Why dream of injuring a person with a knife. Knife, dagger

The dream book believes that a knife in the hands in a dream characterizes the mood of the sleeper, prevailing in at the moment and reflects the problems that concern us most acutely. Interpretations of what the symbol means in dreams consider forecasts of events possible in the near future.

What does Miller portend?

Miller's dream book clearly interprets why one dreams of a knife in one's hands. The interpreter considers such a gesture a harbinger of tense circumstances. If you dreamed of such an image, you should know that in real life the danger of conflict or loss of property increases.

You and the world around you

Interpreters will find many interesting explanations of why you dream of holding a knife in your hands. Often such a symbol happens to be seen by those who in reality feel like a victim of prejudice and groundless attacks.

This is not the only explanation for why I had to hold the cutting object. What you see in a dream represents an urgent need to defend yourself or restore justice.

Azar's dream book offers the following interpretation of the dream: you have to hold a blade when in reality someone passionately wants to see you. It is very likely that the long-awaited meeting will take place in reality.

Special features

The dream book puts a special meaning into appearance and the main function of the item you dreamed about:

  • If you had to hold a large cleaver, you tend to exaggerate the scale of the problems;
  • A deliberately long blade in a dream portends negative emotions;
  • A shiny sharp knife in your hands means making an important decision;
  • Why do you dream of using a shoemaker's tool? In reality, sadness will come;
  • A sharp kitchen knife means that you cannot be persuaded;
  • If you dreamed of taking many different knives one after another - beware of deception;
  • Clutching a rusty blade in a fist means someone who is dissatisfied with family life;
  • When in a dream you manage to lose a knife from your hands, get ready to welcome guests;
  • A bloody blade in a clenched palm indicates an ancestral curse.

Actions in a dream

If in your night dreams you walk down the street, scaring passers-by with cold steel, the Wanderer’s dream book notices that you are not very friendly towards the world around you and its inhabitants.

If the dreamer plays with a knife in a dream, Vanga’s dream book explains in his own way what this sign means. It seems that the sleeper has an evil plan in his plans.

Seeing a knife in your hands and grindstone happens on the eve of an unexpected truce with a sworn enemy. Circumstances will develop in such a way that it will be the most reasonable decision to end the hostility.

Armed strangers

If you dreamed of a knife in your hands unknown man, the birthday book considers the symbol to be quite multifaceted. If in a dream a stranger does not pose a danger, an unusual acquaintance awaits, which will make adjustments to your personal life.

The sharp objects we dream about are most often a symbol of the same sharp passions. A sharpened blade is certainly one such sign. Dream books have their own opinion about what a knife means in a dream: it means both an upcoming wedding and a possible betrayal - it all depends on the details.

Knives have accompanied humanity since ancient times; they were both weapons and one of the most the right tools in everyday life and craft. Blades could be both dangerous enemies and good helpers, so a knife in a dream is both good and dangerous.

It is a rare dream book that does not call a knife a bad sign, but this can be interpreted in another way: a person dreams of a knife when it is necessary to adjust his behavior. If you dreamed of a knife, you should think about what warning he wanted to convey to you.

A knife in a dream is a good friend who will protect you from a rash, wrong step. At the same time, we can dream about the blade in different ways.

  • It can be big and shiny.
  • Or old, rusty and broken.
  • Be a household item or a weapon.
  • Lie on a table or fall to the floor.
  • He may not be alone, but “in company.”

Let's try to figure out why a knife is dreamed of, based on the details. First, let's consider situations when in your dream you simply see an object, but no events occur.

Steel flashed in the darkness...

1. A large knife in a dream signals that the dreamer is inclined to exaggerate everything, especially the problems in his life, “to make mountains out of molehills.” Such a dream means that you should not take problems more seriously than they really are, then it will be much easier to find the keys to solving them.

2. A long blade foreshadows some unexpected unpleasant events, which, moreover, can give rise to a flurry of negative emotions in you and the people around you. The more the knife shines, the louder the warning: do not give free rein to your emotions, so that the fire of conflict does not destroy the good atmosphere in your family and circle of friends.

3. The knife turned out to be dull in a dream - which means you are worried about your loved ones. On the one hand, this is commendable, but on the other, the desire to control the situation can cause a negative reaction and also have a bad effect on health. Such a dream may warn that you should trust your household more.

4. If you dreamed about a rusty knife, some short dream books believe that such a dream means a conflict situation with your significant other, some kind of quarrels and squabbles. More detailed interpretations explain: troubles can be avoided if you put effort into it, that is, do not initiate quarrels yourself, and treat your loved one with greater understanding.

5. Miller’s dream book considers a broken knife to be a harbinger that your dreams will not come true.

A broken knife in this case is perceived as a symbol of the collapse of hopes, however modern interpretations They say: seeing a broken knife in a dream is a warning. In reality, you need to more objectively assess your strengths and capabilities, not build castles in the sand, and then your projects will have a chance to come true.

6. Seeing a knife in a dream whose place is in the kitchen means that in the coming days a completely peaceful and pleasant event may follow - an invitation to a walk or a picnic, on a trip or even on a date.

But if in a dream the knife turned out to be a combat or hunting knife, you should be vigilant. Such a dream means that someone has started a provocation or some kind of meanness against you - you need to increase your vigilance in order to bring the attacker clean.

7. Freud's dream book interprets a knife lying on the table as the dreamer's fear of new acquaintances - due to the fact that the person previously suffered greatly emotionally in a relationship. The author of the interpretation advises, first of all, to deal with your fears, which prevent you from moving on in life calmly.

8. Folk tradition says that large number blades on the dining or kitchen table in a dream encourages you to be more economical, because otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

And a blade that appears in a vision on the pillow of your bed promises unexpected luck. For a woman to see a falling knife in a dream means the presence of a man in her environment who is literally asking for a closer acquaintance.

9. Seeing a lot of blades in your night dreams is not just a warning, but a sign that you should stop, think again and rewrite your behavior strategy. There are many knives in me - there are many temptations and temptations around, and if you succumb to them, you can bring many dangers onto your own head. An adequate assessment of the situation and an accurate calculation of each subsequent step can save you from them.

10. Gives an interesting explanation Gypsy dream book in the case when in a dream the knife turned out to be a penknife (folding). According to the dream book, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel, which, however, will turn out to be “empty” and will be forgotten very quickly.

Metal Rule

Just as a gun on the wall is bound to fire in the end, so in a dream a knife is eventually involved in various actions. During a night's rest, you were able to see a knife in someone's hand - the explanation of the dream will be one; you yourself began to sharpen the blade - you will receive a different interpretation.

Most often, people ask dream books what the following actions mean:

  • Hold it in your hand.
  • Cut something with them.
  • Throw him away.
  • Give a knife or receive it as a gift.
  • Strike with a cold weapon.
  • An attack with a blade is made on the one who sees the dream.
  • The blade ends up covered in blood.

It is worth analyzing different scenes in which blades and kitchen utensils appear. Otherwise, it’s very easy to confuse the signals that fate gives us.

1. Sharpening a knife in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes the opportunity to make peace with an old adversary and even an enemy. It may also mean that you will have to do a job you don't like in order to maintain the well-being of your family.

How about cleaning the blade of a weapon or kitchen utensil? folk tradition considers it a harbinger.

2. Why do you dream of a knife that you hold in your hands for work? For example, a shoemaker who has to cut something? In a dream you had to work with a blade - and in life in the near future you will have to work tirelessly - it’s worth getting into a working mood.

3. In a dream you cut food, for example - such a dream warns against unreasonably large expenses that your family may require of you. You have to cut something else - most likely, in reality you will have to make serious concessions and compromises in order to achieve your goal.

4. You dream of knives that you throw at a target - such a vision warns against unseemly actions that can seriously tarnish your reputation.

5. In a dream, you hide a bladed weapon - it doesn’t matter behind your back, or in a hollow tree, or somewhere else - this means that you are aware of the wrongness of some actions you have committed, but at the same time you are trying to make sure that your “skeletons are in closet" no one knew.

6. Why do you dream about a knife in a dream when you found it? This is another warning: know how to keep your secrets. Ill-wishers are happy to use this “insider” information against you.

7. If you dream of blades that were given to you, in reality you should be more attentive to the requests that are made to you. It may happen that by agreeing to help someone, you will take on too much responsibility. Give sharp objects yourself - you can solve your problems with the help of others.

8. You dream about the knives you buy - your ambitions require satisfaction, you need to be more active. If you take away a bladed weapon from someone, in reality your opponent will retreat without your intervention.

Such different blood

What bothers people most is when they have dreams in which an attack occurs, a blade glistens and water pours. Dream interpreters claim that these visions are not as scary as they seem at first glance.

When a woman dreams that she is playing with metal product, - which means she is hatching plans for revenge. However, you should refrain from them, otherwise they may turn against their “author.”

Seeing yourself in a dream as a criminal with a knife in your hands is a good omen: a risky project in reality promises to be successful. But to attack and injure someone, to shed blood, means that your character may serve you poorly. You should not violate moral principles, so as not to find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation.

In a dream, you yourself were stabbed in the back - in reality, beware of imaginary friends: they are also preparing to stab you in the back, “from around the corner” - of course, not in the literal sense. But this “attack” can become an unexpected stab in the back for you, which can unsettle you for a long time.

  • If in your vision you were attacked in the stomach, and at the same time you saw blood, in reality it’s worth more attention devote family matters to avoid serious problems at home.
  • If in a dream you were wounded until you bled, but you managed to escape, the problems can be solved at the cost of not very much effort.
  • If you hurt yourself until you bled in a dream, you can expect profit in life. Idiomatic dream book also says that stabbing yourself with a knife and seeing blood means rethinking your life plans. And to wound another with a cold weapon is to fall in love yourself.

As you can see, dreams with knives and even blood are not as terrible as they might seem. The main thing is to correctly understand the warning that they are trying to convey to us. And one more thing: if you dreamed that you were stabbed in the heart, visit a cardiologist as soon as possible!

About betrayal, a symbol of aggression. Male phallic symbol.

Admire the knife- harbor evil qualities.

Fencing with a knife- to quarrel and disputes.

To be wounded by a knife- to illness, unfavorable circumstances.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a knife lying on the table- you are too afraid to meet new people. This happens because you once “got burned” very badly. Try to be more objective and not be led by your own fear.

If in a dream you saw that someone you know was picking up a knife to cut something- such a dream suggests that you are currently walking on the edge of what is permitted, but for some reason you think that no one around you notices this. Expect the consequences of your frivolous behavior soon.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

There are symbols and signs in dreams that are not difficult to understand or feel on an intuitive level, at least approximately.

Everyone will feel that the beautiful clean sea or the gentle sun promises something good, but dangerous signs do not portend happiness.

One of these, not the most pleasant symbols, is a knife. A sign of aggression, strength, danger and injury - a knife comes into dreams not to scare, but to warn, to protect from a wrong step, to advise the right course of action.

Do not rush to open the dream book - a knife can mean a lot, but in order not to risk getting a wrong interpretation, you should first remember all the details and nuances of your dreams. Then just determine what the knife is for in a dream and draw conclusions.

It is important to understand that we often dream of edged weapons during periods of life when we have reached a dead end, or our heart is filled with anger. When our thoughts are occupied by bad plans, the desire for revenge or harm, then we dream of daggers, a predatory steel shine and everything connected with it - an evil maniac, scarlet blood, murder, knife wound or a knife in the back, or even in the stomach...

All this is scary, but don’t be afraid - these are useful dreams that will help you avoid danger in reality. What are the types of dreams involving knives? There are a lot of options, for example:

  • You see a knife or dagger in your dream.
  • You dream of rusty or broken blades.
  • Penknife or folding knife.
  • You dreamed of a maniac, attack or murder.
  • In a dream, you yourself are a maniac, trying to hurt someone, stick a knife in someone’s stomach or back.
  • You are hurting yourself.
  • You dream of being stabbed in the throat, back, stomach, and so on.
  • You see a lot of knives.
  • You play with a knife in your sleep.
  • Sharpen it.
  • You are cutting something.
  • Throw the knife.
  • You receive it from someone.
  • Find or search.
  • Hold in your hand or on your belt.

Dreams about knives various options, and often resemble thrillers. A maniac, an attack, a murder - all this looks like a scary movie, but dreams are different, so there is nothing to be surprised about. Instead of empty panic, let’s figure out what the knife means in dreams and try to draw conclusions.

See but don't take

First, let's look at dreams in which bladed weapons (or a simple kitchen appliance) are seen from the outside, but there were no significant events or active actions in the dreams. The very image of the knife will prompt the interpretation and show the right path.

So, we’ll understand why we dream about a knife if we remember what it was like.

1. Seeing a harmless kitchen knife in a dream from the outside is not at all scary. This dream promises an invitation - expect that someone will invite you to visit or take a walk, on a date or on a trip.

2. But, as the dream book says, a hunting knife is a dangerous sign, a warning. Someone nearby is preparing a “knife in the back” for you, an unexpected attack, betrayal or an insidious, evil act.

Be alert, do not succumb to provocations, you have enemies. Be prepared to defend yourself from them, and do not enter into conflicts.

3. A dagger in a dream promises danger from loved one, an imaginary comrade. There is a hypocrite nearby - he is dangerous and can do something mean. Try to identify this unkind person to protect yourself.

4. A lot of sharp knives in a dream is also a disturbing dream. If you dream of a lot of knives or daggers, this indicates that there are many dangers lurking around you.

In particular, these can be dangerous temptations that bring bad consequences - be especially careful and extremely reasonable in your daily actions and deeds.

5. A folding or penknife in a dream portends illness. Take measures in advance to protect yourself from illness.

6. If a woman dreams of a knife covered in blood, this indicates that in reality she harbors anger towards her friends or some women in her environment. This anger destroys your conscience and energy, get rid of it, be kinder.

Otherwise, you will face a lot of trouble from yourself. Evil people who harbor evil are not happy, remember this.

7. As the dream book testifies, a rusty knife seen in a dream promises problems with a loved one, conflicts, troubles. Appreciate the person you love, try to avoid quarrels, otherwise everything may end in separation.

8. It’s curious why you dream of a broken knife. Such a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes - everything you count on will let you down and will not come true. Be objective and strong, do not create illusions, otherwise you will be disappointed.

9. A beautiful, polished, shiny dagger dreams of danger. This could be an attack by insidious enemies, gossip, evil deeds, meanness - you should be on your guard.

10. If you dream of knives lying on dining table, expect poverty - you will have to go through a difficult period. But if you are hardworking, you can get through it.

11. If a knife lies at the head of your bed in a dream, this is a good sign. And dream books foretell great unexpected luck in this case.

Knife in hand - what's the point?

Often in dreams one has to not only see dangerous steel, but also participate in events - not always pleasant ones. Active, effective dream scenarios can be seriously frightening. For example, you could dream of an evil maniac or murderer, an attack or even a murder, a wound or a fight, a bloody stomach or hands...

Don't be afraid, these dreams never portend real troubles or even more serious dangers to life. These are symbols, albeit unpleasant ones. But it’s worth explaining what the knife means in dreams, taking into account all the actions and events of the dream.

1. If in your dream you, for example, cut something with a shoe knife, wait for a period of sadness and tears. Life is not all about white streaks and good fortune, so you have to endure sad days. They will pass, have no doubt.

2. If in a dream you, like a maniac or criminal, walk with a large knife in your hand, as if waiting for someone to kill or injure, this strange dream promises benefits from some dangerous business. Your courage and risk appetite will pay off and you will make a profit.

3. If you had to play with a knife or dagger in a dream, this means that you cherish anger in your heart and are hatching a bad, unkind plan. Stop, it is dangerous and risky, first of all, for yourself.

4. If you had to stick a knife into someone’s stomach in a dream, see a lot of blood around, kill a person or seriously injure him, this does not bode well for you. The belly symbolizes life, and if you happen to kill in a dream, it means you will do bad things.

This promises you a long dark streak, failures that will arise through your fault, because of your character or unkind deeds. Try to strictly control your affairs and do no harm to anyone.

5. A similar dream - if you, like a maniac or murderer, rush at someone in a dream to kill or injure. The dream book advises you to show kindness, forgive, not harbor evil plans and forget about the desire to take revenge.

Even if you were seriously offended, caused damage in reality, try to forgive and forget it, no matter how difficult and unpleasant it may be.

6. Finding a knife covered in blood or a clean one in a dream means that in reality you will meet a new friend, but an unkind and bad person.

It’s better for you to avoid making new acquaintances for a while, and not to let strangers, unfamiliar people, get too close to you. It's safer for you now.

7. A dream in which you sharpen a knife to commit murder or attack someone means possible reconciliation with your enemy. This will happen by chance, or on his initiative.

8. If in a disturbing night dream a maniac suddenly attacked you, inflicted a serious stab wound on you, wanted to kill you, especially if he hit you in the stomach - be careful, problems will begin in your family.

  • If in a dream a maniac was aiming at the back, expect deception and treacherous betrayal.
  • And if he stuck a knife in the stomach, there will be serious consequences from conflicts, maybe even insoluble.
  • When in a dream they want to kill you, but you escape, there is a chance that you can avoid conflict in the family.

In any case, take care of your relationships with loved ones as best you can, so as not to kill the peace in your family. After all, returning everything will not be so easy.

9. If in a dream you carry a knife on your belt, this promises an unsuccessful romance. Do not build false illusions about your relationship with your partner, evaluate him soberly.

10. If you accidentally or even intentionally hurt yourself in a dream, expect profit.

11. Cutting something with a knife in a dream means separation from your partner, and on your initiative.

12. If in your dreams you threw a knife into the ground or into a tree, you will start an argument, incite a conflict with someone. Is it worth doing?

13. And the knife that someone gave you in a dream promises a promotion, a new position, or career advancement.

14. If in your dreams you lose a knife, you are in danger of losing property or even ruin. Be careful, don't take risks.

Daggers and simple kitchen cutters are dangerous and are not associated with anything good. You may see different things in a dream, and try to soberly evaluate and understand why you dream about a knife.

Undoubtedly, the meanings of such dreams are often unpleasant, but your task is to analyze, look back at your real life and avoid mistakes. Remember that angry man will always lose, no matter how strong he is.

So a clear conscience and good thoughts will help you avoid the most serious dangers. Take care of yourself and do not hold the slightest grudge against others.
Author: Vasilina Serova

A knife is a tool that is as dangerous as it is useful. You can threaten them, you can defend yourself, or you can just cut vegetables. What could this object mean in a dream? The dream books are very ambiguous in their answers. The interpretation of what you see will depend both on current events in the life of the sleeper and on the details of the dream.

Not unimportant are the shape, size, context of the dream, the condition of the knife, and of course the day on which the dream occurred. If a person still has strange feelings when he wakes up, it’s worth looking at the dream book. A knife in a dream often means imminent trouble or discord.

Opinions of various dream books

For detailed interpretation dreamed, you should take into account many details, and even what day your birth fell on. If you are an autumn birthday boy, then for you a knife promises a meeting with a man who will protect you from troubles throughout your life.

As Gustav Miller’s dream book says, seeing this edged weapon is a very alarming sign. The sleeper can expect both separation from a person closer to him and imminent financial difficulties. Was the knife in your dream covered with rust? The family atmosphere is far from ideal.

Carefully sharpened, shiny knives dream of immediate worries and possible stress. On such days, it is important not to panic and act calmly and thoughtfully.

He has a completely different opinion about what he dreamed about. Eastern dream book. A knife that you saw in a dream indicates that in reality some person is eager to meet you. The desire to see you is so strong that soon this meeting will become a reality.

The French dream book believes that a dreamed knife warns of a quarrel with one of the family members. Was the knife folding and compact? There are enemies lurking around you, and they are not only targeting you. financial well-being, but also health and even life. Be extremely careful, this dream book advises. If you see a folded knife, expect betrayal.

What might a knife mean in a dream, according to Erotic dream book? There is a high probability that the sleeper will soon spend a lot of money on an interesting trip or just a fun pastime. It may also happen that in reality a proposal of this kind will be received.

Did you dream that you were busy preparing food for family members and suddenly cut yourself? According to Vanga’s dream book, your character is not the easiest. The family tries to correct this situation, and fails over and over again. If you do not reconsider your behavior, things will come to conflict.

Did a knife fall out of your fingers in a dream? According to this dream book, you should expect a visit from guests soon. Did you have a dream in which you received a set of knives as a gift? There is a high probability that one of your friends and relatives will stab you in the back. Be careful and don't be fooled.

Was the knife in your dream stained with blood? As Vanga’s dream book explains, your family is under oppression generational curse. The reason for this is long-dead relatives, immoral life who were angered by higher powers.

If in a dream your hand tightly gripped the handle of a knife, in reality, according to this dream book, you are trying to protect yourself from the actions of others.

Kill or wound

  • Contrary to logic, stabbing a person in a dream is a rather favorable sign. Why might something like this happen? Soon new doors will open before you and interesting opportunities. Thanks to them, you will not only be able to reveal yourself from hitherto unseen sides, but also become a financially secure person.
  • What can you dream about if during your sleep you happen to kill with a knife a person with whom you are at enmity in reality? According to the dream book, in reality you will prevail over all your enemies. Moreover, the more serious the fight was before the decisive blow, the more difficult the confrontation will be in reality.
  • Dream books also do not have a definite answer to the plot in which you were mortally wounded by a knife. Some believe that such a vision promises many years and excellent health, others believe that you are weak in the face of life’s troubles.

  • Did a man attack you in a dream? It is a symbol of lies that will soon come to the surface, the dream book explains. The truth will shock you so much that the likelihood of stress is high, and against its background - diseases not only of the body, but also of the soul.
  • Rivals are up to no good if in a dream you were stabbed between the shoulder blades with a knife. According to the advice of the dream book, be on your guard.
  • Did you dream that your interlocutor communicates with you rather rudely, and it’s like a knife in your heart? In reality, as the dream book foretells, you will be tormented by deep experiences. Remember - if you allow them to gain the upper hand, this may well lead to health complications.
  • Have you been stabbed in the heart while sleeping? In reality, you experience mental anguish and heartache. She can carry both figurative meaning, be caused by problems in the family, or directly – it’s all due to heart disease. The dream book believes that you should exercise caution and visit a doctor.
  • A knife in the throat, according to the dream book, promises a difficult situation where you will have to make a very difficult decision. Not only your good name, but also the well-being of your family and friends will depend on this choice.
  • An alarming sign for an older woman would be the blade with which she was hit in the chest. Such a dream can warn of a serious illness related to the breast. It is quite possible that the disease is still in its infancy or is just gaining strength - there is time to consult a doctor.
  • What might you dream about if you received a knife wound in the abdomen? According to the advice of the dream book, take care of what you consider valuable in life - otherwise there is a high chance of losing it all. Don’t quarrel with friends and relatives, pay attention to your children, don’t forget your parents - and you don’t have to worry about what you dreamed about.
  • A dream in which you yourself cut someone is a rather pleasant sign. Soon you will be delighted with a valuable gift or an increase in income - everything that can increase your well-being.

  • Did you stab a stranger in a dream? A person will come into your life who will not only become a great friend, but will also be ready for anything you don’t want. By his own free will, he will be in your complete submission. How to manage this is up to you, says the dream book.
  • Friends only pretend to be such if in a dream someone left knife cuts on you. Be attentive and careful - traps are already set around you, and your enemies are just waiting for you to fall into them.
  • What can a knife cut mean in a dream? According to Freud's dream book, a person who has had such a dream is overly complex. You should get rid of excessive shyness, and life will gradually return to normal. We must remember that all fears and doubts come from childhood. The time has come to forget about them forever.
  • Have you seen a dream in which you wounded your sworn enemy with a sharp blade? As the dream book says, in a difficult matter you will be able to prevail. The enemy will give up ground the sooner the more confidently you wounded him in your night dreams.
  • Have you ever had a dream in which your loved ones are busy cutting up food? Very soon you will have to spend a lot, which will lead to difficult times.
  • Why might you dream of cutting your hand while cooking? According to dream books, your relatives will soon dump most of their affairs on you, which will become a burden to you and will leave you with no free time at all.
  • What does it mean to dream of being attacked with a knife? If you have never seen your attacker, very soon a person will come into your life who will radically change your personal life. Most likely, the dream book is encouraging, in better side.
  • If in a dream you had to deal with a snake with a knife, expect various difficulties soon. To cope with this difficult situation, you will need considerable patience and common sense. But the dream book promises that if successful, the reward will not be long in coming, fully paying off the problems that have arisen.
  • In a dream, they threaten you with this bladed weapon, and at the same time demand something? In reality, you may well become a victim of ransomware. But, according to the dream book, similar situation will be due to an error, so try to clarify everything as soon as possible.
  • What does suicide with a knife mean in a dream? Oddly enough, such a plot is interpreted very positively. Great luck and joy await the sleeper, and in the very near future after what he sees. Such a dream also speaks of excellent health for many years.
  • What can you dream about if you are not attacking with a knife, but trying to defend yourself? This dream projects a situation from reality that speaks of your lack of freedom from other people. If you managed to protect yourself during sleep, then in reality your addiction will no longer make sense.

  • A dream in which you wounded an acquaintance or close friend with a knife suggests that in reality you do not consider him a friend at all, but experience completely contradictory feelings, perhaps even hatred.
  • Did someone seriously intend to stab you while you were sleeping? In reality, you should listen to the advice of the dream book and exercise maximum caution - the enemies are up to no good, and if in the dream they failed to resist the enemy, they will carry it out.
  • If in a dream you are stabbed over and over again, this indicates that you are a person so insecure that you cannot muster the courage to solve problems using usual methods.

Why else would you dream of getting stabbed? Very soon a series of problems and difficulties will fall on your shoulders. Try to remember what the attack was like. If it was a cowardly stab in the back, trouble should be expected from the side that is least capable of meanness. However, if you managed to pull out the knife in a dream, troubles will pass by.

Such different blades

No less important is what the knife was like in the night visions, so try to examine it to the last detail.

  • Why dream if the knife in your vision was broken? Such a plot does not bode well and means a loss of hope and the collapse of everything planned. This dream has another interpretation - due to the inability to soberly evaluate life, you will experience resentment and disappointment over and over again.
  • Were there a great many knives in your dream? If they are piled up, in reality you will encounter conflicts and troubles. And it’s really bad to see if the knives have been crossed - this is seen on the eve of massive global cataclysms.
  • Why might you dream of blood on a knife? Such a plot is a kind of warning - do only good things in life, live according to your conscience, and retribution for the sins of your ancestors will not affect you.

  • If the knife in your dream was truly huge, in reality you tend to exaggerate all the problems that have to be solved. Look at them from a different angle, the dream book advises, don’t look for difficulties where there are none, and life will change for the better.
  • The dream book also interprets negatively what a sharp knife in the wrong hands may mean. Soon, difficulties will arise in the way of the sleeper, which will be very difficult to overcome. The interpretation will be stronger the brighter the blade of the blade shone in the dream.
  • It should be noted that a dream in which you hold a knife in your hands is much more positive than a vision in which this object ends up in the hands of strangers.
  • Why do you dream of a blade of impressive length? You will be faced with very unpleasant events, and the longer the blade of the blade, the more negative their impact on your mood and well-being will be.
  • Why might you dream of a dull knife in your hand? It is likely that you are overly worried about relatives and family members. Did you happen to chop food with this knife while you were sleeping? The experiences will be so strong that they can have a negative impact on your well-being.
  • Did you dream about a knife that has nothing to do with cooking? There is a high probability of danger from loved ones. Be careful and careful.

Other actions

Dream books do not have an unambiguous interpretation of the vision in which the sleeper happened to be given a knife. This may be a favorable sign, indicating that a difficult period in life will soon come to an end. But there is another explanation - the dreamer will offload his problems onto another person, leaving him to solve them alone.

But if you received such a gift in a dream, then you will also have to help someone. Help can be a burden, because problems that you have to deal with on your own will also be placed on your shoulders.

If during sleep the sleeping person had to sharpen the blade of a blade, in reality he is hatching selfish plans that will negatively affect his friends and loved ones.

Did you dream that you found a knife? According to the dream book, very soon you will meet a person who will pretend to be your friend, but in reality will spread gossip and evil rumors about you.

What does cutting meat mean in a dream? With such a vision, the dream book warns that now is not the best best period for investing money, even if the project seems very reliable and win-win.

Did you break a blade in a dream? The cause of all the problems that will soon make themselves felt will be you and only you.

Did you happen to throw knives at some target while you were sleeping? Your questionable actions will negatively affect your reputation and authority. Did you dream that they were trying to hide the blade? It is quite possible that your conscience is not so clear, and this state of affairs is only a burden.

If you see yourself buying a knife, you are an ambitious person. Moreover, the more expensive the blade you purchase, the greater your ambitions, the dream book explains.

Do you dream that you shave with a knife? There is a high probability of losing property that was not easy for you at the time. This will be due to the machinations of enemies, so do not let your guard down.

It’s very nice to see in a dream a plot in which you happened to take this edged weapon from someone. It means that all problems with enemies will be resolved calmly and without conflicts. This is what the dream books say.

Man with a knife

Why do you dream of a stranger whose hand was clutching a knife? This interpretation is very positive - personal life will soon change for the better. But if a maniac held a knife in your dream, in its explanation the dream book hints at problems that cannot be solved.

Did you dream of a killer clutching a dagger? As the dream book explains, you are possessed by an idea that you cannot get rid of. During sleep, did you try to escape from such a person? A difficult period is coming, full of losses, but it will end quickly enough. Help with this will come from people you don’t even know yet.

Why do you dream if you are walking along a busy street, clutching a knife in your hand? You are not very disposed towards people, says the dream book.

It’s not so bad to have a dream in which a man armed with a knife is trying to attack you. Soon you will meet a person who will take on the solution to your problems.

During fight in your sleep at knifepoint with friends, but it only brings fun and excitement? In reality, have a lot of fun too.

And a woman with a knife, whom you saw in a dream, promises a meeting with a stranger. She will very soon come into life and become good friend. This is the opinion of the dream book.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look into lunar calendar- what and what lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.



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