Annunciation conspiracies signs prayers Stepanova. Annunciation - signs and rituals. Folk customs for the Annunciation

On the eve of the Annunciation, every woman can perform rituals and read a spell for money and wealth, and the Most Holy Theotokos will help you fulfill your desire and give you what you ask for . Annunciation money conspiracies, as well as prayers for gaining wealth, really work and help people attract into their lives cash flow after the arrival of which a person’s money will increase and will always be available. What is this a magical prayer for the increase of wealth to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after reading which on the Annunciation you can instantly get rich? It turns out that everything is very simple and accessible for anyone to do independently.

To read this white conspiracy - the prayer of the Mother of God on the day she receives the good news of conception, you do not need to go to church, and in general, the ritual is performed at home. Read these in front of the icon of the Mother of God words of prayer spell to gain wealth and easy money :

To the elected Voivode, victorious, as having gotten rid of the evil ones,

Let us sing thanksgiving to Thy servants,

Mother of God, but as having an invincible power,

Free us from all troubles, let us call You:

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

To you, the highest Commander, having got rid of troubles,

We, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God,

We sing a song of victory and gratitude.

You, as having invincible power, free us from all troubles,

So that we cry to You:

Rejoice, Bride, unmarried!

How quickly it will work prayer - a conspiracy for big money, success, luck and wealth, read at the Annunciation very difficult to say. Someone claims that they found money on the same day, for someone help comes a few days later and the person asking the Mother of God for financial well-being is promoted at work and his earnings increase several times. Remember only one thing: according to your faith, it will be for you.

© Copyright: Magician

  • A ritual that attracts big money, read on a jar of bee honey and a coin, helps you get rich instantly and get rid of financial needs. For the ritual you need to use only natural bee honey and any coin you received as change from another person. Pour honey into a small jar or medicine bottle, but of such a size that you can put it in

  • Money rituals magic and rituals that are carried out independently for many centuries have helped millions of people get rich. The most popular money spell to attract good luck and wealth is read on an apple. There is an old belief that if you buy 7 apples without haggling, take them to church and illuminate them to read money conspiracy, the ritual will help you instantly attract wealth into your life

  • Green Christmastide (Spiritual Day) Trinity Semik or Pentecost is all the same Orthodox and pagan holiday with which many folk customs and rituals are associated with the reading of conspiracies and spells, celebrated in addition to the church celebration on June 19. If on Trinity Day you perform an ancient ritual for wealth or read a plot for love and marriage, the spirits will definitely fulfill

  • The holiday of the god Perun - Perun's Day is celebrated (July 20) On August 2, this pagan holiday, the date of which coincided with the holiday of Elijah's Day, which is dedicated to Elijah the Prophet. If on Perun's week on Ilya's day (Ilya the Prophet) you perform a magical ritual for money and good luck and independently read a strong conspiracy - a prayer, then you will no longer know the person who performed this ritual.

  • Paying off from lack of money will help you independently remove the money curse of poverty, lack of money and ruin by performing a simple ritual to remove damage with matches and water. Conspiracies will tell you how to quickly and independently remove the fate of lack of money and failure from yourself, your family or another person; a ritual is done - removing the lack of money for matches and water. Pour holy water into a glass if in the house

  • Ancient rituals, traditions, signs and conspiracies that need to be carried out on the Agrafena swimsuit are very common and are still observed by many people to this day. Agrafena Kupalnitsa (Bather) is celebrated in the summer - July 6th. On the Slavic holiday of Agrofen Bathing, many women read special prayers, conspiracies and amulets for love, health and money for quick

  • Summer pagan holidays on Rusal Week are, of course, Ivan Kupalo Day. If you perform a magical ritual on Kupala to attract wealth, then a person will always have money, allowing him to live in wealth and luxury. Rusal Week was and remains an important pagan holiday, and on Kupala to this day, honoring the traditions of ancestors, it is customary to read conspiracies and perform

  • A conspiracy ritual for money performed independently on Trinity will help to attract wealth and a lot of money. Immediately as soon as you read the prayer to attract financial well-being and monetary prosperity, you will no longer feel the need for money and your life will improve. A conspiracy for money read on a trinity is the most powerful and true magic way get rid of poverty

  • Ancient rites and rituals for money in the red hill are aimed at attracting wealth and big money into your life throughout the year. A strong prayer prayer for money read on the red slide when you wash the icon helps eliminate financial problems and gain financial wealth. After the ritual and reading of the plot, the person constantly receives money from the most

  • The Ascension of the Lord is the day when Jesus Christ, going to heaven, talked with people, listened to their requests, and fulfilled their desires. People who on the day of the Lord’s ascension asked him for money and financial wealth very quickly became rich, having received a lot of money and wealth from life. These days they have been preserved ancient customs conspiracies and rituals for money and wealth that

Annunciation spells and prayers for money and wealth to the Blessed Virgin Mary REVIEWS WHO DID:

It's strange that on such good plot people don’t write reviews, mine will be the first, maybe it will help someone. The money conspiracy I read at the Annunciation that year really improved my well-being, and this year I will again read this particular money conspiracy that really works and helps to cope with poverty. I know for sure that the plot was read on the Annunciation Holy Mother of God will help me and my family live in prosperity for many more years.

Thank you for the magic and good conspiracy ritual for money.

Quote: Guest

The Annunciation prayer - a spell that attracts money helped me and my family live prosperously last year. This year, at the Annunciation, I will again read a money conspiracy that attracts wealth and big money to the one who spends this money ritual. You are my favorite site

Annunciation conspiracies and prayers for money and wealth really work and help you get rich quickly after reading the conspiracies, the money flowed into my hands!!!

During the period of Great Lent, believers Orthodox people One day is given when you can relax a little and gain strength to help you endure the test to the end. We are talking about a big holiday for all believers - the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7.

The fact that on this day you can slightly diversify the meager Lenten food and neglect abstaining from entertainment once again proves how important and solemn this holiday is. What kind of event happened many centuries ago, and why? modern people continue to honor and celebrate the Annunciation?

Knowledgeable people will say that from the day of the Annunciation, a new round in the history of the Bible begins - the beginning of the New Testament, during which the Lord sent his son with a mission to teach people to love, call to repent and take the true path.

Ritual at the Annunciation to attract money

They attract material wealth by giving alms in the morning, without having time to wash. Go to church early in the morning, and when leaving it, give alms, but do not forget that you do not need to wash your face and have breakfast beforehand.

On the day of the holiday, the grass growing near the church is collected. So that the year is happy and rich, and all family members are healthy, it is kept at home behind images.

How to make a wish on the Annunciation

The day after the Feast of the Good News is considered the day when Archangel Gabriel grants wishes. At dawn you need to make a wish, put on a cross and, going out into the street, face the east. You need to cross yourself three times, saying:

Conspiracy to make a wish come true:

“Archangel Gabriel, servant of our Lord, hear the prayer of God’s servant (s) (your name) and fulfill my request (say your desire in your own words). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Ritual "Return of Happiness"

Buy a bird in advance - a titmouse, a sparrow, a dove, etc. Prepare food and water for it, over which you first tell about everything that worries or saddens you, you can cry and lament. Then read over them “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be it Your name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Virgin Mary, rejoice...

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You. Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. After this, give the bird food and water, and when it has eaten and drunk, release it.

Rituals for the Annunciation

Everyone knows the biblical commandment “thou shalt not steal,” but strangely enough, on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary it was customary to steal something small—a bead, a cup, some bread, and more. It was believed that if you bring this little thing into the house, it will bring happiness and prosperity. It is on April 7 that you can and should “steal” whatever you want, it will definitely stay with you and bring you good luck. Therefore, in April, more precisely, on the 7th, the following rituals can be performed.

“Stealing” love - a ritual to attract a loved one

On Annunciation, a girl who dreams of big and pure love, after sleep, he washes himself in three waters - untouched (no one has opened the tap before), with the addition of rose oil (love oil) and holy water. He wipes himself with the hem of his nightgown. Now she must put on red underwear, do light makeup and hair, and then go out on her left foot before noon. Smile to be positive. The girl’s task is to find a couple in love, preferably kissing, and touch them with a branch of any tree on which buds begin to appear. In this way, you borrow a little love from the lovers (but don’t worry, it won’t make them less of it). Now you can go home and put the “love” branch in the water. As soon as the buds open, love will appear in the girl’s life.

“Theft” of beauty and youth

Many representatives of the fair half, looking at themselves in the mirror, see a tired and tortured woman, both morally and physically. This condition can be corrected by performing this ritual: it will help make the body and soul more beautiful and younger. On April 7, go to the park, where there are many trees, blades of grass and bushes on which leaves have appeared. You need to pick a leaf or grass, thank nature for its gifts and charge the “gift” with the power of natural beauty. Then rub a leaf or blade of grass over your face and body, feel how the energy flows through the veins, filling every cell of the body with warmth and beauty. The body blossoms and smells fragrant, self-confidence comes. Take this “green gift” home and put it in a magazine that depicts beautiful actresses and singers. Hide the magazine in a drawer where creams, scrubs and tonics are kept. Very soon the woman will feel much better.

Ritual for pregnancy

“Children are the flowers of life,” but, alas, not everyone succeeds in planting them in their garden and then enjoying the beauty of their fruits. But on the Annunciation, you can try to perform a ritual for pregnancy, because on this day the Virgin Mary herself learned about the immaculate conception.

So, a woman who wants to get pregnant should buy a white dove at the poultry market the day before, leave her in the house overnight, ask her for help so that she can convey her request for a baby to higher powers, you can even write a note describing the baby: gender, color eyes, hair, character and other details. Early in the morning, release the dove into the sky by inserting a note into its beak; if it doesn’t work, don’t be upset, it will convey your request to the heavenly office. Then go outside and find a pregnant cat to pet, and then your belly. And do this three times. Feed the cat and go home without looking back.

Ritual for better health

If in lately If you are constantly worried about health problems, then you can perform the ritual on April 7th. You need to draw water the day before, and on Annunciation, go to the morning service with this water, defend it, then go out and give alms to three people in need. After that, come home, wash in the shower, and pour Annunciation water over yourself. Sit near the TV and watch a funny comedy or a program where they laugh and have fun, if you hear laughter on the street through an open window, then go out to the balcony and listen, this way you will be charged with positive energy, borrow some of the joy and health from happy and healthy people..

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you today what conspiracies and rituals are performed on the holiday of the Annunciation. There is a special day in the year that is significant for all Orthodox Christians - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. How do believers celebrate this great holiday, what customs and signs are associated with this bright day, and what independent conspiracies on the night before the celebration will help change life for the better, attract good luck for the whole year, and become richer? And also, what conspiracies for the Annunciation Mother of God with the power of a witchcraft word will they help you meet true, long-awaited love?

Reviews of those who made conspiracies for the holiday of the Annunciation

At night, the messenger of God, Archangel Gabriel, appeared to the God-loving Virgin Mary. He brought her good news: Mary had been chosen by the Lord for a special mission. It is this girl who must give the world a gift designed to atone for human sins, and thereby save them from eternal suffering.

Christians believe that this is how it happened. In any case, a day that was strong in a magical sense. White magic sorcerers perform rituals for money at the Annunciation, and read spells for love. Yes, and a lot of different things. They do such rituals with their power, which every real magician has, if he really is a sorcerer. Assistants are also called upon, and even with the help of the egregor for whom the sorcerer works, witchcraft rituals are carried out.

Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about folk signs for the feast of the Annunciation, about old customs and traditions and, of course, about the rituals associated with this bright holiday of all Christian believers. But, I note that the reviews of those who made conspiracies for the Annunciation have different contexts, but for the most part these are good, working, many times tested conspiracies, which are used in their practice by people who conjure with the power of white magic.

Most witchcraft rituals of this type are carried out at home, and are used by people who do not practice witchcraft professionally and do not work with clients. Simply put, you can read conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary yourself and get the desired results.

Folk customs that are performed on the holiday of the Annunciation

  • On April 7th, Christians leave their work and go to church in the morning to pray for the salvation of the soul and the remission of sins. According to tradition, white lilies are brought to the temple as a symbol of the innocence of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • There is a well-known ritual of liberation and release of white doves into the sky, the meaning of which is that on this day a person is cleansed of sinful thoughts and becomes free. The clergy carried out cages with birds and solemnly released them into the sky.
  • On this day of celebration, it is also customary to call back to their native lands birds that have been delayed on their way after wintering. Housewives baked gingerbread cookies in the shape of birds, and then distributed them to children. Children climbed onto the roofs and begged the birds in clear voices to return to their homeland. But it’s like a general desire to see flocks of birds flying home, but there are special rituals for the Annunciation to fulfill a wish exclusively personal, not associated with anyone else.

Yes, there are a number of old customs, signs and rituals held on Blagovest that have survived hundreds of years and remain in demand today. Ancient signs are like an elusive animal trail in the forest, along which an experienced tracker will find prey. Old people believe in omens and live by them, as if by their own clock. Those who believe in magic read on the feast of the Annunciation, spells for good luck, love and money.

In real magic, the result is important. But faith is also important. Without it, it is impossible to join the flows of magical energies and direct them, thereby influencing the physical plane. And, since the result is the sum of everything, then faith is the engine. Without her, everything will be in vain. Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer you powerful rituals for the Annunciation for the fulfillment of desires, for love and wealth. And you can start with advice on how to ask your Guardian Angel for help, to save you from disasters and deliver you from adversity.

When going to bed, read the plot for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ask your Angel for intercession:

“I’m going to bed, I have a cross seal on me, guardians, protect my soul from evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen".

Folk signs for the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

Here are some old ones folk reception for the feast of the Annunciation, which could tell us what kind of weather to expect during the most significant periods of the year for people. People who have long lived from the bounty of the earth have always wanted to know what the weather will be like and whether they will be able to collect bountiful harvest, and therefore special attention paid attention to the signs on this bright day.

  • If by April 7 the snow has not melted and lies in a thick layer on the roofs and ground, then we need to prepare for snowfalls, which will stop only on Yegorov Day (May 6).
  • If the swallows have not flown out of their nests all day, this means that spring will be delayed and will not soon delight you with its warmth.
  • If thunder struck and there was a thunderstorm on the feast of the Annunciation, this sure sign that there will be a lot of mushrooms.
  • People believed that if on the seventh, right on Blagovest, the sun would please with its warmth, then the wheat harvest would be especially rich.

Independent conspiracies for wealth and money luck

Not only did they pay attention to signs, there were also folk beliefs and customs. Not only church ceremonies sent on this day. Associated with this Christian holiday huge amount magical spells. No matter how hard they tried to eradicate folk traditions and witchcraft, but true knowledge, having crossed the dark ages, has reached us. Today you can freely read conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking for what you need.

This Orthodox holiday carry out independently magical rituals:

  1. to attract good luck,
  2. happiness,
  3. health,
  4. prosperity,
  5. for a rich harvest.

If on this day a person is healthy, well-fed, well dressed, and if his wallet is full of money, then the whole year will be prosperous.

  • Believers believe that wealth and financial stability can be attracted by giving to a beggar in the morning. But, only in the early morning, without having time to wash and eat. Therefore, in the morning they go to the temple, and when leaving it, they give alms.
  • On the holiday, the grass growing near the walls of the church is collected, dried and stored at home behind the icons. They do this so that the year will be successful and rich. On the Feast of the Annunciation, health spells are read for illnesses and disasters.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Here is the text of a white conspiracy for good luck on the holiday of the Annunciation.

On money luck, on good trade and for preservation from ruin. You need to read the white magic conspiracy the night before the holiday. It is believed that it has the power that will protect from troubles, protect from disasters, grief and lack of money. With a righteous life, of course.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Without a wrist, but with a cross, an old saint with a gray beard, barefoot, sits, sleeps, hears and sees everything. He sees and anticipates, and helps me in all my troubles. From hunger and cold, from sword and fire, from an evil sorcerer, from illness and early old age, from all the people of the volost, honest and dishonest, from a vain trial, a terrible punishment. The gray-haired saint sits under the crystal bridge, sleeps, but hears and sees everything. Whoever touches me will drop his staff. Whoever wakes him up is the one who wakes him up. Keys, padlocks, my secret, witchcraft words. Lock yourself, not once or twice, in my words, with nine locks, nine keys. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

Self-conspiracy for good trading on a bright holiday

For profitable trading, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise using spring water yourself readconspiracy for trade and the feast of the Annunciation sprinkle your shop or store with this charmed strong water from early morning, before the first buyer enters. Read over water 40 times.

“The Good News announced a miracle. The good news leads people to the temple, and this slander will attract people to my shop. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Chart your luck for honey on this Orthodox holiday

On this bright holiday you can invite good luck to you. There are various home conspiracies for this on the day of the Annunciation, but, for example, this one. To have good luck all year round, take honey and spread it on right palm, and then close your hands. Hold it like this and spread your palms, and at the same time read the words for honey:

“As honey melts, hand sticks to hand, so that luck sticks to me, God’s servant (name of the rivers). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

What conspiracies and how many times are they read at the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Usually the number of times required to repeat independent conspiracies before the Annunciation, there is a link in the text. If there are no explanations, then the plot is read once or three times. Repetition in witchcraft is practiced to enhance the impact of the spoken word; there can be 3, 5, 7, 9. There are conspiracies that are supposed to be read 40 times. After each repetition in the practice of white magic, it is customary to spit over the left shoulder three times, which a black magician will never do under any circumstances.

But, if you are reading a salt spell for the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, or any other magical spell with other purposes, you should not count the number of repetitions out loud. Just as you can’t bend your fingers. In order not to lose count, a professional magician uses rosaries or small objects - matches, coins, pebbles, beads, etc. After each reading, 1 element is put aside. This doesn’t mean absolutely anything, but it will help a novice magician perform the ritual correctly.

8 Self-conspiracy for a quick marriage, read on the day of the Annunciation

The Orthodox holiday of the Mother of God in ancient times, and even today, has a special meaning for women. Believers believe that on this day the Mother of God gives her intercession and blessing to the fair sex. Prayers were offered to the Most Pure Virgin, as well as magical rituals were performed and strong love spells were read at the Annunciation by girls and young women who wanted to attract great love and dreamed of family and motherhood.

On this bright day, a married woman can enlist the fidelity and love of her husband by calling him beloved and dear 40 times throughout the day. But for those who need it, a strong love spell for the Annunciation. This is a daily ritual, i.e. You can do it without waiting for sunset.

Provide yourself with a calm environment during the ceremony. All love spells are carried out alone, unless you conduct a professional magical practice, which is unlikely, since this article was written by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, not for professional experienced magicians, but for those who are interested in white magic in general, and strong conspiracies to the love of a man at the Annunciation, in particular. This is not just a conspiracy text, it is a ritual from the practice of white love magic.

To independently conduct a white ritual for a guy’s love, you need to prepare the following items:

  • mirror
  • piece of paper
  • pen with red ink
  • red candle made of natural wax
  • red box

How to make a love spell for a guy on the Feast of the Annunciation

Everything must be done with a lit candle. So that this home ritual to attract love will give good results, visualization is needed. On a piece of paper, describe your loved one, what he should be like, starting from appearance and ending detailed description the character of this man. Then roll up the piece of paper and put it in the box. Looking at your reflection in the mirror,

Read the words of the conspiracy to love a man at the Annunciation:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I create pure intention. My thoughts are aimed at creating the image of a loved one. I attract love and happiness into my life. Amen".

“Archangel Gabriel, servant of our Lord, hear the prayer of the servant of God (name of the rivers), and fulfill my request (briefly and to the point describe your desire). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In early spring, Christians celebrate the Annunciation; there are many signs and rituals on this day. Signs for the Annunciation still do not lose their relevance, as they contain folk wisdom.

Signs and rituals for the Annunciation

Spring signs

The arrival of spring in Rus' is always eagerly awaited, so a great many observations and signs have accumulated over the centuries; here are some of them:

  1. If the Annunciation is windy, then spring ones will be good.
  2. If the snow around the tree melts and forms steep edges, then spring will come quickly; if the edges are flat, spring will be protracted.
  3. The arrival of spring was determined by the way bears woke up and snowshoe hares changed color. If the bear has left the den and the hare has changed color, the weather will soon be warm. Animals sense the approach of spring best.
  4. By folk signs Rooks are the first to announce the arrival of spring, but other birds also have good predictors. When crows begin to collect branches for making nests, this is also a sure sign of the coming spring.
  5. Another sign: if at the beginning of February sparrows boldly swim in puddles and under flowing streams of melting snow, this indicates that the spring will be very warm. If there are long icicles in winter, spring will be early and long. On this day it is especially dangerous to conduct black conspiracies.

Customs for the Annunciation

There is a custom at the Annunciation: catch a bird, remember your sins, repent, kiss the bird and let it go. This is a symbol of human repentance and remission of sins on the great feast of the Annunciation. There are often already captured birds near churches and temples. Anyone has the opportunity to take the bird and release the burden from the soul, repenting.

Release the prince as a symbol of peace and love

You need to take a closer look at the birds near the temple; birds whose wings and tails have been clipped should not be allowed in. Sellers often do this in order to be able to make money on one bird several times, but after flying 10 meters, the bird usually falls to the side of the road and often dies. Such a distortion of ancient traditions is contrary to Orthodoxy.

You can't turn a ritual into a business. The birds are hostages in this situation, and the result of payment will be a drunk bottle of alcohol.

If the bird is released without causing harm to it, such a ritual will contribute to the acquisition of happiness and wealth.

Beautiful ritual for the Annunciation

Paper birds

In order not to torment the birds, activists of the green movement proposed a new trend for the tradition on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - launching origami.

Flyers with detailed instructions on making paper birds are distributed to passers-by near the temple, as well as to Sunday school students.

Activists hope that with the help of origami there will be much fewer bird catchers.

paper bird

History of the celebration

The Most Holy Theotokos was sent to church by her parents at the age of three. My entire childhood was spent in contemplation of God and the study of the Holy Scriptures, in handicrafts and prayer. On the appointed day, the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to preach good news to the Virgin Mary.

On the day of the Annunciation, an event occurred that shocked the entire Universe. A very surprising and touching canon is read at the evening service. Usually it is customary to read it in 2 voices: a male text on behalf of the Archangel and a female text on behalf of Mary. When Archangel Michael comes with the good news, he himself is in awe, since the state of the virgin’s soul exceeded the ranks of angels.

The angel informed Mary with the words:

“Blessed are you among women, blessed is the fruit of your womb, for the grace of God has come, and you will bear a son and call him Jesus.”

The girl was embarrassed because she didn’t even know her husband. But a person cannot be saved if he does not want to. God cannot come down and help overcome fears. Good is possible only through love and freedom.

Archangel Gabriel, Virgin Mary

The Lord expected a free decision from the Blessed Virgin. Maria uttered amazing words:

“Let there be peace according to your word.”

Virgo showed trust and humility.

For some reason, many people are confused by the expression “servant of God.” Usually people argue that a person should have internal dignity and not be a slave. However, Christianity shows that dignity is often confused with selfishness, pride and conceit. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

This holiday shows that you need to unite your will with the will of God, trust him and follow him. From the moment of the good news, the life of Jesus Christ began to develop in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Prayers for the Annunciation

In the morning and evening prayer include an appeal that is based on the words of Archangel Gabriel:

“O Mother of God Virgin Mary, full of God’s grace, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.”

All languages ​​have a mention of this greeting. The famous “Ave, Maria” is a Latin version of the Russian prayer. The Mother of God in prayer means “who gave birth to God.” Everything depended on the consent of the Blessed Virgin to become the mother of the Lord. further fate humanity. The earthly world united with the heavenly world, and the story of our salvation began.

On this day, priests say prayers for the dead and the living, and also ask for blessings and prosperity for the entire city where the church is located.

Graphic details

The feast of the Annunciation is based on fragments of frescoes, the meaning of which has been preserved and passed on to the present day. On the frescoes, Mary is depicted at the well; the Archangel Gabriel appeared when the maiden went to fetch water.

To this day, the same well has been preserved in the holy infirmary, with a structure erected above the source. Orthodox Church, illuminated in the name of the Archangel Gabriel. The first Christian temple appeared on this site in the 4th century during the reign of Constantine.

Having heard the voice of the Archangel Gabriel for the first time, the Virgin Mary was embarrassed, frightened and returned home. Soon the archangel appeared for the second time, as the legend says.

Holiday icons often depict an open book. According to another legend, at the moment of the Annunciation, Mary read the Holy Scriptures.

Bible story

Mary experienced bewilderment and trepidation when she learned that she was to become the mother of the savior. She was confused and doubted whether this was the true gospel. She remembered Mother Eve, who was tempted by the devil. But later, grace descended on Mary and she accepted the will of God, after which, in a mysterious and incomprehensible way, the conception of the son of God Jesus Christ took place in her womb.

Holy House of the Virgin Mary

During times of hard times, the holy house of the Mother of God was moved brick by brick to Italy. This legend has real information, only the holy house was delivered not by air by angels, but by sea by the crusaders.

Every year the so-called white trains come to the holy house. People with disabilities, accompanied by volunteers, make a difficult journey to ask the Mother of God for help, alleviate suffering and get rid of illnesses.

Prayer does not go unanswered; the Most Holy Theotokos gives strength in enduring illnesses, and often shows genuine miracles. Many people who came to Loreto in wheelchairs returned home on their own feet. The Holy House of the Virgin Mary has 3 walls, since in ancient times it was customary to build a dwelling on the slopes of hills, and the house had one wall made of natural rock. In the main part of the house there is a statue of Our Lady of Loreto.

Image of the Virgin Mary

The first image of Mary was painted by Luke himself, but the ancient icons disappeared without a trace. Later the image was created in the form of a sculpture. In Russian culture, this image is known as the “Addition of Mind” icon. The icon has been especially revered since the mid-16th century; in front of it, mothers pray for their children to do well in school. This image was painted in the 17th century during a difficult period of schism.

At the Annunciation, the Most Holy Theotokos is glorified; she became the unsown land that the word of God sown. Mary was destined for the fate of God's providence.

Protective amulet

The Annunciation is a great time to make a talisman for the whole year. A home amulet will protect your home from evil and bring only happiness and prosperity. Without dried herbs, horseshoes and amulet, housing in the old days was considered unprotected. Charms are part of folk traditions, serve as protection against negative forces and diseases, and to protect marriage.

To create your protector, collect willow branches, they should be cut to the same length. The branches are tied on one side with red and green floss threads (for embroidery) and a small broom is formed. When making a home amulet, you need to think about the good, imagine the well-being of the family, prosperity, and good luck.

Bags of herbs are attached to the amulet, decorated with dried flowers, and pins are also hung. The broom-amulet is hung with a bunch to the bottom and branches to the top, as if we were going to sweep the ceiling.

The history of the holiday
Archangel Gabriel, sent by God to Nazareth, appeared in a dream to Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary, and reassured him, saying: “Do not be afraid to accept Mary your wife, for what is born in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” It was this event that Luke and Matthew described in the Gospel, and it was this event that the Christian holiday was dedicated to. The Annunciation is celebrated on March 25 according to the Julian calendar, and on April 7 according to the Gregorian calendar. This is one of the twelve holidays in Orthodoxy.

The Annunciation is an act of redemption in Christian history. The obedience of the Virgin Mary balances the disobedience of Eve. Death - through Eve, life - through Mary, or through a woman - death, and through a woman - life. It was on March 25, the day of the Creation of the world, that God sent an archangel with good news, giving humanity a second chance. There are two approaches to determining the date of the Annunciation. The Annunciation has a direct connection with the Nativity of Christ; March 25 is exactly 9 months from December 25. If the Annunciation is associated with the Creation of the world, then it is believed that the Annunciation and the conception of Jesus Christ occurred on March 25, since on this day God created man.

How to celebrate the Annunciation
The Annunciation is one of the biggest holidays, on this day spring defeats winter, for this people burned bonfires - “they burned the winter and warmed the spring.” They threw straw, garbage, rags, old shoes, horse and cow dung into the fire. They danced in circles, sang songs and jumped over the fire. Annunciation bonfires were considered protection against diseases, the evil eye and evil spirits. The peasants believed that on this day the sky was open for requests and prayers. Therefore, on the evening of the Annunciation, people went out into the street, looked for the largest star and said: “God, give me great glory!” The Slavs have a sign that during the period from the Exaltation to the Annunciation, the earth is closed, sleeping, so it cannot be touched, dug, plowed, or sowed, so as not to disturb the life hidden underground from the harsh winter. After the Annunciation, everything awakens and comes out. Insects, snakes, frogs, bees, plants wake up. It was from this moment that field work began, and if the land is disturbed ahead of time, it is fraught with summer drought. Among the Slavic peoples, this day was associated with the arrival of birds from distant countries, so on the Annunciation it is customary to release birds from their cages so that they sing to the glory of God and bring happiness to those who released them. The women baked cakes in the shape of birds, the children took the cakes out into the yard, tossed them and called to the storks: “Stork, stork, give us zhita kopa!”

Signs for the Annunciation
On this day, a strict ban on any work is observed everywhere: “On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, and a maiden does not braid her hair.” This day should be spent in peace, without leaving home, in silence and inactivity, since everything involved in this day is doomed to failure. There is a widely known prohibition against laying eggs under a hen on the day of the Annunciation for fear that the subsequently hatched chickens will be crooked or lame.

Magic rituals and conspiracies for the Annunciation
Celebrates the Annunciation magical rituals, to attract good luck, happiness, health, wealth and good harvest. If on this day you are healthy, well-fed, well dressed and have money with you, then throughout the year you will be just as prosperous and lucky.

1. Buy prosphora for the Annunciation, stick a penny into one of the prosphoras. Then go around all the household members and let them choose a prosphora for themselves. The one who gets a prosphora with a coin will be happy all year, all his endeavors will be successful.

2. The Annunciation prosphora must be dried and ground. Mix the resulting crumbs with the seeds before sowing. This mixture guarantees a good harvest.
“Wherever I plant, sit there,
Don't be swept away by the wind,
Don't wash it away with rain,
And don’t spoil it with enemies.
Mother of cheese is the earth, mother of the Holy Church.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

3. Do not give anything to anyone on this day.

5. If you give alms on this day before washing, then there will be prosperity in the house for a whole year.

6. Burn salt in the oven and store the ash to sprinkle the garden against pests. Ash has the power to cure damage.

7. It is advisable not to comb your hair on this day, your hair will fall out.

8. If you call your husband “dear” 40 times on this day, your husband will have a loved one all year.

9. Grass is collected in the church and stored behind the icon for happiness, health and well-being

10. To make a profit on the Annunciation, sprinkle your store with enchanted water before the first customer enters.
“The Good News announced a miracle.
The gospel leads people to the temple,
And my conspiracy will bring people to my shop.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

11. Buy sugar for God’s dough (for Easter).

12. For good luck, buy honey for the Annunciation, smear it on your right palm and close it with your left. Immediately separate your palms and, seeing how difficult it is to do, say:
“Like honey melts,
Hand sticks to hand
So good luck to me,
God's servant (...), sticky.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Pouring from empty to empty.
This ritual quickly develops intuition, eliminates mistakes, and makes life easier and simpler.
They do it on April 7th at Annunciation. You need to take two empty buckets and place them at a distance of 4-5 steps. Then you need to “scoop” the mug from one bucket and “pour” it into another, carefully transferring the “liquid” 40 times.
Everything needs to be done slowly, with concentration, in silence. After this, you need to fumigate the rooms and the things you will wear in the summer with incense. At the same time, read “It Is Worthy” - It is worthy to eat as truly to bless Thee, Theotokos, ever-blessed and most immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable cherub and the most glorious withoutcomparisons of the seraphim, who without corruption of God the Word gave birth to the real Theotokos Theewe magnify.



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