Elite terrorist unit. Elite troops of Russia: names, list and rating. How to get into Russia's elite troops

Real army power is not when there are tons of (often clueless) soldiers in the country, but when there are a small number of soldiers whose training and track records are frightening. Here are seven of them for you.

“Black Stork”, Pakistan

Group special purpose inland. The bird's name was earned thanks to its unusual headdresses. Preparation:

  • forced march - 58 km. Travel time - 12 hours;
  • jogging in full gear - 8 km in 50 minutes.

One of the brightest achievements: in October 2009 they stormed office building, held by Afghan terrorists from the Taliban group. The specialists from “Black Stork” completed the task: they neutralized the “bad guys” and saved 39 hostages.

Source: telegraph.co.uk

Spanish Navy Special Forces

The detachment was formed back in 1952. They recruited volunteers and called it “a company of mountaineering divers.” Over time, they were so trained that the “company” was transformed into a special forces detachment. Today it is not easy to get into it: the selection is extremely severe. Therefore, 70-80% of recruits are eliminated every year. And sometimes it happens that everything is 100%.

Source: marines.mil

GIGN, France

French Gendarmerie special forces, intervention group GIGN. They undergo special training to free hostages. Since its formation (1973), 600 people have been saved to date.

The most dramatic rescue operation took place at the Al-Haram mosque in Mecca in 1979. According to the Islamic religion, a non-Muslim cannot set foot on the temple premises. Therefore, three French soldiers quickly accepted the faith and joined the troops Saudi Arabia, and did their job efficiently. Looking for photos with the faces of GIGN members is a lost cause: their publication is prohibited by French law.

Source: tactical-life.com

Sayeret Matkal, Israel

The main task is to gather information, often taking place deep behind enemy lines. One of the successful operations, information about which we managed to obtain:

  • 2003, Israeli taxi driver Eliyahu Gurel took three Palestinians to Jerusalem → was kidnapped → he was discovered by specialists from Sayeret Matkal in a 10-meter shaft in an abandoned factory in the suburbs of Ramallah (Palestinian city) → saved the poor fellow.

Source: policenet.gr

Special Air Service, UK

British Land Forces, whose motto is:

“He who takes risks wins.”

After the end of the war in Iraq, American General Stanley McChrystal confessed:

“If it weren’t for the British Special Air Service, we wouldn’t have made it.”

Analyzing the special operations forces (SSO) of any country is far from an easy task, and objectively analyzing Russian special forces is doubly difficult: against the backdrop of the current reform of the army with a special emphasis on special forces, even foreign intelligence services may probably get confused. But it makes sense to take on this matter.

In the 30s of the last century, the first airborne units appeared in the USSR, which, with the demonstration of their maneuvers, shocked foreign military experts. Later, US special forces units will have their own paratroopers - this was a response to the demonstration of the potential of this type of troops created by V.F. Margelov.

The revival of airborne units with their airmobile functions began in the 50s. A historical moment is the appearance of the airborne combat vehicle (BMD): this technique landed from the air and was a maneuverable airborne combat vehicle. In 1968, the USSR succeeded in invading Czechoslovakia precisely because the airborne units fully completed all their tasks. Then the blue beret appears - the current constant attribute of the Airborne Forces.

It is believed that the USSR leadership tried to introduce this beret color (before that it was red). local residents misleadingly so that they confuse Soviet paratroopers and UN “blue helmets”. But the blue beret eventually took root, and it’s impossible to imagine a paratrooper without it.

In 1999, a unit of the Russian Airborne Forces made a legendary forced march to Pristina, ahead of specialists from the British KFOR with the occupation of Slatina airport. Several hundred Russian paratroopers forced the NATO command to completely change all their original plans, because the death of even one Russian special forces soldier would be equated to an attack on all of Russia.

The Soviet and Russian landing forces also had their own “special units”: sabotage and assault battalions (SAB) or airborne special forces. Enhanced training, the possibility of landing both by parachute and on cables or by direct jump on low altitude from helicopters - this is their profile.

Marine Corps

It so happened historically that the Russian Marines did not stand out particularly in terms of the number of fighters. Here the emphasis was placed on the quality of training and on the ability to engage in battle during a drop “from the water.”

In principle, marines Almost all countries have similar traditions. Don’t let the “marine” status be misleading: in the mountains of Chechnya in Russian special forces units special attention was given to the Marines, although there was never a “water landing” there.

“Alpha”, or department “A” of the TsSN FSB of Russia

When Yuri Andropov, a native of the KGB, became Secretary General of the USSR, he formed an elite unit formally designed to carry out anti-terrorism tasks in the city. But in fact, the functions of this Russian special forces structure have always been much broader.

The assault on Amin's palace is the first and most high-profile operation in the history of Alpha. Well, in the future there was not a single large-scale special operation, especially in the city and in a clash with terrorists, so that this group of Russian special forces did not take part.

Perhaps not everyone knows that due to attempts to manipulate and use this fighting elite in the early 90s, the fighters went through serious demoralization, and many officers wrote letters of resignation. However, the country came to its senses in time and stopped the destructive process, returning Alpha to its former status.

And if you see somewhere an indication of the number of “Alpha”, you can only smile: the number of this group of Russian special forces is known exclusively to an extremely narrow circle of people, and neither we, nor you, nor the FSB officer on duty monitoring information on this profile (and Therefore, the reader of this article) cannot know any specifics.

“Vympel”, or department “B” of the TsSN FSB of Russia

Under the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, there was its own illegal intelligence service, modestly called “Directorate S”. It consisted of the Zenit and Cascade units, which became the platform for the appearance of the Vympel special forces group in 1981.

Under the USSR, the pennant numbered about a thousand fighters, and among the mandatory requirements for each was at least one foreign language, which had to be mastered perfectly.

If “Alpha” is a formal anti-terror group, then “Vympel” is a real “terror group”, trained to work on foreign territory. Even during the Soviet era, the Vympelovites trained to seize nuclear power plants and other strategic facilities, the security of which was warned in advance. But the seizures were always successful.

"Vympel" is a sabotage unit of Russian special forces for external use.

Russian GRU special forces

Increased military training, the most serious requirements, high recognition - the special forces of the Russian GRU are very numerous and only “conditionally secret”. However, unlike “Alpha” or “Vympel”, GRU special forces are capable of not only being targeted in isolated areas, but also performing standard combined arms missions in small combat-ready units.

It’s one thing to create a unit of up to a thousand people, but another thing to support a unit in which up to 25 thousand people can serve simultaneously in Russia as a whole. The GRU special forces are armed with standard weapons of the Russian armed forces.

Special Rapid Reaction Unit (SOBR)

In the newest Russian history SOBR has already changed its name several times, but in the end retained it. Being part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, this unit is supposed to fight organized crime, however, wider involvement of SOBR fighters was constantly encountered: and during Chechen wars, and in the current formally peaceful time.

Separate orders of Lenin and October Revolution Red Banner Operational Division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (ODON)

Such a long name for this Russian special forces unit appeared in 1994, whereas previously it was called differently: Separate Special Purpose Motorized Rifle Division named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. And many people still know it by this name.

Military glory since the times of the USSR, constant emphasis on participation in military operations - in general, special forces as special forces.

OMON (special police unit) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Let's be honest: this unit of the Russian police special forces had a much more difficult time in matters of reputation than everyone else.

When the USSR collapsed, it was the riot police units that ended up in loud and quite scandalous stories in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia. Direct clashes with the civilian population in the event of mass unrest left their mark on the reputation of the unit and modern Russia.

However, without riot police, the functioning of the country’s modern law enforcement system is impossible. So any criticism will be listened to and discreetly ignored

Detachment "Vityaz" under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

To put it simply, “Vityaz” is for the Ministry of Internal Affairs what “Alpha” is for the FSB. In principle, we can limit ourselves to this: we cannot have any data on the size of the unit or any other “hot” specifics.

Combat swimmers

In the USSR, they were jokingly called “squares”, because they recruited guys who were short (so that they could be placed in the torpedo compartment for landing along with their equipment), but very broad in the shoulders. And they have been prepared very harshly since the times of the USSR. “Barracuda”, “Dolphin”, “Omega” - all these names smack of elitism for military experts, and in response to formal statements that “these units are a thing of the past,” the experts only smile.

Information about combat swimmers of modern Russia is minimal. However, in 2008, it was combat swimmers who disabled several torpedo boats of the Georgian Navy, which predetermined the naval confrontation.

Special forces of the Russian Border Troops "Sigma"

The Russian special forces unit was actually recreated in 1994. Now Sigma fighters regularly participate in the CTO in Dagestan, but there are practically no specifics about such operations in the media.

The activities of Sigma are one of the most secret, so it is not possible to try to describe this Russian special forces on the basis of known data about Sigma from the times of the USSR.

Special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

If you want to get confused in the Russian special forces, then here you go: “Titan”, “Uraga”, Bars”, “Bars-2”, “Rosich”, “Astrakhan” - depending on the region, this unit may have its own name. It would take too long to list everything, given the territorial scale of Russia.

The special forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia actively took part in the hostilities in Chechnya, but its main task was to “pacify riots” in zones and colonies.

What is a “maroon beret”?

In fact, there is no separate unit that would be called “maroon berets”: such a beret can only be earned by a special forces soldier of the Russian internal troops if he passes the standards and passes all the tests.

Only a few people manage to obtain such a beret, so the concept of a “maroon beret” is a standard of the highest skill of the special forces soldier wearing it

Sabotage MTR

Official Russian television spoke about this unit in March 2013, declaring that the country had never even dreamed of such Russian special forces forces (although why didn’t Vympel please journalists?). The purpose of sabotage special forces is to penetrate into the territory of a potential enemy when direct war is diplomatically impossible, dressing up in the uniform of local militias and conducting combat operations under their guise, as well as training and preparing the necessary forces in a given territory.

Subsequently, the sabotage MTR was no longer reported in the media, and the story itself was used as an “evidential argument” for the presence of Russian special forces on the territory of Ukraine by Moscow’s opponents.

Having previously been a British colony, much of Australia was created according to English model, this also affected special forces. But, despite this, much in the Australian special forces differs from similar units in the UK.

The first special units were created during the Second World War, taking an active part in it on the side of the Allies. It was only in 2003 that a unified special forces command was created in Australia, called SOCOMD.

SOCOMD includes an operational headquarters located in Sydney and Canberra, subordinate to which is a special operations squadron. In addition, SOCOMD includes an airborne regiment and two commando regiments. For actions when emergency situations a special regiment was created, stationed in South Wales.

Since 2003, Australian Army special forces have taken part in combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, providing security during all major sporting events in the country, took part in the protection of US President George W. Bush, participated in the resolution of the armed conflict in East Timor, and since 2009 has been patrolling in Afghanistan. Currently, SOCOMD fighters enjoy well-deserved respect among fighters of other special forces in the world.

2. Her Majesty's Special ServiceSAS

The UK Special Air Service (SAS), together with the Special Boat Service, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group, form part of the UK's Special Forces. The first 22nd SAS Regiment was created on 24 August 1941, during the Second World War. The new unit was staffed by volunteers airborne troops. The unit conducted sabotage raids on enemy rear communications in North Africa. The unit was disbanded in 1946, but the modern SAS was formed from a volunteer regiment in 1947.

The main tasks of the SAS are to conduct anti-terrorist operations, both in the UK and abroad. In addition, SAS trains special forces soldiers from other countries.

Organizationally, the SAS consists of three regiments numbered 21 to 23, each of the three regiments performing its own specialized tasks. The 22nd Regiment carries out assault, anti-terrorist and anti-revolutionary operations. The 21st and 23rd Regiments perform tasks to support British interests in other countries in resolving conflicts. Nowadays, the SAS is the most famous and best-trained special unit in the UK.

GSG 9 – special forces of the German Federal Police

3. GSG 9 –special forces of the German federal police

The reason for the creation of GSG 9 was the tragic events that occurred during the Olympics in Munich in 1972. Then radical Palestinian terrorists seized the Olympic village with Israeli athletes. During a special operation to free the hostages, they led to a large number victims, both among athletes and police officers in Germany. The result of this tragedy was the understanding that to carry out such specific tasks to free the hostages, it was necessary to create a new unit.

Thus, in 1973, a special unit GSG 9 was born, which is part of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs and performs special operations tasks. GSG 9 is directly subordinate only to the German Ministry of Internal Affairs; this was done in order to exclude the participation of the unit in minor operations that are not typical for the unit. The strength of GSG 9 is 300 people, which are divided into three detachments, the first of which, consisting of 100 people, performs tasks to combat terrorism, the second detachment, also consisting of 100 people, performs tasks to protect any maritime facilities and ships from attacks by terrorists. The third group of GSG 9 consists of paratroopers.

Currently, the unit's fighters carry out various special activities, both in Germany and abroad.

Israeli foreign intelligence - MOSSAD

4. External Israeli intelligence - MOSSAD

The motto of MOSSAD was the words from the book of proverbs of King Solomon: “Lack of attention to the people leads to their decline, but with great care of advisers they prosper.” These words are printed on the MOSSAD emblem and its members adhere to the organization’s motto in their work.

Israel's foreign intelligence service, MOSSAD, is rightfully considered one of the best and most effective in the world. The organization's tasks include conducting secret operations outside the country and collecting intelligence information. Analyzing the information received and the situation in the world, MOSSAD tries to work proactively, identifying threats to the citizens of its country and Jewish diasporas in other countries and eliminating them before the blood of civilian Jews can be shed.

The founding day of the MOSSAD service is considered to be June 7, 1948 big role emigrants from the USSR played a role in the fate of MOSSAD, many of whom held senior positions in the organization and made MOSSAD the structure that now enjoys respect throughout the world.

MOSSAD became widely known after carrying out a number of operations in the mid-20th century to physically exterminate Nazi criminals who had fled from trial to countries Latin America. But until now, all MOSSAD operations are classified as secret, and it is unlikely that we will learn their details in the near future.

NOCS - Italian police special forces

5. NOCS - Italian police special forces

Italy was one of the first European countries, which experienced the danger of political terrorism. Since 1970, leftist criminal gangs have plunged the country into chaos, kidnapping businessmen and politicians. When trying to free the hostages, the police, unprepared for such tasks, suffered heavy losses. All this led to the fact that in 1977, during the reform of the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a special unit, NOCS, was created to combat terrorism.

The first NOCS consisted of 30 police officers who underwent a series of training throughout the year in hand-to-hand combat, shooting firearms and developing a number of other skills. Upon completion of training, the detachment’s fighters began to be involved in special operations, as a rule, mainly to detain members of the terrorist group “Red Brigades”

Subsequently, the group was transformed into a full-fledged division while maintaining the original goals and functions of NOCS, namely the fight against terrorism and the prevention of terrorist acts. All fighters are police officers and report only to the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs, while maintaining close relations with other special forces in Europe, and training special forces soldiers from other countries.

CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Command

6. CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Command

CANSOFCOM brings together all Canadian special forces and commands and is responsible for managing them to protect against terrorism and protect the interests of citizens and the state outside of Canada.

CANSOFCOM consists of Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), and 427 Special Operations Squadron. CANSOFCOM was formed in 2006 and its mission was to prevent terrorist threats and support Canadian Expeditionary Forces in operations outside the country.

In the Canadian Armed Forces, CANSOFCOM has been called “quiet professionals”; the most elite is the special forces group JTF2, whose main task is to combat terrorism and all its manifestations. The group currently has 600 members and $120 million in annual funding.

CANSOFCOM's track record includes participation in a peacekeeping operation in Bosnia, where the unit's fighters hunted Serbian snipers. Since 2001, CANSOFCOM has been participating in military operation in Afghanistan. Performed tasks to ensure safety during winter olympic games in 2010. CANSOFCOM is currently a balanced structure performing wide range tasks in the interests of Canada.


The GRU includes all army and naval special forces units of Russia, each of the special forces units included in the structure of the GRU has its own unique history of creation and battle path. The main reason What led to the creation of the GRU in the USSR was the creation of mobile nuclear attack forces in NATO countries, and in the fight against them the GRU special forces units became the most effective. At that time, the tasks of the GRU detachments included long-range reconnaissance, the destruction of enemy mobile nuclear installations, carrying out sabotage on enemy territory and behind enemy lines, and creating partisan detachments. At that time, the tasks assigned to the GRU special forces were considered impossible, but thanks to the highly trained fighters and good technical equipment, the special forces even had portable nuclear mines in their arsenal. The GRU special forces could complete all the tasks assigned to it.

The training of GRU special forces soldiers took place according to an individual program and groups under the leadership of an officer consisted of 2-3 people. As a result, trained GRU soldiers, upon completion of training, were universal soldiers and could perform a wide range of tasks.

Currently, the number of GRU detachments ranges from 6 to 15 thousand people and includes six special forces brigades that carry out a wide range of combat missions assigned to them.

SWAT - US police special forces

8. SWAT– US police special forces

The concept of creating special forces originated in the United States in 1960 after mass unrest caused by anti-government forces swept across the country. Which entailed heavy losses among entrepreneurs and government agencies, who were attacked by an angry crowd. Subsequently, snipers began hunting for the police officers, which resulted in a response from the Los Angeles police. It was in this city that the first SWAT team was created. Initially, the newly created special unit did not have organizational structure and consisted of regular police officers who had received special training and, in addition to their participation in SWAT, performed their normal daily tasks. Such an organization had a bad effect on the organization of the unit, since not all employees arrived at the command of the gathering, completing their immediate official tasks on time, and not being able to free themselves.

Subsequently, the SWAT team became a separate unit with permanent staff, not distracted by routine police tasks, and was assigned to the city's metro police.

Currently, similar to the city of Los Angeles, regional SWAT units operate in all major cities The United States, successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to them in the fight against crime and terrorism.

9. GUR – Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine carries out a wide range of intelligence operations outside the country. The GUR includes a special forces detachment, the main tasks of which are to conduct special operations outside the country. The GUR special forces include officers who previously served in military unit A 2245 located in the city of Kyiv.

Special units of the Main Intelligence Directorate perform a wide range of tasks to protect the interests of Ukraine beyond its borders and ensure the safety of its citizens outside the country.

Currently, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is one of the most closed departments in the country and little is known about it. So, the GUR includes only one special forces detachment, which was mentioned above, and the funding of which comes from the structure itself. Also, the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine is nominally subordinate to all special units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but they are financed and trained by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and not by the limited staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

In the near future, reform is expected in Ukraine, the result of which will be the creation of Special Operations Forces, which will result in centralized leadership and financing of special units of Ukraine.

COS - French Special Operations Command

10. GCOS - French Special Operations Command

In 1992, following the analogy of other NATO member countries, the French Ministry of Defense created COS whose tasks included managing all units, detachments and special forces units performing reconnaissance tasks outside the country and carrying out sabotage actions on enemy territory.

Currently, the COS structure includes detachments and units of ground forces and naval response forces. And in connection with its reorganization, COS was tasked with the following tasks:

  • rendering military assistance other allied countries, namely the training of special forces soldiers from other countries, and the provision of humanitarian assistance, these agreements were signed by France with a number of African countries on military assistance;
  • conducting special military operations, deep raids on enemy territory, day and night landings and peacekeeping missions;
  • the fight against terrorism, namely the release of hostages captured by terrorist groups, the evacuation of French citizens from the territory of other countries.

Today it has become clear that the creation of COS was a timely and correct action by France, taking into account the changing trends in the world in the management and implementation of assigned tasks for various special units.


Marcos, India

Marcos - elite Indian special forces navy. It was created in February 1987 to conduct special operations such as unconventional warfare, hostage rescue at sea, counter-terrorism at sea, reconnaissance, etc. The Marcos unit is capable of conducting operations in all types of terrain, but specializes specifically in marine. Currently it has about two thousand personnel, although the real number of the detachment is classified.

GIS, Italy

In ninth place in the ranking of the best special forces units is GIS - a special forces unit formed on February 6, 1978 to combat the growing threat of terrorism. Nowadays he specializes in counter-terrorism operations and hostage rescue.

SSG, Pakistan

The eighth place in the list of the best special forces units in the world is occupied by the SSG - the Pakistani army special forces, founded in 1956. It is analogous to the American Green Berets and the British SAS. They took part in the Afghan War (1979–1989) on the side of the Mujahideen. Today, the detachment is actively involved in anti-terrorist operations in Pakistan. The official number is 2,100 fighters.

EKO Cobra, Austria

EKO Cobra is an anti-terrorism unit created in 1978, initially to protect Jewish immigrants from attacks by Palestinian militant groups, and also in response to the terrorist attack at the 1972 Munich Olympics, where 11 members of the Israeli team were killed by terrorists. As of 2013, the unit has approximately 670 members, including two women.

Alpha, Russia

Alpha is a special unit formed on July 29, 1974 in the USSR on the initiative of the KGB (continues its activities in Russia) to conduct counter-terrorism special operations using special tactics and means. Nowadays, the main tasks of the detachment are to prevent terrorist acts, search for, neutralize terrorists, release hostages, etc. In the days of the former Soviet Union actively participated in pacifying riots in prisons and correctional camps.

GIGN, France

GIGN is an elite anti-terrorist unit of the French gendarmerie, created in 1973 after the events that occurred at the Munich Olympics in 1972. The main tasks of the unit are to fight terrorism, suppress uprisings in prisons, neutralize dangerous criminals and free hostages. During its existence, the fighters of the GIGN unit took part in about 1000 operations, freed approximately 500 hostages, arrested 1000 and killed hundreds of criminals, while losing only two fighters directly during operations and seven during exercises. The number of the unit is 380 people.

GSG 9, Germany

GSG 9 is a special unit created in September 1973 with the aim of suppressing terrorist activities in Germany after the terrorist attack that occurred at the Munich Olympics. The main tasks of the unit are the fight against terrorism, the release of hostages, the protection of important persons and territories, conducting sniper operations, etc. The number of the detachment is 300 people. From the beginning of its existence to 2003, more than 1,500 successful operations were carried out.

Sayeret Matkal, Israel

Sayeret Matkal or "Detachment 269" is a special forces unit of the Israeli army, formed on the model of the British SAS in 1957 by officer Abraham Arnan. Sayeret Matkal can conduct a wide range of special operations, including reconnaissance and information gathering on the battlefield, combating terrorism, carrying out special operations behind enemy lines, releasing hostages, etc. Over the last 50 years of its existence, the detachment has taken part in more than than 1000 operations, including 200 outside Israel.


Second place in the list of the best special forces units in the world is occupied by Navy SEAL or “Navy Seals” - a special forces unit of the US Navy, formed in 1962. The main task of the detachment is reconnaissance, sabotage operations and hostage rescue. They took part in all US military operations without exception (the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).


The best special forces in the world is SAS - special forces armed forces UK, founded May 31, 1950. Served as a model for special forces units in many other countries. The main tasks of the detachment are to conduct anti-terrorist operations, free hostages, train special forces soldiers from other countries, etc. The detachment gained fame and recognition throughout the world in 1980 after the successful storming of the Iranian embassy in London and the rescue of hostages.

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The well-being of absolutely any state directly depends on the national army. The more combat-ready it is, the fewer threats there will be to the country's security. But one should understand the fact that the army is a systemic concept that has internal features and specific structural components. Each of these elements is assigned a number of specific functions necessary to ensure the defense capability of the state. It must also be remembered that the army performs important tasks both in wartime, and in peaceful times. IN classic version it consists of several main elements, namely: naval, ground, air forces.

In especially developed countries there are other troops, for example, in the Russian Federation there are space troops. Secretly allocate special elite troops, which are assigned special functions. It is about such national military formations Russian Federation will be discussed in the article later.

The essence of the concept

To get into the most elite troops in Russia, you need to train hard and for a long time. Many experts advise starting physical training even before the offensive, both conscripts and officers who graduated from special universities enter the Airborne Forces. Knowledge of any martial arts or military sports training is welcome. This branch of the military is the most promising in the Russian Federation, because it recruits personnel for the GRU, FSB and other secret special forces units.


We looked at Russia's elite troops. Please note that this list may change over time. Nevertheless, the rating is based on facts of combat effectiveness and detailed surveys of the population. The article also answers the question of how to get into Russia's elite troops. In conclusion, we would like to add that the army is the destiny of strong and purposeful people. If you are one hundred percent confident in yourself, then the elite of the Russian Armed Forces is waiting!



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