Year of the Monkey according to the eastern calendar. Characteristics of the sign. Year of the Monkey

People born in 1992 eastern calendar- The Year of the Water Monkey is always noticeable due to its inherent special group of qualities and properties. An easy, successful year. Children born on this day often become popular, media and recognizable people, no matter what he becomes famous for. Luck is the companion of people of the Year of the Water Monkey. She also brings with her recognition from other people.

1992 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Water Monkey

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1992 according to the Eastern calendar?

Year of the Water Monkey, ninth sign Chinese horoscope. Its corresponding zodiac sign is Leo.

The year will be characterized by a frequent change of events that, at first glance, are in no way logically connected with each other. The year will be rich in various challenges. But once you understand and calm down, you can easily overcome them.

A year of vigorous action does not mean rashness in decision-making. It involves a fairly quick response to any situation. And then success will become a companion for many.

Features of the Water Monkey sign according to the Chinese calendar

People born in the Year of the Water Monkey can be easily distinguished from other signs by many bright and clearly distinguishable features. They are very susceptible to what happens: to them, to people close to them, to colleagues and strangers. Moreover, they perceive emerging events deeply and directly. This leaves an imprint on the emotional sphere. Prone to empathy, i.e. They empathize with any manifestations of another person’s emotions and try to try it on themselves.

And joy, and feelings of disappointment, and love... The whole spectrum of human emotions. They understand human weaknesses, although they themselves may not possess them. Moreover, they treat them very loyally and patiently. Thanks to these qualities, they can build excellent, trusting relationships with others.

People in the year of the Water Monkey, compared to other signs, are distinguished by their ability to self-organize, to be disciplined not out of coercion, but according to internal needs.

They may neglect little things if they decide to move towards a global goal. They easily find words to convince others of the correctness and necessity of their chosen actions. Companions and followers, constant companions in life and professional affairs - common occurrence for people born in the Year of the Water Monkey. However, they are not always fully ready to publicly voice their plans and reveal their cards.

They are intelligent and use it skillfully. They are lucky, but they should never forget that luck can turn away for a while. Therefore, people of this sign should not be particularly gambling in financial matters or any other type of games. They are good organizers, because their lives are full 24 hours a day. There will always be time for light flirting or classic romance.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Monkey

  • The advantages of people born in the Year of the Water Monkey include the ability to easily unravel the plans of other people and use this for their own purposes, pretending that they did not even know about anything like this. Perhaps this is due to the ability to high degree concentration, observation. Intellectual development allows them to show miracles of ingenuity, which significantly increases their rating in the professional community.
  • Of course, there are also disadvantages that can complicate life. This is excessive emotionality, which they cannot always successfully control. For men and women of this sign, “whims” are often possible. The water monkey, behind its apparent ease of communication, often acts as a very cunning “animal”. These are not broad-minded people - often they themselves, and those around them, are surprised at their pettiness. At the first opportunity they like to indulge their desires and even weaknesses.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,
This is a very favorable combination, it gives birth to frank and assertive people. Such people are used to always moving forward and do not like to stop in the face of difficulties. Such Monkeys are very smart, cunning and will never lose their interest. Persistence gives the Monkey's actions greater efficiency, and Aries endows them with his honesty. This combination only benefits from this. They use the strengths of both signs. Aries Monkeys are born fighters, they are dexterous and diplomatic, but they cannot sit still, which often pushes them to rash actions. Such personalities know how to impress others. They are able to handle several cases at once, know how to unravel situations, are endowed with a good memory and instantly assess the degree of risk. As a rule, they never get into trouble. They are very lucky, but they do not always have deep feelings.

02.02.1908 - 21.01.1909 - Earth
02/20/1920 - 02/07/1921 - Metal
02/06/1932 - 01/25/1933 - Water
01/25/1944 - 02/12/1945 - Tree
02/12/1956 - 01/30/1957 - Fire
01/30/1968 - 02/16/1969 - Earth
02/16/1980 - 02/04/1981 - Metal
02/04/1992 - 01/22/1993 - Water
01/22/2004 - 02/08/2005 - Tree
02/08/2016 - 01/27/2017 - Fire

The monkey belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope. It controls the 15 to 17 hours of the day.

The season that brings luck to the Monkey is summer, and the period of its apogee is August....

Cheerful, not recognizing any prohibitions, proud and always frank and relaxed at home, the Monkey can sometimes insist that she is always taken into account, while she herself sometimes does not take others seriously.

Thus, it often happens that in the family of a representative of the Ninth Branch, although the Monkey is respected, they remain aloof with him.

Such a person does not accept criticism, but takes on numerous responsibilities....

Monkey Love

In history, there are rarely such Monkeys who would not succeed in matters of the heart. And yet they are not very happy in love. Their relationships with the opposite sex are very unstable. Monkeys fall in love easily, but they quickly get bored with everything and move on to a new object. But they cannot find a suitable partner for themselves, since they are too changeable in their feelings. These people can be passionate, but they are very critical and therefore quickly cool down. Only a sense of humor saves them from misfortune.

Compatibility of a Monkey in marriage with a Rat - First Earthly Branch

The Rat usually considers the smart Monkey to be simply a charming person, they are united common interests, goals and priorities. This is an inventive, energetic and very effective pair of Creators. In such a union, the Rat will most likely be a rationalizer, and the Monkey will be a shrewd strategist. Since they understand each other well and have similar characters and views, their partnership will be successful in all respects. The Monkey's ingenuity and ability to solve any problems will make a great impression on the intelligent Rat, who will provide his sincere support to the representative of the Ninth Branch. These two personalities will prefer not to look for each other’s shortcomings, but to combine their strengths and move towards common goals....

Monkey and Monkey

The life together of these two tailed friends will not lead to good things. Their relationship is absolutely devoid of development and, therefore, cannot be interesting and easy. They are too smart and perspicacious to compete with each other. Of course, they can use their knowledge and use such an alliance for efficient work. After all, they understand each other well and can support each other in difficult times. Such businessmen will go far, and their work will be interesting and fun for them. Of course, it is better to have a common goal, then the union is possible for a long time....

More than anything else, Monkey men hate careless wives and boring friends. Although they themselves are sometimes incorrect, they cannot stand their partner’s tactlessness.

They try to understand the people who revolve around them.

Sometimes Monkey men become extremely irritable when the subject of their advances is talking to someone else.

The monkey is classified as a Yin animal. By Eastern horoscope this sign is the ninth. Controls the time interval from 15 to 17 hours. The most successful season, which brings good luck to the Monkey, is considered to be summer, and the peak period is August. Comparing the Chinese and European horoscopes, the Monkey corresponds to the sign of Leo. Its element is metal. Lucky color is purple. Most favorable plants and the flowers for the Monkey will be cedar, sandalwood and elderberry. Among the favorable countries where the Monkey lives, it is worth highlighting - the USA, Cambodia, Vietnam, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Portugal, Hungary.

Years of the Monkey sign in our century

  • 1908 February 2 - element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 - element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 - element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 - element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 - element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 - element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 - element of the year metal
  • 1992 February 4 - element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 - element of the year tree
  • 2016 February 8 - element of the year fire

Famous people who were born in the year of the Monkey:

Alistair Cook, Oleg Makarov, Ivan Diaghilev, Federico Fellini, Harry Truman, Marina Ladynina, Michelle Morgan, Neville Chamberlain, Omar Sheriff, Sergei Bondarchuk, Jonathan King, Anatoly Lepedevsky, Yuri Kremlev, John Updike, Alexandre Dumas-son, Georges Marchais, Boris Gorbatov, Pope John Paul II, Yuri Nagibin, Elizabeth Taylor, Igor Kio, Rostislav Plyatt, Georg Ots, Buster Kitton, David Oistrakh, Charles Dickens, Scott Fitzgerald, Herbert von Caroyan, Gianni Rodari, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Bern Borg, Baruch Spinoza, Leonardo da Vinci, Jack London, James Donnavan, Grigory Konovalov, Meros Merleau Ponty, Boris Polevoy, Byron, Edward Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Schopenhauer, Rod Stewart, Anton Chekhov, Marquis de Sade, Paul Gauguin, Boris Gorbatov, Linden Johnson, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Houdini, Poincare, Yuri Ozerov, Anna Magnani.

The monkey is a mixture of two opposing elements - Yin and Yang. The monkey embodies quick wit and ingenuity, intelligence, and is rarely dishonest. The Monkey owes its longevity to the Lady of the West, since the West gave it the fruit of immortality. Many Chinese believe that the Monkey lives for more than a thousand years. But the Chinese treat a monkey less than eighteen years old quite badly, and the monkey only becomes more beautiful. The monkey turns into a baboon, and can come to the aid of a person at any time.

To call the Monkey evil is not entirely correct; rather, he is a trickster and a swindler. With his behavior, the Monkey can not only confuse, but also quite puzzle everyone. When the monkey jumps on the vines, you can observe the personification of the world of feelings. It is believed that through long meditation, the Monkey is able to control his heart.

Residents of the East consider Monkeys to be the children of Earth and Heaven. Moreover, in India the Monkey is called Hanuman, because he is very insightful, dexterous and completely unpredictable. Hanuman serves God well. Hanuman is endowed with very great power, but misusing it for her exploits is unacceptable for her. He obeys only his God.

According to the Eastern horoscope, this zodiac sign represents the wind from the west. This is due to the suddenness of the Monkey's appearance and disappearance. The Monkey is a real sorceress, she is the mistress of creative forces and instincts. The monkey lives in a completely irrational world. This is a real juggler. Thanks to clouded thoughts, the Monkey sometimes does not distinguish the difference between evil and good. The monkey is too cunning, so you shouldn’t be surprised if it steals something and hides from its pursuers.

At the edge of the world, in China, there is a rock that has been exposed to sunlight and moonlight since the beginning of the world. At that moment, when the rock was completely filled with light, it gave birth to an egg, entirely composed of their stone. Strong wind managed to catch the egg, which rolled off the cliff and broke. The egg contained a stone monkey. The Monkey had five organs. The monkey's movement was difficult, but she was able to learn to move and collect fruits from trees for food. The monkey began to live in the mountains, and spent the night in the rocks. In the light of day she climbed the rocks and made friends with gibbons.

One hot day, the Monkey went to a grove through which a rapid and cool air flow passed. The gibbons followed the monkey. Seeing in the grove clean water, the gibbons rushed to look for the source. The first of the explorers was the Monkey; at the bottom she saw a vast building on which there was an inscription: “A mountain of fruits and flowers, the promised world and a hole in heaven.” Having emerged, the Monkey told everything to his friends. The gibbons were so happy that they began to dance. The monkey said to his friends: “Let’s go live in the palace, it can protect us from the constant rains and scorching sun.” The gibbons agreed and followed the Monkey. They began to live in an underwater palace. The monkey was their leader. The Gibbons called the Monkey the Queen. Power, luxury and fame did not give the Monkey joy; she was very sad and gloomy. It wasn't all because of the desire to grow old and die. This mood prompted the monkey to go in search of immortality. The monkey was able to ride the wind and sank to the very bottom of the hole, into the very blue of the sky. While searching for immortality, the Monkey's body and mind changed and he turned into a human. The described tale emphasizes the common idea of ​​the East - power and courage are nothing compared to secrets eternal life and death.

Depending on the person, its further development will be determined. Eastern sages not only praised the Monkey, attributing sobriety of thought and great intelligence, but endowed it with the ability to slander, deceive, and attributed pretense, secrecy and inconstancy.

The sign of the Monkey and its life

The Monkey's childhood is very joyful. Monkeys are hardworking, cheerful, and able to adapt to various circumstances.

In youth, the opposite happens. Life is full of confusion, all plans fall apart. In their youth, Monkeys have a lot of changes and an unstable psyche. Changes mainly occur due to constant love addictions. In maturity, such problems go away and peace comes. In old age, Monkeys are calm and often lonely.

Character Traits of the Monkey

People born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by their uniqueness. They are distinguished by spirituality, great intelligence, playfulness and a great desire to have fun. The Monkey is considered a real player; she perfectly manipulates her thoughts and leads those around her. Monkeys don't do everything with malicious intent, but they don't have integrity either. Often, Monkeys are not happy because of the constant orders they give to others. But everything that happens does not come from their orders, as if by itself. Thanks to the ability to accept wise and right decisions, monkeys attract attention. They are very sociable. When communicating with them, you get the feeling that they can make contact with anyone, but this is far from the case. By their nature, Monkeys are very selfish. Even righteous friendship can only be a mask. Monkeys don't trust anyone, it's above them.

This sign The zodiac is characterized by arrogance, but they can quickly adapt to changes and take full advantage for themselves. This behavior often causes envy. The imagination is widely developed, but the sense of indifference is even more developed. The monkeys constantly change their masks, it is almost impossible to guess who is there now, whether he is a joyful person or an offended one. Monkeys do everything they do with a mysterious and ironic grin. Most often, Monkeys are comical and joyful, but established framework They don't allow anyone at all. They can't stand familiarity.

Calling Monkeys vain and idle people is a big mistake. There are some intellectuals present in them. Monkeys study new sciences with great zeal. Their erudition and knowledge of everything that happens in the world allows them to achieve great heights. They are well educated and mannered. They are distinguished by an incredible memory; remembering everything to the last particle is their credo. Relying on their memory, Monkeys stop doing anything else, because they are sure that they remember everything.

Monkeys express their thoughts very easily. At the same time, they behave quite independently. This zodiac sign is distinguished by a nature full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. They cannot stand monotony and routine. These people love it when everyone agrees with them and when they ask for help. They show resourcefulness and make decisions instantly. Observing this zodiac sign from the outside, you may get the impression of some kind of help from them. Monkeys always get away with it. They can handle everything, problems are solved easily, and most importantly, deftly. Sometimes persistence is lacking. They are independent and have a great mind. They almost always say all sorts of nonsense, but they win in disputes and find a compelling argument.

Originality and ingenuity are not alien to these people. Problems for Monkeys are solved instantly. If these people decide to do something, then the work begins immediately; if it doesn’t work out, interest immediately disappears. Artistry is also on high level, they can even capture a Dragon, no matter how strong and dangerous he is.

The Monkeys' love for variety indicates that they have a negative attitude towards boring things. They show genuine interest in almost everything. Because of the love for diversity, many seem to be superficial people, but this is not at all the case.

These people are born travelers, they stick their noses into things that aren’t their own, and love a constant change of scenery. Other people's problems are solved without asking, and very quickly. This is their biggest problem. The Monkey's discomfort is caused by the ability to speak in a commanding tone, as well as absent-mindedness. Because of such factors, many people, including friends, turn away from Monkeys. It is useless to resist the Monkeys; they always win.

When accomplishing their plans, Monkeys are especially intricate; they can lie and start a double game. Moreover, it is very rare to reproach them or catch them in the act. Some of their representatives of this zodiac sign can come to terms with their conscience to such an extent that they justify theft to themselves. By the way, all Monkeys lie.

Any activity that Monkeys do is liked by others. They attract people with their work. Monkeys constantly joke and don’t want to take anything seriously. This is all deceptive, because alone they suffer very much. Monkeys are not used to showing their weaknesses, so it is impossible to see them in a pessimistic mood. These people want to be admired, understood and loved deeply. Once they reveal their secret, they may not succeed in life. Because of this, they always lie. In moments of depression, if they see a helping hand, they will accept it and be grateful all their lives.

Each of the representatives of this zodiac sign is chivalrous and generous. It is very difficult to put yourself in the place of others. They cannot correctly assess the current situation. Monkeys love to spend time surrounded by friends. At meetings with friends, they feel needed. They are prone to eloquence, so they choose literature rather than military affairs. Inside the Monkey, two opposites fight; both youth and old age live in them. They monitor their actions and believe that everything should be original. Any Sherlock Holmes will envy the observation skills of Monkeys; nothing escapes their attention.

Chinese horoscope: cycle of the Year of the Monkey for 150 years
1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980
February 2 February 20 February 6 January 25 February 12 January 30 February 16
1992 2004 2016 2028 2040 2052 2064
February 4 January 22 February 8
*Dates indicate New Year's Day.

Chinese horoscope - Monkey

Earliest ancient astrological symbol Monkeys were associated in Chinese culture with lightning speed. This symbol is similar to the artist’s bold attempt to evoke a bright flash of lightning in the memory of the beholder with one light stroke of the brush. Having a great resemblance to an active and cheerful, quick-witted and vigilant monkey, he personifies continuous movement.

People born in the year of the Monkey are often endowed with a special inner spirit, filled with the lightning-fast energy of their primate prototypes. They have a remarkable ability to think and make decisions at incredible speed. Monkeys have a natural spiritual gift for grasping everything on the fly and learning quickly and, like all primates, imitating and repeating everything that attracts them. Their phenomenal energetic intelligence allows them to constantly generate new ideas, invent new ways of acting, and add links to already organized systems and create innovative products. Amazing agility and the ability to adapt to any circumstances, given by nature, helps them confidently stay afloat in various life situations.

The Monkey's fast-paced energy sometimes seems cold and unfeeling to others, and their colleagues, loved ones and friends are often irritated by this. The nature of the Monkey’s internal energy is such that it is quite difficult to anger them, they are unable to experience dissatisfaction for a long time, and are not vindictive. They may return again and again to their offender if he makes attempts to establish relations again. They easily get along and get to know people and can always help in difficult times. Monkeys are largely independent creatures, but at the same time they love noisy companies and often become the center of attention.

It usually happens that Monkeys find that they were born into a family where they are overly cared for. In the Monkey family, a complex hierarchy develops, which they strictly adhere to. They always treat the head of the family with special respect.

People born in the year of the Monkey have enormous narcissism and self-confidence, and at times mistakenly believe that they are more perfect than they really are. They love it very much when they are flattered, at this moment they experience mental relaxation, and they begin to lose control over the current situation, after which they easily fall into the nets placed.

Monkeys are distinguished by their determination, completely focused on self-improvement and their own development, both physical and spiritual. Deep down, Monkeys want to become heroes and attract as much attention as possible from others. Their grandiose ambition drives them to study diligently throughout their lives, excel in sports, and strive to win in everything they have to deal with. Monkeys are zealous debaters, they are always used to proving that they are right, and they know how to competently construct a speech in order to convince the public.

Many people born under the sign of the Monkey are skilled swindlers, intriguers and charlatans. They achieve most of their goals through deception. They remember their conscience only when, in their opinion, they are treated with prejudice and injustice. Morality and morality fade into the background: the most important thing is to realize your plans.

Monkeys rarely strive to take leadership positions in their work, because they are very afraid of responsibility. Lack of essential business qualities prevents them from achieving the desired success in their work. However, thanks to their irresistible artistry and excellent ability to work with various types of information, they make excellent artists, writers, journalists and secretaries.

If Monkeys suddenly make any mistake, they always carefully check what exactly could have gone wrong, look to the root of the problem, do everything possible to correct it, and continue to do their job. They always learn from their mistakes and very rarely give up when faced with a problem. Perhaps their weakness lies in the fact that such people do not know the boundaries of where to slow down or stop.


You are endowed with natural intelligence. This gives you the opportunity to observe events and then act according to the situation. Even during a conversation, you monitor what is happening around you, especially if it directly concerns you, then put into memory what was said and done, and store it for later analysis.

You are a pleasant conversationalist and a good listener, so people often share good and bad news with you. You know how to keep a secret and are honest in business.

You like variety in life and enjoy company; Most people born in the year of the Monkey are actively involved in public life. One of yours strengths- ability to adapt to various situations, and when you are asked for advice, you always think it over carefully.

Although you are a trustworthy person and are unlikely to intentionally insult anyone, you do not like being insulted. You are quite insidious and are waiting for an opportunity to get even. In your determination to achieve what you want, you may appear vain or unscrupulous, but be careful that this does not damage your relationships with friends. Sometimes it is wiser not to rush towards your goal, but to let events develop slowly.

Many people born in the year of the Monkey have excellent memories. There is something about your openness and desire to help people that allows them to forgive your unsightly character traits. You may be friendly and outgoing, which makes you a welcome guest at a party, but there is also another side of your character that guides you when you see someone in danger.


Your versatility and quick reaction are a godsend for wide range professions. Those born in the year of the Monkey are smart. If they set a goal for themselves, they rarely fail to achieve it. There are certain skills that you can master quickly that you should focus on; you need to know your capabilities and not take on risky business. Most people born in the year of the Monkey adequately assess the degree of risk and are acutely aware of financial situations. You don't shy away from new problems and think about them until you find a solution. Even when the situation seems unfavorable, you find possible solutions. Your organizational skills are combined with an analytical and creative approach.

You can make a career in media mass media, finance, management, police or public relations. The professions of a designer, craftsman, surveyor or planner are suitable for you.


You are attracted and excited by romantic relationships and can live your life full of love. Partners like your openness, sense of humor and your interest in the world around you. You know how to make people feel at ease with you, and you can infect even the most timid with your enthusiasm. The difficulty is that you have to make commitments, but once you finally do, you rarely give up on them.

At the beginning of a relationship, you can sometimes be unpredictable or childishly frivolous: if your partner makes a minor mistake, you may take it as an insult, your mood may suddenly change for no obvious reason. An attentive partner will easily eliminate your nervousness and uncertainty. And when a stable relationship arises between you, you turn out to be a caring and reliable partner. Your charm, your energy and cheerfulness give you the opportunity to keep this relationship strong. And even when the relationship ends, you can help your ex-partners.

Side of the world

West - Southwest. The monkey is associated with the west-southwest direction, which in turn is associated with the late afternoon hours when the sun sets. This direction is also traditionally associated with early autumn when yin begins to gain strength.


White. The monkey is associated with the color white, which is traditionally associated with autumn and maturity. White also associated with cleanliness and freshness. Although white clothing is worn during mourning in China, it can also signify good fortune, and white birds are a sign of good fortune.

, Fire Monkey, Earth Monkey, Metal Monkey, Water Monkey.

The metal monkey is a hard worker and never sits idle. She does not expect help from others, does not seek easy work, does not give in to difficulties. She doesn’t like to waste time, she doesn’t take on small things, she will work long and hard to achieve success and financial gain. Smart, efficient, persistent, she does not like to throw money away, although she loves entertainment. Attentive and good-natured to the people around him, the Metal Monkey is often lonely due to such character traits as pride and a sense of self-superiority.

This is the Fighting Monkey - strong-willed and independent. She is always very concerned about her material security. Knows how to invest money wisely. He prefers to have his own business, and if he works for someone else, he usually also earns money on the side. He may lose his savings by trying to get rich in risky ventures.

Under the influence of the element of Metal, the Monkey becomes especially ambitious and demonstrative in its actions. Her aspirations are high, she craves recognition and applause. And it’s hard not to admire her because she always strives for self-improvement.

The Metal Monkey is characterized by passion and love of life; He is a warm, positive and very persuasive person. Everything he creates is not only useful, but also aesthetically pleasing. The Metal Monkey may well be a trendsetter. At worst endowed analytical mind The Metal Monkey can be extremely self-confident and overly proud. Such a Monkey will have few supporters.

Metal Monkey according to Chinese Horoscope

People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey have a more willful character than its other brothers. These people have great ability to resolve very difficult situations. In addition, they are thrifty, pragmatic, and know when and where to invest money profitably. They strive to occupy a high position in society. Metal monkeys are independent individuals, but have some disadvantages: they are so focused on their own self that they often do not notice what is happening around them, which is why they often do not deserve the trust of others. These Monkeys are the most cordial and express their feelings more clearly than others.

The metal monkey is sure that he was born to shine in society and never spares his strength to prove it. And since her artistry is at its best, she has every chance to become famous person. People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey are able to protect their interests and take care of themselves on their own, without resorting to the help of others.

Metal Monkey Man

A sociable man easily finds contact with people, he is flattered by the attention of others. WITH early childhood has clear ideas about its purpose. The Metal Monkey is an ambitious man who strives to stand out. He cannot be content with a modest position; he tries to occupy a high position. People of this sign make excellent leaders; they do not push with their authority, but always achieve excellent result. In the life of the Metal Monkey, everything is going so well that many envy him and suspect him of foul play. Although he achieves everything solely through his diligence and intelligence, he is a hardworking and purposeful person with strong principles.

This is a creatively gifted man, he knows how to advantageously present his advantages, and if there is a need, he can play any role. Women endlessly admire the Metal Monkey, each of them would like to get him as a husband. A hardworking, responsible man is able to provide a decent life. At the same time, he has a cheerful character, easily agrees with the wishes of the chosen one, and makes practically no comments. A love relationship with him is a holiday that gives fireworks of emotions. Having gotten married, he does not lose his optimism and continues to delight his wife with surprises. Happy to do it homework, loves to tinker and play with children, for them he is the best dad in the world.

Metal Monkey Woman

Among the fairer sex there are many envious women who condemn the Metal Monkey. A beautiful, energetic, self-confident person is able to attract attention wherever she is. Many reproach her for selfishness and the desire to stand out from others. The Metal Monkey is an ambitious woman who loves attention. She likes to feel her own power over the people around her. Chooses a profession that allows you to live in complete prosperity. She does not like to overcome difficulties, although, if necessary, she is capable of courageous actions. This resourceful woman will be able to adapt to any conditions. Although most of all she likes to have fun and spend time in fun companies.

In the life of the Metal Monkey love relationship play an important role. The lack of fans makes her sad, she begins to lose self-confidence. She tries to attract attention to herself by any means; she is an incorrigible coquette. The Metal Monkey is a strong-willed woman; if she likes a man, then the wedding will definitely take place. After getting married, she never stops flirting and communicating with other men. But there are no serious grounds for suspicion and jealousy, and there cannot be. He lovingly furnishes his family nest and devotes a lot of energy to his family. She is devoted to her husband and children, tries to help them solve any problems. This is a very kind, sympathetic woman.



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