Where is the ancient city of Arkaim located? The ancient city of Arkaim: photo and description, information for tourists, history and interesting facts, how to get there. What's on site

Have you heard about the miracle city in which those same Aryans lived after the death of their homeland Antarctica? Do you know where Arkaim is? And this ancient city, according to experts, is a real secret from the distant history of mankind. For this reason, it can safely be considered one of the most significant archaeological sites in Russia.

So, Arkaim is located on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region. From a bird's eye view, two huge circles are clearly visible in the flat steppe. Their age is four thousand years. According to ancient legends, even gods did not yet live among people. What kind of mind created this natural place of power, a truly fortified settlement.

How did it happen that this ancient Aryan settlement could have been buried under water, and the discovery itself was accidental. Arkaim has become a new mystery for scientists. And it remains so to this day. It has not been completely solved.

It was officially discovered by two archaeologists, S.G. Botalov and V.S. Mosin, who went on an expedition that included students - future archaeologists and schoolchildren - circle members. And the reason for such a study was very prosaic - the need to build the Bolshe-Karagansky reservoir. Agricultural areas of the region needed water.

The work, it seemed, was supposed to have little prospects. And at first its significance was doubtful. But very close to the expedition camp, just a few kilometers away, characteristic terrain was discovered.

Archaeologists had only a year to find any fossil valuables in the area under study. But to realize that this was a sensation, it was necessary to open several parts of the circles with a spatula. To save the remains of the majestic city, called Arkaim, a real battle broke out. After all, this turned out to be not just an ancient city; the legendary Aryan race once lived here almost forty centuries ago.

Important! Saving such a unique archaeological find became a matter for the entire community. Only thanks to the dedication of the defenders of Arkaim, the almost unreal happened - for the sake of an archaeological find, multimillion-dollar construction was stopped.

Some called it the intervention of fate. Information that an ancient city had been discovered quickly spread around the world. And people came to him from everywhere.

Features and attractions

This ancient settlement is not easy. Arkaim is

  1. "Land of Cities"
  2. Temple.
  3. Arch of Iyma.
  4. The observatory and just the city.

And now about each of them in more detail:

Country of cities

This is exactly how this area was named by archaeologists. An entire state of almost twenty objects different shapes– rectangular, round and oval. From west to east – about 150 kilometers, and from north to south – 350.

In fact, this fortified settlement is only 170 meters long. If you thought this was not enough, remember that these structures are at least 4 thousand years old.

A ghost town appeared in the steppe, in a place where two almost dry rivers meet - Karaganka and Utyaganka.

The size of the ancient settlement of Arkaim is 20 thousand square meters. meters, the diameter of the internal fortress is 85 meters, the external one is 143-145.

Inside the two walls that surrounded it are located apartment buildings. A moat with water inside the fortress is two meters deep, with an average depth of 2 meters, for protection from external enemies. The outer wall had four entrances, 5.5 meters high and almost 5 meters thick. The city had a functioning water supply and sewerage system.

The inner wall had only one entrance, thickness – 3 meters and length – 7.


The city - the true temple of the Aryan people - appeared to the world at a very opportune moment. It marked the beginning of the resurrection of the culture and traditions of the Aryans. These people became the creators of the famous religion of fire worshipers, the first world religion of Zoroastrianism. Its main provisions were later borrowed by almost all other religions.

Yima Arch

As for the word "arch", it comes from "ar" and the diminutive suffix "ka". This is how its meaning turns out - a small sky, in other words, a kind of twin of the sky on Earth.

And King Yima was the first ruler of the Aryans. His reign fell on the “golden age”, when human minds did not yet know Evil.

On the huge circle walls of the city, 18 astronomical events are recorded, of which 6 are associated with the Sun, and 12 with the Moon. The result was an intricately complex structure.

The mysteries of the “sacred” mountains of Arkaim never cease to interest more and more pilgrims, who have turned into a real place of pilgrimage.

There are so many beliefs associated with them.

Mountain of Love (or Rook Mountain)

Rumor has it that it is an extinct volcano. Ancient people climbed it, talked with the gods, and their current descendants make wishes. Anyone who bathes in icy river that flows at the very foot,

will be rejuvenated and recharged with the special energy of this place. But the water seems icy only the first time, it’s enough to take a dip once, and you want to swim in it again.

Mountain of Mind

They say that this place is an interdimensional corridor with a strong energy field. Some people find it difficult to be here - it gets in the way headache and malaise, which came from nowhere. This is how an interdimensional portal “works” - it gives energy to someone, and takes it away from someone - a real phenomenon of esotericism. It is with him that the disappearance of the Aryans, which is very mysterious, is presumably connected. It is assumed that they themselves burned the city, but why will forever remain a mystery.

Mount Shamanikha (other names: Fiery Hill or Shamanka)

On its top there is a spiral of thirteen circles drawn (lined with stones). People come here to meditate and recharge their energy. According to peacekeepers, this place is connected with space. And the spiral also serves as a symbol of the chain of incarnations. They say that whoever walks barefoot along it is cleansed of sins and reunites with the tree of his ancestors.

Where to stay

If you want to stay comfortably, you should book a room at the recently opened Muzeynaya Hotel.

The owners of two neighboring houses near the hotel will offer those who wish to move in as a group or individually. There is everything you might need for life here, you can even cook your own food. There is even a bathhouse and free parking. The family receives a discount.

There are also trailers on the territory of the Arkaim tourist camp. They can also accommodate quite well. There is a shower on site, free for residents. There are two-seater trailers, they are more expensive, but a bed in a five- or six-seater is quite cheap.

Important! And if you brought a tent with you, accommodation will be completely free. You don't have to pay to rent a place.

How to get there

There are several options.

By regular bus

  • From Chelyabinsk. In the summer, buses leave from the Southern Bus Station directly to Arkaim. There is only one flight per day, you leave at 16:00 and arrive at 23:00. Every day except Saturday.
  • From Yekaterinburg (tours to Arkaim). Excursions are organized from the city to Arkaim. A private bus leaves the circus on Fridays at 20.00. By 23.30 it arrives at the Chelyabinsk railway station, from where it picks up passengers traveling to Arkaim.

    Important! Ecological weekend tours to Arkaim from Ufa are organized.

  • From Magnitogorsk. The bus on the Magnitogorsk-Bredy route leaves the bus station at 14.30 (on Sunday - at 21.00). ABOUT
  • Breda railway station leaves at 7.00 (on Sunday 16.40). You will have to go to the stop “Turn to Arkaim”, and from there – walk about seven kilometers.

By car

If you prefer to travel by car, you will get to Arkaim without any problems. The route is as follows: from Chelyabinsk (the distance to Arkaim is about 400 km) towards Yuzhnouralsk, passing Stepnoy, Agapovka, Kizilsky, Obruchaevsky, leaving them behind. There is no need to go to Magnitogorsk either. But the road can be very rough in places, so be careful, especially if it's raining.

After the destruction of Antarctica, it was here that the ancient Aryans came, passing through the Ural Mountains. They settled near the Daithi River, which flows through the steppes of the Southern Urals in the “Land of Cities.” And here, in the very middle of the earth, temple cities appeared, during the construction of which the Aryans adhered to the principle of the starry sky: they founded 15 branches of the Aryan tree, spreading their culture throughout the northern hemisphere. And they left the city, leaving their descendants with more than one mystery: did they burn Arkaim themselves, why did they leave the city where they were heading.

Three decades have passed since this find became public knowledge. And today, in 2018, Arkaim has become a real place of pilgrimage. People are attracted to the sacred places surrounding the ancient settlement.

But the secret of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region - this invisible city - is not revealed to everyone. He does not accept everyone, he can even be insidious. Someone in this city is going bald, girls who have not given birth suddenly begin to have milk and other not very pleasant miracles. Those who live nearby know how unusual and wonderful these places are.

Numerous tourists from all over Russia, near and far abroad, also strive to verify this. You too can see this miracle with your own eyes.

The Chelyabinsk region of Russia is home to a unique archaeological value from the past. It's ancient Arkaim city. What is known about it, and what assumptions scientists have about the origin of Arkaim, we will consider in this article.

In general, they cause a lot of controversy and discussion among researchers, and it is hardly possible to name at least one similar find, the opinion of which would not have alternative views.

How Arkaim was discovered

In 1987, two Soviet scientists S.G. Botalov and V.S. Mosin were sent to the Chelyabinsk region in order to explore the area for archaeological finds.

The fact is that it was planned to create a reservoir at this place, and according to the rules, such a project could not be carried out without an archaeological study of the territory.

Botalov and Mosin slowly set to work. Local schoolchildren and enthusiasts helped them in their work. Of course, they soon discovered extremely unusual reliefs. It was soon established that they were recorded by military cartographers back in 1957.

Arkaim from a bird's eye view

However, whether due to the negligence of the management, or the ignorance of the people making the decisions, this territory was still planned to be flooded.

Then the director of the Hermitage B.B. spoke with his unambiguous opinion and solid authority. Piotrovsky, as a result of which the ancient monument, that is, the city of Arkaim, was not touched.

Information about the city of Arkaim

First of all, it should be said that Arkaim is a very small territory. It’s hard to even call it a city. Rather, it is a fortified settlement.

The diameter of Arkaim is 170 meters. However, we should not forget here that the age of the find is approximately 4 thousand years, and for that time such a scale was considerable.

The city is surrounded by two walls. The outer wall, 5 meters thick and 5.5 meters high, had 4 entrances. An external ditch 2 m deep was dug around Arkaim. In other words, the city was protected quite seriously from external enemies.

There were apartment buildings inside Arkaim. In the center there was a square for residents to gather.

The animals lived outside the city, although it is assumed that in times of emergency they were taken inside.

Reconstruction of the city of Arkaim
A museum excavation site on two dwellings in Arkaim

Despite the powerful outer wall, Arkaim had interior wall 3 m thick. It had only one entrance, and in order to get to the city center, it was necessary to go through the entire ring street.

What's inside Arkaim

There were many buildings in the middle of Arkaim. Most of them are built from logs and clay, although there are also buildings made from dried bricks.

Pottery workshops, metallurgical production and various public institutions were also discovered here.

An interesting fact is that the inhabitants of Arkaim, 4 thousand years ago, were able to think through and implement a storm sewer system in such a way that all waste was removed outside the city.

Residents of Arkaim

Scientists agree that representatives of the Caucasian race lived in the ancient city of Arkaim. This was proven by reconstructing the skulls found there.

By the way, various finds related to this in one way or another mysterious place, can be found in the museums of Chelyabinsk.

Death of Arkaim

It is believed that the ancient city was destroyed by fire. However, there is no reliable information about when this happened.

Moreover, researchers cannot even answer the question of how long this amazing fortress existed.

It is quite possible that the cause of Arkaim’s death was arson or an attack by enemies. Or it could just be an accident.

Country of Cities and Arkaim

The discovery of Arkaim became the reason for an in-depth study of the entire area adjacent to it. Thus, on an area of ​​about 350 km, many settlements similar to Arkaim were discovered.

The vast majority of them were built according to one type. This entire complex received common name– Country of Cities.

That is, we can reasonably say that at that time a fully established civilization existed in this territory.

Panoramic photograph of the surroundings of Arkaim

It must be said that archaeological work is being carried out there to this day, and one can only hope that sooner or later, scientists will be able to find out the secret of Arkaim.

  1. The first information about the find appeared in 1957.
  2. In 1987, the first work on a detailed study of the area began.
  3. The total area of ​​the city walls is about 20 thousand m².
  4. The central square measures 25x27 m.
  5. External wall had 35 dwellings, internal - 25.
  6. Apparently, art was developed in Arkaim, as various figurines and intricate ceramic dishes were found in the city.
  7. Wells, storerooms, kitchens with fireplaces and bedrooms were found in many houses in the city. Almost all residents produced wooden products and weapons, and also engaged in modeling and tailoring.
  8. The most in demand and popular professions were blacksmiths and foundry workers.

The secret of the city of Arkaim

Of course, like any similar discovery, the city of Arkaim attracts not only scientists, but also lovers of mysticism. Esotericists of all stripes claim that Arkaim is the cradle of civilizations and a place of colossal extraterrestrial power.

These rumors especially intensified after Vladimir Putin made a trip there in 2005.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that the city of Arkaim is located at the same latitude as Stonehenge and the Amur Pillars. Whether this is a coincidence or not is unknown.

In conclusion, I would like to add that pseudoscientists tend to exaggerate the significance of the ancient city of Arkaim, considering it a supernatural source of power and an ancient observatory for communication with other worlds.

Of course, these fantasies have no basis, which does not in the least diminish the value, significance and uniqueness of Arkaim for the study of past civilizations.

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Ancient city Arkaim (or rather a whole system of cities) was located on the border of modern Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions, Bashkiria and Kazakhstan. Archaeologists discovered these cities and fortified settlements in the steppe in the summer of 1987 and immediately declared the discovery a sensation.

The ancient city, in plan representing two rings of defensive structures inscribed one into the other, was named Arkaim - after the name of the nearest village.

Architecture of Arkaim

Radiocarbon dating showed that the age of the buildings is 3600-3900 years. Archaeologists also dated the monument to the second quarter of the 2nd millennium BC. e. (XVII-XVI centuries BC). Arkaim buildings have amazing feature- have conjugate walls in a circle, oval or rectangle. According to astrologer Pavel Globa, the ring structure of Arkaim resembles a giant horoscope (160 m in diameter), in which 12 zodiac signs and 28 lunar stations (according to the number of days) are clearly identified.

This orientation to the stars was carried out extremely accurately, with an error of one forty-three thousandth of a full circle. Such a unique construction of the city once again confirms, according to scientists, its belonging to the ancient Aryan culture. In any case, it is clear that Arkaim was built according to a strict plan, orienting the fortress to the cardinal points and bringing all the radial lines of the city into a single center of the defensive ring.

In general, the orientation of Arkaim by the stars is so accurate that of all the ancient structures only the Egyptian pyramids can compete with it.

As archaeologists have calculated, more than four thousand years ago the inhabitants left the city at once for an unknown reason. And what’s more, they burned it.

According to one version of scientists, this happened due to the fact that the explosion of the Greek volcano Santorini led to an environmental disaster, the climate of part of the Earth changed, and the resulting natural anomalies frightened the residents of Arkaim and forced them to leave their city.

The researchers also remembered the legends of Siberia and the Urals, telling about the ancient Land of Cities, the homeland of the Aryans of Aryan Wedge, located in the center of the earthly world.

Ancient texts claim that at first the place of settlement of the Aryans was the territory of the Volga, the Urals and Western Siberia, and only then the Aryans penetrated into Persia and India.

The prophet Zarathustra is believed to have been born in the Urals. In confirmation of this, archaeologists have excavated quite real Country Cities dating back to the 18th-16th centuries. BC e.

This group of fortified settlements of two dozen complexes is located south of the Uy River, mainly in the watershed of the Ural and Tobol rivers. The Country of Cities stretches from north to south for 350-400 km, from west to east - for 120-150 km. Scientists discovered that there was a distance of 50-70 km between simultaneously existing settlements. In total, the developed territory occupied about two thousand square kilometers.

Remains of one of ancient civilizations of humanity are original and do not resemble anything familiar or already known: in these settlements there were not only powerful walls and complex defensive structures, but also workshops of artisans, melting furnaces, a well-functioning communication system.

This suggests that on the territory of the Ural-Kazakh steppes during the Bronze Age there was high level the development of metallurgy, which distinguished the region in the cultural space, which at that time stretched from the Mediterranean to the territory of present-day Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Arkaim Observatory

Astroarchaeologists have calculated all the necessary parameters indicating the similarity of Arkaim with the famous Stonehenge. Both of these mysterious monuments are located at approximately the same geographic latitude, in the center of a bowl-shaped valley with a relief horizon, which allows us to draw a very definite conclusion: Arkaim served the ancient people as an observatory.

Arkaim retained the “relief of the mainland”, the horizon line turned out to be distant from the monument at a distance of 1.5 km in the west to 5 km in the east, and on the horizon itself, specialists in astroarchaeology and archaeogeodesy recognized the sights necessary for celestial observations - no less than 38 objects used directly for studying the luminaries.

The ancient visor served as natural or artificial details of the landscape, which clearly recorded a specific point of the event, so as not to confuse it with any other point on the horizon. Natural objects are, for example, the top of a mountain or hill, a free-standing rock, a large stone. Artificial - a high pillar, stones piled up in a hill, a forest clearing, a tree planted on a treeless horizon, a mound (that is why archaeologists often look in vain for a burial chamber in these mounds - it could not be there!).

Based on all this, Arkaim is an ancient near-horizon, or daytime astronomical, observatory. However, conducting astronomical observations is clearly not the only function performed by the settlement of the ancient Aryans in the valley in the east Ural mountains. What the remaining functions were (and they, without any doubt, were) remains to be determined by scientists. Now foreign experts from the USA, Holland, and Germany have joined the study of Arkaim.

Arkaim Museum-Reserve

Now it is a natural landscape and historical and archaeological museum-reserve, and all excavations in Arkaim are temporarily prohibited. But material for reflection and the birth of scientific theories and various kinds Enough hypotheses have already been accumulated.

Immediately, evidence appeared that Arkaim itself and its surroundings were a gigantic anomalous zone. Energetically powerful Arkaim has become a place of pilgrimage for prophets of all stripes, psychics, contactees, and sectarians.

Those who have visited Arkaim testify that a chronological anomaly is observed there - the clock is suddenly disrupted, the human body begins to experience strange effects: causeless anxiety sets in, a state of altered consciousness sets in, the heart rhythm is disturbed, blood pressure and body temperature change.

Devices record inexplicable changes in electrical voltage and tension in this area. magnetic field. Also, the air temperature can fluctuate within five degrees Celsius within five minutes.

And at night flying lights are observed over Arkaim, moving along strange trajectories, glowing balls and mysterious glows in the atmosphere.

Numerous curious people set up camps on the territory of Arkaim, trying to see the anomalies they have heard so much about with their own eyes. Around the Arkaim Valley there are many mountains and hills with which legends and traditions are associated.

Man, know yourself and you will know...

“The architecture of Arkaim is no less complex than the architecture of Crete. Arkaim is the 18th century BC, there are dates from the 20th century BC. e. But we now adhere to more cautious ones - 18-17 centuries BC. These are contemporaries of the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization, this is the middle kingdom of Egypt, in general, this is a very distant antiquity. And, of course, these are the Indo-Europeans, one of the most ancient Indo-European civilizations. Probably, more specifically, it is one of the links of the Indo-Iranians. And of course, this is the environment, that moment, which is spoken of as Aryan culture. These are the Aryans, with their roots, with their culture. And this is certainly the world of the Avesta, the world of the Vedas, that is, this is the world of the most ancient layers of Indian and Iranian sources. Moreover, these are very deep layers, the most ancient roots, i.e. this is the beginning, this is the source of European philosophy and culture.”

Since 1962, satellites have transmitted to Earth photographs of several unusual circles that clearly stand out on the surface of the steppe. No one doubted the artificial origin of these circles. Then no one could say exactly what it was and everything remained a mystery... The photographs show a strange structure with clear geometric shapes. Probably because of this correctness, it was mistaken for a modern “top-secret” object and... they remained silent.

By that time, in scientific and occult circles they were arguing about where to look for the homeland of the Indo-Europeans, where was the source from which many peoples of Eurasia came. After all, it has long become clear that many European peoples, as well as the peoples of India, Persia and most of Asia, once had a single source - a mysterious people - “ Proto-Indo-Europeans" Ancient sources, legends, tales were studied, expeditions were prepared to the Urals, Tibet, Altai, etc. Many dreamed of finding the remains of the country where the legendary white Aryan race lived. The souls and minds of people strived for a true, deep awareness of their origins. To that partially lost ancient secret knowledge that the ancient Aryans possessed.

Even in the most ancient times, people tried to understand their place on earth, tried to understand the overall picture of the world. We can figuratively say that humanity began not with the invention of the stone axe, but with the formation of a worldview, with the awareness of ourselves and others like ourselves as part of the cosmic universe. Both in ancient times and today, a person cannot live without awareness of the picture of the world. This is the psychological predetermination of human thinking. The organizing power of the picture of the world is enormous, and it doesn’t matter whether we realize it or not. Thinking ancient man it was very specific. The picture of the world created by him extended not just to the abstract distant Universe. It must be built in the form of a real model and be nearby, and a person must live in this Universe, in its cosmic circles and squares.

As always, all great things come unexpectedly... In 1987, the Arkaim Valley in the southern Urals was to be flooded to create a reservoir to irrigate the arid steppe. Here, in the very heart of the valley, were those very mysterious circles. Archaeologists were given a year to explore the area for fossils. Soon after the archaeologist's spatula revealed several details of incomprehensible circles, it became clear that this was a real sensation! The struggle to save Arkaim immediately began - this is the name given to the remains of the majestic city, which turned out to be these mysterious circles. And - no more, no less - these were the remains of the city where that legendary Aryan race once lived. It turned out that Arkaim is almost 40 centuries old...

The entire public rose up to save Arkaim and an almost unreal thing happened - multimillion-dollar construction was stopped for the sake of an archaeological find! This was a real intervention of fate.

To India in the 3rd millennium BC. a race of tall, light-skinned people came - the Aryans. They brought the Rigveda - the most ancient of the Vedas, and took the highest position in society, thanks to their possession of unique knowledge and technologies. In ancient Persia at the same time, Zoroastrianism appeared, the teachings of the prophet Zoroaster, brought by the same Aryan race. Who were they, where did they come from, where did they gain knowledge? “Perhaps at that time the Gods still lived among people...” So say the ancient legends.

In the ancient world, observatories of a special kind were built. They are called near-horizon. There were no sophisticated instruments, but astronomical observations were carried out very accurately. Arkaim is just such an observatory, and the most complex of all known to mankind today. Its design is a huge horoscope containing 12 signs of the Zodiac, the spring and autumn equinoxes, sunrises and sunsets of the Sun and Moon, winter and summer solstices.

The people of Arkaim even knew about the phenomenon of precession. This is the slow movement of the earth's axis along a circular cone with a period of 25,786 years, and it is depicted here very accurately. Arkaim is also located at 52° north latitude. It is believed that it is on it that one can observe maximum quantity astronomical phenomena associated with the rising and setting of the stars. The famous Stonehenge is located at the same latitude, and they are the same age. Only Arkaim is more difficult!

The design of Arkaim is amazing. It is built according to a pre-created plan as a single complex complex, reminiscent of a Mandala - a square inscribed in a circle. In ancient texts, the circle symbolizes the spirit, the Universe, the square - the Earth, the material world. During the construction of Arkaim, a small Universe was created. The entire city is designed in a single coordinate system. It is strictly oriented to the cardinal points with such precision that only some of the pyramids of Egypt could compete with it in the ancient world.

The fortress walls are wooden frames filled with bricks. Inside them are underground labyrinths with deep trapping pits. All dwellings were adjacent to the walls like segments and had exits to the main ring street. Each of them had a well, a stove and a special drain for water. The city had a real storm drain! In the center there was a ritual area of ​​almost square shape.

Arkaim was beautiful from the outside - perfectly round, with high towers, burning lights and outer walls lined with colored bricks. The fortress consisted of two ring walls - the outer one, dedicated to the Sun, and the inner one, dedicated to the Moon. Anyone entering the city had to repeat the path taken by the Sun. The four entrances of Arkaim formed a pattern of a “correct” swastika. This sacred sign was used by ancient India, Rus', China, Egypt, and Maya as a symbol of light and development.

The swastika can be seen on old Orthodox icons. The swastika is a symbol of the Sun, good luck, happiness, creation (“correct” swastika). And, accordingly, the swastika in the opposite direction symbolizes darkness, destruction, the “night Sun” among the ancient Russians. As can be seen from ancient ornaments, in particular on Aryan jugs found in the vicinity of Arkaim, both swastikas were used. This has deep meaning. Day replaces night, light replaces darkness, new birth replaces death - and this is the natural order of things in the Universe. Therefore, in ancient times there were no “bad” and “good” swastikas - they were perceived in unity. (like “Yin” and “Yang”, for example). The reverse swastika among the ancients meant darkness and destruction. By the way, the Nazis adopted exactly this. In Arkaim, both swastikas were used, there was no “bad” and “good” - there was the unity of everything, like “Yin” and “Yang”. Day - night, light - darkness, birth - death. This is the natural order of things in the Universe.

In each dwelling, in addition to the well, there was also a stove and a domed storage. Two earthen pipes led to them from the well. For what? Have you looked into the well? He always feels cold. So, one of the pipes supplied cold air to the storage facility. It was a refrigerator!

And in the second pipe, the same air created a draft of such force that it made it possible to melt bronze without the use of bellows! The furnace was metallurgical! Numerous copper items found in the burial grounds confirm that there were many skilled blacksmiths and foundries here.

Arkaim residents have a complex relationship with water: water from the sky is one thing, in a well for a stove is another, in a well for drinking water- third. Each house has two or three wells and a wooden, clay-coated water supply system. Every 30m. - storm drains - wells into which water was discharged. In front of each well there are purification facilities: ridges made of clay and wood and grooves in which dirt was retained, since clean water must flow into the well. Storm sewer The pavement is blocked. This creates a circular street. Houses are attached to the outer moat. The defensive wall is attached to the wall of the moat. This is a sector. The radial wall is also a street, because people walked along the top. The height of the radial wall is 3.5 m. There is a bridge between the defensive structure and the street.

The upper street for pedestrians and... chariots ran along the roofs of Arkaim's dwellings! Real ones. Because the most ancient wheels and chariots were found here, in burials. And also bronze knives, axes, a stiff bridle with spikes, images and skeletons of horses. They indicate that not only blacksmiths and astronomers lived here, but also warrior-chariots.

The material culture here is ordinary, so there is nothing special to show here. There are a lot of things - ceramics with patterns and swastikas, but these are all standard things. The only sculpture found here is stone zoomorphic and anthropomorphic sculpture: people, horses, beavers. But this sculpture is all hidden, it is not found either in settlements or in burial grounds. It’s like Thor Heyerdahl’s small plastic works on Easter Island, exclusively domestic, secret sanctuaries. They are plowed up in the fields, finding 2-3 sculptures a year. And every time it is a masterpiece, but this art has not yet been discovered.

Nowadays, several dozen settlements of the Arkaim type have been discovered on the territory of the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, Bashkortostan and Northern Kazakhstan. Their age is 3.8-4 thousand years. These Bronze Age settlements were called the “Land of Cities.” The cities were remarkably similar. They were built in the shape of an oval, circle or rectangle, but always in standard project. It is believed that they were spiritual centers where priests lived, and tribesmen from all over the area gathered for sacred festivals. Cities were also manufacturing factories. It is believed that they originated here due to the available copper ores. Metal, tools, and decorations were “exported” far beyond the borders of the region. But what is most striking about “Land of Cities” is its amazing spirituality.

Homeric Troy is 500 years younger than Arkaim. The diameter of the walls of Homer’s Troy is 179 m, and the diameter of the walls on Arkaim is 170 m, without the economic part. With the economic part, that is, with a cattle pen, this is another plus 25 m in the area. The southern world was built of stone. In the Land of Cities, stone was used very rarely. There is no stone at all in Arkaim, with the exception of menhirs.

The philosophy of the “Country of Cities” was built on three cults: Fire, Sun and Hero. This is the Indo-Iranian religious system, the origins of Zoroastrianism. The entire physical and spiritual world. But the main thing was not luxury, but life in harmony with the Universe.

Since both Arkaim and the Country of Cities are associated with a specific group of Indo-European tribes, it is likely to assume that these were the legendary Aryans. For historical reconstructions, it is quite legitimate to use data from modern linguistics and ancient myth-making. In the latter case we are talking about the deep layers of the Rig Veda and Avesta. In Arkaim, myth can be traced everywhere through archeology. It is reflected in funeral and other rituals, in the shape of a well, and in the very architectural structure of Arkaim. The brilliant archaeological material of the Country of Cities tempts us to look into the spiritual world of the people who created a unique culture that made a colossal contribution to world human civilization.

Cultural and ethnogenetic flows, concentrated in a small and densely populated area of ​​the “Country of Cities,” gave that extraordinary rise of mythological thinking and ritual activity, which are recorded archaeologically in settlement architecture, fortifications and funerary structures. It is probably under these conditions that the most ancient layers of the Rigveda and Avesta were born.

According to the myths of the Avesta and Rig Veda, in ancient times the Aryans dispersed throughout the world from their ancestral home, which sank in the Arctic Ocean. King Yima, the first ruler of the Aryans, by order of God, went south and built a city like an egg - a symbol of the origin of life in the Universe. Arkaim (“ar” – sky and “ka” – a suffix of diminution or belonging) is the “small” sky of Yima or the twin of the sky on Earth. ARKAIM ( “Ar + Ka + I + M”) – “the beginning of spiritual light in the continuation of thoughts”, a light essence that continues the original knowledge. The meaning of the word confirms one of the versions that here was one of the scientific and spiritual centers of the Ancient World.

Arkaim is located in the paleovolcano zone. Such areas are called “Places of Power”. Yes, and 52 degrees north latitude, at which the real shape of the planet intersects with the imaginary correct one. "Earth meets Heaven." Here, the effects of energies and magnetic fields are unusual, even destructive, if you do not understand how to deal with them. The ancients knew. They knew that they needed to build where the spaces touched, opening a Window to another world.

The inhabitants of Arkaim were primarily cattle breeders and shepherds, but they also engaged in agriculture, welded metal and copper, knew the secret of alloying, and processed leather and bone. Numerous imprints of plant and woolen fabrics have been preserved on the pottery. The people of Arkaim were wonderful potters. How much knowledge, skills and feelings are invested in ornaments - the oldest semantic geometric signs that predate writing. Residents of Arkaim successfully processed stone. Hammers and anvils for hot and cold processing were made from volcanic rocks metal products. Battle axes were made from quartzites and basalts; arrowheads and spears were made from flint and jasper. Some of these objects were used as crushing stones to prepare the divine drink soma.

Arkaim residents are people for whom the entire physical and spiritual world is open. For them, it is one and connected with the Cosmos. And they didn’t need luxury, but a spiritual life in harmony with the entire Universe. Man and the Universe were inseparable in ancient times. Man communicated with the Universe and through the Universe. Man created and built the Universe in the layout of his cities and burial grounds. The houses of the dead - burial grounds - are planned in the same way as housing, like a city - the same central platform, all the graves are also lined up in a circle.

Almost everything on Arkaim has now been measured: all the dimensions of the structure, the number of rooms and square meters per person, number of people, children, mortality, how many times a woman gave birth, down to blood type. Based on blood type, anthropological and other characteristics, scientists determined that they were Indo-Europeans. Modern comprehensive studies are quite accurate. The average height of a man is 172 cm, a woman is 168 cm. The Arkaim residents were all in excellent health. There were no infectious diseases, no caries. They ate animal and plant foods. But the average life expectancy of Arkaim residents is not long - 30–35 years, this is due to the high mortality rate of children and women giving birth, but there are still a few who died at 60 years old. The average lifespan of Arkaim itself and similar settlements from the Land of Cities is 200-300 years.

According to Vedic myth, initially there was chaos. Any elements were missing from the Universe. Then there was neither existence nor non-existence, there was neither air space nor sky above it, there was neither death nor immortality. The One breathed without a breath and there was nothing besides it. Creation began with water. An egg formed from the condensation of water. It floats homelessly on the waves for about a year. Then the egg splits into two halves - heaven and earth.

Most ancient form The fortifications in the Country of Cities were an ovoid oval. Then circles and squares appeared. According to Indo-European mythology, the circle corresponds to the celestial principle, the square to the earthly. So, heaven and earth are born from an egg. It is interesting that this myth about the birth of the Cosmos is very similar to the situation of the appearance of an embryo and the birth of a child. Many medical specialists and cultural historians do not rule out that behind this universal myth is the ability of ancient man to recall his embryonic state before birth.

Out of chaos among dark waters a man is born. From chaos among the waters the Universe is born. It is no longer in water streams that people build their Arkaims - their cosmic-terrestrial worlds. By creating their cities, Bronze Age people re-created the Universe. This is not a whim. This is a necessary act of creation. The construction of Arkaim is not just the creation of houses and defensive walls, but it is also a special ritual. The builders had to re-synthesize the Cosmos, repeating all the stages of its formation. It was necessary to repeat everything as it was before, in some mythical times. For the residents of Arkaim by the presenter geometric symbol there were circles. Behind them stood the cosmic spheres and the feminine principle. Circles surrounded the squares - the earth - its male part.

The plan of Arkaim is very similar to the legendary Avestan vara; later in Buddhism it grew into the concept of a mandala. Vara is a refuge, the abode of the righteous. She resists chaos and the forces of death. According to Avestan myth, Vara was created by the culture hero Yima in the country of the Aryans at the direction of Ahura Mazda himself. According to the Avesta, the central circle is intended for “bright, flaming fires and for the seed.” The second circle is for people, and the third is for livestock.

Yima Khshaita kneaded the clay with his feet, separated it into pieces with his hands... and made Yima wara the length of a horse's race on all four sides. He carried there the seed of small livestock, horses, dogs, birds, red, flaming lights. And Yima made that wara... a dwelling for people... a pen for cattle. There he carried water along a path the length of a house; He built a house there, a vault, a courtyard - a place closed on all sides” (Videvdat, II, 33 et seq.).

Vara is not a specific city, but a description given in the late Avestan text Videvdate of a model of the universe reproduced in the earth's microcosm. But the mythologeme itself could only arise in a society where the prototype of the “heavenly city” actually existed, i.e. in the culture of the population of the Eurasian steppes of the 18th-16th centuries. BC

Monuments of the “round temple” type were convincingly identified by K. Yettmar with the Avestan vara, and the vara itself was interpreted by this scientist as a place of ritual meetings. Vara in Iranian mythology is the creation of Yima, and Yima (Yama among the Indo-Iranians) is the ancestor and king of the underworld. In Vara, festivities were held in honor of Yima, which lasted for several days, with the use of haoma and were of an orgiastic nature. An interesting detail: traces of metallurgical production were discovered in Arkaim. It is known that metallurgy among the Indo-Iranians often had the character of a cult activity and it was also traced back to Yima, and blacksmiths occupied a high social position and were associated with both the military caste and royal power.

Vara, built to save people by the first king Yima, is described in Videvdat (2, 27-41) as an adobe fortress that served as a refuge for people, livestock, plants and fire during deadly winters, snowfalls and floods. In the Avestan religious and mythological concept, it acts as a kind of analogue to the biblical “Ark of the Covenant”. Starting from the first translations of the Avesta, the var was seen as a square fortification “the length of a horse’s race on all four sides.” However, later Iranianists drew attention to some features of the structure of the vara, which made them see it not as a square, but rather as a round-plan structure.

1919 civil war. In one of the destroyed estates, an officer of the tsarist army, Isenbek, picks up from the floor several old, darkened wooden tablets, covered with incomprehensible writing. Only a few years later it becomes clear that this is the greatest find, revealing to us hitherto unknown facts from the history of ancient Rus'. It was the Book of Veles. It was written by the Novgorod Magi in the 9th century AD, but it describes events a very long time ago - the turn of the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC!


“... We came from the edge of the green. And before that, our fathers were on the shores of the sea near the Ra River. So the glorious family went to the lands where the Sun sleeps at night... We ourselves are Aryans, and came from the Aryan land...” - this is how Veles’ book narrates. “Ra” is the ancient name of the Volga River. From the green region, located somewhere east of the Volga, the ancestors of the ancient Russians walked west, following the Sun. We went to the territory Eastern Europe, giving rise to many great peoples whom we now call “Indo-Europeans”.

Now it is becoming clear why Indian and Russian folk motifs are so similar, why ancient Sanskrit and the Russian language are so similar. Moreover, they are similar not only in some words, like many languages ​​of the world. What is surprising is that our two languages ​​have similar word structures, style and syntax. Let's add even greater similarity of grammar rules...

Compare the font of the Book of Veles and Sanskrit - in both cases the letters are written under the line...

Truly, you freeze in amazement when you suddenly find in the “Book of Veles” the phrase: “Hallowed be the name of Indra! He is the God of our swords. God who knows the Vedas…” - after all, the same Indra, we know, is the main deity of the ancient Rigveda! The cultures of India and Russia are uniting even more closely! “Our priests took care of the Vedas. They said that no one should steal them from us if we have our Berendeys and Boyan...”

Everyone knows what unique knowledge the ancient Russian Magi possessed, how they carefully preserved it and passed it on from mouth to mouth, how their ancient ancestors retold “AVESTA”, how the Vedas were retold - “Rigveda”, “Samaveda”, “ Yajurveda”,”Atharvaveda” and the fifth Veda, “Panchamaveda”, or Tantra. All this happened in those glorious times when the Gods still lived among people, or the memory of this time was still very fresh. The truly majestic remains of the ancient city of Arkaim told us about this.

The third millennium is ahead, which will reveal to us ancient Hyperborea, Atlantis and Lemuria, which will bring us closer to understanding many of the mysteries of antiquity, and therefore will bring us closer to understanding ourselves. For it is said: “Man, know yourself, and you will know...”

Arkaim lasted only 200-300 years. The fire that destroyed it is a mystery. The unusual thing about the fire is that it did not come as a surprise to residents. They packed up and left. And then the city was burned. Research has shown that Arkaim, the pyramids, and Stonehenge were built in the same system of measures and ideas. Maybe they have the same builders? And it was one of those rare “finest hours of humanity” when “Gods lived on earth”...

Arkaim is more complex than us, and our task is to rise to its heights without destroying the incomprehensible and incomprehensible...

At the end of the 80s of the 20th century, the ancient settlement of Arkaim was discovered in the south of the Chelyabinsk region. They wanted to flood this place and make a reservoir, but scientists managed to defend the excavation site. Now there is a museum-reserve where research is carried out and new secrets that Arkaim keeps are revealed. The ancient city is one of many settlements. They are believed to be over four thousand years old. This makes this archaeological complex the most ancient place of civilization.

Why did such a name appear - Arkaim? The ancient city is located a few kilometers from the mountain with that name, and this wasteland was also called Arkaim on old maps. During the research, it turned out that this was not the only settlement of those years. The Sintashta complex, belonging to the same culture, was previously discovered. The settlements are located on an area of ​​about 300 kilometers, and they were called the Country of Cities.

Why is Arkaim, the ancient city, better known? An airplane photo of this area shows its structure. The bypass ditch, rings of defensive earthen fortifications and the central square are clearly visible. The settlement is located in the form of concentric circles, within which the dwellings were located. The total area of ​​the settlement is about 20 thousand square meters. Not the entire territory has been explored yet, and what has been excavated raises more questions.

After all, it turns out that on the territory of Europe the very first center of civilization is Arkaim. The ancient city was built using much technical knowledge unknown at that time. For example, there is a sewerage system, a well-thought-out water supply system, and a metallurgical industry. Developed infrastructure also causes bewilderment among researchers.

The structure of the city is unusual. It consists of two circles. The outer wall is more than five meters thick and high. There are four passages made in it, which form a correctly directed solar cross - a swastika. The buildings are also located in a circle: there are 35 of them in the outer one, and 25 in the inner one. A total of 29 dwellings have now been explored. Each of them contains a hearth, a well, outbuildings and a metallurgical furnace. To get to the central square, you had to walk along the entire perimeter, moving in the direction of the sun, because there was only one entrance in the inner ring.

Many scientists believe that Arkaim was an ancient observatory. After all, its radial design and correct orientation to the sun and stars makes it possible to observe 18 astronomical events: new moons, full moons, solstices and equinoxes. And even such a famous ancient building as Stonehenge allows you to observe only 15 events, although they are located at the same latitude with Arkaim.

The secrets of the ancient city of Arkaim have not yet been solved. Why was it built, why was it so unexpectedly abandoned by all the inhabitants and burned? Moreover, the residents left, taking all the utensils with them. Only a few burial grounds near the city allow us to judge the morals and customs of the people of that time. After the disappearance of the city's inhabitants, no one lived in this place. This territory is still considered the strongest in Russia.



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