How much do universities pay scholarships? Social scholarships for students

The student scholarship in 2017 is issued to all students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This year there was an urgent question about whether payments to students would be increased. Funding for students is calculated annually; they change depending on what needs the population has for the current year. The stipend is also expected to increase in 2017.

As the latest official information shows, this year these payments will increase by 5.9%, in the future - by 4.8%, and in two years - 4.5%, this means that over the course of three years there will be an increase due to indexing, that will not worsen the situation of people.

Based on the percentage numbers presented above, the minimum rate for students in Russian higher educational institutions is calculated in the following amount: in at the moment- 1419 rub., in next year- 1487 rubles, and after two years - 1554 rubles.

Innovations in 2017

As the practice of other countries shows, this is government funding. In addition to basic payments, which do not always fully satisfy all the needs of young people, there is the opportunity to receive additional incentives for active participation in the life of the university.

Last year, the State Duma introduced a bill, with the help of which deputies plan to equalize the minimum amount of funding for students according to the minimum wage, while the minimum wage rate at the beginning of summer is planned to be increased to 7,800 rubles. Once the bill is passed, students will receive an increase in living allowances in relation to scholarships.


In the Russian Federation, more than one scholarship is currently paid; in total, there are four types of government funding, which differ in rate and payment scheme:

  • State academic payments;
  • Academic increased payments.
  • Social assistance to the poor;
  • Incentives and bonuses for certain types.

State academic scholarship

To receive this type of scholarship, you must receive positive grades (if there is no negative assessments, the student will receive more) and participates in celebrations, productions and activities of the institution.

As of today, in 2017, the minimum amount of these payments is 1,340 rubles for those who receive higher education and 487 rubles if the person receives secondary specialized education. The maximum you can receive together with all allowances is 6 thousand rubles. If a person is studying in graduate school, he receives 2,600 rubles, doctoral studies - up to 10 thousand rubles.

Increased payments to management educational institution It is issued only excellently to students who participate in the active life of the university. The amount of these payments is determined by the institution depending on many criteria. Currently, payments amount to 5-7 thousand rubles for an ordinary student, and 11-14 thousand for a graduate student.

Eat separate species payments – . The scholarship is available to students from large families, with disabilities, without the care of a father and mother, who suffered as a result of the fight against the Chernobyl accident, participating in hostilities.

  • students from large families;
  • with a disability;
  • who suffered as a result of the fight against the Chernobyl accident;
  • participating in hostilities.
A person can independently apply to the administration for help if his family does not receive an income above the minimum; this is considered low-income. This documentation updated every year.

The social scholarship ceases to be accrued if the person does not pass the exam, fails the exams, and if the grades are unsatisfactory, if it is not less than three, the social payments do not change. In addition to social benefits, it is possible to receive other scholarships in parallel; this also does not affect the total amount.


The Presidential Scholarship is provided only to those students who have chosen a specialty that is considered favorable to the economic condition of the state. Graduate students studying in the country can receive no more than three hundred scholarships. Each year these accruals are made for a period of up to three years.

Students who achieve merit during their studies are eligible for Presidential funding. Receiving these payments goes through the development of plans, student development, from which Russian Federation gets his benefit.

The main requirements for accrual of presidential funding are:

  • full-time education;
  • for the whole year, 50% of the grades in the grade book must be above 4;
  • receiving awards and praise in scientific activities that help the development of the economy and science;
  • intellectual property that benefits the scientific activities of the state.

A student who receives presidential funding can, with the help of the university, study at some European countries. Those who study at a state accredited educational institution have the opportunity to receive government payments.

For this purpose, the pedagogical council of a university or college nominates among the available candidates (with full-time study on a budgetary basis) who are in the 2nd year (if it is a secondary school) and the 3rd year (if it is a university). From graduate school, a person is admitted to candidacy from the 2nd year.

State educational institutions financed from the budget provide students with a stipend of a certain amount.

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Its size primarily depends on its type. At the moment, academic scholarships are most often awarded.

It has its own characteristics. The student first needs to become familiar with all of them. The algorithm for assigning such a scholarship is completely standard and does not have any significant difficulties.

Separately, it is worth noting that its purpose depends primarily on how successfully a particular citizen completes his studies at an educational institution.


Today in educational institutions various types are used different schemes encouraging students to study for good grades.

The main reason for such incentives for an educational institution itself or another is to increase its prestige due to the quality of the graduates.

One way of incentives is monetary. Students who study with positive grades are assigned academic scholarship.

First of all, such an appointment depends precisely on assessments. Accrual is carried out both before the session and after.

Today there is standard legislation for all state-type educational institutions operating in the Russian Federation

The scholarship calculation is scheduled after the reports are submitted at the end of the semester. The scholarship itself must be calculated in rubles.

Students themselves need to understand all the subtleties and specifics of such calculation.

What is it

Today, a state academic scholarship means a certain amount of money awarded to students who successfully submit reports at the end of the semester.

It is important to note that the amount of such scholarship is standard throughout the Russian Federation.

The accrual is carried out at a time. But there are a number of specific points. Students will need to carefully study the legislation to protect their own rights.

The main most important points will include the following:

In addition to the points outlined above, there are also a number of other, additional ones.

Moreover, it is important for heads of educational institutions to know that non-payment of scholarships is equivalent to delayed wages.

Accordingly, it is assumed criminal. Therefore, you should not violate the law.

It is especially important to respect the scholarship award date. This can be accrued either in cash or by bank transfer.

Who is entitled to payments?

The main point for receiving an academic scholarship is the fact that all the requirements that apply to the recipient are met.

Moreover, the student must have not only an appropriate status, but also certain achievements in terms of completing training.

Standard requirements for receiving a state academic scholarship:

  • training is carried out on full-time state educational institution;
  • entrance exams or the session were passed accordingly with excellent marks;
  • earlier classes without good reason were not missed;
  • there was active participation in the life of the educational institution.

In general, universities may have different requirements for individuals applying for such scholarships.

It is also important to remember that a student, graduate student, or other citizen may be deprived of an academic scholarship accordingly.

This happens in the following cases:

Usually, first of all, this concerns the marks received at the session. Most universities establish the requirement that a scholarship will be received only if there are “excellent” marks in all subjects.

At the same time, in some cases, the presence of three or four is allowed. The management of the university independently determines most of the criteria on the basis of which the appropriate decision regarding the award of a scholarship takes place

The situation is similar with increased academic scholarships. You can get acquainted with how the receipt is processed and received in different ways.

Legal basis

State academic scholarships are awarded to students in a standard way, within the framework of specialized legislative documents.

At the moment, there is a special NAP that regulates the issue of awarding academic scholarships to full-time students.

The main regulatory documents that will need to be followed first of all are.

Such a document includes a fairly extensive list of various sections. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

This way it will be possible to prevent many complications and difficulties in the future. The issue of payment of state academic scholarships is addressed directly in this federal law.

Determines the main points associated with such cash payments. Moreover, this article touches on the issue of not only academic scholarships, but also a number of others.

It is important for any student to become familiar with this federal law. Since it defines the basic rights and responsibilities of the student.

Knowledge regulatory documents will avoid difficulties. And also without outside help protect your rights and interests.

Accordingly, if a violation of your own rights is detected, you should defend them. Optimal solution- contact the university management directly and try to resolve the situation peacefully.

If for some reason this is not possible, then it is worthwhile to carry out the process of protecting your rights.

It is important to note that this process often takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for this in advance. There are quite a lot various nuances, important points.

The procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship

The process of assigning a state academic scholarship is determined in each case strictly individually.

All the nuances and subtleties of the algorithm should be understood, including by the potential recipient himself.

This will prevent many difficulties and problems. There are a number of issues that, if possible, will need to be worked out in advance.

These include the following:

  • on what terms it is paid;
  • benefit amount;
  • required documents;
  • how is it different from ;
  • is it paid on vacation?
  • termination of academic fees.

On what terms is it paid?

It should be noted that the accrual of a scholarship of the type in question is possible only if there is compliance certain conditions, requirements.

However, there is a standard set of them. At the same time, they may differ. But it is possible to highlight the following:

Training must be carried out on a non-commercial basis A student or other student must go to a “budget” educational place (students on a “contractual” basis cannot receive such a scholarship)
Requires certain achievements directly in the institution itself First of all, this concerns the completion of training (for example, in many institutions such scholarships are awarded only to excellent students)
Having a certain student status Student
Graduate student

In addition to the above requirements and conditions, various others may apply. All of these will need to be dealt with in advance. These are always publicly available in educational institutions.

According to the rules of document management at a certain university, the conditions for receiving a scholarship are public

Therefore, every student can familiarize themselves with them without any difficulty. In addition, it is important to note that local government, represented by the rector, has the right to independently determine who exactly needs to be given a scholarship.

When determining such a moment, a combination of factors is taken into account. Often the basis is the financial situation of a particular citizen.

It is also possible to independently contact the management of the institution with a request to assign a scholarship.

Benefit amount

The state academic scholarship has a value established at the legislative level. For 2019, the state scholarship standard is set at the following level:

In some cases, it is possible to receive an increased scholarship. This, again, can be issued for various merits.

And not only in terms of education, but also due to the presence of certain sporting merits or for participation in the leisure activities of the university.

Again, information about the amount of the scholarship can be easily obtained on your own. This information is usually public and accessing it is not difficult.

Required documents

Since the university is usually responsible for awarding scholarships on its own, the student is simply not required to provide any additional, special documents.

That is why it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with all the features and subtleties in advance. At the same time, usually the appointment of a scholarship implies the presence of:

  • a special report with assessments of educational activities;
  • an order to award a scholarship of a certain amount;
  • passports.

The document flow process in different educational institutions can differ quite significantly. That is why the question of required documents may vary.

How is it different from social

An academic state scholarship is an incentive expressed in in cash.

At the same time, a social scholarship is intended for students who are in a difficult financial situation.

Accordingly, this will be the main difference. The basis for prescribing “social services” is an unsatisfactory social situation.

Is it paid on vacation?

It is important to note that payments stop if a student or other citizen entitled to such a scholarship goes into academic studies. Since accrual is expected only for direct students.

For graduates of Russian schools, one of the most difficult periods of their lives is coming to an end. The majority of recent schoolchildren successfully passed the Unified State Exam, received the results and applied to Russian universities for the specialties with which they dream of connecting their lives. While waiting for the verdict to be announced and preparing for additional tests required for admission to budget places in the country's most popular educational institutions, it's time to ask what the scholarship will be in 2017-2018 academic year. After all, what is a scholarship for a student? Often questions of actual survival and the need to find part-time jobs depend on it. Consequently, the size of the scholarship directly affects the quality of education and standard of living.

From this article you will learn:

Before you start detailed analysis, it is worth clarifying what the scholarship is.

A scholarship is financial assistance established at a certain level, which is provided to students of universities, colleges, technical schools, colleges and a number of other educational institutions, as well as cadets, graduate students and doctoral students.

The scholarship amounts, in most cases, are set by the educational institution itself, and therefore can differ significantly in different universities of the Russian Federation. Also, when choosing a place of study, you should know that the state scholarship, which will be discussed in this article, is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Students of private universities, as well as those enrolled in contact form of education, are deprived of financial assistance from the state.

So, the average student of a state higher educational institution in Russia studying on a budget can count on the following types of scholarships:

  1. Academic– provided to full-time students who study at the expense of the budget and do not have academic debt. In other words, those who only have “good” and “excellent” can count on this type of payment. Although this is not the final indicator and the score for receiving a scholarship may vary in different universities, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Advanced academic The scholarship for students is awarded from the 2nd year, which means that those who entered the university in 2017-2018, in order to increase the amount of payments, must achieve certain high results in education or sports during the first year of study, as well as take direct part in cultural life of the educational institution.
  3. Social– paid to students in need of financial support from the state. Its size does not depend on success in education and is calculated on the basis of documents provided confirming the corresponding right of a citizen to state assistance. It can be provided not only in cash, but also, for example, to pay for a hostel. The list of documents for its registration can be clarified in the dean’s office.
  4. Increased social intended for socially vulnerable students during their 1st and 2nd year studies. Like a regular social scholarship, this scholarship does not depend on grades and is awarded under one condition - the absence of academic debt.
  5. Personalized government and presidential scholarships– payments that students of faculties of priority areas who demonstrate high educational achievements can count on.

Amount of scholarships in the 2017-2018 academic year

As mentioned earlier, the amount of financial payments to students at different universities in Russia may differ due to the fact that the law gives educational institutions the opportunity to independently set the amount of scholarships, regulating only the lowest level of payments. All universities enjoy these rights, establishing scholarships for students in accordance with financial capabilities.

According to the changes made to Federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation”, three stages of increasing scholarships are planned:

1 in 20175,9 % 1419 rub.
2 in 20184,8 % 1487 rub.
3 in 20194,5 % 1554 rub.

It is obvious that for a student to have a normal life, it is not enough just to have good academic performance and no debt. It is necessary to strive to obtain the right to increased payments. For comparison, medium size The increased academic scholarship last academic year was about 7,000 rubles.

Today, the views of all Russian students are turned to the State Duma, where a bill has been introduced justifying the increase in scholarships to the level of the minimum wage, which means raising the minimum payment bar to 7,800 rubles.

Increased scholarship

The right to an increased social scholarship is granted on the basis of a package of documents confirming the student’s special status. Applicants for increased social benefits include:

  • orphans;
  • children deprived of parental care;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Accrual of an increased academic scholarship is a complex process, since the amount of payments directly depends on the student’s rating and personal achievements. The amount of financial assistance, as well as the criteria for its applicants, is determined by each university independently.

If you are planning to compete for an increased academic scholarship, it is important to know that:

  • The scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis;
  • only 10% of students receiving a regular scholarship can qualify for increased payments;
  • The award decision is reviewed every semester.

An informational video was released for students of the Siberian Federal University on how to receive an increased scholarship. Perhaps it will shed light on some of your questions.

Personalized government and presidential scholarships in 2017-2018

For special achievements in studies and scientific work Students of universities of the Russian Federation are provided with a Presidential scholarship, which in the 2017-2018 academic year will be provided to 700 undergraduates and 300 graduate students in the amount of 2,000 rubles. and 4500 rub. respectively.

The number of students at a particular university will be determined by allocating quotas. Largest quantity Presidential Fellows this year will receive:

The distribution of quotas for graduate students for 2017-2018 gives the right to assert that the President's scholarship will be more accessible to scientists from the following universities:

1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology7
2 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"7
3 St. Petersburg National Research University information technology, mechanics and optics7
4 Ural Federal University named after. Yeltsin6
5 Peter the Great St. Petersburg National Research University5

In addition to presidential awards, students can compete for other personal payments:

  • Moscow government scholarships;
  • regional scholarships;
  • scholarships from commercial organizations: Potaninskaya, VTB Bank, Dr. Web, etc.

Why can a scholarship be revoked?

Most budget students expect to receive a scholarship upon admission. But, in practice, not all university students retain high level and receive financial assistance throughout the entire period of study. The loss of a scholarship is a serious problem for many, and therefore it is worth finding out in advance what can lead to such negative consequences and strive to avoid such situations.

So, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a student is deprived of a scholarship if:

  • the student systematically skips classes;
  • at the end of the academic semester there is academic debt;
  • grades below the “good” level appear in the record book.

You will also have to say goodbye to the scholarship when you switch to correspondence form training and when applying for academic leave. However, all these reasons are well known and lead not only to the loss of a scholarship, but also to expulsion from the university.

Scholarship is financial assistance that is paid to students of universities, technical schools, colleges, secondary educational institutions, etc. educational institutions, as well as graduate students and those studying for a doctorate. Often a scholarship is the only source of survival while studying. What is the amount of scholarships for students in 2017?

Before enrolling in an educational institution, a future student should familiarize himself with the fact that scholarships are paid only at state universities, technical schools, etc. Private educational institutions are deprived of government support, so students also do not receive financial assistance.

What types of scholarships are there? Russian educational institutions pay their students the following types of financial assistance:

  • Academic. It is received by full-time students who are on a budget education and who do not have academic debt. Such students should only study for “Good” or “Excellent”. However, this indicator may not be final, since different universities may have their own criteria.
  • Advanced academic. It is awarded to students starting from the 2nd year, provided that in the 1st year they distinguished themselves with high results in studies or sports. Participation in the cultural life of the institution is also welcome.
  • Social. It is paid to students who need financial assistance from the state. The fact of its payment does not depend on the student’s academic results. Provided only on the basis of the necessary documents according to which payment is made financial assistance. But this help can be not only monetary, but, for example, in the form of payment for living in a hostel.
  • Nominal government and presidential. It is paid to students of faculties of priority areas who have high academic achievements.

In total, there are 15 types of scholarships in Russia.

Academic scholarship

What does the scholarship depend on and how is it paid? An academic scholarship is assigned to all applicants automatically. They will receive it in the same amount throughout the first semester. Payment is made by card or cash within the same time frame.

The academic scholarship ceases to be paid one month after the issuance of the order to expel the student. The graduate student receives the first scholarship in the month of his enrollment in the educational institution. Payments subsequently change depending on knowledge scores.

How to get an increased scholarship? Only students who:

  • Passed the competitive selection;
  • Included in the top 10% of the results of each semester.

Social scholarship

In 2017, a social scholarship is paid in the amount of 720 rubles. for secondary institutions vocational education and 2010 rub. for bachelors and master's students. How to get a social scholarship? You can count on such payments:

  • Disabled people of groups I and II, as well as people with limited physical capabilities;
  • Orphans, as well as children left without parental care;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Students whose family income does not exceed the subsistence level in their place of residence.

How to receive a social scholarship? To do this, you need to contact the dean's office necessary documents, confirming the right to receive it.

The social scholarship is not paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades based on the results of the session. If academic performance improves, payments are restored. At the same time as this type of scholarship, an academic scholarship can also be paid on a general basis.

Accrual and payment of presidential and government scholarships

Almost all students who have made their choice in favor of areas of priority for the country’s economy can count on presidential scholarships. As for graduate students, the number of scholarships for them is limited to 300. They are appointed annually for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Who receives these scholarships? Students who achieve high academic performance can count on presidential supplements. Students who:

  • Full-time students;
  • Over the course of two semesters, they passed the subjects with “excellent” marks;
  • Lead an active scientific activity, which is confirmed by diplomas and certificates;
  • Participate in innovative developments.

An outstanding student receiving a presidential scholarship can apply for an internship in Germany, Sweden and Germany.

Full-time students of higher and secondary educational institutions on a budgetary basis, nominated by the institution's teaching council, can count on receiving government scholarships. For a secondary educational institution this must be a 2nd year student, for a university – a 3rd year student. Restrictions for graduate students - from the second year.

When is the government scholarship awarded? Its payment is made according to following requirements presented for applicants:

  • High level academic performance;
  • Publication in a scientific journal;
  • Victory or participation in the All-Russian or international competition, festival or conference;
  • Participation in international exhibitions, grants;
  • A scientific discovery backed by a patent.

Scholarship amounts

Russian legislation sets a lower limit for scholarship payments, allowing educational institutions to pay a higher amount depending on financial capabilities. The scholarship fund of any educational institution is approved with the participation of student representatives or the student union.

In 2017, the scholarship for students was increased by 5.9%, which is 1,419 rubles. in universities of the country. The scholarship at the technical school in 2017 is 487 rubles. For 2018, this increase is planned by 4.8%, which will amount to 1,487 rubles. It is obvious that the minimum scholarship in Russia does not cover the minimum demands of student life, so the desire to receive an increased scholarship is obvious. A student who passes the exam without “C” grades has the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of about 6,000 rubles.

A session passed “excellently” can become a stepping stone to receiving an even larger amount. The average extended scholarship in Russia last year was 7,000 rubles. The most successful students can receive a scholarship of up to 20,000 rubles.

The minimum amount of state scholarships for graduate students and doctoral students is from 2,637 rubles. Scholarship for scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in technical and natural sciences - from 6330 rubles, residency - from 6717 rubles. Doctoral students receive from 10,000 rubles.

An increased stipend for a graduate student can vary from 11 to 14 thousand rubles. Currently, the State Duma is considering a bill that would raise the stipend to the minimum wage.

Additional benefits

During their studies, a student or graduate student may qualify for additional payments related to one or another event in life:

  1. For the birth of a child. To do this, a statement from the student is written to the head of the institution. With the approval of the student trade union organization, payment is made.
  2. To purchase textbooks. Payments are made annually to postgraduate students in the amount of two scholarships. An orphan student can receive the same benefit, but in the amount of three scholarships.
  3. For successful training in full-time education at the expense of budget funds.
  4. Personalized scholarships in honor of talented people. Paid as support for talented and successful students of children, for achievements in the field of sports, science, technology, and creativity. The amount of such scholarships may vary.
  5. Academic leave for medical reasons.

There is nothing stopping students from receiving multiple payments at the same time. Thus, some talented guys can receive monthly payments comparable to the average salary in the country. However, you need to remember that the number of additional scholarships is very limited, so only the best can get them.

There are two types of scholarships paid in technical schools and colleges:

  • Social. Its size is 730 rubles. It is paid to all students who passed the session without “tails”. In addition, this category includes all weakly protected categories (orphans, disabled people, students from large or defective families, etc.);
  • Academic. The amount of this scholarship is 487 rubles. It is paid to students on a budget basis who pass the exam without failing grades.

Restrictions in maximum sizes does not exist. However, in fact, most educational institutions prefer to pay the minimum amounts established by the state. In some technical schools, scholarships may be increased due to regional allowances and sponsorships.

Deprivation of scholarship

For undergraduate and graduate students, the scholarship is not set for the entire duration of study, but is reviewed every semester. Reasons for deprivation of a scholarship may include:

  • Systematic absenteeism;
  • Academic debt at the end of the academic semester;
  • Based on the results of the semester, there are grades below “good”.

Transition to distance learning, as well as academic leave are also reasons for depriving a student of a scholarship.

Is the stipend paid in the summer? Payments of scholarships during the summer months are no different from other periods. They take place as scheduled, and their size depends solely on the student’s performance.

Only important point, which is worth knowing about the scholarship in the summer - for June the scholarship is paid in the amount established based on the results of the session of the first semester. This is due to the fact that the second session only takes place in June, based on the results of which the scholarship for July and August will be awarded.

The Master's scholarship ceases to be paid to those students who complete their studies. The last scholarship is received for the month of June, since studies stop before the first of July.



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