Exciting board games. The best board games for the whole family and all ages

Various virtual projects give us many emotions and sensations, but there are no less interesting options for spending time with the whole company - it is with this in mind that we present you the best board games.

The Settlers of Catan. A unique game that dates back to 1995 and at the moment sold 15 million copies. It has simple rules, a pleasant design and is interesting to play - you can spend several hours watching the colonizers without any problems, and have quite a lot of fun. Cultivate completely new lands, harvest crops and do everything to become the best colonizer.

It’s worth mentioning that they even started holding world championships for this board game in 2012, so there’s nothing more to add here - just go to the store and then play with friends!

Middle Ages (Carcassonne). Another phenomenon in the board game industry that is played by all ages. The game is designed for 2-5 people and takes up to 1.5 hours. During the game, you yourself lay out the playing field from cards, which makes it possible to create unique worlds every time. You have to capture as many territories as possible and score points to win.

At the moment, the game has sold 7 million copies and this figure continues to grow rapidly every day. Some players even buy several boxes to increase the number of cards.

Pandemic. But in this game you will need to take control of saving the world. One game takes about an hour on average and can accommodate up to 4 players. If you usually have to compete and take everything to heart, then here the maximum emphasis is placed on team play. Unite and send the best specialists in the world to combat rampant diseases.

There are wonderful and well-thought-out mechanics here without any accidents, there are moments where you will need to lively and actively communicate - overall a very wonderful game.

Dominion. Designed for 1.5 hours of play for a maximum of four people, this board game is a set of cards. Each player will have to redeem them and build their own deck to collect points and further victory. 10 types of kingdom cards per game, 25 per box, plus various extras - all this guarantees many hours most exciting game, which will present you with new surprises every time.

Save money, turn coppers into gold, collect a unique set and show that you are the best Dominion!

The best board games

7 Wonders. But this wonderful game can keep seven people busy for at least an hour. You have to go to the distant times of conquest and engage in the production of resources, the development of the army, the construction of Wonders of the World, filling the treasury and applying the laws of development. It's like the well-known Civilization in computer games, only on paper and easier to use in a good way of this word.

The replay value of the game is simply amazing, and the competitive spirit is present like nowhere else. If you want to show off your tactical acumen and wipe everyone’s noses, then this is your chance.

Agricola. This board invites you to try on the role of a landowner. You alone or in the company of three other people bring your own agriculture to success by periodically competing. Colorful design, unusual rules, and even a simplified family version of the rules for those new to board games.

As for replayability, there are no identical games. Always and everything is new, taking into account the fact that everyone follows their own path of development and collecting points.

Puerto Rico. Over the course of 2 hours, you and 4 players are offered to experience a rather interesting confrontation on one of the Caribbean islands. The game is somewhat similar to Colonizers - you need to cultivate plantations, import products and always be able to get around your rivals in cunning ways.

A board game that offers unique combinations and is the true quintessence of Eurogames. Build unique buildings, perform unusual actions, be more cunning than others and you will definitely succeed.

Ticket to Ride. A game with a huge list of rewards, which can easily compete with Colonizers or the Middle Ages and entertain a company of 5 people. The player needs to collect various cards, stake out certain routes and then lay them between cities.

You have to make quite complex tactical decisions, but despite this, the rules of the game are simply extremely simple and can be learned in just a couple of minutes. At the moment, almost 3 million copies have already been sold.

Small World. Medium difficulty board game for the whole company of 5 players or at least 2. Offers a plunge into the world of magic and fantasy. The simplest mechanics, 14 main races and a bunch of additions, constant competition, wars, intrigue and much more awaits you here.

It looks quite beautiful and plays excitingly, so it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with such a masterpiece! There is simply more than enough fun and unusual adventures here!

Power Grid. We have already seen something similar in Ticket to Train, only here we are talking about laying power lines. You need to buy power plants, provide them with a specific type of fuel at any cost, and then lay the lines. You can play together or gather a group of up to 6 people.

The game is suitable for gambling people who like to think carefully - it is not the easiest to play this list but in the end brings huge amount enjoyment of the game and fun in the process.

How I loved evenings as a child when relatives all got together to have an interesting time. We played! What? The favorites were Lotto and cards.

A little later, my sister bought Scrabble somewhere - and it was the adults’ favorite board game. We kids were a little bored. But we perked up when we had to count the points on the letters. Add everything up, multiply it.

And the little chips reminded me of chocolate bars. I loved putting them together into shapes while the adults put words together. Yes, there was a time!

What are they playing now? Let's discuss what are the best board games for the whole family that are popular these days and review the best ones, those that will be interesting to both adults and children.

So let's get started! Let's figure out what stores offer us and get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already chosen the coolest game for their family.

Games that require dexterity!

Games that require dexterity and ingenuity will always be popular. After all, a lot depends not on luck (for example, in action games, where the course of the game can be decided by a die), but on sleight of hand and one’s own reaction. Let's put them at the beginning of the rating of games for the family piggy bank. After all, children can start playing with them from the age of 5-6, which is very important for family leisure.

We bring to your attention the most interesting board games for the whole family.


Today, the game Jenga (The Leaning Tower) is very popular. The bottom line is that you need to build a tower from wooden blocks. In this case, the bars are removed from the lower floors so that the tower does not fall.

Fun guaranteed! Especially if you diversify the rules and come up with a fun task for the loser. Jenga is definitely suitable for the whole family.

Bamboleo (Twisterhead)

You need to place pieces on the board platform in order to maintain balance and not topple the entire structure. Or you can play “the other way around”. That is, put all the figures on the platform, and then remove the figures one by one so that the structure does not fall.

Captivates both children and adults. Develops dexterity and analytical skills.

Pilot Louis

Very exciting fun for the whole family. It will definitely captivate both children and adults. You need to fly the plane and take care of your “chickens”. A game of reaction and sleight of hand.

The good news is that the loser does not drop out of the competition, but continues to participate until the last moment, which is very important for children who do not know how to lose.


This game can also be safely classified as one of the most popular. From various figures unusual shape from different material you need to build a tower. There are several variants of rules that are designed for different ages.


A very interesting board game for children and adults, the essence of which is reminiscent of fishing. The opponents’ task is to collect bells of their own color using a fishing rod and catch them. It is very captivating for both children and especially dads, in whom, most likely, the spirit of a fisherman awakens. Therefore, Zvongo occupies a leading position in the ranking of popular board games.

If you want to have a noisy and fun time playing board games, then these are the games for you.

For those who like to plan something, develop strategies and build perspectives, the site offers other interesting games for the whole family.

"Calm" games

Just when someone is wondering out loud how to spend an evening with the family, they are offered the classic Monopoly game. Indeed, the classics are immortal, so in any rating “Monopoly” will always occupy a leading position. Both adults and children enjoy playing Monopoly, starting around the age of 10.

But you need to keep in mind that this game is drawn out. One session can last more than one evening.

What other interesting board games can you buy for the whole family?

Sleeping Queens

As the reviews say, “Sleeping Queens” is a very exciting and interesting game. Many reviews call it a hit for family games, and people’s opinions should be listened to.

The good news is that “Sleeping Queens” can be played with, but it also captivates adults. The game lasts about 20 minutes on average, which is also important if you are looking for entertainment that will be interesting for children too.

Despite the name, the game is dynamic and fun. Those who participate need to awaken the sleeping queens. Both knights and wizards join in. We will not explain the rules in the article, since our task is to help you decide and push you to make a choice.


For those who want to add interesting association-type entertainment to their collection, we invite you to get acquainted with Dixit. Of this genre, “Dixit” is in the ranking of the most popular.

In order not to lose, associations need to be selected that are not direct - that’s the whole point. The players are dealt cards, the presenter names a phrase for one of them. The task is to choose the card that is associated with what was said. Then all the cards are discarded, shuffled, and revealed. You must guess the card that the presenter wished for.

It should be noted that the entertainment is suitable for families with teenage children, since the drawings on the cards are quite abstract.

A similar game with similar rules is “Imaginarium”.


The board game Carcassonne is extremely popular among lovers of the best family entertainment. You could say that the principle is similar to dominoes, but the rules are much cooler and more exciting. You need to build roads, acquire a colony, settle your subordinates, and many, many interesting things can still be done.

Explore detailed reviews about the best board game for the whole family, “Carcassonne,” and decide whether this game is suitable for your family or not? Many people really like Carcassonne.

Train ticket. Europe

The bottom line is that several railway companies are gathering and need to build railways, fulfilling some conditions. You need to score points during the session. The one who scores wins nai more points.

The equipment is captivating - colorful trailers, a beautiful map of Europe. By the way, children study geography very well, which can be considered a definite bonus. It’s a little difficult to understand all the intricacies the first time. But then you can’t tear either children or adults away from the game.


Reviews call the game “Marrakech” a game for grandmothers, mothers, girls and girls. You need to fill the field with your rugs. Very exciting and simple. Even children can figure it out. But here's the price... A little expensive!

Uno Cards (Svintus)

We can’t help but mention the family board game Uno. Many people call it a favorite, their favorite card game.

The idea is simple - you need to discard as many of your cards as possible. Suitable for children who know numbers from 1 to 9, colors and shapes, since cards need to be folded according to these parameters. The process is very exciting for both adults and children.

Even more interesting is the variation “Uno” - “Svintus”. The rules are similar, but there are some maps where you have to complete fun tasks, and you can also “put the pig” on your neighbor.

Say otherwise

The essence is reminiscent of the favorite team game “Crocodile”, when you need to explain what is shown in the picture. Both children and adults enjoy the game. You'll have a great evening if you decide to play "Say Otherwise." It's fun and educational. More than 800 words make the game very diverse and unique.

The rules are designed for both a simple level (for children) and for more adult companies ().

Team games

If your child does not know how to lose, pick up cooperative game. The bottom line is that the team fights to win. That is, you win and lose together.

Haunted Tower

This game perfectly develops memory. It is necessary to put the cute little ghosts on the cards to bed before a certain time different colors. You can get acquainted with the rules in more detail if you want to play the “Haunted Tower”. Also read reviews of The Haunted Tower Family Game to see if it's right for your family.

Forbidden Island

Team game. Here everyone plays together - they escape on the island. You need to go through all the obstacles and protect yourself from dangers. When playing Forbidden Island, the family works together, which is very important. One caveat is that the price of “Forbidden Island” is high.

As you can see, each game is interesting in its own way: some are calm, others require activity, but all of them can be called the best and most interesting family games. Choose entertainment to suit your mood and spend time together.

Reviews were prepared using the site hobbygamez.biz, where you can find them throughout Ukraine. Large selection educational and simply interesting board games for any age.

Board games for all ages

Game lovers from young to old will definitely appreciate games with an affordable price and clear rules. Particular favorites of the public in this category are the games Drum and Dobble, which are distinguished by their speed, fervor and liveliness. gameplay.


The Dobble Card Game has gained popularity not only in our country, but throughout the world. Players in many countries globe enjoy looking for paired images on cards. The principle is very simple: the player needs to find a “pair” of any of the eight pictures on his card as quickly as possible. What makes the game more difficult is that no two cards can have more than two identical images.

The charm of the game is given by its funny round design and small box, which is always easy to take with you. Both adults and children are guaranteed to enjoy the game.


And in the game Barabashka, players will have to practice their logic and correct the mistakes of the unlucky ghost Barabashka, who photographed the objects incorrectly. The red chair suddenly turns blue, and the gray mouse turns red! In addition, Barabashka has an addition - Baramelka. Here you will encounter Barabashka's equally absent-minded sister. Will you be able to cope with Baramelka's mistakes? And if the games are combined into one, it will become much more complicated and confusing.

Wild jungle

Dobble and Drum games are great for children, but adults can also enjoy these fun and playful games. And if you like something more complex, then good choice will be the game Wild Jungle.

Wild Jungle is active game on attentiveness and speed of reaction. Players take turns revealing cards with various similar figures. And in the end, the struggle takes place over the totem, which is placed in the middle of the table. During the game you will definitely get a lot of emotions. Laughter and fun are guaranteed.

Board games for the whole family: rating and review


Dixit is a game that is difficult to get tired of, a game of association. With its help you can plunge into the world of fairy tales and magic in a new way. The whimsical pictures on the cards will delight even the most fastidious players. In addition, in each new company this elegant game takes on new shapes and interpretations. We can safely say that Dixit is one of the best board games. In many European countries, including Germany, France, and Italy, Dixit was recognized as the game of the year 2010. However, to this day it has not lost its popularity.


The board game Carcassonne will allow you to plunge into the Middle Ages and experience the customs of that time. Feudal players will be able to build lands and receive income from them. The richest feudal lord will be the winner. The lively process of the game and fairly simple rules will definitely appeal to children. And adults will be able to unleash more exciting battles thanks to tactical techniques. The game Carcassonne is also the winner of one of the prestigious awards among board games - Game of the Year 2001 Spiel des Jahres in Germany.


In the colorful game Marrakech, players will find themselves in an oriental carpet market, where their own customs and trading rules reign. The bright unique design of the game will not leave anyone indifferent. Soft bright rugs with patterns, made of pleasant fabric and comfortable wooden dinars will definitely delight lovers of originality.

The principle of the game is quite simple: each seller on the market needs to place as many of their carpets as possible and receive the greatest income. The richest carpet dealer wins.

Marrakech is a great tactical game that is perfect for big company or games with the family. The game Marrakesh has won the hearts of many players around the world, and also acquired the title of game of the year 2009 in France, Austria and America!


And in the game Niagara, players will find themselves in the very epicenter of the river flow. Will the players be able to save their canoes, not lose the treasures they have obtained, and return to camp unharmed? After all, there is a dangerous waterfall ahead! The incredibly beautiful and colorful game Niagara will appeal to anyone. Both children and adults will enjoy playing it. Players will especially appreciate the high-quality design and interactivity of the gameplay. But only those who are lucky will be able to conquer this treacherous Niagara River!

The most the best way Board games support communication with children. And although many people believe that this type of entertainment is only suitable for children, in reality this is not the case. After all, modern board games are role playing games, where various life situations or the specifics of one of the professions.
Today we decided to provide you with a rating of the 10 best board games for families and fun company.

An exciting card board game. It is a complete parody of role-playing games. It perfectly combines the qualities of resource-type games and collectible card games. The players are faced with the task of making their hero become the best and reach level 10 of the game. This entertainment is intended for people aged 12 years and older. 2-6 people can play at the same time.

2. Board game Uno for company

A simple, dynamic and fun board game for a large company. It can be played by 2 to 10 people, aged 7 years and older. The main goal of the game is to quickly get rid of all your cards.

3. Addictive and fun Activity game

The best game for a creative and fun company. All players must divide into 2 teams and take turns choosing tasks of different difficulty levels. One of the team members explains the hidden word using synonyms, pantomime or drawing. For guessing the task, the team receives points and gradually moves around the playing field. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.

4. Intellectual game Monopoly

This board game has been pleasing adults and children for more than a century. The main goal of this economic game is to become a monopolist, while ruining other players. Now there are many versions of this game, but classic version implies buying up land plots and construction of real estate on them. The game is intended for people aged 12 years and older. 2-6 people can play it at the same time.

5. Card game Svintus for a fun company

This is a humorous Russian version famous game Uno. The main goal is to get rid of all the cards in your hands as quickly as possible. At the same time, from 2 to 8 people aged 10 years and older can take part in this entertainment.

6. Traveling around Europe - an educational game for the whole family

A competitive, addictive board game that teaches European geography. 2-5 people from 7 years old can take part in it at the same time. The goal of the game is to become the best by scoring 12 points and collecting victory facts. To do this, you need to correctly answer the questions on the cards.

7. Scrabble - an exciting board game

This board word game is an indispensable attribute of family leisure time. 2-4 people can take part in it at the same time. Ira works on the principle of a crossword puzzle, only the words are composed in playing field. The main goal of the game is to score the most large number points. This entertainment is designed for ages 7+.

8. Detective game Scotland Yard

An exciting detective board game. In it, one of the players takes on the role of the mysterious Mr. X, and the rest become detectives. They are faced with a difficult task, to find and catch a criminal who can freely move around the city. Mr. X's main task is to remain undetected until the end of the game. 2-6 people aged 10 years and older take part in the game at the same time.

9. Addictive game Dixit

An inspiring, unexpected and very emotional board game. The cards for it were drawn by the famous artist Maria Cardo. The game develops abstract and associative thinking well. 3-6 players aged 10 years and older can take part in it at the same time.

10. A fun game Crocodile for a large company

Fun game For larger company. In it you need to explain words using gestures and guess them. The tasks in this game are not simple, because the card may contain a very unexpected word, phrase or proverb. The number of participants in this game is not limited. The age category for this game is 8+.



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