How to throw a strong punch with your hand. How to hit harder

Knockout Punch

Knockout blow - setting and practicing a knockout blow

Knockout - manifests itself in the fact that the enemy receives a blow, after which he cannot continue the fight.
Knockout is a condition characterized by dizziness, partial or complete loss of orientation, and sometimes consciousness, resulting from a blow.

The ability to knock out an opponent depends on many things: the accuracy of the blow, the speed and sharpness of its delivery, the correct investment of the whole body weight in the blow, muscle mass and the enemy’s resistance to blows, etc. The ability to knock out consists of three components: genetic, technical and strength. If genetics cannot be overcome, then you can develop technique and strength through boxing training.

The main feature of a “knockout” boxer is the ability to deliver an accurate, strong and fast accented blow with maximum “explosive” force.

Some people who have such a punch may be naturally gifted with such qualities, but most fighters often have to achieve a knockout blow through rigorous training.

From this article you will learn how to deliver a knockout blow with your hand, how to increase the power of the blow, exercises for training a knockout blow.

Knockout punch training

To practice a knockout blow you will need: a heavy punching bag or a wall pillow for practicing punches, boxing gloves, 2-3 kilogram dumbbells, boxing bandages.

Knockout blows are most often side blows or a direct blow with the back - the strongest hand - to the jaw. Therefore, if you want to quickly develop a knockout blow, I recommend practicing these two types of punches.

If you are an athlete - a fighter or boxer who often finds yourself in competitive combat - I don't need to tell you the benefits of having proper punching technique. But for readers unfamiliar with striking sports, I will briefly explain: having the correct striking technique gives you the ability to strike faster, more accurately, harder and with less effort and energy.

Therefore, for beginners, I would recommend first setting correct technique striking, and then begin practicing knockout blows. (you can find out how to apply the technique of direct and side blows here:


Well, for those who have already mastered the striking technique, I ask for attention and patience, which you will undoubtedly need when practicing a knockout blow.

Knockout Punch

A knockout blow most often contains 4 qualities that make this blow overthrow opponents on the spot. Disruption, speed, strength and accuracy are the basis of a knockout blow.


A stall, which can also be called an explosion, allows you to strike unexpectedly, without giving the enemy the opportunity to react and determine where and what kind of strike will be delivered.

Before striking, the arm muscles must be relaxed. In the fighter’s mind, there should be no desire to hit - otherwise the fighter’s body tenses before striking, makes preparatory movements for striking, which in turn slow down the blow and give the opponent a signal about the impending blow.

At one point, the fighter explodes, throwing a sharp blow, which gives the blow surprise.

Exercises to practice the breakdown phase.

Beats on sound signals

The fighter stands in a fighting stance and is relaxed. The partner, who is out of sight of the fighter, claps his hands at different intervals. At the moment of the clap, the fighter must deliver a quick hard blow. The point of the exercise is that you need to reduce the time that passes from the sound signal to the completion of the blow.

Impacts after touching

The starting position is the same, only signals are given by touching from behind different parts student's body. Touches can be either light touches or tangible jolts. The fighter must throw out his hands as quickly as possible immediately after the signal.


Working with boxing paws

Working on the mitts is very useful and helps the fighter practice almost everything. necessary qualities for a powerful and accurate strike.

In this exercise, the partner holds the paw and constantly changes its location: up, down, left, right, further, closer, from the trainee, but not further than the maximum possible distance for the strike.
The striker must deliver precise blows to the paws with maximum force.


To hit quickly and as efficiently as possible, your hand should be as relaxed as possible at the moment the strike begins. The fist should be clenched as much as possible only a moment before reaching the target.

5 Exercises to develop hitting speed


A knockout blow must have strength in addition to speed.
To develop it, perform the following exercises:


Stand on palms, fists, fingers (stands change from time to time). Each set of push-ups is done for the maximum possible number of presses.

Fast push-ups- With maximum speed you go down and go up. This type of push-up should give you the most presses.

Push-ups with a second delay- at the bottom when lowering, after which a sharp rise is made with pushing upward with maximum force, half a second fixation in top point, after which a repeat is made.

Push-ups on palms with clapping during push-ups. In this type of push-up, you need to push off the floor with maximum force, so that it looks like a jump - lifting your hands off the floor. At the moment you lift your hands, you need to clap your hands, after which you return to the starting position to repeat the exercise.

Push-ups on fists with chest blows. They are performed in the same way as push-ups with clapping, only instead of clapping, you touch your chest with your fists at the top point. After which you return to the starting position of the fist stand.

Alternate push-ups on one arm. This refers to one-arm push-ups. After maximum quantity presses on one arm, change hands.

Bench press

Movements must be performed without stopping at the top and bottom points. The weight must be selected in such a way that you can perform 15-20 repetitions at medium speed.

Snatching a 24kg kettlebell with one arm at a fast pace. In this exercise, the muscles of the back and legs are involved in the work.

Barbell or barbell pushes - a 20 kg barbell is pushed from the chest. Front stance position, feet shoulder-width apart, at a fast pace the barbell is pushed out like straight punches with both hands. Before pushing the barbell, you can do a small squat of up to 5 cm.

Working with small dumbbells

In this exercise you need to do 2-3 rounds, three minutes each, shadow boxing. Special attention and the emphasis should be on the strikes that you want to develop and make knockouts. This exercise develops both strength and speed.

Working on a punching bag

When striking the bag to develop a knockout blow, you must mentally and physically strive to “pierce the bag” right through, that is, each of your blows must be delivered with maximum force and with the same technique for performing the blow.

To practice a knockout blow, powerful single punches are performed from a fighting stance.

You can also practice two strikes - a deuce. The first blow is 70% force, the second is maximum force.

Paw work

Boxing pads are the best at simulating the movements of striking targets in a fight, making them the best all-around boxing implement.


The partner keeps his paw down and shows it at random times. With each display, the paw must be moved left and right, up and down. The blow is delivered from a stance with feet close together with a lunge;

Hunting for the paw. The partner constantly keeps his paw at the same level, and he moves, running away from the attacker, who must, while moving, powerfully hit the paw from an advantageous position;

Strike and instant return. The partner holds a paw in one hand, and in the other a rope or belt, with which he hits the attacker’s hand at the moment of hitting the paw. The attacker's goal is to have time to return his hand to his chin so that he is not hit by the rope.

Strengthening your hands for a knockout blow


In addition to training strength, stall and accuracy, there is one more important point. This is hand strengthening. In an untrained person, it is quite vulnerable, since the phalanges of the fingers are not protected by muscles and are very fragile. Therefore, when delivering a blow, a fighter can easily get a hand injury instead of a knockout if his fists were not “stuffed” in advance.

One of the most effective ways Strengthening the hand are push-ups on the fists, on the phalanges and on the knuckles. At first, to avoid excessive pain, do push-ups on a soft mat. As you “harden” you can move on to harder surfaces. When your hands are completely hardened, you can move on your fists around the hall in a prone position.

Working on a hard bag

The second way to strengthen the striking surface of the hands is to practice strikes at home on a bag filled with sand, rice or peas.

To do this, you will need an additional punching bag, not the one you use to practice punches. The bag for stuffing the arms should be 60-70 centimeters long and 60-80 kilograms in weight.

You need to strike such a bag while wearing bandages.
with a fighting bandage with your hands. You need to start filling your arms with a thorough warm-up of your arms. After a complete warm-up and bandaging of your hands, you can move on to exercises. At first, not strong direct blows are applied. After 2-4 minutes of work, the force of the blows can be gradually increased. After 6 - 10 minutes of working with direct blows, you can switch to side blows. IN general work on a hard bag for stuffing your hands should last no more than 15 minutes.


This article does not contain all the exercises for setting up a knockout blow; a book format will be required to describe all the exercises. But even these exercises, provided you train conscientiously, are quite enough to get a knockout blow.

If you are interested in more information on how to set up and train a knockout punch, see the articles below:

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Delivering a knockout blow updated: January 3, 2018 by: Boxingguru

Any man who is at least a little familiar with martial arts, and especially with boxing and hand-to-hand combat, understands that to win, one biting, burning, sharp blow is enough, capable of sending the enemy for some time into a state of altered consciousness.

People who have such a blow, for example, may be gifted from God, but most people most often achieve what they want through hard training. From this article you will learn how to throw a punch, how to increase the power of the punch, what exercises you need to do and what recommendations to follow in order to get a knockout blow.

Staging a strike at home consists of two parts.


The first part is the breakdown. Allows you to act unexpectedly, without giving your opponent time to determine where and what kind of blow will come from. Main principle breakdown is relaxation. That is, before it, all muscles should be completely relaxed, and the head should be cool. There should be no desire to hit in the fighter’s mind. At a certain point in time, the fighter explodes, which adds surprise to the blow.

The following exercises will help you practice the breakdown phase.

  1. Beats on sound signals. The fighter stands in a fighting stance and is completely relaxed. The partner, who is out of sight of the fighter, gives sound signals at different intervals, for example, by clapping his hands. At this moment a sharp blow is delivered. The point of the exercise is that you need to reduce the time that passes from the sound signal to the completion of the strike. To complicate the task, you can use another signal, for example with a voice, in which the student should not strike.
  2. Strikes after contact. The starting positions are the same, only the signals are given not by sounds, but by touching different parts of the student’s body from behind. Touches can be either light touches or tangible jolts. The fighter must throw out his hands as quickly as possible immediately after the signal.
  3. Working with boxing paws. The partner holds the paw and constantly changes its location: up, down, left, right, further, closer, from the trainee, but not further than the maximum possible distance for the strike.
  4. Strikes a partner to the body, which then bounces off the striker. The goal of the exercise is that you need to have time to hit your opponent before he bounces to a safe distance. This is where psychological relaxation is needed, which is also transmitted to the partner.
  5. Hitting a piece of newspaper. The partner holds a newspaper sheet measuring 30 by 30 centimeters by the upper corners, and the student hits it. Ideally, you need to punch a hole in the newspaper with your bare fist. But this is already aerobatics.


The second part of the slash is the acceleration of the fist. The effectiveness here depends on the speed and strength training of the fighter. Moreover, it is necessary to train both of these components. There is an opinion that it is necessary to exclude weight training exercises from training, since they can lead to a decrease in impact speed. However, a quick punch without power in it will not always be a knockout, especially with body shots. Such blows are useful if you need to score points in amateur boxing. This is where all the advantages end. A knockout blow must have strength in addition to speed.

  1. Push-ups:
    • Stand on your fists or on your fingers, hands slightly wider than shoulders, when lowering, the elbows move along the body. You need to do push-ups at a fast pace;
    • Palm push-ups with clapping between push-ups;
    • Fist push-ups with chest blows between push-ups;
    • Push-ups alternate on one hand.
  2. Bench press from the chest. Movements must be performed without stopping at the top and bottom points. The weight must be selected in such a way that you can perform 10-12 repetitions at medium speed.
  3. Snatching a 24kg kettlebell with one arm at a fast pace. In this way, the muscles of the back and legs are involved in the work.
  4. Clean and jerk two 24 kg weights at a fast pace.
  5. Working on a punching bag. In this case, it is necessary to aim not at the surface of the pear, at a point in the depths of the bag or even behind it. Thus, it is necessary to strive to “break through the bag.”
    • Powerful single strikes striking hand from a fighting stance. The goal is to pierce the bag as deep as possible;
    • Strike - two-handed with one or two hands. The first blow is shallow, the second is as deep as possible;
    • Swing the bag and deliver powerful counter blows.
  6. Boxing pads are the best at simulating the movements of striking targets in a fight, making them the best all-around boxing implement. Exercises:
    • The partner keeps his paw down and shows it at random times. With each display, the paw must be moved left and right, up and down. The blow is delivered from a stance with feet close together with a lunge;
    • Hunting for the paw. The partner constantly keeps his paw at the same level, and he moves, running away from the attacker, who must, while moving, powerfully hit the paw from an advantageous position;
    • Strike and instant return. The partner holds a paw in one hand, and in the other a rope or belt, with which he hits the attacker’s hand at the moment of hitting the paw. The attacker's goal is to have time to return his hand to his chin so that he is not hit by the rope.

Tempering your hands for a knockout blow


In addition to practicing stalling and acceleration, there is another important point. This is hardening the outside of the brush. In an untrained person, it is quite vulnerable, since the phalanges of the fingers are not protected by muscles and are very fragile. Therefore, when delivering a blow, a fighter can easily get a severe hand injury instead of a knockout if his fists were not “stuffed” in advance.

Methods for hardening hands are very diverse. One of the most effective methods is push-ups on the fists: on the phalanges and knuckles. At first, to avoid excessive pain, do push-ups on a soft surface. As you “harden” you can move on to harder surfaces. When your hands are completely hardened, you can move on your fists around the hall in a prone position.

Working on the bag

The second method of hardening is practicing blows at home on a bag. It should be noted that the bags served in the store are most often designed to be used with gloves and are not suitable for stuffing your hands. If you work with gloves, don’t forget to wear them, the glove will fit better and your hands will be protected from injury.

Therefore, you can make a bag yourself, especially since it is not difficult. To do this, it is necessary to sew a cylinder with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters and the length of a boxing bag from a double layer of leatherette or tarpaulin. A bottom is sewn on the bottom, two or four straps on top into which you can insert metal rings for ceiling mounting. A cereal or sugar bag is inserted inside, into which dry grain is poured, preferably barley or wheat. The inner bag is tightly tied with a rope so that the grain does not “play”. The bag should weigh between 60 and 80 kg. Such a bag will last about 10-15 years without replacing grain. Grain is used as a filler because it gives a density similar to that of the human body. In addition, the cost of manufacturing such a projectile is an order of magnitude lower than that of a store-bought one.

Bottom line

Of course, the article does not contain all the exercises for setting up a knockout blow, but even these, subject to conscientious training, are quite enough to give you confidence that one of your blows is enough to stand up for yourself and your loved ones, and not to offend the weak. The main thing is to remember that the strength of a man does not lie in knocking down everyone who comes to hand, but in the ability to do good deeds, and with such density that there is not a free second between them.

The correct striking technique in boxing or other martial arts is a priority. Without setting up a punch in boxing, you are not allowed to hit the bag or sparring in the ring.

Today we will tell you how to correctly place a punch, even at home.

The hand has several striking surfaces that are difficult to damage in combat. This is, first of all, the base of the palm.

Try hitting the hard punching bag with the heel of your hand as hard as you can. The blow will be powerful and the hand will not feel any pain or even slight discomfort. You can also hit this place on concrete wall. You just need to get used to this blow and practice it, improving speed and strength.

With the back of your hand you can deliver sharp blows to the opponent's face without risking damage to your own hand.

Here you can add an ordinary slap in the face. Oznobishin, the founder of Soviet hand-to-hand combat, wrote about its simplicity and strength. According to him, a well-executed slap can knock down even a heavyweight opponent.

If we talk about palm strikes, then we can’t help but mention palm strikes to the ears. This blow injures the eardrums and completely deprives the enemy of the opportunity to continue the attack.

Also, when setting up punches for a real fight, do not forget the fingers. They strike soft or particularly vulnerable parts of the enemy’s body, such as the eyes, throat, solar plexus and groin area.

Also, blows can be applied with the edge of the palm, both from the little finger and from the thumb.

A little more about clenched fists

Well, now, back to the clenched fist strikes that we are all so accustomed to. If you want to train in this direction, then prepare yourself for long training sessions. The fist hardens very gradually and, with some patience on your part, turns into a formidable weapon.

First of all, you need to pay attention to those places that are most susceptible to injury during impact, that is, the knuckles and wrist joint. Both are hardened by push-ups with fists, gradually increasing their number.

Also, various stances on a clenched fist, of which there are so many in different styles wushu and especially hard qigong. With such training, the fist acquires the necessary hardness and resistance to injury.

Now you can safely strike with your fist to any part of the enemy’s body. But until these workouts are completed, do not injure your hand. Hit those parts of it that are not susceptible to injury.

When talking about setting up punches, we shouldn’t forget about the elbow. Elbow strikes are used when the opponent reaches a critical distance, the so-called clinch. At such a distance, a well-placed elbow strike has no value.

When practicing punches, you need to learn to punch from any position, without being tied to a specific stance. This skill will give you a huge advantage in the event of a street fight.

And of course, you should never neglect training and the correct placement of punches under the guidance of an experienced trainer. “The one who walks will master the road.”

Hello, dear readers of the site. Placing a punch is the most important factor for a boxer. And it is necessary to work diligently to develop it.

Complex 1. Failure

Many novice boxers intend to. To achieve this goal, you need to train hard and correctly. There are different sets of useful exercises.

The essence of these classes is relaxation, instant concentration and a sharp attack. You need to explode at a specific moment.

The following exercises work here:

  1. Attacks based on sound alerts. The student is in a fighting position, completely relaxed. The coach is beyond his sight. It provides sound alerts at different time intervals, such as clapping hands. At this signal, the fighter delivers a hard blow. Gradually the mentor shortens these intervals and introduces additional signal, which the student should not attack.
  2. The principle is the same, only the contacts serve as signals various parts body of the ward. They can be light and in the form of tremors. The student’s task is to immediately throw out his hands after such touches.
  3. Exercise with special paws. The trainer holds his paw. Constantly changes its position, but within the distance of the student's strike.
  4. A partner helps in this action. The fighter hits him in the body. He bounces away from him. The striker’s task is to have time to attack before the partner rebounds.
  5. Storm of newspaper pieces. In the hands of the coach is a sheet of newspaper 30 by 30 cm. He holds it by the upper corners. A student attacks a newspaper. He must immediately punch a hole in it, and with his bare fist.

Also, setting up a striking blow in boxing is impossible without the following series of exercises:

Complex 2. Acceleration

When throwing a punch, you need to accelerate your fist. The dynamics and power of strikes develops. Different weights and different strength exercises are used:

First. Push-ups

  1. The process is carried out using fingers or fists. Hands are slightly wider than shoulder width. When the arms are lowered, the movement of the elbows runs along the body. The pace of push-ups is rapid.
  2. On the palms. Each repetition is followed by hand clapping.
  3. On fists. After each repetition you need to hit your chest.
  4. Alternately, now on one hand, then on the other.

Second. Working with a barbell

Bench press from the chest. The process takes place without pauses at the extreme limits (upper and lower). Select a comfortable weight for 10-12 repetitions in medium dynamics.

Third. Working with a 24 kg kettlebell

Only one hand is used to lift it. The action moves at a fast pace. The muscles of the back and legs are involved.

Then two such projectiles are pushed. The pace is the same.

Fourth. Placing a punch on the bag

Here you need to aim at the point that is behind the bag. With this method he “breaks through”. It is first followed by a series of single attacks with the main striking hand from a fighting position. The deeper the bag is affected, the better.

After which there is a cycle of twos. One and two hands are used. The initial attack is shallow. The second one achieves maximum results.

Then the bag swings. There is a series of powerful counter strikes.

Fifth. Exercise with paws

The movements of attack targets are perfectly simulated here. The following series of exercises follows:

  1. The trainer's paw. It's down. He shows it for a moment, suddenly. With each demonstration, the paw moves to the right - left side, along the lower and upper vector. Teaching hits it from close range from the stance. His legs are placed in a lunge position.
  1. The trainer holds the paw in one position. He moves on his own. The student catches up with him and tries to powerfully attack the paw from the optimal position.
  1. The mentor has a paw in one hand and a rope in the other. He hits the student's hand with the rope as he hits the student's paw. The student's goal is to return his hand to his chin before attacking with the rope.

Question about the outside of the hand

A boxer must develop his arms well, especially his hands. If the hands are poorly developed, they can be seriously injured when struck. Therefore, you need to do push-ups with your fists. Initial lessons can be carried out on a soft mat. Depending on the degree of development and hardening, you can do push-ups on harder surfaces, and then in the gym.

Home activities

You can train a powerful blow at home. The blow is placed on the pear. You can buy it or make it yourself. Moreover, store versions are more intended for training with gloves than for developing hands. If you wear gloves, wrap your hands with special bandages. This way your hands are protected from injury.

Making a homemade pear is not difficult. A double strip of tarpaulin is used (you can use leatherette). Sew a cylinder out of it. Its diameter is 50-60 cm. The length is identical to a boxing bag. The bottom is made from below. 2 belts are attached to the top side, 4 for reliability. Rings for mounting to the ceiling are placed in them. There is a sugar bag inside. It is filled with grain. Tightened tightly with rope. Required weight: 60 – 80 kg.

  1. Warm up. Jumping. Easy running. The body is warming up. Hands are bandaged.
  2. The striking process requires constant movement. There are attacks from different positions, under different angles. Start with singles, then doubles, combinations. Change the dynamics and power of the attack.
  3. If you have recently started boxing, a bag of medium parameters and weighing no more than 30 kg will suit you. First you can rock it. She will head towards you, you respond to her with a direct boarding attack. It should take a static position. Gradually increase your attack power. Change your punching hands and angles of attack.
  4. Learn and practice all the main strikes: jab, cross, uppercut, etc.
  5. It is better to perfect the uppercut on a small bag. It is suspended higher: it imitates the opponent’s head.


Many boxers want to have a knockout punch. The goal is quite achievable. And all that remains is to work hard, using known techniques.

A common situation: you and your girlfriend are returning from the theater through a deserted industrial area where the streetlights are off, and suddenly three people appear from behind the nearest grab loader. To catch hooligans by surprise and take away their phones, cigarettes and other small items, it would be nice to have minimal self-defense skills. At least know how to hit correctly.

How to learn this, we asked Roman Karmazin, world champion in the 1st middle (IBF version, 2005-2006) weight category, holder of seven championship belts and teacher at the Boxing Academy school. And he told!

“Of course,” Roman begins, “for training to be successful, it is necessary to exercise under the supervision of a specialist. But you can lay the foundations yourself. First of all, you should remember that a punch, paradoxically, begins with the legs.” With their help, the boxer “twists” the body so that eventually the fist rushes towards the target at the speed of a cannonball. In general, do this:

■ Stand in a standing position. The left leg is slightly in front, the right leg is behind it, slightly set aside for stability and seems to be springing on the toe. The arms are raised and bent at the elbows, the left fist is at chin level, the right one protects the cheekbone. You are not standing strictly sideways to your imaginary opponent, but half a turn. If you are left-handed, mirror your stance.

■ Relax and imagine that you have to throw your arm forward not only with muscle force, but also with a powerful movement of the body. It will be easier to do this if you imagine a rope with a load that is tied to a pole. Spin the pole and the weight will fly forward.

■ The right leg “charges” the blow: it stands on the toe and communicates movement to the hip, then the abs and shoulder girdle. Only in the final phase of the movement, when the body is already turning and is ready to throw out the arm, should the muscles work.

■ Even during a strike, do not forget about protection. The shoulder of the forward hand protects the cheekbone, the left one still protects the chin.

■ Instead of singing into a razor, pretending that it is a microphone, it is better to repeat these movements every day in front of the mirror. Of course, until you sign up for the boxing section, where you will have access to a punching bag, paws, and even sparring partners.

In boxing, there is no need for secret blows with the edge of the palm, diamond fingers and stinging figs. Make a fist as shown in the picture. And remember that the knuckles of your index and ring fingers should touch the target first.

Exercises to develop punching power

Knowledge of technique alone is not enough for a novice boxer. But Roman Karmazin is sure that only three exercises are enough to develop strength!

Stand on your fists. The weight should fall on the first two knuckles - it is with them that the blow is delivered. Press your elbows to your body, so your arms are not particularly wide apart. Do push-ups - the triceps should be tensed first. Repeat the exercise 20 times in 3 approaches.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Squat down until your knees are level with your hips. Jump up as much as possible while raising your arms. For weighting, you can take dumbbells, a ball with sand, or a small child. You will also have to jump out 20 times in 3 approaches.

Yes, the most common abdominal exercises. You can do them on a bench or on the floor. For a high-quality blow, alternate straight lines and with a body rotation.

The main mistakes a novice boxer makes

■ Places feet in line. This interferes with sustainability. There are no special rules according to which you must stand. Make it comfortable to hit while moving.

■ Shifts the center of gravity to the front leg. This can only be justified by the fact that the boxer is short and thus trying to reach his opponent. In other cases, the center of gravity should be on the back leg or between the legs.

■ Lowers the free hand into at the moment from the blow. But she must protect him!

■ Crouchs during impact. Perhaps this is done due to strong tension. But it should be exactly the opposite: the knees straighten, adding momentum.



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