New feature - VKontakte products on the page. How to add a product to a VKontakte group

Good day, users of our resource. We continue to communicate about shopping on the social network VKontakte. Although just recently, many users were sure that this was impossible in principle. As it turned out, they were all wrong.

Now this is common practice, and even a very convenient method. Since many regulars of social networks do not want to master the rest of the Internet. What they have on their social network is quite enough for them. And if the opportunity arises to make purchases right there, then that’s simply wonderful. Moreover, unlike other stores in the global network, in this service all points of sale are strictly thematic in nature. How does this work? It's simple, for example, there is a resource that sells T-shirts and jackets with logos from different games. And on the social network VKontakte there are several groups. One on the theme of one game, the second on the theme of another game, and so on. Let's say two dozen groups, and each talks about its game and unites fans of one specific game. In each you can buy a T-shirt with the logo of the game, on the theme of which the community was created. And all purchases take place on the very site that sells T-shirts with graphics from the games.

Thus, on the VKontakte social network, in most cases, goods are purchased strictly thematically, since each specific category can have its own target audience. Well, we learned from previous issues of our reviews about such opportunities as purchasing through groups and publics, that is, pubs personal pages. We covered how you can buy a product using a personal page that is a store. We also now know how the purchase generally takes place, in a store online or even directly in a group with home delivery. All that remains is to sort out the payments. After all, somehow you need to pay for your goods.

There are several main ways you can pay for your purchase. All this, of course, very much depends on exactly what method you use to purchase goods. After all, if you order a purchase in a group, with home delivery, or buy a particular product directly on a specialized resource, then the payment method will be different in each case. So this is the main factor, but far from the only one. So let us immediately warn you that in order to have all the payment options, you will need to create accounts in many payment systems. And it’s better to do this, since sellers have a very bad habit of using only one method. So it would be a shame to lose the opportunity to purchase just because you do not have an appropriate payment system. WE will briefly go over all the main ones and talk about the pros and cons. Well, how, accordingly too. So, let's start with specific ways to pay for purchases on the social network in contact.

Direct payment on site

This method is suitable if you buy goods from so-called amateurs. They usually have neither a website nor offices. And naturally, they cannot act as a seller online. But this method, with all its negative sides, is the most reliable. Think for yourself, because you completely exclude the possibility of being deceived. In every small aspect. You will pay for your purchase only after you receive your own product. And right at the point of receipt, you can check its quality, which was stated when purchasing online. There are also two options for receiving.

The first is that they deliver it straight to your home. That is, the doorbell rings and a courier is on the doorstep, happily announcing that your goods have arrived.

The second option is that you yourself must pick it up from a warehouse in your city. This method is suitable when you are working with a company. Just not very developed.

If you buy from people who have created a community in contact and sell copyrighted goods, without a registered legal entity, then it is quite possible that you will simply call each other and decide for yourself where it will be convenient for both of you to meet. It is also worth saying that the method has disadvantages. Firstly, in most cases it is expensive. Since delivery can occur through a courier service, which requires a lot of money. You can also note time. Delivery in such cases is usually long, longer than in online stores. And, of course, you yourself understand that in such cases you are buying from non-professionals and you should not expect five-star service. Well, okay, in the next article we will talk more about payment using payment systems on the global network.

VKontakte remains one of the most popular Internet platforms for promoting medium and small businesses. One of the legal ways of promotion is targeted advertising. In this article we will tell you how to pay for VK advertising. We'll tell you what the differences are between paying for impressions and paying for conversions, and in which cases which method to choose.

Payment for advertising on VKontakte

The thing is that there is no clear answer here. Each method is appropriate in a given situation. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss further.

In addition, when setting up targeting, a recommended price is displayed in the right corner, which only confuses inexperienced advertisers. Those who indicate the recommended rate are not able to fully assess the effectiveness of advertising on VKontakte. This is due to the fact that this figure always overestimated by 2-3 times.

In this situation, the coverage will be less, but perhaps it will be enough for you.

If your ads are moving slowly, increase your bid by 1 ruble. Increase until you get the desired result.

Also, do not forget that VKontakte groups all users according to certain criteria, one of which is solvency. And the higher you set your price, the more quality audience your ads will be shown.

From all of the above, it follows that paying for advertising on VK is not a simple matter. To receive maximum efficiency and return you need to be patient. By testing different bets, you will be able to identify the most best option for your project. Look for the middle ground between price and audience quality.

But before we start testing, let's understand what is pay-per-click (CPC) and what is pay-per-view (CPM).

Per clicks (CPC)

Cost per CLICK is payment only for VK clicks

This method implies payment for each click on an advertisement, regardless of how many times the ad was shown. It can be shown at least ten times, at least a thousand times, but if only one transition was made, then the money will be withdrawn only for this transition.

For example, you created an advertisement, set up targeting and indicated the price of 1 click - 10 rubles. During the campaign, the ad was shown 2,000 times. At the same time, only 20 clicks were made. Thus, your total budget was 200 rubles.

This method is good because you know exactly how much each click will cost you. This allows you to accurately predict your advertising budget. You know how much money you will need and what return you will get from it. But often this method of advertising is more costly.

  • If you have a lot of ads and simply don’t have time to constantly monitor statistics on them;
  • If you are advertising your product/service to an audience of millions. Here, even with a minimal transition cost, impressions will quickly turn off;
  • Often in highly competitive niches, paying for clicks will be more profitable than paying for conversions;
  • If you provide an advertising setting service and you and the client have a clear agreement on KPIs for the cost of a click and the number of impressions;
  • For various tests. For example, you decide to test both payment methods.

This payment method is only available for advertisements (those displayed on the left side of the site under the main menu). This function is not available for advertising posts/entries.

Per views (CPM)

COST PER MILLE - a fee is charged for viewing VK advertisements.

This method involves payment for 1000 views. It doesn’t matter how many times your ads/posts are clicked on. With proper targeting and ad creation, this method is several times cheaper than paying for clicks.

For example, you set the cost for 1000 impressions - 6 rubles. If at least one person clicks during all these impressions, then the cost of the click will be 6 rubles. If two people click - 3 rubles, if 20 people click - 0.3 rubles.

20 clicks from 1000 impressions are not prohibitive numbers. This is quite possible to achieve. The main thing is to create a high-quality ad that can attract people’s attention, interest them and force them to click, and also correctly set up targeting parameters. To do this you need to know who your target audience(target audience), what problems she has, questions, how to hook her, etc. The more precisely you customize your selection criteria, the greater the impact will be.

This method also has disadvantages. If you set up your advertising incorrectly, you could waste your money without getting a single click. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the result unless you are already advertising long time and empirically were able to find out approximate indicators.

Here you need to constantly monitor statistics and disable ineffective ads. You can raise or lower your bid to increase or decrease the speed of impressions.

  • You know exactly who your target audience is and can set up high-quality targeting;
  • If the cost per click is just off the charts;
  • When necessary in short terms show ads as much as possible more people;
  • If you are collecting a database for retargeting.

Unlike the previous one, this method can be used to pay for both advertisements and advertising recordings.

How to pay for advertising in VK?

In order for your ads to start working and being shown to people, you need to top up your balance in personal account. This is done as follows:

For electronic wallets:

For terminals:

Your unique advertising account ID is indicated here. You can top up your balance using payment terminals by specifying this ID. Click the “Details” button to see the payment systems through whose terminals replenishment is possible. If necessary, you can go to the website of each of the systems and clarify the location of the terminals.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about how to pay for advertising on VKontakte. Now you know the difference between pay-per-click and pay-per-impression, and in what situations which method to choose. Use the option that is most convenient for you. We hope the article was useful to you.

It is more convenient to sell through the most popular social network in Russia using the “Products” service or a special application

The most popular in Russia social network For many entrepreneurs, VKontakte has long become not only one of the channels for promoting their goods and services, but also a platform for sales. Of course, you can make a page, post an album with photos, write motivational messages for the purchase post and write “If you have questions about purchasing, write in a personal message.” However, there is more effective ways how to sell in contact. You can make a store where it will be convenient to choose and buy. Internet marketing agency TexTerra has prepared detailed instructions for the launch of an online store on the social network VKontakte.

For the buyer:

    There is no need to go to other sites to choose a product.

    Easy to contact the seller.

    You can immediately leave feedback after purchase.

For the seller:

    It’s easier than launching an online store from scratch; you don’t have to worry about choosing a platform and hosting, buying a domain, etc.

    Social proof works: likes and number of subscribers. If a store’s social media page has 2,000 followers, it immediately inspires trust. But some unknown site on the Internet - not always.

If you don’t yet have a page on VKontakte, then the first thing you need to do is create one. And the next stage is organizing sales using an online store. This can be done either using the “Products” service, or by creating a special application.

Service “Products - a popular way to sell in contact”

In 2015, the social network VKontakte launched a new service for retail. While this is not 100% an online store, it is rather a showcase with goods. To place an order, you need to contact the seller (this has become more convenient: a message with a link to the product can be sent directly from the page of this product). If it goes well, the developers promise to expand the functionality, ideally to automate orders and payments. The immediate plan is to create a general catalog of goods on VKontakte, similar to Yandex.Market.

You can connect the “Products” service using . From the social network side it is free service. A new block with products will appear on the page immediately below the main information (and under the pinned post, if there is one).

Setting up the service is easy without outside help. Let's look at the main points:

1. The product card must contain maximum information:

    several photographs (product from different sides, at the time of use, in packaging, etc. - no more than five photographs);

    detailed description product (composition, characteristics, weight, size, materials, etc.);

    “Write to seller” button. The buyer's message will go to the person you specified during setup.

2. The customer can select products by price and date added, but not by type. Therefore, if you are really looking for ways to sell on VKontakte, be sure to combine products into groups (“on VKontakte” they are called “selections”), especially if the assortment is large. The selection is similar to a regular photo album. One product can be added to several collections at the same time. For example, a bracelet with stones can be in the “Bracelets” and “Jewelry with Stones” collections.

3. On home page communities only three products are shown. They come here from the main selection. Create a separate selection (for example, “Best sellers” or “Promotions and discounts”), check the box “This is the main selection of the community,” and add there the products that you want to sell quickly.

4. In a regular online store, you can make a purchase at any time: on weekends, at night, etc. On VKontakte, the buyer writes to the seller and waits for a response. In order not to lose a client, provide additional contacts (mail, messenger, phone, etc.). Write what time you answer, and when it is better not to wait for an answer. And respond to requests as quickly as possible.

5. Write down in detail about delivery and payment: what payment methods are available, what delivery options are, how much delivery costs, whether returns are possible. This way you will avoid unnecessary questions and save time for yourself and your customers.

6. If you are tech savvy and your product catalog is huge, use VKontakte API and load products in bulk. But if it comes to this, then perhaps it makes sense for you to create a relatively full-fledged online store.

Creating an application

Another way to sell VKontakte is to create a store application. It looks as if one site is inserted into another.

The application works like a full-fledged online store: customers place an order and pay for it independently, all data on sales and customers is saved (and can be synchronized with accounting programs). Plus, the application automatically creates an online store website that can work on its own.

If you already have a website with an online store, you can create your own application (entrust this to a programmer). To help - developer section And rules for placing app stores. If there is no online store, you can use ready-made solutions.

The finished application with products looks like this:

Cost: up to 10 products free for an unlimited period, then from 790 rubles per month (if paid annually - 659 rubles per month). on creating the VKontakte application or watch the video at this link.

Shop-Script has a special theme for the application that imitates the VKontakte interface, so all online stores look approximately the same:

Cost: test period 30 days - free, then from 499 rubles per month (if paid for a year - 399 rubles per month).


ShoppyBoom ​​is a platform for creating online stores, which also allows you to find new ways to sell in contact. For the social network you need to create a separate application, the principle is the same as for Shop-Script.

    Register an online store account, confirm using the link in the letter. A website is automatically created with the address (instead of “shop” there will be a name that you come up with yourself).

    Set up a store and fill it with products (see

In 2016, the Products section appeared among the main menu items. Let's take a closer look at what it is. Now you can sell various things, accessories, services from your page, simply by describing your product and indicating its cost. Your ads will be available primarily to your friends and all those who search for the item you are going to sell.

How to sell goods through VKontakte

We look for the Products item in the menu on the right; if it is not there, enable it through Settings.

Your friends' ads are immediately displayed, you can add a product to your favorites to buy later and post your products using the button Post an ad. The list of created products can be viewed in the tab My products.

First you need to select a category. Presented huge amount groups, also divided into subgroups. From the wardrobe to the list of services, I am sure you will easily select the right item. In the title of the product, it is advisable to briefly and accurately write what you are selling, because users search for products by name. Add in the description brief description and details associated with that product or service. Be sure to attach an image, since the buyer’s first glance usually falls on the picture, and then on the text. Indicate the cost of your product, you can search for similar products in advance to find out the approximate price. And, as an option, for a faster and more successful sale, you can make the price of your product lower than that of competitors.

To purchase, you can contact the seller via private messages. You can pay for goods using VKontakte using money transfers, and during a personal meeting with the seller - as agreed. I also want to add that in the section Goods products are located not only from the personal pages of users, but also from communities. That is, now all products are located in one place, which is quite convenient. There are restrictions on the number of goods, judging by the VKontakte API, but there is no specific figure, apparently no one has encountered this yet. Therefore, if you have reached the limit, write in the comments how many products you were able to download to VKontakte.

VKontakte, in lately, it has become very convenient to create groups that are adapted for online stores. The most popular communities are those that sell watches, clothes or accessories.

If you are starting to grow your retail business and have already created a community specifically for your future customers, there are add a product to the VKontakte group.

As you noticed, it is not very convenient and advisable to simply upload photos of products into an album, since the photos in it may not be in order and the description will not always be clearly visible. In order to show your product in the best light, you need to use special functions.

  1. Go to your group management tab
  2. In the "information" section, scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you will notice the “products” button
  3. Click on this tab and select the “enable” field
  4. Fill out all the delivery information, write down your phone number and contact details so that it is convenient for users to find you if they have any questions.
  5. Next to the store description field you can see the “edit” button. Be sure to go to this section and leave a description for your store. Click save.
  6. Go to your group home page. On the first screen you will see a new “Products” section. To add your first product, go to this section. Here you can add a main photo of your product, as well as up to four additional ones to help you show it off from all angles. Describe in detail what advantages your product has, set the price and indicate discounts, if any.

This way you can add each product to the group page. This method is great for those who have a small range of products and are just starting to promote their business. For those owners who have online store There are many different items, it would be best to systematize them and present them in the form of a catalog.

How to create a product catalog in a VKontakte group

Create a product catalog in the VKontakte group perhaps through special field selections. Open the "Products" section. At the very top you will see the “Collections” section. To place different products into categories and make a full-fledged catalog, go to this section. Next:

  1. On the top right, open the “Create Collection” tab. Enter a title and upload a cover. It should not exceed the size of 500 by 300 pixels.
  2. Using the “Add Product” tab, add photos of products to this album.
  3. Then, go to “collections” again. Follow the same steps again to create a new collection.

Once you have made your catalog, you can start . Initially, about your community on your wall. Targeted advertising in VK and ordering are also perfect for online stores. from professionals. And, of course, the “word of mouth” effect works great. Tell us as much as possible about your products and be sure to pin customer reviews on your wall. That's when you have a chance to get as much as possible and gather even more warm audiences.

Any product from the catalog is easy to edit. To do this, open the photo with him and click on the pencil icon. If you want the menu on the main page in a group to show sections with only the most popular products, open the collection editor and click on the “This is the main community collection” icon.

To make it more convenient for potential customers to go to the product catalog in your group, you can spend time on beautifully designing the community and creating a menu in VK.

How many products can be added to a VKontakte group

VKontakte has no restrictions on the number of products in one group. That's why, how many products to add to a group on VK, It's up to you to decide. But it is important to remember that too large an assortment with many items makes it difficult to make a purchasing decision.

If the site presents, for example, 250 watch options and a person cannot determine within 10 minutes what suits him best, most likely he will simply leave the site. A variety of options will certainly brighten up your group, but it is unlikely that this will greatly increase sales.



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