State Institution “Pavlovsk Secondary School”, Uspensky District Open lesson in mathematics, grade 3. Lesson topic: “Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers without moving through place value.” (using ICT) Primary school teacher category 2

Donets Zh.V. Lesson topic: “Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers without going through place value.” Purpose:     To introduce the written method of adding and subtracting three-digit numbers without going through the digit unit using the columnar calculation method; Strengthen writing and solving examples of adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in a column, oral and written numbering within 1000, writing and reading within 1000 Develop math skills, speech, logical thinking, visual memory; Help maintain student health.

Lesson progress: 1.Psychological attitude. 1 slide on the board topic of the lesson In order for us to succeed today, we must remember what we know, what we can, what we can do. Today in the lesson, as you have already noticed, we will be helped by a projector that will show us interesting slides. Slide 2 I can (add, solve problems, solve equations, find P and S, I can add three-digit numbers) Let's remember what we can do on the topic of our lesson (we can add three-digit numbers without going through ten) probably not only add, but also to subtract. So the projector gave us slide No. 4. Let’s remember the topic of the lesson and tell you what else we can do with you (solve problems to find the sum) And of course, what should I be like? (curious, witty, thoughtful, healthy, organized, collected) The projector listened to you and highlighted the main qualities. Slide No. 5 But in addition to these four conditions, there is one condition without which no person can do mathematics. This is Health! Right! What kind of person should you be? (healthy) Of course healthy. Each of us wants to be healthy, right? Who can we consider a healthy person? D. – Athletes, who eat right, who lead a healthy lifestyle, etc. U. Yes, guys, a healthy person is one who leads a healthy lifestyle. That’s why today in the lesson we will try to create a model of a healthy lifestyle, and the motto of our lesson is slide No. 6. Here is a tree of our decisions, but the tree is not simple, it is magical, delicious fruits can grow on it, or nothing can grow, it will depend from your work. We will complete tasks and draw conclusions in favor of our health. There is a tree in front of you and two green apples have grown on it. But we will find out how useful these apples are during the game. You have signal cards on your table. The game is called “True False” I call the statement, if it is true you raise a green card, if it is false, then a red card. Are you ready?

Game: True False A rectangle has all right angles, is that correct? (Yes, a rectangle has all right angles). In any rectangle, all sides are equal, is this true? (no, the length is greater than the width) a square has all right angles, is this true? Yes In any rectangle, all sides are different, is this true? No, the length is 7 cm and the width is 5 cm. In the number of 348 there are 3 des. 4 hundred. 8 units is this correct? (no 3 hundred. 4 des. 8 units) the number 530 is greater than the number 630 is this correct? keep it clean is that right? (yes, children's answers) cleanliness is not the main thing, do you agree? (No children's answers) So let's go back to our apple tree. Which apple will we consider healthy? (Keep it clean) Guys, it’s not in vain that we remembered hundreds, tens, and units today. The projector helps us again Slide No. 7 Teacher: What do these numbers have in common? (they are all three-digit, the second and third numbers have the same units, they contain the same numbers, the first and third numbers have the same tens) We have compared three numbers, and now we will compare many numbers Slide No. 8 You did a great job, and in the meantime 2 more red apples grew on the apple tree. What decision do you think we should make? And again the projector helps us Slide No. 9 Write down a series of numbers and check the answers Slide No. 10 The answer is incorrect in the second number. The proverb “Trust but verify.” Because mathematics is the queen of sciences, where accuracy is one of the main conditions. Guys, it’s not in vain that we remembered hundreds, tens and ones. Why do you think the projector arranged these numbers, for what? (to subtract or add them) Slide No. 11 Assignment to the class: turn these numbers into a difference. With an explanation at the board, and the rest work in a notebook. Well done, you completed the task.

Physical exercise. Video slide You had a very good rest, and meanwhile two yellow apples appeared on the tree. Chose a healthy diet. The projector helps us again. What do you see? (task) slide number 12 Task: 36 ducks swam on the lake, and geese in? times less. How many birds swam on the lake? (We cannot solve this problem, because we do not know how many times there are fewer geese) Can we set the number ourselves and what? We can 4,6,9 U. Guys, what problem did we solve? (To find the sum) What did you do in the first step? Reduced it several times. What action was helpful? (Division) On the projector Slide No. 13 Area and perimeter What do you think these letters are? What is area? (this is the surface of an object) How to find it? (width times length) Correct! What is the perimeter? It is the sum of all sides. How to find R? (A + B) * 2 Why do you think we remembered the area and perimeter? Yes, this will be homework. We did a great job, you good mood? And apples grew on the apple tree again. Guys' answers. Let's all smile at each other and have a team relay race. Working with cards. Card No. 1 100 19 = 81: … = 9 3 * … = 18 18 + … = 36 36: … = 6

6 * … 48 48 … = 30 30: … = 3 Card No. 2 100 28 = 72: … = 9 9 * … = 18 18 + … = 36 36: … = 9 9 * … = 45 45 … = 30 30: ... = 10

Reflection: Bonneau's six hats. White hat. I'm wearing my white thinking hat. Today in the lesson we learned about adding and subtracting three-digit numbers without going through place value. But we still need to learn how to add and subtract three-digit numbers using place value. Black Hat I'm wearing my black thinking hat. We talk about the shortcomings and disadvantages of what didn’t work out in the lesson. Yellow Hat I'm wearing my yellow thinking hat. I really liked the lesson, as it was unusual, fun, and good for health and mind. Green Hat I'm wearing my green thinking hat. The lesson was very interesting. And I would like to suggest that such lessons be conducted in other subjects. Because during the game it is easier to remember.

Red hat. I'm wearing my red thinking hat. I really enjoyed the lesson. He was interesting and unusual. I liked that mathematics was connected with the world around me and in a healthy way life, which is very beneficial for our health. There are no limits to my emotions. Blue Hat I'm wearing my blue thinking hat. Today in class we achieved our goal. We learned how to subtract and add three-digit numbers without jumping through place value. emotions, feelings, intuition. Rules of the “6 Hats Method”: All speeches begin with the phrase: “I’m wearing my... thinking hat...”. Red hat - By putting on a red hat, we answer the question: How do I feel about this? White hat – information, facts, questions. Putting on a white hat, we answer the questions: What information did we receive? What other information do we need? Yellow hat – advantages “pros”. Putting on the yellow hat, we answer the questions: Why is this worth doing? What are the benefits? Why is this possible? Why will this work? Black hat – shortcomings, fears “cons”. Putting on the black hat, we answer the questions: What bad can happen and will it go wrong? Is this true? Will it work? What are the disadvantages? What's wrong here? Green hat – creativity, ideas, suggestions. Wearing a green hat, we answer the questions: What are some of the possible solutions and actions? What are the alternatives? Blue hat – organization of thinking. Putting on the blue hat, we answer the questions: What have we achieved? What needs to be done next? Rules for changing hats:

       It is advisable to start a discussion wearing a white hat, that is, you need to collect and consider all the available facts. The raw data is then viewed from a negative perspective - with a black hat, of course. After this, it is the turn of the yellow hat, and positive aspects are found in the discovered facts. Once the problem has been examined from all sides and material for analysis has been collected, it is time to put on the green hat to generate ideas that can enhance the positive aspects and neutralize the negative ones. The teacher, mentally sitting in a blue hat, carefully monitors the process - whether the group has deviated from the given topic, whether the participants are wearing two hats at the same time, and also periodically allows them to let off steam in a red hat. New ideas are again analyzed with a black and yellow hat. And at the end they put on a blue hat and sum up the discussion.

Cards adding 3 digit numbers. Written addition of three-digit numbers. Setting a learning task

Place of the lesson in the educational system: 3rd quarter Lesson No. 102.

Goals and objectives:

  • Educational:
    • strengthen the ability to add three-digit numbers;
    • consolidate knowledge of the multiplication table;
    • improve knowledge in the field of geometry;
  • Developmental:
    • develop the ability to competently, logically, and fully answer questions;
    • be able to prove and argue your opinion;
    • develop diversity mental processes: thinking, memory, attention.
    • self-control techniques;
    • develop fine motor skills hands;
  • Educational:
    • creating a favorable psychological climate for the opportunity to unlock the potential of each child;
    • to form the quality of mutual assistance;
    • develop confidence in your abilities;
    • develop personality through the relationship between teacher and student
    • maintain and improve health

Equipment: board, cards, pictures (hare and fox), rubies, bag for the rubes, geometric shapes.


1. Organizational moment

2. Autotraining


The sun has woken up in the sky
We guys smiled
We quietly close our eyes,
We raise our hands to the sky
Let's take a ray of sunshine
And we’ll bring it to your heart

– Do you feel the warmth of the sun? Open your eyes. Let there be a warm, friendly atmosphere in class today. Please sit down. So, math lesson. Get your hands ready for work. Working with a chestnut tree with needles, rolling it in your palms. Are your hands warm?

Students: Yes.

Teacher: Let's start writing. Write down the number, great job

3. Oral counting:

Differentiated task

Weak students work on cards orally (chain)

20 x 20 + 400 – 700 – 95

Teacher: And for you guys, I will read arithmetic problems. You have to solve them in your mind. The numbers you receive must also be kept in mind. Write down the results of calculations only when I say: “Write down.”

1) Given two numbers 5 and 3. Find the product of these numbers... and subtract 10 from the resulting product... Then subtract 2 more... Write down the result (3)
2) Given two numbers 12 and 34. Multiply the second digit of the first number by the first digit of the second number... Subtract 2 from the resulting number... and multiply by 2. Write down the result (8)
3) Given two numbers 47 and 32. Multiply the first digit of the second number by the first digit of the first number... and subtract the second digit of the first number from the resulting product
Write down the result (5)
Share your successes with me. What number did you get?

Students: 385.
Teacher: Tell us everything you know about this number?
Students: Odd, three-digit
Teacher: Well done. While the guys tell me what they did, you decipher the word using a flowchart. What are your progress? (Those who worked using cards). Boys read the chain at will.

Table 1

Teacher: I am glad for you that you deciphered the word correctly and solved the arithmetic problems correctly. Formulate the topic of the lesson. Who guessed?
Students: Addition three digit numbers.
Teacher: Set goals for today's lesson.
Students: Strengthen the ability to add three-digit numbers.
Teacher: And my goals are for you to learn how to add three-digit numbers; consolidate the action algorithm. OUR GOALS COINCIDE

4. Guys, today a bunny came to visit us and was chased out by a fox. What fairy tale is he from?
Students: The Fox and the Hare.
Teacher: He needs to build a house. Who wants to build him a house?
Students: I think everyone wants to do it
Teacher: To build a house, you need building materials.

Let's go for building materials... And where, let's find out? Let's solve the examples and the answer will be ready.

Two students, one example at a time, at the blackboard. The next two are the remaining children in the notebook. I do the latter myself, deliberately making a mistake. Students noticing this must prove the correctness of the answer. The children need to help me.

226 + 383 114 + 295 312 + 339 324 + 222 215 + 455

They explain out loud.

Teacher: What helped you in your decision?
Students: Algorithm.
Teacher: How does the algorithm help?
Students: Clearly defines the order of our actions.
Teacher: What problem might arise in the market?
Students: We have no money and won't buy anything.
Teacher: Let's try to make money. Today we will exchange our knowledge for rubles. (ryuvs are monetary unit at our school)
On the cards, a certain task corresponds to the number of ryuvs, after completing it you check yourself with reverse side cards and if you earn them correctly you put them in your wallet.

5. Working with cards.(on the cards are examples of adding three-digit numbers)

– Choose the cards yourself according to the degree of difficulty:

  • Blue – 3 rubles
  • Green – 4 rubles
  • Red – 5 rubles

Card 3 Ryuv:

341 + 123
356 + 231
445 + 222

Card 4 Ryuv

873 + 322
456 + 345
342 + 342
465 + 381

Card 5 Ryuvs

348 + 289
268 + 456
398 + 487
239 + 139
477 + 177

The ryuvs are placed in a wallet, which they always have at hand.

6. Physical exercise(during a break between tasks)

Teacher: Have you lost the desire to help the bunny?
Students: No.
Teacher: Are you in a good mood? Let's rack our brains again. How do you understand “puzzle”?
Students:“Puzzling” means thinking a lot
Teacher: So, you did a great job and earned a lot of rubles. Let's do the math. How many reeves? (Children fold ryuvs)
– Or maybe someone will suggest another calculation option? How would it be faster?
Students: Apply multiplication table
Teacher: All these ryuvs are your common work. Each of you contributed to buy building materials. Let's go buy building materials.
Everyone takes building material (a geometric figure) and together we build a house.
Build a house from these building materials.

(Construct a house on a magnetic board)

Teacher: Do you like the house?
Students: Like.
Teacher: Well done! Shake hands. You are good partners.

7. Working with geometric material(task)

Teacher: this house needs to be fenced. Let's take a plot 120 m wide and 123 m long and find the length of the entire fence. Try to find a solution using today's lesson topic.
Student: Need 120 + 123 +120 + 123
Teacher: Please find and work in pairs. Explain to your friend and see how he decides.

8. Reflection

Teacher: Is it easy to make money?
Student: No. To earn them you need to work hard.
Teacher: In order to buy building materials, to build a house or buy a car, you need to work hard. The school principal's car is standing outside the window. Stand up and look. Do you want one?
Students: Yes.
Teacher: You will definitely have one like this, or maybe better. I believe in you that you will be hardworking, like in today's lesson, and everything will always be fine with you. Well done guys! Our lesson was useful. What can you praise yourself for? What were you a little dissatisfied with?

Each student expresses his opinion:

I'm pleased...
I can...
I liked it...
I will set a goal for the next lesson...

Teacher: You are little sunshine now. Do you know why?
Children: Why?
Teacher: You glow and warm me and everyone with your warmth.
- Thanks for the lesson! What a wonderful lesson!

9. Homework

– Create addition examples on your own based on the topic of the lesson and solve them.

Dmitrieva Tatyana Arkadyevna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: Municipal budget educational institution"Average secondary school №2"
Locality: Tarko-Sale
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Cards for the topic "Addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers"
Publication date: 12.01.2017
Chapter: primary education

Topic: Addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers.
Card No. 1 Find the sum of the numbers. 2342 + 3216 4102 + 2034 +1260 4136 + 3452 38 647 + 41 242 + 20 605 6314 + 3574 247 832 + 699 111 + 102 231 Card No. 2 4208 + 791 39 + 657 + 2 450 2362 + 630 39296 + 84 752 ++ 45 586 + 1203 450 003 + 284 + 3575 Card No. 3 Calculate the amount and check. 190 005 + 87 999 8709 + 13 291 78 500 + 99 900 67 000 + 13 505 157 439 + 7078 178 097 + 237 850 Card No. 4 351kg 700g + 648kg 300g 8t 01 6kg + 72t 308kg 24km 305m + 39km 195m 9c 38kg + 4c 72kg 12kg 581g + 13kg 419g 7m 36cm + 109m 87cm Card No. 5 12 rub. 47kop. + 23 rub. 54kop. 1t 567kg + 3t 878kg 428rub. 09kop. + 119 rub. 57kop. 935kg + 548kg
48m 37cm + 52m 24cm 1km 848m + 2km763m Card No. 6 Calculate the difference. 68 389 – 40 309 200 000 – 65809 117 805 – 32 999 12 005 - 797 2700 – 1724 100 500 – 72 341 50 000 – 9730 70 596 – 796 12 658 – Card No. 7 Perform subtraction and check addition: 6458 – 4349 30 000 – 7004 52 735 – 48 418 50 5421 – 60 024 60 700 – 8244 70 200 - 8509 Card No. 8 Follow the steps: 6 t 05 kg – 78 kg 8 t 005 kg – 169 kg 12 km – 7 km 030 m 80 km – 36 km 027 m 10 t 175 kg – 670 kg 99 rub. 38 kop. – 89 kopecks. Card No. 9 Follow the steps: 45 851 + 37 168 – 74 018 247 086 – 72 546 + 625 400 30 108 - 9524 + 16 479 101 101 – 30 307 + 14 800 Card No. 10 Solve the problem:
On Sunday, the museum was visited by 917 people, of which 475 were adults, 148 less teenagers than adults, the rest were children. How many children visited the museum? Calculate: 52 019 + 3109 80 500 – 1408 2t 060kg + 1t 720kg 138 m 36 cm – 88 m 19 cm Card No. 11 Solve the problem: 986 kg of carrots were collected from one plot, 198 kg less from the second than from the first. And from the third section there are 483 kg more than from the second. How many kilograms of carrots were collected from three plots? Calculate: 20374 - 81 509 98 306 + 404 749 15t 382 kg – 7t 308 kg Card No. 12 Solve the problem: In one warehouse there were 976 tons of flour, in another there were 657 tons of flour more than in the first, and in the third warehouse there were 208 t less than on the second. How many tons of flour are there in three warehouses? Perform actions: 835 723 – 96 241 11 877 + 3464 12 km 472 m – 8 km 864 m Card No. 13 Perform subtraction and check addition: 200 000 – 85 476 7428 – 6 739 Perform addition and check in two ways (addition and by subtraction): 225 108 + 508 335 Solve the problem: One milkmaid milked 175 liters of milk per day, which is 27 liters less than the other milkmaid. How many liters of milk did the other milkmaid produce?
Card No. 14 Perform subtraction and check by addition: 30 207 – 14 538 800 100 – 715 472 Perform addition and check in two ways (addition and subtraction) 17 823 + 32 277 Solve the problem: In the forest area there were 198 birches, which was 75 more than oak trees. How many oak trees grew on the site? Card No. 15 Find the unknown number: X – 4041 = 2368 10 801 – X = 3807 X + 2012 = 4112 1025 + X = 2530 The length of the rectangle is 45 dm, the width is 22 dm less than the length. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. Card No. 16 Find the unknown number: X – 12 201 = 16 799 20 305 – X = 15 308 3025 + X = 5345 X + 2341 = 4896 The width of the rectangle is 28 cm, the length is 57 cm greater than the width. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. Card No. 17 Follow the steps: 360 987 – 278 549 300 001 – 287 009 187 360 + 198 288 56 720 + 38 618 148 m 36 cm – 98 m 09 cm 9 t 609 kg + 8 t 038 kg
Card No. 18 Follow the steps: 7320 – 5653 56 785 + 5 748 100 054 – 9 875 40 200 – 29 317 53 247 – 1358 125 204 + 407 108 4 km 275 m -2 km 835 m 26 rub. 28 kopecks + 14 rub. 76 kop. Card No. 19 Complete the steps: 12 371 – (5428 + 1371) 2077 + (1356 – 477) Solve the problem: 155 watermelons were collected from the melon tree, and 50 less melons. How many watermelons and melons did you collect together? Card No. 20 Solve the equations: 125 + X = 183 + 54,190 – X = 32 + 18,214 + X = 386 – 21,360 – X = 82 - 32 Solve the problem: The book has 150 pages. Nina read 35 pages on the first day. And on the second day there are 15 more pages. How many pages does Nina have left to read?

Open lesson on mathematics in 3rd grade.

Teacher – Sergeeva E.N.

Lesson topic: « Written addition three-digit numbers."

Objective of the lesson: develop the ability to perform written addition of three-digit numbers.


Equipment: notebooks, mathematics textbook (author M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova), magnetic board, stars with numbers, stars with numbers, cards with tasks of three levels, cards with a task, cards with a written addition algorithm, posters with images of asteroids and planets.

Lesson progress:

    Organizational moment. Creating psychological comfort.

    Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. I see your shining faces. This indicates your good mood, then. Our lesson will be successful.

    Let's read the words written on the board:

Let the harsh winds blow in our faces,

All paths are open to us guys,

We'll rise to the stars, sail the seas,

We are seekers, we are pathfinders.

    Think about the words of this poem. What will we do in class? (We will overcome difficulties, complete difficult tasks, learn new things.)

    Indeed, we will learn a lot, make discoveries and make a fabulous journey into space. In outer space, we will need to not miss a single distress signal. We will help everyone who needs it.

    Updating knowledge.

    Let's see if you are ready for such a journey.

On the board: 9

(Red stars with numbers: 9, 0, 1; yellow with numbers: 2, 6, 7; green with numbers: 4, 8, 3.)

    Name the numbers that can be made using red stars. (109, 901, 910, 190)

    What does the number “0” mean in these numbers? ? (About the absence of some category.)

    Name the most small number.(109)

    Name the digit composition of this number. (1 hundred, 0 tens, 9 units.)

    What is the previous number for it? ( 108) Subsequent? (110)

    Name the largest number. (910.) What does the 0 in this number mean?

    Name the previous number for it. (909) Subsequent. (911)

    Make and say numbers using yellow stars. (267, 276, 627, 672, 726, 762.) (The numbers are displayed on a magnetic board.)

    Name a number that contains 26 tens .(267.)

    (2s. 6dec. 7 units)

    (2 hundreds and 67 units.)

    (267 units)

    Name the number that contains 72 tens. (726.)

    How many hundreds and units are there in this number? (7s. and 26 units.)

    How many units are there in this number? (726 units)

    How many hundreds, tens and ones are there in this number? (7 pp. 2 d. 6 units)

    Make and say numbers using green stars. (483, 438, 348, 384, 834, 843.)

    Arrange the numbers in ascending order.

Name the smallest number. (348.)

    Present it as a sum of bit terms. (300+ 40+ 8)

    Name the most large number. (843.)

    Imagine it as a sum of bit terms. (800+40+3)

    So what do all the numbers you compiled have in common? (They are three digits.)

    Why are they called that? (They consist of three characters (numbers).)

    What are the digits that make up three-digit numbers? (From hundreds, tens, units.)

    I see that you are ready for the journey, you can hit the road .(A picture of an aircraft is posted on the board.)

    Your notebooks are now turning into logbooks.

Write down the number. Cool job.

    The red light on our control panel came on. This means that we are being asked for help. We're landing. It became known that asteroids are approaching the planet closest to us. We need to change the trajectory of their flight, for this we need to find out the number of each asteroid and arrange them in descending order.

A poster of falling asteroids opens on the board.

(300 + 40 + 5) + (200 + 20 + 4)

(400 + 50 + 4) + (300 + 5)

(600 + 30 + 2) + (20 + 4)

(400 + 20 + 3) + (200 + 50 + 6)

    Find the meaning of each expression in a convenient way. What needs to be done for this? (First add hundreds, then tens, then units and add the resulting results.)

    What numbers did you add in each expression?

Arrange the asteroids in descending (removing) order.

    Well done! You helped save the planet. Our ship continues its journey. But what is it? The distress signal is heard again. We're landing.

    Staging educational task.

    There is a group of earth scientists on this planet. They do their calculations here. But space pirates broke into their station and destroyed their crews. We must help restore these calculations.

A note appears on the board:

+ 5 7 + 6 4

    Find errors. (In the first example, the terms are written incorrectly, and in the second, the calculations were performed incorrectly.)

    Write and solve these examples correctly in your notebooks. (One student works independently at the board.)

    Check: pronouncing the correct solution.

Now restore this entry:

+ 1 5 5 + 1 5 2

(A less prepared student works at the board.)

If there is a problem: If there is no problem:

    What is the reason for the difficulty? - Than the last example

(I don't know if the algorithm is different from the previous ones?

adding three-digit numbers.) Adding three-digit numbers.)

    What is the topic of our lesson? (Written addition of three-digit

    What will we learn in class? (We will learn to build an algorithm for adding three-digit numbers or refine this algorithm.)

    “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

    How do you propose to build a new algorithm? (By analogy with the algorithm for adding two-digit numbers.)

    How will we write three-digit numbers in a column? (Same as before: ones under units, tens under tens, hundreds under hundreds.) This is the first step.

    How will we do the addition? (Also by category.)

    Step 2 – adding up the units...

    Step 3 – add up the tens...

    4th step – adding hundreds...

    Step 5 – read the answer.

    Repeat the algorithm for adding three-digit numbers again. (At the same time, helper cards (algorithm steps) are placed on the board.)

    Open the textbook on p. 59. read the conclusion given in the textbook. Compare it with the conclusion we made ourselves. (They are the same.)

    So, that means we have deduced the correct algorithm.

Physical education minute.

Don't yawn around

You are an astronaut today!

Let's start training

To become strong and agile.

Let's put our hands to the sides,

We'll get the left one with the right one,

And then vice versa.

One - clap, two - clap,

Turn around one more time.

One, two, three, four,

Shoulders higher, arms wider...

We put our hands down,

And sit down at your desk again!

    Primary consolidation.

    What discovery have we made? How to do written addition of three-digit numbers?

Using the derived algorithm, we will perform the remaining calculations

scientists on assignment No. 2 of the textbook. We are working with comments.

(One student at the blackboard.)

    The last two examples are on their own. (Mutual check.)

6. Independent work with self-test.

And finally, the latest calculations by scientists. You have task cards on your desks. There are three levels of tasks: level “A” is easy, level “B” is medium in difficulty and level “C” is difficult. You can choose which level of tasks you will complete. You can solve tasks at two levels.

(Children choose tasks and complete them.)

Level No. 3.

Recover the missing numbers.

2 * 3 2 8 * 3 2 6 * 5 * 3 * 5 * 2 *

+ * 5 * + 3 * 6 + * * * + * 6 + * 1 * + 5 * 3

7 1 2 * 0 2 8 0 7 3 2 9 7 3 9 7 4 1

    Check if you performed correctly according to the standard. (Answers to assignments are given.)

Got it done

I doubted it


    Well done! You have worked hard and valuable information destroyed by pirates has been restored.

7. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

    We flew most of the way. We are asked to land on a planet of robots, where the main robot has failed. For it to work, we need to find out if it has enough parts to repair it.

    Read the tasks on the cards.

Task No. 1.

On the first day, 250 parts were delivered to the planet to repair the robot, and on the second day, 3 times more. How many more parts were delivered on the second day than on the first?

Task No. 2.

On the first day, 254 parts were delivered to the planet to repair the robot, and on the second day, 167 more parts. How many parts were delivered to the planet in two days?

    Select the problem for which we will use a new algorithm for adding three-digit numbers. (Task No. 2.)

    What does the problem say?

    What is known about the problem?

    What question?

    What words should you take for a short entry?

    What do you need to know for this?

    Do we know everything for this?

    Can we find out?

    How to find out how many parts were delivered to the planet?

    Write down the solution to the problem yourself. Complete the addition in writing.

(One student works at the board.)

421 (d.) was delivered on the second day.

Answer: a total of 675 parts were delivered to the planet.

    We found out how many parts were brought, but we don’t know how much the robot needs for repairs. To find out this number, let's solve the equation:

X = 272 + 347 272

X= 619 + 347

Will the robot have enough delivered parts? (Yes.)

    Final reflection.

We've fixed the robot, it's time to go home. Look what a wonderful constellation we met on the way home.

(The poster opens (the inscription is made of stars):


    Let's take one star as a souvenir. If by the end of the trip you have great mood, then take a red star, if it’s good - yellow, if not so good - green.

    What was the task?

    Did you manage to solve the problem?

    How did you get the new algorithm?

    Where can you apply new knowledge?

    What did you do well in the lesson?

    What else needs to be worked on?

Homework: compose and solve one example for a new one

algorithm; With. 59, No. 4, 5

CARD No. 1

1. Do addition of numbers.
1 + 1 = 1 + 2 = 1 + 3 = 1 + 4 =

2 + 1 = 2 + 2 = 2 + 3 = 3 + 1 =

3 + 2 = 4 + 1 =

2 ... 3 = 5 3 ... 2 = 1

5 ... 4 = 1 3 ... 2 = 5
3. Fill in the blanks... using the action "+" or "-".
5 ... 1 ... 1 = 3 3 ... 2 ... 4 = 1

1 ... 3 ... 2 = 2 5 ... 2 ... 1 = 2

4. Solve problems.

How many paws do two ducklings have?________

How many paws does the bear cub have?_______
5. Solve addition word problems.

a) Petya has 2 flags. Vitya also has 2 flags. Count the number of flags Petya and Vitya have together?

b) 4 carriages were attached to the locomotive, and then another carriage. How many carriages were attached to the locomotive?

c) On New Year Ksyusha's grandmother gave her 2 bunnies, her dad gave her a crocodile, and her mother gave her a Cheburashka. How many gifts did Ksyusha receive for the New Year?

d) There were 3 houses along the road. Within a year, 2 more houses were built next to them. How many houses are there now along the road?


CARD No. 2

1. Solve subtraction examples.

2 - 1 =

3 - 1 =

3 - 2 =

4 - 1 =

4 - 2 =

4 - 3 =

5 - 1 =

5 - 2 =

5 - 3 =

2. Fill in the blanks... with "+" or "-" signs.

5 ... 4 ... 1 = 2

3 ... 2 ... 4 = 1

3 ... 1 ... 2 = 2

1 ... 3 ... 1 = 3

5 ... 3 ... 1 = 3

5 ... 2 ... 1 = 4

2 ... 3 ... 2 = 3

5 ... 1 ... 1 = 5

5 ... 3 ... 2 = 4

3. Solve subtraction word problems.

a) There were 4 pencils in the box. Polina and Valya each took one pencil from the box. How many pencils are left in the box?

b) For his birthday, Sergei prepared 5 liters of juice. The guests drank 4 liters. How many liters of juice are left after your birthday?

c) Pavlik brought 4 for the holiday hot air balloon. He gave 3 balls to his friends. How many balls does he have left?

CARD No. 3
1. Do addition of numbers.

5 + 1 =

5 + 2 =

5 + 3 =

5 + 4 =

6 + 1 =

6 + 2 =

6 + 3 =

6 + 4 =

7 + 0 =

7 + 1 =

7 + 2 =

7 + 3 =

8 + 0 =

8 + 1 =

9 + 2 =

9 + 1 =

2. Fill in the blanks... using the action "+" or "-".

4. Solve word problems.

a) Count the legs of two tables? How many legs do two sofas and two beds have?
b) There are 5 soccer balls and 3 basketball balls in the gym. How many balls are there in the gym?
c) B sports section 3 girls and 4 boys are studying. How many guys are in the section?

d) There are 3 oak trees and 5 fir trees growing by the road. How many trees are there along the road?


CARD No. 4

  1. Solve subtraction examples.

4 - 0 =

4 - 1 =

4 - 2 =

4 - 3 =

5 - 1 =

5 - 2 =

5 - 3 =

5 - 4 =

5 - 5 =

6 - 0 =

6 - 1 =

6 - 2 =

6 - 3 =

6 - 4 =

6 - 5 =

6 - 6 =

7 - 3 =

7 - 4 =

7 - 5 =

7 - 6 =

7 - 0 =

7 - 7 =

7 - 1 =

7 - 2 =

8 - 3 =

8 - 4 =

8 - 5 =

8 - 6 =

8 - 0 =

8 - 7 =

8 - 1 =

8 - 2 =

9 - 3 =

9 - 4 =

9 - 5 =

9 - 6 =

9 - 0 =

9 - 7 =

9 - 1 =

9 - 2 =

2. Fill in the blanks... with "+" or "-" signs:

8 ... 7 ... 3 = 4

5 ... 4 ... 6 = 7

5 ... 2 ... 6 = 9

8 ... 4 ... 2 = 6

5 ... 2 ... 1 = 2

5 ... 2 ... 4 = 7

8 ... 5 ... 2 = 5

9 ... 2 ... 2 = 4

9 ... 2 ... 6 = 1

3. Solve problems.

a) 8 geese were walking in the garden. 5 of them left. How many geese are left in the garden?

b) For the New Year, Sveta was given 9 markers, by September 1, 4 of them were gone. How many markers does Sveta have left?
d) Kolya had 10 rubles. He bought a pencil for 3 rubles. How much money does Kolya have left?



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