How to become interesting to your boyfriend. How to be interesting to your man

How often do we dream of being liked by everyone? And how much needs to be done for this! You need to be funny, interesting, charismatic, and a good listener. The list can go on for a very long time. But here's something worth noting. You can't please absolutely every person. This is simply impossible, and in our article we have already said why.

But if you can’t please everyone, then it’s still possible to be a person with whom it’s simply interesting to communicate. This is also not easy and requires many qualities, but at least it is real. And for this you need to follow several rules.

Don't be boring

It is very difficult for us to understand that we are boring in at the moment time, because each of us considers himself the best in everything. Are you telling an interesting story and you see people yawning? Perhaps this story is not as interesting as it seems. Try to wrap it up and let other people speak.

The most charismatic people are always good listeners

People love to talk about themselves and their loved ones, and that is why there is always a shortage of good listeners. Let your interlocutor tell you about himself. Ask him counter questions. It's strange, but the people we like the most always say little.

Discuss your interlocutor's interests

This problem is explained very well in Dale Carnegie's book, a review of which you can find. Find out from your interlocutor about his hobbies and ask questions. And discuss them. You are already 80% close to being liked. If you are well versed in the hobbies of your interlocutor, you can easily maintain a conversation. If not, then ask him in more detail. He will tell you with great pleasure.

Rule of 3 stories

People are not interested in the features of your new phone. What really turns them on is real stories that happened to you. Dramas and reality shows have become popular for a reason. So always have 3 interesting stories to tell. These stories should be exciting, emotional and engaging. People must be wondering what will happen next minute?


There is so much meaning put into this word that it becomes difficult to understand what it really means. Some say that you are born with charisma, while others believe that this skill is developed over the years. But here's what's interesting:

A study conducted by two psychologists in 1967 proved that in a conversation, only 7% of attention goes to words. The interlocutor pays the rest of his attention to the tone of speech and body language.

Laugh. Smile. Be emotional. Don't forget about gestures and don't rely only on words.

Chat with interesting people, read interesting books. The people you spend time with greatly influence your character, whether you like it or not. Most the right way To become interesting is to live an interesting life. And believe me, this will give you much more than just the opportunity to be an interesting conversationalist.

In relationships with girls, eloquence has always played a significant role. Sometimes relationships were created or, conversely, destroyed because of a person’s ability to communicate. Communication is important not only with the opposite sex, but also with other people, especially when you want to establish contacts with them or acquire joint work. The men's site will provide 10 rules that will help you establish contacts and become an interesting conversationalist.

Has it ever happened to you that you communicate with a person, but he causes you some discomfort? He seems to be attractive in appearance and doesn’t say bad words, but there is something about him that is repulsive. You naturally want to stop communicating with him as quickly as possible.

However, there are people who do not have striking beauty and great knowledge, but it is so easy and fun to communicate with them that you do not want to stop meeting. It seems that the person is not your type. It seems that he is not telling any truths or hidden information. However, it is so pleasant to communicate with him that you don’t want to look away.

With each century, a person’s ability to communicate well with other people becomes a top priority and a step towards. Many people say that to be successful you need to have good connections. However, to have these good connections, you need to be able to be a pleasant and interesting conversationalist. And this is an axiom both in the sphere of work, business, and in love.

How to win over your interlocutor?

Tell the person: “I understand you!” - and he will want to continue communicating with you and continue. Many people ask the question: “How to win over your interlocutor?” There's nothing easier than just letting him be right even when you don't agree with him. Everyone considers their opinion to be the only correct one. Your opinion can be just as wrong as the other person's thoughts. Why argue about who is right and wrong? Might as well just let everyone be right for a start! This way you will win over everyone, because everyone wants to be right.

People don't need much. Give them understanding. When a person is understood and is not tried to contradict or convince, then he relaxes and is filled with gratitude to his interlocutor. It is not necessary to accept someone else's point of view. If you think differently, then you have the right to remain with your opinion if it seems more correct to you. If the interlocutor speaks reasonable words, you can adjust your opinion. But be that as it may, no matter what you do with your point of view, tell your interlocutor: “I understand you!”

Understanding does not mean agreeing. To understand means to accept the right to the existence of someone else’s opinion, no matter how erroneous and incorrect it may be. When a person feels that you “accept” him, then he will relax. Perhaps he will even want to hear your thoughts and ask about them. Perhaps he will continue to reflect on the topic of the conversation you are having and come to a broader understanding of the issue. Give understanding to the other person. This will not only put your interlocutor at ease, but will also calm him down, encouraging him to look at the issue more broadly.

Often people do not understand each other, or rather, they do not want to accept other people’s points of view, because they have their own opinion, which they consider more correct. But the dispute begins where the interlocutors begin to fight over whose opinion is the most correct, right? Why start a fight if you can avoid it? Accept the right to the existence of someone else’s opinion, tell your interlocutor about it, even if it doesn’t change your thoughts. It is not necessary to fight for the correctness of someone's point of view. You can simply listen to what the other person thinks and draw your own conclusions. You don't always need to convince someone. Another person has the right to be mistaken. Life will put him in his place if he is really wrong. You can make mistakes, just like your interlocutor. And no one except life itself will convince you of this. This is why many people often give examples from life when arguing their opinion.

Tell your partner: “I understand you!” Not only will you become his friend, but you will also not provoke a quarrel, allow the other person to calm down, not fight with you, and also look at the situation more broadly, even listen to your ideas and not resist them. Do you see how many advantages there are in one expression, where you accept the right to the existence of someone else’s opinion, no matter how much it contradicts yours?

10 rules for being an interesting conversationalist

So, you want to become interesting, attractive and a good conversationalist. Here you need to show not only understanding, but also demonstrate communication skills that create ease of communication. Let's look at 10 rules that will make you an interesting conversationalist:

  1. Tell me interesting stories. Sometimes there is an awkward silence between interlocutors. Don't they have anything to tell? In fact, they just don't know what to say. However, funny, interesting or exciting events happen in every person's life. These are the ones you can remember, talk about with a smile on your face, have fun and laugh together. The main aspect is that the story must be positive. There is no need to talk about your problems or tragedies. Tell funny, positive, interesting or educational stories.
  2. Just kidding. Humor has always been considered one of the attributes of a good conversationalist. Here you can use jokes, funny stories, even making up jokes ourselves. Allow yourself to laugh a little - draw the other person's attention to what makes you laugh. Here important nuance– if the interlocutor does not know how to laugh at himself (his shortcomings), then there is no need to joke at him.
  3. Give compliments. A compliment is a positive assessment addressed to another person. Who doesn't like hearing nice things about themselves? Even shy people like to hear that others see them with positive side. There is no need to bombard your interlocutor with compliments. You can say 2-3 compliments all the time. However, it will be much nicer than saying nothing at all. One nuance - really notice what is in a person, there is no need to flatter.
  4. Listen and speak. In communication, a person either listens or speaks. A good communicator can do both. Bad communicators go to extremes: either they listen and remain silent all the time, or they constantly talk without allowing other people to say a word. You need to be able to both shut up in order to let the interlocutor speak out, and to say something when the interlocutor now wants to listen to your opinion.
  5. Look into the eyes. Confident people do not hide their eyes, but constantly maintain contact with their interlocutors. They look straight into your eyes. Of course, they sometimes shift their gaze. However, they do not hide themselves and do not make their interlocutors feel embarrassed.
  6. Don't interrupt. This quality should be developed by many, since quite often people interrupt each other. Before the interlocutor had time to express everything he wanted, he was immediately interrupted. You can interrupt once or twice, but if this happens constantly, then the interlocutor will lose interest in you. He begins to think that you don’t want to listen to him, which means you don’t respect and don’t take his opinion into account.
  7. Don't ask too many questions. The conversation, of course, consists of questions and answers. However, it should not look like the other person is being interviewed. You ask a question, the person answers you, and it is desirable that his answer be open, touching on various topics. For your part, you can supplement his answer, agree, refute, or tell a story that relates to your topic. The questions don't always have to come from you. Let your interlocutor also be interested in something from you, and you give as detailed answers as possible.
  8. Don't criticize. If you want to ruin another person's mood, start criticizing him. But will he consider you an interesting conversationalist if he feels guilty, pathetic, worthless after your words? Criticism is necessary only to the point. It should be short and concise. However, you should not focus on it. They criticized - that’s enough, move on to another topic.
  9. Don't boast. This quality is rare, but still occurs. Boasting makes a person pitiful, and makes his interlocutor get rid of the imposed feeling of worthlessness. While you are boasting, you are proving to the other person that you are better than him. There is no need to rise at the expense of others. You can talk about your achievements that you are proud of. However, do not forget at the same time to ask what your interlocutor is proud of - listen to his boasts!
  10. Expand your social circle. The more people you communicate with, the more communication skills you will have. Different people require a different approach. And this requires you to be flexible and understand your interlocutor, how to communicate with him and behave. If you know how to be different in communication, then you become interesting.

Laughter puts your interlocutor at ease

Do you want to become part of the company? Do you want to make friends with someone? Do you intend to win over your loved one? Create a situation where your partner laughs heartily. It doesn't matter what exactly you do or what you laugh about. What is important is a surge of positive emotions that encourage a person to open up to those who made him laugh or were simply nearby.

Studies have been conducted that gave the same result. People who were in high spirits were more likely to reveal their secrets, become sociable and good-natured towards those around them. Laughter brings people together - research has proven this.

How is this phenomenon explained? We can consider such a point in the mechanism as eliminating the causes of isolation. A person in a depressed state or when immersed in despondency often closes down. He trusts those who surround him at this moment. He doesn’t know what he can say and what it’s better to keep silent. Thus, contact with others is disrupted due to the fact that the person becomes withdrawn.

At the moment of laughter, the grievances that upset you are forgotten. Negative thoughts no longer scroll through your head, but something fun and positive arises. The brain relaxes, the person himself lets go of negativity, which creates a feeling of stability and calm. When he does not see any threats to himself, he becomes open and friendly. Most effective way achieving this state is to make the person you want laugh.

In a moment of comedy, people become closer and open. They remove their barriers that they used to protect themselves from the cruel world. Thus, if you want to make friends or attract the attention of the right partner, learn to make him laugh, amuse and delight him. This will give him a feeling of comfort.

How can you ultimately become an interesting conversationalist?

Most best way Learning to communicate well with people means constantly contacting them. As possible with a large number communicate with people. Keep track of how you make them feel, what words and phrases evoke positive or negative emotions. Practice, change your communication style, adjust your skills depending on the result, and then you will become interesting.

Hello, dear ladies! Very often I hear from girls such phrases as “I’m boring”, “I can’t be alone for a long time”, “I’m not fun” and so on. The main problem is that women do not understand how to become interesting to themselves. Today I would like to talk about exactly this and find out what needs to be done in similar situation. How not to turn into a jester, not to go crazy from loneliness and find inner harmony.

Why do you need this

Let's start by finding out why you want to become interesting. And even better - for whom.

There are two options: for yourself and for others. The point is that for good result you will have to use a different approach, depending on the answer to the question why.

If you do this for yourself, then we will talk about internal development, communicating with yourself, finding activities that will develop your potential. Here the path lies through self-knowledge and self-study. In this case, you don’t care at all about the opinions of others, about their attitude towards you. And often, the attitude of others even harms in such a situation.

In the case when you want to become interesting to others, things are completely different. Here, the opinions of others and the attitude of others are very important. In this case, the concept of the soul of the company will be very important. After all, these are the people who are the most popular.

In any case, there are some general principles and provisions that can be applied in both options. This way, you can become interesting both to yourself and to be cheerful, sociable and entertaining in company.

She's her own boss

The first thing I would like to talk about is self-sufficiency. This quality will be useful to you in both cases. If you want to learn to be at peace with yourself, then you definitely need to acquire a similar character trait.

The point is that you should not do something for a man, for a girlfriend, for your mother, for your son or anyone else. Your life is in your hands. You have your own thoughts, your own attitude towards things. You and only you are responsible for your actions. You do not depend on others and their opinions of you, but at the same time you treat everyone with respect and dignity. This is where that harmony is.

If you want to be the life of the party, then you need self-sufficiency in order to perfectly understand the difference between useful and important tips others and simple envy and hypocrisy. This quality will teach you to listen to the opinions of your friends and draw conclusions. Don't blindly trust all words.

I have already raised the issue of this quality in the article “”. I'm sure it will be extremely useful to you. Be sure to read it.

Work and hobbies

Another very important point- that's what you do. Your job or hobby should bring you great pleasure. You yourself should experience delight and interest in your activity. The girl who sits at home all day and scrolls through the news feed social networks will not be interesting either to herself or to those around her.

Have you noticed how the eyes of people who find something they love light up? And how they know how to infect with their positivity and positive energy everyone around? You can do this too! You just have to start. This can be absolutely any activity. You know yourself well. Remember your childhood, look into your dreams, shake up your imagination.

If you think that your work is completely uninteresting, boring, monotonous and no one will listen about it, then you simply don’t know how to talk beautifully. One of my friends worked as a completely ordinary bank clerk. Loans, financial schemes, numbers, papers and nothing exciting. But he talked about his work with such enthusiasm that everyone sat with their mouths open and did not blink while he talked about his work.

Try to look at your work differently. Find what is interesting about her, why you love her, what admires and inspires you. Explore new facets of your occupation, expand your knowledge, improve your skills. Grow and learn.

If you are currently sitting at home and cannot find suitable job, then the article “” will be very useful for you. Remember that nothing is impossible in the world.

Don't lose your self

On this path, it is very important not to lose yourself and not become the generally accepted template of an “interesting person.” It is always important to remain yourself and not betray your principles. Many people, in an attempt to become interesting and not be boring, lose their zest. That is why I talked about self-sufficiency in the first place.

The more versatile you are, the broader your views on the world, the more interesting it will be to talk with you. After all, when a person is very fixated on one thing with him and there is nothing special to talk about. For development read more books, watch movies from different eras, study art, pay attention to the exact sciences.

Moreover, a sense of humor will greatly help you along this path. Agree, it’s a pleasure to be in a company where there is someone who knows how to joke. I haven't met girls with a good sense of humor very often, but that's not their fault. In the world it is believed that a woman cannot joke. That's why young ladies don't even try to learn this. But jokes, like mathematical formulas, you can learn. It all depends on you.

Dear women, I am sure that you will definitely succeed in your plans. I would advise you to first learn to be interesting to yourself. Then becoming interesting to others will not be so difficult.

I would be very glad to hear your stories. Have you ever done anything to be the center of attention? Do you have a friend who is the life of the party? And what do you think makes it different from others?

Modern ladies have a lot of misconceptions about what kind of women are interesting to men. This is partly due to upbringing, partly to the images of glamorous girls flashing from TV screens and covers of glossy magazines. In some ways, prejudices are implanted in their souls by friends with their advice, and in some ways by their own sad experiences. And they, unfortunate ones, are chasing an unattainable ideal, trying to lose weight to size forty, style their hair perfectly and have flawless skin. Many are very close to ideal. They are almost ideal. For now they are silent. Because if they open their mouths, then the unfortunate men have nothing to talk about with these dolls. Not because they are stupid, no. But, simply, many do not know what to talk about with a man. They know how to be attractive, but how to be interesting? Let's find out how to become interesting to a man.

  • Firstly, interesting woman easy to communicate. An interesting woman is not afraid to say something stupid. If you are attractive, men will not notice any mistakes on your part. Girls often put on a stern and cutesy appearance. They put on a serious face, try to seem well-mannered, smart and mysterious. As a result, the man goes out of his way to keep the conversation going, talks about the weather, asks standard questions, to which he receives not very common answers. The conversation doesn’t go well, impressions of each other are blurry. The man doesn’t call anymore, and the girl wonders what she did wrong - either she held the fork in the wrong hand, or did her hair the wrong way.

Yes, a man first of all evaluates a woman visually. But then he starts a conversation. And here everything depends on the woman. If she becomes interesting to him, then she can count on long-term courtship; if not, then they won’t invite her further “come to my place, let’s watch a movie.”

  • Secondly, an interesting woman lives interesting life. It is hardly worth explaining that housewives do not live interesting lives.

Interesting woman:

  1. studies or works (while not being obsessed with her activities);
  2. plays sports (constantly, not occasionally);
  3. reads books (pulp novels are not books);
  4. watches movies, especially new ones);
  5. doesn’t watch TV (and if he does, he’ll never admit it);
  6. has a hobby (for example, photography, dancing, horse riding. You need to have a hobby so that a man understands you. Unfortunately, very few men know how to knit and weave macramé).
  • Thirdly, to become interesting to a man, a woman’s day must be filled. Home - work, work - home - not about her. She fits dates with a man into her busy schedule.

But at the same time, in a conversation, an interesting woman will never conduct a monologue about her colorful life. Her task is to bring the man to a dialogue in which her gentleman will understand that he is a self-sufficient, versatile, bright person with clear life priorities. You shouldn’t agree with a man on everything in a conversation; sometimes you need to contradict him. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity love to prove that they are right; in addition, an argument enlivens the conversation.

An interesting woman can count not only on admiration, but also on respect, and these are feelings that often develop...into love)))

Aunt Isabelle is one of those surreal old ladies who, by their mere existence, prove that sorceresses exist. Having survived three dear, beloved and only (each was one and only) men, auntie (she is categorically against being called a grandmother - and even more so a great-grandmother) devoted her time to contemplating the world and distributing free advice to daughters, nieces of all levels, granddaughters and numerous girlfriends of all the above-mentioned relatives. The following tips are fragments of Aunt Isabel's correspondence on the topics of love, family, sex and relationships with men.

First. Whatever you do to attract someone's attention, you will do first of all for yourself.
The possibility of failure always remains. Sometimes in the process of struggle you can discover something completely new in yourself, or build other relationships, or understand that the struggle itself is no longer interesting, or who knows what else. The result is a more confident, more accomplished, more interesting woman, regardless of the outcome of the “battle for her beloved.”

Second. A man should not know that you are fighting for him.
Let him think absolutely whatever he wants about his actions. Many smart women love this kind of quite conscious “blonde game” - if a man needs a logical explanation, let him come up with one himself.

Stereotypically, men want to be hunters. It is often lost in a long and constant relationship with a man and especially with a husband. The truth is, many men I know are prey without even knowing it. Your husband should experience the feeling that prey, which seemed to be caught forever, suddenly escapes from under his nose. But don't overplay it. You need to stick to some kind of golden mean - yes, dear, I am of course interested in you, but I also have other important interests.

Third. Take care of your appearance and clothes.
In a fit of feeling, women are often ready to reveal all of themselves to a man, leaving no secrets for themselves and their souls. Therefore, a man begins to believe that he already knows this woman like crazy (whatever that means in his mind). And once you know everything, you don’t expect anything. What kind of passions are there...

Therefore, small revolutions should be carried out periodically appearance(I’m talking about changing your wardrobe, underwear, and handbags again) Buy something that previously seemed unsuitable. I don’t know what exactly - maybe jeans with a rhinestone butterfly covering the entire butt, maybe a handbag with a playboy emblem, maybe something else. And get the most out of it.

For example, I had a rather conservative mother, who dressed me in strict clothes that would have suited any woman her age. By inertia, for quite a long time I preferred boring and respectable classic style. And then one day I made a small internal revolution - I went and bought myself a short skirt, bright scarves, low-cut tops, some flashy jewelry... So what if I got tired of all this after a week? I just temporarily turned into a little girl who so missed this miniskirt at sixteen (Oh, of course, in those years it was impossible to think about such a thing, but probably that vague thing you want, but cannot express, when you are sixteen , included this short skirt). And having returned in time to my sixteen-year-old self, I changed myself as an adult, finding my own style and my own self-image. Remember how in the song - you think all this will be worn - I think all this should be sewn.

Fourth. Develop your intellect and assert your independence.
Surely there is some topic or subject that interests you, but for which you did not have enough time. Deal with it immediately. There are unread books. Unwatched films. Read, watch, absorb new impressions. But discuss emotions not with your man/husband, but with your girlfriends, at work, or even write to me. For a man, just one phrase-statement about your inner growth, about satisfying his curiosity and interest is enough. It’s also good to get out of the house on a, so to speak, permanent basis. Once a week some classes, a fitness membership, a swimming pool. And everyone should know that this is inviolable your time on yourself. Even if there is an earthquake, even if there is a flood, you will still go out to sing, or dance, or jump rope. And this place should be closed from your husband. That is, where it is - he may know - but nothing more.

Oh, this irritates men more than any other whims and even more than the desire to buy an expensive fur coat. And at the same time, a woman’s independence is a hook that men swallow harder than any other. They don’t love beauty, beauty only attracts. They love individuality, independence and self-respect. You can be not too beautiful, not fashionably dressed. Inner freedom and your own view of the world will attract enough people to you interesting men(and - this is important to remember - there are enough “sons” reaching out to a potential “mommy”).

Fifth. Nurture your healthy sexuality
It's difficult to write about sex without equivocation. But still. Create a habit of sometimes giving in to your own fantasies. In pleasant clothes, after a bath, caress yourself in front of the mirror and bring yourself to orgasm. (You can do it a couple of times in a row). Try different poses, methods (only without extreme - not everything that we can imagine really gives pleasure) Imagine handsome men(better than unreal ones) and instill in yourself the thought of your own desirability, your beauty, your sex appeal and irresistibility. This is a kind of auto-training. If what is written confuses you or slightly offends you, then all the more you need to overcome all your complexes on the topic of sex. And it’s better to do this gradually, alone with yourself.

One of the most common excuses from women - “I’m so tired that I don’t want sex, especially with myself” - only speaks of a lack of attention to oneself. In reality, sex does not require that much physical strength. Rather, the refusal is not due to physical fatigue, but because the woman needs too much moral strength to get ready for sex. So why not practice and understand yourself. Women often blame men for their coldness or dissatisfaction, but at the same time they have no idea what they themselves like, what actions are suitable and what are annoying.

Food, sleep, sex - a trio of basic human needs and pleasures. You love to eat well, prefer a comfortable sleep in a comfortable bed, but for some reason you don’t notice that you are depriving yourself of the third equally important component of physical (and mental!) health. It is not necessary to be able to form some tricky Kama Sutra position, but you must regularly train your vaginal muscles. Healthy sexuality is important, first of all, for the woman herself, to get positivity and good mood from life. And, of course, men primarily choose women with normal sexual reactions.

Sixth. Learn to be calm in any circumstances.
This is useful not only in gender relations. This helps in work, relationships with relatives and friends, and just helps again good health. Moreover, mind you, I am not saying to be calm all the time. I just draw your attention to the fact that instantly breaking out scandals can turn out to be a useless and irritating shock of air. And tears, as a rule, cannot help grief. Therefore, before you start screaming or making trouble, getting nervous or panicking, count to at least ten. Even if you have been betrayed, even if the heavens have fallen on your head, even if the earth has opened up and is about to swallow you - find some kind of equilibrium in which you can make a reasonable decision. And you can scream and cry later.

Seventh. Impulsive passion is good.
Love - often and very often (no matter what theorists write) - an instant impulse, imprinting. And sometimes some of the circumstances in which this impulse arose can be repeated - in an attempt to associatively arise similar feelings and impressions. Sometimes it can be certain clothes, a place, a smell, people, music, movements... And the association should be sudden, instant. Here you better know what, when and how your man or husband fell for it...

One of my friends met her husband at a party, and she was accidentally doused with water from a vase of flowers. You know, that musty smell of standing water. So she assures that her husband is still falling for this rottenness, and only with her alone.

Sudden sex, even between long-term partners, is also an excellent opportunity to introduce impulsiveness into a long-term relationship. And it is not necessary for a man to take the initiative. He just needs to be provoked. Well, having provoked it, you don’t have to be a log yourself.

Eighth. Give the man a little jealous.
Someone called unknown man passed something on, someone at work/at the pool/jumping rope gave flowers (at least buy them for yourself). Your omissions and omissions are intriguing - but male curiosity also ruined Rome. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to overplay, and, having started the game, not to be the first loser.

Ninth. Be interesting and a little unpredictable.
This is a subtle thing - a man should not guess one hundred percent what you will do or say. But you shouldn’t be afraid of your too extravagant antics. Sometimes it is useful to change habitual patterns of behavior.

For example, if before you always scolded for socks scattered on the floor, now say that you will tell fortunes by the socks, or read interesting test determining intelligence by the number of abandoned socks found, or the need for urgent disinfection of the room, since there may be fungi on the socks.

The main thing is that my husband is both curious and a little funny. Some things can be done with such a trick - every time you come up with something new. So that she would come to you and think - damn, I wonder what she will do with her socks today.

Tenth. Be cheerful.
A little lighter, a little more frivolous. Tell funny stories about yourself, touching stories about children, jokes about family life. Study the man’s interest and give him funny stories about the topic from time to time. With whom are you more interested - with a whiner who mourns universal sorrows, or with an optimist who knows how to laugh at his problems? It's the same with men. A cheerful and cheerful woman is much more attractive than one who is not funny, even if she has an extremely languid look.

Eleventh. Seduce him and let him seduce you.
Seduction on your part should not look too blatant. (Let the man think that he is acting as a hunter). Let them want and seduce you - interesting, cheerful, independent, beautifully dressed. But you can always push a man into active courtship. This is actually a complex and simple language of gestures and movements. It is difficult to consciously make it natural, but some things can be learned. standing man you can marinate for a while before giving up.

But I still don’t really understand and share the point of view that a woman should be an impregnable fortress. Even if a woman is not in love, and a man is courting in an interesting way, is pleasant in appearance and demonstrates high moral qualities, then why should he be refused only on the grounds that there was no chemistry at first sight? Why not receive and give pleasure to each other?

Well, if we are talking about reciprocity, then it’s time to enjoy moments of intimacy and try to understand each other in the most literal, original sense. Be happy, my dear girls!



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