Using Visa cards abroad. Maestro card of Sberbank of Russia - advantages and disadvantages

Traveling with a bank card has its own peculiarities that it is better to know about in advance. In this article we will talk about them.

Payments abroad are made in local currency, and if the currency of your card does not match the local one, the bank or payment system will charge you a percentage for currency conversion.

Let's take a closer look at how bank cards work.

Look at your map, what do you see on it? At a minimum, this is the logo and name of your bank and the logo of the payment system.

On at the moment Cards of two payment systems are common in Russia – Visa and MasterCard.

Three currencies are involved in the payment process using a card:

  • Transaction currency– this is the currency with which you pay for the goods. In the UK it is pounds, in Thailand it is baht, etc.
  • Payment currency– payment system currency.
  • Card account currency– the currency in which your card was issued, i.e. which contains the money in your account.

Now let's look at a few examples.

Example #1:You have a dollar account and a Visa card. You decide to buy ice cream for $3 in New York.

In this case, the transaction currency (dollars) coincides with the card account currency (also dollars), therefore, exactly $3 will be debited from your account.

Example #2:You have a ruble account and a Visa card. You decide to buy ice cream for $3 in New York.

In this case, the transaction currency (dollars) does not match the card account currency (rubles). At what rate will the money be withdrawn?

Here you will have to remember about the payment currency, the one in which your payment system operates.

Visa's main payment currency is dollars, MasterCard's is euros.

Because in the example above we have a Visa system card, the payment currency of which is dollars and the debit currency is also dollars, then the conversion will be carried out at the rate of the card issuing bank. As a rule, the issuing bank withdraws 1.5-1.7% of the transaction value.

Example #3:You have a dollar account and a Visa card. You decide to buy ice cream for 100 baht in Bangkok.

In this case, the transaction currency (baht) is not equal to the settlement currency (dollars), but the settlement currency is equal to the card currency (dollars).

Conversion from baht to dollars will take place at the rate of the payment system, in in this example, at the Visa rate. Plus, the bank may charge a small commission.

Example #4: You have a ruble account and a Visa card. You decide to buy ice cream for 100 baht in Bangkok.

In this case, the transaction currency is not equal to the settlement currency, and the settlement currency is not equal to the card currency. Therefore, conversion from baht to dollars will take place at the Visa rate, and from dollars to rubles at the rate of your bank.

You probably think that in order to find out exactly how much money the bank will withdraw, it is enough to look at the conversion rate of your bank or payment system?

But that was not the case. Everything is much more complicated.

The point is that when you buy something... money is not debited from your account instantly. Often the actual write-off occurs after a few days; by that time the exchange rate may change significantly. But nothing can be done about it, just keep in mind.

09 Jun 2014 Anna Komok Tags:

Reading time: 6 minutes 18 seconds

When going abroad, each of us has a logical question: which plastic card to choose for payment abroad? Some people are not bothered by this question at all, but prefer cash. In this case, everything is simple and clear: change the money at the exchanger and go.

With a card, many additional questions arise: which bank to choose, which card system, which currency and many other points, which we will try to analyze in detail in this publication, and at the end of the article we will answer the most frequently asked questions.

Advantages of cards: pros and cons

Using a card has both pros and cons. For some, cash (cash) is more convenient and understandable - you come, pay, get change, and besides, it’s easier to control your expenses.

The advantages are the same as the disadvantage of cash - if the card is stolen, then withdrawing money from it will be enough not an easy task, but your funds will be preserved, although access to them will be limited for a certain period of time. The second advantage is the ease of payment, especially in highly developed countries, when you don’t have to look for suitable banknotes to pay for bus travel or buy a metro ticket. Another advantage is that there is no need to declare the imported currency, this applies to amounts exceeding 10,000 euros (equivalent).

Amounts of more than 10 thousand euros are declared in writing when exporting or importing into the country (Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, EU countries).

And one more important advantage of bank cards is that friends or relatives can transfer money to your card if you suddenly spend money.

What bank cards are valid abroad?

We will not describe Russian systems here, since when traveling abroad there will be no opportunity to pay with cards, and they only turn into a piece of plastic (only partly true, since you can pay the world with cards, more about this at the end of the article). The two world leaders in payment systems are on everyone's lips - Visa and Mastercard.

Visa is accepted for payment in more than 200 countries around the world. At the beginning of the 2000s, VISA accounted for almost 60% of payment cards in the world, and the main opponent MasterCard owned 26% of the market, but by 2010 the situation looked like this: of the eight billion cards in circulation - 29.2% of China UnionPay, and Visa's share dropped to 28.6%. But since China UnionPay was created for the domestic Chinese market, the American payment system is still the leader in international payments. Today it is possible to pay with a “visa” in more than 20 million retail outlets, service sectors, and so on.

If you are the owner of privileged cards, such as Gold, you can count on additional discounts. Many trade and retail enterprises around the world are members of the Visa and MasterCard discount club. Additional bonuses or points may be awarded that can be used when purchasing airline tickets, renting a home or car, and much more.

The main differences between Visa and MasterCard

The main currency of the Visa and MasterCard payment systems is the US dollar, which means that currency conversion transactions will take place through this currency. But not always. For the MasterCard payment system, if the purchase is made in Euros, then the conversion will be at the rate of the payment system directly into rubles, or not if the card is Euro. But again, we repeat - this is not always the case and depends on the bank and the places where the payment is made.

How are transactions abroad carried out using Visa and Mastercard cards with a ruble account?

Based on the table data, we can conclude that in Europe it is better to use MasterCard, A in the USA with a Visa card. The fewer currency conversion operations there are, the less you will lose on commission.

If you open an account immediately in foreign currency, then there will be fewer conversions. In practice it looks like this:

Account in foreign currency Operating principle

For example, in the USA you decide to pay for purchases with a Visa dollar card - the operation will take place without conversions. With a Mastercard dollar card - the operation will take place without conversions.


The invoice will be in Euros ideal option for payments in European countries. When making payments in other countries, euros will be converted into dollars.

Let's say you went on vacation to Italy, where they pay in euros. We went to a restaurant and decided to pay with a card:

Mastercard without conversions (Raiffeisen Bank and Home Credit). Visa conversion: EUR->USD->EUR.


With a ruble or hryvnia account, everything is simple; in any case, they will be converted into local currency. You just need to look at which countries abroad you pay in, and choose the right payment system in order to lose less on conversions.

To visit the Eurozone, where the euro is used, we recommend opening cards in Euros; if in the USA, then in US dollars. If you go to other countries (Turkey, Thailand, India, Egypt, etc.), then it is best to open in dollars, since many conversions go through it.

As we will write below, it is best to have several options, since there are cases when entire countries and stores simply do not accept one of the international payment systems.

It is worth noting that it is not always profitable to open foreign currency accounts. Most often, travelers use regular ruble debit or credit cards to pay abroad. After all, in order to replenish a currency card, you will have to exchange your rubles for foreign currency and in any case you will lose due to the difference in rates.

Which bank to choose?

The most important criteria, which will help you choose a card, are the tariffs and bank commission for cross-border payment.

Cross-border payment- payments using plastic cards abroad. That is, outside the country where the card was issued.

The most attractive conditions are provided by: Sberbank, Tinkoff, Rosselkhozbank and Kukuruza card from RNKO "Payment Center".


Sberbank charges a commission for payments abroad only from Visa cards and for Electron and Classic cards this figure is 1.5%, for Visa Platinum cards 1%, for Gold cards 1.25%. With Mastercard payment, there is no commission for cross-border payment.


Rosselkhozbank has one of the lowest commission rates for cross-border payments - 0.75%. Payment occurs through the conversion of the payment system of rubles into foreign currency at the Central Bank exchange rate, as well as an additional deduction by Rosselkhozbank of 0.75%.

It is enough to open a Personal Russian Agricultural Bank card, such as Visa Classic or MasterCard Standard, which can be used for payments all over the world.


According to reviews on the Internet, the “Corn” card is highly praised, which can be issued in 10 minutes at a Euroset branch and is absolutely free. Applies to the Mastercard World system. The card is easy to top up, and payments abroad are always converted at the current rate of the Central Bank and the Mastercard system.

When withdrawing cash from an ATM, a commission of 1% is charged, but not less than 100 rubles. And for cross-border payments the bank charges 0%. That is, losses when paying abroad, only due to the conversion of the ruble into local currency. Having cashback in candy wrappers can partially smooth out losses on commissions, if this is of course interesting to you.

For 200 rubles you can issue a personalized card with a chip.


Debit and credit cards from Tinkoff are also popular among travelers, with both VISA and Mastercard options available. Payment is made by conversion at the Central Bank rate + 2% commission for conversion.

Mastercard World from Europlan

Update from 2017: Unfortunately, this bank and its products no longer exist.

Also a popular card among travelers. The payment system used is Mastercard, commission for foreign payments and currency conversion is 0%. For cash withdrawals abroad, they will charge 2%, but block 4%.

If used in Russia, then interest-free withdrawal from any ATM supported by the Mastercard system, but with the condition - the withdrawal amount must be at least 5 thousand rubles.

Detailed description of tariffs of more than 40 Russian banks,. The table is constantly updated and supplemented with current information!

When going abroad, be sure to call your bank’s hotline (available on the website, on your plastic card) and notify them in which country and when you will be using it. This must be done so that automatic blocking does not occur when payments begin to be made abroad. Many banks set a limit on payments abroad, and if you do not remove it first, there is a high probability of blocking.

  • Find out if there are restrictions on withdrawing money abroad, limits;
  • Carry identification documents with you; in some cases you will need to provide them when making payments through terminals;
  • If the card was made a long time ago, do not forget to check its expiration date.
  • When abroad, you do not need to rely on only one plastic card; it is advisable to have several cards of each international payment system, as well as cash.

It makes sense to open cards in a currency (dollar, euro) only when you have savings in this currency, or you can replenish them with a currency converting below the Central Bank rate or at least at the same rate. In any other case, the easiest way, of course, is to use your regular ruble card. But simpler is not always profitable, remember this!

Popular questions

Is it possible to pay with a SberBank card abroad?

You can pay with any SberBank card that belongs to the VISA and MasterCard payment systems. An exception is Maestro cards of the following categories: “Social”, “Student” and “Momentum”.

Is it possible to pay with a maestro card abroad?

In fact, it all depends on the bank and what country you are in. Maestro is MasterCard's brand for debit cards and in most of Europe there should be no problems. But they can be!

Often salary and pension cards are issued in the Maestro class and people take them with them when traveling. When going abroad, make sure you have another VISA or MasterCard card/credit card.

Maestro Momentum is used only within Russia!

Is it possible to pay with a Qiwi card abroad?

Yes, because they belong to the Visa payment system!

How to pay with a world card abroad?

World payment system cards are the domestic analogue of MasterCard and Visa. They will work abroad, but you must have a Mir-JCB co-badging card. It directly acts as an intermediary between payment terminals around the world where JCB is accepted for payment. I have not studied this issue in detail; it seems that only Gazprombank currently supports the issuance of such cards.

Maestro has a similar operating principle.

Any trip abroad is associated with considerable financial expenses - purchasing air tickets, hotel reservations, meals, excursions, car rentals and much more. It is unwise to take a large amount of cash with you. The best option is a bank card. However, not every one is suitable for paying expenses on the territory of a foreign country, so you should wisely choose a payment instrument for traveling abroad. You will find the answer to the question whether you can pay with a Sberbank card abroad in this article.

Which cards are suitable for international use?

For foreign trips, you can choose any type of plastic card (debit or credit) and any category (Classic, Gold, Platinum, etc.). Sberbank issues about 40 types of payment instruments that work in four payment systems - MasterCard, Visa, Maestro and MIR. The decisive role in the choice is played only by the plastic payment system.

When considering the question of which Sberbank cards can be used abroad, you can immediately exclude “MIR”. The MIR payment system appeared only in 2015 as a worthy response to Western economic sanctions against Russia, and today it mainly operates only in Russia. Negotiations on the entry of this PS into the world market are currently underway, but for now Russians should not experiment with MIR cards; it is better to give preference to proven international systems.

How to decide on a payment system

Payment with a Sberbank card abroad will take place in the usual mode for you, if the plastic on the front side has the MasterCard or Visa logo. However, when choosing, you need to take into account the country you are going to visit.

If you are planning a trip to the USA, best option- Visa, for Eurozone countries - MasterCard.

When visiting other parts of the planet, you can choose any of these options. The exception is the DPRK (North Korea), where not a single international payment system operates.


When traveling to the USA, using a Visa card is more suitable, since its main currency is the US dollar. When making payment transactions, there will be a direct conversion between rubles and dollars. When using plastic with the MasterCard logo, your funds will first be converted into euros and only then into dollars, i.e. double conversion occurs, so exchange rate losses will increase. When using a Visa bank card with an account in US dollars, there is no need for conversion when making non-cash payments in the United States.


In countries where a single European currency is in use, you can safely use MasterCard or Maestro, since their main currency is the euro and your money will immediately be converted from rubles to euros within one conversion operation. When using Visa in European countries Double conversion cannot be avoided - rubles-US dollars-euro. When making payments in other national currencies, in any case, you will expect a double conversion - from rubles to euros and then to the currency of the country in which you are located.

Unnamed Sberbank cards

Non-personalized Momentum plastic cards can be taken with you outside of Russia, but it is not recommended, since they may not be accepted for paying for hotel stays and for renting a car from official car rental companies. For these purposes, you need a personalized bank card, on the front side of which the owner’s name and surname are embossed. To make other types of non-cash payments, Momentum payment instruments are quite suitable.

How to get a card

The main conditions for obtaining any Sberbank plastic card are a passport of a Russian citizen and age of 14 years or older. To issue debit cards, the bank only requires a passport, and for credit instruments, additional documents may be required confirming the presence of a stable monthly income. The application can be submitted via the Internet by filling out the online form on the official website of the institution, or contact the nearest branch.

Countries with Sberbank representative offices

Sberbank began to explore the international financial market in 2016 with its appearance in Kazakhstan. In the international arena, the largest Russian bank is represented by branches and subsidiaries. Sberbank branches abroad can also be found in single copies in individual countries. The branch in India, registered in 2010 in New Delhi, served as the impetus for the development of the largest Russian bank in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Official representative offices of Sberbank are open in two countries - Germany and China. The representative office in Germany began operating in 2009 in one of the leading European financial centers - Frankfurt am Main. You will not find branches of foreign representative offices for customer service, since we are talking about a different task - representing and defending the interests of Sberbank in the European Union, establishing and developing business relations with financial and commercial organizations in Western Europe.

Sberbank received permission to open its representative office in the capital of China, Beijing, in 2010. This is a creation additional features to serve clients with business connections or commercial interests in the PRC, as well as expanding relations with financial institutions in China.

If the representative offices are intended to expand the capabilities of Russian business structures outside the country, then the subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia abroad, which operate in Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, Turkey, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, are ready to provide services to ordinary citizens , Hungary, Austria. Sberbank continues to plan to buy assets of foreign financial institutions, so the number of its foreign subsidiaries will only grow.

In foreign countries, you can safely contact subsidiary banks to receive cash, but the issue will be made in the national currency of the host country. All offices of subsidiary banks accept and service Sberbank payment instruments issued and issued in Russia. The necessary addresses and contacts can be found in the “Subsidiary Banks” section on the official website of Sberbank.

Cashless payments abroad

You already know the answer to the question whether you can pay with a Sberbank card abroad. If your plastic card has the Visa or MasterCard logo, non-cash payments can be made regardless of the presence of Sberbank subsidiary banks in the country of immediate residence. The procedure for non-cash payment outside Russia is carried out according to the standard scenario - you need to insert plastic into the terminal and dial your PIN code. In some cases, you may be asked to sign the check.

How to avoid problems

Before using a card in a foreign country, you should notify Sberbank employees about upcoming payment transactions in the territory of one or more states. The fact is that Russian banks can block a payment instrument if it is used in another country in the world without notification from the holder. This practice is used to combat fraudulent activities by third parties. Unlocking is carried out only after the owner of the plastic contacts.

Commission fees

When making non-cash payments for goods and services in a foreign country, Sberbank does not charge commission fees. However, to receive cash without commission, you need to look for ATMs or cash desks of subsidiary banks, and in their absence, the only option is any foreign financial institution. For receiving cash in foreign currency through a third-party bank, Sberbank charges a commission of 1% of the amount, at least 5 dollars or euros. Additionally, you will have to pay for the services of a foreign bank according to its current tariffs.

Force majeure abroad

No one is immune from unforeseen situations when staying in a foreign country. The theft or loss of a payment instrument can become a serious problem that can only be solved by emergency cash issuance by Sberbank. To do this, you need to contact customer support by phone +7-495-500-55-50 and report your location. As an emergency, the bank will organize the issuance of cash in the amount of up to $5,000 with a commission of 6,000 rubles per transaction.

Remote service access

Users who have appreciated all the advantages of remote service in Sberbank are probably concerned about the question of whether Sberbank Online operates abroad. You can access your personal account in the system anywhere in the world if you have a computer connected to the Internet. However, depending on the chosen authorization method, you must have mobile phone or one-time confirmation passwords printed before your trip at an ATM. When using a mobile phone to receive one-time passwords from the bank, it is very important to have the ability to easily receive SMS while in international roaming.

Your Sberbank Online personal account will help you pay utility bills and other urgent payments from any country in the world. You can also quickly and without commission top up the balance of your phone or bank card that you use abroad. In order to ensure the security of banking data for access to personal account It is not recommended to use free Wi-Fi in restaurants or entertainment venues, since this type of Internet access cannot guarantee secure data exchange with the bank.

Bank card blocking

Fraudsters live in all countries of the world, so if a bank card is lost or stolen, you must immediately take measures to block it from unauthorized use by third parties. There are three ways to block a card at the user’s initiative - call customer support, through Mobile Bank and your Sberbank Online personal account.

Traveling abroad with a bank card: Video

Good day everyone! Friends, how often during your vacation abroad have you had to deal with such troubles as theft of money or crazy exchange rates in local exchange offices? Pickpockets in tourist centers do not miss a single opportunity to steal wallets from daydreaming vacationers. Of course, it’s easy to constantly check for your belongings in a crowd unrealistic, because then, instead of impressions of beautiful sights, the only memory of a long-awaited vacation will be the sight of your favorite bag.

But what if during your trip you plan to visit several countries, each of which has its own national currency? Currency exchange offices in tourist areas are set up monstrously high rates, and then they charge fabulous transfer fees. A completely logical question arises - “ How can you enjoy your vacation without overpaying?" Paying by card abroad will help solve the problem. I’ll tell you in this article about what kind of plastic to take with you on vacation and how to use it correctly.

Why take cards when traveling?

You should have it in your wallet some bank cards, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re planning a long trip or going on a weekend tour. This is not only your convenience, but also financial security during the trip.

Cash is a very impractical thing. They can be lost or stolen in a matter of seconds. In addition, to rent a car or book a hotel room, you still cannot do without plastic with a certain amount of funds in the account. Having a credit card with a grace period in your arsenal, you don’t have to freeze your own funds during the trip, finding an interesting and pleasant use for them. I wrote about it earlier, and therefore I strongly recommend reading this review to get perfect plastic assistant.

It will be a pleasant support for your travel budget receiving bonuses for completed purchases (cashback). You spend, and the bank reimburses part of the expenses. Plus, around the clock make the money in the account work for the benefit of your pocket. For better or worse, even a small percentage is better than if the money lies in the account as a dead weight.

Plastic for foreign trips: main selection parameters

Today, banks offer a colossal amount of all kinds of plastic products. In order not to get lost in this diversity, I propose to immediately differentiate plastic into three forms:

  • debit- keep our own money in a bank account;
  • credit- mobile credit, which can be used in an emergency;
  • with overdraft- a 2 in 1 product. You can store your own funds on such plastic, but if necessary, use the available credit limit.

Each of the above forms of cards can be safely used to pay for goods and services while traveling abroad. Moreover, when you take debit plastic with you on a trip, you don’t have to worry that the ATM or terminal will not accept it. Abroad, you can pay with a salary, social, or any other debit card.

If any of you are worried about something during a trip abroad, I strongly recommend letting go of your worries. Terms of Use credit cards remain the same even after leaving for another country, the grace period will not become shorter, bonus interest accrual on the balance of your own funds and cashbacks will operate as before.

Order a card with miles accrual

Payment systems

The only thing I want to draw the attention of travelers to is payment system, which owns your credit card. If the plastic is issued by a local payment system (in Russia, such a system is MIR; they are issued mainly as payroll cards for budgetary organizations), all foreign ATMs will refuse service. For trips abroad, only cards that belong to international payment systems. The most common products are considered Visa And MasterCard. To choose the most suitable option for yourself, use this comparative characteristic:

Number of countries in which the payment system is used200 210
Number of retail outlets accepting cards for payment20 million30 million
Security levelHighHigh
Ratio of the number of cards of a specific payment system to the total amount of plastic issued in the world, %28 20
Special bonusesPromotions and additional discounts ranging from 5–10% of the purchase priceSupport bonus program MasterCard Rewads, whose members can exchange accumulated bonus points for valuable prizes.

The undoubted advantage of MasterCard and VISA can be considered absence additional conversion fees currency when paying with a card abroad for goods in the currency of your card. For comparison, all other payment systems charge about 1-2% of the purchase price for this service.

By the way, quite recently a payment system was launched in Russia “ World" Products owned by it cannot be used abroad. To make a payment abroad with a card "World" available, you need to find out if your plastic is co-branded, and together with which payment systems it was released.

Most often, the map itself shows icons of available payment systems. If there is only “MIR” on it, most often this means that it is valid only in the Russian Federation, and if there is additional icon Maestro/Visa/Mastercard, which means that transactions abroad will be available with it.

Name card: to be or not to be?

The vast majority of bank clients prefer to use non-registered plastic - they issue it quickly, and charge an order of magnitude less for the service. In principle, you can use this option on a trip, but be prepared for the fact that such debit cards abroad accept extremely reluctantly. In this case, I'm talking about organizations that care about the financial security of clients and ask them to provide a document proving their identity. It is clear that if there is no name on the bank plastic card, there can be no talk of any identification of you as the owner of the plastic card. More often refuse calculated as a non-name product in the following establishments:

  • shops;
  • hotels and hotels;
  • restaurants;
  • car dealerships.

It is for this reason that I strongly recommend that you take on your trip personal credit card or debit card and not worry about such unpleasant situations. Please note that your last name and first name, embossed on plastic, must match completely with the data entered in international passport. Even a discrepancy of one letter can be a reason for your card to be rejected for payment for a purchase. If you were issued a card with the wrong transcription, contact the bank or immediately your personal manager to reissue the card with the correct full name. The procedure takes 4-7 workers days.

Security question: chip or magnetic stripe?

Today in our country maps with magnetic stripes are gradually moving away second plan and give way chipped plastic. The reason is increased security of data transmission. Moreover, in the majority European countries accepting payment today exclusively cards from chips. So you simply cannot pay for your purchase with plastic with a magnetic stripe.

When planning a trip abroad, check whether you have chipped plastic in your arsenal. If the answer is no, contact the bank with a request to issue you an additional card with a chip. Considering that servicing such an “assistant” will cost sheer nonsense, it makes sense to think about replacing outdated credit cards with magnetic strips.

Class differences: should we be afraid of discrimination?

When figuring out which bank cards are valid abroad, many travelers lose sight of the data regarding the class of their plastic. The whole point is that electronic(the cheapest banking products) significantly limit the financial freedom of their owners. Such credit cards can be safely used for non-cash payments, however take off You will not be able to withdraw money from them at an ATM abroad. This is why I recommend that you take credit cards and debit cards such as these when traveling. classes:

  • classical;
  • gold;
  • platinum;
  • premium.

A classic card will be enough if you travel abroad not often. Avid same travelers It's better to buy more plastic high levelgold or platinum.

Its presence provides owners a number of privileges:

  • registration of insurance;
  • access to hotel reservations;
  • use of concierge service;
  • additional legal services;
  • pass to business level lounges (priority pass).

However, be prepared for the fact that the maintenance of this plastic will cost pay 2-5 times more than in the case of a classic credit card.

Looking for the most suitable bank card for trips abroad, special attention give bonus options. Many banks have special lines of cards designed specifically for travelers. With their help you can receive pleasant bonuses for purchasing plane or train tickets, paying for a hotel room or a bill in a cafe.

Currency conversion: what you need to know?

It is obvious that when arriving in a new country, you make all calculations exclusively in local currency. If the currency of your card is different from the local one, be prepared for the fact that the bank or payment system will charge you a percentage for converting funds.

When paying by credit card, three currencies are involved in the process:

  • operations– the one in which payment for a product or service occurs;
  • calculation– the currency of your payment system;
  • card account– the one in which the banking instrument was originally issued and in which your funds are stored.


Now let's take a closer look at the most common examples:

The ideal travel map: which one to choose?

Well, now let's figure out what a debit card should be for traveling abroad. I thoroughly studied the offers of different banks, re-read a bunch of reviews on various forums and compiled your list options that the best This way is suitable for those who are going to travel abroad.

Corn MasterCard

"Corn"- one of the top plastic cards that converts currency at the rate Central Bank of the Russian Federation without charging additional interest. I must admit that this is an indispensable inhabitant of every traveler's wallet. Considering that plastic not linked to account, you need to be prepared for the fact that if the bank disappears, all the money from the account will simply “burn out.” For this reason, I do not recommend using “Corn” to store funds. Its main task is to perform one-time payments.

  1. Order from the bank personal card and protect yourself from all kinds of scammers. Emission microchipped personalized the card will cost you 200 rubles.
  2. Connect to the plastic service "Interest on balance" for 259 rubles. This will automatically link your card to real bank account and will free you from paying commission when withdrawing money from an ATM.

As for bonuses, this is the accrual of points, which can then be converted into money. If you are ready to bother exchanging them, it makes sense to activate the service "Double Benefit" and receive double payments. You will have to pay for connection another 990 rubles.

Decorate Corn

The undoubted advantage of the product can be considered free annual maintenance and SMS information service.

Beeline MasterCard

This product can easily be called the “younger brother” of “Corn”. Release of Beeline plastic completely free, and you can get it at any Euroset or Beeline salon. Pay 200 rubles you will only have to pay for the card if you decide to get chipped plastic. Service SMS informing provided to holders completely free.

Similar to Kukuruza, Beeline converts currencies at the Central Bank rate. Credited to the card bonuses(1.5% of the purchase amount). The only, in my opinion, significant disadvantage of this plastic is absence accruals interest on the balance funds. To withdraw cash, you will need to pay a fee of 1% of the withdrawal amount.

Order a Beeline card

Tinkoff Black Visa/MasterCard

Tinkoff products are plastic that can be safely used as main settlement instrument. For withdrawing funds from ATMs from cardholders not held commission if you withdraw the amount from 3000 rubles or 55 bucks. For purchases, Tinkoff Black owners receive cashback at the rate of 1%, and per month service you only need to pay 99 rubles. However, if desired, this fee can be avoided. To do this, you need to make sure that there is always a larger deposit on the card 30,000 rubles.

Conversion currencies in Tinkoff Bank produced at the Central Bank rate. For this service the bank beret on average 2% from the transaction amount (taking into account 1% cashback, it turns out that the cost of the service is only 1%). Service SMS informing will cost the plastic holders at 39 rubles per month. If desired, you can disable it in the mobile application.

Apply for a TKS card

Rocketbank MasterCard

Emission a debit card from Rocketbank costs 0 rubles. Service plastic is produced for free, and you can get it by filling out an online application on the bank’s website. Then, after 3-5 working days, a courier will arrive at a time and place convenient for you. Service SMS informing provided for 50 rubles per month, by default it disabled. Push- notifications about transactions come to your phone completely for free, so I personally don’t see any reason to activate paid SMS notifications. Conversion currency exchange occurs at the interbank rate(the most favorable rate for the holder is selected) at the time of making a purchase or any other payment transaction.

For the remainder funds are accrued 6.5% per annum. Cashback amounts to from 1% and is accrued to holders in the form rocketrubles. To cash out without paying a fee, try withdrawing money from an ATM no more than 5 times a month. At one time, Rocketbank allows you to get a cache in volume up to 10,000 rubles.

Apply for a Rocket card

Decide which card you need for a trip abroad- debit or credit card. , which I wrote earlier, will help you decide on the type of plastic and choose the most suitable option for you. If we talk about rocket bank, there is debit only product.

Miles from Alfa Bank

Alfa Bank has developed a rather interesting product for travelers. This is the Alpha Mile card. The essence of plastic is this: for every spent 30 rubles th to the bonus account cashback returns in the form 1 mile, which can be accumulated and spent on purchase of air tickets, car rental,payment for hotel rooms. For the first purchase, AlfaBank accrues to holders welcome 1000 miles. Issue cost 0 rubles, however, annual maintenance of plastic will cost 599 rubles. You can apply for a card online by leaving an application for issuing a credit card or debit card on the bank’s official website. You can pick up the card at the nearest bank branch.

Rules for using plastic abroad

Always pay in local currency

When shopping abroad, never use service instant conversion. Many retail outlets offer it to customers, saying that the purchase price will be converted, say, into rubles at a favorable rate. However, the rate will be profitable not for you, but for the outlet itself.

Please note which one the transaction currency is shown by the terminal. If you see that the screen says not local currency, feel free to press the button "Cancel". More often instant conversion produced in Turkey, Poland and Spain.

Take several cards from different payment systems on your trip abroad

So are you protect yourself from possible technical failures And blocking.

Give preference personalized cards With chip. Most developed countries flatly refuse to accept non-registered and non-embossed credit cards.

Play it safe and bring some cash with you

Obviously, it is not always possible to pay for a service or product with a card abroad, and therefore cash will come in handy. Buy better currency at airport exchange offices or withdraw from ATMs.

There must be a reserve of funds on the credit card

Since you cannot know for sure how much the bank will write off from your account during the currency conversion process, you can avoid a technical overdraft account reserve.

Notify the bank about your upcoming trip

Otherwise probability of blocking your plastic will increase in several times. The fact is that any payments and cash withdrawals abroad are assessed by banks as suspicious operations, and therefore cards are blocked in the blink of an eye.

Take a conscious approach to choosing the card currency

Assess your individual needs and then make your choice. Let's say you have a week's trip to France this month. Since the country is part of euro area, it is logical to acquire plastic in this currency and spare yourself and your wallet from expenses for additional conversion. But will replenishing such a card be beneficial for you? All these nuances should be weighed, and only then make a decision.

And now a few more tips that will make your foreign payments comfortable and economical:

Conclusions from what you read

Don't be afraid to use debit and credit cards during trips abroad. Visiting a new country does not reduce the functionality of banking plastic. Study the nuances and features of your plastic, think about what functions yours should perform perfect How to insure yourself and protect yourself when working with banks?...
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