Early Help Service is a new division of DOW. The purpose and objectives of the early assistance service

Early help service in preschool educational institutions

Analyzing the state of the educational system of preschool educational institutions, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to create a service that would carry out corrective and preventive measures in the early stages of developmental disorders in preschoolers. In this regard, a study began teaching experience on the correction of disorders in young children. Early intervention can be corrective or preventive in nature, i.e. either overcome existing problems or prevent their occurrence in the future.

The team consists of specialists representing various disciplines: teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, instructor physical culture, musical and medical workers, teachers junior groups. If necessary, external specialists may be brought into the team to meet the needs of the child and family. Specialists have higher specialized education and have completed postgraduate training in the field of early intervention. Specialists have the knowledge and skills to conduct assessments; planning, implementing and monitoring the assistance program; conducting a conversation; individual and group counseling (within your discipline), corrective interaction with children.

The purpose of the Early Help Service is to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to children at an early stage of development, as well as advisory work with parents.

Service objectives:

  1. Identification and diagnosis of developmental disorders in young children.
  2. Providing comprehensive assistance to a child at risk and a child with identified developmental disabilities.
  3. Formation of a positive attitude towards early assistance, families with problem children.
  4. Providing informational, educational, advisory and psychological assistance to the family.

The responsibilities of an educational psychologist include assessing the characteristics of the child’s socio-emotional and cognitive development and assessing the interaction between the child and parents. The work of a psychologist also includes psychological support families in crisis, assistance in optimizing the relationship between parents and children, working with children who have serious social-emotional problems and disabilities mental health. The psychologist provides assistance to families with children with special needs. The psychologist also conducts preventive programs for children at biological and social risk groups.

Clients of the early assistance service are a family with problem children from 1.5 to 3 years old: with identified developmental disorders, neuropsychic disorders that can lead to problems in the future; children of biological and social risk groups. They are accepted into the early assistance service upon application from parents or referral from teachers with parental consent.

Indications for referral of a family with a child may include the following health and developmental problems:

  1. Children with identified developmental disorders - hearing and vision impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, hereditary degenerative developmental abnormalities, congenital developmental abnormalities, organic lesions of the central nervous system, neuropsychic disorders.
  2. Children of the biological risk group - premature, post-term; children whose mothers suffered from infectious and viral diseases during pregnancy (rubella, influenza, cytomegalovirus, herpes, etc.) whose mothers suffered from toxicosis of pregnancy; children born with asphyxia and who suffered birth trauma, etc.
  3. Children social group at risk – from families at social risk; children of parents with mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction; from young parents, from families of refugees, migrants, bilingual families, etc.

The leading activities of the Early Help Service include:

1. Consultative and diagnostic direction:

  • determining the level of development of a young child in accordance with the main normative indicators of a given age;
  • the earliest possible detection and psychological and pedagogical qualification of deviations in the development of the child;
  • feature analysis social situation child development;
  • counseling parents on issues;
  • security necessary conditions development and compensation of existing deviations;
  • implementation of correctional and developmental interaction with the child;
  • creating an appropriate correctional and developmental environment at home;
  • consulting teachers working with young children.

2. Correctional and developmental area of ​​activity of the service:

  • development of an individual program of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the child by specialists and teachers of the service together with the child’s parents;
  • training parents in ways of corrective and developmental interaction with the child;
  • conducting individual and group developmental and correctional classes with young children;

3. Information and methodological direction:

  • informing parents about the services provided by the early psychological and pedagogical assistance service through booklets, announcements, etc.
  • informing about the activities of the Service using means mass media;
  • creation of a library of games and toys, as well as a bank of correctional and developmental techniques for young children;
  • advanced training of teachers of early age groups.

In the conditions of early age groups of preschool educational institutions, psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities is provided in the process of:

  • developmental activities in accordance with the early childhood education program implemented at the preschool educational institution. The content of classes is differentiated depending on the level of development of the child. Developmental classes are conducted in subgroups, with children who have a similar level of development, or individually with children who differ significantly from the majority of children in the group in their cognitive and communicative abilities;
  • correctional classes conducted by service specialists in accordance with individual programs of psychological and pedagogical assistance.
  • games, routine moments, entertainment, holidays, which ensures the correctional and developmental orientation of the entire educational process in relation to children.

Help is also provided to young professionals working with young children. Educators can gain practical skills by visiting and observing the work of more experienced educators, as well as during open events.

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided to parents of young children. Assistance is provided through counseling and PSA meetings, where decisions are made educational objectives in order to increase the competence of parents in matters of pedagogy early childhood. Meetings are held almost monthly by specialists and teachers of preschool educational institutions. They mostly wear practical nature. Intertwined here various shapes and methods of activating parents: computer presentations, practical tasks, trainings, exhibitions of toys and equipment, display open classes, captured on video, round tables etc.

Individual counseling is carried out by narrow specialists on the initiative of the teachers themselves, or on the initiative of parents.

Mechanism for implementing early psychological and pedagogical assistance:

  1. Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders.
  2. Identification of young children in need of psychological and pedagogical assistance.
  3. Interview with the child’s parents on identified problems. Family appeal to the Early Help Service.
  4. Development of an individual program of psychological and pedagogical assistance to a child.
  5. Intermediate diagnostics.
  6. Making adjustments to the individual child support program.
  7. Final psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.
  8. Determination of further educational route.

Summing up the activities of the Early Help Service, we can confidently note its positive results. Thus, our experience shows that specifically organized process, the interaction of all specialists in working with children with disabilities and experiencing difficulties in learning, communication, behavior, gives a positive result and helps reduce the number of children with developmental disorders in older preschool age.



On the organization of work to provide early assistance to children with disabilities aged 0 to 3 years in the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region

As part of the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012-2017, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2012 N 761, the social project of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region "Give joy to a child", aimed at preventing child and family ill-being, selected by results of the ninth competitive selection of innovative social projects for subsequent financial support by the Fund for Support of Children in Difficulty life situation(minutes of the meeting of the Foundation’s board of June 26, 2015 N 3, application registration number 90p-2015.9 dated April 15, 2015), as well as in order to organize work on the timely identification of young children with delays in communicative, motor, cognitive and socio-emotional development, with suspected hearing or vision impairment, as well as children included in social and biological risk groups living in the Odintsovo municipal district,


1. Organize the work of the Early Intervention Service on the basis of the Municipal Treasury educational institution Odintsovo regional center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance "Support".

2. Approve the Regulations on the Early Intervention Service (attached).

3. Set the operating period of the Early Intervention Service in test mode from 04/01/2016 to 09/30/2017.

4. Publish this resolution in the official media of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region and on the website of the Administration of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region.

5. This resolution comes into force after official publication.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the head of the Education Department of the Administration of the Odintsovo Municipal District of the Moscow Region O.I. Lyapistova.

Head of Administration T.V. Odintsova

Regulations on the Early Intervention Service

by a resolution of the Administration
Odintsovo municipal district
Moscow region
from "_31_" __03__ 2016 N 1661

1. General provisions

1.1. Early Intervention Service is an interdepartmental structure designed to provide assistance to children aged birth to 3 years with special needs and their families in order to promote the child's optimal development and adaptation into society.

1.2. The Early Intervention Service operates on the basis of the Municipal State Educational Institution of the Odintsovo Regional Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance “Support” (hereinafter referred to as the institution).

1.3. The legislative basis for the activities of the Early Intervention Service are the following documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws: dated July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation,” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" and other legislative and regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, Moscow region, regulatory legal acts of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region, Charter of the Municipal government educational institution of the Odintsovo regional center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance “Support”.

1.4. Consumers of services provided by the Early Intervention Service are children from birth to 3 years of age who:

Have developmental delay confirmed by standardized scales;

Have diagnoses that are highly likely to lead to developmental delays;

Congenital developmental anomalies;

Live in conditions of social risk, have been subjected to serious stress or violence.

2. Purpose and objectives of the EARLY INTERVENTION Service

2.1. The goal of the Early Intervention Service is to create comprehensive interdepartmental support for families raising children with developmental disorders (risk of impairment).

2.2. The objectives of the Early Intervention Service are:

2.2.1. Identification of young children with delays in communicative, motor, cognitive and socio-emotional development, with suspected hearing and vision impairment, as well as children included in social and biological risk groups for the occurrence of these disorders.

2.2.2. Interdisciplinary assessment of the main areas of child development (cognitive, social-emotional, motor, speech, self-care); determining the state of the child’s mental health, the qualitative characteristics of his relationships with parents, legal representatives and other family members; identifying the basic needs of the child and family.

2.2.3. Early help for the child and family: Creation of a program for individual support of children and families; Multidisciplinary services for children and families in accordance with the developed program; Monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development and, if necessary, making additions and changes to the developed program.

2.2.4. Informational and socio-psychological support for parents and families, namely: Early accompaniment and support for parents and family members at the birth of a child with special needs; Consulting parents on issues related to the individual characteristics of the child and the conditions for his optimal development; Providing information about legislative and regulatory legal acts that protect the rights of the child and family, about social guarantees, about public and government organizations that provide the necessary assistance and services.

2.2.5. Maintaining continuity between the Early Intervention Service and preschool organizations, as well as other institutions of the healthcare system and social protection.

2.2.6. Informing the population about the work of the Early Intervention Service, its goals and objectives.

2.2.7. The result of the work of the Early Intervention Service is the provision of qualified interdepartmental family-centered assistance to the child in order to promote his optimal development and adaptation in society; ensuring the continuity of the child and family support program by the Early Intervention Service, including after the end of this program.


3.1. Voluntariness - the decision to contact the Early Intervention Service and the desire to include the child and family in the service program come from the parents (legal representatives).

3.2. Openness - The Early Intervention Service responds to all requests from parents (legal representatives) of the child concerned about his condition or development.

3.3. Confidentiality - information about the child and family available to employees of the Early Intervention Service is not subject to disclosure without the consent of the family, except in cases determined by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.4. Respect for the individual - employees of the Early Intervention Service treat the child and parents (legal representatives) with respect, accept the child as a full-fledged person with individual developmental characteristics and needs; Respecting the personality of parents (legal representatives), employees of the Early Intervention Service accept their opinion about the child, their personal experience, expectations and decisions.

3.5. An interdisciplinary approach is the joint work of specialists from different fields of knowledge, constituting a single team and acting in accordance with technologies of interprofessional interaction.

3.6. Family-centered activity is the professional orientation of Early Intervention Service employees to interact with both the child and parents (legal representatives and other family members.


4.1. Early Intervention Service specialists and their functions:

Educational psychologist - work with families ( educational work, consulting, organizing and conducting practical classes with parents, legal representatives and children);

Educational psychologist - specialist in early communication (educational work, consulting, organizing and conducting practical classes with parents, legal representatives and children);

Teacher-defectologist - assessing the level of development of the child (diagnostic work, counseling, organizing and conducting practical classes with parents, legal representatives and children);

Teacher-defectologist - teacher of the deaf (diagnostic work, consulting, organizing and conducting practical classes with parents and children);

Pediatrician - determination of the physical, functional state of the child and analysis of positive and negative factors affecting his development;

Pediatric neurologist - diagnosis of diseases caused by damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as functional (consequences of the above lesions) disorders in children;

Dispatcher - coordinating the activities of the Early Intervention Service staff.

4.2. The responsibilities of staff and specialists involved in the activities of the Early Intervention Service are regulated job descriptions, approved by the director of the institution, these Regulations.

4.3. The service works in collaboration with healthcare institutions, education, public organizations (foundations, associations, etc.) on issues of comprehensive assistance to young children. Specialist consultants: typhology teacher, doctors (otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedic surgeon, etc.) may be recruited to work in the Service on a voluntary basis.

4.4. The basis for enrollment in the Early Intervention Service and the organization of diagnostic and habilitation assistance for children is a personal application from parents (legal representatives).

4.5. The basis for deduction is:

Completion of a course of rehabilitation work;

Failure to attend classes for more than 2 months without a valid reason.

4.6. Organization of the work of the Early Intervention Service includes the following stages:

Referral of specialists or organizations, appeal from parents (legal representatives);

Acceptance of referrals, applications (contact with parents (legal representatives), entry into the waiting list);

First meeting with parents (legal representatives), filling out individual card child and family;

Determining the needs of the child and family (assessing the interaction between the parent or legal representative and the child);

Interdisciplinary diagnosis, discussion of the direction and duration of early assistance (one-time meeting of parents or legal representatives with a team of staff, short-term early intervention program, early intervention methods);

Individual child and family support program in the Early Intervention Service;

End of the early intervention program, transfer of the child and family to other programs.

Classes with children can be conducted both individually and in groups, the maximum group size is 2-4 people.

4.7. Direct management of the Early Intervention Service is carried out by the employee responsible for the work of the Early Intervention Service, who is appointed by order of the director of the institution.

4.8. Specialists of the Early Intervention Service undergo appropriate training in the profile of the Early Intervention Service.


5.1. The Early Intervention Service has the right to:

Request information from parents (legal representatives), with their consent, necessary for the implementation of complex activities Early intervention services from institutions of other departmental affiliation;

Independently choose forms, means and methods of working with children.

5.2. Responsibilities of the Early Intervention Service:

Develop and implement individual support programs in the Early Intervention Service;

5.3. All specialists involved in the activities of the Early Intervention Service are obliged to:

Comply with ethical standards;

Be able to work in a team, present cases for analysis, participate in team and professional supervision;

Know the patterns of child development;

Have basic knowledge on early intervention;

Know screening methods for assessing vision, hearing, and the level of development of children in the first 3 years of life;

Be able to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an early intervention program;

Maintain appropriate documentation and submit a work report.

5.4. Parents (legal representatives) have the right:

Participate in the development and implementation of individual support programs;

Make proposals aimed at improving the work of the Early Intervention Service.

5.5. Parents (legal representatives) are obliged to:

Attend classes as scheduled;

Promptly inform the Early Intervention Service specialists about the reason for missing planned events.


6.1. The Early Intervention Service develops and submits the following documents to the director of the institution for approval:

Work plan;

Work schedule;

Log of requests;

Journal of individual and group lessons;

Individual support programs for children and families;

Activity analysis.

Head of the Education Department O.I. Lyapistova

The target group for the intervention of the early intervention service should be not only families with disabled children, but also parents with children at risk and even families in which the child has not yet been born, said participants in a project seminar dedicated to the creation of a regional early intervention system. The seminar was held on May 28 at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. +

« Early intervention is a complex of family-centered services aimed at the child’s functioning in a natural life situation."- said Elena Klochko, co-chair of the Coordination Council for Disabled Children and Other Persons with Disabilities under the RF OP, member of the Guardianship Council in social sphere under the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the All-Russian Organization of Parents of Disabled Children.

If earlier early intervention specialists were involved in the correction of developmental disorders in disabled children, now the focus of this service is changing. " The target group is children at risk, children with identified disabilities, children from a social risk group. Those. It’s not that disability should be an indispensable condition, but how to avoid it", Klochko said. +

In response to a comment from one of the participants that in Moscow only children with disabilities receive early assistance services, Elena Klochko replied that now it will be different. +

Deputy Chairman of the RF OP Commission for Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood Sergei Rybalchenko said that specialists should work even with those families who do not yet have children. +

« The issue of the child’s health needs to be addressed even before the parents think about conception. Because all the main problems arise during this period. And who works with this? WHO is now collaborating with UNICEF, the Maternal and Newborn Health Partnership and the Maternal and Newborn Health Action Network early development are developing a global framework for fostering education, focused on promoting interventions to achieve the desired results. The focus will be on the first thousand days life cycle. This is from conception, not from birth"- said Rybalchenko.

Rybalchenko suggested paying close attention to WHO recommendations. « WHO is perhaps the most powerful organization that deals with child health», - said a member of the Public Chamber. +

In his opinion, specialists should work “ not there, when everything has already been discovered, but there, when you can not just engage in informing, but directly engage in work on assessing health, assessing the child’s development potential”. +

Non-profit organizations (NPOs), whose role is still underestimated and are not well funded by the state, cope brilliantly with these tasks, Rybalchenko believes. +

During the discussion, Elena Klochko emphasized that early assistance services are not educational services aimed at educating the child. They are also not medical services. « Early intervention services are services to the family» , - said Klochko. At the same time, she stated that the early assistance service should also not be located in the social security department. To successfully form a network of regional early intervention services, it is necessary « creation of a supra-departmental body» , says Elena Klochko. +

Nadezhda Garifullina
Early Help Service - a new division of the preschool educational institution

Analyzing the state of the educational system of preschool educational institutions, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to create services, which would be on early stages of manifestation of developmental disorders in preschool children, would carry out corrective and preventive measures. In this regard, a study of pedagogical experience in correcting disorders in children began early age.

In 2010 in our kindergarten within the framework of the municipal experimental site was opened Early Help Service. In organizing new divisions DOW had a huge impact assistance from GOU RME“Center for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, preparing families to accept children and their professional support "Childhood" Yoshkar-Ola.

Purpose of the work Early intervention services– providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social support and support to families raising a child with disabilities aged 1.5 to 3 years, to promote his optimal development and socialization in society.

Tasks services:

1. Inform parent, public and professional organizations about the work early intervention services, its mission, goals and objectives.

2. Form a positive attitude towards early help, families with problem children.

3. Interact with healthcare, social protection, and education institutions.

4. Plan and organize the process of comprehensive diagnostics of family functioning and development of a child at risk and a child with identified developmental disabilities.

5. Provide comprehensive help a child at risk and a child with identified developmental disabilities.

6. Provide informational, educational, advisory, methodological and psychotherapeutic services family assistance, accompany her throughout her stay in service.

7. Plan and organize the management process early help service and continuous vocational education specialists.

Clients early intervention services– family with problem children from 1.5 to 3 years: with identified developmental disorders, neuropsychic disorders that may lead to problems in the future; children of biological and social risk groups. IN early help service they are accepted upon application from parents or referral from teachers with parental consent based on a health certificate.

Indications for referral of a family with a child may include the following health and developmental problems.

1. Children with identified developmental disorders - hearing and vision impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, hereditary degenerative developmental abnormalities, congenital developmental abnormalities, organic lesions of the central nervous system, neuropsychic disorders.

2. Children of the biological risk group - premature, post-term; children whose mothers suffered from infectious and viral diseases during pregnancy (rubella, influenza, cytomegalovirus, herpes, etc., whose mothers suffered from toxicosis of pregnancy; children born with asphyxia and who suffered a birth injury, etc.

3. Children at social risk – from families at social risk; children of parents with mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction; from young parents, from families of refugees, migrants, bilingual families, etc.

Enrollment of families with children service carried out on the basis of a statement from parents and the conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical council early intervention services are ok determined by the Charter of the institution.

List of employee positions Early intervention services determined in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1995 No. 463/1268, the order of the Ministry of Education of Science of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 1995 No. 622/1646 and the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 6, 1996 No. 32 .

Approximate staffing table : supervisor Services, methodologist, social worker, educational psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, music director, pediatrician, child neurologist, child psychiatrist, nurse.

Among the leading areas of activity Early intervention services include:

1. Advisory and diagnostic direction:

Determining the child's development level early age in accordance with the main normative indicators of a given age;

Maximum early identification and psychological and pedagogical qualification of deviations in child development;

Analysis of the characteristics of the social situation of child development;

Consulting parents on issues;

Providing the necessary conditions for development and compensation for existing deviations;

Implementation of correctional and developmental interaction with the child;

Creating an appropriate correctional and developmental environment at home;

Consulting teachers working with children early age.

2. Correctional and developmental area of ​​activity services:

Development of an individual psychological and pedagogical program help child specialists and teachers services together with the child’s parents;

Training parents in ways of corrective and developmental interaction with the child;

Conducting individual (in the presence of parents) and group developmental and correctional classes with children early age;

Conducting psychotherapeutic sessions with parents in order to normalize family relationships and reduce emotional stress caused by the birth of a child with disabilities.

3. Information and methodological direction:

Informing the population about the services provided service early psychological and pedagogical help together with social institutions childhood: antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, children's clinics and hospitals, preschool educational institutions (information from using booklets, advertisements, information letters;

Information about activities Services using media;

Creation of a library of games and toys, as well as a bank of correctional and developmental techniques for children early age;

Advanced training for group teachers early age.

4. Organizational direction:

Organization of interaction services with health care institutions to identify children early age with disabilities;

Coordination of the activities of specialists of various profiles and parents in the implementation of an individual psychological and pedagogical program help;

Organization of interaction services preschool educational institution and Republican Center early psychological and pedagogical help on issues of identifying children early age with developmental disabilities, coordination of content and methods early psychological and pedagogical help;

Organization of generalization and dissemination of experience early psychological and pedagogical help children with disabilities.

Organizational model services represented by three interconnected blocks.

Block 1 is aimed at children and includes organized forms of provision assistance to young children with disabilities.

In group settings early age preschool educational institution psychological and pedagogical help children with disabilities find themselves in process:

Developmental activities in accordance with the child upbringing program early age, implemented in preschool educational institutions. The content of classes is differentiated depending on the level of development of the child. Developmental classes are conducted in subgroups, with children who have a similar level of development, or individually with children who differ significantly from the majority of children in the group in their cognitive and communicative abilities;

Corrective classes conducted by specialists services in accordance with individual psychological and pedagogical programs help.

Correctional classes with each child are conducted individually 1-2 times a week in the presence of parents. This is especially important, since in classes parents are taught methods and techniques of competent interaction with the child, they are involved in the correction process;

Games, routine moments, entertainment, holidays, which ensures the correctional and developmental orientation of the entire educational process in relation to children.

The second block is focused on providing assistance to teachers working with children early age. Most of the group teachers early age were young teachers, then for them the kindergarten has been functioning for several years "School of a Young Teacher", which illuminates theoretical issues methods of raising and teaching children preschool age. Teachers gain practical skills by visiting and observing the work of their teacher-mentors, as well as by holding open events.

In 2011-2012 academic year methodological work with teachers early age was carried out through the pedagogical association "Special Baby", where meetings were held not only by teacher-mentors, but by narrow specialists: speech therapists, defectologists, psychologists, etc. Educators mastered the methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical helping early children age with developmental problems.

Activities of the third block in organizational structure Services is aimed at providing psychological and pedagogical helping young parents. Help provided through counseling and "School of Caring Parents".

Meetings "Schools of Caring Parents" are mostly practical in nature. Various forms and methods of activation are intertwined here parents: computer presentations, practical tasks, trainings, exhibitions of toys and equipment, showing open classes filmed on video, round tables, etc.

Individual counseling is carried out by narrow specialists on the initiative of the teachers themselves, or on the initiative of parents.

Implementation mechanism early psychological and pedagogical help

1. Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders.

2. Identifying children early age who need psychological and pedagogical help.

3. Interview with the child’s parents on the identified problems. Family appeal to Early Help Service.

4. PMPK meeting. Qualification of identified developmental disorders. Development of an individual psychological and pedagogical program helping a child.

5. Intermediate diagnostics.

6. Making adjustments to the individual child support program.

7. Final psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

8. Determination of further educational route.

Summing up the activities Early intervention services, we can confidently note its positive results. So, if in 2010-2011 from Early intervention services 35% of children were removed, then in 2011-2012 this figure increased to 68%.

Thus, our experience shows that a specially organized process, the interaction of all specialists in working with children who have disabilities and experience difficulties in learning, communication, and behavior, gives a positive result and allows us to reduce the number of children with developmental disorders in their later years. preschool age.

The purpose of the Early Intervention Service is to provide interdisciplinary, family-centered care to the child to promote optimal development and adaptation into society.

The objectives of the Early Help Service are:

1. Methodological support for identifying young children with delays in communicative, motor, cognitive and socio-emotional development, with suspected hearing and vision impairment, as well as children included in the social and biological risk groups for the occurrence of these disorders.

2. Interdisciplinary assessment of the main areas of child development (cognitive, social-emotional, motor, speech, self-care); determining the state of the child’s mental health, the qualitative characteristics of his relationships with parents and other family members; identifying the basic needs of the child and family.

3. Early help for the child and family:

Creation of a program for individual support of children and families;

Interdisciplinary services for the child and family in accordance with the developed program;

Monitoring the effectiveness of early assistance and, if necessary, making additions and changes to the developed program.

4. Information and socio-psychological support for parents and families, namely:

Early accompaniment and support for parents and family members at the birth of a child with special needs;

Consulting parents on issues related to the individual characteristics of the child and the conditions for his optimal development;

Providing information about legislative acts that protect the rights of the child and family, about social guarantees, about public and government organizations that provide the necessary assistance and services.

5. Ensuring continuity between early intervention services and preschool institutions, as well as other institutions of the health and social protection system

6. Informing parent, public and professional organizations about the work of the Early Help Service, its goals and objectives.

5. Basic principles of the Early Help Service

1. Family-centered activity - the professional orientation of the Service’s employees towards interaction both with the child and with parents and other family members, people from his immediate environment.

2. Interdisciplinary approach - joint work of specialists from different fields of knowledge, constituting a single team and acting in accordance with technologies of interprofessional interaction.

3. Partnership - establishing partnerships with the child, members of his family or people from his immediate environment.

4. Voluntariness - the decision to contact the Early Intervention Service and the desire to include the child and family in the service program comes from the parents or their surrogates.

5. Openness - the early intervention service responds to requests from any family or person representing the interests of the child concerned about his condition or development.

6. Confidentiality - information about the child and family available to employees of the Early Help Service is not subject to disclosure without the consent of the family, except in cases determined by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Respect for the individual - employees of the Early Help Service treat the child and parents or people in their place with respect, accept the child as a full-fledged person with individual developmental characteristics and needs; Respecting the personality of parents, Service employees accept their opinion about the child, their personal experience, expectations and decisions.

States and functional responsibilities Service employees.

All specialists of the interdisciplinary team have the same duration working week-- 40 hours.

§ Duration of reception of one child for all specialists - 1 hour

§ If necessary, joint appointments are carried out by several specialists, the duration of the appointment is 1 hour.

§ Individual lessons, duration - 1 hour.

§ The duration of group classes is 1.5 hours.

§ Home visit - 2 hours.

§ Work with video materials, methodological literature, documentation - 2 hours a week.

§ It is mandatory to conduct a weekly discussion of work with children by all specialists of the district service. The duration of the discussion is 2 hours per week.

IN working hours An interdisciplinary team of specialists includes:

Systematic completion of advanced training courses in the field of early intervention and in individual specialties;

Work to disseminate the ideas of early intervention among the population and medical and children's personnel preschool institutions district (participation in conferences, seminars, meetings with staff);

Work to ensure continuity between the early intervention service and the district preschool (visiting the preschool for the purpose of jointly developing and building individual programs for children who transferred to the preschool from the early intervention service)

All early intervention providers must:

Comply with ethical standards.

Be able to work in a team, present cases for analysis, participate in team and professional supervision.

Know the patterns of child development.

Have basic knowledge of early intervention.

Proficient in screening methods for assessing vision, hearing, and the level of development of children in the first 3 years of life.

Be able to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an early intervention program.

Maintain appropriate documentation and submit a work report.

Social worker (social educator)

Area of ​​work of a social worker:

1. Informing the family on issues social rights and guarantees provided by the state to children with special needs and their families. Informing the family about the activities of public and government organizations that provide the necessary assistance and services (educational work).

2. Assistance to service clients in ensuring the rights and guarantees provided by the state to children with special needs and their families (interaction with social protection services to ensure the implementation of rights and guarantees).

3. Takes part in the implementation of individual support programs (assesses the real needs of the family for social assistance).

4. Planning and carrying out work to refer the child and family to other structures after the end of the early assistance program.

5. Systematic improvement of your professional qualifications.

Target groups in early intervention programs.

The target population is families with young children with known delays in one or more areas of development or disorders that are likely to lead to developmental delays, for example:

* genetic disorders (Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Williams syndrome, etc.);

* motor disorders in various neurological diseases (cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases), conditions after injuries and surgical interventions;

* multiple violations;

* autism spectrum disorders;

* sensory impairments (hearing and vision impairments);

* children at biological risk (extremely low birth weight, prematurity, etc.).

Often, a child’s developmental problems are associated with his social environment and high social risk, which includes the use of alcohol and drugs by the child’s parents, the presence of mental disorders or intellectual disabilities in the child’s parents, etc.

The experience of early intervention programs shows that with these target groups, support programs can also be very effective and in demand, as they allow for the maximum development of the child with appropriate support for his family.

Early intervention programs have been proven to significantly improve the future of children and their families. In addition, there is evidence of high economic efficiency early intervention programs.

The development of early intervention programs has a number of theoretical premises and is based on modern research.

In order to ensure effective program early intervention must be followed basic principles, on which programs should be built and which will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.



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