The most numerous armies in history. What are the strengths of the most powerful armies in the world?

Superiority over the enemy has always been determined not by the number of troops, but by the correct strategy and tactics. We decided to remember the most victorious armies of the world in history, which won with their minds.

Army of Alexander the Great

Imagine that against a perfectly played football team, eleven people enter the field, seeing each other for the first time and running scatteredly across the field. Even if there are fifteen of them. Or twenty - the difference is small, victory will still go to the team that adheres to a certain tactic in its game.

And perhaps the first person to fully understand the need for an army to hold formation and turn on command in one direction, without asking questions, was the ruler of the insignificant ancient state of Macedonia. But not the famous Alexander, but Philip – his father.

Thanks largely to this, Alexander’s army was able to conquer Athens, the invincible and great Sparta, Persia and Egypt, and even go to India.

Roman legion

Now imagine that at the age of eighteen you are not given any rights until you serve in the army. In addition, you must buy all military equipment yourself, and training weapons and armor on courses young fighter will weigh three times more than a combat one. Welcome to the Roman Legion, tiro! In it, anyone became a jack of all trades - recruits not only fought, but built roads, bridges and aqueducts. One look at the history of ancient cities Western Europe enough to understand that they are based on either a Roman military camp, or a market, or the intersection of trade routes. The number of tactical innovations introduced by the Roman army into military affairs is difficult to count.

In addition to the various orders of formation and combat, which it makes no sense to go into a description of in one article, the Roman legionnaires practically invented perfect protection from any type of throwing weapons, except, perhaps, heavy stones, logs and boiling oil pouring from the walls - a formation called “turtle”. The front row of legionnaires closed their shields edge to edge in such a way that they formed a solid wall, while the back rows raised their shields above their heads, also closing their edges, creating a kind of “roof”. Arrows, throwing spears and small stones simply slid off such a living structure, causing virtually no harm.

Mongol army

No borders, just the horizon. The horse's hooves are dry and cracked, and the only thing that will help is washing them in the waters of the Last Sea. Any manifestation of weakness or cowardice costs not only your own life, but also the lives of nine close associates. And for cowardice shown by a dozen, a hundred will be cut, and for cowardice shown by a hundred... and so on. No wonder there is no word for “back” in the Mongolian language. Only forward - to the Last Sea. Along the way, he conquered China, the state of the Khorezm Shahs, ruined the great Abbasid caliphate, crossed the waters of the Tigris, filling them with scrolls and books from the Baghdad library.

The main type of Mongol troops was cavalry - heavy and light. Due to the fact that the Mongols were excellent shooters, including at a gallop, their main weapon was a bow - each warrior could have several of them. The armor was predominantly leather, with melee weapons including a spear and a curved saber. The high speed and mobility of the Mongol army was ensured a large number spare horses and the general unpretentiousness and endurance of the soldiers.

The success of the Mongols was largely due to their siege techniques. Unlike most nomadic tribes, they did not rely on their numerical superiority, using all possible means to minimize potential losses. They dug tunnels, used local rivers to dam or, conversely, to divert water from the besieged city. They also borrowed the latest technology from the China they conquered - a multi-shot crossbow and a stone-throwing tower.

Spanish tercio

For many centuries, bows, and even later crossbows, which today are just a sport and a hobby, flooded the Earth with blood. Their role finally faded into the background with the advent of firearms, which pierced almost any armor. But still, the reload time left much to be desired and almost any rider managed to get to the least accurate musketeers. Maximum effective way protecting riflemen from cavalry and infantry was developed in Spain.

The military formation - tertia - allowed musketeers and arquebusiers to fire at enemy cavalry units, while being covered by pikemen. Almost any cavalry attack ran into a “forest” peak, after which the surviving reitars (cavalry riflemen in heavy armor) tried to hit the shooters standing in the third. But since a horseman, by definition, was a much easier target than foot musketeers and arquebusiers, this was of little use. Breaking the Spanish third became possible only thanks to the invention of silicon weapons, which were distinguished by a greater rate of fire and range than matchlock muskets and arquebuses.

Grand Army of Napoleon

Frame Great Army under the command of a marshal or division general, included all branches of the military that existed at that time and was an autonomous operational unit that was able to conduct combat operations in isolation from all other forces.

The size of the corps is from 20 to 70 thousand people - infantrymen, cavalrymen, artillery, sappers and supply troops. This kind of autonomy and balance of power was a strategic innovation that allowed Napoleon to conquer almost all of Europe and part North Africa(of course, the personal qualities and military genius of the emperor also played a significant role in this).

A kind of innovation in supplying troops was the organization of food points every fifteen miles, called the well-known word “store.”

Kutuzov's strategic talent is far from last resort was to, having surrendered Moscow, turn the noble guards and soldiers who were distinguished high level training and discipline, into a gang of embittered marauders.

Russian army

Russia has been at war almost its entire history. Bismarck believed that the Russians could not be defeated. Attempts at military expansion of our country were made more than once, but ended in the same thing - the defeat of the aggressor.

Russian military glory was forged by both our commanders and ordinary soldiers and sailors, whose heroic behavior has always served as an example for subsequent generations.


In different areas human activity There have been many great men throughout history, from science to art, from philosophy to politics, from business to technology, but none of these great men have shed more blood than the greatest warriors in history. So take a deep breath and get ready to discover the 25 deadliest, most brutal and bloodthirsty warriors who ever lived.

25. Alaric I Visigoth

Alaric was a Visigoth king who was distinguished by the fact that he destroyed Rome. This made him an honorary Roman citizen and magister militum, "master of soldiers", a valued member of the Roman Empire. After taking Rome, Alaric led his troops south into Campania, taking Nola and Capua along the way. Alaric headed for the Roman province of Africa, where he intended to supply his army with provisions from the granary of Rome, but a storm destroyed his ships, temporarily blocking his passage. Only Mother Nature could defeat Alaric the Barbarian.

24. Roland

Roland was a great French warrior and medieval folk hero who was immortalized in the poem Chanson de Roland, which was written in the eleventh or twelfth century. Historically, Count Roland was Charlemagne's commander on the Breton border and his finest warrior. According to legend, he was killed at a pass in the Pyrenees when the Basques cut off the rearguard of the Frankish army as they returned from their invasion of Spain in 778

23. Horace Cockle

Horace Cockles was a legendary Roman hero who defended the bridge over the Tiber when the city was attacked by the Etruscans. Just keep in mind that Horace lost an eye in battle due to an arrow that hit him in the eye, which he removed (with his eye still on it), and continued to fight like a beast, hence the name "Cockle", which means "one eyed". I don't think this man's heroism can be questioned, right?

22. Prince Rupert of the Rhine

Despite the fact that Prince Rupert looked like soft boy and from an insanely rich family, the man was truly ambitious. By the age of fourteen, the German prince had already joined the army and began his very varied, colorful career, although he
best known for commanding the royal cavalry during civil war in England.

Although Prince Rupert was an inventor, an artist, and an entrepreneur, it was his fighting skills and ruthless warrior spirit that made him special. For the record, he was such a skilled warrior that his enemies at some point began to believe that he possessed supernatural powers and cannot be killed.

21. Vercingetorix

In France, the first national hero, Vercingetorix managed to unite several independent Celtic tribes to defeat the warlike Romans. He fought valiantly and fiercely to save Gaul from the Roman army. His forces were eventually defeated at Alesia and Vercingetorix was forced to surrender after fighting a powerful Roman army with everything he had.

20. William Wallace

William Wallace became famous all over the world thanks to the film "Braveheart" by Mel Gibson, but those who know European history, already knew what a great warrior this legendary Scot was. Wallace is considered one of Scotland's most significant national heroes for his fight to the death to free Scotland from English rule.

19. Vasily II

Vasily the Bulgarian Slayer was one of the most cruel, ruthless emperors in history. He was a Byzantine emperor Greek origin from the Macedonian dynasty and ruled a vast Byzantine Empire for almost fifty years from January 976 to 1025. After his death the empire stretched from southern Italy to the Caucasus and from the Danube to the borders of Palestine, this was the time of its greatest dawn, when the boundaries of the empire were the most extensive for the last four centuries, its conquest included many bloody battles, in which Basil II always fought more brutally than any other warrior in the army.

18. Attila

Attila, the Hun was born on the territory of modern Hungary and became one of the most cruel and merciless rulers. He was known for his piercing gaze and according to historian Edward Gibbon, he often rolled his eyes as if in delight at the terror he inspired. He also intimidated his opponents by the fact that his sword belonged to Ares, the Greek god of war, and judging by his brutal attacks and battles against the Roman Empire, his intimidation tactics worked.

17. Yue Fei

During 25 years military career Yue Fei fought in 126 battles, mostly in central China, and never lost a single battle. In addition, he rose in rank from private to Commander of the Imperial Forces, he invented many styles of martial arts and wrote a lot of epic poetry about how he defeated his enemies. Currently he is considered national hero in China and a symbol of unity, patriotism and loyalty.

16. Eirik I Bloodaxe

Eric the Bloody was a Norwegian prince and the last independent king of York. He became king of the Northumbrians twice, in 947 and 952. He is considered one of the most legendary names in Viking history due to his incredible skill and bravery on the battlefield and warrior spirit.

15. Arminius

Arminius was a German military leader in the early first century AD. He is remembered as a great warrior who fought back against the Romans at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where he literally destroyed three Roman legions and their support. Although Arminius was defeated and killed, his victory in that battle was so impressive and bloody that it had a lasting effect on both the ancient Germanic tribes and the Roman Empire. The Roman legions would never again attempt to conquer and hold Germany beyond the Rhine River forever.

14. Miltiades

According to the historian Herodotus, the sacrifice of King Leonidas and three hundred brave Spartans would have meant nothing if not for Miltiades. The masterful Athenian strategist and ruler led the Athenians and their allies to victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon, where he literally destroyed the Persian fleet and forced the most powerful empire in the world to retreat in disgrace, having failed to subjugate Greece.

13. Vlad Tepes

Very few people could boast how scary Vlad the Impaler was, or how he is better known as Dracula. The man who became a legend and was called the Lord of Darkness was a real man and a great warrior. He was born in 1431 in Transylvania, the central region of modern Romania, and ruled for many years.

Vlad's victories over the invading Ottoman Empire were viewed and celebrated not only in Romania but also in the rest of Europe, and it was noted that even Pope Pius II was impressed by his skill and fighting spirit.

12. Sun Tzu

Sophisticated and experienced in the conduct of war during times of unprecedented political and military upheaval, Sun Tzu was a military specialist active during the turbulent decline of the Zhou dynasty. However, he became a legend by writing a book on Chinese military strategy and martial arts, The Art of War, which continues to have a huge influence on both Asian and Western culture.

11. Scipio Africanus

Scipio Africanus was one of the most talented and successful generals in history and he is the one who defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama during the Second Punic Wars. Despite the fact that Scipio was one hundred percent Roman, after his victory in Africa, he was called African.

10. Spartak

Undoubtedly the most famous and skilled gladiator who ever lived, Spartacus, along with Crixus, Oenomaus, Castus and Gannicus, was one of the slave leaders during the Spartacus Rebellion, a major slave revolt against the Roman Republic. No one else frightened the powerful republic as much as he did.

9. Xiahou Dun

Xiahou Dun offered his services as a military general to the warlord Cao Cao during the decline of the Eastern Han Dynasty and became a legend when, during a battle, he was hit by a stray arrow and lost his left eye. In front of his amazed soldiers and enemies, he pulled out an arrow and swallowed his own eyeball. After this incident, the enemy armies in China trembled in fear of the "Blind Xiahou, the One-Eyed Warrior."

8. Hannibal Barca

Hannibal was born in 247 BC. e. in Carthage, immediately after his country had lost a long and very important war with Rome. But Hannibal was destined to return multiple territories to his power after he grew up. It is believed that Hannibal was one of the greatest strategists who developed tactics to bypass and encircle the enemy using infantry and cavalry. His wars with the Roman Empire were among the most intense in all of antiquity.

7. Pyrrhus of Epirus

Pyrrhus Epirus was the king of the Greek Molossians, and the one who gave battle to the Romans. He was the first and only threat to Rome during its heyday at the beginning of the empire. In fact, he was the only man who continued to beat up the Roman legions. Some historians believe that history would have been different if Pyrrhus had not been killed in Argos. Hannibal Barca considered him the best general and greatest warrior king. Some of his battles, although victories, were so bloody and resulted in the terrible death of his own men that they gave rise to the term "Pyrrhic victory", an expression that is still used today, especially in sports and politics.

6. Richard the Lionheart

Richard was the King of England, later known as the "Lionheart", and is famous for his exploits in the Third Crusade, although he spent only six months in England during his ten-year reign. He is described as an extremely skilled warrior who showed no mercy to his enemies, and his most famous attribute was his bravery and courage. They wouldn't call him "Lionheart" just like that.

5. Miyamoto Musashi

Musashi was a skilled Japanese swordsman and an invincible ronin (samurai without a lord or master). He became a legend mainly because of his remarkable fencing in numerous duels from the age of thirteen. He was the founder of the haiha Niten Ichi-ryu or Niten-ryu style of fencing. At the end of his life, after he had perfected his Two Swords fighting style, he climbed the mountain and wrote the definitive treatise, The Zen of Decapitation, which he called The Book of Five Rings. He is considered by many historians and experts to be the greatest swordsman who ever lived.

4. Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar is perhaps the most famous and successful Roman statesman and general in history and was the one who led the army of Rome in numerous victorious battles that expanded its territory. After this, he wrote about his military adventures, from which we learn about his genius and courage on the battlefield.

3. Leonid

Leonidas was one of two kings of Sparta during the Greco-Persian Wars and the leader of one of the most ferocious military units in history: the three hundred Spartan hoplites. He remained throughout the centuries for his unrivaled courage and fearlessness, and it is rumored that at the end of the Battle of Thermopylae he stood alone, fighting hundreds of thousands of Persian soldiers before being killed.

2. Chengis Khan

He was at the forefront of the conquest of a quarter of the world's population and is considered one of the greatest conquerors of all time. His people believed that he greatest man of all times and that he was sent by the gods, which is why he is also known as the "Holy Warrior".

1. Alexander the Great

Although he died at the age of thirty-three, the famous Greek king managed to conquer most of the then world, which is why most historians consider him the greatest general who ever lived. He also fought on the front lines of every battle (unlike many other kings who simply watched their troops fight). He remained undefeated and took over all the major kingdoms of his time, such as Persia, India and Egypt, among others, he was the first king to spread Greek and therefore Western civilization to other parts of the world.

A powerful and combat-ready army is the key to a country’s significant weight in the international arena. Moreover, in connection with the well-known events in Syria and Ukraine, the closest attention is increasingly being paid to the military power of different countries. Many people ask the question: “Who will win the world war?”

Today we present the annually updated, official ranking of world armies, V full list included the most powerful armies in the world in 2018.

The top 10 was compiled according to data from a specialized resource.

  • number of armies of the world (regular number of troops, reservists)
  • weapons (airplanes, helicopters, tanks, navy, artillery, other equipment)
  • military budget,
  • resource availability, geographical location,
  • logistics.

Nuclear potential is not taken into account by experts, but those recognized receive an advantage in ranking.

In 2018, the rating included136 countries. New to the list are Ireland (116th), Montenegro (121st) and Liberia(135 position).

By the way, San Marino has the weakest army in the world in 2018 - only 84 people.

Germany's military budget increased from 45 to 46 billion dollars. At the same time, the number of military personnel decreased - from186 up to 178 thousand people. The German army is completely professional, i.e. There has been no compulsory conscription in the country since 2011.

9. Turkish Armed Forces

In the past, the country of luxurious beaches and beautiful tomatoes ranked eighth in the top armies of the world. The number of its armed forces is 350 thousand people, and its military budget is 10.2 billion dollars.

8. Japan Self-Defense Forces

The Land of the Rising Sun worsened its military performance and dropped one place in the list of the best armies in the world. The military budget decreased from 49 to 44 billion dollars, but the number of military personnel did not change - over 247 thousand people.

7. South Korean Army

Compared to the previous ranking, South Korea “jumped” from 10th to 7th place. There are 625 thousand military personnel serving in the Korean army. The eternal rival - North Korea, the number of soldiers reaches 945 thousand people. And the defense budget South Korea is 40 billion dollars.

6. British Army

Although the country's position on the list has not changed, it has improved its performance in terms of army size (197 thousand people versus 188 thousand people). However, it still remains the smallest army in the ranking.

England's military budget decreased compared to 2017 from 55 to 50 billion dollars.

5. French Army

The French army, which opened the top 5 most powerful armies in the world, is small in number. Currently, 205 thousand people serve in it. At the same time, the country's defense budget is $40 billion.

4. Indian Armed Forces

The country's military budget is $47 billion. The number of Indian armed forces is 1,362,000 people, the country's army is the third largest in the world.

3. Chinese Army

The Celestial Empire has the largest human population military force in the ranking of the world's armies. It employs 2,183,000 people. According to Wikipedia, there are 1.71 military personnel per 1,000 inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. And China’s military budget is huge, comparable to the army - $151 billion (increased from $126 billion compared to 2017).

2. Russian Army

The Russian armed forces are superior to almost all armies of the world in terms of weapons capacity in all branches of the military - air, ground and sea. The size of the Russian army for 2018 is 1,013,000 people. The military budget is $47 billion. Among the superpowers, Russia has a very high rate of the number of military personnel per 1000 inhabitants - 5.3 people.

1. US Army

The most strong army in the world
, according to Globalfirepower, American. By the way, it is not the largest in terms of numbers, but the most powerful in terms of available weapons, including nuclear potential, which is not taken into account by experts. The size of the US Army is 1,281,900 people, and the defense budget is 647 billion.dollars.

Comparison table of armies of the world (Infographics)

No matter how armed the army is, the morale of the soldiers will play an important role in winning a world war. In this regard, it is a big mistake to consider the current distribution of seats to be absolutely correct.

If the world were ideal, then no armies or weapons would be needed and there would never be wars. But the reality is that threats both abroad and within the state pose national security at risk. This reality forces many states to have a powerful army in the form of human potential and weapons.
There are several outstanding armies that are widely known for their size, combat experience and military equipment. They are among the ten largest armies in the world.

1. China

The world's largest army in terms of army size is unsurprisingly occupied by the most populous country in the world, the Chinese People's Army. This nation is known not only for its large territory, but also a huge amount population and, accordingly, the largest army. The Chinese People's Liberation Army was founded in 1927.

Its main part consists of citizens aged 18 to 49 years. Number of people: 2,300,000. Budget $129 billion per year. About 240 installations for launching nuclear missiles. The Chinese army is well trained and has large resources in weapons and mobilization resources in the event of war, it can put 200,000,000 people under arms. It is armed with 8,500 tanks, 61 submarines, 54 surface ships and 4,000 aircraft.

Russian army

The Russian army is one of the most experienced in the world. Its strength is 1,013,628 military personnel (according to the presidential decree of March 28, 2017). The annual budget is $64 billion and ranks 3rd in the world in terms of military spending. It is armed with 2,867 tanks, 10,720 armored vehicles, 2,646 self-propelled guns, and 2,155 towed artillery pieces. Russia also has the most large number nuclear warheads in the world.

3.United States of America

US Army

The US Army was founded in 1775. The United States currently has 1,400,000 active military personnel and 1,450,000 in the active reserve. The defense budget is what truly sets the US apart from all the other countries on the list; it is over $689 billion per year.
The United States also has the most trained troops and a powerful arsenal. Its ground forces use 8,325 tanks, 18,539 armored combat vehicles, 1,934 self-propelled guns, 1,791 towed artillery pieces, and 1,330 nuclear warheads.

Indian Army

Located in southern Asia, India is the world's largest arms importer. With a strength of 1.325 thousand soldiers and officers. The Army's military budget is $44 billion a year. There are also about 80 nuclear warheads in service.

5. North Korea

North Korean Army

North Korea has a well-trained and coordinated army of 1,106,000, as well as a large number of reservists, 8,200,000 as of 2011. It also has a large number of weapons, they include: 5,400 tanks, 2,580 armored vehicles, 1,600 self-propelled guns, 3,500 towed artillery pieces, 1,600 air defense systems and other powerful weapons. Military conscription in this state is compulsory for everyone; the period of military service is 10 years.
While the totalitarian regime in North Korea has built a large army, much of its military equipment is considered obsolete. However, they have nuclear weapons, which in turn poses a threat to the stability of peace in this region.

6. South Korea

Photo of the South Korean Army

Next on the list of the largest armies in the world is the South Korean army. In this state, the conscription age is from 18 to 35 years, the service period is 21 months.
Its armed forces are called the Republic of Korea Army. It uses both domestic and imported weapons. It is armed with 2,300 tanks, 2,600 armored vehicles, 30 air defense systems and 5,300 artillery pieces. The number of its troops reaches approximately 1,240,000 people.

7. Pakistan

Pakistan Army

The Pakistan Army rightfully ranks among the largest armies in the world. It has a workforce of 617,000 people and a personnel reserve of about 515,500 people as of 2011.
Its ground forces use wide range weapons: 3,490 tanks, 5,745 armored vehicles, 1,065 self-propelled guns, 3,197 towed artillery pieces. The Air Force is armed with 1,531 aircraft and 589 helicopters. The naval force consists of 11 frigates and 8 submarines. With a budget of just over $5 billion, it is the smallest budget of the top ten military powers. Pakistan may be a small country in size, but it is undoubtedly one of the largest armies in the world in terms of size and military prowess. This army is also a permanent ally of the United States.

Iranian army

They say that the most powerful army in the Middle East is the army of Iran. Iran is also known for its large troop numbers. It has approximately 545,000 personnel, divided into 14 infantry divisions and 15 air bases. Their army is equipped with 2,895 tanks, 1,500 armored vehicles, 310 self-propelled guns, 860 air defense systems, 1,858 aircraft and 800 helicopters. The defense budget is just over $10 billion.

Turkish army

Türkiye has the largest army at the meeting point of Asia and Europe. Citizens are called up for service at the age of 20. Conscription lasts approximately from 6 to 15 months, depending on the educational level of the students. The size of the Turkish army is 1,041,900 people, of which 612,900 are regular military personnel and 429,000 are in the reserve. Its army is also well armed and has 4,460 tanks, 1,500 self-propelled guns, 7,133 armored vehicles, 406 air defense systems, 570 airplanes and helicopters. The annual budget of this army is 19 billion dollars.

10. Israel

Israeli army

The army of the State of Israel is known as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Men over 18 years of age are subject to conscription every year. Every year, about 121,000 men can be drafted into the army to serve in any of its military units. Currently, the Israeli army consists of 187,000 regular military personnel and a reserve of 565,000 people. As a result, the number of troops in the Israel Defense Forces is about 752,000. The army is equipped with the latest technology and is armed with 3,870 tanks, 1,775 armored vehicles, 706 self-propelled guns, 350 towed artillery pieces, and 48 air defense systems.

Not all countries in the world need a large army for reliable protection. However, maintaining peace and order would be impossible without a well-organized and armed army.

With the advent of the first state, the army became one of the main components of its independence and the security of citizens. The diplomatic part, as well as the allies on the map, are also important, but if you look at the history textbook, you will see that they are of little help in military conflicts. And as I said Alexander III: “We have only two true allies - domestic army and the fleet." This statement, naturally, is true not only for our country, but also for other powers. Today's political map there are more than 160 military personnel in the world state entities, differing from each other in numbers, weapons, some doctrines and their history.

The famous commander Napoleon often said that big army always right, but today's realities dictate their own rules. So, these days there are slightly different concepts of strength and superiority over the enemy. Here, not only the number of troops is taken into account, but also the efficiency of equipment with the level of training of personnel, as well as their motivation.

The most powerful armies in the world

A modern army is far from a cheap pleasure, and mass conscription alone is not enough. One tank or helicopter costs tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars, and only wealthy powers can fork out for such expensive equipment.

Very often in the media, and in any other discussion fields, you can hear disputes about whose army is the strongest. This way of posing the question is not entirely correct, because a full-scale war would be needed to verify someone’s assertion. And in theory, we have a large number of factors that show the advantage or weakness of a particular army.

Let's try to make a rating of the most powerful armies in the world, which would include countries that are superior to their opponents in numbers, equipment and funding. We will also take into account the development of the military-industrial complex (military-industrial complex) and remarkable army traditions. When considering each participant in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world, the nuclear factor was not taken into account, so we will determine strength according to the old Slavic principle - “wall to wall.” By the way, the presence of weapons of mass destruction still holds the majority large states from military conflicts, because war can lead not just to losses, but to the destruction of our planet.

  1. Russia.
  2. China.
  3. India.
  4. South Korea.
  5. Japan.
  6. Türkiye.
  7. United Kingdom.
  8. France.
  9. Germany.

Let's take a closer look at the participants.


The Bundeswehr comes last in the ranking of the world's armies in terms of combat effectiveness. Germany has ground, air and medical forces. The number of troops fluctuates around 190 thousand fighters, and all german army consists of professional mercenaries, and the state budget includes a significant expenditure item of $45 billion.

Despite such a seemingly modest number of troops compared to other participants in the ranking of the best armies in the world, the German military forces are provided with the latest weapons, have excellent combat training and unshakable military traditions that can only be envied. The Germans could be higher on the list, but foreign policy The country is relatively peaceful. Here, apparently, a significant role was played by the fact that they already fought quite a lot in the last century. In the ranking of the world's armies from Global Firepower, Germany shares its place with France and Great Britain from year to year.


Despite its “romanticism,” the republic can stand up for itself if something happens. France found itself in ninth position in the ranking of the world's armies thanks to its rich military traditions, impressive military-industrial complex and considerable number of troops - about 230 thousand soldiers.

To maintain the army, the country's budget includes a line item of $44 billion. The French military-industrial complex is able to provide its troops with everything they need - from pistols to tanks and orbital satellites. The country of romantics, like Germany, does not seek to solve external problems with the help of the army. In addition, it does not have any significant conflicts, as well as disputed territories.

United Kingdom

Great Britain is in eighth position in the ranking of world armies. This country, with the help of smart politicians and generals, was a world military power that everyone took into account. But that was a long time ago, and current realities have not turned out in the best way for her.

The number of British troops fluctuates around 190 thousand fighters, and the state budget includes expenditure items of more than $50 billion. The British have a completely decent military-industrial complex, which gives the army everything it needs: pistols, machine guns, tanks, helicopters, planes, satellites and a fleet. By the way, the latter is not much inferior to the United States in terms of tonnage and equipment.

The UK is involved in most of the conflicts where the Americans conduct operations (the Middle East), so the soldiers have plenty of experience to gain from.


Türkiye, which is ambiguous in this regard, is in seventh position in the ranking of world armies. Its military formations are considered the strongest in the Middle East. It is not surprising: the descendants of the Janissaries, who were always looking for war, created a powerful military machine with a high-quality component that could well compete with the Israeli army.

The number of troops fluctuates around 510 thousand fighters, but, unlike other countries, the state has budgeted a modest $20 billion for the military-industrial complex. The Turkish army was distinguished by the presence of a large number of ground equipment - about 3,400 units of armored vehicles, and operational combat aircraft - about 1,000 pairs of wings. In addition, Türkiye has a fairly impressive fleet on the Black Sea.


Japan is in sixth position in the ranking of world armies. In general, the Land of the Rising Sun does not seem to have its own army at all. This function is performed by regular self-defense forces. Despite such a seemingly modest name, this military formation has more than 250 thousand soldiers.

The Japanese have a solid air force, ground forces and an excellent navy. The latter is considered one of the best in the whole world. The Japanese army has about 1,600 aircraft, 700 tanks, more than a dozen submarines and a couple of large aircraft carriers. The budget includes about $47 billion for military needs, which is quite enough and comparable to the size of the Armed Forces.

South Korea

The fifth position in the ranking of world armies is occupied by the Republic of Korea. The number of regular state troops fluctuates around 630 thousand fighters. The country has been at war with Pyongyang for several decades now, and some peace agreements and treaties cannot stop the military clashes between the parties.

In such a situation, the South Korean army must always be in full combat readiness, therefore special attention is paid to training, discipline and the quality of conscription in the country. The state spends more than $34 billion on military needs. The Republic of Korea is largely devoted to and reveres the United States, so it does not experience any particular problems with either additional funding or providing the army with military equipment and small arms.


The country of elephants and tea - India - is in fourth position in the ranking of world armies. This is a state with a high population density and a fairly rapidly developing economy, as well as a military-industrial complex. More than $50 billion is spent from the budget to provide an army of 1.3 million soldiers.

India has many territorial disputes with its neighbors Beijing and Islamabad, so the armed forces have to always be on alert. During the Soviet era, Indians purchased weapons from us, but after all the coups and economic torment, the government decided to give preference to Western models. In addition, the Indian government has outlined large-scale reforms, which also imply the development of its military-industrial complex, so preference is given to suppliers who are ready to open their production on their territory.


In third place in the ranking of the world's armies is the PLA from the Middle Kingdom (People's Liberation Army of China). Here the fighters, as they say, press with numbers. According to the most rough estimates, the size of the Chinese army ranges from 2 to 2.5 million people, and this is the largest military formation on the planet.

In order to feed such a horde, the country’s budget includes items worth more than $120 billion. China strives to top this rating, but, alas, it cannot be taken by numbers alone. A good half of all the equipment that is in service is already old and is breaking down. The purchase of a new one requires significant financial expenditure, as well as the opening and development of one’s own production capacity. Therefore, the Chinese government is very close “friends” with Russia and receives a good discount on weapons.


Despite the “silver” rating, the domestic Armed Forces are superior in many respects not only to the named participants in the rating, but also to its leader. As for numbers, here we are only in fifth place with 800 thousand personnel. Every year on Russian army more than $75 billion is spent.

The Russian Armed Forces boast the most powerful ground forces in the world. More than 15 thousand tanks, a huge number of operational armored vehicles and helicopters different classes- from medical rescue to military tactical models.

The Russian Air Force is armed with almost 4 thousand aircraft of various types and purposes. Our strategic bombers pose a particular danger to other states. They are capable of delivering any targeted strikes, including nuclear ones, at a distance of thousands of kilometers from their home base.

In addition, Russia has distinguished itself with a powerful navy, where only submarines with an impeccably trained crew instill fear in the ships of potential enemies and allies. Despite the venerable age of the surface forces and combat units outdated since the times of the USSR, the government has budgeted large sums for updating equipment, and in the near future the situation will change for the better for us. It should also be noted that the country’s military-industrial complex does not depend on third-party developers and manufacturers - the Russian military machine is completely autonomous.


The United States of America is in first place in our ranking. In terms of troop numbers, America is second only to China - 1.3 million personnel. One of the most significant factors that any general in another country would envy is the budget of the US Army - $612 billion!

This funding made it possible to equip the American army with the most advanced technologies: the latest weapons, equipping fighters with modern gadgets for high-quality combat in any conditions, as well as an enviable salary and pension for contract soldiers. Such an attitude towards the army and its needs contributes to the introduction of its troops almost anywhere on the planet and the conduct of several military campaigns there at once.

The United States also has one of the most powerful fleets in the world: about 10 aircraft carrier groups, about 80 submarines, as well as a large number of aircraft and auxiliary vessels. American defense enterprises attract the best specialists to work. They are developing not only the latest laser and robotic equipment for the army - there are breakthroughs in the medical military environment: prosthetics, “smart” suits that can significantly increase the army potential of a soldier, and other technological areas.



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