Convert grams to kilograms online calculator. How many grams are in a kilogram? Measuring quantities

In the 60th year of the 20th century, at the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures, a system that is now in force almost throughout the world was adopted International system quantities (SI). In accordance with it, a kilogram is a mass (weight) equal to the mass of the international prototype (standard), which is stored in the Chamber of Weights and Measures in Sèvres in France, near Paris. IN real life it is more convenient to imagine this weight as the mass of one liter of cold (+4 degrees), fresh water.


One kilogram contains a thousand (in Greek kilo-) grams. Knowing this, it is very easy to convert grams to kilograms, you just need to remember the basic rules for converting integers to decimals and vice versa, and be able to write and read the resulting result.

  • 1 kg = 1,000g.
  • 1 g = 0.001 kg.

Let's look at some examples. If a package contains twenty-five grams, then this package contains 0.025 (twenty-five thousandths) kilograms. Forty such packages will weigh one kg. The inscription on the package says that it contains two hundred and fifty grams of product, but the same weight can also be expressed in the following figures: 0.25 (twenty-five hundredths) kg or 0.250 (two hundred fifty thousandths) kg. Four such packages will amount to just a kilogram of weight.

In principle, converting grams to kilograms is equivalent to dividing by a thousand, you need to cross out the zeros or move the comma to the left to reduce the number by three digits. 471 grams is equal to 0.471 kilograms, and 3,500 grams is 3.5 kilograms.

The reverse translation corresponds to multiplication by a thousand or the comma is moved to the right, or the zeros are crossed out, or all at once: 1.5 kg is 1500 g.

This video will introduce you to units of mass.

Simple beats

In ordinary life, the names of simple numerals rather than decimals are often used. For example: one and a half kilos instead of one kilogram and five hundred grams, or a quarter of a kg instead of two hundred and fifty grams. It is important to understand here that a kilogram as a whole consists of a thousand grams. Half a kilo (½ kilogram) is five hundred grams, and a third of a kilo (1/3 kg) is approximately 333 grams, because when buying sausage it is not very important to buy exactly exact quantity grams, it’s enough not to be shortchanged when paying. Another thing is when dosing medications or weighing jewelry, here you need accuracy to many decimal places.

It is impossible to consider each such case in advance; ordinary common sense is needed when to count and weigh what. Let's look at the list of the most common names (designations) of weight measures and the translation from one to another.

Other weights

When dosing medications in recipes and on packaging the weight of the active substance is written in thousandths of a gram - milligram, in 1 kg there is a million mg.

Gems weighed in carats, one carat is two hundred milligrams or two tenths of a gram, a kilogram is as much as five thousand carats, but where, when and to whom can converting carats into tons be useful?

In trade precious metals use troy ounce (ozt). 1 ozt = 31.1034768 g.

When calculating the yield in agriculture they use a centner (from German “one hundred measures”), 1 centner contains 100 kg, we will not count grams and milligrams here.

Ton (t) - one thousand kilograms or ten centners.

  • Kiloton (Kt) - thousand tons.
  • Megaton (Mt) - million tons.
  • Gigaton (Gt) - billion tons.

It is difficult to imagine why a unit of measurement of a billion tons is needed, but this is a small thing compared to the astronomical unit - the mass of the Earth M⊕ = 5.97219×10 12 Gt or the Sun Mʘ = 1.98892 10 18 Gt.

But if you have to get to the United States, it’s a good idea to figure out in advance how much does an American pound weigh?, because they don’t understand our kilograms:

  • Pound (lb) = 0.45 kg = 450 grams, almost half a kilo, a pound consists of ounces.
  • Ounce (oz) = 28.35 gr.

1 lb = 16 oz. One pound contains 16 ounces. If you're not used to it, it will be a little difficult to figure it out, but if you're going to America for a short time, then there's no need to figure it out, but those who plan to stay there longer will get used to it over time.

Do not confuse kilograms and grams with liters and milliliters. The first are units of mass, the second are units of volume. Although this is approximately the same as water, one liter of distilled water with a temperature of four degrees Celsius weighs exactly one kilogram, and one milligram of this liquid weighs one gram.

Other liquids violate this 1:1 proportion quite strongly and are no longer suitable as a household weight standard (test weight).

A liter of refined oil weighs about 900 grams and a little, and a liter of gasoline only ¾ kg or 750 grams.

There is nothing complicated in converting from kilograms to grams and back, you only need common sense, ordinary arithmetic operations at the level primary school and attentiveness.


You will learn about units of mass and how to convert one value to another in this video.

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IN everyday life it is often possible to use the knowledge that has been acquired at school lessons. Nevertheless, it is always useful to refresh your knowledge, for example, to pin down exactly how many grams are in a kilogram? Let's look at this issue in the article.

What is a gram?

This concept can be defined as a unit of measurement. It was adopted at the end of the 18th century in France. By the way, this is not the minimum mass indicator.

Further, in the direction of decrease, there is a longitudinal division - into milligrams, micrograms, and so on. For example, one picogram is equal to one trillionth of a gram. It is difficult to imagine what this value can measure.

Milligram measurements are often used in medicine and pharmaceuticals. For example, one tablet may contain 400 mg. This means that the dosage of the medication is approximately 0.4 grams. Therefore many medicines have perpendicular notches into two or four parts, along which you can divide and change the dosage.

How many grams are in a kilogram (one)? The answer to this question is one thousand grams, or 1*10 3 (to the third power). To quickly convert these indicators, you can use a calculator or, for example, a converter. Or you can quickly count them in your head.

For example, if the packaging of something says 0.5 kg, then you can do some simple calculations in your head, that is, multiply 0.5 by 1000. In total, it turns out that the package contains 500 grams.

The interpretation of this unit of mass is used almost everywhere. The word prefix "kilo" is a unit measure in the SI system and comes from Greek. It means a quantity that is multiplied by a thousand, for example: kilopascal, kilometer, and so on. This concept is used for a more simplified application in the formulas of such scientific knowledge like physics or chemistry. It is enough to remember the school curriculum for this.

So, now it’s clear how many grams are in a kilogram. Let's convert the mass value of 1 kg into other measurements, for example, into one pound, it includes 0.45 kg. And at 0.028 kilograms. Another interesting unit of measurement - a stone - contains as much as 6.35 kilograms. Further, larger mass values ​​are centners and tons. There are one thousand kilograms in one ton. And there are a hundred of them in a hundredweight.

How many kilograms are in a liter?

This question may seem somewhat absurd. Of course, a liter should be identical to one kilogram. However, this is not entirely true. The mass of liquid and dry matter is calculated differently. For example, the mass of water at certain indicators, that is, four degrees and atmospheric pressure at 760 mm, will be approximately ±998 grams.

However, the measure of liquid depends primarily on density. That is, if a liter of water is almost identical to one kilogram, then a liter of honey, for example, will be equal to 1.4 kg. And a liter of hot iron will actually equal 5.6 kilograms, if, of course, you measure this substance as a liquid.

In conclusion

So, in this material The question was considered how many grams are in a kilogram. In general, the prefix “kilo” always means something multiplied by a thousand. However, answering the question of how many grams are in a liter, one cannot get a definite answer. A liter is equivalent to a kilogram if it is water. In other cases, you need to focus specifically on the density by which liquid quantities are calculated.

    Before converting grams to kilograms, you need to clearly understand that there are 1000 grams in one kilogram. Well, then everything is simple. If you want to find out how many grams are in five kilograms, then you need to multiply by five accordingly. So the question stood in clarification. If, on the contrary, grams need to be converted to kilograms, then the number of grams must be divided by 1000.

    The most convenient way is to simply move the comma three places and you will get the required value in kilograms. Example: you have 757 grams, move the comma and get 0.757 kg. Everything is very simple.

    At school, our teacher liked to tell those who could not convert grams to kilograms and so on.

    • If you don’t teach now, go to a sawmill where they will quickly teach you how to convert cubic meters to liters.

    What’s most interesting is that some have taken up forestry and are now converting cubic meters into money.

    That's what the prefix KILO is for, which means order: multiply by 10 to the third power. Accordingly, there are 1000 grams in a kilogram.

    And in practice: when you come to the store, you say how much you need to weigh, for example, 300, 500, 700 grams, and the next step is a kilogram. Yes, and 500 grams is easier to say half a kilo.

    In the end, proceed by analogy: there are 1000 meters in a kilometer.

    For some, this question may seem funny, but we should not forget that we all learn something little by little, so for a student of primary (and maybe even secondary 6-)) school this question is quite relevant. Therefore, I will try to give an answer that is understandable to everyone.

    Let's take for example a seller who sells strawberries at the market. The berries are ripe, different in size, delicious... . I really want to buy them! He has a price tag written on his bag: 250 rubles - 1 kg. Let's try to figure out how much it is in grams and how many strawberries we can buy for 100 rubles that our parents gave us.

    In one kilogram (1 kg.), according to accepted smart people In terms of mass measurement, exactly one thousand grams (1000 g). That is, 1000 grams costs 250 rubles. Or 1 kg = 1000 g. But we only have 100 rubles, how many strawberries can you buy with this money and how to convert grams to kilograms? To do this, first let's try to understand how to express how much 1 gram is in kilograms.

    Let's look at the expression: 1 kg = 1000 g. And imagine that 1 g is needed. Then the expression will look like this: 1 g = 0.001 kg. That is, we move three zeros forward. But since it turns out that we only have a part of something larger, we need to put a comma before the first zero to show that 1 g in relation to 1 kg is some small part of it.

    In the same way, let's try to imagine that we need to convert 10 g into kilograms.

    10g=0.01kg. Accordingly, 100 g = 0.1 kg.

    That is, 1 gram is a thousandth of 1 kilogram. And to convert grams to kilograms, we need to divide the number of grams required for conversion by a thousand, or multiply by 0.001 (it’s just the same thing).

    1) convert 250 grams to kilograms.

    2) convert 999 grams to kilograms:

    And finally, what was promised. How many strawberries can we buy for 100 rubles if a kilogram costs 250. I always solve such problems using the cross method, that’s how I was taught))

    250 r=1000 g (or 1 kg.)

    100 r= ? g (or? kg.)

    To do this, take 100*1000 (or 1) and divide by 250

    we get 100*1000=100000/250=400 grams

    100*1/250=0.4 kg.

    To correctly answer the question of how to convert grams to kilograms, you must first determine how many grams ( G) in kilogram ( kg).

    First, some information about what a gram is:

    Now let's see what a kilogram means:

    Thus, we get the answer to our question - there are exactly one thousand grams in one kilogram (1 kg = 1000 g), that is, a gram is one thousandth of a kilogram.

    Accordingly, in order to convert grams to kilograms, you need to divide given number in grams per thousand.

    For example:

    1 g = 0.001 kg

    10 g = 0.01 kg

    100 g = 0.1 kg.

    The same example in international units:

    Most likely, everyone knows that there are a thousand grams in a kilogram, and from this it follows that one gram is one thousandth of a kilogram. Therefore, the number of grams must be divided by one thousand, and you will get the result you need.

    Example: 20g: 1000g = 0.02 kg.

    Or 3 g: 1000 g = 0.003 kg.

    There are 1000 grams in one kg; to convert grams to kilograms, you need to divide the number of grams by 1000.

    When converting grams to kilograms, you need to remember that a gram is one thousandth of a kilogram. Hence the right number must be divided by 1000.

    For example, 50 g = 50: 1000 = 0.05 kg.

    As already noted in other answers to the question, to simplify the task, you need to remember that dividing by 1000 is moving the decimal point forward by 3 places (the number of zeros):

    50 g can be written as 50.0

    Now move this comma to the left and we get 0.050 = 0.05.

    The multiple prefix kilo means multiplication by 10^3, that is, 1000 times.

    That is, there is a thousand of this something in a kilo. There are a thousand meters in a kilometer, and a thousand grams in a kilogram. Even here, on BV, the reputation of users is indicated by the numbers 17.7K - which means 17700, rounded to the nearest hundred.

    It turns out that in order to convert grams into kilograms, you need to divide them by a thousand: 500 g / 1000 = 0.5 kg, half a kilo.

    To do this, you just need to divide the number of grams by 1000 and the result will be in kilograms. After all, there are a thousand grams in one kilogram. To divide by 1000, just move the decimal point to 3 places.

    For example:

    Given 3 grams.

    Move the comma and get 0.003

    There are 1000 grams in one kilogram. For example, to find out how many kg are in 5000 grams, you need to divide 5000 by 1000

    If you have a figure that gives information about the mass of an object in grams, and you need to know how much it will be in kilograms, you need to divide the original number by a thousand, since there are a thousand grams in one kilogram. Otherwise, when converting from kilograms to grams, the initial number is multiplied by one thousand.

    I won’t repeat that they take it for a gram or a kilogram.

    I am one of the last to answer, so this may be repeated.

    Students easily convert kilograms to grams by multiplying this number by 1000, since there are 1000 grams in one kilogram. For example, 11 kg = 11*1000 = 11000 (g).

    But the inverse problem is difficult to solve. By the way, the ninth-graders with whom I tutor are no exception. Apparently that's why the question was asked.

    I try to explain this fact this way. There is no need to remember how to convert grams into kilograms, but you should pay attention to the following: if there are 1000 g in one kilogram, i.e. 1 kg is 1000 times more than 1 gram, That 1 gram is 1000 times less than 1 kilogram. Primary school students should be able to solve such problems (n times less, so we divide n by this number).

    We have 1 g = 0.001 kg.

    The rule turns out to be:

    To convert grams to kg, and more precisely the number written in grams, present it in kilograms; it is necessary and sufficient to divide this number by 1000 or multiply by 0.001.

    Mathematicians will understand why I use the term necessary and sufficient.

    I want to make a clarification. Many authors here advise for this move the commas by 3 characters, rather than writing to the right or left. And this is very important. Because by moving it 3 places to the right, we will multiply the number by 1000, not by 0.001. For example, 0.000125 *1000 = 0.125.

    On the contrary, 0.000125*0.001 = 0.000000125

    Thus, in order for a number presented in grams to be written in kilograms, it is necessary and sufficient to move the decimal point in this number 3 digits to the left.

    20 g = 0.0002 kg.

    0.06 g = 0.00006 kg.

    0.000007 g = 0.000000007 kg.

    50000 g = 0.0005 kg.

    As can be seen from the last example, when translating a comma after an integer part, there are tails of zeros in the record decimal are being cleaned up.



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