Drawing insects theme. Drawing on the theme “Insects. "The Wonderful World of Insects"

Lesson notes on artistic and aesthetic activities in preparatory group.

Subject: Insects

1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about insects;
2. Activate, enrich vocabulary children on the topic;
3. Teach children how to maintain health using health-saving technologies (breathing exercises, physical exercises);

4. Development fine motor skills hands, consolidate the “dipping” and “poking” method.
5. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: cards with insects, recording with music, insect toys, watercolor paints, napkins, cups and brushes.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Hello guys! I want to invite you to visit the insects.
I have prepared many tasks for you, interesting games, which you and I will play. (Children sit on chairs)

Let's start our lesson with breathing exercises"Spider"
What great guys you are, how good you are at blowing, and do you like to solve riddles? Children guess riddles, and the teacher shows toys.
1. Two flowers moved
All four petals.
I wanted to catch him -
He took off and flew away. (butterfly)

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion. (dragonfly)

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. (grasshopper)

I worked all year round
You will have fragrant honey. (bee)

Masters without axes
They cut down the hut without corners. (ant)

2. Talk with children about insects.
Educator: Guys! What other insects do you know? By what signs do you determine whether it is an insect or not? (antennae, 6 legs, head, chest, abdomen, sting, wings).

What benefits do insects provide? (pollinate plants, provide food for birds, bring honey, silk) What harmful insects You know? (cockroach, fly, mosquito, Colorado potato beetle) Why do some insects have bright colors and others not? Tell us what insects can do? (fly, jump, chirp, sting, flutter...)

3. D/i “Beast bird, fish, insect, fable...” (ball game)

4. Children go to the tables and make a pencil sketch of the insect they like using sample cards.

Then a physical exercise “Butterfly” is carried out

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

(torso to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(torso in front, back.)

He moved, stretched,

(hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew,

(hands up, right, left.)

The sun will just wake up in the morning,

The butterfly is spinning and curling.

(spin around)

The lesson continues and the children begin to carefully paint with watercolors. When working with paints, the “dipping” and “poking” method is used. While working, children listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky "April"

5. Summing up:
Well done guys! Did you enjoy visiting the insects? What do you remember most? What games did we play? What did you find difficult?

Samples of work are attached:

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten № 9

Abstract joint activities in visual arts

"The World of Insects" in the preparatory group

Educator: Kolchirina Elena Mikhailovna


Target: creating a collage “The World of Insects” in various ways visual activities.



develop creativity children, sense of form, rhythm, color;

continue to work on developing fine motor skills of the hands;

develop curiosity and initiative in choosing materials;

develop the ability to work in pairs, establish partnerships in the process of joint activities;

develop thinkingactivity.


cultivate the need for friendly relations with other children (tolerance, help) through the organization of a paired form of organizing activities;

cultivate readiness for mutual assistance in the process of communication with adults and peers;

evoke an emotional response to the beauty of nature;

to educate the basics of ecological culture through visual arts.


improve the ability to create expressive images of insects in different ways visual activities;

create conditions for children to consolidate their knowledge about insects;

motivate children to create teamwork;

improve the ability to analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, and make generalizations;

provide an opportunity to apply acquired knowledge about insects in practice.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, didactic and outdoor games on the topic.

Material: color paper, cardboard, fabric, brushes, paper and PVA glue, gouache, paper napkins, scissors.


The teacher brings an insect in a jar to the group. Attracts children's attention.

I was going to work this morning and saw a beetle, so I decided to show it to you.

What other insects do you know?

When do insects appear?

Where do insects live?

What do insects eat?

What animals eat insects?

What would happen if all the insects disappeared?

What would happen if other animals stopped eating insects and humans stopped killing them?

How are all insects alike?

How are insects different?

Tell me, where can we find out all the information about insects in our group?

The teacher invites the children to go to the educational corner and in the box “Did you know?” find pictures of flying and crawling insects. Pre-cooked.

What types of insects are there?

Game "They fly - they don't fly"

The teacher invites boys to find flying insects, and girls to find crawling ones. Children divide the pictures into two groups.

Tell me, is it possible to leave the beetle in the jar so that it lives in our group?

Why do you think so?

Children's answers.

How can we imagine this?

What can we do about this?

Children's answers.

The teacher invites the children to first make small clearings in pairs, and then combine them into a collage.

Children are paired up using cut-out pictures (insects).

Besides insects, what can we do in our clearings?

Children's answers.

Children with help various materials they make clearings, then glue them into a collage. They tell what kind of insect they made (reflection).

Complete the missing details.

What a wonderful collage we made.

The teacher suggests placing group work in the locker room.

Summary of educational activities for children 6-7 years old “These amazing creatures are insects”

Target: systematize children's ideas about the diversity of insects
Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about insects: all insects have common features, by which we distinguish them from the entire animal world, and there are differences in their appearance and life manifestations, thanks to which we distinguish types of insects and distinguish between specific insects;
Strengthen children's ability to form groups of insects.
To develop logical thinking in children: teach to compare, analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and make generalizations.
Cultivate an interest in insects and a caring attitude towards them.
Equipment and materials: Demonstration pictures depicting insects (including images of various representatives of the same species: beetles, ants, butterflies, etc.); presentation “Birth of a butterfly, laptop, projector, screen; cut-out pictures depicting a butterfly, beetle, ant, bee; a visual aid depicting the development process of a butterfly. Handouts for each child (schematic representation of the butterfly development process in stages). Multi-colored hoops, multi-colored circles for tables, boxes for games; envelope, audio recording “Sounds of Nature”
Preliminary work: conversations with children “Such various insects" Organization in book corner exhibitions of illustrations depicting insects and books on the theme of the week. Observing insects while walking (features of body structure).

1.Introduction to the topic of the lesson
Buratino enters the group with an envelope in his hands.
Pinocchio:- Hello, guys, do you recognize me? (Children's answers)
Educator:- Hello, Pinocchio!
Pinocchio:- Recently I was walking in the forest and saw a very amazing beauty clearing and met amazing creatures there - they have 6 legs, a head with antennae, a chest and abdomen. They are so beautiful: some were brown, others were reddish, and others were darker. There were so many of them that I didn’t have time to count them. These unusual insects were carrying some straws and grass up to their mountain. Some had wings: so colorful and beautiful, and they all sat on flowers. I fell in love and couldn’t restrain myself, I laughed so hard that they all ran away and scattered. I barely had time to photograph them and brought them to you, but Artemon saw them when they were drying and playfully tore them into several pieces. Please help me collect all the photographs and find out what these amazing creatures are.
Educator:- Pinocchio, of course our guys will help you. Right, guys? (Children's answers) From these fragments you need to assemble a picture. And, it seems to me, there should be more than one picture. (Draws the children’s attention to the reverse side of the fragments.) Look, the fragments have a reverse side different colors. What colors are there? (Children look at the reverse side, name the colors (red, blue, yellow, green)
2.Game “Cut pictures”
Pinocchio:- Guys, can you assemble paintings based on color? reverse side? (Children's answers) What a great fellow you are!
Educator:- Please, those guys who have pictures with a blue shirt, go to the table marked with a blue circle. Those with a yellow shirt - go to the “yellow” table and so on, and try to collect the pictures.
Educator: - What is shown in these photographs? (The collected pictures show: a butterfly, a beetle, an ant, a bee.)

Pinocchio:- Thank you guys very much. I couldn't have done it without your help. Yes, I saw such creatures, but who are they?
Educator:- Guys, what can you call in one word all those who are depicted in your pictures? (Children's answers)
3. Conversation “General characteristics of insects”
Pinocchio:- Insects?! How did you find out?
Educator:- Pinocchio, how the guys guessed that these were insects, you’ll find out now. The teacher suggests going to the board on which demonstration pictures depicting insects are attached. By displaying pictures, the teacher draws children's attention to the variety of insects of each species.


Educator:- Guys and Pinocchio, now look carefully at the pictures and tell me which ones general signs do all insects have? (Children summarize: All insects have 6 legs, the body is divided into 3 parts
Pinocchio:- Can I, can I! They all have mustaches.
After summing up, the teacher hangs up a picture of a spider and asks the children to answer the question:
Educator:- Do you think a spider is an insect? (Children spend comparative analysis illustrations and come to the conclusion that the spider is not an insect.)

4. Physical education session “Grasshoppers”
Imagine that we are all grasshoppers.
Raise your shoulders
(children raise their shoulders)
Jump, grasshoppers.
(children jumping)
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
(children jumping)
We sat down and ate some grass,
(the children stopped and sat down).
They listened to the silence.
(children sit, listen to silence)
Hush, hush, high,
Jump on your toes easily.
(children jumping)
5. Game "Fourth wheel"
(Making sentences with the conjunction “because”)
Educator:- Look carefully at the pictures and tell me which picture is superfluous here, remove it and explain why you removed it?
The pictures show:
1.Butterfly, bee, ant, spider

2. Mosquito, butterfly, beetle, ant

3. Ant, caterpillar, locust, butterfly

4. Dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug, butterfly

Pinocchio:- Guys, is a caterpillar also considered an insect? (Children express their guesses)
Educator:- I suggest you look at the screen, where you and Pinocchio will find out whether the caterpillar is an insect or not.
6.Teacher’s story about the stages of formation of a butterfly.
(The teacher turns on the presentation “The Appearance of a Butterfly” and makes comments accompanied by soft music.)
Educator:- “Once upon a time there lived a very beautiful butterfly, she flew over flower meadow and when she became an adult, she laid eggs under a leaf. Soon caterpillar larvae emerged from the testicles. The caterpillars eat so much that they increase in size several times. The caterpillar sheds its skin and turns into a pupa, and from the pupa into a beautiful butterfly. This is how interesting a butterfly is born.”
Educator:- We all love butterflies very much, we admire their beauty. Butterflies live where it is warm and there is food for them. They feed on flower nectar, plant and fruit juices. The names of some butterflies are related to what their caterpillars feed on. Cabbage caterpillars feed on cabbage leaves, and nettle caterpillars feed on nettles. Different types butterflies differ in color and size. Winged, light beauties decorate fields and meadows all summer.
Pinocchio:- Now I know that a caterpillar is an insect, it is a butterfly in childhood!
7. Didactic game “What first, what then”
(The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables in pairs.)
Educator:- On the tables in front of you are pictures that depict the stages of insect development. You need to arrange all these stages in the right sequence: what happened first, what came next.

After the end of the game, the teacher offers to check the correctness of the task with each other. After the children have analyzed their mistakes, the teacher suggests comparing the results of their work with the visual aid on the board and saying out loud all the stages of insect development along the chain:
1. The butterfly lays eggs
2. Larvae-caterpillars hatch from the eggs
3. The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis
4. A butterfly hatches from a pupa

Educator:- Guys, imagine what would happen if all the insects on planet Earth died?
Have you ever wondered why most birds are migratory, that is, they fly away from us for the winter and return only in the spring? (Children's answers)
Educator:- Absolutely right. Many birds feed on insects, and if people began to destroy harmful insects with the help of special toxic substances, then the birds would also die of starvation. And birds play an important role in the balance of nature.
(Children must be brought to the conclusion that in nature there are no “useless” or “harmful” plants, insects or animals. They all do their job, play their role, and depend on each other.)
8. Relaxation. "The Flutter of a Butterfly"
(Music "Sounds of Nature" sounds)
Educator:- Close your eyes and imagine yourself as insects.
Imagine beautiful summer day. You are lying on a green meadow. Everything around is calm and quiet. You feel warm and comfortable, you breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are light butterflies with large and beautiful wings. Your arms are light and light - like the wings of a butterfly. And your body also became light, light, flapped its wings and flew. With every inhalation and exhalation you float higher and higher in the air. A light breeze gently strokes your wings. (Pause - stroking the children). Strokes, gently touches (name). You feel good and pleased. But now it's time to return home. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. Smile at each other.
Now everyone close your eyes, count to 3 x (1, 2, 3. We are in a group.)
One, two, three - look around
Be in the group.
9. Summary
Pinocchio:- Guys, thank you very much for your help, I learned a lot of interesting and exciting things. But it's time for me to return to my friends. See you soon!
Educator:- Guys, what new did you learn today? (Children's answers?) What turned out to be difficult for you? (Children's answers?) What did you like most? (Children's answers)

Program content:

Teach children to differentiate characteristic features spring.

Strengthen children's knowledge about characteristic features insects

Improve the technique of painting with gouache, brush and cotton swab.

Develop a sense of shape and color.

To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.

Preliminary work: observations of phenomena in nature. Learning poems and nursery rhymes.

Drawing round objects throughout the year.

Materials for the lesson: image of a birch tree with leaves, tinted green leaves, gouache paints (yellow, red, black, cotton swabs, napkins, sample, “green lawn with dandelions”, pictures of insects, flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher enters the group with children and looks at the “meadow” with flowers.

Guys, do you recognize these flowers, what are they called? When do these flowers appear? (in spring).

Look at every dandelion there is someone sitting on it. Do you know them? (bee, grasshopper, ant, beetle, spider). What else can you call them (insects)

When do insects wake up? (spring).

Guys, how many insects are there? (many).

I want to tell you a riddle, try to guess it.

Guessing the riddle.

Baby puts it on

Red polka dot dress

And he can fly deftly

This is... (ladybug).

The cow doesn't moo

No horns, hooves, tail,

Doesn't give us milk

Lives under the leaves.

Red cloak with black dots

Carried by a beetle. Plants are a guardian.

Deftly fights harmful aphids

This. (ladybug.)

Well done guys, now sit down at the table. Today in class we will draw a ladybug.

Examination of the picture, description of the ladybug. The teacher explains to the children that they will draw sequentially: first with red gouache and a brush, and then continue with black and yellow gouache with a cotton swab.

Demonstration of drawing a red circle on a piece of paper and painting it.

Children are given tinted pieces of paper. Draw a red circle.

Physical education minute.

Guys, we will be there today beautiful butterflies, they fly, the butterflies are tired and sit on the flowers.

Show the teacher how to draw the head, spots on the back, paws and eyes with a cotton swab.

The children get to work.

Now guys, take your leaves and go to the tree. Do you recognize this tree, what is it called? (birch) .

Look, does your leaf look like these leaves? (children's answers).

This means that your leaves are also birch and we will give them to the birch tree.

Guys, what a beautiful result we have! spring tree with ladybugs. Ladybugs are very small insects that need to be protected. And people say that if a ladybug lands on your palm, it brings good luck. And I also want to give you ladybugs, and let them bring you only good luck.

The teacher places ladybugs on the children's hands.

Drawing class in senior group on topic: "Insects"


Goal: 1. To expand children’s knowledge and understanding of the features appearance butterflies.

2. Introduce symmetry using the example of a butterfly in nature and in drawing.

3. Improve children’s ability to work in non-traditional visual techniques - drawing with plasticine, expand knowledge about the capabilities of this material.

4. Teach children to apply strokes with plasticine, smoothly “pouring” one color into another at the border of their connection.

Materials for the lesson: thick blue cardboard with the silhouette of a butterfly, a set of plasticine, a stack, a napkin for hands.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part

The teacher invites the children to listen to a fairy tale.

How a butterfly became colorful

Spring has come. Nature came to life: here and there, various insects began to crawl out of various cracks, from the ground, from under the bark of trees. They sought to warm their bodies under the warm spring sun.

Under last year's old leaf lay several pupae that the caterpillars had woven for themselves in the fall from the finest threads. It seemed that they were completely empty, there was no one inside them. But suddenly the shell of one pupa burst and through the resulting gap it was no longer a caterpillar that emerged into the wild, but a completely adult butterfly. Having spread its wings, the butterfly took off and sat on a nearby bench, which was warm from the sun.

“What a warm shop,” the butterfly thought and looked around with curiosity. -Where is the grass? Where are the flowers? I probably woke up very early. There is still ice on some puddles. But the sun is shining brightly, and a stream is babbling nearby. And overall today is a wonderful day!”

Reasoning in this way, the butterfly flew to get acquainted with the world around it, but first decided to clean itself up and first wash itself, drink clean water in a stream, whose gurgling could be heard not far from the bench on which it had just been sitting.

Sitting down near the water, the butterfly immediately saw its reflection: looking at it was an inconspicuous insect that had completely white wings. And the world around was so colorful: ladybugs with bright red backs were crawling on the branches, blue dragonflies were hovering over the water, a green caterpillar was hurrying about important matters. The butterfly cried bitterly, lowering its wings low. She thought that no one would want to be friends with her because she was so colorless and ugly.

The sun felt very sorry for her, it stroked the butterfly’s wing with a warm ray, and miraculously a yellow spot remained on it. But the butterfly didn't even notice it. Ladybug, to support her upset girlfriend, rubbed her side affectionately against her and left a bright red mark. A fat caterpillar, crawling past, patted the wing in a friendly manner with each of its legs, leaving imprints in the form of green dots. But the butterfly cried so bitterly that it did not notice anything around. And only when a drop fell from somewhere above on the butterfly’s wing, it involuntarily closed both wings from a cold touch. And when the wings opened again, everyone saw that all the colorful spots that were on one wing were imprinted on the other. Everyone was delighted. they gasped and applauded at the miracle that had happened. The butterfly suddenly stopped crying, washed her tear-stained eyes, and suddenly she saw her new reflection in the stream: a charming beauty with multi-colored wings was looking at her. And again the world in her eyes became amazing and beautiful.

Educator: Children, this, of course, is a fairy tale, and miracles always happen in fairy tales. In nature, a butterfly is born with a beautiful pattern on its wings. This bright coloring is given to them by the smallest scales, which have a bright coloring. If you pick up a butterfly, colorful pollen will remain on your hands. An insect losing pollen from its wings can die from this. Therefore, you don’t need to catch butterflies and take them in your hands, it’s better to just watch them. Butterflies not only decorate our fields and meadows, but also benefit nature: by collecting nectar from flowers, they pollinate plants so that seeds can later appear in them.

Physical education break “Butterflies”

We'll jump so many times

How many butterflies do we have?

Let's raise our hands up as much as possible

They have so many different wings.

We'll sit down together so many times,

How many paws do we see at once?

Children perform movements according to the text of the poem

2. Practical part

Educator: Today we will paint butterfly wings using multi-colored plasticine. It must be remembered that the pattern on the wings of a butterfly is symmetrical, that is, one wing is exactly reflected in the other wing, as in a mirror.

Therefore, when applying color spots on one wing, it is necessary to simultaneously make the same spots on the other in the same color, size and location.

1. Select the color of plasticine to depict the outline of the butterfly, roll out thin sausages and lay out the finished silhouette with them, smooth the joints with your finger.

2. Butterfly wings decoration:

Option I: pinch off paired pieces of arbitrary shape from plasticine of different colors, apply them inside the contour alternately on both wings. Place each color spot next to the previous one, smoothly “pouring” one color into another - slightly smearing one color of plasticine on another at the border of their connection.

Option II: you can roll out certain shapes: sausages or balls, make a pattern out of them, repeating it on each wing.

3. Roll out a sausage-body from white (yellow) plasticine, roll out a ball-head and place them in the center of the wings, pressing them to the base to secure. Roll out thin sausages from dark plasticine, cut into strips in stacks and use them to make transverse stripes along the entire body of the butterfly (you can simply draw these stripes in a stack), draw black eyes on the head - peas and antennae bent to the right and left.

While working, you should warm up your arms.

Warm-up for arms “Butterfly”

3. Final part

Educator: Our group has turned into a green meadow, over which motley-winged beautiful butterflies flutter merrily, and not a single one among them is the same. (Reads a poem by A. Savrasov.)



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