What conspiracies can be read on the red hill. Money conspiracies and rituals on the red hill for wealth

The Krasnaya Gorka holiday symbolizes the meeting and acquaintance of boys and girls, it is a holiday of love and kisses, just like spring is the beginning of a new life for all nature. Red Hill is the first spring celebration of young girls. Usually in Rus', weddings took place or matchmaking took place on this day. Krasnaya Gorka carries signs: if you marry Krasnaya Gorka, you will be happy all your life; a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka was considered the beginning of a strong family.

Red Hill - the first Sunday after Easter. Otherwise it is called St. Thomas Week or St. Thomas Sunday, or Antipascha. This is how many names the first Sunday after Easter has.


“Antipascha” is a Greek word, and the prefix “anti” does not mean “against”, but “instead of.” Thus, “Antipascha” is a holiday “instead of Easter,” as if compensating and replenishing it.

“Red Hill” is the popular name for the first Sunday after Easter, which in the church dictionary is called Antipascha. Antipascha is followed by St. Thomas Week, which, in fact, is called Red Hill. This week the church remembers the Apostle Thomas, who wanted to personally verify the resurrection of the Savior, not believing the disciples who told him the wonderful news. According to the gospel story, the resurrected Christ appeared before Thomas so that he could put his fingers into his wounds and see with his own eyes that a miracle had happened. “And do not be an unbeliever, but a believer,” the Savior said to Thomas (Luke 20:27). By the way, that’s why people called a person who doubted something “Doubting Thomas.”

Antipascha is always celebrated on the eighth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. On this day, the memory of Christ's resurrection is renewed, which is why Antipascha is called the “week of renewal.” The renewal of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is associated with the Apostle Thomas, therefore on this day the Church remembers the meeting of the Apostle Thomas and the risen Christ. Thomas was not among the apostles who saw Christ immediately after the Resurrection. “Unless I see the wounds of the nails in His hands and put my hand into His side, I will not believe,” Thomas said about Christ.

This does not mean that he doubted that Christ was the Savior, the Son of God. Rather, it is evidence of how much the apostle longed to experience an encounter with the risen Jesus Christ. Feel the Easter joy and triumph yourself, personally, and not from the words of your neighbors. The Apostle Thomas began to symbolize doubt and mistrust. People even use the term “Doubting Thomas.” It would be more correct to call him not the person who doubts everything, even the most obvious, but the one who seeks to be convinced of the truth or, conversely, the falsity of certain facts on own experience. After all, it is one thing to use the testimony of others, even those closest to you, and quite another to know something from your own experience.

Antipascha is the first day after a long break consisting of Maslenitsa, Great Lent, Holy Week and Bright Week, when the church again begins to celebrate marriages and bless the newlyweds for marriage.

Krasnaya Gorka is one of the national holidays of the Red Spring; round dance games on the mountains and valleys began with it; weddings are played on Krasnaya Gorka.

Krasnaya Gorka was also considered a girls' holiday. The girls dressed up in their best and most beautiful clothes. The very name “Red Hill” also means that on these days everyone dressed up in beautiful clothes, decorated themselves and the place for celebrations. Girls and women braided colored ribbons into their braids and tied beautiful scarves to attract attention and please their loved ones.


I bring to your attention ancient, powerful rituals on Krasnaya Gorka. The power of these ancient rituals is evidenced by the fact that no matter how much they tried to burn out, cut down, knock out our strength and faith from us, they are still alive, alive with a bright love of life! That love that helps you rise from any point of fall.

On this day, by performing a ritual, you can clearly correct the roads and attract what you want into your life. On Krasnaya Gorka, talismans are made and rituals are performed for good luck and well-being.

Traditions on Krasnaya Gorka

On Red Hill, if you throw a coin into the well, you will attract happiness into your life. Perhaps this is superstition, but throw a coin into a pond has always been a tradition. If a person wanted to return to a place where he felt good, he would throw a coin into a river, into the sea, into any other body of water and then be sure to return to this place again.

Red Hill is a special day. It is believed that if you throw a coin into a well on this day and make a wish, then it will definitely come true. Moreover, you won’t have to wait long.

If you wash yourself off the icon on Krasnaya Gorka, you will become rich. This is not superstition, but pure truth. In the old days, it was customary to wash icons on this day. It goes without saying that there was no running water in those days. Therefore, the icons were washed over a basin. But those who knew special words could improve their well-being with the help of this water.

But the water with which the icons were washed can help without a conspiracy, you just have to wait much longer for the result. After all, you couldn’t ask for what you wanted with the right words. You need to wash your face with this water. And if you do not live alone, then start washing all family members with this water, starting with the smallest ones.

Important: you should not wash those older than you, otherwise you will attract poverty into the house. The best option is when these manipulations are carried out by the oldest member of the family.

You cannot tell anyone that this ritual was performed in your home. Especially if they ask you how you managed to get rich so quickly. You will lose everything, and the money will disappear between your fingers.

Rituals of washing from the icon on Krasnaya Gorka

These are very powerful rituals for wealth or a cherished desire. But you can only do one ritual. They are performed according to the same principle, but different words are read.

Take “God willing” - this is not an icon, but, so to speak, a group of icons on which the Lord is depicted on the throne or an icon of the Lord Pantocrator. So you can buy such icons in any church shop or order them from an icon painting workshop.

Remove the cover and cellophane (if you have provided it) and pour water on the icon. The icon is held over a basin. With the water that drained from the icon and washed.
You can take any icon where Jesus Christ is on the throne.
Instead of immersing, you can pour water over the icon three times. Let's just say, let the water flow along it. Use ordinary water. If you take water from a well, then from it, if from a tap, then this will also do. They say a conspiracy when they pour water on the icon, then they wash themselves with this water.
The remaining water is poured under indoor flower, your own bush or tree. Only one person is washed. They do the ritual for three years in a row.

Ritual for wealth on Krasnaya Gorka

“In seven temples there are seven pillars,
And there is only one thing, God help me.
To that God grant there is a true word.
God forbid, Solomon himself laid it down.
Who, God forbid, touches
With these words he will wash himself from the holy icon,
A rich destiny will open up for him, treasures will be revealed.
Gold and silver will grieve for the servant of God (name). Truly it is, truly it will be, God grant that the Servant of God (name) will never forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy for a cherished desire.

Jesus Christ came from heaven,

He carried the holy miraculous Cross,
He healed the sick, helped the poor,
He brought glory and honor.
God! God! Help me too.
For Christ’s sake, do (this and that) for me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever. Amen.

Whoever reads prayers on the red hill prolongs his life. Let's start with the fact that prayer always helps to get out of the most difficult situations and solve problems. Prayer helps get rid of illnesses and fulfill your deepest desires.

But this day is special. In many parts of Russia, Krasnaya Gorka is a day when people go to the cemetery to remember their loved ones who are no longer alive. Therefore, if a person prays on such a day, he is helped not only by the Higher Powers, but also by all the relatives who are no longer there and whom you came to visit.

Accordingly, if you pray for health on this day, then you are begging for health not only for yourself, but for all your relatives.

Spell for beauty in Krasnaya Gorka

Get up at dawn, wash your face with spring water and say:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the sun rises red, as all people rejoice at it, so may my face be red and ruddy. Everyone would look at me, they couldn’t see enough, they would be happy, they couldn’t be happier. I, the servant of God (name), would be dear to everyone. The key is my words. Amen."

Workshop "Wedding Magic"

Ritual on Krasnaya Gorka for matchmakers to come to the house

Take a loaf of black bread and two unsewn needles. You need to cast a spell on one needle:
Well done merchant, bring me the wedding crown. The in-laws know what they call you. And for me, a young woman, a ring on my hand and bread and salt on the table.

The second needle is spoken differently:
I am a beautiful, rosy-cheeked and pretty girl, playing with a spindle and inviting the groom. You are a goy, well done, al a boyar, al a merchant, al a visiting fellow, come in for some bread and salt.

The needles need to be stuck in a cross into the loaf and sprinkled with salt, preferably Thursday black. Take it out the door and put it on the threshold until the morning. If you live in an apartment, you can leave it on the threshold in the hallway. In the morning, the enchanted loaf should be taken from the threshold and placed higher, and not touched. Store in this place for a whole year.

If after a year the matchmakers did not come to match the match and the girl was left without a groom, then crumble the loaf to the pigeons with the words: “As many pigeons as there are grooms.”
If the groom has appeared, then you need to float the loaf, charmed by the marriage ritual, down the river with the words: “Thank you.”
Needles from such a loaf can be used to hem wedding dress and keep them for the fidelity of the spouse.

Rituals and ceremonies that can be done not only on Krasnaya Gorka.

Let love into your life
Another ritual that will help you find new love, will bring her into your life. Dip your fingers into a container with a small amountrose water and draw the sign of Venus on your forehead. The remaining pinkpour water on the threshold of your house or, if you live in an apartment, spray the handle with this water front door and a doorbell button, while imagining your imaginary loved one coming to your door, ringing the bell, or simply knocking.

Take a magical love bath
This simple and pleasant ritual can be a prelude to a romantic evening with your partner or a ritual that will help you welcome new love into your life.
Fill the bathtub with water. While the bath is filling, prepare yourself a cup of hot raspberry or blackberry tea. Add to bath essential oil ylang-ylang, patchouli, jasmine or rose. If you want, you can throw rose petals into the water. Light a red or pink candle. Turn on some nice music. Say: “I love and am loved.” The effect of this spell depends on how relaxed you are. All your feelings and sensations, every cell of your body should participate in this process. Lie down in the bath and lie in it as long as you want. Sip your tea slowly and indulge in dreams of love.

Workshop “Do you want love and marriage? Get it!”

From history. A long time ago, the Russian Slavs did not have churches and performed liturgical rites in open places, so hills and mountains replaced their temples (Kapishche - a pagan temple) and treasuries (Trebishche - an altar, a place for making sacrifices to God). In Russia there are many ancient places called red mountains, hills, and hills.

In Slavic dialects, the word “red” is used in the meaning of “beautiful, blooming, cheerful, joyful,” in contrast to red, red, scarlet, crimson.

Spring and summer itself are called red because the weather is clear and nature appears in all its glory.

Red slide means beautiful in location and entertaining in games. In many places, the hills or hillocks on which people gathered in the spring were called red hills.

According to the folk calendar. On this day, all the girls and young women, having stocked up on food supplies, gathered at some favorite place on the village street and sang spring songs (“called out” or “flirted” to spring), danced in circles and arranged various games and dances.

The name of the holiday is known to everyone, but not everyone celebrates it by observing some special rituals. Although some of these rituals are now no less useful and relevant than they were, for example, 500 years ago. They can lure wealth into our lives or “arrange” our personal life. Today we will talk about traditions and rituals, as well as the origin and ambiguity of the Red Hill holiday.

In most regions of Russia, the first Sunday after Easter was called Krasnaya Gorka, although in some places it was called St. George’s Day, but everywhere Red Hill They called spring time, a time of freedom from hard agricultural labor, when agricultural affairs were just getting started. Usually at this time all the young people were still in the village; none of those who were engaged in factory trades, carpentry or river work went to work. Meanwhile, every peasant-family man wanted to take a working woman into the house, and if he had an unmarried son, then he tried to do so. free time wrap up the young man.

“Red Hill” is the triumph of the renewal of the Sun - Yarilo, the main deity of the Slavs, and the joyful meeting of Spring - Krasna. We gathered on Krasnaya Gorka (that was the name of not only the holiday, but also a special place) in the dark and greeted the sunrise with the words: “Glory to Yaril! Hello, red sun!” It was customary to “invoke”, “flirt” spring - call for it to come quickly, and “glorify” - spells were cast on good weather, collection bountiful harvest. Songs were sung - “spring songs”, glorifying the return of warmth and the birth of the fruits of nature: “Spring come to us!” With joy, with mercy! With grainy rye, with curly oats, with mustachioed barley…”.

They prepared for the holiday thoroughly and seriously: they invited guests from other villages, prepared the traditional food for this event. festive table: fried eggs, baked pies and loaves - everything has the shape of a circle and symbolizes the sun. To determine what to expect in the future, they rolled red eggs down the mountain - whoever had the longest ride without breaking, everything would turn out well.

Red Hill - paganism or Christianity?

We are accustomed to believe that Krasnaya Gorka is directly related to the Christian tradition, because the date of its holding is calculated based on what date Easter falls on in each specific year. However, everything is not so simple. In Orthodoxy, the first resurrection after Easter is dedicated to St. Thomas, the apostle and disciple of Jesus Christ. But Red Hill is a pagan heritage. It’s just that at some point the pagan holiday was replaced by a Christian holiday. This happened everywhere while the adaptation of a new religion for Rus' was underway. So it happened that the holiday seems to be Christian, but the rituals are pagan.


Egg rolling

On Krasnaya Gorka they chose the hillock closest to the village, on which the snow had already melted and the first greenery had appeared. Celebrations were held on this hillock, and children rode down it as entertainment. painted eggs. And adults often took part in this fun, giving it sacred meaning. It was believed that the one whose egg rolled down the hill smoothly and remained safe and sound would be happy all year, everything would be good for him, he would not be in danger of crop failure, illness and other troubles.
And for very young children, who were too early to participate in the festivities, a kind of slide was built right at home or in the yard - they put a small block of wood and either a board or a groove hollowed out of a thick branch was leaned against it.

Plowing the village

In some villages there was a certain fertility ritual, which was also a kind of amulet - women and girls harnessed themselves to the plow and plowed a deep strip around the village. It was considered a good sign if a cross was formed when closing the circle. Males were not allowed to participate in this ritual; they joined the women only after the ritual was completed. And only then did the festivities begin.

The meaning of this ritual was that the village was, as it were, fenced off from any misfortune - from pestilence, from loss of livestock, from raids by dashing people, and the harrow used in the ritual was a symbol of a fruitful year.

Round dances

Another ritual event is round dances. But they were found not only on Krasnaya Gorka, our ancestors danced for any spring, summer and autumn holiday, starting from Maslenitsa. Round dance is a symbol of the sun and unity between residents of the same village. It’s just that on Krasnaya Gorka the round dance acquired another meaning - young people showed off in front of each other and used round dances as ritual games, the purpose of which was to find a mate.

Choice of Lada (Lelya)

Often in villages, during ritual games, they chose the most beautiful girl or the one who sang or danced the most beautifully. This girl symbolized spring, which is why she was called by the name of the goddess of spring, fertility, love and marriage, Lada. It was around the chosen girl that a round dance was performed, and she endowed her fellow villagers with milk, cheese, eggs, pies, as symbols of a prosperous life. By the way, it was Lada or Lelya, as she was sometimes called, who was the most enviable bride. And if several applied for the role of Spring at once beautiful girls, then in order to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings, Lada became a married woman or a matchmaker.

By the way, you can also organize a similar round dance with your single friends and unmarried girlfriends to introduce those who are still unfamiliar with each other, and, perhaps, help create new couples. And so that you have a chance to find your destiny, ask everyone to bring at least one young man. Choose a hill in the nearest forest or park where it is already dry and grass is growing, and have a picnic there with games, round dances and songs.

Bring along treats and foods that you believe symbolize fertility. Then the youth traditions of Krasnaya Gorka will be respected.



According to tradition, it is believed that a wedding played on Krasnaya Gorka is the key to a long and happy life. However, according to registry office workers, the percentage of divorces for marriages entered into on this holiday is no different from the percentage of divorces for couples married at other times.

But we can say with confidence where the tradition of “Red Mountain” weddings came from. The thing is that Krasnaya Gorka is the first day after the seven-week fast and Easter week, when the priests again began to marry the newlyweds. And since, whatever one may say, the priest could not marry everyone in one day, they began to believe that those who were lucky enough to be among the lucky ones were simply obliged to live a long and happy life.

If we talk about the pagan background, weddings took place on this day because it was dedicated to Yarila, the sun god, which means that marriages were blessed from heaven - in the literal sense of the word. A marriage concluded on this day was sanctified by the Sun; it was supposed to be prosperous, well-fed, rich in healthy and abundant offspring.

This is how two traditions came together - pagan and Christian. And we are firmly convinced that if we manage to have a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka, then married life will be easy and smooth.

Workshop "Wedding Magic"


Not only did weddings take place on Krasnaya Gorka, but they also looked closely at each other and demonstrated their best qualities and talents. It was believed that on this day one should under no circumstances stay at home, otherwise all the “suitable” brides and grooms will be sorted out, and one will have to choose from those who remain. Superstitious elderly people also frightened young people with other troubles - from loneliness to loss of beauty, various diseases and early death. However, the next year there was a new Red Hill, and those who did not find a match last year received a second chance.

Visiting the newlyweds

Another tradition, which, however, was observed not only on Krasnaya Gorka, but also on Maslenitsa, is to visit newlyweds who got married earlier this year. It was believed that the boys and girls who visited their house would definitely have a family life, and they would get married very soon. Such guests were treated to everything that, one way or another, was prepared from eggs - scrambled eggs, painted eggs, eggs baked in ash. This choice of treats was due to the fact that the egg symbolized the whole world in its beauty, harmony and fullness. This is exactly what those who had already found their family happiness wished for their non-family guests.


There are a lot of signs associated with Krasnaya Gorka, which must be observed.

Whoever marries on Krasnaya Gorka will live happily all his life. It should be noted that you need to get married for love. And it doesn’t matter at all what day this happens joyful event. But around the Red Hill holiday in lately Such traditions are created that young couples stand in line, pay bribes, and all just to get married on this particular day.

Of course, you can get married whenever you want, the main thing is love and mutual understanding, and this is happiness. But the collective egregor of Krasnaya Gorka will help the newlyweds.

On Krasnaya Gorka, some rituals are simply carried out that allow you to improve your financial situation.

If a guy or girl sits at home on the red hill, you don’t have to wait for a happy fate.

“Red Hill” was also a celebration of love, the emergence of feelings and hopes - it was not a fixed holiday of one day. “Red Hills” took place over several days, so this holiday can be defined rather as an entertainment event, with certain ritual songs, round dances, games and customs, which were a real event in the lives of young people.

At Krasnaya Gorka, boys and girls met, chose their betrothed, and in a playful, humorous manner (to avoid offense in cases of discrepancy in choice) announced and showed their affection and sympathy. Everyone dressed up in the most beautiful and best clothes.

Maybe that’s why “Red Hill”. Girls and women wove colored ribbons into their hair and tied painted scarves to attract attention and please their loved ones. It was simply not permissible for young people to stay at home on this day; as punishment, those who were absent were called mocking nicknames.

It was believed that a young man or girl who stayed at home during all the holiday festivities would not find a mate, or he would get the last bride, and she would get a worthless groom, because the best ones would be “taken apart” by others, and what’s even worse, misfortune would happen to the disobedient ones. This is the real truth, which has formed into such a sign to warn boys and girls.

Krasnaya Gorka is a time when matchmaking traditionally took place throughout Rus'. Young people all got together, danced in circles, confessed their love to each other. Perhaps the guy simply didn’t notice the girl until that day. If she stays at home, then her betrothed may pay attention to another girl and propose to her. But the one who stays at home will waste her happiness - the man of her destiny will already be busy. The same goes for guys.

Red Hill is a big holiday, although today many people no longer know about it. But this is the day when you can radically change your life. The signs of the Red Hill must be observed, otherwise you will have to wait a whole year in order to realize your desires. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the signs of the Red Hill, you need to follow the signs of the day on which this holiday falls. These signs are also important, and they can influence your destiny.

Workshop “Do you want love and marriage? Get it!”

The wedding season was opening on Krasnaya Gorka, but there weren’t many of them yet. As a rule, at this time, weddings took place in wealthy families, while others postponed the creation of families until the fall. After the harvest, it became possible to hold a wedding at a lower cost. Author: Vladimir Rogoza

Red Hill is a great holiday and its history goes back centuries. Traditionally it is celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. Weddings were traditionally celebrated on this day, people celebrated this day magnificently and richly. On this day, rituals aimed at improving material well-being. Conspiracies on the Red Hill for wealth are one of the most effective magical rituals for improving material well-being.

On the Red Hill holiday you can cast spells for wealth

Red Hill holiday rituals on this day are stronger than on ordinary days. Many modern people They misunderstand magic and imagine it as in good old fairy tales, where with the wave of a magic wand you can find everything at once, without making much effort.

In reality, everything is not so simple. And if this were the case in reality, think for yourself whether you would want to live in a world where any rogue could suddenly get everything at once. Therefore, before you begin performing any rituals, and even more so rituals for money magic, you should understand the basic rules:

  1. Magic, like the universe, does not tolerate emptiness. In order to get something you need to give part of your strength, make an effort, spend time. Perform the ritual exactly as indicated, without simplifying or omitting any details. Those. Any manifestation of laziness and negligence in business is strictly contraindicated.
  2. When turning to the Higher powers, you can trust in their goodness. But the first point is still necessary, even though, by His mercy, the Lord gives rewards disproportionately greater than those that a person deserves through the labor spent on performing rituals.
  3. Before performing the ritual, you need to set your thoughts correctly and fully concentrate on the goal. It is also important to do everything consciously, understanding who you are addressing, study the basic tips and signs on the issue of interest.
  4. When turning to Christian magic and rituals, it is very useful to take communion in church on the eve of its implementation.
  5. You shouldn't ask for fabulous wealth because of greed. The Lord will give you as much as you really need, but not excess, which can be harmful. If a young family lives in a rented apartment, then it would be logical to ask for millions, because... this is due to real necessity, and if they simply do not have enough money for the wedding, then their appetites in requests should be moderated in proportion to reality. You must at least roughly indicate how and what you are going to spend the money on, it is important that this is a good cause.

Washing from an icon - a ritual for prosperity and wealth

Ritual with the icon “Savior of the Golden Hair”

The most common and effective ritual on Krasnaya Gorka, which attracts wealth and prosperity, is washing from the icon.

An ancient wisdom says: “If you wash yourself from an icon, you will be rich.” And there are reasons and real precedents for this. To perform such a conspiracy you will need:

  • The icon “Savior of the Golden Hair”, it can be bought in most icon shops;
  • Holy water;
  • Iron basin.

Any spell on Krasnaya Gorka for money must be carried out at dawn. This ritual is no exception.

The ritual must be performed at dawn

Get up before sunrise, prepare everything you need. When the sun shows its rays, stand facing it and, holding the icon over a basin, wash it with holy water. When washing the icon, say:

“In seven temples there are seven pillars, and in one only there is, God willing. To that God grant there is a true word. God forbid, Solomon himself laid it down. Whoever touches, God forbid, washes himself from the holy icon with these words, a rich destiny will be revealed to him, treasures will be revealed. Gold and silver will grieve over the servant of God (name). Truly it is, truly it will be, God grant that the Servant of God (name) will never forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Signs and secret knowledge of sages and magicians indicate that after this you should wash yourself with the water that glassed from the icon and poured into the basin. While washing your face, say your wish out loud. After this, you should not wipe your face; wait until it dries on its own.

Ritual with the icon “God Grant”

Ritual with washing from the icons “God grant” in general outline repeats the above ritual. Only the icon and text used, and the plot itself, differ.

The spell for the icon “God grant” is pronounced as follows:

“Jesus Christ walked from heaven, carried the holy miraculous Cross, healed the sick, helped the poor, raised glory and honor. God! God! Help me too. Do it for me for Christ’s sake (say your request). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen!".

The “God Grant” icon must be left at home, in a visible place.

Ritual for money using herbs

To perform the next ritual you need to find the herb St. John's wort. You can pick it yourself in advance, dry it over the winter and on the Red Hill holiday already have your own supply of dried St. John's wort, or you can simply buy it at the pharmacy. St. John's wort has long been considered a special plant; exorcisms were performed with its help, rooms were fumigated in order to drive out evil spirits.

For the ritual you need to collect St. John's wort flowers

Take a handful of St. John's wort flowers and place them in a convenient metal saucer or, more conveniently, in a tea strainer. Then light a church candle and use it to set the herbs on fire. Using the resulting smoke, fumigate an ordinary glass three liter jar. Using hand passes, “wash” it with the smoke emanating from the herbs.

Then take a church candle that should have been burning all this time and drip wax from it inside the jar so that at the bottom there is a square drawn with melted wax with a dot in the middle.

While fulfilling all these instructions, you need to think about money, about sudden profits, about how everything will be fine when you acquire additional funds.

Then take 4 coins and cast a spell for wealth:

“I want money to come to (my own name)!”

And throw the coins into the jar. Then pour the ashes from the burned St. John's wort into the jar. Starting from Krasnaya Gorka, put a coin of any denomination into the jar every day and repeat the above text until the jar is completely filled. A jar full of coins should be kept in the house, hide it in secret place, where no one will see it except you. The result will not be long in coming.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova cites such a conspiracy. This ritual is powerful and very easy to perform at home.

You will need:

  • a small white saucer;
  • warm (but not boiled) water;
  • white handkerchief;
  • grains of wheat.

Place wheat on a saucer and cover it with a handkerchief. Place it on the windowsill. Take warm water and add a little on top, pronouncing a special spell for the red slide for money:

“Mother wheat, you feed the young and the old, the beggars and the bar. From the grain you give ten, fifteen, and twenty. Let me, God's servant, be born with money, like this wheat. Just as it grows day and night and doesn’t let me die of hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. Amen!".

Every third day, add water and repeat the text of the plot. You will notice the result as soon as the wheat begins to sprout.

Spell on the wick

This plot can be used on any other day, but it has the greatest power on Krasnaya Gorka - the customs of omens, which traditionally require the performance of this ritual on this holiday.

You need to remove the wick from the candle

You will need a regular wax candle. Carefully remove the wick from it. Try not to tear it or damage it in any way. After this, light the wick on both sides (you need to use matches, a lighter is not suitable for such an operation), the Red Hill plot for wealth should be read very quickly:

“Fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen!".

As soon as you pronounce the text, you must immediately extinguish the wick. It is important to read the plot so quickly that the wick should not have time to burn out completely during this time. The unburned remainder will now be yours money talisman, customs instructed to always wear it next to the body to improve one’s wealth and well-being.

Each ritual given here on the red hill is for wealth. It has special strength and effectiveness. It is better not to neglect the rules and follow them only on the Sunday following Easter, as the signs and traditions recommend according to the recommended scenarios.

Before your eyes, your life will improve, you will receive unexpected financial assistance or your salary will be increased. After this, it is important not to get carried away by material pleasures, to find time for spiritual growth, to crave for the eternal and bright.

There are many things and concepts for which people try to make money. But what to do if there is no money or very little? Since ancient times, people have been performing magical rituals and ceremonies for money and wealth in certain days year.

Krasnaya Gorka

The holiday is celebrated on next week after Easter and is called Antipascha, St. Thomas Week or St. Thomas Sunday. The roots of this holiday go back to ancient times, to paganism, when the Slavs honored Yarila, the god of fertility and family. Later, when Christianity came, the church tried to overshadow the old gods with a new holiday. Antipascha appeared as a tribute to the time when the Apostle Thomas believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Antipascha is popularly called Red Hill. “Red” means “beautiful” when nature is transformed after winter captivity. Slide because the snow melted first at higher elevations.

Modern people have mostly forgotten pagan customs, signs and holidays, except for a few. Some of the surviving ancient rituals are rituals for well-being, money, love, which are carried out precisely on the day of Krasnaya Gorka.

How rituals were performed in ancient times

Pagan rituals required rather unique objects and furnishings, which are completely impossible to replicate in modern life. For example, on Krasnaya Gorka a ritual was held for money. One of the main elements of the ritual was a plow or plow. Now these ancient farming tools remain only in museums, and even then not in every one. However, the description of the ritual has survived to this day in full.

At midnight, all the women of the village went out to the outskirts, where three old women with icons in their hands and three unmarried girls with a plow. Once everyone was gathered, these girls let their braids down. Married women they took off their hats, harnessed themselves to the plow and walked around the village so that a furrow followed them. The end of the furrow was brought to its beginning, and at this place the procession of girls and women was met by boys. The plow was left on the field and everyone went together to a night feast with colored eggs (krashenki) and rich holiday cakes until three o'clock in the morning. As soon as they dispersed after the feast, a ban was imposed on the fun.

Healing liquid

Red Hill was not only a celebration of the spring awakening of nature, but also a time when icons had to be washed. They were placed in a basin and carefully washed with water with the words of the conspiracy.

The water left after washing the icons was considered healing. It was necessary to wash the members of the entire family, starting with the kids. According to the rules, the eldest in the family should wash. If the younger one washes the older one with water from the icons, the whole family will sharply become poor. It was real magic that quickly brought results.

On the day of Krasnaya Gorka, rituals were held not only for wealth and money, but also for marriage.

Rules for a conspiracy for wealth and money

Rituals, customs and signs for Krasnaya Gorka Day are very well recorded in the book of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. The ritual for wealth and money is carried out only on the day of Red Hill; at other times it is absolutely ineffective. Find the icon where Jesus sits on the throne, it is called “God Grant.” Another icon for money ritual doesn't fit. You cannot tell anyone that you will be performing this ritual. Ensure the complete sacrament of the action, do not even talk about it in the family. You must have strong desire wealth for a specific purpose.

Before the ritual, memorize the words of the prayer and write them down on a piece of paper.

Conspiracies on Krasnaya Gorka to fulfill a wish.

MONEY ritual on Krasnaya Gorka (Sunday after Easter) WELFARE

At dawn, turn around to face the rising sun, take a ladle with clean water and pour it into a clay bowl. Hold the “God Grant” icon in your left hand, and gently pour water on it with your right hand and read the plot seven times in a row.

You need to wash a person with the enchanted water from the icon, but only one. After the ritual, the piece of paper with the spell must be hidden in your wallet.

How many times should the spell on Red Hill according to Stepanova be repeated to achieve a lasting result? Exactly three years in a row with full compliance with all rules and conditions.

What to do if the plot fails

At first glance, the ritual for wealth is quite simple. However, there are cases when conspiracies on the Red Hill make a person a beggar or have no effect on financial condition family. What could be causing the failure:

  • Talkativeness. As already mentioned, you should never tell anyone that you are performing such a powerful ritual for wealth on the day of Red Hill. After the correct rituals, an improvement in one’s financial situation occurs, and a person sometimes blurts out to friends or acquaintances about the reason for such a change in affairs. What happens after the secret is blurted out? The one you tell will get rich, but you will face ruin and complete poverty.
  • Frivolity. For the ritual to be effective, you must not only perform it correctly, but also prepare properly. What does it mean? When the Holy Day begins, fast, do not eat forbidden foods and do not overeat. During fasting, watch your behavior. You are prohibited from dancing, cinema, any type of entertainment, idleness. Fasting for you should become a period of intense prayer. Only such preparation will bring you success after the ritual for wealth on the day of Red Hill. IN next year repeat the preparation with the ritual.
  • A lesson in fate. How to explain a situation that is developing negatively even despite proper preparation and ritual? If you haven’t missed a single rule, it means a lesson has been given to you from above. Think about why you have such a strong desire for wealth? It’s one thing when you need money for a good purpose, for example, to cure a relative’s illness. And if you want money as a means to achieve great power, then in the end you will receive this kind of punishment from fate. Money conspiracies are a rather complex thing that must be approached wisely.

Rituals for wealth on Krasnaya Gorka

In 2018, Red Hill is celebrated on April 15, 7 days after Great Easter

The ritual has pagan roots, although slightly modified to suit Christianity. God forbid - this is God forbid, God - the sun. In Christianity, Jesus Christ saved.

To perform the ritual the following icons are suitable: “Savior is in power”, “ Saved by the miraculous", at worst "Almighty". And the most suitable icon for this is “Savior of the Golden Hair.” She wears the closest image to Dazhdbog, a cloak with the symbolism of the sun and golden curls.

“God willing” is not an icon, but, so to speak, a group of icons in which the Lord is depicted on the throne or an icon of the Lord Almighty.

The ritual is performed at dawn, at dawn, facing the sun. Take it Epiphany water or a saint, if not, then from the tap, then this will also do. In one hand there is an icon, with the other you pour water over the image over a bowl, reading the plot 7 times.

After this, the person for whom you spoke the water washes himself with it and goes to the bath, pours it on himself, there is no need to wipe himself off.

We wash only one person; we make our own water for each person. It is advisable to do it three years in a row.

Talk, then wash.

There are seven pillars in seven temples,
And there is only one thing, God help me.
To that God grant there is a true word.
God forbid, Solomon himself laid it down.
Who, God forbid, touches
With these words he will wash himself from the holy icon,
A rich destiny will open up for him,
Treasures will be revealed.
Gold, silver will be sad
According to the servant of God (name).
Truly it is, truly it will be, God willing
He will not forget God’s servant (name) forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy for a cherished desire.

The ritual is very strong. Take “God willing.”

Let me remind you that this is not an icon, but, so to speak, a group of icons in which the Lord is depicted on the throne or an icon of the Lord Almighty.

They pour water over the icon three times. The icon is held over a basin. With the water that drained from the icon and washed.

“Jesus Christ came from heaven,
He carried the holy miraculous Cross,
He healed the sick, helped the poor,
He brought glory and honor.
God! God! Help me too.
For Christ’s sake, do (this and that) for me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever. Amen."

The icon will now be your amulet

Conspiracy for attractiveness, for Krasnaya Gorka

Get up at dawn, wash your face with spring water and say:
« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the sun rises red, as all people rejoice at it, so may my face be red and ruddy. Everyone would look at me, they couldn’t see enough, they would be happy, they couldn’t be happier. I, the servant of God (name), would be dear to everyone. The key is my words. Amen. «

If you pray for health on this day , then you are begging for health not only for yourself, but for all your relatives.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, offer you to read an article in which I will tell you about the powerful conspiracies read on Krasnaya Gorka. On this day, magical rituals were performed, many rituals and folk signs are associated with this day - the Red Hill holiday. All this is old, alive, full of esoteric energy. Yes, these witchcraft words are the very energy of magic - the eternal active Forces of the Universe, you will probably be interested, and you can use the material contained in it for your own benefit.

Magic rituals that can be done on Krasnaya Gorka

No matter how much they tried to tear out, cut out, strangle our strength and faith in us, the legacy of our ancestors is still alive. Living with that love that cannot be explained or measured, and which helps to rise, to wake up from spiritual death, to rise from any point of fall. And white rites on Orthodox holiday Red Hill is proof of this.

In the old Slavic language, the word red, in contrast to scarlet, crimson, red, and red, had the meaning:

  • Beautiful,
  • flowering,
  • glad,
  • blissful,
  • festive.

Spring and summer are called red because nature itself appears in all its beauty and strength. A red slide means beautiful, convenient for fun holiday games.

What kind of holiday is Krasnaya Gorka and what rituals are performed on this day

Every year Red Hill is celebrated in different dates. This Orthodox holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Otherwise, this day is called St. Thomas Sunday or St. Thomas Week. IN church calendar The first Sunday after Christ's day is called Fomin. According to legend, on that day the son of God appeared to one of the apostles, Thomas, so that he could see with his own eyes the miraculous.

The Slavs also call this holiday Yarilin’s Day. The Red Hill symbolizes the meeting of lovers, the creation of a new love and family union. And therefore, the rituals on this Christian holiday have a focus love magic. If you get married on this day, then according to signs, the spouses will be happy together for many years.

But not only read independent love spells on Krasnaya Gorka, not only went to get married or tried to get married. We also went to sorcerers and witches and asked them knowledgeable people They made strong amulets for protection from evil and amulets for well-being and prosperity.

Strong conspiracies and folk signs for the Orthodox holiday Red Hill

In the old days, as soon as the ringing of the bell announced the end of the last service on Easter week, people began to remember signs, witchcraft rituals, and what spells on Red Hill they could read for well-being and prosperity in their family.

Old folk signs, associated with this holiday, without a clear understanding of the meaning of general rejoicing, lose their significance. The name of the event itself determines the significance of this day. It means renewal, beauty and love. Just as spring is red, so is the hill.

This is a spring holiday, symbolizing the return of warmth and sunshine. It is believed that everything you ask for, what you stipulate in a powerful magical conspiracy to make a wish come true on Red Hill, will be fulfilled. Those who made the plot on Krasnaya Gorka give positive reviews. And it cannot be any other way, because this is the day of Strength, the day of renewed vital energy. On this day, a person can unconsciously connect to the flows, and with their help influence the events of his life.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what conspiracies to read on Krasnaya Gorka

The annual spring revival of nature recalls the endless blooming life, symbolizes youth and inner strength. This long-awaited day brought freedom from the shackles of winter cold. They went out to meet him before dawn, so as not to miss the sunrise. And fortune telling for love, doing love spells and homemade spells for marriage on Krasnaya Gorka started in the evening until midnight. Independent beauty rituals were especially popular.

All the youth of the village climbed to the hills, where, with the first rays of the rising sun, they called out spring with whooping songs (freckles). With ringing voices they glorified the clear-eyed Yarila, who in the spring broke out of the shackles of the cold hands of Mara, the dark mistress of ice and silence. Nothing can hide from the gaze of the Sun. It knows what is in a person's heart. Neither sinful deeds nor valiant deeds will go unnoticed.

Young people and children released colored eggs from green hills. The sign was:

If the egg rolls smoothly and remains unharmed, it means that the year will be fruitful, profitable and happy. Whatever a person undertakes will go well this year. But, and about magical rituals Don't forget about luck.

Read conspiracies on Krasnaya Gorka for wealth and financial prosperity

To live richly and financially all year, read the water plot yourself and ensure good luck and money growth for the whole year. After all, on this day of Power you can open paths, correct life paths, and attract what you want into your life.
To do the ritual yourself, read the money plot for Krasnaya Gorka, you will need:

  • icon of the Lord Pantocrator
  • spring water
  • large clay bowl

Read a magical spell on the water, after which wash the icon of the Lord Almighty with this strong spelled water, and only then wash yourself.

The text of the spell for the icon, read on the Red Hill holiday, is as follows:

“In seven temples there are seven pillars, and in one only there is, God help, to oh God help there is a true word. God forbid, Solomon himself laid it down. Whoever touches, God forbid, washes himself with these words from the holy icon, a rich destiny will be revealed to him. Treasures will be laid bare, gold and silver will grieve over (name of the rivers). Truly there is. It will be true. God grant that the servant of God (name of the rivers) will not forget forever and ever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish - Jesus Christ came from heaven

Everyone has their own desires. Someone dreams of the love of their chosen one, someone dreams of strong large family, someone needs money luck and financial stability. And for others - good health is the object of cherished desires. Can be read magic spells for your health on the Red Hill holiday, or maybe for your cherished desire to do a witchcraft ritual.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

This witchcraft ritual is strong and effective. To carry it out, so that this proven conspiracy for good luck in front of Krasnaya Gorka worked, and good result showed you will need:

  • God grant (this is a group of icons where the Lord is depicted sitting on a throne, or an icon of the Lord Almighty)
  • bowl of spring water
  • clean basin

To speak to water, you must first use a strong spell for good luck and the fulfillment of a wish.

“Jesus Christ came from heaven, carried the holy miraculous cross, healed the sick, helped the poor, raised glory and honor. God! God! Help me too. Do it for me for Christ’s sake (speak briefly and clearly the essence of the request or desire). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Hold the icon over a basin, pour water on it three times, then wash yourself with the water that drained from the icon. Pour the water that remains after washing under living tree. The magical ritual must be performed for 3 years in a row - read strong conspiracy for good luck on Krasnaya Gorka. God will not give you anything you ask for. But, provided there is strong sincere faith, real sincerity of desire, there is no need to think about ephemeral trifles.

Provided that you sincerely pray, visit the temple and belong to the Christian egregor. If this is so, then the words of the conspiracy you read to attract money on the Orthodox holiday of Red Hill should give a good result.

  • Cash growth,
  • Profit in business
  • Financial luck

Another conspiracy for money that can be read on the Red Hill holiday

In order for money to be transferred - not transferred, on the Red Hill holiday you need to get up at dawn, read the words of the conspiracy to attract money over any yellow alloy coin, and then you need to carry this coin in your wallet as a money amulet.

“The clear golden sun rises into the sky and brings its goodness to the world. I will get up at dawn, bow to the golden sun at the waist, just as you give the sun warmth to everyone, so do not bypass me, the servant of God (name of the rivers). Reward my money with irredeemable gold, it lies with me, and so wealth runs to me. Just as the sun cannot cool down and become cold, so I, with money of irreplaceable poverty, never know anything. My word is flint. I close my words, I close my deeds. So be it."

This white conspiracy on the Christian holiday Krasnaya Gorka can be used when applying for a job so that they hire exactly the one who is good specialist, and not someone who has three children to feed. Not the one who evokes pity.

White spells read in Krasnaya Gorka for love

Since ancient times, Krasnaya Gorka has had a good reputation as a time of matchmaking and weddings. Lovers, remembering ancient beliefs, tried to schedule weddings on “Holy Sunday.” Those who had not yet found their soul mate were given the opportunity to acquire one. Red Hill is a great time for love magic, for love spells on a loved one. And the girls didn’t miss out. Yes, and the holiday festivities began with viewings. Smartly dressed girls walked in flocks and sang songs, attracting the attention of unmarried boys and their parents.

so let my face be white and rosy. Everyone would look at me, they couldn’t see enough, they would be happy, but they couldn’t be happier. I, the servant of God (name of the rivers), would be sweet and pretty to everyone. The key is my words. Amen".

Self-conspiracy to make a guy love you on an Orthodox holiday

Love witchcraft will help solve personal problems, problems of love and relationships. On Krasnaya Gorka you can perform a ceremony yourself to attract your beloved guy and get married soon.

If you are invited to a wedding, before going to the celebration, read the text of the love spell for your loved one 7 times. This spell can effectively work to speed up your own marriage:

“On the distant sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there are three forges. The craftsmen there hit three anvils with hammers. Quit your work, blacksmiths, and forge me a wedding, and a happy share, yes family life strong, lasting, eternal."

After reading the text on the day of the Red Hill celebration home conspiracy on happy marriage allotted number Once again, with good visualization, go to the wedding (painting, wedding). There is a very high probability that it is at this wedding that you will meet your betrothed. White magic will connect your paths, will lead him to you. But, you don’t need to turn away from what you yourself asked, you don’t need to refuse to dance, whoever wanted to talk to you. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, ask you to be open, the person you meet today will be given to you by higher powers, do not neglect him. There is no need to ask a Christian egregor for something, and hide in the corner of the celebration. Sometimes you need to prove yourself, relieve tension, relax - drink another glass of wine, vodka, it will help.



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