkyeng hopes to change this situation: mobile application on learning new words using Ebbinghaus's discovery is currently in development. The application is planned to be released soon - stay tuned for company news.

Many methods suggest learning 100 words in an hour or 1000 words in 3 days - and this is possible. But the problem is that, once in short-term memory, new words do not transfer to long-term memory: easy come - easy go (what comes easily, goes easily).

7 + 1 effective way to memorize foreign words

So, the very first, even zero tip: to remember a new word forever, adhere to the following repetition schedule:

The traditional approach to learning new words, tested by generations of schoolchildren, is as follows: foreign words are given in lists by topic, for example, “Getting to know each other,” “Letter to a friend,” “My day.” The set of topics is standard and universal, which is not always effective: if the topic does not arouse interest, it is much more difficult to learn new vocabulary. The experience of our school shows: if the choice of words to be studied is approached in strict accordance with the specific goals and interests of each student, at the intersection of useful and pleasant, the result is optimal!

For example, if you like the series “Game of Thrones,” you will be much more interested in learning words, generating images and concepts that are related to the plot of the film, for example: queen, northern, wall, castle.

Law of Comprehension: According to Ebbinghaus, meaningful material is remembered 9 times faster. What is imprinted in memory is not so much the words and sentences themselves that make up the text, but rather the thoughts contained in them. They are the first to come to mind when you need to remember the content of a text.

However, learning to properly organize information at the time of memorization is not an easy task. Can be used reference words, diagrams, diagrams and tables. The technique of forecasting is also effective: when you start reading a paragraph, try, after the author puts forward several arguments, to independently draw a conclusion and explain to yourself what you read, even if it seems obvious to you. By formulating information in your own words, you will remember it for a long time.

To better remember a new word, use 5 senses plus imagination: feel the situation, imagine a picture, try to smell and taste, say the word - or sing.

Visualize, imagine: in a distant northern country, behind a high fortress wall, rises a majestic castle, in which a powerful queen lives... How high the wall is, how gloomy and impregnable the castle is, how beautiful the ruler sitting on the throne is ! Create a picture in your imagination, live the situation and the new vocabulary will be remembered easily and for a long time.

Law of context: information is more easily remembered and reproduced if it is correlated with other simultaneous impressions. The context in which an event occurs is sometimes more important for remembering than the event itself.

Our memory is associative. Therefore, try to change the place of preparation, for example different topics teach in different rooms(kitchen, bedroom), on the road (subway, car) and even at work (office, meeting room). Information is associatively associated with the situation, the recollection of which will help to remember the content of the topic.

In learning, it’s like in nutrition: it’s better to absorb information in small parts, taking short breaks. It is better to learn a maximum of 10 objects (words or components rules) in one session. After this, you must take a 15-minute break, otherwise subsequent training will not be complete. Learn words in line, on the subway - impulse learning is much more effective than continuous learning.

The law of edge, known to us from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”: information presented at the beginning and at the end is best remembered. It is more effective to learn especially difficult and intractable words at the beginning and end of a ten-minute session - this way they are better stored in memory.

When studying a word, it is useful to choose an associative image-anchor, for example: clever (smart) - a smart cow eats clover. The image should be bright, understandable, perhaps absurd - unexpected associations fix the word well in memory.

There are many ready-made mnemonic dictionaries, for example, // An effective and favorite technique for many is memorizing words using cards, when an English word is written on one side and its translation on the other.

But whatever the method of memorization, alas, there is no method yet that allows you to learn a foreign language overnight. It's big and difficult work, and it is important to choose the optimal approach in order to achieve greater results with less effort. What we sincerely wish for you!




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