Basic Tatar words with translation into Russian. Tatar-Russian complete educational dictionary

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Tatar language (Tat. Tatar tele, Tatarcha, tatar tele, tatarça) is the national language of the Tatars. State language Republic of Tatarstan and the second most widespread and most spoken national language in Russian Federation. Belongs to the Volga-Kypchak subgroup of the Kipchak group of Turkic languages.

Distributed in Tatarstan, in the center and north-west of Bashkortostan, in Mari El, Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk regions, Perm region Russia, as well as in certain regions of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The modern Tatar language has undergone many changes in its development; it was formed from the mixing of ancient Bulgar with the Kipchak and Chagatai dialects of the Turkic languages.

The Tatar language was formed together with the native people of this language in the Volga and Urals regions in close communication with other, both related and unrelated languages. He experienced a certain influence of Finno-Ugric (ancient Hungarian, Mari, Mordovian, Udmurt), Arabic, Persian, Russian languages. Thus, linguists believe that those features in the field of phonetics (changes in the vowel scale, etc.), which, on the one hand, unite the Volga-Turkic languages ​​with each other, and, on the other, contrast them with other Turkic languages, are the result of their complex relationships with Finno-Ugric languages.

Earliest surviving literary monuments- poem “Kyssa-i Yosyf” - written in the 13th century. (The author of the poem Kul Gali died during the Mongol conquest of Volga Bulgaria in 1236). The language of the poem combines elements of the Bulgar-Kypchak and Oghuz languages. During the era of the Golden Horde, the language of its subjects became the Volga Turkic - a language close to the Ottoman and Chagatai (Old Uzbek) literary languages. During the period of the Kazan Khanate, the Old Tatar language was formed, which is characterized by large number borrowings from Arabic and Persian. Like other literary languages ​​of the pre-national period, the Old Tatar literary language remained poorly understood by the masses and was used only by the literate part of society. After the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, active penetration of Russianisms and then Western terms into the Tatar language began. From the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. The Tatar intelligentsia began to actively use Ottoman socio-political vocabulary.

From the second half of the 19th century, on the basis of the middle (Kazan) dialect, the formation of modern Tatar began national language which ended at the beginning of the 20th century. In reforming the Tatar language, two stages can be distinguished - the second half of XIX- the beginning of the 20th century (before 1905) and 1905-1917. At the first stage, the main role in the creation of the national language belonged to Kayum Nasyri (1825-1902). After the revolution of 1905-1907. The situation in the field of reforming the Tatar language has changed dramatically: there is a rapprochement between the literary language and the colloquial language. In 1912, Fakhrel-Islam Ageev founded the children's magazine "Ak-yul", which marked the beginning of the children's fiction in Tatar language. In the 1920s language construction begins: a terminological apparatus is developed, first based on the actual Tatar and Arab-Persian vocabulary, and from the 1930s - on Russian and international ones using Cyrillic graphics.

The modern literary Tatar language is close to the middle dialect in phonetics and vocabulary, and to the Western dialect in morphological structure.


Aintl 1. expresses an unexpected guess, surprise; 2. expresses joy or gloating; 3. expresses disappointment
abaganoun fern, kochezhnik, bracken // fern
abagalyknoun fern thickets
abagasimannarnoun bot ferns
abai buluch be careful
Abaylamyichanar accidentally, accidentally, by chance
abaylauch 1. feel, sense, sense 2. guess, guess what, 3. notice, notice, notice, notice 4. in meaning nar abylap carefully, deliberately, prudently
abalanch hurry, fuss
abauintl depending on intonation: 1. expressing slight fear, disgust, hostility: fu, fu-you, oh 2. expressing fear, strong fear: oh 3. expressing pleasant surprise, admiration: oh-you, well, well, here you go it's true
abzarnoun barn, stall; outbuilding for storing grain, etc.
abzar iyasenoun in the mythology of the Kazan Tatars: the spirit of the stable, the spirit of the courtyard
abzar-kuranoun collected barn and other outbuildings
paragraphnoun uncle - respectful address to a man older in age
abruynoun honor, authority, prestige, reputation
abruilspr authoritative, respectable
abruylylyknoun authority
abruisyzpr disrespectful, disrespectful
Abkhaznoun Abkhazian // Abkhazian
Abkhaz Khatyn (Kyzy)noun Abkhazian
Abkhaziannar in Abkhazian Abkhaz language // pr Abkhazian
eithernoun 1. older brother, uncle 2. uncle an address to a man older in age, often in combination with one’s own name
abyily-senellepr brother and sister, brother and sister
Abiyly-Enelepr brothers
abyna-yegilanar stumbling, stumbling
abyna-sortenәnar stumbling, stumbling
abynuch stumble, stumble, stumble, stumble
abystaynoun 1. wife of a clergyman 2. aunt, addressing an older woman
Avaznoun 1. sound // sound 2. voice, sound; exclamation
avaz biruch respond
Avaz Iartemenoun ling onomatopoeia
avazdashpr 1. consonant 2. ling homonymous
avazdashlyknoun 1. consonance 2. ling homonymous, homonymous
advanceslauch advance, give an advance
advance paymentnar in advance, in advance
adventuresnoun adventure // adventurous
adventurerpr adventurous
Avarnoun Avar // Avar
avar khatyny (kyzy) avarka
ava-tүnәnar staggering (staggering) from side to side
aviationpr aviation
autoberlashmәnoun automerging
avtokүtәrgechnoun car lift
automaticpr auto
automatic flashlightch automate
carnoun motorist
automәktәpnoun driving school
autodashnoun co-author
authordashlyknoun co-authorship
authorlashtyrylganpr authorized
autosaugychnoun milking machine
avtosuytkychnoun car refrigerator
autotöyagechnoun forklift
avtohukhalyknoun motor vehicle fleet
autoshәһәrnoun motor city
auto-electricitynoun automatic drinker
auto-lchәgechnoun truck scales
awwch 1. to fall, to fall, to fall, to fall 2. to capsize, to capsize 3. to lie down, to lie down (about bread) 4. to lean (lean) to someone’s side; agree, agree, succumb to persuasion
avoznoun 1. mouth; mouth, throat (in animals) 2. mouth, barrel (stoves, guns) 3. throat, neck (at a bottle, at a tank) 4. entrance, hole, passage, crawl (into a tent, den, tunnel) 5. edge ( forest) 6. fistula, hole (in an abscess, wound) 7. crater, mouth (volcano, funnel)

call and detailsnoun oral (oral-poetic) creativity
avyz achargach 1. to yawn, to yawn 2. to speak 3. to break the fast, to break the fast
avyzlanch taste, taste, taste, taste
avyzlyknoun 1. bit 2. bit, mouthpiece
avyzliklauch 1. to bridle, to bridle, to bridle, to bridle, to bridle, to bridle (a horse) 2. to tame, to tame, to pacify, to pacify, to bridle, to bridle
avyzlyklypr bridled, bridled, bridled; tamed
avyzlyksyzpr without a bit, unbridled; indomitable
avyzchyknoun 1. smart mouth 2. bot stigma (in a flower) 3. bot stomata (in leaves)
awlnoun village, village, settlement, aul // rural, rural
avyldashnoun fellow villager, villager
avylchanoun rustic, rural // rustic
avyrpr 1. heavy; heavy; weighty // nar hard 2. heavy, difficult, difficult, difficult, burdensome, difficult // nar hard, difficult, burdensome, difficult 3. heavy, dangerous, grave, big (misdemeanor, grief, illness, crime) 4. heavy, heavy, ponderous, clumsy (about a person, language) // nar heavy, clumsy, ponderous 5. heavy, heavy, painful, depressing (feelings) // nar hard, painful, oppressive, oppressive, depressing 6. heavy, hopeless (situation)
I'm sorrych 1. to become heavier, to become heavier, to become burdened, to become heavier, to gain (in weight), to become overweight 2. to become difficult, to become difficult 3. to worsen, to worsen, to become complicated, to become complicated (about health)
avyraituch 1. to weigh down, to weigh down, to weigh down, to aggravate, to aggravate 2. to complicate, to complicate, to encumber, to encumber, to complicate, to complicate
avirlashuch see avyrayu
avirlypr pregnant, pregnant
avyrlyknoun 1. heaviness, weight, burden // weighty 2. difficulty, difficulty, burden, burden 3. transference burden, burden, heaviness
avirlyklypr physical weighty
avyrlyksyzpr 1. physical weightless 2. light // nar easy, no hassle
avyrsynuch 1. to find it difficult, to find it difficult 2. to be burdened
avyrsynusyznar easily, willingly; no objections
avyrsynypnar reluctantly, reluctantly, reluctantly
avyrttyruch cause (cause, cause, cause) pain
avyrttyrypnar hurt
avyrtulypr painful
avyrtuch 1. get sick, get sick 2. get sick, whine, get sick
avyruch to be sick, to be ill, to get sick, to get sick, to fall ill; to be unwell, to become ill
avyrunoun 1. illness, disease, ailment, ailment 2. sick // pr sickly, unhealthy, diseased
avyrulypr sick, unhealthy, sickly
rescuedpr painful, susceptible to disease, susceptible to disease
avyshpr 1. inclined, with a slope // nar obliquely, with an inclination 2. sloping 3. inclined, bent, slanted, askew // nar obliquely, obliquely
avyshlyknoun 1. slope, slope // inclined 2. slope 3. roll
avyshmanoun mat inclined
avyshtyruch 1. to tilt, to incline, to incline, to tilt, to tilt, to tilt 2. to tilt, to tilt 3. to overdraw, to drag, to incline, to incline smb. one's side
abovech 1. to lean, to bend, to bend, to squint, to squint 2. to tilt, to tilt, to heel (about a ship, cart) 3. to deviate, to deviate, to evade, to evade (to the side) 4. to lean over, to lean to one side 5. peren pass, pass, pass, minute (about time) 6. bend
yeahnoun 1. older brother 2. uncle 3. added to male names in respectful address or mention
againoun uncle, uncle, polite address to an older man
agai-enenoun gathering 1. relatives, relatives 2. brothers 3. friend, brother
agay-eneleknoun 1. kinship, family relations // related 2. nepotism, clannishness
agay-enelerchәnar 1. like a relative 2. like one’s own
agaltynnoun platinum // platinum
agaly-senellepr brother and sister
Agali-Enelepr brothers, older brother and younger
agarch flowing, flowing
agarganpr 1. gray-haired, grayed 2. pale, turned pale 3. faded, faded, faded
agarganchynar white-hot, to whiteness
Agartkychnoun technical bleach // bleaching, bleaching
Agartuchynoun 1. whitener 2. educator
agarthach 1. to whiten, to whiten, to bleach, to bleach 2. to clean, to clear, to clean 3. to enlighten, to enlighten
Agarynuch turn pale, turn pale
agarch 1. to turn white, turn white, become white 2. to turn pale, turn pale 3. to lighten, brighten, fade, fade, fade 4. to turn grey, to turn gray 5. to be cleaned, to be cleaned
agachnoun 1. wood // wooden; log 2. forest, tree, wood // wood, wood 3. peren block, club, block
agach to younoun stump
agach khazerlәүnoun logging
Agachlanuch become woody, stiffen (about plant cells, shoots)
agachlyknoun area (terrain) overgrown with trees; small forest, grove; thicket of trees
agachchyl, agachchylpr woody
agachsymanpr tree-like
agentlyknoun 1. agency 2. agent's occupation
agitatorlyknoun agitator's occupation
propagandapr propaganda
propagandach to agitate, agitate
agrarianpr agrarian
aggregatesnoun aggregator
aggressivepr aggressive
aggressivelych become (become) aggressive
aggressivelyknoun aggressiveness
agu Ich 1. flow, flow, run away, flow away 2. flow, run down, flow down (from the roof, over the face) 3. flow, flow 4. flow, flow, run up 5. flow, pour out 6. float, float; flow, flow 7. leak, flow, leak 8. peren flow (about time) 9. peren melt, float away, float away (about money, wealth) 10. peren flow in (about money, wealth)
agu IInoun 1. poison, potion, poison 2. agricultural mordant 3. datura, opium, poison
agu kaytargychnoun antidote (about medicine)
ahu utynoun hemlock bot
agulagychch mordant, disinfectant // mordant, poisonous
Agulanach 1. to be poisoned, to be poisoned, to be poisoned 2. to be poisoned, to be poisoned, to become infected, to become infected; to become stupefied, to become stupefied
agulauch 1. to poison, to poison 2. to poison, to poison, to poison
Agulauchipr poisoner // poisoner
Agulspr 1. poisonous, poisonous 2. poisonous, malicious, caustic // nar poisonous, caustic, maliciously 3. poisoned, infected 4. poisoned
agulylyknoun 1. toxicity 2. contamination
agusyzpr non-poisonous, non-poisonous
agyzuch 1. pour, pour, pour, pour in, pour in 2. add, pour in 3. pour, overflow, pour out, cast, drain, drain (from one dish to another) 4. draw, draw (water from the column) 5. let, let down, let down, let down, pour out, pour out 6. fuse, alloy, melt, drive, drive; let, let (on water) 7. pour, shed, shed (tears) 8. demolish, demolish, carry away, carry away, carry, carry
agyly: agyly belen tagylyjoke two inseparable friends; You can’t spill water (you can’t spill it)
agyluch 1. to flow, to pour out (in a stream) 2. to float, to flow 3. to flow, pour, spill (about music, chant) 4. to go, move, pass, pour down (in a stream, crowd, mass, shaft) 5. flock (in a crowd , mass) where; flow away, fall away, leave (in a stream, in a crowd) from where
agymnoun 1. flow, flow // flow-through 2. jet, trickle, flow (liquids, air) 3. flow, direction 4. flow (in production) // flow, conveyor
agymdagypr current (repairs, events)
agyntsnoun 1. leaked; puddle, puddle 2. drip, drip 3. stream, trickle // jet
agyshnoun 1. flow (of a river, life) 2. change, flow (of events, thoughts)
adashnoun namesake
adashkanpr lost, lost
adashtyrch 1. knock (knock) off the road 2. lead (take, lead) to an unknown place 3. mislead (mislead)
adashach 1. get lost (in the forest) 2. wander, stray
hellnoun 1. man // human 2. myth Adam
adәm aktygy (kaldygy)noun degenerate, scoundrel, unfortunate man
adam balasynoun human, human child
hellpr folk human, human
hellonar humanly // human, human
addressed to Lanch 1. addressed, directed, sent to someone (letter, parcel) 2. addressed, intended for someone (criticism, remark)
addresslauch 1. address, direct, direct 2. address, destined for someone
addressespr with address, addressed
addresssyzpr addressless
Adyghenoun Adyghe // Adyghe
Adygei Khatyn (Kyzy) Adyghe
Adygeychanar in Adyghe, in the Adyghe language // Adyghe
smokenoun 1. step 2. gait, step, tread 3. swing (in animals when running) 4. transfer action, step 5. transfer shift, step, stage, stage
adymlauch 1. measure (measure, measure) in steps
adymlypr 1. walking (about a person) 2. trotting, big (about animals)
aekpr 1. sober 2. peren sober, sound // sober
aeklyknoun 1. sobriety, sobriety 2. change of health, sobriety
aelnoun 1. girth // cinch 2. buckle, clasp // buckle
aeratanar see aerucha
aergysyzpr 1. inseparable, inseparable, inseparable // inseparable, inseparable 2. inseparable, inseparable 3. indistinguishable, indistinguishable (type, image)
aergych Inoun 1. separator // separator (card) 2. separator
aergych IInoun ling definition
aermanoun 1. difference; difference; difference 2. discrepancy 3. fork, crossroads 4. checkmate difference
aermalypr 1. different, differing, different, differing, having a difference 2. difference mat
aermalyknoun see aerma 1, 2
aermastannar without distinction, without distinction
aermasyzpr 1. no difference 2. identical
aermachyknar very clear, crisp and clear; exactly, definitely
aermyychanar wholesale, in bulk, without sorting
aertuch 1. forced from aeru 2. skip, skip, separate (milk): aertkan sot return
aeruch 1. to separate, to divide, to divide, to divide, to split, to break, to dismember, to dismember 2. to disassemble, to disassemble, to sort, to sort 3. to move apart, to separate 4. to disconnect, to disconnect, to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate 5. to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate 6. to separate, to separate, to set apart, to separate, to separate, to isolate 7. to separate, to separate, to isolate; excommunicate, excommunicate 8. distinguish, distinguish, distinguish, distinguish, highlight, single out 9. wean, wean (a child from the breast) 10. separate, separate (spouses) 11. separate 12. swarm, stand out (about bees) 13. tear off , distract, distract, divert
aeruchanar 1. especially, especially, most 2. with special (special, exceptional) 3. input sl in particular, especially
aerchanoun 1. fork, fork 2. bot petal // petal 3. bot blade
aerchalypr 1. forked, forked 2. lobed bot
aeraspr cm aerim 1; aer toyaklarylar brood ungulates
aerilgasyzpr cm aergysyz 1.2
airmaspr 1. inseparable, integral 2. inseparable, bosom
aerilmaslykpr see airilmas
aerilmyychanar without interruption
aerilmyshnoun ling determined
airych 1. to be divided, to be divided, to be subdivided, to be subdivided, to be dismembered, to be dismembered 2. to be disassembled. To be sorted out, to be sorted out 3. to move apart, to move apart, to separate; divorce 4. to separate, to disconnect, to separate, to separate, to disperse 5. to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate 6. to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate 7. to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate 8. to separate, to separate, to separate , separate, stand out, stand out 9. differentiate, differentiate 10. differ, distinguish, differ; stand out, stand out with something, for what reason; differ in what, in what 11. to get divorced, to divorce (with husband, with wife) 12. to swarm, to swarm (about bees) 13 to be torn off, to come off, to be distracted, to be distracted, to be torn off
airylyshuch 1. to separate, to disperse, to separate, to separate, to separate 2. to separate, to part 3. to separate, to separate 4. to separate, to separate; dissolve (dissolve) marriage
aeryempr 1. separate, separate // separately, separately 2. single, private, separate 3. sole 4. isolated // isolated, apart 5. special // especially
aeryem-ayerimnar 1. separately, separately, apart 2. scattered, one by one
airimlanch 1. to separate, to separate, to separate, to separate 2. to dissociate, to dissociate, to dissociate; dissociate 3. ling separate
aerimlyknoun difference, difference, difference
airpnar separately, separately
Airp Algandainput sl in particular
azhgyrynuch see azhgyru
azhgyruch to rage, to rage, to be in a state of extreme rage
azhdanoun myth 1. azhdaha, dragon, serpent 2. peren monster, bloodsucker
openworkpr openwork
aҗagannoun lightning
aznar 1. little, little; insignificant // small, small, insignificant 2. not enough 3. little, not for long 4. in complex word is translated by the component little-, little- (az sanly salo-number, az uzle taciturn, taciturn)
azagynachanar to the end
azaergach 1. decrease, lessen, lessen, lessen, diminish 2. reduce, decrease, decrease
azlapnar cm az-azlap 1.2
az-azlapnar 1. little by little, bit by bit 2. in parts 3. gradually
azaituch 1. reduce, reduce, subtract, subtract 2. reduce, shorten
azaknoun 1. end, ending, ending 2. outcome, ending
Azakkachanar to the end
Azakkipr 1. last 2. final
azaktanar at the end, at the end, finally
Azaktagspr last, final
Azactanenar 1. after, then, subsequently 2. last, last
azamatpr folk valiant, courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous // good fellow, daring
azapnoun 1. torment, torment, torment 2. ordeal, suffering, adversity
azaplanach 1. to suffer, to suffer, to suffer, toil; torment 2. tinker 3. try, strain, push
azaplauch torment, torment, torment, torment, torment
Azaplypr painful, exhausting, depressing, difficult, difficult
azaplyk: azaplyk belencm. azap belan
azapsyzpr 1. not difficult, hassle-free, easy // easy, without difficulties 2. carefree, serene, without suffering // serene, without worries and worries
Azatepr free, free; independent // freely, freely, independently
azat ituch 1. liberate, liberate, deliver; release 2. dismiss
azat ituchenoun liberator
Azatlyknoun freedom, will, liberty // liberation
azau: azau tesh molar
Azganar 1. not for long, for short term 2. a little, a little
azgynpr 1. spoiled, immoral, unbridled, riotous, dissolute, dissolute 2. depraved, depraved, dissolute, lascivious, lustful
Azgynlanch see basics
Azgynlyknoun 1. spoiledness, immorality, licentiousness, licentiousness, debauchery 2. depravity, depravity, lasciviousness, lasciviousness, lasciviousness
azdyrch 1. to spoil, to indulge; to unbridle, to unbridle; let (allow) to be unbridled, to dissolve 2. to corrupt, to corrupt, to seduce, to seduce, to corrupt, to corrupt 3. to launch, to launch (disease) 4. to irritate, to irritate (wound)
Asialenoun Asian
azlyknoun 1. insufficiency, deficiency; scarcity, scarcity 2. paucity
az-mazpr small, insignificant; some // little by little, little by little, a little
az-mazlapnar cm az-azlap 1.2
Azmannoun 1. biol bastard, crossbreed 2. pr unbridled, dissolute, self-willed
azmanlyknoun see azgynlik
asmy-kupmenar 1. more or less 2. several, some amount; a little, some
azotlspr 1. nitrogenous, nitrogenous
my sonch consider insufficient (quantitatively), dissatisfied (quantitatively)
basicsch 1. to be spoiled, to become loose, to be unbridled, to be unbridled, to dissolve, to dissolve 2. to be corrupted, to be corrupted, to be seduced, to be seduced, to be corrupted, to be corrupted 3. to be neglected, to be neglected (about illness); to irritate, to irritate (about a wound)
azchylyknoun minority, smaller part // smaller, small
languagenoun 1. food, food // food 2. food, products; provisions, provisions // food, grocery 3. feed // feed
aziklan ch feed, feed, feed, feed
azyklatanar products, in kind, food
tonguepr 1. food 2. feed (fodder)
azyksyzlyknoun lack of food
azyktamyrnoun root vegetable
language-toleknoun personal food, products, provisions // food, grocery
Azindiruch see azdyra
azynuch 1. to be mischievous, mischievous, violent, rowdy; to riot 2. to debauch, to debauch
AZәrbaikannoun Azerbaijani // Azerbaijani
AZәrbaiҗan khatyny (kyzy)noun Azerbaijani
AZәrbayҗanchanar in Azerbaijani // Azerbaijani
ahnoun 1st moon // lunar 2nd month
aibaltanoun axe, berdysh
aybalyknoun moon fish
i-wai 1.intl oh-oh, oh 2. noun ah-ahh
ay-wailauch 1. show (show) dissatisfaction (anxiety, strong annoyance, regret) 2. heart-rendingly scream, gasp and groan
aigyrnoun stallion // stallion
aikala-chaikalanar waddle, stagger
aikaldiruch 1. to greatly excite (to rock, swing, toss) 2. to excite, excite, excite, agitate, stir up
aikaluch 1. to be very excited (to sway, sway) 2. to be excited, alarmed, alarmed 3. to hang out, push, wander around (disturbing others)

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The company "My Home" presents to your attention a series Tatar dictionaries . This section contains the most complete selection to date Tatar dictionaries various subjects, made in the format e-books.

Tatar explanatory dictionary

Tatar explanatory dictionary based on the work of Zubaer Miftakhov (Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny). The dictionary assumes that it will be used mainly by people who know the Tatar language. In the explanatory dictionary The vernacular Tatar language, used in literature and in colloquial speech. An entry in the dictionary includes an interpretation of the meaning, a description of the structure of the word if it is ambiguous, examples of use in literary and colloquial speech, and grammatical characteristics of the word.
Real version explanatory dictionary Tatar language is presented in the form CHM and EXE files and can be viewed on most computers with operating system Windows

Four-volume Russian-Tatar dictionary

In this Russian-Tatar dictionary, along with the translation of Russian words into the Tatar language, interpretations of the most difficult words and terms are given. Many political, scientific, philosophical and other terms are provided with interpretations. IN included phraseological combinations and idioms, stable figures of speech, to which the corresponding Tatar equivalents were selected. In addition, the dictionary contains a short grammar reference on basic issues of the morphology of the Russian and Tatar languages.

This edition Russian-Tatar dictionary is the most complete to date and is intended for a wide range of people studying Russian and Tatar languages. The dictionary is in electronic format djvu books and can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

Tatar dictionary
Tatar dictionary

This dictionary of Arabic and Persian borrowings is dictionary-reference book for a wide range of readers of Tatar literature, for school teachers and students, translators and researchers. The dictionary is compiled on the basis of the vocabulary of the works of Tatar writers and poets (from the 13th century to the present), on the material of periodicals and Tatar textbooks on various industries knowledge. The dictionary is executed as a file in PDF format

About 20,000 words


Tatar lexicography, especially the compilation of Russian-Tatar dictionaries, has long and rich traditions, for the Tatar people have long lived in close proximity and cooperation with the Russian people, having strong socio-economic and cultural ties with them.

Currently, the Tatar language has begun to be studied at all levels of education, from kindergartens to universities. Despite the apparent availability of dictionaries, there is still no full-fledged Russian-Tatar dictionary that could become a real help in learning the Tatar language.

A real Russian-Tatar dictionary has its own characteristics. It is intended primarily for students of the Tatar language. The fact is that almost all Tatars living in Russia and in countries former USSR, know Russian. Therefore, they often need a Russian-Tatar dictionary (rather than a Tatar-Russian one), where the structural features of the modern Tatar language would be revealed. Knowledge of the Tatar language is determined by the ability to correctly construct a sentence translated from Russian. Therefore, the most difficult thing is to determine the exact translation meaning and its syntactic combination of the Russian word. Therefore, the necessity and relevance of such a manual is beyond any doubt.
The modern Tatar language, due to extralinguistic and internal changes, is undergoing serious changes, both in vocabulary and grammar. Unfortunately, the last dictionaries of this size were published several decades ago, and today a dictionary that would reflect all the changes recent years, not published.
The Tatar language has features that are not inherent in the Russian language. Through illustrative material, we tried to convey the features of the most important meanings of a particular lexeme. The dictionary does not always convey the basic meanings; in some cases, only the exact meanings are given figurative meanings words. We made an attempt to isolate main common meaning words This feature is important due to the fact that often the main meaning (which is given first in the academic dictionary) is practically not used in modern speech.
Therefore on at this stage compilation of an “average” Russian-Tatar dictionary, reflecting the main features of Russian and Tatar literary languages became very timely.

Dictionary structure

In the dictionary all Russian words are given in alphabetical order. Each highlighted word, together with illustrative material, forms a dictionary entry.
Homonyms (i.e. words with same spelling, but different in meaning) are given in separate dictionary entries and are indicated by bold Arabic numerals:

beam 1 noun Orlek, matcha, arkyly agach
beam 2 noun ozyn chokyr, syza, kory үzәn

Different meanings of Russian polysemantic word inside the dictionary entry are highlighted with Arabic numerals with a dot. In some cases, after the number, an explanation of this value is given in Russian (in brackets, italics), for example:
whisper ch 1. (whisper, keep secret) pyshyldashu, chysh-pysh, chypyrt soylәshү; 2. ( gossip, slander) gajbat satu

In some cases, interpretations in the Tatar language are given in brackets after the translation. This method of presentation most often refers to words borrowed from the Russian language. Sometimes an interpretation is given for the Russian capital word, for example:
basics(food made from small pieces of meat) noun azu ( vak turalgan itten ashamlyk)

Translations that are close in meaning are separated by a comma, more distant translations are separated by a semicolon and are usually accompanied by an explanation clarifying the area of ​​use of the Tatar word; For example:
situation noun(furniture) җiһaz; ( international) khal, shart

Interchangeable synonyms in both the Russian and Tatar parts of the dictionary are enclosed in parentheses, for example:
absurd pr magnesez, tozsyz (tuzga yazmagan) # Everything he said is absurd. – Anyn boten әitkәne tuzga yazmagan.
Under the sign #, illustrative material is given that helps to understand the syntactic use of a particular word in both Russian and Tatar.
With capital Russian words, an indication of the part of speech is given ( noun, ch), and on the area of ​​use ( chem, biol).
Russian nouns are given in the nominative singular case.
Nouns in the Tatar language are given in the main case singular. For example:
paragraph noun 1. yana yul; kyzyl yul; 2. paragraph ( text ike kyzyl yul arasyndagy oleshe)
Russian adjectives are given in the nominative case of the masculine singular.
Adjectives of the Tatar language are given in the basic form. For example:
adventurous pr maharaly, adventures

Russian verbs are given in the infinitive form. Verbs of the Tatar language are given in the form of an action name.
Russian verbs of the perfect and imperfect form are given in the form of the action name in their alphabetical position. The novelty of the dictionary is the fact that practically no references are given to the meanings of verbs by type. For example, in comparison with other Russian-Tatar dictionaries.
Numeral names are given with the appropriate mark.

The dictionary lists commonly used adverbs such as tomorrow, in the morning, today.
Prepositions, interjections, onomatopoeic and predicative words are given in the dictionary with the corresponding marks and translation.

Conditional abbreviations

anat – anatomical term
astrol – astrological term
astron – astronomical term
impersonal tale - impersonal predicate
biol – biological term
bot – botanical term
bran – expletive
buhg – accounting term
in different values ​​– in different meanings
in meaning – in meaning
input sl – introductory word
military - military term
geogr – geographical term
geol – geological term
horn - mountain term
gram – grammatical term
zhivop – term from the field of painting
zool – zoological term
art - art term
ist – historical term
ling – linguistic term
checkmate - mathematical term
miner – mineral
mythol – mythological term
mn h – plural
pestilence - maritime term
muses - musical term
reverse – appeal
wholesale – optics term
peren – figurative meaning
led - in an imperative form
subr – onomatopoeic word
half-game - printing term
watered - political term
predic sl – predicative word
vernacular - colloquial word
bees - beekeeping term
colloquial - colloquial
rel – religious term
fish - fish term
tale– predicate
storyteller - fairy tale character
abbreviated – reduction
s-x – agricultural term
theater - theatrical term
those – technical term
fiziol – physiological term
philos – philosophical term
fin – financial term
folk – folklore term
chem – chemical term
often - particle
Shahm – chess term
econ – economic term
jurid - legal term
ethnographer – ethnographic term
Orthodox – term adopted in the Orthodox Church

Russian alphabet



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