Creepy things that were found in the ice. The most amazing things found in ice

“We successfully entered the wardroom, managed to visit several cabins, and found a food warehouse with plates and one can of canned food on a shelf. We noticed two bottles of wine, tables and empty shelves. We found a table with drawers with contents pulled out,” he said. The Guardian Adrian Shimnowski, a representative of the Arctic Research Foundation, one of the organization's leaders, from aboard the research ship Martin Bergmann.

Researchers managed to get inside the ship last Sunday, but fragments of the ship were discovered a little earlier - on September 3, near Beachy Island in Nunavut Bay thanks to a tip from someone participating in the expedition Inuit. At the same time, the ship was found 96 kilometers south of the place where, according to scientists, the ship was covered in ice (between King William and Victoria islands).

According to Shimnovsky, the ship was preserved in excellent condition at a depth of 24 meters: “If you lifted it and pumped out the water, it could still float.” All three masts of the ship are broken, but still standing. The ship's hatches were closed, and all the gear was complete. In addition, she survived metal cladding vessel that had to withstand pressure arctic ice. Initially, the sailors believed that the ship lay on the starboard side at an angle of 45 degrees, but after the third dive they discovered that it lay flat on the bottom of the sea.

“This suggests that the ship sank smoothly,” Shimnovsky said.

Jim Balzilli, a Canadian businessman and founder of the Arctic Research Foundation, is confident that this find is historic. “Given the location of the wreckage and the condition of the wreck, it is almost certain that HMS Terror was promptly battened down by the surviving crew, who then boarded HMS Erebus and sailed south, where they eventually suffered tragic fate", says Balzilli. The ship "Erebus", which allegedly carried John Franklin himself, was discovered in September 2014. The remains of the ship were discovered at the bottom at a depth of 11 meters, near King William Island.

John Franklin's expedition (1845-1847), consisting of two ships, the Erebus and the Terror, was supposed to cross the northwest passage of the Arctic from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. At that time, the passage had already been mapped from the east and west, but had not been conquered by man. Franklin and his crew of 129 sailors set sail from Britain in May 1845. In August, ships were seen in last time in the waters of Baffin Bay.

Rescue expeditions, which were sent to the supposed crash site over the next 11 years, partly helped to restore the picture of what happened. The sailors came to the conclusion that both ships were covered in ice and abandoned by their crews. All 129 people died trying to reach Fort Resolution in Canada.

Since the canned food of the expedition members turned out to be spoiled, some of them resorted to cannibalism - this is confirmed by the words of local Eskimos, as well as cuts on the bones of skeletons found on King William Island at the end of the 20th century.

In the 21st century, the main initiator of the search for sunken ships was former minister Canada Stephen Harper. Canadian expeditions to the Arctic were part of a broader plan to protect Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic sector and explore energy resources - including vast oil reserves and natural gas. The mission was led by Parks Canada, a government agency tasked with protecting and nationally presenting Canada's examples of natural and cultural heritage.

Parks Canada must now confirm the authenticity of the Terror's wreckage by visiting the crash site or examining photographs.

On its Facebook the organization

Share with friends: An event occurred in Europe that can truly be called sensational. All the largest publications in the world noted it in the firm belief that it will become a significant contribution not only to the history of the development of European peoples, but also to anthropology, as a science about man.
In the Tyrolean Alps on the border of Austria and Italy, at an altitude of over 3000 meters, a well-preserved body of a mummified man who lived more than four thousand years ago was discovered in the ice. The age of the find was determined not only by radiocarbon dating, but also by objects found near the body: a bronze ax, a flint flint, arrows in a quiver, leather clothing.
But this is the age of the English Stonehenge, Egyptian pyramids! It's hard to even believe this!
How did it all happen?
The young couple Helmut and Erika Simon, making an alpine journey, crossed the powerful Similawn glacier in the area of ​​the Hauslab Pass.
“Suddenly, on the edge of the glacier,” says Erica, “I saw a strange creature, half immersed in ice water. It resembled the shriveled naked body of a man, as if crawling out of a tiny lake.
“We immediately began to descend towards Austria and from the nearest tourist hut we called the village of Vent,” Helmut’s wife continues the story. - The gendarmes weren’t even surprised. After all, just two months ago the bodies of two climbers from Vienna who died in the ice in 1934 were found.
The world-famous conqueror of the fourteen highest peaks in the world, the legendary Reinhold Messner, intervened in the investigation of the find. By luck, he found himself in these places and, naturally, could not remain indifferent to such an event. Together with his colleague Hans Kammerlander, Messner climbed the glacier. “I’ve seen a lot of people die in the mountains in my life,” says Messner, “but this find is unlike anything I’ve seen before. I immediately realized that this was an archaeological find!”
It was decided to deliver the body to the university in Innsbruck. Professor Rainer Hann carefully packed it, waited for the helicopter and delivered it to the village of Vent. From here the body was transported by car to Innsbruck. The whole operation took only an hour and a half. And this is very important: after all, the temperature of the glacier was maintained in the university morgue. Here a group of specialists began studying the frozen mummy: Konrad Spanner, Peter Puffer and Rainer Hann.
Naturally, the question arose: how could a body be preserved under natural conditions for several millennia? After all, the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses, kept in the British Museum in ideal conditions, continues to steadily deteriorate, despite high conservation techniques. Apparently, in the sterile conditions of the highlands, where there are no putrefactive bacteria, under prolonged exposure bright sun and the constantly blowing warm wind, the body became mummified. Then it was covered with snow, which later turned into firn and ice. The slow sliding of the glacier over thousands of years and the general warming in Europe carried out and again exposed the body of the deceased.
At the time of his death he was 25-30 years old. He has blond hair and blue eyes. There is a tattoo on the back, probably of a religious-mystical nature. There is also a tattoo on his knees.
“It’s very interesting to compare these drawings with tattoos of other eras and peoples,” states Professor Spindler.
And one more important circumstance. This is not a burial according to a specific ritual, which is what we most often encounter during excavations. This is death that befell a person in the distant past in natural conditions, when he was equipped with the usual objects for him - a bronze ax on a wooden handle, arrows, a flint, an amulet. All these objects date back to the Bronze Age; apparently, this is the body of a hunter who hunted wild goats in the mountains. It is very interesting for science to obtain not only a blood test of the deceased, but also the results of an autopsy of the stomach, skull, and other organs...

Bronze ax and other equipment found near the remains of a prehistoric hunter.

In the meantime, research is underway, the history of the “Bigfoot” is surrounded by legends, speculation and controversy.
Who owns the find - Austria or Italy?
Reinhold Messner says: “In those days there were no borders. The body belongs to all humanity..."
Journalists are exaggerating another aspect - the “revenge of Tutankhamun,” who supposedly killed the researchers who first entered the tomb in which his mummy was preserved. The reason for these rumors was the events that followed the discovery. Professor Rainer Hann, who took the mummy from the glacier and was the first to examine it, unexpectedly died in a car accident. The helicopter carrying the body from the Similaun glacier soon suffered a serious accident, and its pilot was seriously injured.
This is truly a mystical warning: DO NOT TOUCH OURS!..

Professor R. Hann, who was the first to examine the mummy and organize its removal. Soon after this he died in a car accident.

The world is pretty amazing. Even in our modern times, it is full of such hidden secrets as entire underground cities. It also suggests some seriously desolate, brutal terrain that we haven't yet explored.

It turns out there are also places where the world has completely hidden some amazing and strange things from us, but thanks global warming we are rediscovering many of them. Some, however, are still buried to this day.

10,000 ft mountain

Look at the ice sheets that cover most of Antarctica and you might assume that the continent is quite cold, boring and, above all, flat. But under this centuries-old layer of ice a mountain range is buried.

Scientists have been studying the Gamburtsev Mountains for 50 years. Since they're buried under miles of ice, it's no wonder we don't know too much about them. According to LiveScience, it's only recently that advances in imaging technology have allowed us to peer beneath the ice. Imagine the surprise when scientists found a series of mountains with peaks up to 10,000 feet high, stretching over 750 miles.

The researchers also discovered magnetic anomalies that tell scientists that this hidden mountain range may be billions of years old.

25 million year old lake filled with life

In 2012, Russian scientists drilled through more than 2 miles of ice and stumbled upon something strange buried deep beneath the frozen landscape of Antarctica. It was the exact opposite of frozen water. Lake Vostok is the continent's largest subglacial lake, which looks like something that shouldn't exist in nature.

According to the BBC, Lake Vostok has existed in complete isolation for millions of years, and when scientists analyzed water samples, they found bacteria that were completely different from the bacteria we are familiar with. There is also another lake beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, similarly isolated and harboring primitive life forms.

Countless grasshoppers

There is no more fascinating picture than the pristine glacier. We are talking about a new growth located in Montana. And if you're familiar with the history of the American Midwest, you probably know that locusts and grasshoppers had a tendency to destroy things. They violated the integrity of a huge glacier.

According to the Montana Office of Tourism, numerous tests (1,914) of grasshopper specimens have confirmed that they belonged to an extinct species that has been extinct for 200 years. Scientists are almost certain that the ill-fated swarm was passing through the mountains when they were caught in a snowstorm. The grasshoppers died and then froze in the glacier. Grasshopper Glacier isn't the only place in the Beartooth Mountains where you might also see frozen locusts. Ice Hopper also stores the remains of these insects.

Battles in the First World War

During the First World War, more people died from extreme cold and avalanches than from combat, according to The Telegraph. Thousands of people, many of them teenagers, froze to death in the mountains and their bodies have been identified. But global warming has begun to reveal the mummified remains. As the melting continues, more and more bodies are discovered. In 2004, the bodies of three Habsburg soldiers were found by a local mountain guide. Historians have even uncovered an entire cabin preserved under the ice, complete with ammunition, steel helmets, clothing and the bodies of men who fought in the war.

Items such as dilapidated engines were recovered, as well as touching personal items such as photographs, newspaper clippings and pieces of trenches. Some of the bodies were even identified.

Iceman Otzi

According to the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, the Iceman is reported to be the victim of a modern mountaineering disaster. But such a statement is far from the truth.

The find has been studied for many years. National Geographic reports that the man found has at least 19 relatives living in the Tyrol region of Austria. Scientists also claim that Otzi had a hard life: he developed gum disease, arteries, were found gallstones And high level arsenic, and he also suffered injuries from frostbite. He supposedly had Lyme disease. An ax was found on him, and his body was covered with tattoos.

Lizardfish Graveyard

According to LiveScience, a group of international researchers headed to National Park Torres del Paine in Chile to identify 46 complete specimens of creatures called ichthyosaurs. They existed 100-150 million years ago. There are examples that include soft fabrics and embryos. These are not small fish, as the largest skeleton is approximately 16 feet long.

Researchers believe there was a major catastrophe that buried the fish lizards first in sediment and then in a glacier. According to scientists, the entire flock was caught in some kind of avalanche.

Deer corpses

In 2016, global warming led to the melting of glaciers, under which many years of dead deer carcasses lay. The discovery was made in Western Siberia. The animals were infected with anthrax, and according to CNN, the introduction of new deer led to the almost immediate death of 1,200 deer living nearby. Scientists believe that the animals not only became victims of the infection, but also transmitted it to 15,000 people leading a nomadic lifestyle.

Eating fish by fish

Two brothers were fishing on Lake Waweese in Indiana when they saw a pair of frozen fish. No one on the internet seemed to believe it when the bizarre photo was posted by fishermen. To prove the internet haters wrong, they posted a video of them cutting fish out of a frozen lake.

Iron Age tunic

In 2015, Science Nordic reported on a strange phenomenon that was once again brought to light by global warming. As glaciers melt in Norway, archaeologists are uncovering things that were hidden by Iron Age people. The Oplann County Mountains contain more than 2,000 artifacts, making them the Iron Age equivalent of Las Vegas.

Most of the artifacts contained arrows and horseshoes. But scientists have also found mittens, and in 2011, researchers from the University of Oslo and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology discovered a tunic dating back to 230-390 AD. e.

Seeds that are 32,000 years old

Scientists were able to grow plants from materials taken from 32,000-year-old seeds that were covered in ice.

By the time people found them, the seeds were 124 feet below the permafrost layer, but the researchers were still able to recover viable plant tissue inside the seeds. They sprouted and were reborn into flowers, which, in turn, produced completely new harvest seeds

Treasures in the mountains

The story would probably have been unreal if it had not been reported by the BBC. It begins in 2013, when an anonymous climber approached some French employees law enforcement agencies and turned over a small box containing 100 precious stones, including rubies, emeralds and sapphires. The cost of the find was somewhere around $300,000.

A climber found them in the ice on Mont Blanc, and now we know that the reason for the box's presence in the mountains should be sought in the Air India flight that crashed on the mountain in January 1966. The crash claimed the lives of 117 passengers. In the years following the fall, pieces of debris and cargo were found. After the vast majority of honest climbers returned the jewelry to the authorities, the latter began to look for the rightful owner. Nothing is easy, and two different families claimed the box to be theirs.

Corpse - in dreams with an everyday plot gives good value throughout the dream, everything should be interpreted in a good way

lifting a corpse is a joy.

Kissing a corpse is all good.

The corpse speaks or stands up - happiness, fun.

Sleeping near him, sleeping between corpses means sadness or illness.

Dressing a corpse means the death of a friend.

Carrying a corpse is an indication of some fatal thing that will bring you misfortune.

Moving a corpse means committing crazy actions.

A corpse can also be an image of your body, which you observe in a dream as if from the outside.

A moving corpse is a sign of bad or unforeseen consequences of your or someone else’s actions.

Corpses floating along the river - something oppressive will be removed from your life.

To see a flying corpse is easy, to achieve everything without difficulty / something outdated in your environment weighs on you.

A corpse rises from a coffin at night - the changes you expect will not happen / it’s too early to bury your feelings and thoughts.

The corpse haunts you - the end of grave worries / you cannot escape from the torment of conscience.

The corpse clings to you, rides on you - the constancy of luck and worldly happiness, interfering with your spiritual development.

The corpse from the coffin smiles - to live forever in a state of deception.

The corpse shows its tongue - dishonest happiness.

The corpse threatens you with its fist - bury your delusions.

Ride or fly in a coffin - new wisdom acquire; everything is good.

Seeing a blue corpse means stagnation of spiritual life, your spiritual coldness.

Seeing a crimson corpse means excitement and anxiety are ahead.

Green, overgrown with moss - a thoughtless wasteful life / vigor and confidence ahead

blackened corpse - deep melancholy.

Dead man on dining table lies - business success.

A corpse looks into the room or enters - you will gain spiritual vigor and confidence.

The wounds on the corpse bleed - a surge of energy and vitality.

A headless corpse is burdened by rational life.

A swollen corpse means harm from gluttony.

To tear out the heart of a corpse means a struggle with feelings; to feel pity for the enemy.

In a corpse heart of stone discover - encounter callous people.

Cutting a corpse, dissecting it - burdening your life with unnecessary delving into yourself.

To cut or shave a corpse is to benefit from someone’s death or misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Corpse

If you dreamed that you found a corpse, then some significant event will happen in the near future. To make this event enjoyable, find the animal's corpse and bury it.

If you dreamed that you threw a corpse into the water, any of your undertakings will not be successful. To prevent this from happening, eat a piece raw meat.

Interpretation of dreams from



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