Effective rituals for the full moon. Effective full moon rituals to attract money, love, health

The magical effectiveness of rituals during the full moon is due to the powerful energy with which everything in nature is saturated during this period. Money rituals work faster at this time. The Universe is programmed by you so that wealth will overtake you even before the onset of the new lunar month.

The moon's motion cycle is divided into several phases. We can observe the full celestial body from 15 to 17 days lunar calendar. This is a short but important period for witchcraft. It is no coincidence that the most important holidays fall on these days in the folk calendar.

All over the world, people trust the fulfillment of their wishes to the patroness Moon. Tibetans believe that on the 16th lunar day a person’s brain activity improves and thought processes accelerate. At this time, it is recommended to start new businesses, plan meetings, important calls, contracts, interviews, weddings.

Magic rituals during the full moon they pursue spiritual and material goals, which will certainly be achieved with the help of Higher powers. You will need a little time, the simplest attributes and faith in support.

Ebullient lunar energy at this time can intensify the manifestation of aggression, negativity and excess feelings. Rituals must be carried out with a cool mind, so it is necessary to cleanse yourself of all this. The success of execution depends 50% on preparation and your morale.

  1. Take a shower and then lie down for a while hot bath With sea ​​salt. Surprisingly, cleansing the body with water helps to establish spiritual harmony. It is important after 15 minutes of taking a bath to remove the plug and lie in it until the water flows out completely, taking with it all the negativity.
  2. After washing the body, the room must be cleaned. Walk around the room with a candle or fumigate all corners with incense.

Now you are ready for rituals to attract money on the full moon.

Attracting and maintaining wealth

Full moon rituals are held at night, when the Earth's satellite has the greatest impact on people and processes. Try to perform a simple ritual using a spell at this time. Verbal support of actions always adds efficiency to work.

  1. Take out your wallet and show it to the moon. In this case you must say:
“Money to money, I don’t save, I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste. Just as you, the moon, are full in the sky, so let my treasury be full.”

Then hide the largest bill you have and do not change it for 30 days. Imagine that this is your talisman to attract money. Filled with lunar energy, she will quickly attract the same beauties.

2. "Money Bank." This is a well-known ritual for the gradual attraction large sum. Prepare paper, a pen, a jar with a lid, 7 coins and a bay leaf. On the night of the full moon, write on paper how much money you need and put the note in the jar. IN right hand take the coins and put them in a container with the words:

“The coins are sparkling, the coins are ringing! I have more and more of them! I receive income from no matter where I expect it, the money is coming into my account!”

Now on bay leaf write your name and put it there too. Screw the lid on and hide the jar in a dark corner where no one can get into it. Add coins every day and imagine how money starts pouring into your life out of nowhere. When you receive the required amount, bury the paper in the ground or in a flower pot.

Rituals for lack of money

  1. Turn your back to the Moon with a small mirror in your hands. Catch the reflection. At this moment, your energy will seem to be inverted to the lunar one. The reverse flow of time and magical processes is activated. Say:
    “Mother Moon, I ask you, take poverty and lack of money away from me.”

    This is where the ritual ends, you just have to wait for the result within a month.
  2. Every 15-17th day of the lunar calendar, place your empty wallet on the window so that at least a little moonlight falls on it. On those nights when the luminary is in the new moon phase, put a full wallet. This ritual will direct the energy in the right direction.

One-time receipt of money

It often happens that money is needed here and now. A small amount is required. If such a situation occurs on a full moon, arrange a “money rain” for yourself. Collect as many small coins as possible. After taking a shower, “water” yourself with some change.

Another effective ritual can be completed if you have at least a small bill. You need to choose a full moon night and bend the corners of the money so that you get a triangle. Then bend it again and bring the resulting shape to your lips.
Whisper quietly:

“Just as a big river gathers small streams, just as a wide sea takes rivers for itself, just as a woman ties a man to herself, just as night attracts day, so this money will attract other money to itself in order to fulfill my desires. Amen".

By learning the spell by heart, you will strengthen the ritual. Don’t spend the bill, and you will soon receive money from an unexpected source.

Ritual for wealth with patchouli

Tart, aromatic essential oils of cinnamon and patchouli have symbolized the energy of money since ancient times. Use the secrets of the East to attract finance. This is a simple ritual that requires patchouli or cinnamon essential oil (available in pharmacies or online stores), your wallet and a green candle.

On a full moon night, go out into a vacant lot illuminated by the moon. Take a look at it, open your wallet and transfer bills from one compartment to another. Do this three times, then raise your eyes to the Moon and say:

“Mother Moon, I ask you, make sure that my income increases.”

When you return home, smear a green candle with patchouli or cinnamon oil and rub it on all the money in your wallet. While performing the ritual, imagine what your wealthy future will be like when wealth and success come to you. Don't be afraid that the money will be stained with oil. High-quality broadcast leaves no traces. After this, light a candle, place the bills around, look at the flame and visualize a lot of money floating into your hands. When completing the ceremony, say “thank you” to the Moon, let the candle burn out, and put the money in your wallet.

On the full moon it is very good to perform another ritual with patchouli oil. But here the use of ether is not necessary; you can do without it. The main thing in this ritual is to include a magnet, which will become your amulet for attracting money. In addition, you will need two green cups, one of which must be filled with water, and a candle of the same shade.

The whole day before the ceremony, and it should be a full moon, carry a magnet with you in your pocket. Take it out periodically, look at the object and imagine your money dream. Think about how he will attract money and prosperity into your life. This way you will be programmed with a magnet to attract financial solvency.

After sunset, light a candle and say the following to the Higher Powers:

“I appeal to the Forces of the Universe, to the Sun, Moon and stars, to the forces of the four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water! I ask you to overshadow me with your presence and send me a share of the wealth that you possess."

Warm the magnet in your hand again and imagine your future wealth in colors, and then transfer it to an empty cup. Place both hands in the other, cupped in a fistful. Breathe over the water for a few minutes, imagining gold coins and banknotes instead, then pour it into a cup with a future amulet. Perform the ritual several more times, imagining how money flows into your life like a deep river. At this stage, you can add patchouli (three drops) to the water.

Wipe your hands with magnetized liquid. Repeat this for three days to complete your ritual. Always think about how money changes your life for the better, how your family needs it.

Meditation on money

On a full moon, sit in a comfortable position in the light streaming from the window. Take out any bill from your wallet that you like best appearance, pick it up and look at it. Perform a visualization ritual: imagine how the moonlight fills you from your fingertips to the top of your head, seeps through your hands and is absorbed into the money.

Meditate for so long until you see a light emanating from the bill of such brightness that it literally dissolves in it. It is necessary to achieve the feeling that money has become one of the rays. The full moon will saturate them with its energy, which will remain with you forever. Imagine how other rays also become money and fall right into your hands. The banknote will need to be exchanged or spent the next day.

The power of the moon to receive money

During the full moon, powerful energy will help you get rich. Choose one of the rituals listed or use a different one on each of the three unique days. Rituals are powerful, but they are not associated with black magic and help solve problems in a way that will not harm you and your future.

When performing rituals, do not forget to thank the Moon at the end for agreeing to share energy for peaceful purposes. Be confident and focused. Make sure that no one can stop you from attracting money through full moon rituals.

The night of the full moon is thoroughly saturated with mysticism and magic. After all, what could be more beautiful full moon hovering in the dark, star-strewn sky? Its cold light fascinates and inspires awe. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that magicians and sorcerers perform their most powerful rituals on the full moon.

The magic of the full moon

What is the magic of this quite ordinary natural phenomenon? To answer this difficult question, let's turn to the facts, which, as we know, are stubborn things. Almost every person on Earth feels the influence of the full Moon, sometimes without even realizing it. During this period, some suffer from insomnia, while others are full of energy and develop “violent activity.” The most sensitive natures on the full moon are tormented by anxious premonitions and unfounded fears.

During the period when the full moon appears in the sky, doctors and rescuers have especially a lot of work. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, catastrophes and natural disasters - this is an incomplete list of what can await a person these days, and full moon rituals are also added to this. In magic, the full moon is considered turning point when you can start new relationships and end old ones. It is during this lunar phase that you can reveal everything that is hidden and achieve your cherished goal.

In some countries there was a tradition of giving each full moon a name. Thus, in the folklore of the indigenous people of America one can find the following names for such phenomena:

  1. The first full moon of the year, which occurs in January, is called the Full Moon of the Wolf.
  2. The February full moon is called the Snow Moon.
  3. March marks the Full Moon of Worms.
  4. In April, the full moon is called the Pink Moon.
  5. In May - Flower.
  6. The full moon of June is called the Strawberry Moon.
  7. July marks the Full Moon of the Males.
  8. And in August there is the Sturgeon full moon.
  9. The September full moon is called the Corn Moon.
  10. The October Full Moon phase is referred to as the Hunter's Full Moon.
  11. November marks the Beaver Full Moon.
  12. The very last full moon of the year, which falls in December, is called the Cold Moon.

There are a large number of rituals that take place specifically on the full moon. These are rituals love magic, Simoron rituals, influences aimed at attracting wealth and good luck, gaining health and beauty, getting rid of debts and troubles. Particularly popular during this period are rituals to fulfill wishes and Simoron rituals with visualization of the goal. Next, we will consider in more detail what magical rituals are performed on the full moon, and what they can be aimed at.

Conspiracy to sell housing

According to folk beliefs and signs, every house has its own Brownie, who protects the household and helps the household. If you have a need to sell a private house or apartment, but “the matter is not going well,” then you should ask Domovoy for help when the visible full moon arrives. Due to the fact that the period of the full moon is the most successful time for new beginnings and completing unfinished business, it is better to buy and sell housing on these days. Let's look at how to perform a full moon ritual to sell a home.

It’s worth mentioning right away that this ritual should not be performed during the day. And the night when the Moon is hidden behind clouds or there is an eclipse will not work either. So, having chosen a clear moonlit night, turn off the electricity in the entire house and light a white candle. Then slowly begin to walk around the walls of your entire home, reading the plot in which you will ask the brownie for help:

“From corner, to corner, from wall, to wall, from window, to window, I walk around my house. I check everything, close the doors, put things in order everywhere. The house is mine, but the owner is Domovoi. I call him to me, I conjure him to help me in my business. Find new owners for my house as soon as possible, and bring them to my doorstep. I hand over the keys to my house to you, as I greet you as if I were my own. As a tribute to my respect for you, take a treat from me.”

After you have walked around your home three times, go to the door and place the keys to your home on the floor. Now is the time to present the Domovoi with the promised gift. Place a beautiful saucer on the floor and put any goodies in it and don’t forget about a glass of milk. After all the “manipulations,” extinguish the candle and go to bed. The next day, remove everything, and take the remains of the candle out of the house and bury it under a young tree.

Rituals for good luck and fulfillment of plans

On the full moon, ceremonies and rituals are performed to attract good luck and fulfill your plans. For example, if you dream of winning the lottery, then before you buy a ticket, follow these steps. On the day you plan to purchase a lottery ticket, put a few coins in your left pocket and go to a pond or lake with standing water. When you arrive, take the coins in your right hand and throw them into the water.

Before throwing coins and performing the ritual on the full moon, say the words of the conspiracy to fulfill your plan:

“I give the coins to the water and take the winnings for myself.”

After that, turn around and quickly go home. Throughout the entire journey, you don’t need to talk to anyone and you shouldn’t turn around. When you come home, read prayers asking for help in your business. This ritual with full moon coins can be repeated whenever the need arises.

There is another magical ritual to fulfill what was planned for the full moon. It is good to celebrate it on your birthday if during this period the full Moon shines in the sky at night. At night, light a white candle and take a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. On paper, write a note with your wish.

You need to start the note with the following words: “I ask that what I have planned will come true. Let…”, and then you need to ask for what you want. The last words of your note should be: “So be it.” Then you need to burn the piece of paper with the wish on a candle fire, and collect the ashes. If your wish contains a request to acquire something, for example, the love of a man or woman, wealth, good luck, pregnancy, then the ashes from such a note should be scattered to the wind the next day. If you want to get rid of something, for example, enemies, bad habits, failures, or are doing a ritual for the purpose of losing weight, then throw the ashes from such a note into running water.

Red thread conspiracy

Witchcraft rituals during the full moon can also be performed for the purpose of protection. Let's look at how to charm the red thread for good luck and protection. Buy a skein of red wool, bring it home, and wind it into a ball. On the night of the full moon, light a white candle and take the wound ball in your hands. Then tear off a small piece of it so long that it would allow you to tie the torn thread around your wrist.

Concentrate and say the following words:

“A red ball rolled across the field, through the little forest. Stopped at my doorstep so that my journey would be easy. Take away misfortune from me, little ball, protect me from all misfortunes. Give me a ball of red thread, a piece, it protects my path, helps me in all matters. Amen".

Then take the charmed thread and tie it on your left wrist. If you have a request or some cherished desire, then while tying, voice it. Wear the thread without removing it, and if it breaks, speak up and tie a new one.

Money rituals

Magic money rituals during the full moon have special power, so if you want to ensure a comfortable life for yourself, do not ignore this period. To attract money, buy yourself a new beautiful wallet and fill it to the brim with coins and paper bills on the night of the full moon. This should be done as follows. After midnight, light a green candle and place it in front of you. new wallet. Place a pile of coins nearby and paper bills any dignity, of which there should be many.

Then take the bill in your hand and, looking closely at it, say:

“From now on, you will be in my wallet, you will not leave it, but only increase.”

Do the same with the second bill and the third, and with each coin. Remember that every “money” you put into your wallet must be enchanted by you. Once there is no free space left in your wallet, say the following words:

“As the moon is full, so may my wallet be full from now on.”

Then place the charmed wallet on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it and go to bed. There is no need to extinguish the green candle; let it burn until the morning. When a new day comes, take the wallet from the windowsill and hide it away, and take the remains of the green candle out of the house and bury it. You can use the wallet and the money in it starting from the eighteenth day after the ritual. And then, make it a rule that every full moon at night you place your full wallet on the windowsill under the moon’s rays.

On the full moon, you can charm a coin for wealth; such rituals are performed on the full moon from spring to autumn. Take a coin of any denomination and go into the forest with it. Find an aspen tree in the forest and dig a small hole near it. Place the coin you brought into the hole and read the words of the “money” plot:

“I don’t bury a coin in the ground, I plant wealth. Grow my wealth, bloom, multiply, do not suffer from the worm, do not be afraid of the mouse. I will reap a rich harvest; there will be no account of either gold or silver. Amen".

Then you bury the hole, turn around and quickly go home, without talking to anyone or looking back.


Money ritual on the full moon "Pyatak Pyatakovich".

Full moon, folk signs, ceremonies and rituals.

Ritual with runes for wealth

Let's consider a simple rune ritual to attract money for the full moon. To increase your well-being, take a small piece of cardboard about the size of a bank card and write the following runic symbols on it:

  1. Rune Otal. It promotes the accumulation of wealth and helps in obtaining maximum profit from any operations.
  2. Rune Fehu. This sign symbolizes fertility, prosperity, and material well-being.
  3. Rune Yer. This symbol helps achieve the desired result in as soon as possible and with the least effort.

The symbols must be applied at night during the full moon by the light of a green candle. After writing the rune stub, you need to make a reservation. Its text can be arbitrary. Just voice everything you want in the end and how you want to change your life.

After pronouncing the slander, place the cardboard with runic signs on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. You can go to bed yourself, but you don’t need to put out the candle - let it burn out. When morning comes, take the cardboard and put it in your wallet. Take the rest of the candle out of the house and bury it. This runic pattern can be applied to bank cards, wallets or any other items related to money.

Bath ritual

In the life of our ancestors, the bathhouse occupied a place of honor, and bathhouse rituals had special significance. On the full moon, love bath rituals were performed. If things weren’t going well between husband and wife in the family or the man stopped paying attention to his “soul mate,” then the woman had to do the following. To attract the attention of her husband, the wife went into the forest and plucked branches from seven birch trees. She had to make a special magical broom from these branches.

When making a broom, it was necessary to repeat the words of a special spell:

“As birch branches bend and bend towards the ground, so let my dear one reach out to me. As the birch tree is strong, so may his love for me be strong. Whoever floats me with a birch broom will be paired with me forever.”

Next, with a charmed broom you need to take a steam bath on the full moon. Moreover, the wife should be soared by her legal husband. In addition to love spell functions, a magical birch broom is a powerful means of restoring health, youth and beauty.

Beauty rituals

Beauty and youth play an important role in the life of every woman. To “turn back the clock” and become young and attractive again, representatives of the fair half of humanity are ready to do a lot. The period of the full moon is the most the right time in order to take care of yourself and improve your health. It was not without reason that witches, striving for eternal youth, carried out their “beauty rituals” on the full moon, some of which were black and required sacrifices and appeals to dark forces. In addition to black rituals, there are a lot of completely harmless influences that will allow you to look young and attractive for a long time.

Moon bathing

The most effective ritual to restore beauty and youth is moon bathing. On the night of the full moon, when the Moon appears in the sky in all its glory, go to the river or any other body of water. There, strip naked and go into the water. It is very important that the lunar reflection is present in the body of water chosen for the ritual. If the Moon is not reflected or is hidden behind the clouds, then you should not enter such water.

When you go into the water, immerse yourself in it “with your head”, so that you are completely wet, including your hair. After your first ablution, say:

“I do not hide my nakedness; I take my bath under the moon. As water spreads over my body, so youth and beauty return to me. As the water turns around my body, so health and strength will return to me. Amen".

Then you plunge a second time and again read the words of the conspiracy. And for the third time you follow the same pattern. After the third ablution, get out of the water, let the water on your body dry, and go home without talking to anyone or turning around.

Elixir of Youth

For those who do not have the opportunity to go to the river on the full moon and swim, there is another way that will allow you to remain beautiful and young for a long time. The “moon elixir”, which you make yourself, will help you with this. To prepare a magical potion you will need spring water, a beautiful crystal or glass container, a jar or bottle, and a candle. pink color and rose petals. When the full moon appears in the sky, light a pink candle and pour spring water into a crystal container.

Then, throwing rose petals into the water, say the words of the conspiracy:

“How fresh this water is, so may I be young. How beautiful this rose is, so let me be beautiful. The power of the moon will help me."

Then place a vessel with water and pink petals in a place where moonlight would fall on it, do not extinguish the candle and go to bed. In the morning, take the remains of the candle out of the house and throw it into the river or bury it under a young tree. Pour the “elixir of youth” you have prepared into a jar or bottle and use it as a lotion, wiping the body or adding it to the bath while bathing.

Beauty spell

The following ritual will help prolong youth and restore lost beauty and freshness. To do this, on the night of the full moon, undress naked and stand under the moon's rays. In your hand you should hold a glass filled to the brim with spring or church-blessed water. Standing under the light of the moon, say the following words:

“Mother Moon, help me preserve my youth. Make me beautiful like a rose, fresh like the wind and soft like fluff. Let people look at me - they can’t stop looking at me, let people admire me - they can’t stop looking at me. As this enchanted water spreads throughout my body, it will become young and healthy again. As she said, it will come true.”

After the last words are spoken, you can go to rest. Leave the glass of enchanted water under the moonlight all night. Waking up early in the morning, the first thing you will need to do is drink water that has been charmed and charged under the moonlight. You don’t need to drink the whole glass at one time - divide it into several doses and drink over the next few days. To achieve best result repeat the ritual on each subsequent full moon.

Powerful full moon rituals in magical society they are considered the most powerful. What makes them unique? The whole secret is that the moon emits special energy at this time. These messages can easily attract what you want and deal with any problem.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors perfectly understood the effectiveness of such rituals. And on the full moon of 2018, rituals do not lose their mysticism.

The magical result will come to you faster, and before you know it, you’ll grab your cherished dream by the tail.

But do not forget to be careful - follow all the rules and advice for conducting rituals and ceremonies.

The power of the full moon for ceremonies and rituals

The time of the full moon is filled with miraculous power - the energy of the night luminary is capable of a real miracle.

All life on our planet depends on the phase of the moon. All processes that occur on earth are a consequence of the change of these phases.

During the full moon, earthly forces increase and reach their peak. This is why full moon rituals for money, success and wealth are so powerful.

To know which magical rituals can be done on a full moon, you need to decide on the goal. If you can do everything right, you will definitely achieve what you want.

During the full moon, rituals for money, love, and luck become much stronger than at any other time.

Full moon rituals for wish fulfillment

If you have a cherished dream, full moon rituals to fulfill your desire will come to your aid.

The Queen of the Night is favorable to all creative, but at the same time not lazy and active, people. If your plans for life are broad and extraordinary, but simple luck is not enough, rituals on the day of the full moon can bring you closer to your desired goal.


This ritual must be carried out in the warm season, since you will have to swim in a natural source - a river, sea or lake. The history of this ritual goes back centuries. It was used by our ancient ancestors.

Wait for a lunar path to appear on the water surface. Wear long clothes (such as a nightgown). Take the first step towards the water and speak out your desire. Keep moving forward. When only your head remains above the water, say:

“The power of the full moon is within me. I take it for myself. Together we change the space, fulfill my wishes! Amen!".

Dive head first into the water. And repeat the procedure three times.

And the next method is also suitable for winter. Why miss the opportunity to take advantage of the magic of moonlight once again?

"Beauty Moon"

Tune in to a positive outcome, clear yourself of negative thoughts and go outside. All this must be done at night. Raise your hands to the sky, peer into the moon disk and say:

“Luna, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the light, stand up for me. Let what I want come true, let the power fall into my hands. Let it be as I ask. How the moon forever sheds light on the earth!”

Full moon love rituals

There is a belief that this time is favorable for women, and lunar energy contributes to the fulfillment of any desire of all representatives of the fair sex.

Single ladies can change their lives and attract true love into it - a selfless and sincere feeling.

Related articles:

The following full moon ritual opens the way to personal happiness. It acts as a magnet for male attention. Please note that such magic will bring you an honest man who will never use your feelings for his own benefit.

Imagine how you see your partner. Take soap bubbles and stand near the window. Look at the moon and start blowing bubbles. Try to keep them big and beautiful. Visualize that you and your loved one are inside each of them. Don't stop thinking about your chosen one. In total you will need to blow seven bubbles.

Another love ritual on the full moon. To conduct it, you will need a joint photo with a man.

If you don’t have one, take two separate photos – yours and your loved one’s. It is important that you are happy and smiling in the photo.

Fold the photo so that your faces are touching and secure with red thread. Think about your feelings. Seal each knot with the words of a special spell:

“In the middle of the stormy ocean there is a large stone, a whale fish guards it and does not allow people to come ashore. That stone rests on the moon. It holds her in the sky and gives everyone hope. I ask you to let the whale fish land on a rock that rises like a mountain. I climb onto it and turn to the moon. Let the beauty shine through the window of the Lord's servant (name), let him not let him sleep, let my image settle in his heart, reward him with love, endow him with fidelity and passion. I sew up the moonlight, I rest it with a mountain. No one will take out the needle, love will never leave us. Amen!"

Hide the photo in a secluded place.

Ritual for marriage on the full moon

This ritual is called “Marriage Call”. It is carried out step by step:

  • Lay a red tablecloth on the table and place several candles on it. It is desirable that they be either pink or red.
  • Scatter rose petals on the table. Carefully place a ribbon or thick red thread. It should be long enough to tie around your waist.
  • Also put a note on the tablecloth in which you tell how you see your loved one. If you already have someone in mind, please include their name.
  • You will need an item with which you associate a young man - a watch, a photo. Also place a paired figurine on the table, symbolizing undying eternal love. And also metal utensils.
  • Write to clean slate words: “To the one whose feelings for me are real.”
  • Stand near the table, concentrate all your thoughts and read the spell:

“I ask the Lord to miraculously allow my feelings and thoughts to come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that my aspirations will be accepted by it, and my heart will show it the way to meet the one for whom I am suffering. With feelings and words, I call on the power of the Lord to shed rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him the desire and the way, the desire to meet me and the way to me. Let the heavenly cloud find its way, guided by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive his heart, and his soul will accept the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me and I thank Him for his help. Amen".

  • Now fasten the leaf around your waist with a red thread, stand like that for about five minutes. Then burn the note. Throw all ashes and residues into the wind.

Be sure that a person will soon appear in your life who will invite you to become his wife. Yours life together will be very happy.

Rituals for money on the full moon

Full moon rituals to attract money are particularly powerful and energetic.

Here, for example, is a good ritual for attracting money on the full moon, helping to cope with a difficult period of lack of money.

Article on the topic:

Probably each of us has encountered at least once in our lives similar situation: wallet is empty, wages detained, there is a threat of dismissal from work. To survive this difficult time with dignity, turn to the queen of the night for support and spend money ritual on the full moon.

When the moon appears in the sky, stand near the window. Take a small mirror in your hand. Turn your back to the window and catch the moon's reflection in the mirror.

This magical action contributes to the transformation of all processes in the Universe - it becomes possible to rewrite fate anew. Say these words:

“Mother Moon, I ask you, take poverty and lack of money away from me.”

Now you have exactly thirty days (that’s how long the lunar cycle lasts) to change yourself and your life. To consolidate the result, periodically leave your wallet on the window so that the moonlight illuminates it.

“As you, moon, are white, full and indivisible, so let the water take part of your strength, fill your body, home and soul with it, cleanse everything from filth, fill the eyes of the evil one with strength and keep everything whole.”

Now this is your medicine for all occasions. It will relieve pain, harmful addiction, from uncertainty. You have at your disposal a magical remedy for all ills. Try to have enough water for exactly a month.

P. S. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


The January Full Moon is the best time to perform rituals for wealth and success. This is the second Full Moon this month, which means that the energy of the Moon will be several times stronger.

It is believed that the Full Moon is the time when the Moon accumulates maximum energy and splashes it out into the world. In January, this is the second Full Moon, which is several times stronger than the first. On January 31, everyone will have a chance to change their life: on this day, your dreams lead you in the right direction. Sooner or later you will achieve success. However, if you still want to speed up this process, as well as rid yourself of the possible negative consequences of lunar activity, you should perform several effective rituals that will guarantee your happy life.

Blue Moon energy and eclipses on January 31

The full moon on January 31 is a special day because a lunar eclipse is also expected today. In addition to the incomprehensible and irresistible desire to change their lives, people will fall under the power of temptations. Full moon on its own dangerous phenomenon, and the second Full Moon is doubly dangerous. We will come face to face with successful opportunities, but we will not notice them, happiness will rush to us, but we will refuse it, failures will overtake us, but we will not feel them.

Blue Moon is an ambiguous astrological term indicating the second Full Moon in one month. The night star will be in the constellation Leo, and this is what will add problems. Leo's influence activates egoism, which will begin to give unconscious commands, focusing people's attention only on their own lives. Do not try to change the lives or worldview of other people, now you should take the opportunity to shape your own destiny.

On January 31st, we all need to be careful. All negative consequences Eclipses and the Blue Moon will emerge a little later, as well as the positive aspects of this period. To program yourself for success, you should use special rituals that will direct your energy in the right direction.

Blue Moon: a ritual for success

Rituals performed during the Blue Moon period can easily be considered “heavy artillery.” At this time, you can perform light rituals, for example, to attract love or good luck in business, or you can ask for something large-scale, something immense, something that can change your life once and for all. It's important to improve yourself, so prioritize, choose the most important goals and act, because your next chance will not come soon.

On the second Full Moon, it makes sense to ask the Universe for supernatural abilities or, at a minimum, intuition. Success with this set personal qualities you are guaranteed. So, you will need: blue candles and white, candlesticks for them, a stone, a shell, a feather and a coal. As you may have noticed, in your arsenal you should have symbols of four elements: fire, water, earth and, accordingly, air. One caveat: make sure that the fire from the candle does not damage objects.

The ritual itself is no different from ordinary conspiracies for success, with the exception of your altered consciousness. In this state, a lot is revealed to a person, so you should immediately write down everything that happens to you during the ritual. Light the candles, place them on the candlestick, arrange the symbols of the four elements in a circle, close your eyes and say the spell:

"Blue Moon, hear me, youhostess of this day! Give me your strength, fill my life with opportunities for growth and development. I'll take whatever you give me."

After this, stay in silence for a few minutes, close your eyes, and do not react to external stimuli. Now there is only you, your hidden capabilities that are about to be revealed, and the power of the Moon. Absorb it into yourself powerful energy. Record in your memory all the images that visit you during this time. After five minutes, open your eyes and write everything down on a piece of paper. The candles should burn out, and the items that you used during the ceremony should be placed in your bedroom.

Money ritual on the Full Moon: attracting wealth

This is the simplest ritual that will help you get rich in the near future. To ensure everything goes well, wait until the evening and prepare everything you need in advance. You will need a cup of tea, a green towel, a spoon of honey, a pen, and a wallet. When everything is ready, begin the ritual.

Think of a specific amount that you need right now or will need in the near future. This must be the exact amount. Don't play with the Universe, otherwise you won't get anything. Brew strong tea, place a mug of tea near you, sit in front of the window. Place a green towel under a cup of tea and a spoonful of honey in a mug. Stir the honey clockwise with your left hand. While you stir, think about the amount you need to be happy.

Visualize your desire in as much detail as possible: what you will spend this money on, why you need it, how happy you will be when you receive it. Now take out a towel, take a piece of paper and write this amount this way: “I have (the required amount)”. Fold the towel with the leaf four times and drink the tea. Take out the piece of paper and put it in the empty compartment of your wallet. No one should know that you performed the Blue Moon ceremony. Keep everything that happened today a secret.

Blue Moon - dangerous time, not without standard problems and opportunities for finding your happiness. Everyone sees only what they want to see. You will be able to catch success and wealth by the tail if you are not limited in your desires. Self-realization is the key to success. This Full Moon should make you stronger. Be sure of this, believe in your future success. Good luck with everythingand don't forget to press the buttons and

There are many ceremonies and rituals that are performed on the full moon, because the appeal goes to the Moon, thanks to which we all live on this beautiful planet. Below we present rituals for beauty, health, wealth and fulfillment of desires:


It is worth noting that similar rituals exist among many nations, which to some extent can confirm the effectiveness of these rituals.

Get rid of the disease

A ritual is associated with the full moon that allows you to enter the flow of the waning moon and get rid of almost any disease. To do this, after the full moon on the sixth lunar day, you need to see the Moon at its rise while outdoors. Then stand with your back to the Moon, spread your legs wide, bend over and look at the Moon in this position.

Looking at the Moon, tell her:

Mother Moon, take with you everything that we have in excess (salts, tumors, etc.), and let it go with you.

Repeat this three times without taking your eyes off the moon.

This is very effective way. For the first three days, you will feel as if something is leaving you.

Typically, the rising of the full moon is very difficult to see. Usually on a full moon 3 days it's raining or cloudy. The moon is hiding. They say that the moon takes three days to wash itself.

Seeing the full moon is great happiness. You can address the Moon directly, but the effect will not be so noticeable. The healing will be complete if you managed to follow this ritual three times. lunar months contract.

From a sore

If you have a sore on the left half of your body, then, looking at the Moon, as stated above, with your right hand, take a pinch of earth from under your left heel and circle the sore spot clockwise three times. Then throw this earth over your left shoulder and spit there three times.

Make sure no one disturbs you during this time. If you have a sore right side, do everything with your left hand.


Fasting during the new moon prevents certain diseases. On this day, the body is cleansed especially effectively. It is also useful to eat less on the days before the new moon and on the full moon. Many people, without realizing it, eat more during the waning Moon than during the waxing Moon, and thanks to this they do not have excess weight.


The full moon is the most favorable period for carrying out rituals of cleansing from negativity - this applies to both rituals to cleanse space and rituals to cleanse the aura, remove damage, and get rid of everything unnecessary.

With the light of the full moon they propose to illuminate those things that hinder our development and inhibit the growth of a person as an individual. On the full moon, rituals are performed to get rid of bad habits, such as drug addiction, poor nutrition, and painful attachment to someone.

If something is stopping you from living and you want to get rid of it, the most best moment for deliverance - of course, the full moon.

There are many rituals that must be performed during the full moon:

Ritual of deliverance

You need to write on paper 3 things that you want to get rid of (habits, illnesses..)

Then solemnly throw it all into the fire. Ideally, this ritual should be performed like this: you gather on the street with your friends, everyone writes a “note of deliverance,” light a fire, stand in a circle and take turns throwing notes into the fire. Watch your “problems” turn into ashes.

But if you do not have the opportunity to make fires, it will be enough to write what you want to get rid of, read your desire loudly and clearly and burn it with a candle flame - pour the ashes into the toilet.

Aura cleansing

This is a powerful ritual for cleansing the aura, which can be done at a time when you feel that you need to cleanse yourself of accumulated negativity. Best time for the ritual - evening before bedtime. It must be carried out on a full moon or on a waning moon.

You will need:

  • 7 spoons of honey
  • 7 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 7 teaspoons cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients and before your evening shower, apply the prepared mixture to your body and leave for 7 minutes.

If you feel that you need a serious cleansing of the aura, do this procedure for 7 days.

Wealth, beauty, fulfillment of desires

Increased attractiveness

Pour into a glass boiled water, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand. Place the glass so that the moonlight falls on it. Read the plot until the salt dissolves:

Moon water, like a girl’s tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me for my beauty, for my complaisance!

Let the glass stand all night, and in the morning, after washing your face, take a sip of the enchanted water on an empty stomach, mentally saying:

Water - into me, beauty - onto me!

Repeat these steps every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

Ritual to fulfill wishes

This ritual must be done on the first full moon after your birthday.

You need to write down on paper all your material desires - for example, a house, a car, an amount of money, and so on. It is very important that your wishes are sincere. When you have written down all your cherished desires, ask the Higher Powers for help, thank you for all the benefits that you will soon receive.

It is believed that within a year you will receive everything you want from your list.

Attracting wealth

The ritual must be done at night during the full moon. It is very important that the sky is clear and the Moon is visible.

  • Take a cup and pour it into clean water to the middle.
  • Throw it into a cup silver coin(preferably real silver, if not, then at least something similar in color).
  • Place the cup on the windowsill or on the balcony (if possible, outside) so that the light of the full moon falls on it.
  • Lightly move your hands over the surface of the water several times, as if you were collecting moon silver in your palms. At this time, say three times:

Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!

  • Go outside and pour water into the ground (not on the asphalt...). Keep the coin in your wallet.

Ritual "Money Full Moon"

On the night of the full moon, after dark, go out under open sky(to the street, balcony).

  • Take your wallet in your right hand and move it three times with your left large bills from one department to another.
  • Say the following spell:

With the blessing of Mother Moon and the power of the elements, I attract an endless stream of prosperity. I ask for help and support for the common good. So be it.

  • Returning home, anoint the green candle essential oil orange, basil or patchouli.
  • In an aroma lamp, light incense with one of the following scents: poppy, honeysuckle, almond.
  • Place the bills from your wallet around the lit candle.
  • Sit and concentrate on the candle flame, visualize the fulfillment of your desires.
  • Let the candle burn out, carefully put all the money back in your wallet, and in the next three days try to spend it on something you have long dreamed of.

Mantra to the Moon Goddess

There is a special mantra dedicated to the Moon Goddess. They say that if you read this mantra for 12 full moons, you will become fabulously rich, your health will be strong and good luck will accompany you in everything.

The presence of failures is due to the presence of demonic energy in the human body and in the things surrounding him.
The state of affairs can only be changed by expelling demonic energy and attracting maternal energy.

To do this, you need to choose the time of the full moon and go outside. Feet should rest on the ground, arms extended with palms facing the Moon.

We recite the mantra for 12 minutes


By the end of 12 minutes the body will be buzzing.

So you need to repeat 12 full moons, and on the thirteenth a flow of money will fall on you. There will be good luck in all matters. The body will get healthier.

However, it is difficult to endure 12 full moons: there will be nightmares, unusual phenomena and reluctance to perform the ritual. These unfavorable forces do not want to be driven out.

But if you reach the end, everything works out. In principle, a steady increase in wealth begins after the third full moon. After 12 full moons, we continue to do this every full moon. If you miss one, you have to start all over again.

Rite of the Awakening Moon

  • The purpose of the ritual: to honor the Moon and make a wish come true (for example, conceiving a child).
  • Materials: white or pink candles, lilies of the valley or lilies.
  • Preparatory stage: think about what you want in at the moment most. Perhaps you need to start an important business, or have a child, or make peace with a loved one. In any case, clearly formulate your desire, create a pleasant and colorful image of it.

The ritual below involves sex magic. As you probably know, sex magic involves sexual intercourse. If you have a partner and he shares your views, then perform the ceremony together. If you perform the ritual alone, then remember the techniques of self-satisfaction.

Progress of the ritual:

  • Place a magic circle.
  • Announce the goal “honoring the moon, fulfilling a wish.”
  • Call on the Powers of the Moon to help.
  • Light a white candle, calling on the Powers of the Awakening Moon, turn to the Moon, say that the flowers on the altar are in her honor, that you are celebrating the full moon with her.
  • Ask the Moon to witness your magical performance and ask her for her blessing for this.
  • Keep the image of what you want before your mind's eye, and begin the act. Save up the growing sexual energy. Just before orgasm, mentally send this energy into the image of what you want. Continue sending energy as long as the orgasm lasts.
  • Say your wish in the present tense. For example, the desire: “I want to give birth to a son” in the present tense will sound like this: “I have a son.”
  • Thank the Moon, ask her to accept your gifts (flowers), say goodbye to her.
  • Thank the Powers of the Moon, say goodbye to them.
  • Close the magic circle.

All full moon rituals are the same in essence - only the accompanying rituals differ, which depend on the energy of the moon in a certain month and time of year.

We hope that you have been able to achieve or are already on the way to your goal and the fulfillment of your desires. And if you have knowledge about other rituals and rites, be sure to write in the comments!



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