Personal experience. How to make a wide window sill. Personal experience Technical characteristics and performance qualities

The most obvious idea for a window sill is to transform it into a cozy lounge area. Just imagine: after a tiring day at work, sit down on a soft sofa by the window, wrap yourself in a blanket, immerse yourself in your thoughts, enjoy the rain or falling snow... Beauty!

The main thing is that such a lounge area can appear in any room of your house (where there is a window, of course): in the bedroom, in the living room, and in the kitchen. And it’s as easy as shelling pears to make: put a few on the windowsill decorative pillows and consider that the mini-sofa is ready. Important condition: the height of such a window sill should not be more than 50 cm from the floor, and the width should not be less than 60 cm.

(all photos enlarge by click)

2. Reading corner

In continuation of the previous point: you can equip a reading corner on your “soft” window sill. Place a small one nearby bookshelf and hang a cute sconce on the wall for evening reading (the sconce can be replaced with a floor lamp).

And if there is no battery under the windowsill, then the free space can be completely filled with books - another mini-library will appear in your home.

3. Comfortable workplace

Of course, the window sill can become your full-fledged workplace. However, sitting at an ordinary window sill is not entirely comfortable: your feet will rest against cold wall or hot battery. So the first thing you have to do is figure out how to increase workspace. There are two main options: either expand the window sill itself, or place a small table of the same width and height next to it.

By the way, the tabletop can be transformable: the extension of the window sill will rise and fall. We need to make a report - we raised the table, finished it - removed the table. And on the windowsill itself there will be books, stationery and papers. It seems to us that this great idea for a small apartment. And don’t forget to add a comfortable chair and a desk lamp to your makeshift office.

4. Bar counter

Have you always dreamed of a bar counter in the kitchen, but were well aware that there was nowhere to put it? What do you need a window sill for? It can be turned into a convenient dining table for two people. Just buy two bar stools and enjoy the morning view from the window!

In addition, this idea will appeal to those in whose apartments the window sills are located too high; it is simply impossible to convert them into a lounge area or desk.

5. Chest of drawers

There is a lot of free space under your wide window sill, but you don't know how to use this space? Then let the window sill become the base for the chest of drawers. Of course, this idea will only be useful to you if there is no battery under the window. However, you can make ventilation hatches there and store things that are not afraid of heat and dryness next to the battery. This is another great idea for a small film.

6. Dressing table

Girls, just imagine: bright sunlight, a mirror in an openwork frame, a suitcase with cosmetics, comfortable ottoman, many, many cute little things...Oh, every girl’s dream is personal dressing table for cosmetics, jewelry and perfume. Unfortunately, not all women's bedrooms have it: not because it is not needed, but because there is no space in the bedroom.

Maybe your window sill will become your boudoir? It seems to us that it will be very convenient and pleasant for him to take care of himself or get ready for a date.

7. House for a cat or dog

If you don’t want to turn your window sill into a warm and soft lounge area for yourself, then give this place to your cat. Lay a small fluffy mattress (an old sweater, blanket, blanket) or attach a special shelf with soft upholstery. We are confident that your pet will be delighted with his new bed.

And if a dog lives in your house, then you can equip a house for it not on the windowsill, but under it. Your dog will be warm and comfortable there.

Yes, needless to say, many standard apartments with standard windows cannot please us with wide window sills. What do you tell amateurs to do? indoor plants? After all, the window sill is the most important thing suitable place for green pets, the brightest and sunniest in our climate - we don’t live in Africa. What to do if the standard width of the window sill allows you to place only a tiny pot of cactus? The answer is simple - expand. How? Very simple - do it yourself!

First you need to stock up the necessary materials. Before this, in order to avoid mistakes, we carefully measure the existing window sill - its thickness, length and depth. It’s best to take a couple more photos so that you don’t get confused in the store due to the abundance of materials and quickly choose the one you need. And it will be easier to get advice from a specialist in the building materials department if you have a visual illustration of what needs to be expanded.

So, you are supposed to return from the store with a board of the desired size and color, several brackets and corners for them, as well as long screws and self-tapping screws. In addition, we advise you to stock up in advance with new holders-brackets for the cornice - more authentic ones. Since the window sill will eventually become wider, the curtains will need to be hung further away from the window. Is it possible to hang your curtain rod away from the wall? If not, then at the same time we’ll buy new brackets for the cornice. You may also need, depending on the method of extension and the material of the window sill, epoxy glue and materials for cutting wood.

The process of building a window sill itself depends, first of all, on the material of its manufacture. If we are building a wooden window sill, then the procedure will look like this. We make a groove in the front edge of the window sill. Accordingly, from the edge of the prepared dost we cut out a comb that exactly matches the groove in size. Then we screw three or four brackets to the bottom of the window sill. Each bracket must be supported by at least three screws. And we immediately attach the board to the brackets, carefully driving the ridge into the groove. That's it, the window sill is ready! If the dimensions of the resulting structure allow, it is better to screw it to the sides on the sides, also using brackets, for other reasons of reliability.

If the window sill is not wooden, but made of another material, for example, chipboard or plastic, we proceed differently. We take three pins with a diameter of 10-15 mm and a length of at least 100 mm. These pins will hold the new part of the window sill. In the front edge of the window sill and the board, we symmetrically drill holes for the pins. To begin, we drive the pins into the board. And then we place the board with pins on the windowsill. To make the structure more durable, you can lubricate the pins epoxy glue. The tighter they fit, the better!

If there is still a gap between the original window sill and the extended part, it can be puttied, dried and then painted with suitable paint. That's it, the wide window sill is ready, you can safely decorate it with flowers! And don’t forget to hang the curtains away from the wall, because we didn’t forget to buy new brackets for the curtain rod, right?

Currently, many people, especially flower growers and gardeners, are not satisfied with narrow window sills in apartments.

There are two options to solve this problem:

  1. The first option is to install a new plastic window(glass unit) with plastic window sill. A significant drawback in this case is that the size of the window sill will not increase by much, but only by about 10 centimeters.
  2. The second option is to build up an existing window sill yourself. It has an almost undeniable advantage, since in this case its dimensions depend only on the preferences of the owner of the room.

How to build up a window sill

When building a window sill yourself, first of all you need to carefully measure its length, depth and width.

Next you should buy everything necessary materials, which include a board of the required size, nails, screws, screws, special brackets and corners for them, as well as several longer holders - brackets for the cornice.

It should be noted that the extension process largely depends on the material from which the window sill is made. If it is wooden, you need to make a special groove in the front part, and cut a scallop of the appropriate size from the edge of the prepared board. Next, 3-4 brackets should be screwed to the bottom of the window sill, each of which should be supported by at least three screws, and the board should be attached to the brackets, pressing the ridge tightly into the groove. To increase the strength of this structure, it can also be attached with brackets to the wall on the sides.

Yes, needless to say, many standard apartments with standard windows cannot please us with wide window sills. What do you tell lovers of indoor plants to do? After all, the window sill is the most suitable place for green pets, the brightest and sunniest in our climate - we don’t live in Africa. What to do if the standard width of the window sill allows you to place only a tiny pot of cactus? The answer is simple - expand. How? Very simple - do it yourself!

First you need to stock up on the necessary materials. Before this, in order to avoid mistakes, we carefully measure the existing window sill - its thickness, length and depth. It’s best to take a couple more photos so that you don’t get confused in the store due to the abundance of materials and quickly choose the one you need. And it will be easier to get advice from a specialist in the building materials department if you have a visual illustration of what needs to be expanded.

So, you are supposed to return from the store with a board of the desired size and color, several brackets and corners for them, as well as long screws and self-tapping screws. In addition, we advise you to stock up in advance with new holders-brackets for the cornice - more authentic ones. Since the window sill will eventually become wider, the curtains will need to be hung further away from the window. Is it possible to hang your curtain rod away from the wall? If not, then at the same time we’ll buy new brackets for the cornice. You may also need, depending on the method of extension and the material of the window sill, epoxy glue and materials for cutting wood.

The process of building a window sill itself depends, first of all, on the material of its manufacture. If we are building a wooden window sill, then the procedure will look like this. We make a groove in the front edge of the window sill. Accordingly, from the edge of the prepared dost we cut out a comb that exactly matches the groove in size. Then we screw three or four brackets to the bottom of the window sill. Each bracket must be supported by at least three screws. And we immediately attach the board to the brackets, carefully driving the ridge into the groove. That's it, the window sill is ready! If the dimensions of the resulting structure allow, it is better to screw it to the sides on the sides, also using brackets, for other reasons of reliability.

If the window sill is not wooden, but made of another material, for example, chipboard or plastic, we proceed differently. We take three pins with a diameter of 10-15 mm and a length of at least 100 mm. These pins will hold the new part of the window sill. In the front edge of the window sill and the board, we symmetrically drill holes for the pins. To begin, we drive the pins into the board. And then we place the board with pins on the windowsill. To make the structure more durable, you can lubricate the pins with epoxy glue. The tighter they fit, the better!

If there is still a gap between the original window sill and the extended part, it can be puttied, dried and then painted with suitable paint. That's it, the wide window sill is ready, you can safely decorate it with flowers! And don’t forget to hang the curtains away from the wall, because we didn’t forget to buy new brackets for the curtain rod, right?



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