Homemade garage lock: which one is better. Tricky locks with your own hands Tricky lock for the garage

A garage is built not only for protection vehicle from the negative impact of external factors, but also in order to protect it from theft. Of course, no garage can give a complete guarantee that the iron horse is safe, so we can talk about a degree of protection that will largely depend on the strength and reliability of the garage lock.

When starting a conversation about garage locks, it should be noted that, like most devices, they can be of several types:

  • Mounted.
  • Mortise.
  • Rack and pinion.
  • Invoices.
  • Mixed devices.

One of the main criteria for the differences between these devices is how they were made, namely whether we are talking about factory products or whether they are homemade garage locks.

Advantages and Disadvantages

It is impossible to say that some of the castles are definitely better, since each of them will be superior to a similar castle according to certain criteria, but in some ways inferior to the other.

Pay attention! The question of choosing a lock is often determined by its price.

If you want to purchase a decent and reliable factory device, then you need to be prepared to pay quite a lot of money, because in this case we will no longer be talking about a simple factory stamping, but about a mechanism assembled by hand by a professional. In general, a number of common points can be identified in the differences between factory products and homemade products.

  • If you are interested in quality and reliability, then you will have to pay decent amounts in both cases.
  • In both cases, if you want to save money, you need to be prepared for losses in quality, and here you should not forget that the price for this may be the safety of the vehicle.
  • The installation of the device must be approached very responsibly, remembering the basic rule - best protection the one that is not visible.

Types and principle of operation of locks

Among the locks on the market, there are several types.


One of the most common types of locks is a padlock. The entire mechanism of this device is hidden in a suspended housing. Locking is carried out using an arc (or pin) inserted inside. For the device to work, on locked doors it is necessary to install special eyes into which the arc is inserted and thanks to which the locking occurs. This type technical devices has one negative quality, calling into question all its advantages, namely openness. Such locks are hung from the outside, as a result of which attackers can have access to it and use a master key to open it, or simply knock down the lock. It follows from this that such a lock can only be used as an additional security measure, with the combined use of several types of locking devices.

Rack lock

This is another common option for making locks. It is mounted already inside, and locking is carried out using several sliding rods. The lock is opened using a special key, which, passing through the well, pulls out the bolts. The design of this type of lock is somewhat more reliable, but it can be broken by sawing through the locking elements or simply picking up the key.

Mortise lock option

This type is characterized by difficulty of installation and relatively low reliability. In addition, manufacturers often unreasonably inflate prices for such products. It can also be said that the use of a lock of this type is possible only as an additional security measure.

The above locks are garage doors In most cases, they are factory-made, but they can also be made independently if you have certain metalworking skills. However, it is worth saying that it would be more preferable to manufacture locks and constipations of a different type.


This name is popularly given to a lockable system that operates on the principle of a deadbolt. This version of the lock has a simple design and can be made by hand. The principle of operation of this device is that special eyes made of, for example, metal or wooden beams. In the center of the gate, a rotating bolt is mounted on a through bolt, which is activated by turning it relative to the center. The ends of the turntable fit into the eyes, thereby reliably locking the doors from the inside. Thus, there are no elements of the lock from the outside, making it almost impossible to break into.


This is another one homemade version locking the garage door. Its simplicity and at the same time reliability and efficiency allow it to be used in a large number of cases. The bolt is a metal pin that moves inside the eyes. It is usually mounted on inside garage door. This type of lock works on the principle of a valve. Almost anyone can install it, without the use of highly specialized tools.

This type of locking device can be called a type of latch, with the only difference being that the latch, as a rule, moves in a horizontal plane and is used with a single-leaf gate design. Constipation is for swing gates, are metal rods that move vertically inside special eyes on the gates. In order for the locking to take place, a couple of holes about half a meter deep must be made in the ground under the rods. For greater strength and reliability, metal tubes of suitable diameter can be driven inside these holes, which can be concreted.

In conclusion, it can be noted that do-it-yourself garage locks (which were listed above) are mainly used if the garage is either built into the building of the house, or is surrounded by a fence and has a second exit, because the most effective locking occurs only from the inside.


This video demonstrates the design and operation of a homemade garage lock:

We have added to our section useful homemade products for the home: do-it-yourself unpickable invisible lock.

Thieves have long learned how to open a mechanical lock of any complexity. It’s more difficult with a combination lock, but they find ways to bypass all its secrets.

However, you can open the lock only if you know the location of the unlocking device, for example a keyhole, door button, etc.

Realizing this, invisible locks without a keyhole and keys were developed, where the unlocking devices are made in the form of coded or infrared radio key fobs, GPS radiotelephones, etc.

It would seem that it is impossible to open such a lock. However, they open.

For example, they scan the key fob code with special devices. We have learned how to do everything, even rob ATMs by reading the code of a bank card.

In all these systems general disadvantage: the device (key, key fob, etc.) is concentrated in one place, which, having determined, the thief opens the lock.

Finding a key for it is not a problem, finding a code is also a problem, the key fob can be scanned.

The proposed lock differs from the known ones in that the unlocking elements of the lock (hereinafter referred to as the keys) are spaced apart, duplicated many times, and the lock can only be opened when all the keys are activated.

Since the keys can be separated over a considerable distance, this lock is especially convenient for country personal plots, where thieves most often trade.

One of the keys can be placed, for example, in a separate toilet. It would never occur to anyone that by visiting the toilet, a person opened the house.

It’s hard to imagine how one can open such a lock without knowing the number, operating principle of the spaced keys and their location, especially since the lock itself is not visible from the outside of the door.

Design and principle of operation

The lock (Fig. 1) consists of a housing 1 in which an electric motor 2 is placed DC DPR 42 12th century. 2500 rpm, which is connected by screw 5 to crossbar 3.

The screw thread pitch is 0.3…0.5 mm. At the nominal engine speed, the bolt moves 20 mm. in one to two seconds.

The lock closes and opens with a simple click.

The crossbar has an annular groove into which balls 8 fall when it moves. The balls serve as a transmission link between the crossbar and microswitches 6 and 7. The microswitches are designed to stop the engine. When the next ball enters the groove, the corresponding switch turns off the engine. The distance between the switches determines the stroke of the bolt. Pin 4 prevents the bolt from rotating.


The lock control is shown in Fig. 2. The lock is open as in Figure 1.

Designations: P - 12v relay. with two changeover contacts kP1 and kP2. Bell button K5. Microswitches K2 and K3 operating in antiphase. When one is on, the other is off.

Electric motor M. Toggle switch K4. Reed switch GK. Blocking contact K1. circuits - 12v.

Closing the lock

To close the lock, you must close the door tightly. In this case, the previously open blocking contact K1 closes (Fig. 3)


Contact K1 is two metal plates attached to the door and one that closes on the door jamb. (Fig.4).

The contact prevents the lock from closing when it is open or not tightly closed. After closing the door, you need to press the K5 button located on the outside of the door. In this case, relay P is activated, transfers contacts KR1 and KR2 to the position shown in Figure 3 and turns on the engine M.

After one or two seconds, the motor will move the bolt to the position shown in Figure 5 and open contact K3. Relay P will be de-energized, contacts KR1 and KR2 will take a neutral position and turn off the engine. Fig.6. The castle will be closed.

Rice. 5

After closing the lock, button 5 is disabled by contact K3. Any manipulations with this button that may interest a thief, long presses or even broken wires will not prevent you from opening the lock and repairing the damage.


Opening the castle

To open the lock, you need to connect (short-circuit) circuit points A and B (Fig. 7).


You can do this in various ways. For example, turn on the contact of the K4 toggle switch and bring the magnet to the main reed switch. (Fig.7).

The reed switch can be hidden under the door trim. Or use regular lighting as K4. If you screw in the lamp, the circuit will close. There are many options. There is a wide field for imagination here. Only one thing is important. It is necessary to space the keys (series-connected elements) farther away and, if possible, disguise them.

The opening phase of the lock is shown in Figure 7. After turning on the engine, the bolt that has moved to the open state (Fig. 1) will open contact K2 and turn off the motor.


Now you can open the door by opening contact K1. The circuit returned to its initial state (Fig. 2). By closing the door and pressing K5, you can close the door again according to the algorithm described above.


For proper operation lock, the direction of rotation of the motor must be consistent with the direction of the thread of screw 5. For a right-hand thread, in the opening phase of the lock, the motor must rotate counterclockwise when viewed from the shaft.

The problem of buying a good lock for your home, garage, or gate is a big problem for many. The market is saturated with an abundance of models various forms, configurations, with reinforcing mechanisms and secret codes.

Attackers also keep up with the times and manage to select keys and recognize code values. Some aces guess them by hearing or touch. Mechanism of factory models in winter period often freezes, so owners have to warm them up. This creates certain difficulties, especially if a person is in a hurry somewhere on business or to work.

Unique locking device

Nothing is impossible in life. There is always a way out. Developed by me unique technology locking device. I made the most “tricky” padlock with my own hands several years ago. Today there is a whole series of different types of padlocks that are guaranteed to be protected both from the selection of secret codes and from the removal of the handles.

In the text I provided full description a unique locking device of our own design. You can check out technological features on production. I anticipate your question: why do I reveal my secrets? The answer is simple: the homemade padlock of my design has more than four thousand secret code combinations. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

Design features

The main parts of the new model are the same components that are used in the factory assembly.

Operating principle:

  1. Fixation of the bushings into the body part is carried out using a retractable arc part that fits tightly into the half-open grooves. The fittings have threads for rotating pins, which, moving along the passages, act as a locking device.
  2. The surface of the rod, made in the shape of a cylinder, is equipped with semi-oval grooves. It is enough to turn the bushings to a certain position, and they will coincide with the blunt opening under the bow. The arc is easily inserted all the way into the open passage of the lock.
  3. The key is inserted into the recess, turned, and the pin smoothly fits into the groove of the shackle, locking it.
  4. The lock is opened using a code. In other words, this is the location of the groove on the pin with a certain number of turns of the key.
  5. The securing effect of secrecy is the second pin, which has its own code.

That's all the tricky mathematics I came up with. I guarantee:

  • mechanical strength of the structure against burglary. In factory designs, the most painful part is the bolt (latch). It has a small cross-section, so the bolt is not firmly fixed. In my models this factor is minimized to zero;
  • impossibility of selecting a code and opening by touch. This is achieved by keeping the key in the groove of the shackle during opening. Therefore, it is impossible to know that it is located in the locking elements.

Manufacturing principle

The model I developed has a sensitive mechanism. We make a homemade padlock, not a factory-made one. Therefore, we will not “bother” about tolerances. We process and adjust the parts in a regular workshop, which most likely exists in a private home.

To make a unique design, you need a steel round rod D 10 mm. A piece 16.2 cm long is cut from it to make a bow, on which a chamfer with two grooves is made. We give the workpiece an oval shape using any lever. If there is no ready-made shape, then for ease of bending you can weld a nut to the end of the lever or make an eyelet.

On the machine we turn two bushings from bronze, and from steel we get two pins. Next, we proceed to preparing the body. Many people probably think that it is impossible to make a padlock with your own hands. I assure you that this is quite accessible to any man who has the slightest understanding of hardware and has a lathe.

Features of fitting parts

We continue to conjure up the blanks. Don't be afraid to experiment, act with confidence. The final result of the work performed depends on your perseverance and positive mood. For the body it is better to use bronze; duralumin or brass behaves well. This is a flexible and at the same time durable material. We drill two 6 mm holes for the bushings. We insert them at the same level, measure 0.8 cm from the frontal part and drill a through passage “C” 1 cm long for the extended end of the arc base. We mark both bushings and remove them from the body.

The main part of the locking bow is inserted into the body hole so that the short base rests against it, and the end of the bow is cut off. We mark the center of the blind hole with the letter “G”, measure 6 mm and mark it with the letter “a”.

We screw the pins into both bushings until they stop. Then we turn them out to a height of at least 4 mm to begin the process of fixing them with the bow at the “left” and “right” marks. We firmly install the fixed parts in the through opening to allow drilling of the previously marked hole “G” with a depth of 21 mm and D of 10 mm. We check the accuracy by inserting the short side of the bow into the slot. If necessary, we modify the base.

Let's take a look at all the components of a homemade padlock again. The next step is sawing a slot for a screwdriver-key hacksaw blade. The teeth must have a grinding pattern to perform precise work. We set the recesses in the same position and assemble the base without inserting the short end of the bow into the body. We make sure that the groove of the long end is accurately aligned with the bushing holes. We check the pin axial movement through the finished recesses using a screwdriver, the diameter of the rod of which should be 3 mm. If there is any inaccuracy, then sand the pins a little.

Entering the code

Next, we proceed to compiling a secret code. This is the most important point of assembly, requiring precision execution. We insert the first pin all the way, turn it out and align the groove with the hole in the workpiece. We remember the number of half-turns, noting them in a notebook. This number will be the code “Open” for the first position. We make special cuts on the key and the end part of the case to unlock the lock. We check the actions performed with the key at random, counting the code number of revolutions. If there is a discrepancy, use a screwdriver to bring the marks together.

To create and check the code for the second bushing, we carry out similar activities. After completing the settings, remove the bow from the base and drill a through hole at the bottom with a depth of 10 mm, D 12 mm. At the short end of the arc we make semicircular grooves. For strength, we harden and oxidize the arc part.

The decisive moment has arrived for assembling the padlock. All prepared parts are assembled into a housing exactly as described. At the long end of the arc, a wire retaining ring, previously turned for free passage, is inserted into the recess. We lubricate and check the new model in operation.

If you need to make several similar locks, it is better to use a universal sending jig to eliminate additional markings. The preparation and assembly process includes the same sequence as in the first model. The body is clamped on the machine, a hole is made with a depth of 56 mm and D 6 mm, the jig is turned over, and the operation with the second bushing is carried out in a similar way. The same diameters of the holes and their depth.

Assembly and adjustment are carried out according to the manufacturing described above. Drawings with designations are attached below.

The main advantage of security locks made with my own hands, is that by their nature they are unique. Professional burglars do not stand still. They have long studied many of the working patterns of factory locks and can easily open almost any one.

However, the protection of the garage, manufactured according to individual technology owner, can sometimes be very difficult to solve. And this circumstance will ultimately lead the attacker to a dead end.

When approaching the manufacture of such protective equipment, it is necessary to have good and durable materials. Otherwise, even a very unusual lock will simply be torn off due to the insufficient strength of the materials from which it is made.

Another important point, on which it depends The effectiveness of the future lock lies in the fact that it should be designed according to its own design and preferably in a single copy. Often brings great help non-standard approach and wild imagination, and in some cases, a complete lack of logic.

It should be understood that thieves who earn money in this way on an ongoing basis also have a certain ingenuity. And the more original the design of the lock, the sooner the thief will be at a dead end.

IMPORTANT. The simpler a garage lock looks, the less likely it is that a burglar will be able to figure out how it works.

Options for garage mechanisms with a secret

There are several approaches to making a security lock for a garage:

ATTENTION. It should be borne in mind that opening and closing the lock in front of strangers should in no case reveal the principle of its operation.

Most simple view The secret for the garage is mechanical. So, let's look at a few of these options:

  • key making unusual shape and type. It is worth understanding that today the design of almost all factory locks is not a special secret. In addition, through various online platforms you can order almost any master key for a particular lock. Therefore, making a key of a unique type will have a very good result;
  • a lock with a special device. Often you can make a lock that doesn’t require a key at all. Its operating principle will be that it will open only by a pre-thought-out combination of turns of the device;
  • You can also combine a standard lock with a lever lock. This option is very effective, simple and reliable.

Additionally, it should be noted that a DIY garage lock must not be visible from the street, and at the same time have an armored bolt. There are electric locks of this type that can be controlled from a distance. Are different high level efficiency, since this lock cannot be opened by anything.

Also, an electric lock can be combined with a conventional mechanical one. In this case, there will be two levels of protection. The burglar will first try to break the padlock, and even if he succeeds, he will be faced with another obstacle in the form of an electric one. And here it will be difficult to cope.

REFERENCE. The highest security is provided by a hidden electric lock with radio control. A key fob with a specific code is used as a key. When you try to open such a lock, the receiver determines that the entered code matches the one that was originally set and opens the lock.

For additional protection, the code can be changed every day, that is, a one-time password is used. This approach is called anti-scanning.

You can purchase such a lock or make it yourself. However, if purchased, its price will be no less than 9,000 rubles. RF. Made by hand will be cheaper, but not everyone will be able to cope with this, due to the fact that it will require quite deep knowledge in electronics and programming.

Making a clever design with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

So let's imagine step by step instructions for the manufacture of a garage lock with a bolt that will move using a special key that has original features.

First you should prepare all the parts necessary to build a homemade castle:

  1. At the very beginning, you need to make the very basis of the castle. It is a metal plate with a thickness of no more than three millimeters and a diameter of about 10 millimeters;
  2. We cut out two more plates from the same metal, which will serve as overlays. Their width and length should be 22 and 120 millimeters, respectively;
  3. the prepared overlays must be bent in a vice;
  4. Let's start making the bolt for the lock;
  5. Next, we prepare a tube for a key with a diameter of about 10 mm. One end of the tube should be cut at an angle of 60 degrees.

Assembling a lock with a secret:

  1. First you need to weld the pads to the base.

    REFERENCE. If parts are deformed during the welding process, they must be straightened later. If the distortions are small, then they can be removed during the installation of the lock on the gate.

  2. Drill four holes in the corners of the plate. They are necessary to attach the lock to the gate.
  3. The guide tube should be inserted into a hole with a diameter of 10 millimeters made in the plate. Apply the bevel to the overlays.
  4. Weld the tube perpendicularly to the base of the lock.
  5. Next, insert the bolt of the future lock between the linings.
  6. Install 2 screws into the valve itself, at least M4 in size and about 8 millimeters long. These screws will limit the movement of the valve. Spring washers should be placed under their heads.
  7. Next, we proceed to preparing the key.

So, the key should be about 8 millimeters in diameter and about 150 millimeters long. One of its ends should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and on the other side a cut should be made at an angle of 60 degrees.

The secret of the lock is that it makes a hole for the key in the bolt either lower or higher, and the gap can be 1 millimeter. In this case, the castle will have large number ways to establish “secrecy”. To do this, the wearer has the ability to change size 12 in sizes that are acceptable.


Thus, a garage owner with at least a small amount of imagination and desire can easily and without unnecessary investments provide reliable protection for his property and vehicle.

Of course, you can resort to installing the latest locks with complex mechanisms or even putting the garage on guard. However, in practice, many protective measures are not as effective as they are advertised.

Neither a secret lock nor a high fence is a barrier for thieves. However sometimes homemade locks and for them can become a bigger problem than purchased factory products. IN ancient times in villages and even in cities the doors to houses were not locked. But nowadays we have to lock everything, everywhere. To protect the home, and sometimes even the garage, not only locks, but even expensive alarm systems are installed.

It would seem that there are any number of different locking devices, latches, deadbolts, and locks with many secrets on sale. Why do you need homemade locks? Firstly, it is hardly possible to find keys for such locks, because they are made in single copies, and drawings for them cannot be found either in the literature or on the Internet. Secondly, inventing and making locking devices with your own hands is a very exciting activity for many home craftsmen.

How to make it yourself? According to the masters, almost anyone can make a gate. Below is described, in their opinion, the most convenient and reliable way locking double-leaf gates.

The advantage of this rotary lock is that the gate can only be locked from the inside. There are no keyholes on the outer surface, and the lock on the inside is a metal bar that rotates on a pin. This latch rises and falls into metal slots that are screwed to both garage door leaves.

This pinwheel closes and opens without much effort. Its main drawback is that the gate must have additional door. But now it will have to be locked. If the garage is attached to a residential building and there is an entrance to it from the house, then such a lock is the most reliable and economical thing.

Locking from the inside can also be done using pins curved in an “L” shape. They rotate in a bracket welded to each edge of the door leaf - top and bottom.

For the upper locks, a stop is made in the form of a small horizontal metal plate so that the pin does not fall down under its own weight. The lower pins are simply stuck into the ground or into holes specially made in the garage floor. Such garage door locks are quite reliable and affordable to manufacture.

Homemade locks

You can make not only deadbolts, but also garage locks with your own hands. For example, a description and drawings of how to make a gate were published back in 1998 in issue No. 6 of the CAM magazine. This design is still very popular among garage owners. It will be improved and even made “coded”.

“Coding” a padlock is done by making notches on the key and adjusting the number of half turns to close the lock. Of course, an attacker will be able to select the code length and number of revolutions. But this operation will take too long. He probably won't want to fiddle with the lock for more than a couple of minutes.

Another type of homemade lock that is quite often used to lock garages is the screw lock. It locks the garage door using a screw located in the latch tube. The key to it must match the bolt head. The problem is that the key itself is very large, and it is very easy to pick it up using a round brass nozzle.

One craftsman came up with the idea of ​​​​making a freely rotating cap for a screw. It only engages the screw when the original T-key is used. The master makes such screw locks with original keys to order, earning good money from this. Homemade electromechanical lock Garage owners do not use it as often. Although it is more reliable than all those described above.

The operating principle of such a lock is quite simple. When a door, gate or gate is closed, the locking bolt of the lock presses on the spring inside it and the tongue enters the groove of the door - the so-called counterpart of the lock. This is a purely mechanical device. The electronic part of the lock (in most cases it is a solenoid - an inductance coil) acts on the bolt, closing or opening the electrical network.

An electromechanical lock usually has an electronic key in the form of a tablet or is controlled remotely from a key fob. To make such a lock with your own hands, use an ordinary massive lever lock, from which the levers (plates with shaped key cutouts) are removed, leaving only the crossbars. A guide plate is attached to them. As electric drive For such a lock, drives for car locks are used.

A device such as an electromechanical lock is quite expensive. Another disadvantage is the inability to control it if there is no electricity in the garage. In order to protect yourself from the inability to open such a lock, a car alarm connected to the car battery is used for power supply.



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