Taurus with relationship compatibility. Taurus and Gemini. Business compatibility between Taurus man and Taurus woman

The relationship between these two representatives of the Earth fits perfectly into the description of the type of compatibility of identical signs “Me and my mirror”. At first, young Taurus, as if approaching the mirror and admiring the reflection, when getting to know each other, see the most best features, inherent in themselves - this is a wide smile, and friendliness, and the desire to please the person interested (every Taurus tries to sincerely please not everyone, but only the one who is interesting to him). Then similar qualities of personality and character will be assessed: balance, desire for stability and constancy, honesty, even if painted in rude tones, readiness to help on the verge of self-sacrifice.

It’s easy to guess that the derivatives of the above will most likely be similar interests, hobbies and plans for life. As for strong friendship, these qualities should be completely enough for it. But the illusion that a copy partner can become an ideal for relationships and family will constantly be tested by reality. And in the end, reality will win. A developed and mature personality is much would be better suited one who is similar to her in some fundamental ways, but different in some ways. And based on these differences, mutual exchange will take place. And when you have a partner in front of you, from whom, by and large, there is nothing to take, and who, accordingly, has nothing to offer in return, then the relationship very quickly exhausts itself.

So Taurus and Taurus at a young age, when the best friend is the one who is similar to you, become very close, and as they grow older they understand that everyone would like a partner who is more interesting than their annoying reflection. And therefore, in adulthood, such meetings practically do not occur. Unless the partners are of the same sex and we are not talking about friendship or cooperation.

Usually, two Taurus people have mutual satisfaction with the physical side of the relationship. But not as long as we would like. Both are quite conservative and monotonous in their habits, so they literally read each other in advance after the first meetings. But in terms of fidelity, both are reliable and mutual. And they are unlikely to consider one of their fleeting hobbies as an incentive to destroy the stability so dear to them.

What should two Taurus people work on in a relationship?

Representatives of this zodiac sign They strive for a measured life, preferring to spend time with their family or with a loved one rather than attending crowded and noisy events. And, being with each other constantly, they begin to get frankly tired. From the boring predictability of the partner, from his senseless obstinacy, from useless touchiness, from material fixation - in a word, from everything that they themselves are familiar with from birth, but now “in the mirror” is reflected simply on a terrifying scale.

Usually Taurus, who is not in a state of work or creative process, is a real lying stone. And when there are both of them in a family, who will stir them up? They will just lie there and grumble at each other.

This couple is recommended to at least occasionally get themselves out of the routine of everyday life. They benefit from the company of friends, where everyone can express themselves as a storyteller, as a toastmaster, and as an artist - the main thing is that genres do not overlap. Well, don’t give up on a hobby in which everyone could retire, get creative, meditate and take a break from their partner.

Taurus woman and Taurus man

The relationship between a Taurus man and a Taurus woman at the developmental stage is greatly simplified by openness in communication and straightforwardness. The partners are similar in many ways, which allows them to behave naturally. This helps both of them decide to take a serious step - to move beyond friendship and offer their partner the creation of a family, which both approach with the utmost responsibility.

Without spending a lot of time studying positive traits and each other's shortcomings, both partners save themselves from unpleasant surprises in their married life. And all disagreements and scandals essentially turn out to be very predictable. But this does not mean that every Taurus strives to extinguish the problem in its infancy. Sometimes it’s even the other way around: one or both partners may be specifically motivated to fight in the kitchen that evening. At the same time, even mentally preparing for it in advance.

I am glad that in most cases the couple is still able to recognize the risks of escalating the conflict and quickly conclude a truce. By being subjected to such tests and accumulating a baggage of grievances and nit-picking, the union, alas, does not become more stable. And in the end, its foundations become only faith in stability, loyalty of a partner and commitment to the comfort of everyday life. A typical Taurus is a supporter of a bad peace rather than a good war, so he will break up only as a last resort.

People born under the constellation Taurus are different high level earthiness. They are driven by pragmatism and a thorough approach to any business. Even a madly in love Taurus does not lose his head. They purposefully get to know their partner from different sides before deciding to tie the knot with him.

The slowness of Taurus, their desire to weigh everything “pro-et-contra”, often becomes a stumbling block at the initial stage of developing a relationship. However, a Taurus man and a Taurus woman will understand each other perfectly. The incredible patience that Taurus possesses allows them to calmly accept even an overly long courtship process. But, if two Taurus decide to be together, then it will be a strong family in which love and mutual respect will reign.

Taurus man and Taurus woman: character compatibility

Taurus people are always confident in their abilities. However, they are in no hurry to demonstrate their mental abilities in public. Both the Taurus man and the Taurus woman born under this zodiac sign have a balanced character and are difficult to anger. But absolute calm, regardless of the current situation, is often misinterpreted: Taurus people are considered callous and unemotional. But despite the surrounding opinion, they inner world always be in harmony, since only true values ​​are of particular importance to Taurus.

One of the main advantages of this zodiac sign is that they accept a person for who he really is, in combination with the positive and negative sides of his character. Accordingly, Taurus try to avoid companies that lack sincerity. This is probably why the Taurus man and Taurus woman feel quite comfortable and calm when alone with each other. When choosing friends and lovers, they ignore external gloss and success, focusing on the inner component of a person. They are attracted primarily by extraordinary personalities.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Taurus woman in communication

Taurus's restraint is also reflected in their type of communication with other people. They are not verbose and do not tolerate pouring from empty to empty. Taurus do not strive to talk about anything; they speak exclusively to the point, even among themselves.

Their relationships are built solely on honesty and objectivity. Taurus people try their best to help and support their Taurus spouse, regardless of the opinions of others. They prefer to act together, striving for the triumph of justice. However, when you decide to ruin your relationship with one of the Taurus, then express criticism towards him that is not constructive, or moreover, that lacks tact. This is exactly what people of this sign cannot stand the most.

Compatibility in relationships between Taurus people

  • The mistrust of Taurus is clearly manifested at the stage of formation of relationships. They do not trust their partner for a long time and strive to test their loyalty.
  • Taurus does not look for easy ways. Because of their natural restraint and some secrecy, they are in no hurry to open up to their partner. But they have a long way to go to fully know their soul mate.
  • Having taken up a task, Taurus will not give up on it until they bring it to its logical conclusion. This is facilitated by the solidity of the sign.
  • In some situations, Taurus embellishes current events and tells lies in order to present themselves in a more favorable light. They may lie to those they are not attracted to in order to avoid unnecessary explanations and questions.
  • Taste, smells, sounds - Taurus like everything that allows them to “caress” their senses. In order to impress a Taurus, you can go with him to a concert or visit a museum.
  • In general, Taurus are not jealous. But if they catch their partner cheating, they will completely break off the relationship with him. It will not be possible to return the old feelings. Taurus does not forgive betrayal, which for them is treason.

Taurus Man and Taurus Woman: Compatibility in Love

Two Taurus are a wonderful, strong couple. Taurus man and Taurus woman are 100% compatible. Basically, when two Taurus get married, the family turns out to be strong and reliable. Taurus will do everything possible to protect their family and friends. For this they are ready to do anything.

Associated with Taurus cozy warmth and complete harmony. People born under this constellation appreciate everything beautiful, strive to create beauty and enjoy it. They are talented and love various types arts A Taurus in marriage can be firm in his beliefs, but the “iron will” in most cases is combined with tenderness, warmth, care and faith in the best.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Taurus woman in marriage

Such a couple has double potential for perseverance. Two opposite-sex Taurus have similar interests, goals and hobbies. They understand each other almost at a glance. Therefore, the couple is truly harmonious.

A Taurus man and a Taurus woman will never be bored together. They have a lot to talk about: general plans and a discussion of their favorite film. They take on things together with double energy and thoroughness, making sure to put their plans into practice and achieve heights and success.

The Taurus woman is very patient, so there are no big scandals in the family. They don’t get upset over little things, don’t reproach their beloved man, and most importantly, they know how to hear and be heard by their partner. By nature, women born under the constellation Taurus are quite soft and good-natured. They reassure you with their smile, kind look and wise advice. Taurus women know how to manage money wisely. Their home is always cozy and calm.

Taurus is not characterized by fleeting relationships. They take a long time to choose a partner. However, the Taurus man is ready to court his companion passionately and romantically. They give flowers, arrange surprises - they do everything to win the favor of their beloved.

By sealing their relationship with bark ties, Taurus will be happy all their lives. Their family will be strong and reliable. And most importantly, trust and love will reign between the spouses throughout their lives. Even after being married for many years, a Taurus man will not look for adventures on the side. Family is the main value in life for them. The marriage union of Taurus is reliable. He will rightfully be considered ideal.

They often say about Taurus-Taurus compatibility: “they live in perfect harmony,” because the similarity of their interests, goals and aspirations is so obvious that it catches the eye.

Finds his “soul mate” in such a marriage. And after twenty years, this couple may not be bored of being together, discussing their plans together, rejoicing together or solving problems that have arisen. The union of two Taurus is double strength, energy and perseverance. Together they are comfortable and good, and they are able to move mountains!

In terms of compatibility, a Taurus woman and a Taurus man are both very business people. They are like “self-propelled savings banks” with one desire to provide for themselves in old age, so they can easily afford both a prosperous life and its special style. Both Taurus know well what their love and marriage partner wants and desires. And their love intensifies with the accumulation of material wealth and an increase in the bank account.

They have no obvious contradictions in character, they are endowed with a similar sexual temperament and have approximately the same ideas about comfort, life, leisure and life goals. There is not enough passion in the couple, but Taurus value stability and reliability much more highly, and this is what they give each other to the fullest. Two Taurus are without a doubt a good couple.

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Taurus man – PROS

Like any Yin sign people, a Taurus woman and a Taurus man get along well together. Both like a quiet, measured and orderly life. To many from the outside, this couple may seem boring, but the main thing is how Taurus themselves feel about it. And they consider their life to be the best: they have an organized life, there is agreement on financial issues, they are confident in the future and they have excellent sex. In addition, a Taurus living with a Taurus maintains mental and physical health for a long time.

Long before family life, Taurus amaze those around them with their understanding of each other, agreement and harmony that reigns in relationships. Of course, they also have disputes, but much less often than others. Taurus tries to resolve all issues peacefully and does not make loud scenes with breaking dishes. It doesn’t matter at all how long Taurus have been together, they agree on most issues almost immediately and look very harmonious.

Two Taurus have a well-established life, an excellent financial situation and wonderful children. Taurus parents devote a lot of time to children; they try to have more than one child (but not more than they can adequately support).

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Taurus man – CONS

The main problems in the compatibility of Taurus-Taurus signs arise due to their stubbornness and conservatism. The main thing for them is to avoid disputes. Of course, Taurus are very peaceful and do not argue over trifles. But, in addition to zodiac preferences, each Taurus has opinions and tastes, depending on his life experience and on the family in which he grew up. Therefore, it is natural that two Taurus do not agree with each other on everything. But the conservatism of both does not allow them to accept a new, different point of view, and stubbornness does not allow them to give in. Therefore, the biggest problem for a Taurus couple is how to behave in an argument. Both will not make concessions, and their confrontation can last a long time.

It’s good if the dispute arose over a trifle. Then make concessions in your own interests. Or the Taurus man will perceive the desires of his wife as feminine whims and give in. But if a dispute arises over issues that are important to Taurus: everyday life, health, money or shopping, then anything is possible here, from the rage of an angry Taurus to prolonged cold war. Disputes bring considerable damage to the Taurus couple and greatly spoil the relationship.

Taurus-Taurus - compatibility horoscope and harmony

According to the compatibility of Taurus-Taurus horoscopes, in order to life together proceeded as harmoniously as possible, they need to agree, even before living together, on who will be the main one in resolving this or that issue. It is necessary to distribute areas of responsibility. There will be few such questions, since Taurus basically looks at the world the same way. Disputes can arise over such important issues for Taurus as property and money. Taurus approach everything thoroughly, so be thorough in this matter as well. Moreover, this will allow you to avoid many problems in the future. With another sign, one could initially choose a compromise, for example, two Geminis are able to come to the option “both yours and ours.” But Taurus does not like to change his point of view, so do not look for a compromise, but decide whose opinion will be the main one in this matter.

Most Taurus figure this out over time, so the problem of intransigence is most severe in newly formed couples. But, be that as it may, if this is a fundamental issue for you, then do not give in just to please your partner. All the same, over time your “mask will be removed.” It is better to discuss controversial topics before the disagreement turns into a conflict.

How can a Taurus woman win a Taurus man?

A Taurus man will immediately be attracted to a woman of his own sign. He will really like her calmness, poise and good taste. In her he will see a reflection of himself, and the more time they spend together, the more and more he will find similarities with himself. feelings make life bright and unpredictable. On the contrary, he really wants a warm, quiet family home and he will be very happy to meet a woman with similar interests and will not want to part with her.

It’s worth talking to Taurus as quickly as possible about finances in order to find out each other’s views on this issue. For Taurus, the material side is very important. Yes, and thereby you will show him that this topic is also very interesting to you.

It is impossible not to say that, in addition to the similarity of characters, two Taurus have a strong physical attraction to each other. The Taurus man is delighted with the Taurus woman, she is the embodiment of his ideas about a sexy woman.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Taurus man in friendship

Taurus is a stable zodiac sign. Therefore, if this man and woman become friends, it can be for life. Of course, a Taurus woman should be wise and not touch on topics where there is strong disagreement.

Two Taurus - good friends. They prefer to relax equally, love comfort and are not lazy to create a pleasant atmosphere for friends. These are two “lazy people” enjoying good food and pleasant, quiet leisure time. Active leisure is alien to them, so you are unlikely to meet Taurus on a hike or gym. They prefer quiet home holiday and love to talk about work topics. Naturally, they rarely find such an understanding interlocutor in their team, and it is easiest for them to be friends with the same Taurus.

Can Taurus people move from friendship to romance? It's hard to say. If everything is fine with their personal lives, then it’s unlikely: both are faithful to their partners. But lonely Taurus can get together, but only if they are not too used to seeing each other as friends (they change their views with difficulty).

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Taurus man in business

A Taurus woman and a Taurus man work well together and have the same temperament and work style. Both men and women of this sign are hardworking, but do not like rush jobs and racing. They work best in those industries that require stability and systematic, calm work. They maintain this rhythm for a long time. Both Taurus do not like sudden changes and quick reactions to a changing situation.

When a Taurus woman and a Taurus man are colleagues or partners - good union if they are employed. They lack adventurism, flexibility and contact to run an independent business. But they bring a calm working atmosphere to the team, do not complicate relationships with colleagues and do their work conscientiously.

When a Taurus woman is the boss and a Taurus man is a subordinate, this is also a very good union. This couple will have complete mutual understanding. The Taurus woman in the position of leader is calm, sweet and hardworking. She will appreciate it highly business qualities Taurus the subordinate.

When a Taurus woman is a subordinate and a Taurus man is a boss - more complex combination than the previous option. Taurus men are more likely than women to fly into a rage in a tense business environment. The Taurus woman has the highest self-esteem and only habit (if she has been working in this place for a long time) and a good salary will keep her from leaving.

Practically perfect compatibility Taurus and Taurus in love will help a couple create a wonderful relationship, the end of which can be a happy marriage.

Characteristics of the sign

Taurus is one of the most patient, balanced and thoughtful signs of the zodiac. His calmness in some matters is simply amazing. However, one should not create illusions that representatives of the sign can get on their nerves with impunity. Like any person, Taurus’s patience is not endless, and his “last straw” can cause such a violent reaction that his opponent will be horrified. It will not be easy to calm down a raging representative of the sign, therefore, you need to think carefully before entering into a confrontation with him.

Taurus are quite purposeful and persistent natures, which in combination with strong will allows them to achieve a lot in work and business. In friendship, representatives of the sign are always ready to lend a shoulder to their friends and expect the same from them. In love, people of this sign are as thorough as in life. Their feelings arise slowly, mature for a long time and do not disappear in an instant. The ruling planet Venus makes Taurus wonderful family men who think first of all about loved ones.

Chinese and zodiac horoscopes, overlapping each other, somewhat change the classical characteristics of the representative of the sign, smoothing out some character qualities and adding others. So, the year of the Rat brings sociability to his character, and the Ox will add stamina, assertiveness, and sometimes bring such things into the character of the sign negative quality as excessive stubbornness. The combination of Taurus and Tiger "gives birth" to people of action, and the union of Taurus and Cat or Rabbit - shy and cautious personalities. Taurus-Dragon is a dreamer and romantic, and Taurus-Snake lives by the principle: “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

Representatives of the sign, who appeared in the year of the “reign” of the Horse, know moderation in everything, which helps them not only in personal life, but also at work. Taurus-Goat can stand up for himself, and Taurus-Monkey is able to solve everything and come to an agreement with everyone. The tandem of the representative of the sign and year of the Rooster “gives birth” to energetic and self-confident people. Taurus-Dogs are cheerful and love to learn, while Taurus-Pigs or Boars are the most imperturbable of all representatives of the sign.

Compatibility Taurus man - Taurus woman

Taurus man and Taurus woman have excellent compatibility in love relationships. The reason for this is the similarity of characters, habits and aspirations of representatives of the zodiac sign. The compatibility table between partners gives this couple a fairly high percentage, which will allow their union to be happy and long-lasting. In the relationship between Taurus and Taurus, there is no place for whirlwind romances, loud quarrels and emotional expression of feelings. Their connection will be measured and down to earth.

From the very beginning of a relationship, partners understand perfectly well who fate has brought them together with. None of them has any illusions about their soulmate, understanding and accepting all its advantages and disadvantages. This approach to relationships is good because it protects partners from shocks and disappointments. The Taurus girl will conquer the guy with her balanced character, hidden sexuality and similar views on life. The young lady will like the man with his true male virtues: strength of character, determination and reliability.

The relationship between lovers develops rather slowly. Representatives of the sign are not inclined to make hasty decisions, so it will take a long time before marriage or living together. However, if Taurus has decided to take the next step, they will not turn back. The negative side of the relationship between representatives of the sign can be their mutual stubbornness, which can push their heads together.

Sexual compatibility

Beautiful sexual compatibility Zodiac signs Taurus man and Taurus woman are a big plus for the relationship between partners. Quite often, the connection between representatives of the sign begins in bed. The first thing that attracts lovers to each other is their external attractiveness. Moreover, men like exactly the type of their sisters according to their sign. Representatives of both sexes are quite sensual natures in terms of sex, so it will not be difficult for them to find mutual understanding in their intimate life.

The guy in bed behaves reservedly and somewhat conservatively, which is not suitable for every woman. The undeniable advantage of a sign man in sex is his tirelessness, passion and respectful attitude towards his mistress. These advantages cannot but please the representative of the fair half of humanity, who is distinguished by her exactingness towards her sexual partner. In bed, the Taurus woman likes everything to be “beautiful.” A romantic setting with burning candles and silk sheets, an attentive lover who whispers tender words of love in her ear - all this excites a woman to the extreme.

Men of the sign have one more feature in sex, which attracts the attention of representatives of the fair half of humanity: they are in excellent sexual shape until their gray hairs. In bed, guys prefer to give the reins to their partners, which makes women of this sign very happy.

Girls are predisposed to frequent changes sexual partners, which they regard only as a search for new sensations. Young ladies only experiment with those lovers they trust.

Marriage Compatibility

Taurus spouses are perfectly compatible in family relationships. Considering the fact that representatives of the sign usually approach marriage responsibly, weighing the pros and cons for a long time, they should not have any “surprises” in this regard. Together, husband and wife feel quite comfortable and rarely quarrel. To strangers family life seems like a “stagnant swamp” in which nothing ever happens. But, no matter how “boring” they may seem family relationships spouses, they feel good and calm together.

Another nuance of marriage between Taurus is the correct distribution of responsibilities. Having a difficult and stubborn character, each of the spouses can “stick their horns”, considering their decision to be the most correct. Representatives of the sign are reluctant to compromise, so spheres of influence need to be distributed in the family. The husband must be responsible and make decisions in his sector, and the wife in hers.

Taurus were born under the element of earth, and they are protected by the beautiful Venus, the goddess of love. The element of Taurus is associated with constancy and routine, but the earth signs themselves cannot be called boring - they always strive forward and stubbornly achieve their goals.
 Two Taurus nearby is not so bad; on the contrary, the stars will be happy to follow the development of events and help the earth signs in case of problems.

Taurus are reliable and unshakable, they personify strength and calm, until, of course, their volcanic insides manifest themselves - then Taurus will show the world their superiority.
 Taurus exist well next to each other; April Taurus will perfectly understand Taurus, who was born in May. Earth signs are peace-loving and extremely patient; they feel good and calm around their own kind.

 It is difficult to unbalance Taurus, but if in a union of two wards of Venus one Taurus begins to swing rights, the second earth sign will instantly put him in his place.
 Taurus will always support each other, but it’s not bad if a water sign accidentally drops into their union - after all, the earth needs nourishment.

Taurus may be pessimists, but the stars hope that the patroness Venus will not let her two charges become sad and will make their cooperation interesting and promising.

 Taurus woman and Taurus man

The Taurus guy is a wonderful guy, loyal and sensitive. The earth sign is a man of few words, but communicating with him is a pleasure. Taurus cannot stand haste, he does everything slowly and thoroughly, sometimes he may seem pedantic and boring, but when they get to know him better, people understand that they can go on reconnaissance with this guy. If a Taurus falls in love, then no one and nothing will stop him - he will go to the end. Venus's ward is an extraordinary romantic, he mature age will write confessions to his beloved on the asphalt, and fill her bed with rose petals. Taurus is often sentimental, but with his naivety he is able to conquer many - after all, every lady will be pleased to look after a man who blushes at the word Sex and is embarrassed to kiss on the street.

The Taurus lady is a feminine and charming person. She loves beautiful things and tries to surround herself with comfort. Therefore, he chooses men long and carefully, presenting to them special requirements. The character of Venus’s ward is very easy, she can conquer both a simple plumber and a minister, but most likely she will choose someone who is richer as her husband. Any man will be happy if a Taurus lady pays attention to him - an earth girl can be a sorceress, a princess in bed, and a queen in the kitchen. But future husband Taurus ladies must try - material security comes first for Taurus women, after love, of course. Venus's ward loves to spend - so her husband must be at least a millionaire.

 Dating a Taurus woman and a Taurus man

Taurus loves to have fun, and the most common hobby of earth signs is painting, or music. Taurus people can meet, for example, at an exhibition or at a concert of a famous pianist. It is possible that Venus’s wards will meet at some fashionable party where stars and celebrities gather.

A Taurus man will certainly pay attention to the mysterious beauty who is looking at her with a languid look beautiful chandelier, or chirps cheerfully with some handsome guy. The Taurus lady has excellent taste and always looks stunning, so it will be difficult for a Taurus guy to get through the crowd of admirers.

But the Taurus man is a smart guy and he will definitely come up with something. Moreover, he compares favorably with other men - his appearance is always impeccable, and the Taurus tie is worthy of being described in a separate chapter. Taurus has a sea of ​​ties for all occasions, and all of them are not cheap - and Venus’s ward will immediately notice this detail of clothing.

The signs of the earth will certainly like each other - they are smart and intelligent, they can support any conversation, and what is important, the pets of Venus know how to listen to their interlocutor. 
 Taurus will not feel mad passion during the first communication, but the attraction will be strong, so the stars are already keeping their fingers crossed that the acquaintance of the Venus pets will continue.

 Dating between Taurus woman and Taurus man

It’s a good idea to set up your first date at the dacha, or just somewhere in nature, the main thing is a beautiful landscape, and that the weather doesn’t let you down.
 A Taurus guy can show his imagination and invite a lady for a country walk. Of course, there is no need to insist, in case the girl of the earth turns out to be suspicious and thinks that Taurus is some kind of maniac.

Venus's ward will also appreciate beautiful bouquet, and a nice inexpensive gift, of course, a Taurus guy can spend a fortune on a diamond ring, but the stars advise saving this surprise for the tenth date, and for now limit yourself to a touching soft toy or a heart-shaped pendant.

The Taurus lady on a date will look as if she doesn’t work at all and has just returned from a luxurious vacation; in principle, the girl of the earth is always at her best, but here she will outdo herself.
 The boy of the earth will have only one desire - to rush with his sweet partner to the registry office as quickly as possible, so that she does not fly away anywhere.

But the stars advise the earth signs not to rush - two Taurus could not meet by chance, because Cupid had been hatching his plan for several months, and he only had to choose suitable tree, to make it more convenient to shoot at Venus’s pets.


The Taurus girl is an excellent partner for any man, and for a guy on earth she will become ideal option. The love of two Taurus is like a flash, but it will last a long time, and the outcome of the relationship will depend only on the wards of Venus.
 Both the Taurus guy and the Taurus girl are jealous, but in moderation, so they won’t break dishes. Taurus will look for traces of betrayal in their phones a couple of times, and they will probably calm down on this, unless, of course, they find nothing suspicious.

Taurus friends will be happy for their friends - of course, the signs of the earth walk with blissful smiles, do not control anyone and do not give advice.
 But the relatives of Taurus will walk around with dissatisfied faces - how can this be, their favorite earth signs stopped calling in the evenings, forgot about daily gifts for relatives, and generally do not allow anyone outside the threshold.

It’s just that Venus’s pets are happy, and they don’t care about the worries of others, champagne and ice cream are delivered directly to their apartment, and garbage can be thrown out from the balcony.

Cupid will be inspired by his success, because his arrows do not always hit the right place, and perhaps the mischievous boy will fire a couple more arrows at Taurus just to be sure.
 Sex for Taurus will be fantastic, so the earth signs in love simply won’t have time left for any kind of showdown.


Taurus are practical guys, so most likely after the first night spent together, they will decide to live in a civil marriage. Indeed, why spend money on travel, calls and other little things if you can just transport things once?

The Taurus girl will expect constant worship from her lover, but this is difficult to achieve while living under the same roof. After all, a Taurus walking around the house in stretched tights cannot evoke romantic feelings, so the sweet lovebirds may have minor disagreements on everyday matters.

And Taurus himself may be nervous about the requests of his earthly friend - either the dress is too cheap, or there is not enough money for the hairdresser.
 In general, the stars advise Venus’s wards not to forget about their love and not to pay attention to troubles. Traveling together will help Taurus cope with problems - drop what you are doing and go to the village or to a sanatorium. New impressions did not stop any couple in love.

Taurus can also go to the country - after all, closer to their element, and fresh air will cool down lovers and help them look at things soberly. 
 Friends will not leave Taurus alone, but they will not be too intrusive - either one friend will drive by and look in for a glimpse, or the second friend will, quite by chance, end up at the neighboring dacha.

In general, it’s time for Taurus to prepare for the wedding - the cafe has long been booked, the toastmaster has learned jokes and toasts, and the singers have already lost their voices, learning the family anthem for you.


The Taurus wedding will be modest, but at the same time, unforgettable. Everything will be thought out to the smallest detail, even gifts from practical earth signs will be ordered by themselves. The donated money will be used to improve the home of the Taurus spouses, but it is better not to deny yourself the honeymoon - the parents will not forget to give Venus’s wards some money, so there is nothing to worry about.
 The married life of two Taurus will be quite harmonious. As soon as the Taurus bride becomes a wife, she will throw off the mask of the snow princess and become kind, sincere and affectionate. And the Taurus husband will live up to expectations - it’s hard to even imagine a more loving spouse.

Taurus parents will turn out to be wonderful - the children will grow up in love and adoration, the earth signs will not deny their offspring anything. Both mom and dad Taurus will raise their children by personal example - the children will be honest, sincere and reliable. The Taurus house will always be noisy - the neighbor's tomboys will happily come running to the smell of pies or the sounds of music, because Taurus mom is again trying her hand at cooking, and Taurus dad bought the children a drum with a guitar of their choice.
 Taurus will be happy with each other and, having celebrated the silver and golden jubilee, the wards of Venus will not lose love and tenderness.


Taurus will notice each other even in childhood - the boy and girl of the earth are unusually independent and decisive. The cheerful pets of Venus have many friends, because every child is interested in communicating with Taurus, who are smart beyond their years and, moreover, never become arrogant. But Taurus will be more comfortable with each other - they leave school together, even if they study in different classes, the Taurus boy and girl also try to run side by side to the store for bread.

No one will dare to offend the pets of Venus - the signs of the earth value their friendship very highly, and anyone who dares to violate it will not be happy.
 Relatives of Taurus friends will be delighted that their children are so similar - parents will secretly hope that their friends will get married someday. But Taurus has already firmly decided not to part and not to ruin their friendship with some kind of wedding, because they are already happy being around them.

Having become adults, Taurus will not lose their affection; on the contrary, their union will become even stronger. The Taurus girl will even consult with her reasonable earth friend about choosing a partner, and the Taurus boy himself will often send his girlfriend photos of his new chosen ones so that his faithful earth friend can express her opinion. Taurus don’t know how to quarrel - and why should they divide, after all, earthly friends have become like one whole.


Both the Taurus man and woman literally attract money to themselves, so by creating an alliance, they can get rich in no time. The signs of the earth just need to remember: sharing in their partnership is not needed, everything should be equally.

The Taurus woman is drawn to everything beautiful, the earth guy also loves comfort and coziness.
 The office of two Taurus will look like a palace, however, it may be a little difficult with servants, because the practical and economical signs of the earth will be sorry for the money for such nonsense. 
 Taurus businessmen will have order in everything, from accounting to their desks - they can be visited by the tax inspectorate even every day, but they still won’t undermine anything.

Taurus are good in any field, today they can start farming, and tomorrow they can switch to the restaurant business - the main thing is that there is stability and interest, and everything else will follow.

Taurus businessmen rarely have competitors - after all, few would dare to approach such a close-knit team, and it is not interesting to quarrel with the wards of Venus, because the signs of the earth have arguments and clear answers to everything.

The stars believe that enterprising and intelligent Taurus will definitely achieve success and, perhaps, outdo a couple or three rich people.



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