Learning English letters. English alphabet for children. Teaching methods

Hello [Hello]! We are glad to see you on our website. You are starting your journey to learning English. You know, you are very lucky because you will have a fun and interesting training, which we have had for a long time. Call your parents and start teaching english alphabet for children on our website. An alphabet with pictures, funny songs and exercises awaits you. By the way, our cheerful English alphabet is suitable for all ages, for those who do not want to part with childhood.

Do you need to learn a foreign language?

This section will not be interesting to your child, so we want you not to skip a word and read this chapter very carefully yourself.

Nowadays it is very important to know 2 languages. Knowing more than one language can increase your knowledge of world events.

Bilingualism or bilingualism is when a person speaks two languages. So there are several levels of bilingualism. While for some, being bilingual means knowing 2 languages ​​perfectly, for others it is the ability to communicate in two languages, but knowing one language better. Moms and dads, let's see what a child who has been interested in languages ​​since childhood can do:

  • 1. It is true that people who speak two languages ​​can find a job faster and easier.
  • 2. Knowing two or more languages ​​will increase intellectual agility and mental acuity.
  • 3. Bilingualism will help your child become more open and sensitive to the world around him.
  • 4. Bilingualism improves listening ability. It has been proven that people knowledgeable languages recognize better in noisy environments different sounds, thereby increasing attention and making them more patient listeners.
  • 5. Knowing many languages, the brain works better.

Recent research shows that bilingualism is associated with creativity and professional success.
Simply put, than earlier child starts learning languages, the easier it will be for him in adulthood. Help your child achieve a simple and easy life.

Composition of letters

Yes, yes, we know that kids are not at all interested in knowing about the composition of letters, but children are different. Let's find out together how many letters are in the English alphabet.

The English alphabet contains integers 26 letters, but he will not surpass us, since there is much more in our language. And these 26 letters can be divided into vowels (vowels) and consonants (consonants).

Let's find out what these letters are.

Vowels: a,e,i,o,u.
As you noticed, these are the letters that are easiest to pronounce. No effort required, just open your mouth.

Consonants: b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z.

As you begin to learn the alphabet, you need to know not only how to pronounce English letters, but also be able to write them. First, look at how the big letters look:

Upper caseA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

And the little ones:

Lower casea b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

A little later you can download a fun task from us and practice writing English letters. Next, you will find an alphabet for children with transcription and Russian pronunciation.

English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation for children

We have prepared cards with each letter so that you can quickly learn the alphabet, thanks to bright and interesting pictures. Under each card there is audio that you can listen to as many times as you want. We also used English letters with Russian pronunciation for children to make it easier for you and your parents to read. And at the end there’s a song waiting for you with all the letters, and there’s how many of them there are, remember?

You can print the English alphabet for children at the end of this section.

Enjoy! [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] [injoy] – Enjoy! =)

Alphabet with pronunciation for children:

Listen to how the letters and first words are pronounced. You will hear how to pronounce a letter, a word and the sound that this or that letter may have. Listen carefully.

Listen to the song several times, and then repeat after the announcer.

A – [hey]

Your new words:

Acorn[ˈeɪkɔːn] [eikoon] – acorn.
Apple[ˈæpl] [ˈap(ə)l] [epl] – apple. (The word apple is pronounced [epl])

B [bi]

New words:

Bus[bass] – bus.

C [si]

Cinema[ˈsɪnəmə] [cinema] - cinema.

Words that have the sound [K].

Cat[cat] – cat.
Carrot[ˈkærət] [ke(r)et] – carrot.

These are the first three letters you learned.

D [di]

New words:

Dog[dog] – dog.

E [and]

New words:

Egypt[ˈiː.dʒɪpt] [igipt] – Egypt
Elephant[ˈel.ɪ.fənt] [elifant] – elephant.

In a word Elephant there is a sound [E], despite the fact that the letter E pronounced like [and]. Just remember this.

F [eff]

New word:

Frog[f(r)og] – frog.

*The sound [r] in English is not pronounced as in Russian. In English, this sound must be pronounced so that it is not voiced. Listen carefully to how the announcer pronounces this sound in the song. And so that you definitely don’t forget this, in the transcription we will use it in brackets (p).

G [ji]

Giraffe[ji(r)af] - giraffe.

A word that has the sound [G]:

Girl[ɡɜːl] [gel] – girl.

*In the word girl, the sound [P] is not pronounced at all, but the letter is written.

H [H]

Horse[hos] – horse.

What do you think, is the sound [P] pronounced in the word horse?

I [ouch]

Ice cream[ˌaɪs ˈkriːm] [ice cream] – ice cream.

J [jay]

Jam[ʤæm] [jam] – jam, jam.

K [kay]

Kangaroo[kenge(r)u] – kangaroo.

L [el]

Lemon[ˈlem.ən] [lemn] ​​– lemon.

M [um]

Mouse[mouse] – mouse.

N [en]

Nut[nat] – nut.

O [əʊ] [оу]

Oval[ˈəʊvəl] [ouvl] – oval
Orange[ˈɒrɪndʒ] [o(r)inj] – orange.

Orange juice – Orange juice [o(r)inge juice]

P [pi]

Pig[pig] – pig.

Q [cue]

Queen[queen] – queen.

R [ɑː(r)] [a(r)]

Rocket[ˈrɒkɪt] [(r)okit] – rocket.

S [es]

Snake[snake] - snake.

T [ti]

Telephone[ˈtelɪfəʊn] [telephone] – telephone.

U [yu]

Uniform[ˈjuːnɪfɔːm] [unif] – uniform.

*The word Uniform has the sound [Y].

More more words with sound [yu]:

Unicorn[unicon] – unicorn.
Unique[unique] – unique, exceptional.

This letter also has the sound [A]

Umbrella[ʌmˈbrelə] [amb(r)ela] – umbrella.

V [vi]

Vase[vas] – vase.

W [ˈdʌbljuː] [double]

Window[ˈwɪndəʊ] [window] – window.

X [ex]

Fox[fox] – fox.

Y [yay]

Yellow[ˈjeləʊ] [elou] – yellow.

The letter Y can also be pronounced with the sound [ay]:

Fly[fly] - to fly.

But it also has the sound [and], for example, in this word:

Baby[ˈbeɪbi] [baby] – baby.

Z [zed]

Zebra[ˈzebrə] [zebra] – zebra.

Well done [well given]! Well done! Now it's time to listen to ABC rap. When you listen, imagine yourself on stage!

Hurry up and print out the English alphabet for children letter by letter in A4 format right now and here.

You can print out the English alphabets for children on our website here.

As you noticed, one letter can have several sounds, so listen more often to how native speakers pronounce words. There are letters in the English language that, if you put them together, you get a third new sound, and you can read about it here.

English alphabet for children: video

Some people like to listen, while others like to watch. Perhaps cartoon and educational ABC videos will help you remember the letters better than printed cards.

Watch and listen to the alphabet song several times and then try to sing the song yourself, this way you will learn a hundred times faster.

Video for children:

There are no monkeys or other animals in this video, but you will see how they perform for you healthy fruits. Try to learn this alphabet song by repeating after the Fruit group.

The funny thing is that we forgot how to say 'fruit' in English. And not only this word. We forgot the names of the fruits that the band plays. Help us remember! Write in the comments the names of all the fruits that you saw in the video.

English with Peppa Pig. In this video you will hear the letters you already know and learn even more words. Relax, learn and develop at the same time!

English alphabet for children educational video:

How to teach the English alphabet to children

Let's start with the fact that many adults who begin to learn a particular language can do without learning the alphabet. But do children need an alphabet? Here opinions differ. Some people think it is necessary, while others think it is not necessary. Of course, to learn a language from a young age, you can do without a foreign alphabet, but in the future the child will only be able to speak it, but not write or read. Therefore, in order to teach a child to read and write in a foreign language, he needs to learn the alphabet.

Firstly, it's interesting, and secondly, it's simple! With the advent of the Internet, teaching children has become easier, parents can easily teach their child English, and children strive to learn languages ​​with pleasure (of course, if you find the right learning approach) and everything is in chocolate.

But how to teach a child and where to start?

Spend only 15 minutes 3 times a day or less on the alphabet. You don't need to learn all 26 letters in one day. Three letters a day will be enough. Teach your child a language in game form, talk to him in English. If you don't know the language, use simple words and simple phrases that are given in examples under each letter. In addition, on our website you will find a lot interesting tasks, which we post daily. Let your child watch cartoons in English. Even if he doesn’t understand anything, he will still become interested, and every time he will learn new phrases or words. But the most important thing is not to waste time and realize in time that any language will help your child in the future, and if he knows not one, but several, then you definitely did a good job! We would like to remind you that the English alphabet for children is suitable for learning from the age of 3.

Cards won't help, art will help

Teaching your children or students foreign letters means a lot of hard work. Learning to recognize and pronounce letters is very difficult at the first stage of learning, as it takes time, and finding various dynamic and interesting ways it can be difficult. So that the child does not get bored, naming the same letters from pictures a hundred times, he may want to do something with his own hands in order to relax a little and simultaneously develop hand motor skills and the English language. For example, he can do this:

Let's find out what you need.

  • 1. You will need paper, pencil, glue and lots of colorful buttons.

Start by having your child choose a letter and write it on paper. If he has difficulty writing, help him. He will have a chance to work on his writing in the next phase.

  • 2. Now we take glue and trace our letter written on paper.
  • 3. Take the buttons and glue them onto paper. That's it!

Use different ways, help your baby, listen and understand him. After all, you were once a child too. Now it's time for exercise!

Learn the English alphabet for children, online tasks

After listening to audio and watching cartoons, it's time to try the exercises. You will succeed. Good luck! [Good luck] - Good luck!

When starting to learn a new language, we first become familiar with the alphabet. Letters and sounds are the constituent parts of words, from which phrases and sentences are further constructed. The stages of learning English are different for adults and children, but both face the stage of learning the alphabet as the basis for further progress. What methods are more effective? How to quickly learn the English alphabet and do it easily and based on exciting tasks? Let's look at the most popular methods for adults and children.

Songs, rhymes and tongue twisters

One of the most popular and effective ways is the study of the alphabet, based on the perception of rhythmic music and rhymed poetry. Exists large number video and audio content developed by methodologists and teachers around the world for this purpose. It is based on funny entertaining songs with a minimum set vocabulary and speaking/singing the English alphabet. The melody, rhythm and bright pictures in the video are simply ingrained in the memory, and learning becomes simple and easy. This method is suitable for both adults and children. You can play songs or play videos for several days in a row, even in the background, and the task will be completed. This approach gives a clear answer to the question of how easy it is to learn the English alphabet.

Pictures, cards, posters and puzzles

This method can be adapted for both adults and children from two years of age, when they begin to show first attention to letters and sounds as such. It is important to maintain this interest. Hang cards, pictures, posters depicting letters or the full alphabet around the apartment (office, room, play/study area). In this situation, the association method will be most effective. Each letter must be associated with the word that begins with it.

How to learn the English alphabet with your child using puzzles? It is recommended to take ready-made ones or cut the letter/card into several parts and then assemble them into a whole. If it is possible to bring several children together, it would be effective to arrange such a game for speed or for points scored based on the results. This method makes it easy to work through individual letters, rather than the entire English alphabet at once. How can adults learn the latter using these materials? The most effective method will be cards with the image of a letter, a transcription sound and a word.

It is more effective to learn a word or phrase right away. Each word is worked through by “spelling,” that is, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet. Visual, auditory memory and imaginative thinking work. Further, there will be no problems with such a simple task as dictating your email, an unfamiliar word or first/last name when communicating with foreigners.

Outdoor games, motor skills

The answer to the question of how to learn the English alphabet on your own at home can also be given by outdoor games. They are suitable mainly for children, since they learn mainly by playing. Soft toys in the shape of letters, cubes, educational materials, magnets and even cookies of the appropriate shape will suit the purpose. Show your child the alphabet in English. Say each letter several times, repeat daily, reinforce the next day and beyond if possible.

Play dance songs with the alphabet, educational cartoons aimed at learning and memorizing this topic. Let your child try to depict the shape of each letter with his body or fingers, with your help, to remember the English alphabet. How to learn it faster will be determined by the child’s hobbies and preferences. These are the ones you should rely on to make outdoor games interesting.

Children love the Steam Locomotive game, which uses a car with a trailer and letter cards. The parent “drives” the car and periodically makes stops with “letter” names. The child must load the appropriate card for the trip to continue. The things that are best remembered are those that are rich in images, emotions and fascinating details.


Indispensable assistants in learning the English alphabet with preschool and school age become plasticine or elastic modeling dough. It is recommended to prepare stencils or blanks in the form of letter shapes. Then they are decorated with colored “patches”. You can make beautiful letters from clay or dough and bake them, turning them into interesting toys for further study. Joint creativity in this direction will also tell you how to learn the English alphabet with your child. Use clay to draw on paper using your fingers and outline shapes. Learn 1-2 letters a day in such a way as to improve their visual memorization.

Drawing and copywriting

Various versions of albums with images of English letters for coloring will also help in mastering the alphabet. This activity is suitable for children aged three years and older. For preschoolers and primary school children, copybooks will be a good help. There are special notebooks that will allow you to master the English alphabet faster and more interestingly. How to learn the names of letters in copybooks? Engage with your child. Name the letter, understand its constituent forms. These can be lines, circles, semicircles, etc. Come up with associations together about what this or that letter looks like to a child.

Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight a number of individual recommendations that will direct the activity of mastering the English alphabet towards effective memorization.

  • Posters in play and work areas for systemic perception and visual memory activities.
  • Songs, rhymes that you can listen to, sing and dance to.
  • Educational videos, computer games and cartoons aimed at presenting and consolidating the alphabet.
  • Coloring pages with letters and copybooks.
  • Plasticine, play dough, and craft clay, which can be used in a number of ways.
  • All tasks and games should be exciting, rich in images, and contain some stories for more effective memorization and development.
  • Constant repetition and reinforcement is important for both adults and children, due to the nature of short-term and long-term memory. All of the above methods and materials will greatly facilitate the solution to the question of how to quickly learn the English alphabet, and will provide the opportunity for an interesting pastime with your child.

Learning any language begins with letters and sounds. Knowledge of the English alphabet will be a reliable aid for further mastery of words, grammar, reading, and pronunciation. And while children learn through play, adults will have to make a little effort to master the English alphabet. How to learn letters and sounds foreign language without boring cramming? Songs with funny motives, posters, the association method, cards will help you achieve your goal.

Learning any language begins with mastering letters, sounds and pronunciation features. Without this, learning to read and write becomes impossible.

The modern English alphabet consists of 26 letters: 6 vowels and 20 consonants.

If you are an adult, then memorizing the alphabet will not be as difficult for you as it is for a child. If you are studying with a child, start learning the alphabet with the sounds that each letter makes, and only then enter the designation of the sound - the letter!

Learn vowels. There are only 6 of them, so this task will not be difficult.


English transcription Russian transcription Sound

(English transcription)


(Russian transcription)

[Hey] [æ] [e]
Ee [and:] (long) , [e]
[ouch] ,[i] [ay], [and]
Oo [əu] [oh] [o]
[yu:] (long) , [ʌ] [yu], [a]
Yy [wy] ,[i]

IN English transcription sign [:] - colon, indicates the longitude of the sound, i.e. it must be pronounced in a drawn-out manner.

Consonants are easier to remember if you break them down into logical groups:

Consonants similar in appearance to Russian letters and in pronunciation:


English transcription Russian transcription Sound

(English transcription)


(Russian transcription)

[si:] [k], [s] [k], [s]
Kk [kay] [k]
[um] [m]
[ti:] [t]

Consonants that are similar to Russian, but are pronounced or written differently:


English transcription Russian transcription Sound

(English transcription)


(Russian transcription)

[bi:] [b] [b]
Dd [di:] [d]
[el] [l] [l]
Nn [en] [en] [n]
[pi:] [p] [n]
Ss [es] [s]
Xx [ex]

Consonants that do not exist in Russian:


English transcription Russian transcription Sound

(English transcription)


(Russian transcription)

[ef] [f] [f]
Gg [ji] , [g]
[H] [h] [X]
Jj [jay]
[cue] [kv]
Rr [ɑː] [A:] [r], [ɑ : ]
[vi] [v] [V]
Ww [‘dʌblju:] [double] [w]
[zed] [z]

Learn the English alphabet better in blocks, writing and naming each letter as much as you need. This way you simultaneously use three types of memory: auditory, visual and motor (motor). After memorizing the letters, you can perform exercises to consolidate the material covered and self-test.


Write the letters on a piece of paper from memory, saying each letter out loud. If you don’t remember the name or have difficulty “reproducing” the next letter, you can use the hint. Select a “difficult” letter for yourself and continue working on the exercise. After writing the entire English alphabet, write out all the underlined letters separately in one row. Repeat them. Write a few more rows of these letters randomly, calling them out loud. If you are sure that the “difficult” letters no longer cause difficulties, do the exercises again.

Write the letters of the alphabet (26) on small squares. Place the squares face down. Take each square in turn, saying the letter out loud. Put the letters you named incorrectly or the letters you forgot aside. After working on all the squares, take all the letters you set aside and do the same exercise with just those letters. Repeat the exercise several times, putting aside only those letters that are not remembered.

Ask someone to point to a letter in the text and you name it. Or ask to name any letter, and you name its neighbors, etc.

Memorization work can be structured as follows:

Learn the material and put it aside.

Repeat after 15 minutes.

Repeat again after an hour.

Repeat the next day.

Repeat in a week.

In this case, the memorized material will be stored in memory forever!

Games for memorizing the English alphabet

If it is possible to involve 2-3 people, then you can diversify the study of the alphabet with games:

“Spell the word”

Any English text is accepted. Players take turns calling out the letters in order, starting with the first word in the text. The one who named incorrectly is eliminated from the game. The last one left in the game wins.

“What’s missing?”

The presenter chooses from 26 cards with five to ten letters, depending on the age of the participants. Players remember letters. After everyone has turned away, the presenter removes one or two letters. Players must remember which letters are missing.

“Who is faster?”

Each player is dealt the same number of cards. The players’ task is to quickly arrange the cards into alphabetical order.

“Find a match”

Participants in the game are given cards with in capital letters. WITH reverse side Each card has a lowercase letter. The task of each player is to remember and write down lowercase letter in 3 minutes. The one who wrote wins more letters


One of the players starts saying the alphabet from the beginning, the leader stops at any letter. Players must pick up where the previous player left off as quickly as possible.

“Remember Five”

Each player is given a letter face down. On command, players turn over the card. Players need to write the next 5 letters of the alphabet as quickly as possible. The one who completed the task raises his hand.


Songs – great way to memorize letters of the alphabet. The melody for them can be found on the Internet.

Lyrics of the song


Oh, well you see,

Now I know the ABC!

There is another version of this song, the last two lines of which are as follows:

Now I know the ABC

Next time won’t you sing with me!

Currently, English textbooks give two options for pronunciating the letter Rr: [ɑː] and [ɑːr]. In the second option, the second sound is an overtone, that is, it is not pronounced pure form, but muffled. Both options are correct.

In English transcription you can find several ways of writing the same sound. This is due to a gradual change in the spelling of certain sounds, often for the purpose of simplification, for example: [ɛ] - [e] Both sounds are pronounced [e] with the overtone [е].

Next steps

After learning the English alphabet, it is advisable to learn the sounds that each letter can convey. In English, one letter can convey several sounds, depending on the type of syllable and combination with other letters (see tables).

Then you should move on to mastering the rules of reading (from simple to complex) and practice reading individual words, and then texts. Feel free to read texts from textbooks primary school, because they are compiled in such a way as to illustrate the basic rules of reading using specific vocabulary.

Online lesson No. 1 - English alphabet with pronunciation - will introduce kids to the letters of the English alphabet and their pronunciation in professional voice acting. This educational game is designed in such a way that even the youngest children can play it independently, without the help of their parents. To do this, adults must briefly explain to the child what he should do.

How to play the online game "English alphabet with pronunciation"?

Even kids can play the English Alphabet Pronunciation Game. Each picture depicts one letter of the English alphabet (in capital and uppercase form). Next to the letter there is a sound icon - by clicking on it, the child will hear the correct English pronunciation this letter. Also in the picture you will see a word in English that begins with this letter, a picture for it (which shows the meaning of this word) and a sound icon, by clicking on which the child will hear the pronunciation of this word. After this, the child needs to find in the picture all the small letters that are hidden in different places. For example, in a picture with the letter A, he needs to find all the letters A (both uppercase and uppercase). Every time the baby clicks on the found letter, he will hear its pronunciation.

It is of great importance that the child will get used to the printed image of letters in two forms - uppercase and uppercase. Since this is one of the difficulties of learning the English alphabet. After all, having studied the alphabet only with capital letters, kids do not understand that these letters have capital analogues that are pronounced the same, but are written differently.

If your child has completed the lesson “English alphabet with pronunciation” and he no longer has any difficulties in the process of completing it, then you can look at other sections of our website to reinforce learning English letters.

Do you want to start working out with your baby? English, but don’t know how to teach your child the English alphabet?

Today we will talk about how to make learning fun and interesting, and for this we will pay attention to useful assistants.

  • Fascinating poems

Let us immediately note that it is not worth teaching letters with your child using the method of numerous monotonous repetitions. No child can hold attention for a long time while repeating each letter. Children perceive the material quite quickly if it is presented in a beautiful “shell”. Poems are the most in the best possible way memorization, because children always catch the rhyme.

A – an apple
B – a bat
C – a clever city cat
D – a dog and
E – the East
F – a fat and funny fish
G – a glowy gentleman
H – a happy hippy hen
I – an iceberg very far
J – a jinni in the jar
K – a kite and
L – a log
M – a monster on the mop
N – a net and
O – an ox
P – a postman with a box
Q – Elizabeth the Queen
R – a ruby ​​in the ring
S –a seagull in the sea
T – a tiger on the tree
V – a van
W – a woman in the wood
X – an X-ray
Y – a yak
Z – a zebra in the zoo.


If your child loves to sing, you can choose a melody and sing along with your little one. After just a few repetitions, the child will begin to sing this song himself; all you have to do is help him a little.

If the kids are very small, you can study each letter separately; this is quite simple to do, using these little poems:

A Aunt Annet
Has a cat.
B Bim-bom says the bell
It is ringing very well.
C A clever cat
Caught a rat.
D Little doggy digs a hole,
Donkey doesn't work at all.
E Elephant is so big,
He likes eating tasty fig.
F Four foxes in the forest go
To find a frog, I hope so.
G Giraffe has a giant gift,
He can't put it in the lift.
H A hen in the house
Sees a little gray mouse.
I We like ice cream, you and I
But we can't fly in the sky.
J Jaguars are in the jeep
Making sounds beep, beep, beep.
K Koala, kitten, kangaroo
Live all together in the zoo.
L Lion's eating lollipop
Sitting at the house top.
M Mouse Mark
Likes the park,
M rry monkey
Likes the donkey.
N Number nine is so fine!
Birds are singing in the pine.
O An old wise owl
Found a bowl.
P Penguin, parrot and peacock
Want to buy the better lock.
Q pretty queen
Likes top sing.
R Rabbit Rodger likes to run
In the morning summer sun.
S Snake and snail
Want to sail.
T Tigers count: 1,2,3
Looking at the tiny tree.
U Unicorn went to the market,
To buy umbrella and the bucket.
V Violet cans
In the violet vans.
W Wolf in winter
Bought a printer.
X red fox
Has a box.
Y Yak is sailing in the boat,
He is dreaming of the yacht.
Z Zebra Zeta in the zoo
See a little kangaroo.
  • Funny songs with your favorite cartoon characters

All toddlers love cartoons, which is why this is a great way to remember not only the alphabet, but also many new words in a playful way. Children over the age of 4 love to sing, repeat and show off. achieved results. If you are still wondering how your children can remember the English alphabet, play the following video for them and repeat with them.

After you have watched the video, you can try to sing the song, this activity is very exciting.

  • Puzzles for learning the alphabet

Puzzles are a great opportunity not only to learn the alphabet, but also to develop a child’s thinking. Naturally, you need to work with your child, help him and guide him in the right direction. After the letters are all sung, you can try to collect the letters. Typically, puzzles consist of two or three parts and are accompanied by bright images to make it easier for the child to navigate and find the right piece. There are also large puzzles that need to be connected in a certain sequence to form the English alphabet.

  • Cubes, magnets, cards

Magnets can be placed in alphabetical order on the refrigerator. Your baby will really like this idea. In just a few minutes you will have to arrange the letters in alphabetical order again, because during this time the little one will have time to move the letters the way he likes. Children have a well-developed visual memory, so after just a few days of “working” with magnets, your child will be able to remember the order of letters in the alphabet. The cards depict letters and objects. You can also add them in the correct sequence, and later even add syllables and small words.

  • Association game

In this case, the letters are located separately from the pictures. You need to find the letter that matches the image. Play with your child, comment on his actions, help in case of first failures. Do not forget to praise your child, because at his age he takes so many first steps towards success.

  • Plasticine letters and other miracles

Buy plasticine and sculpt letters with your children, then try blindfolding your child so that he can guess the letters by touch. Write words on the child's back with your finger, make crossword puzzles using short words, change roles with the children, let them dictate the letters to you. Play logic games: write words and offer to find the odd one, for example, spoon, broom, moon, balloon. The word “broom” is superfluous here, because... ends with “m”.

Learn English with your children and develop yourself! Or rely on the experience of a tutor who works exclusively with children >>



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