Do I need to water seedlings before transporting them? Tomato seedlings outgrow - what to do. Planting overgrown tomatoes. Here are three simple tips on how to easily transport seedlings to your dacha without damaging them

Many summer residents are faced with the problem of transporting seedlings. From correctly executed this seasonal work The future harvest depends very much. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very competent approach to relocating seedlings to “ summer places residence."
“Package” seedlings on a quick fix This is possible if you have personal transport, and your favorite dacha is no more than an hour away on a good road. But if you and your green pets have to travel through public transport, and even with a transfer, it is better to create a simple, but effective protection each root. In the case of public transport, you need to choose lighter packaging, because several boxes are a significant load for a backpack or bag.

What seedlings need during transportation:
shade and coolness for the entire transportation period (if overheated, garden crops will definitely be injured);
suitable containers from scrap materials;
familiar microclimate for several hours.

You should not delay the transportation of seedlings to the site, since it is much more difficult to transport overgrown seedlings. Such seedlings can break due to careless touches, and in this case all efforts can go down the drain. By the time of transportation, the seedlings should have 3-4 leaves, no more.
To transport seedlings, you need to choose a tall container, preferably one that completely fits the plant along with the foliage.
It is better to free potless seedlings from excess soil, leaving only the soil on the main root. The roots themselves should be wrapped in a damp cloth or newspaper. You can also dip it in a solution of mullein and clay, and then place it on its side in wide boxes. As a result, young plants will fit into a simple cardboard box. This method will save space and protect the seedlings from damage on the road.
! Tomatoes do not require a lot of liquid at the time of transportation. Moderately saturated with moisture, the tomatoes will wilt slightly, but will definitely not be damaged.

Arriving at summer cottage plot, such plants must be watered immediately warm water, after which they will quickly take shape and after one and a half to two hours the plants can be planted.
If the seedlings are grown in strong light, then their foliage will be denser, which is almost not damaged during transportation.
Pay attention to the weather, choose clear sunny days for transporting seedlings, and plant the plant that same evening. With good photosynthesis, a lot of starch accumulates in the leaves, thanks to which plants quickly take root. To retain moisture, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the plant with hay or wood shavings.

Transportation of seedlings to the dacha.
How to put seedlings in boxes? Prepared seedlings of nightshade, pumpkin and vegetable crops You won't be able to carry it in a bag or a country backpack. You will need lightweight boxes. It is ideal to choose 3 or 4 identical ones. They are easy to arrange, and you won’t confuse the seedlings in this form. For rigidity, it is better to take unnecessary slats, scraps of cardboard, and plywood scraps. Anything that is not useful at home and also weighs little will do as material for packaging and transportation. It’s good to make newspaper pads between the rows of seedlings. Then the plants will not mix and will not be damaged. If you plan to transport it in several boxes packed in a column, then you cannot do without a lid. Then the seedlings are not afraid of transfers, crowded buses and trains. The plants are reliably protected, for example, like small postal parcels.

Potted seedlings can be placed in 2 rows: place the first row on the bottom of the container, and the second row on the edges of the pots in the first row.
Another option for transporting seedlings in pots is to wrap each cup in newspaper, and then put the resulting “pipe” in a bag. A standard plastic bag will fit 15-20 half-liter glasses.
You can put the cups in a cardboard box that is suitable in height. For ease of transportation, it is advisable to tape the handles to the box with tape. Tomato seedlings can even be transported lying down, but to do this they need to be placed tightly in a box. In deep boxes, when placed vertically, seedlings should be separated with newspaper, then the branches of the plants will not intertwine and are less likely to be damaged by shaking.
It is very convenient to transport small seedlings in plastic boxes, which are used for transporting various containers. Such boxes can be placed on top of each other according to the shelving principle. Such boxes need to be rewound with rope or wire to prevent them from tipping over. It is also convenient to germinate and then transport seed potatoes to the site in these boxes.
How to protect young leaves and stems? In this situation use plastic bottles, cut to fit the stem. Covered with a homemade “cap,” the seedling is protected from injury, plus the plastic temporarily creates a greenhouse effect.

Weather conditions for transportation. You can transport seedlings either by car or by public transport on a calm, sunny day. Suitable temperature is at least 15 degrees. Before arrival, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance to preserve growing crops.
! Take as many seedlings as will be planted per day. It is difficult to plant everything at once, and the variety of seeds allows you to extend the planting period by more than one.

Upon arrival at the dacha, you should not rush to plant the plants right away, let them recover from the road and the resulting “stress”. To do this, the container with seedlings is placed in a cool place (a change house, veranda or barn is suitable). A couple of hours is enough for plants to rest. And during this time you can just prepare the soil.
It happens that some plants are still injured, so it is better to remove damaged leaves and leave unsuccessful specimens as fertilizer. As a result, further timely watering and careful tillage of the soil by the end of summer will not leave without good harvest.

Method from the Internet.
Allows compact transportation of seedlings to the site. Required 5l bottles from drinking water. The bottles are cut in half. Cups with seedlings are placed in the lower part of the bottle, after which it is carefully covered with the upper half of the bottle and secured with tape. In this case, the bottle cap must be removed. You can transport them by holding the bottles by the handles, but it is easier if you put them in plastic bags.
If the seedlings have stretched out so that the bottle is too short for it, then you need to take another bottle and, having cut out a ring of the required height in it, fix it between the bottom and top parts first bottle with tape in two places.
This way you can transport a small number of plants
What if there are several dozen or even more?
Then you need to spread a piece of cloth at least 50 cm wide on the table and place plants in a dense row in the center from edge to edge, carefully taken out along with a lump of earth and watered several hours before. Then the lower edge of the material must be folded to the upper edge, everything should be rolled up and placed in the lower part of the plastic bottle, and the upper parts should be secured with tape, as described earlier.
Such a “structure” does not cause any harm to the seedlings and they will survive the move well in it. They can even stand like this for several days, you just need to lightly water them. Such plastic containers containers in which the seedlings were transported can be washed, dried and left until the next seedling season.

Spring has arrived, which means there is very little time left to prepare the soil, plan garden work and transport seedlings. The usual dacha chores at the beginning of the season are no longer scary, but how to transport seedlings to the dacha without harming fragile plants? There are some everyday tips for this.

What to do before transportation?

It is possible and necessary to “pack” seedlings in a hurry if you have personal transport, and your favorite site is no more than an hour away on a good road.

But if you and your plants are planning to travel through public transport, and even with a transplant, it is better to create simple but effective protection for each root.

Provide the seedlings:

  • shade and coolness for the entire transportation period (if overheated, garden crops will definitely be injured);
  • suitable containers from scrap materials;
  • familiar microclimate for several hours.

About packaging

When going to the dacha by car, it is better to pack seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants in tall fruit boxes. Typically, such containers are either purchased or taken for free from any retail chain. The main thing is that the wooden or cardboard container can withstand the load, and its sides are not inferior in height to the tops of young plants.

In the case of public transport, you need to choose lighter packaging, because several boxes are a significant load for a backpack or bag.

It is better to free seedlings without an individual pot from excess soil by wrapping the roots with a damp cloth or newspaper. It will turn out very compact and easy.

Tomatoes do not require a lot of liquid at the time of transportation. Moderately saturated with moisture, the tomatoes will wilt slightly, but will definitely not be damaged.

For convenience, it is better to free seedlings in individual cups or bags from excess soil, leaving only the soil on the main root. To prevent the roots from breaking, you should wrap them in paper. As a result, young plants will fit in a simple cardboard box, and the total weight will not exceed five kilograms.

How to protect young leaves and stems? In this situation, plastic bottles cut to fit the stem are used. Covered with a homemade “cap,” the seedling is protected from injury, plus the plastic temporarily creates a greenhouse effect.

How to put seedlings in boxes?

Prepared seedlings of nightshade, pumpkin and vegetable crops will not be carried in a bag or country backpack. You will need lightweight boxes. It is ideal to choose 3 or 4 identical ones. They are easy to arrange, and you won’t confuse the seedlings in this form.

For rigidity, it is better to take unnecessary slats, scraps of cardboard, and plywood scraps. Anything that is not useful at home and also weighs little will do as material for packaging and transportation.

It’s good to make newspaper pads between the rows of seedlings. Then the plants will not mix and will not be damaged. If you plan to transport it in several boxes packed in a column, then you cannot do without a lid. Then the seedlings are not afraid of transfers, crowded buses and trains. The plants are reliably protected, for example, like small postal parcels.

Weather conditions for transportation

They transport “favorite varieties” both by car and by public transport on a calm, sunny day. Suitable temperature is at least 15 degrees.

Before arrival, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance to preserve growing crops.

Take as many seedlings as will be planted per day. It is difficult to plant everything at once, and the variety of seeds allows you to extend the planting period for more than one day.

Arrival at the dacha

So, the path from the house to the site has been completed. How to work and relax at the same time on this day?

Don’t rush to plant the plants right away, let them recover from the journey and the resulting “stress.” To do this, place containers with seedlings in a cool place (a change house, veranda or barn is suitable). A couple of hours is enough for plants to rest. And during this time, preparing the soil is not a problem.

To sum it up...

A good harvest is not grown without difficulty, but the preparation and transportation of seedlings is a very important stage. There is no point in delaying transportation, because by this moment the seedlings should have 3-4 leaves, no more.

It happens that some plants are still injured, so it is better to remove damaged leaves and leave unsuccessful specimens as fertilizer. As a result, further timely watering and careful tillage of the soil will not leave you without a good harvest by the end of summer.

Spring has arrived, which means there is very little time left to prepare the soil, plan garden work and transport seedlings. The usual dacha chores at the beginning of the season are no longer scary, but how to transport seedlings to the dacha without harming fragile plants? There are some everyday tips for this.

What to do before transportation?

It is possible and necessary to “pack” seedlings in a hurry if you have personal transport, and your favorite site is no more than an hour away on a good road.

But if you and your plants are planning to travel through public transport, and even with a transplant, it is better to create simple but effective protection for each root.

Provide the seedlings:

  • shade and coolness for the entire transportation period (if overheated, garden crops will definitely be injured);
  • suitable containers from scrap materials;
  • familiar microclimate for several hours.

About packaging

When going to the dacha by car, it is better to pack seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants in tall fruit boxes. Typically, such containers are either purchased or taken for free from any retail chain. The main thing is that the wooden or cardboard container can withstand the load, and its sides are not inferior in height to the tops of young plants.

In the case of public transport, you need to choose lighter packaging, because several boxes are a significant load for a backpack or bag.

It is better to free seedlings without an individual pot from excess soil by wrapping the roots with a damp cloth or newspaper. It will turn out very compact and easy.

Tomatoes do not require a lot of liquid at the time of transportation. Moderately saturated with moisture, the tomatoes will wilt slightly, but will definitely not be damaged.

For convenience, it is better to free seedlings in individual cups or bags from excess soil, leaving only the soil on the main root. To prevent the roots from breaking, you should wrap them in paper. As a result, young plants will fit in a simple cardboard box, and the total weight will not exceed five kilograms.

How to protect young leaves and stems? In this situation, plastic bottles cut to fit the stem are used. Covered with a homemade “cap,” the seedling is protected from injury, plus the plastic temporarily creates a greenhouse effect.

How to put seedlings in boxes?

Prepared seedlings of nightshade, pumpkin and vegetable crops will not be carried in a bag or country backpack. You will need lightweight boxes. It is ideal to choose 3 or 4 identical ones. They are easy to arrange, and you won’t confuse the seedlings in this form.

For rigidity, it is better to take unnecessary slats, scraps of cardboard, and plywood scraps. Anything that is not useful at home and also weighs little will do as material for packaging and transportation.

It’s good to make newspaper pads between the rows of seedlings. Then the plants will not mix and will not be damaged. If you plan to transport it in several boxes packed in a column, then you cannot do without a lid. Then the seedlings are not afraid of transfers, crowded buses and trains. The plants are reliably protected, for example, like small postal parcels.

Weather conditions for transportation

They transport “favorite varieties” both by car and by public transport on a calm, sunny day. Suitable temperature is at least 15 degrees.

Before arrival, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance to preserve growing crops.

Take as many seedlings as will be planted per day. It is difficult to plant everything at once, and the variety of seeds allows you to extend the planting period for more than one day.

Arrival at the dacha

So, the path from the house to the site has been completed. How to work and relax at the same time on this day?

Don’t rush to plant the plants right away, let them recover from the journey and the resulting “stress.” To do this, place containers with seedlings in a cool place (a change house, veranda or barn is suitable). A couple of hours is enough for plants to rest. And during this time, preparing the soil is not a problem.

To sum it up...

A good harvest is not grown without difficulty, but the preparation and transportation of seedlings is a very important stage. There is no point in delaying transportation, because by this moment the seedlings should have 3-4 leaves, no more.

It happens that some plants are still injured, so it is better to remove damaged leaves and leave unsuccessful specimens as fertilizer. As a result, further timely watering and careful tillage of the soil will not leave you without a good harvest by the end of summer.

On the eve of Victory Day, many summer residents will begin a mass move to their dachas. From large cities, cars packed to capacity will stretch along the highways, rear seats which will sway and bounce pots with seedlings.

Every year on the forums I hear voices: what kind of tomato seedlings I had, but the harvest was very small. And you know, one of the most important reasons failures are caused by improper organization of transportation and planting of seedlings. Although, it would seem, what a small thing - to load, bring and plant!

This is how I imagine the process. First, water the plants generously. We take a box and put boxes or containers with seedlings in it. It is advisable that the height of the box is not much lower than the seedlings themselves. And it is very important that a piece of foam rubber or at least several layers of soft newsprint be placed on the bottom. Such a simple backing will serve as a shock absorber, because no one has yet made our roads even and smooth. Why are potholes on the roads dangerous for seedlings? Yes, because with sudden movements and shaking, plants in containers are injured, and the thin suction roots suffer the most. But they are the ones who will be responsible for the speed of the rooting process of plants in the soil.

Well, we arrived at the dacha. It's already getting dark outside. Do not leave plants in the garden or even bring them into the greenhouse. Have pity on them, let them spend the night in the warmth of your home. And in the morning, when the air warms up to 15 degrees Celsius, take it out into the garden and place it in a shady, wind-free place; after lunch, move it to a place where there is a through shadow or place it in the sun, but pull up an improvised awning from an old tulle curtain. It is very important that the plants bathe in sunny air, but do not get sunburn, they are not used to this bright light. At night, bring the plants into the warmth again, but leave them on the terrace, where it is cooler than in the house, but warmer than in the garden. And only the next day plant them in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It would be nice if it were cloudy on this day, in any case, wait until 5 pm.

Plant according to all the rules. Do not skimp on water for watering, because the next time you will water tomatoes, peppers and eggplants only after 10-14 days. If you do not follow this rule, then root system a superficial one will form and the plants will suffer in the future in the heat.

Be sure to provide additional shelter for plants in the greenhouse. Low arches and non-woven fabric are suitable for this. Air temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius slow down the development of heat-loving plants and reduce their resistance to diseases.

If you have not hardened off the seedlings at home, then no matter how hard you try, the plants will experience shock when planted in the greenhouse. Therefore, immediately after planting, spray them with a solution of zircon or epin. But only if it's worth it cloudy weather or the sun is already setting. If you spray plants in sunny weather, burns will immediately appear on the leaves.

How to transport seedlings from an apartment to a dacha?

In my case, this requires boxes and packaging film. If the cups with seedlings are not very tight, then I put crumpled sheets of newspaper in the space between them. When the seedlings of tomatoes or peppers are slightly higher than the level of the box, I tilt the tops of the heads a little and place another box on top. It turns out to be a shelf of 3-4 drawers, which I place on a stool and wrap in several layers of film. You can fasten the boxes with thin wire, but I don’t recommend using a rope, it’s not reliable, as there are bumps on the roads and the boxes can jump off each other and the tops of the tomatoes will break.

Three days before moving, the seedlings need to be watered a little; on the day of departure this should not be done, because the stems become more fragile and brittle.

On the way, you should not open the windows in the car; the wind, in the worst case, will break off the tops, and in the best case, the leaves.

So we are leaving the shelves of our apartment near Moscow for the ecologically clean Valdai region, it will grow and then actively bear fruit!

The photo shows a small part of the boxes. Nothing happens to the seedlings overnight; by the evening of the next day all heads will be up!



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