Tai-bo is an effective fitness program for those who want to be healthy. Tai-bo - a super-effective program or the success story of Billy Blanks

Combat aerobics ki-bo

Ki-bo is a special fitness program that combines choreography with elements. At the same time, ki-bo combat aerobics is quite safe, despite the fact that the exercises are based on strong blows kicks and arms at invisible opponents. Because of this, this type of aerobics received the second name “shadow boxing.” Each individual movement adds up to a complete combination of varying intensity. The kick is combined with basic aerobics steps. Ki-bo promotes the development of strength and endurance, flexibility and coordination of movement. Due to sharp blows, it is burned at a fast pace large number calories, which leads to fast weight loss. Thus, in one session you can burn from 500 to 800 kcal. When hitting, the whole body works, and not a single muscle group is left unworked. A hand strike always starts from the foot, after which the knee, pelvis, torso and the very last resort hand. Such activities help relieve stress. And to get rid of negativity, targeted blows are suitable.


There are no special contraindications for practicing this type of aerobics. Anyone can practice ki-bo, regardless of age, level of training and gender. All you need to do is pay close attention to yourself due to the fairly high workload. If you have health problems, then inform the coach about it. Ki-bo movements exist for both beginners and advanced. At first it will be difficult for beginners, since stable breathing is necessary, and due to the intense work of many muscle groups, it is difficult to maintain even breathing. But after a couple of weeks of constant training, breathing correctly will become commonplace for you. When training, there is quite a serious load on the joints. It is better to refrain from exercising for those people who suffer from joint diseases. The second contraindication applies to all types of aerobics - diseases of the cardiovascular system. Aerobics, which contains elements of martial arts, brings to work almost all muscle groups, which contributes to the formation of a harmonious physique. In addition, exercise has a beneficial effect on reaction.

Combat aerobics tai bo

This type of aerobics includes kickboxing, karate and taekwondo. Boxing elements help develop the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, back and chest. Elements of taekwondo and karate strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs. Aerobic elements strengthen the cardiovascular system and develop the respiratory system. It also develops coordination of movement, improves the reaction and defense mechanism of the body, increases immunity and energizes. You can burn up to 800 calories in one workout. This is the best option for those who decide to get rid of excess weight. Tai-bo is practiced not only by men, but also by women. Tai Bo is based on aerobics and martial arts who are capable of performing miracles. Thanks to this type of aerobics you will learn proper breathing, you will gain a slender posture, flexibility, a confident and easy gait. In the East, the basis of life is breathing. It is necessary to maintain energy in the body at the proper level. Final stage training must necessarily be devoted to breathing exercises. will allow the body to relax, and the recovery process will begin in the muscles. To do this, you can do the following exercise: In a lying, standing or sitting position, take a deep breath through your nose, while keeping your chest and shoulders at rest. We stick our stomach forward. This will allow the diaphragm to move down, filling the lower region lung with air. Now exhale completely through your open mouth. We suck in our stomach. Without execution breathing exercises the desired effect cannot be achieved.

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For 20 years now, fitness has been one of the most popular types of training. And for good reason! The programs of this system are varied and unusual, and they are constantly being improved. Tai bo is one of the newest and most popular trends in the fitness system. This art combines elements of various martial arts and European aerobics.

Tai Bo for beginners is a unique path to improving your body and mastering self-defense skills. And, according to experts, such training is a truly effective tool for fighting extra pounds and strengthening the muscles of the whole body. But! Provided that a person accepts this program not only physically, but also spiritual level.

The founder of a new direction in the fitness system was a martial artist, stuntman and successful actor from America - Billy Blanks. He created a unique program that is based on martial arts strikes, and an addition to this training technique was also. All lessons on teaching the art of tai bo are conducted to fast and rhythmic music.

The founder of the fitness program opened his first training center back in 1986. In a short time, tai bo became very popular, first in America, then in Europe. Once you have mastered the video lessons with Billy Blanks, you can practice tai bo on your own at home.

Tai Bo performance

The effectiveness of classes is achieved in the following:

  • Increased muscle tone and weight loss, after which the body acquires beauty and muscles elasticity. During classes, almost all muscles of the body are involved and receive the necessary load. One Tai Bo workout burns 750 kcal, which is equivalent to running ten kilometers. It is also important that Tai Bo fitness training does not require any restrictions in everyday habits and food preferences.
  • Regular Tai Bo fitness classes for weight loss help normalize blood cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.
  • This sports and dance art improves the performance of the heart muscle and increases its endurance.
  • Correct posture is one of the main advantages of tai bo fitness. This program is an excellent preventive measure in preventing osteochondrosis and spinal problems.
  • Strikes are performed without jumping, which reduces the risk of injury to the entire body.
  • This training is aimed at improving coordination of movements and improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • To effectively practice oriental art, you do not need any sports equipment and it is quite enough to watch video lessons on tai bo fitness.
  • Ease and simplicity of learning, even for those who have not previously engaged in activities of this kind.
  • During Tai Bo training, participants have the opportunity to get rid of aggression and negative emotions through a targeted release of energy.

System principles

Even though this technique contains various striking exercises, tai bo is largely a system of teaching self-defense techniques.

The student takes the starting stance of a boxer, with his arms slightly bent at the elbows and left side the body is slightly moved forward. All strikes begin with the left hand. To practice these movements, athletic dumbbells weighing no more than two kilograms are used. In some fitness centers, Tai Bo training is carried out using boxing gloves.

The primary condition for mastering this technique is the correct positioning and clenching of fists, as well as the ability to control them.

Features of the tai bo program

Developing speed, stamina and the ability to quickly and correctly respond to situations during training is complemented by breathing techniques, relaxation exercises and meditation.

This combination of different training elements allows you to achieve optimal emotional state. A gradual increase in load eliminates the risk of injury to the body during training.

The tai bo impact fitness program is one of the most efficient systems fitness, which can replace morning aerobics or relieve stress after a heavy working day. The duration of one Tai Bo training session is no more than 15 minutes.

The training complex consists of the following stages:

  • . As a rule, almost all sports begin with this.
  • The main part of the training, which consists of voluntary movements and movements in the training room, as well as striking a punching bag and jumping. Strikes in tai bo are performed with incomplete amplitude. The bulk of tai bo movements consist of punches and kicks in all directions. These parts of the body should be slightly bent to avoid the risk of injury. In one approach, from 10 to 30 blows are performed.
  • The third stage is the “dance-fighting” part. After performing the basic movements, the participants of the classes move on to the stage of mastering one of the combat combinations, which from the outside is somewhat similar to a dance. Such movements are performed at a slow pace, which helps restore breathing.

General rules

In fact, there are a lot of types of tai bo exercises. Get acquainted with full course classes can be done using photo or video lessons, as well as by attending specialized classes.

As with any fitness program, the effectiveness of tai bo classes is achieved with regular training. For beginners, a 20-minute workout is enough to get your body in shape and get the necessary boost of energy. Boxing elements in tai bo make it possible to strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

Taekwondo exercises, which are included in tai bo, help strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, calves and feet. Good cardio exercise helps you quickly lose weight. Therefore, tai bo is ideal for girls seeking to achieve slimness and beautiful figure.

The optimal number of classes for beginners is three times a week. Ideally, there should be at least one day off between workouts to restore the body's strength. After three months it may begin new stage, suggesting an increase in load.


Before starting to practice tai bo, each participant should be checked by a doctor to ensure that there are no abnormalities in the cardiovascular and endocrine system. Tai Bo experts recommend that their followers first prepare their body for future stress.

Preparatory programs include step aerobics, classical fitness or dancing. These are the most effective programs that will help tone and strengthen the muscles of the entire body before more complex loads.

To practice tai bo, you must wear clothes that will not restrict movement or create discomfort. T-shirt and shorts made of natural fabrics, without zippers or other metal accessories – ideal option equipment for such training.

You can build an ideal body only through active physical activity. Exercises for various groups muscles will help develop sculpted muscles, cardio exercises will speed up metabolism and get rid of excess fat, and relaxing activities will improve stretching. All these elements can be performed in turn, but there is also a universal sport that combines all the most useful things for losing weight and getting a beautiful figure - taibo.

Taibo is the quintessence of oriental martial arts, dance steps, boxing strikes and aerobics steps. The creators of the workout initially wanted to develop a system that could target a large number of muscle groups, reduce body fat, and increase strength and endurance levels. The method copes with all tasks perfectly.

Classes are held at a very high pace, so extra pounds literally melt away before your eyes - in just a month of regular work on yourself you can lose up to 4 kg.

Effects of taibo on the body:

  • improves lymph flow and blood circulation, especially in the lower body;
  • works on the most problematic parts of the body, such as the inner thighs;
  • increases body tone and immunity;
  • develops strength and endurance;
  • trains the heart muscle;
  • improves psychological state due to the production of the happiness hormone during exercise.

Features of the classes

To get the desired effect, it is enough to train for 1 hour 3 times a week. In one session you can lose 800 to 1000 calories, which is much more than in other sports. In addition, both the muscles of the lower and upper body will be evenly developed. Exercises perfectly strengthen the abs, arms, legs, back, and develop coordination.

To lose weight through exercise, you need to reduce the number of calories you need per day by 200 units. However, remember that on the days of classes, meals should be nutritious; there should be no snacks 2 hours before and 2 hours after them. Combine exercises with proper nutrition extremely important for figure correction.

Before you start losing weight with tai bo, you need to pre-train your body. Even the program for beginners is performed at a very high pace, so it will be extremely difficult for an organism not spoiled by physical activity to adapt to it.

You can choose running, swimming, dancing or other types of cardio training that will help improve your strength and endurance before practicing tai bo.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

The Tai Bo weight loss program is a super effective training. It simultaneously provides the body with aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and also helps improve the condition of bones, joints, heart muscle and psyche. The complex effect makes this sport quite popular and effective for weight loss.

Benefits of the program:

  • high efficiency;
  • no need for expensive and bulky exercise equipment;
  • minimal time spent on training;
  • a combination of all types of stress on the body in one complex.

However, it is worth considering that tai bo will not give any results if you do not reconsider your eating habits.

You need to use only natural, fresh and healthy food, you should have 5-6 meals per day. Portions should be kept small so that you can learn to eat in moderation without overeating. You will also have to give up smoking and alcohol, they negatively affect not only your figure, but also your health in general.

It is best to train in the gym with a professional trainer, since the movements must be performed with extreme precision. There are videos on the Internet that show how and in what sequence all the exercises are performed, but it is best if a specialist supervises you during exercise, this will help avoid injury and get maximum results.

Contraindications to classes

Since taibo is enough complex look sports, it is not suitable for overly obese people or those who have serious health problems. High load on all muscle groups can lead to exacerbation of some chronic diseases, so before you start losing weight, you should definitely consult a doctor.

It is forbidden to lose weight with the help of taibo in the following cases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries and operations;
  • viral and infectious diseases(flu, ARVI);
  • some chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

The feasibility of losing weight with Taibo

For completely healthy people who have decided to take their body seriously and are ready to completely reconsider their lifestyle, Taibo is ideal. It will be quite difficult to do, but the results will be worth it.

After six months, you can find that your waist has become much thinner, your legs have become strong and slender, and beautiful abs have appeared on your stomach.

The author of tai-bo aerobics is the famous Hollywood trainer, seven-time world martial arts champion Billy Blanks. This type of aerobics combines Western and Eastern approaches to healing the body, being a synthesis of martial arts and aerobics. The tai-bo program contains movements and techniques from sports such as taekwondo, boxing, karate, alternating with basic aerobic steps and “seasoned” classic exercises to strength.

Tai-bo combines:
the concentration and reaction characteristic of boxing;
self-control characteristic of martial arts;
dance rhythms.

Boxing and martial arts have a positive effect on the development of strength, reaction, speed and balance. Dance movements help you become more resilient, improve coordination and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Day by day the popularity of this fitness system is only increasing. Today, quite a lot of women prefer tai bo. There are two good reasons for this: first, training helps short term burn a lot of calories; the second – tai-bo is in a modern way self-defense.

Tai-bo successfully combines intensive muscle training and cardio exercise. This direction will be especially useful for those who want to remove subcutaneous fat deposits to the maximum. If you choose the right exercises, you can burn fat well without restricting yourself in food and without taking additional medicines. Tai-bo training helps improve muscle definition, since the work is done with the legs and arms, and all techniques are power-based.

Internal reserves for activity and good spirits are formed. An equally important component, along with physical activity, is the psychological attitude, which is developed by performing breathing exercises based on tai chi and wushu. The importance of meditation is also great. Everyday training of combat techniques emotionally strengthens the body. By gradually increasing the degree of load, a person improves, and the adrenaline content in the blood increases. Each movement performed is designed to make the body more elastic and flexible.

The opinion that tai bo can only be practiced strong women, wrong. If you are shy and modest by nature, tai bo will help you strengthen your self-confidence and give you courage.

How to prepare for training

Those who are determined to practice tai bo must first prepare their body. Preliminary preparation can be as follows: for one or two months you attend dance or step aerobics classes, and when your muscles become more resilient, you proceed directly to tai-bo.

The room in which it is planned to conduct tai-bo classes should ideally be equipped with boxing bags and mirrors “in full height"to observe the correct execution of movements. If you train at home, choose a spacious, at least 12 m2, room with smooth floors and non-slip coating.

Classes can be carried out at any time, the main condition is regularity, so try not to neglect training. Only if these conditions are met can a noticeable positive result be achieved.

At the beginning of the workout, there is a warm-up, which includes step-dance movements and running. After this - a set of endurance exercises, and finally - stretching.

Having completed the preparatory exercises, we begin to perform the main movements, namely: kicking and punching the punching bag, jumping and voluntary movements.

At the final stage, in order to restore breathing, the training changes the tempo to the so-called “fighting dance”.

When you make “kicks” with your leg or arm, do not straighten them all the way. The leg should be slightly bent at the knee and the arm at the elbow. This will greatly facilitate the process of performing “strikes” and reduce the possibility of injury.

The sportswear uniform is loose; ideally, it should be made from natural fabrics, since they absorb moisture better and the body remains dry. Locks and massive buttons on clothes will get in the way, so they should not be there. The best option suit - loose shorts and a T-shirt. Choose shoes that are stable, have good shock absorption, and firmly support the arch of your foot. As an option - aerobic sneakers, the soles of which are protected from slipping during movements.

Tai-bo is characterized by an intense pace of training, after which a pleasant feeling of fatigue and good mood. Exercising twice a week will not disrupt the usual rhythm of life, but you will get the figure you dream of, good posture, strong immunity and a healthy complexion.

Have you done tai bo? Leave your feedback in the comments.

As a last resort, do exercises at home. As the years passed, demand created supply. Videotapes with recordings of aerobics lessons began to appear, and sports gyms opened.

For recent years Of course, a lot has changed. A great variety of currents and directions have appeared that allow you to keep not only the body, but also the soul in good shape. Along with classical sports schools, it presents large selection newly created sports.

The main difficulty for ordinary sports fans is making the right choice. the desired type fitness. After all, someone needs to lose weight quickly, someone puts it at the forefront muscle mass, for some it is enough to develop flexibility. How to figure out in all this diversity what will be beneficial and what is just a commercial project that at least will not harm?

You can't do without special boxing gloves.

For your own peace of mind, purchase a special device that will show how your heart reacts to physical activity.

You can exercise not only in the gym, but also at home. It would be nice to install a large mirror; with its help it will be more convenient to practice strikes.

Now you know everything about tai-bo, what kind of sport it is, what results it gives, and in general, whether it’s worth doing it. Get inspired, train and always be in shape! After all, tai-bo receives the most enthusiastic reviews.



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