Dictations for 1st grade. Place vowel sounds in their sound houses. Combinations zhi, shi

Russian language dictations for first grade are designed to develop perception oral speech, ear-hand coordination, strengthen penmanship skills. The texts of dictations for 1st grade are simple and understandable. In principle, you can compose such sentences yourself. The texts given here serve as a guide for parents; they can be used to repeat and consolidate the material covered during the period summer holidays. The article provides examples of dictations for grade 1, semester 1-2, which allow you to test your knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. Children are happy to write dictations at home, but really, you shouldn’t scold them for mistakes in words, because you are training the child, and not conducting a test!

Dictation volume:

1st grade - 15 - 25 words.
2nd grade - 1st-2nd quarter - 25 - 35 words.
2nd grade - 3-4 quarter - 35 - 52 words.
3rd grade - 1st-2nd quarter - 45 - 53 words.
3rd grade - 3-4 quarter - 53 - 73 words.
4th grade - 1st-2nd quarter - 58 - 77 words.
4th grade - 3-4 quarter - 76 - 93 words.

Dictation examples

Capital letters in first names, patronymics and last names, in the names of cities and rivers

No. 1. Auditory dictation.

Children are happy about winter. It's snowing. Kolya and Mitya run home. My hands are chilly.

No. 2. Visual dictation.

Names of countries, cities and rivers.

Chisinau, Balti, Cahul, Tiraspol, Soroca, Comrat, Prut, Dniester, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Moscow, Kyiv, Bucharest.

No. 3. Auditory dictation.

Vasya and Yura go to school. Olya writes a letter to her brother. He lives in Chisinau. There is the Bull River there. My brother often fishes.

No. 4. Visual dictation.

1. My uncle Vasily Petrovich left for Balti. 2. My aunt Olga Alekseevna lives in Kagul. 3. Evgenia Nikolaevna teaches children. 4. Ksenia Petrovna is the director of a school in Comrat.

No. 5. Visual dictation.

1. There is a river Moskva in Moscow. 2. In Chisinau there is Stefan cel Mare street. 3. Our rivers are the Dniester and the Prut. 4. The Dnieper and Dniester flow into the Black Sea.

Words with letters i, yu, e, e

No. 6. Visual dictation.

Hare, sowed, raspberries, mine. Yasha, strawberry, paw, frog, what, berries, barley, yours, stand.

No. 7. Auditory dictation.

1. Dad took Yasha to the nursery. 2. Zoya and Valya were in the garden. 3. Olya played ball.

No. 8. Visual dictation.

Turkey, iron, key, beam, bale, circle, cook, onion, give.

No. 9. Auditory dictation.

1. Misha is small. Lesha mashed cranberries. 2. There is an ox in the meadow. Dad was taking his son to school.

No. 10. Visual dictation.

1. Viper is a poisonous snake. 2. A goose is coming. Geese and goslings are coming. 3. The fishermen are pulling the net. A big perch got caught in the net. 4. Often it's raining. 5. Bears sleep all winter. The bear loves honey. 6. Cranes are flying. The crane is a large bird.

Note. This material can be divided into two dictations.

Combinations zhi, shi

No. 11. Visual dictation.

Babies, puddles, swifts, ruffs, saffron milk caps, fat, spring, sewn, write, rose hips.

No. 12. Auditory dictation.

1. I fed the hedgehog. 2. Snakes hiss. 3. There is a car parked near the house. 4. We lived in the forest. 5. Swifts flew by the river.

No. 13. Visual dictation.

Six - six, overcoat, whisper - whisper, hut, yolk - yellow, width - width, puddles, roofs.

Combinations cha, sha, chu, schu

No. 14. Visual dictation.

Cloud, candle, shepherd, teapot, food, sorrel, square, bowl, squeak, rooks, goodbye.

No. 15. Auditory dictation.

1. We walked for an hour. 2. There are seagulls above the river. 3. Kolya lived with his sister. 4. My sister lives in Chisinau.

No. 16. Visual dictation.

Pike, closet, squinted, stocking, knock, drag, treat, teach, rinse, chock.

No. 17. Auditory dictation.

The day is clear. Yura and Senya are walking. Here is the river. There is a spruce forest across the river. The boys sat down on a stump. It's quiet all around. Only the hedgehog rustles in the grass.

Paired consonants at the end of a word

No. 18. Auditory dictation.

Sickle, coat of arms, oak, tooth, pillar, sheepskin coat, club, mushroom, dill.

No. 19. Visual dictation.

Hawk, flood, chill, forehead, sheaf, ice hole, bread, dove, snowdrift, log house.

No. 20. Auditory dictation.

1. Gleb goes for a walk. 2. Steppe. Cold. 3. Wet bush. Light rain.

No. 21. Auditory dictation.

Mole, move, brother, garden, thrush, bone, nail, hammer, knife.

No. 22. Visual dictation with analysis of words by meaning. (Each of the named students must parse one pair of words.)

Flexible rod, deep pond, ripe fruit, light raft, green onions, green meadow.

No. 23. Visual-auditory dictation.

Factory, news, hike, compote, pilot, trench, square, roughness, fireworks, route, ice, brush, ford, honey, vegetable garden, plane.

No. 24. Visual-auditory dictation.

Snow, haystack, turkey, friend, flag, student, beetle, shore, overnight stay, hunter, top, iron, bunny, circle, boy, boot.

No. 25. Auditory dictation.

1. There is a haystack in the yard. 2. Lena goes to the pond. 3. Big ravine. 4. Delicious pie. 5. May beetle.

No. 26. Visual dictation.

1. Haymaking has begun. 2. Take a shower. 3. Walrus is a sea animal. 4. Your eye is a diamond. 5. Take care of your nose in severe frost.

No. 27. Visual dictation. (The teacher writes words in a row on the board, and the children write animate and inanimate nouns in columns.)

Taras, frost, lesson, top, luggage, boy, horse, sailor, student, snake, beach, boot, nail, cargo, bear, circle, shore, ear, pie, order, ice, oats, canopy.

No. 28. Auditory dictation.

1. Leo is a strong beast. 2. Old wardrobe. 3. Sew up the sleeve. 4. Beak, throw, carrots.

No. 29. Visual-auditory dictation.

1. The train goes to Balti. 2. Vera has a white scarf. 3. There are grapes on the table. 4. There was a rose bush growing under the window.

No. 30. Auditory dictation.

1. Vasya bought this notebook. 2. Children are walking in the grove. 3. There is a spruce forest near the house. There are a lot of saffron milk caps there. 4. Fragrant lilies of the valley.

No. 31. Auditory dictation.

It was frosty. Petya was walking in the garden. Petya's ears and nose were cold. Aunt Zina gave me a warm scarf.


No. 32. Auditory dictation.

The squirrel lives in a hollow. The squirrel often comes out of the hollow. For the winter, the squirrel dries mushrooms. The squirrel has cones in the hollow.

First half of the year

Bori has a cat.
Barsik was rolling a ball.
We were in the park. There are linden and pine trees.
Zina is small. Zina has a doll.

Roma is small. He washed his hands himself.
Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens.
Here's the juice. Dana drank juice.


Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot. And here is the key. He's clean. Alyosha drank water.

Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes. Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton drew bushes.

In summer

In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest.


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks.


Lying on a tree ginger cat. The cat had green eyes and tufted ears. Strong paws dug into the trunk. It was a lynx.

New home

We have a big construction project going on. Syoma and Yasha are going to new home. The house has five floors. At the car porch. The boys are happy.

Words for reference: large, floors, with us.


We had a labor lesson. We made our own toys. Here is a horse and a bunny. Lyuba and Masha have a doll. Kolya made a Christmas tree out of paper. Our toys are good!

Words for reference: with us, made.

Rose hip

A beautiful bush grew in the forest. The bush was blooming bright colors. It was a wild rose. good fragrant roses! Masha began to pick roses. And there are thorns. Masha has a splinter.

Two comrades

Student Yura Chaikin solved the problem. The task was difficult. Slava Shchukin has arrived. Friends solved the problem together. So Slava helped his comrade.

My friend

We live in a new house. Alyosha is my friend. He goes to school. Alyosha loves to read. He teaches me. I already know all the letters.

Words for reference: friend, me, in the new.

Our school

Our school is new. She is bright and beautiful. Maples and linden trees grow near the school. We love our school. Our students live together.

Words for reference: about, growing, students.

My uncle

In the morning people go to work. Uncle Syoma works at a factory. He's a worker. Cars are made at the factory. Uncle Syoma is a good worker.

Words for reference: in the morning, factory, worker.

At the factory

Aunt Nina and Aunt Olya work at a factory. Aunt Nina knits fluffy scarves. Aunt Olya knits warm sweaters. Smart machines make their work easier.

Words for reference: factory, facilitate, labor.


Grandmother Raya takes Lyuda and Nikita to the nursery. Kids love to play there. Nikita is building a house. Luda has a beautiful ball. There are many different toys in the nursery.

Words for reference: love, toys, a lot.

Our grandfather

My brother Petya and I lived with my grandfather. We helped grandfather dry the net. Grandfather Semyon taught us how to repair nets. I loved working with my grandfather.


Seryozha has a cat, Dymok. It's small. The cat is gray and fluffy. The cat's paws are white. Smokey eats fish.

Roses for mom

Beautiful bushes grew in the garden. These were roses. They were raised by Syoma and Yura. Nice roses! The boys cut three roses for their mother.

Grandmother and grandchildren

Dima and Seryozha had a grandmother. Grandmother bought her grandchildren an ABC book. They are happy. The boys began to learn letters. Soon they will read books.

Words for reference: pictures, reading.

My brother Igor and I love our mother. Our mother is kind and affectionate. Everyone respects mom. She teaches children. Mom loves listening to music.

Words for reference: respect, affectionate, she.

Our yard

Our yard is large. My brother Alyosha and I made a slide. Good porridge slide. The kids were happy. They quickly race down the hill on a sled.

For friends

Sasha and Timosha left the house. They go for a walk. Here's the yard. Kids are playing. The boys began to make a slide for them. The kids are happy.

Difficult time

January opens the year. This is a harsh month. The blizzards are howling. The snow covered all the food in the forest. Birds fly to human habitation. You help them!

Winter in the forest

Winter. Freezing. Snow covered the stumps and bushes. Thick ice bound the fast stream. The pines and spruces put on snow coats. A fluffy scarf lies on cedar branches. Here's a snowdrift. A bear sleeps there.

in winter

We were waiting for winter. We called for winter. There are snowdrifts near the house. Olga rolls a ball of snow. Tanya rolls a ball of snow. Here comes the snow woman.

Words for reference: fun, rolls.

in winter

Here comes winter. The children are happy. Alyosha has a house made of snow. Vanya took the sled. Petya put on his skis. They are going up the hill. Everyone is having fun there.

Words for reference: fun, they.

in winter

Winter has come. Fluffy snow all around. There are patterns on the windows. Here's a bird feeder. Zina and Lisa have crumbs of bread. They feed the birds. Words for reference: feeding, feeding trough.

First snow

The first snow fell. Everyone is happy about the snow. Misha and Yasha went out into the yard. Olya was waiting for them there. Dad bought her skis. Children go to the park.

Words for reference: it fell, it snowed, in the yard.

Bird food

Fluffy snow all around. He falls quietly to the ground. The old stump is completely covered with snow. Yura goes into the forest. The boy holds bird food in his hands.


Winter has come. There is snow all around. The hare has a white skin in winter. It's hard for a fox to find a bunny. He sat down by a bush and slept.

Words for reference: snow, difficult.


It's a clear day. We are going into the forest. There is snow on the paws of the spruce tree. A lump of snow fell on an old stump. Vanya noticed the hare. The bunny disappeared into the bushes.

Words for reference: standing, noticed, lying

Winter has come. I'm going into the forest. The snow crunches. There is a spruce tree at the edge of the forest. A squirrel hid in the thick paws of a spruce tree. A lump of snow fell from a spruce tree.

Words for reference: snow, standing.


Misha, Tanya and Petya lived in the village. They had a dog, Rozka. Rose lived in the yard. She had puppies. The children loved Rose. (According to L. Tolstoy)

On the mountain

The school has a big mountain. There are crowds of children on the mountain all day. Ilya and Olga have skis. They rush quickly down the mountain. Yura has a new sleigh. He takes the kids for rides.

Hare and fox

There lived a bunny in the forest. He built a hut under the tree. A fox was walking. She noticed a hut and knocked. The bunny opened the door. Lisa asked to visit.


Here comes winter. It's severely frosty. Fluffy snow covered the forest and field. The roofs are also covered in snow. There is silence all around. Only wolves prowl. They are looking for food.


It was snowing in the morning. The little bear was sitting on a stump. He raised his head and counted the snowflakes that fell on his nose. The snowflakes fell fluffy and white.


Deer live in large forests. Deer is a very beautiful animal with large antlers. There is a feeding trough in a forest clearing. Every evening deer come here.


We lived near a grove. It was good there. The siskins were singing. Lilies of the valley were blooming. We went for a walk in the grove.

Our dog

Ryzhik loved to scare birds. Boys and girls played hide and seek. Murka Zoya has a cat, Murka. Murka has a fluffy tail. The eyes are green. The mustache is big. Zoya called Murka home. Murka has arrived. Zoya and Murka were playing.


It's pouring heavy rain. The sick friend lies under the porch. Ilya tied up his sore paw. The boy brought him bread and milk.


We live in Moscow. Our house is located on Zhukov Street. In the summer we were in the village of Ilinskoye. My grandmother lives in the village of Stepanovo. There is a river called Bystraya. We often went to the river to fish.


Shura Lunin and Yegor Chalov are comrades. The boys live together. In the summer, the guys found a puppy in the forest. He whined pitifully. Shura and Egor took the puppy home. The puppy was named Snowball.


Children prepare decorations. Stars are carved by Misha Luzhin. Sasha Chudin glues the firecrackers. Lanterns are made by Lena Yashina. Nuts are colored by Anya Chaikova. Christmas tree coming soon.

In the park

It was a clear day. Here's the park. Fluffy spruce and pine trees grow here. Lenya and Yana were looking for cones. This is bird food. There are seeds in the cones. A squirrel jumped onto a spruce tree.


We live in Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Our city is big and beautiful. It stands on the banks of the Dnieper. There are many streets, parks and squares in Kyiv. Our house is on Artyoma Street.


A pine tree grew at the edge of the forest. There was an old nest on the pine tree. Crows lived in it. Autumn has come. It's raining. The forest is gray and gloomy. The trees rustle quietly.

Words for reference: in it, came.

On skis

I'm skiing through the forest. There are traces of birds and small animals in the snow. It's good in the forest in winter. Snow glistens on the Christmas trees. A large lump of snow fell from a pine tree.

Words for reference: glitters.

Christmas tree

A beautiful Christmas tree was brought to school. We had a labor lesson. We made toys. Katya has a horse and a bunny. Olga and Dasha have paper beads. Our toys are good!


Guests came to Kolya Chaikin. The guys were playing checkers. Vanya Yolkin played with Kolya. Andrey Kruzhin followed the game. Then Andrey and Vanya played. Grandmother Klava gave tea to everyone.


A small apple tree grew near the house. Got up strong wind. He began to twist and break it. Kolya brought stakes. The boy tied up an apple tree. It snowed at night. Fluffy fur wrapped the tree.

Words for reference: about, apple tree, break, tied up.


Autumn. It's been raining all day. Thumbelina was looking for a home for the winter. Behind the forest there were fields. The grain was removed from the fields. Thumbelina noticed a mink. The entrance to the hole was covered with leaves.

Words for reference: Thumbelina, I noticed.

Grammar tasks for dictations

Write down the words, highlight the root in them. Underline the letter at the root whose spelling needs to be checked.

Write down words with separator ь

Second half of the year

Dictation on chk, chn, th

A bath attendant, a poultry worker, an excellent student, a concrete worker, a greengrocer, a drummer, a lamplighter and a welder were sailing on a river steamer on a sunny day. My daughter had a habit of losing a pen, a ring, buckwheat, a sheep and a bug. A moth is nursing a chick.

Training dictation on zhi\shi, cha\cha

Charming hedgehogs hiss at their cones in the silence of the thicket. The mice decided to sew a turban for the seagull. A bird is carrying a thorn in a wheelbarrow. Natasha and Grisha are having tea. Our kids are looking for gloves and pencils.

in winter

Snow flakes quietly fall to the ground. Kids are playing in the yard. The pond and river are covered with ice. Olga goes to the skating rink. Uncle Yasha teaches everyone to skate.

Words for reference: ride.

The gloomy autumn has passed. Snowflakes swirled merrily in the air. They covered the whole earth. Juicy berries hung on the rowan tree. A flock of blackbirds flew up to a tree. Good food for birds!

In the forest

In winter I went skiing. Fluffy snow in the forest lay on twigs and branches. The woodpecker knocked loudly. He took out a bug from under the bark of a tree. There was a hole under the spruce tree. Who lives there?

Words for reference: from under

On the river

Oleg and Vasya were walking from school. Thick snow was falling. The boys went down to the river. Vasya ran across the ice. The fragile ice cracked. Vasya almost fell into the water. The guys hurried to the house.

Words for reference: ran, didn’t fall, hurried

In the morning

Snowflakes swirled merrily in the air. It snowed at night. In the morning, animals and birds left a chain of footprints in the snow.

Here the cat Vaska jumped from the porch. Whose trail leads to the garden?

Words for reference: left


The whole ground was covered with snow. It is difficult for a hare to find food. And juicy berries hung on the rowan tree. The bunny called the wind. The wind began to shake the mountain ash strongly. Large berries fell on the snow. Bunny is happy. The furry animal is full.

Words for reference: fell asleep, rowan, hung

Here's lunch

In the afternoon, I went to the grove with my dog ​​Timka. It was good in the grove. Snow lay everywhere like a white carpet. A squirrel jumped onto an old spruce tree. A dry mushroom hung on a branch. The animal noticed him. Here's lunch.

Words for reference: went, noticed, lunch

In the yard

There was severe frost at night. There is ice on the water. In the morning fluffy snow fell. It's fun and noisy outside. Alyosha harnessed Tom to the sleigh. The guys ran in a crowd after the dog.

Words for reference: fell out, harnessed, ran


The ground is covered with snow. Winter is wandering in the fields and forests. The wind blew away the white outfit of winter from the hill. Frozen brown earth appeared. Here comes the sun. The quiet sound of a drop wakes up the forest. A bright stream gurgles under the snow. The song of birds echoed along the remote paths.

Words for reference: appeared, spread

The ice is coming

Spring has come. The guys run to the river. Ice is flowing down the river. The water is bubbling and making noise. He finds an ice floe on an ice floe. A dog is swimming on a large ice floe. The water quickly carried the ice floe towards the shore. There were logs near the shore. The dog jumped onto a log and escaped from trouble.

Words for reference: carried, shore, saved, to the river

The snow is coming down

Here comes spring. Snow is falling from the mountains. Fast melt water run to the lake. There are bare bushes near the water. The dirty drifts of snow have settled. Muddy streams of water filled all the holes. There are puddles everywhere. The guys are playing on the porch. It's dry there.

Words for reference: running, standing

Spring has come

Mud and snow squelch underfoot. But what fun all around! The sun is shining brightly. Warm rays play in puddles with jackdaws and sparrows. The river swelled and darkened. The branches of the bushes are bare. But they already live and breathe. So spring has come.

Words for reference: darkened, breathing

First days of spring

The first days of spring have arrived. The sun is shining and warming. Warm rays destroy snow fortresses. There are puddles on the porch. Drops are ringing everywhere. Fragrant buds swelled on the branches. The willow bushes have blossomed. A crow sat on a maple branch. She screams hoarsely. A jackdaw is looking for a place to nest.

Words for reference: fortress, ringing, screaming, searching.


Warm spring has arrived. Water began to flow. The children took planks and made a boat. The boat floated on the water. The children ran after her and shouted joyfully. They didn't look at their feet. The children got into a puddle.


It's morning. A rooster crowed outside the window. Coming new day. Forest edges are buried in flowers. Beetles buzz loudly. Birds fly by, animals run by. In summer, the forest edge is the most fun place. Nice summer days!


Kitty - gray pubis. Vasya is affectionate and cunning. Velvet paws, steel. The claws are protruding, the eyes are large, the teeth are crooked. Vaska has sensitive ears, a long mustache, and a silk fur coat. The cat caresses, wags its tail, closes its eyes, and sings a song. The mouse is caught - don’t be angry.

Cap! Cap!

The bushes filled with water. There are garlands of drops on each branch. A sparrow lands - sparkling rain! He starts drinking, and a drop comes from right under his nose - drip! Sparrow to the other, the other - drop! Leap, hop sparrow, drip, drip droplets!

Friendly work

Grandfather brought a cart of firewood. He began to stack firewood near the old pine tree. Grandfather was helped by his grandson Vitya. There is severe frost and wind outside. And the boy was hot from work.

Words for reference: brought, folded, helped.


Grandfather went to the river to buy fish. He caught a cartload of fish. Grandfather is going home. A fox lies on the road as if dead. The old man took the fox and put it on the sleigh.

Words for reference: caught, goes, put.


March has arrived. Frequent drops fall from the roof. Snowdrifts have settled near the porch. The stream runs quickly. Winter reigns in the forest. Bushes and old stumps are covered with snow. A spruce branch trembled. A lump of snow fell to the ground. The forest awaits warm, clear days.

Words for reference: settled, reigns, buried

On the river

My grandfather and I lived on the river bank. Grandfather had a boat. We often ran to the river to fish. The dog Sharik cheerfully greeted us with his catch. He loved fresh fish.

Words for reference: met


I see a woodpecker perched on one of the trees. How elegant he is! The head and back are black. There are bright red spots on the back of the head. The black wings have white spots and stripes. All colorful, that's why spotted woodpecker and called it. What a handsome guy!


April has arrived. There is no more snow. The sun shines brightly all day. Streams murmur loudly near the porch. Alyosha and Misha launch paper boats. They rush along quickly muddy water. Boys love to play. Soon they will go to school.

Words for reference: walk, shine

Dog Ryabka

We lived on the river bank. We had a new boat. I often ran to the river to fish. There was a booth near the house. Our dog Ryabka lived there. We loved her. The first fish was for Ryabka. The dog guarded the house well. She was a good friend.

Words for reference: with us, stood, guarded

Final dictations in Russian language 1st grade


Lyuba has a cat named Vaska. He's all white. On my paws dark spots. The tail is fluffy. In the summer, Vaska was taken to the dacha. He loves to sleep on the window. It's warm there.


Option 1 – in the word Vaska.

Option 2 – in the word loves.

Option 1 – 5th sentence.

Option 2 – 6th sentence.

On the river

Petya and Seryozha go to the river. Geese on the river. The goose swims to the bridge. Seryozha threw food into the water. Now all the geese are swimming to the bridge.


1. Underline the letters of vowel sounds with one line, and the letters of consonants with two:

Option 1 – floats in the word.

Option 2 – in the word Seryozha.

2. Divide the words into syllables and put an accent mark under the words:

Option 1 – 1st sentence.

Option 2 – last sentence.

3. Label the letters soft sounds in the first sentence (for both options).

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the letters of vowel sounds with one line, and the letters of consonants with two:

1st option – in the word day;

2nd option – in the word stump.

2. Divide the words into syllables and place an accent mark over the words:

Sly cat

A cloud is floating across the sky. It began to rain. There are large puddles on the porch. Vaska the cat jumped onto the stone. He began to drink water from the puddle. The cat's paws are dry. Heater cat.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the letters of vowel sounds with one line, and the letters of consonants with two:

1st option - in the word Vaska;

2nd option – in the word stone.

2. Divide the words into syllables and place an accent mark over the words:

1st option – 3rd sentence;

2nd option – 6th sentence.

3. Identify the letters of soft sounds in the last sentence (for both options).

Before the rain

I was walking in the park. Thunder struck dully. Large drops pounded on the ground. The wind swirled the dust. Alma the dog goes into the bushes. I climbed in there too.

Words for reference: wind, climbed.


Here is the grove. There are a lot of tame squirrels there. I knock on the branches of the Christmas tree. Came down fluffy squirrel. I gave her nuts. The animal grabbed them.

Words for reference: nuts, animal, grabbed.

In summer

It was a warm day. Alyosha and mom went to the field. A branch cracked. This mouse darted into the hole.

Word of reference: let's go.


The dog lived in the forest. She went to look for her friend. The dog met a man. She stayed to live with him.

(From a fairy tale)

Lilies of the valley

The grove is flooded with bright light. The stream gurgled quietly. Lilies of the valley grew in the shade. They were good. A swarm of bees settled on a bush. We hurried home.

Words for reference: grew, hurried, home.

Our yard.

This is our yard. Chickens were running around the yard. There are large puddles near the house. Petka the rooster walked straight through the puddles. The cat Fluffy was lying on the porch.


Spring. The birds sang loudly. Yura and Kolya are walking in the park. The dog Polkan scares the crows. The boys sat down on the bench. A hedgehog rustled in the grass. He woke up.


1. In the second sentence, underline the grammatical basis.

2. Put emphasis in the words of the second sentence, divide these words into syllables for transfer.


Morning. We're going fishing. Here is the Volga River. The guys started fishing. Vanya caught pike and bream. Gleb caught two perches. The soup will be good!

Grammar task.

1. Underline the main parts of the sentence in sentence 5.

2. Emphasize the vowels in sentence 4.

3. In sentence 6, underline the letters that represent soft consonant sounds.

On the river.

Warm days are here. The guys walk along the path to the river. It's noisy and fun there. Kids play in the sand. They are building big house. (23)

Grammar tasks

2. In the words v e s elo, r e b i a t a, emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds there are in the word d e n k i.

4. *Choose words that are opposite in meaning: tall -……

narrow - …..

far- …

5.* Compose and write down 2 sentences with the words Ryzhik, saffron milk cap.

In the forest.

The boys Yura and Vanya go into the forest. The dog Bimka is running nearby. Red squirrels are jumping along the branches. There's a mink under the tree. Gray hedgehogs took refuge there. (25)

Grammar tasks

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: dog, mink, hedgehogs.

2. In the words of the squirrels, they took refuge to emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds there are in the word boys.

4.*Choose words that have opposite meanings:

high - …. distant -…. narrow - …. Kind - ….

5.*Make and write 2 sentences with the words fruit, raft.

On the river.

Lyuba and Masha were herding ducklings on the river bank. The ducklings were small. Suddenly a kite appeared in the sky. He grabbed one duckling. The girls screamed.

Vanya came running. He also started screaming and waving his arms. The kite released the duckling and flew away. (38 words)


The morning was warm. The bees woke up early and flew into the field. There are many flowers there. These are buttercups and daisies. The fragrant linden blossoms. Bees fly around the linden tree. They work all summer. We get a lot of honey from bees. (35 words)

In the forest.

Our forest is big. Children came to the forest. They are looking for mushrooms. Borya and Andryusha collected a lot of saffron milk caps and butter. Yura and Yasha found a hedgehog under the tree. They put it in a hat. The hedgehog pricked Yura. But Yura did not cry. The guys touched the animal and released it.

At home

The sun was shining hotter and hotter. The rays fell on the roof of the house. Streams of water rolled down. There is a big puddle near the house. The cat Kuzya was sitting on a log. An icicle fell. Its ringing scared the cat. He hid around the corner of the house.


Granddaughter Dasha lived with her grandfather in the village. Once the grandfather and granddaughter went to the garden. Onions grew in an even row. Dasha bent down to pick up the bow. There was a rustling in the bushes. A muzzle appeared. There was a hedgehog living in the bushes. Dasha brought him milk.

Words for reference: went, showed up, brought, to him.

In the evening

There was silence. The candle went out. There were toys on the table. The little palace was wonderful. A girl lived there. A scarf hung from her shoulder. A round brooch glittered on his chest. The steadfast soldier was nearby.

Words for reference: lay, palace, glittered, soldier.

On the river

Spring was delayed this year. The river is swollen. This morning the ice cracked. Water poured onto the fields. A log was floating on the water. A crow was sitting on a log. The water quickly carried the log. The crow croaked and flew into the grove. It's time to build a nest.

Words for reference: delayed, carried, flew.

Sly cat

A cloud is floating across the sky. It began to rain. There were large puddles on the porch. Vaska the cat jumped on a stone. He began to drink water from the puddle. The cat's paws are dry. Sly cat.

Grammar tasks:

1) Underline the letters of the vowel sounds in the word: option 1 – Vaska; Option 2 - stone.

2) Underline the letters of the consonant sounds in the word: option 1 – capital; Option 2 – jumped.

3) Divide the words into syllables and put emphasis: 1 option -1 sentence; Option 2 - offer 2.

4) Identify the letters of soft sounds in the last sentence (for both options)

It was a warm day. Katya and Yura go to the grove. There is silence all around. Here's a big stump. And there were wasps. They were buzzing. The children ran home.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the letters of vowel sounds with one line, and the letters of consonants with two:

1st option – in the word day;

2nd option – in the word stump.

2. Divide the words into syllables and place an accent mark over the words:

1st option – 2nd sentence;

2nd option – 7th sentence.

3. Identify the letters of soft sounds in the 1st sentence (for both options).


The purpose of the work is to test the ability to copy text correctly.

Volume of work: 30–40 words.

At school

We have good school. I'm in first grade. There are a lot of flowers and books in the classroom. There's a lesson in progress. The door opened. A new student entered. He came from Moscow. This is Yura Semin. The boy could read well and write beautifully. He's my friend.

One day in the summer

So summer has come. The guys are going to the dacha. Near the dacha there is a grove and a meadow.

One day Kolya and Fedya were in the meadow. A dark cloud covered the sky. Bright lightning flashed. Frequent drops of rain began to patter. The boys rushed home. On the way, they took refuge in a hut.


The purpose of the work is to test the ability to isolate sentences from continuous text.


In the garden, cherries and plums are ripening, next to the old cherry, a small thin cherry grew, it came out of the seed. Alla and Ilya began to look after the baby, they loosened the ground every day, the cherry blossomed, now it is pleasing to the eye.

Write it down, format each sentence correctly in writing.

2. Read the words. Make up sentences with them so that you get a coherent text.

The yard is clean

Spring, snow, puddles came into the yard, destroyed the snowdrifts, drove the water into the ditch, the yard is clean.

Write down the title and text.

3. Complete 2–3 sentences.


A beetle was crawling along the path. The beetle was in a hurry. The big mustache moved quickly...

Midterm control dictation 1st grade

A milestone control dictation of 25 words is carried out in order to identify students’ ability to use the basics of Russian graphics when writing: the ability to write words of different sound-syllable structures without omissions or substitutions of letters;write down sentences (write words separately, start writing with a capital letter, put a period at the end of the sentence);ability to use capital letter in the names of people, in the names of animals;the ability to denote the softness of consonants with the letters E, E, Yu, I, I.

After writing a dictation, it is mandatory to complete a grammar task to assess the ability to identify soft and voiceless consonants and divide words for hyphenation. The highlighted spellings are pronounced clearly.


Vanya and Dima were at the r e ki. ABOUT neither l O caught the fish. Vanya p O I caught a pike, and Dima l e now. Suddenly Vanya see e l cloud. Z A drops were knocking O waiting. Malch And ki p O rushed d O my.


emphasize soft consonants in the third sentence, and hard consonants in the fourth;
divide the words caught, boys for transfer.

Bori has a cat. Barsik was rolling a ball. We were in the park. There are linden and pine trees. Zina is small. Zina has a doll. (19 words).

Roma is small. He washed his hands himself. Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens. (11 words).


Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot. And here is the key. He's clean. Alyosha drank water.

Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes. Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton drew bushes. (35 words).

In summer

In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest. (18 words).


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks. (21 words).

On the river

Lyuba and Masha were herding ducklings on the river bank. The ducklings were small. Suddenly a kite appeared in the sky. He grabbed one duckling. The girls screamed. Vanya came running. He also started screaming and waving his arms. The kite released the duckling and flew away. (38 words)


The morning was warm. The bees woke up early and flew into the field. There are many flowers there. These are buttercups and daisies. The fragrant linden blossoms. Bees fly around the linden tree. They work all summer. We get a lot of honey from bees. (35 words)

In the forest

Our forest is big. Children came to the forest. They are looking for mushrooms. Borya and Andryusha collected a lot of saffron milk caps and butter. Yura and Yasha found a hedgehog under the tree. They put it in a hat. The hedgehog pricked Yura. But Yura did not cry. The guys touched the animal and released it. (44 words).

Grammar tasks

  1. Write down the words, highlight the root in them. Underline the letter at the root whose spelling needs to be checked.

    I option. Eyes, boat, birch tree.

    Option II. Spring, garden bed, mushroom picker.

  2. Write down words with separator ь

    I option. Sparrows, skates, stumps, fun.

    Option II. ants, coals, coats, friends.

See also: Dictations in Russian language 2nd grade

Comments from site visitors:

Teacher 1 "b" (16:37:00 05/08/2012):
The initial level of writing dictations includes from 10 to 41 words, no more (this is from 1-3 quarters) in the 4th quarter the number of words increases by 4-5. You are doing the right thing by working with children. We have a new and very difficult program (second generation Federal State Educational Standard) “not accepted in all schools of the Russian Federation”!!!

Mom (12:34:57 12/18/2015):
Toys We had a labor lesson. We made toys ourselves. Here is a horse and a castle. Lyuba and Masha have a doll. Kolya made a yokak. Our toys are good! (26 words) Author Petrova Victoria.

Karina Fandeeva (14:02:21 03/25/2018):
Very good site, I give my brother assignments. Very good texts. Large selection. Thank you!

Shahrizada (14:37:50 01/02/2019):
Once upon a time there was a friend in the village, he went to another city and he was very busy and could not return back

Gusev Sergey (19:28:08 07/02/2019):
good dictations

Nastya (14:11:29 16/03/2019):
My sister liked it

Guest (14:30:25 16/03/2019):

Me (13:04:24 03/19/2019):
I gave the girl the text of a toy (7 years old). 7 errors, gave 3.

Your name:

Training dictations- these are short texts from simple sentences related in meaning.

Russian language dictations for first grade designed to develop the perception of oral speech, coordination of hearing and hand, and strengthen penmanship skills.

The texts of dictations for 1st grade are simple and understandable. In principle, you can compose similar passages yourself. The texts given here serve as a guide for parents; they can be used to review and consolidate the material covered during the summer holidays.

The texts are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. A little more complicated.

Test dictations for grade 3 with tasks posted .

Control dictations with tasks for grade 4.

Dictations in Russian for 1st grade.

First half of the year

Bori has a cat. Barsik was rolling a ball. We were in the park. There are linden and pine trees. Zina is small. Zina has a doll.

Roma is small. He washed his hands himself. Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens. Here's the juice. Dana drank juice.


Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot. And here is the key. He's clean. Alyosha drank water.

Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes. Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton drew bushes.

In summer

In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest.


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks.


A red cat was lying on a tree. The cat had green eyes and tufted ears. Strong paws dug into the trunk. It was a lynx.

New home

We have a big construction project going on. Syoma and Yasha are going to a new home. The house has five floors. At the car porch. The boys are happy.

Words for reference: large, floors, with us.


We had a labor lesson. We made our own toys. Here is a horse and a bunny. Lyuba and Masha have a doll. Kolya made a Christmas tree out of paper. Our toys are good!

Words for reference: with us, made.

Rose hip

A beautiful bush grew in the forest. The bush bloomed with bright flowers. It was a wild rose. Nice fragrant roses! Masha began to pick roses. And there are thorns. Masha has a splinter.

Two comrades

Student Yura Chaikin solved the problem. The task was difficult. Slava Shchukin has arrived. Friends solved the problem together. So Slava helped his comrade.

My friend

We live in a new house. Alyosha is my friend. He goes to school. Alyosha loves to read. He teaches me. I already know all the letters.

Words for reference: friend, me, in the new.

Our school

Our school is new. She is bright and beautiful. Maples and linden trees grow near the school. We love our school. Our students live together.

Words for reference: about, growing, students.

My uncle

In the morning people go to work. Uncle Syoma works at a factory. He's a worker. Cars are made at the factory. Uncle Syoma is a good worker.

Words for reference: in the morning, factory, worker.

At the factory

Aunt Nina and Aunt Olya work at a factory. Aunt Nina knits fluffy scarves. Aunt Olya knits warm sweaters. Smart machines make their work easier.

Words for reference: factory, facilitate, labor.


Grandmother Raya takes Lyuda and Nikita to the nursery. Kids love to play there. Nikita is building a house. Luda has a beautiful ball. There are many different toys in the nursery.

Words for reference: love, toys, a lot.

Our grandfather

My brother Petya and I lived with my grandfather. We helped grandfather dry the net. Grandfather Semyon taught us how to repair nets. I loved working with my grandfather.


Seryozha has a cat, Dymok. It's small. The cat is gray and fluffy. The cat's paws are white. Smokey eats fish.

Roses for mom

Beautiful bushes grew in the garden. These were roses. They were raised by Syoma and Yura. Nice roses! The boys cut three roses for their mother.

Grandmother and grandchildren

Dima and Seryozha had a grandmother. Grandmother bought her grandchildren an ABC book. They are happy. The boys began to learn letters. Soon they will read books.

Words for reference: pictures, reading.

My brother Igor and I love our mother. Our mother is kind and affectionate. Everyone respects mom. She teaches children. Mom loves listening to music.

Words for reference: respect, affectionate, she.

Our yard

Our yard is large. My brother Alyosha and I made a slide. Good porridge slide. The kids were happy. They quickly race down the hill on a sled.

For friends

Sasha and Timosha left the house. They go for a walk. Here's the yard. Kids are playing. The boys began to make a slide for them. The kids are happy.

Difficult time

January opens the year. This is a harsh month. The blizzards are howling. The snow covered all the food in the forest. Birds fly to human habitation. You help them!

Winter in the forest

Winter. Freezing. Snow covered the stumps and bushes. Thick ice bound the fast stream. The pines and spruces put on snow coats. A fluffy scarf lies on cedar branches. Here's a snowdrift. A bear sleeps there.

in winter

We were waiting for winter. We called for winter. There are snowdrifts near the house. Olga rolls a ball of snow. Tanya rolls a ball of snow. Here comes the snow woman.

Words for reference: fun, rolls.

in winter

Here comes winter. The children are happy. Alyosha has a house made of snow. Vanya took the sled. Petya put on his skis. They are going up the hill. Everyone is having fun there.

Words for reference: fun, they.

in winter

Winter has come. Fluffy snow all around. There are patterns on the windows. Here's a bird feeder. Zina and Lisa have crumbs of bread. They feed the birds. Words for reference: feeding, feeding trough.

First snow

The first snow fell. Everyone is happy about the snow. Misha and Yasha went out into the yard. Olya was waiting for them there. Dad bought her skis. Children go to the park.

Words for reference: it fell, it snowed, in the yard.

Bird food

Fluffy snow all around. He falls quietly to the ground. The old stump is completely covered with snow. Yura goes into the forest. The boy holds bird food in his hands.


Winter has come. There is snow all around. The hare has a white skin in winter. It's hard for a fox to find a bunny. He sat down by a bush and slept.

Words for reference: snow, difficult.


It's a clear day. We are going into the forest. There is snow on the paws of the spruce tree. A lump of snow fell on an old stump. Vanya noticed the hare. The bunny disappeared into the bushes.

Words for reference: standing, noticed, lying

Winter has come. I'm going into the forest. The snow crunches. There is a spruce tree at the edge of the forest. A squirrel hid in the thick paws of a spruce tree. A lump of snow fell from a spruce tree.

Words for reference: snow, standing.


Misha, Tanya and Petya lived in the village. They had a dog, Rozka. Rose lived in the yard. She had puppies. The children loved Rose. (According to L. Tolstoy)

On the mountain

The school has a big mountain. There are crowds of children on the mountain all day. Ilya and Olga have skis. They rush quickly down the mountain. Yura has a new sleigh. He takes the kids for rides.

Hare and fox

There lived a bunny in the forest. He built a hut under the tree. A fox was walking. She noticed a hut and knocked. The bunny opened the door. Lisa asked to visit.


Here comes winter. It's severely frosty. Fluffy snow covered the forest and field. The roofs are also covered in snow. There is silence all around. Only wolves prowl. They are looking for food.


It was snowing in the morning. The little bear was sitting on a stump. He raised his head and counted the snowflakes that fell on his nose. The snowflakes fell fluffy and white.


Deer live in large forests. Deer is a very beautiful animal with large antlers. There is a feeding trough in a forest clearing. Every evening deer come here.


We lived near a grove. It was good there. The siskins were singing. Lilies of the valley were blooming. We went for a walk in the grove.

Our dog

Ryzhik loved to scare birds. Boys and girls played hide and seek. Murka Zoya has a cat, Murka. Murka has a fluffy tail. The eyes are green. The mustache is big. Zoya called Murka home. Murka has arrived. Zoya and Murka were playing.


It's raining heavily. The sick friend lies under the porch. Ilya tied up his sore paw. The boy brought him bread and milk.


We live in Moscow. Our house is located on Zhukov Street. In the summer we were in the village of Ilinskoye. My grandmother lives in the village of Stepanovo. There is a river called Bystraya. We often went to the river to fish.


Shura Lunin and Yegor Chalov are comrades. The boys live together. In the summer, the guys found a puppy in the forest. He whined pitifully. Shura and Egor took the puppy home. The puppy was named Snowball.


Children prepare decorations. Stars are carved by Misha Luzhin. Sasha Chudin glues the firecrackers. Lanterns are made by Lena Yashina. Nuts are colored by Anya Chaikova. Christmas tree coming soon.

In the park

It was a clear day. Here's the park. Fluffy spruce and pine trees grow here. Lenya and Yana were looking for cones. This is bird food. There are seeds in the cones. A squirrel jumped onto a spruce tree.


We live in Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Our city is big and beautiful. It stands on the banks of the Dnieper. There are many streets, parks and squares in Kyiv. Our house is on Artyoma Street.


A pine tree grew at the edge of the forest. There was an old nest on the pine tree. Crows lived in it. Autumn has come. It's raining. The forest is gray and gloomy. The trees rustle quietly.

Words for reference: in it, came.

On skis

I'm skiing through the forest. There are traces of birds and small animals in the snow. It's good in the forest in winter. Snow glistens on the Christmas trees. A large lump of snow fell from a pine tree.

Words for reference: glitters.

Christmas tree

A beautiful Christmas tree was brought to school. We had a labor lesson. We made toys. Katya has a horse and a bunny. Olga and Dasha have paper beads. Our toys are good!


Guests came to Kolya Chaikin. The guys were playing checkers. Vanya Yolkin played with Kolya. Andrey Kruzhin followed the game. Then Andrey and Vanya played. Grandmother Klava gave tea to everyone.


A small apple tree grew near the house. A strong wind arose. He began to twist and break it. Kolya brought stakes. The boy tied up an apple tree. It snowed at night. Fluffy fur wrapped the tree.

Words for reference: about, apple tree, break, tied up.


Autumn. It's been raining all day. Thumbelina was looking for a home for the winter. Behind the forest there were fields. The grain was removed from the fields. Thumbelina noticed a mink. The entrance to the hole was covered with leaves.

Words for reference: Thumbelina, noticed.

Second half of the year

Dictation on chk, chn, th

A bath attendant, a poultry worker, an excellent student, a concrete worker, a greengrocer, a drummer, a lamplighter and a welder were sailing on a river steamer on a sunny day. My daughter had a habit of losing a pen, a ring, buckwheat, a sheep and a bug. A moth is nursing a chick.

Training dictation on zhi\shi, cha\cha

Charming hedgehogs hiss at their cones in the silence of the thicket. The mice decided to sew a turban for the seagull. A bird is carrying a thorn in a wheelbarrow. Natasha and Grisha are having tea. Our kids are looking for gloves and pencils.

in winter

Snow flakes quietly fall to the ground. Kids are playing in the yard. The pond and river are covered with ice. Olga goes to the skating rink. Uncle Yasha teaches everyone to skate.

Words for reference: ride.

The gloomy autumn has passed. Snowflakes swirled merrily in the air. They covered the whole earth. Juicy berries hung on the rowan tree. A flock of blackbirds flew up to a tree. Good food for birds!

In the forest

In winter I went skiing. Fluffy snow in the forest lay on twigs and branches. The woodpecker knocked loudly. He took out a bug from under the bark of a tree. There was a hole under the spruce tree. Who lives there?

Words for reference: from under

On the river

Oleg and Vasya were walking from school. Thick snow was falling. The boys went down to the river. Vasya ran across the ice. The fragile ice cracked. Vasya almost fell into the water. The guys hurried to the house.

Words for reference: ran, didn’t fall, hurried

In the morning

Snowflakes swirled merrily in the air. It snowed at night. In the morning, animals and birds left a chain of footprints in the snow.

Here the cat Vaska jumped from the porch. Whose trail leads to the garden?

Words for reference: left


The whole ground was covered with snow. It is difficult for a hare to find food. And juicy berries hung on the rowan tree. The bunny called the wind. The wind began to shake the mountain ash strongly. Large berries fell on the snow. Bunny is happy. The furry animal is full.

Words for reference: fell asleep, rowan, hung

Here's lunch

In the afternoon, I went to the grove with my dog ​​Timka. It was good in the grove. Snow lay everywhere like a white carpet. A squirrel jumped onto an old spruce tree. A dry mushroom hung on a branch. The animal noticed him. Here's lunch.

Words for reference: went, noticed, lunch

In the yard

There was severe frost at night. There is ice on the water. In the morning fluffy snow fell. It's fun and noisy outside. Alyosha harnessed Tom to the sleigh. The guys ran in a crowd after the dog.

Words for reference: fell out, harnessed, ran


The ground is covered with snow. Winter is wandering in the fields and forests. The wind blew away the white outfit of winter from the hill. Frozen brown earth appeared. Here comes the sun. The quiet sound of a drop wakes up the forest. A bright stream gurgles under the snow. The song of birds echoed along the remote paths.

Words for reference: appeared, spread

The ice is coming

Spring has come. The guys run to the river. Ice is flowing down the river. The water is bubbling and making noise. He finds an ice floe on an ice floe. A dog is swimming on a large ice floe. The water quickly carried the ice floe towards the shore. There were logs near the shore. The dog jumped onto a log and escaped from trouble.

Words for reference: carried, shore, saved, to the river

The snow is coming down

Here comes spring. Snow is falling from the mountains. Fast melt waters run to the lake. There are bare bushes near the water. The dirty drifts of snow have settled. Muddy streams of water filled all the holes. There are puddles everywhere. The guys are playing on the porch. It's dry there.

Words for reference: running, standing

Spring has come

Mud and snow squelch underfoot. But what fun all around! The sun is shining brightly. Warm rays play in puddles with jackdaws and sparrows. The river swelled and darkened. The branches of the bushes are bare. But they already live and breathe. So spring has come.

Words for reference: darkened, breathing

First days of spring

The first days of spring have arrived. The sun is shining and warming. Warm rays destroy snow fortresses. There are puddles on the porch. Drops are ringing everywhere. Fragrant buds swelled on the branches. The willow bushes have blossomed. A crow sat on a maple branch. She screams hoarsely. A jackdaw is looking for a place to nest.

Words for reference: fortress, ringing, screaming, searching.


Warm spring has arrived. Water began to flow. The children took planks and made a boat. The boat floated on the water. The children ran after her and shouted joyfully. They didn't look at their feet. The children got into a puddle.


It's morning. A rooster crowed outside the window. A new day is coming. Forest edges are buried in flowers. Beetles buzz loudly. Birds fly by, animals run by. In summer, the forest edge is the most fun place. Nice summer days!


Kitty - gray pubis. Vasya is affectionate and cunning. Velvet paws, steel. The claws are protruding, the eyes are large, the teeth are crooked. Vaska has sensitive ears, a long mustache, and a silk fur coat. The cat caresses, wags its tail, closes its eyes, and sings a song. The mouse is caught - don’t be angry.

Cap! Cap!

The bushes filled with water. There are garlands of drops on each branch. A sparrow lands - sparkling rain! He starts drinking, and a drop comes from right under his nose - drip! Sparrow to the other, the other - drop! Leap, hop sparrow, drip, drip droplets!

Friendly work

Grandfather brought a cart of firewood. He began to stack firewood near the old pine tree. Grandfather was helped by his grandson Vitya. There is severe frost and wind outside. And the boy was hot from work.

Words for reference: brought, folded, helped.


Grandfather went to the river to buy fish. He caught a cartload of fish. Grandfather is going home. A fox lies on the road as if dead. The old man took the fox and put it on the sleigh.

Words for reference: caught, goes, put.


March has arrived. Frequent drops fall from the roof. Snowdrifts have settled near the porch. The stream runs quickly. Winter reigns in the forest. Bushes and old stumps are covered with snow. A spruce branch trembled. A lump of snow fell to the ground. The forest awaits warm, clear days.

Words for reference: settled, reigns, buried

On the river

My grandfather and I lived on the river bank. Grandfather had a boat. We often ran to the river to fish. The dog Sharik cheerfully greeted us with his catch. He loved fresh fish.

Words for reference: met


I see a woodpecker perched on one of the trees. How elegant he is! The head and back are black. There are bright red spots on the back of the head. The black wings have white spots and stripes. All motley, that’s why they called him the spotted woodpecker. What a handsome guy!


April has arrived. There is no more snow. The sun shines brightly all day. Streams murmur loudly near the porch. Alyosha and Misha launch paper boats. They rush quickly through the muddy water. Boys love to play. Soon they will go to school.

Words for reference: walk, shine

Dog Ryabka

We lived on the river bank. We had a new boat. I often ran to the river to fish. There was a booth near the house. Our dog Ryabka lived there. We loved her. The first fish was for Ryabka. The dog guarded the house well. She was a good friend.

Words for reference: with us, stood, guarded

Russian is one of the most difficult subjects for a child. In elementary school, special attention is paid to the development of spelling vigilance. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education of the Second Generation, the main goal of work in this area is to develop children's literate writing skills. Among various types written works Dictation plays a special role. We offer you dictations on the main topics studied in Russian language lessons in 1st grade; the texts and assignments for them correspond to the federal state educational standard of the second generation for primary school. The proposed selections of words, sentences and texts based on the studied rules are recommended for practicing the skill of error-free writing when conducting dictations of various types: visual, warning or explanatory. Depending on the level of preparedness of the class, the teacher of his choice can also use texts when conducting verification work to determine the level of development of children's spelling and punctuation writing skills. The texts correspond to the age characteristics of 1st grade students. The text of each dictation includes material both on the topic studied and on previously covered ones. Words whose spelling is governed by rules still unfamiliar to children are listed below the text of the dictation in the “Words for reference” section. It is recommended to speak these words clearly, syllable by syllable, or write them down on the board. Depending on the degree of study of the material and the level of knowledge of the class, the teacher has the right to additionally identify words that are difficult to spell and dictate them spelling.
After the texts, the number of words corresponding to the current standards for writing under dictation in primary school is indicated in brackets.
Dictations of increased difficulty are marked with a *.
The texts comply with the requirements of Russian language programs for all teaching materials for primary schools included in the federal list for the current academic year. The collection is recommended for both teachers and parents for teaching their children at home and preparing them for the upcoming test.



1. Underline the letters that represent vowel sounds.
1) School, willow, yard, beetle, children, pine, squirrel, cubes, lesson, newspaper, table, drawing.
2) Mouse, morning, wave, beads, fisherman, toy, paper, book, kindergarten, edge, map, streams.
3) Letter, duck, roof, glasses, mushrooms, friendship, rook, music, hand, cherry, thunder, wardrobe.

2. Divide words into syllables.
1) Iris, bud, bunny, house, flag, will, castle, rose, umbrella, oak tree, wind, willow.
2) Drum, raspberry, spruce forest, alphabet, desk, pencil, pattern, pen, doll, lighthouse, berries, radio.
3) Jackdaw, trousers, dog, feather, globe, sounds, army, pear, fence, eyes, order, woodpecker.

3. Separate words for hyphenation. Underline words that cannot be hyphenated.
1) Rainbow, oak forest, stork, poems, goodness, footprints, raccoon, clown, baby, leaf, back, anchor.
2) Slide, ball, autumn, mink, stream, ostrich, bush, bouquet, nut, chamomile, brother, shelf.
3) Watering can, tree, bear, forest, song, bandage, key, bumblebee, duck, water, branch, March.
4) Certificate, ball, cake, truck, lake, July, nightingale, disc, country, language, dolphin.

4. Restore the correct order of syllables.
1) Chik-lu, bed-le, bo-ne, sa-ro, tik-bra, kon-ball, mood, zhik-chi. (Ray-chik, swan-swan, sky-bo, ro-sa, bra-tik, balcony, build-ka, chi-zhik.)
2) Si-spa-bo, ka-sen-so, te-ko-nok, let-mo-sa, mok-te-re, sol-pod-nukh, tsa-li-u, fan-ra-sa. (Thank you-si-bo, so-sen-ka, ko-to-nok, sa-mo-let, te-re-mok, pod-sol-nukh, u-li-tsa, sa-ra-fan.)
3) Ka-zhin-sne, sin-a-pel, lo-che-vek, bus-to-av, shchi-ro-tsa, ro-va-ko, son-ho-ka, shi-dy-lan. (Sne-zhin-ka, a-pel-sin, man-lo-vek, av-to-bus, ro-schi-tsa, ko-ro-va, ho-zyay-ka, lan-dy-shi.)
4) Da-ny-man-ri, dil-lo-nik-ho, soch-tsa-ni-pe, kol-ko-chik-lo, ri-to-schi-va, and-za-mo-ka, du-chik-van-o, no-under-ki-snow.
(Man-da-ri-ny, ho-lo-dil-nik, pe-soch-ni-tsa, ko-lo-kol-chik, to-va-ri-schi, mo-za-i-ka, oh -du-van-chik, under the snow-ni-ki.)

5. Add syllables or letters to form words.
1) Lu.., ku.., shu.., li.., pa.., va.., zi.., go.., ko.., la.., ka.., ra.., be.., le.., ba.., so.. .
2) Ro.., mo.., for.., those.., before.., not.., mu.., si.., sm.., mal.., tet.., par.., hundred.., chalk.., lam.., cro.. .
3) Beech.., vish.., sk.., number.., fl.., white.., rain.., pla.., sign.., ast.., sea.., ste.., sound.., gri.., zer.., cor.. .

6. Remove extra syllables to make words.
1) Grarichi, tsvedity, zvuvaki, sapadik, zivoma, konluki. (Rooks, flowers, sounds, kindergarten, winter, skates.)
2) Yuvala, chaylaka, komatik, snowball, hare, gormika. (Yula, seagull, cat, snowball, hare, slide.)
3) Shigropovnik, indelteres, rislosunok, livlasitsa, filling, poklasuda. (Rose hips, interest, drawing, fox, exercises, dishes.)
4) Flopromaster, carmiltinki, verlintolet, utanlybka, solvalnyshko, skvolakrechnik. (Felt-tip pen, pictures, helicopter, smile, sun, birdhouse.)

7. Make a sentence from the words in each line.
Far, voice, in, cuckoo, heard, grove
Winter, brown, den, bear, in, sleeping
In, golden, autumn, forest has come
In, fortress, they are building, snowy, guys, in the yard
Across, white, running, sky, clouds, blue, quickly
On, fun, sparrow, branch, tweeted
Colored pencils lie on the table
under, swallowed, swallows, houses, nest, roof
Behind, pond, there, village, big
On, apple trees, flowers, branches, snow-white, opened
Weeping, lake, low, over, willow, waters, bent
In, slightly, gurgling, ravine, stream, audible
In the spring, birds sing, loudly, in the forest
We, with, brother, in, visit, with, village, grandfathers, love


A sparrow sat on a bush. Murzik the cat is already here. Jump! The bird flew away. (12 words)

Beginning of spring

The snow is melting. A warm breeze is blowing. Fast streams are ringing. Birds are flying from the south. (14 words)

Late autumn

The sun shines less often. A cold wind is blowing. It rains often. A white blizzard will soon begin to swirl. (15 words)

After the rain

The summer rain has ended. The sun came out. The wet meadow sparkled. A rainbow rose over the distant forest. (15 words)
Word for reference: sparkled.

The sun went down behind the distant forest. A gray fog swirled over the river. The bittern sang a sad song. (15 words)

The light rain rustles quietly. There are puddles on the paths. Wet flowers are sad in the flowerbed. Autumn is coming. (15 words)

Mom came home from work. She is making soup. Sveta and Pasha are learning lessons. Grandfather is reading a book. (16 words)

On a walk

Mothers with babies walk in the park. Sveta has a doll. Vanya has a ball. Children play together. (17 words)

Winter has come. A cold wind blew. White snow covered houses and cars. The bushes fell asleep under a blanket of snow. (17 words)
Word for reference: blanket.

The sun is shining brighter. The snow began to melt. Lambs appeared on the willow branches. The gray lumps were fluffy and soft. (18 words)

Winter morning

Morning has come. The sun woke up. Bright rays illuminated the snow. Cheerful snow sparks sparkled. This is a rainbow greeting to a new day. (19 words)
Words for reference: woke up, sparkled.


It's morning. The sky became light. The stars went out. The birds woke up. Their sonorous songs woke up the forest. Nature welcomes a new day. (19 words)



1. Underline the letters denoting hard consonant sounds.
1) Dream, color, laughter, soap, newspaper, window, yard, ducklings, sailboat, wing, sable, scarf, seeds, telephone.
2) Rocket, den, hide and seek, dinner, drops, foliage, lark, dragonfly, bouquet, bison, berezhok, victory, turtle, square.
3) Butterfly, thrush, surf, storyteller, mink, nuthatch, sailor, magpie, taiga, concert, carrot, grain, dictionary, guitar.

2. Underline the letters representing soft consonant sounds.
1) Forest, ocean, guys, spring, kidneys, puppy, flight, village, rooster, starling, carpet, cranes, portrait, eagle owl.
2) Fox, drop, May, sleigh, time, lemon, light, matryoshka, chaffinch, clover, earth, honey mushrooms, key, wind.
3) Hippopotamus, brush, bench, hay, melon, clothes, calf, cave, evening, catkins, viburnum, meeting, capital, stove.

3. Write down words in which all consonants are hard.
1) Screen, grandfather, alphabet, harvest, cold, March, ver
hushka, badger, morning, bread, thunderstorm, square, clouds, bird.
2) Park, suit, moon, vacation, bridge, cat, clearing,
fog, rain, food, aspen, volcano, reeds, light.
3) Care, side, girl, planet, herd, chandelier, ru
head, vegetables, pocket, summer, beetle, edge, spout, corner.

4. Write down words in which all consonants are soft.
1) Horizontal bar, beehive, rays, five, bed, chanterelles, marten, seals, ruler, aunt, black grouse, greenhouse.
2) Geese, business, nuts, maple, titmouse, cubes, song, frost, apples, nanny, glasses, birch.
3) Rowan, tea, miracles, belt, museum, balls, bucket, beets, fun, day, sword, flower garden.

5. Write down words with ь in the middle, separate them for transfer.
1) Trill, steppe, skates, boy, primer, strong, harbor, fingers, earrings, dove, wattle fence, mill, letter, downpour.
2) Pipe, ring, chair, joy, spruce forest, driver, residents, caramel, schoolboy, memory, veil, struggle, writer, cornflowers.
3) Kremlin, lynx, porch, greenery, days, watercolor, coat, bitter, bittern, big, dumplings, module, calm, lullaby.

6. Write down words that have more letters than sounds.
1) Thread, blizzard, steel, barley, drop, lilac, winter, anchor, album, alder, pours, furniture, slice, film.
2) Tulip, family, stranded, crucian carp, camp, dawn, January, rails, waltz, culture, palm tree, play, medal, root.
3) Conscience, July, fire, boulevard, ash, April, prince, icicle, knee socks, shadow, polka, cornflowers, blizzard, shawl.
4) * Tula, Kazan, Yalta, Suzdal, Ufa, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Tyumen, Yakutsk, Perm, Astrakhan, Samara.


gloomy day

It's cloudy outside. There are dark clouds in the sky. It's raining lightly. A strong wind is blowing. Cold. (16 words)

nice day

The weather is wonderful today. The sun is shining brightly. Dima and Artyom run for a walk in the yard. The kids are having fun. (17 words)
Word for reference: today.

It's raining again

It's raining heavily again. My brother Igor and I stayed at home. You can't go for a walk in this weather. (17 words)
Word for reference: weather.


My dad and I were fishing. I caught two perch. Dad pulled out a big pike. The soup was good! (18 words)
Word for reference: good.

Evening. Little Sasha plays with cars. The clock on the wall struck eight times. It's time to collect the toys. Soon to bed! (18 words)
Words for reference: punched, collect.

Beginning of spring

It's March. The bright rays of the sun became a little warmer. The snow on the roof began to melt. The first drop rang. (19 words)
Word for reference: rang.

Late autumn

November has arrived. Frost glazed the puddles fragile ice. The last leaves fell from the trees. Only near the porch there was a small green Christmas tree. (20 words)
Word for reference: late.


Igor caught a cold. He has a bad cough. The boy drinks bitter medicine. Every day Igor’s school friends call. They wish their friend good health. (21 words)
Words for reference: wish, comrade, support, health.

The children were playing school. Olga was a teacher. Petya and Sveta are students. They read the primer. The children carefully wrote out the syllables in their notebooks. (21 words)
Word for reference: (c) notebooks.

There is a strong snowstorm outside. You can't go for a walk. Little Olechka took a brush and watercolor paints. The girl opened the album. Olya painted a sunny spring. (21 words)
Reference word: watercolors.

After the rain

The rain has stopped. Small puddles remained on the asphalt. Transparent droplets glisten on the alder leaves. On the bushes near the porch the sparrows began to chirp again. (22 words)
Words for reference: (on) the asphalt, shine, chirp.

I live on Koltsova Street. Our house has ten floors. A large ash tree grows at the entrance porch. The residents planted tulips in the flower beds. (23 words)
Words for reference: growing, ash.


Mom bought the children an album and paints. Dasha drew a cat and a kitten. Kolya has a hero on a horse. The children hung their pictures on the wall. (23 words)
Word for reference: hero.
The placement of the dash is announced by the teacher.

To first grade

Vanya is seven years old. He is going to first grade. Vanya carries a large bouquet of flowers in her hand. The boy has books and notebooks in his backpack. (25 words)



Take dictation.

1) Kids, dacha, siskin, chum, decide, cup, saffron milk cap, hurry, pike, child, pears, seal, fluffy, live.
2) Dinner, cool, silence, knock, miracle, hedgehog, part, looking, mode, put, cloud, fresh, gloves, closet.
3) Meeting, jug, vat, circle, sorrel, eccentric, occasion, vest, participation, mistake, stockings, runs, task, giraffe.
4) Palms, square, cast iron, beginning, oregano, width, miracles, candle, lilies of the valley, stranger, pea, locust, top, ditties.
5) Pier, teach, spring, luck, dry, Chukchi, sound, make friends, seagull, puddles, screen, hearth, serves, treat.
6) Snowflake, shepherd, chain mail, bait, promise, silent, embroidery, grove, sorcerer, cones, sadness, sensitive, smoky, residents.
7) Point, habit, durable, milk, candle, eternity, pen, night light, apple, bump, fishing rod, leaves, heart, accuracy.
8) Swallow, granddaughter, assistant, urgent, cloud, flowers, river, Christmas tree, girl, oncoming, glasses, predator, of course, powerful.
9) Bakery, titmouse, bridle, night, excellent, fox, bench, stove, scientific, ring, toy, vegetable, barrel, twig.


Writing Rules

Place the notebook on an angle.
Hold the pen correctly.
Write clearly and beautifully.
Think, schoolboy, don’t rush. (16 words)
Word for reference: oblique.

Behind the river there is lush grass in the meadow. Grandma Nadya grazes her goat Nochka there. The goat gives tasty and healthy milk. (19 words)

After the rain

The summer rain quickly ended. The gloomy clouds melted in the sky. The sun was shining. An elegant rainbow arch rose above the green meadow. (20 words)

Lived in kindergarten budgies. The kids treated their feathered friends with seeds and pieces of vegetables. The birds answered the children with wonderful chirping. (20 words)
Word for reference: parrots.

Spring has begun. The puddles sparkled. The rooks have arrived. They build nests. They scream. They are busy. Soon the rooks will squeal in strong and wide nests. (20 words)
Word for reference: sparkled.


In the spring, cubs were born at the zoo. The rabbits gave birth to baby rabbits. In a family of fluffy squirrels, squirrels grow up. Chicks squeak in bird nests. (21 words)
Word for reference: growing.

There were mice living in the closet. Misha's dad brought a cat into the house. They called him Ryzhik. The cat was catching mice. Misha gave Ryzhik milk. (21 words)

Happy birthday!

It's Zinochka's birthday. The parents gave their daughter a formal dress. Grandmother knitted socks for her granddaughter. Andryusha drew a postcard for his sister. (22 words)
Word for reference: drew.

Evening hunt

There is a special life in the forest in the evening. A prickly hedgehog is in a hurry to hunt. Lynx and badger are looking for prey. Mice will become dinner for the owl. (22 words)

For sorrel

A fine May day. The kids came out into the wide meadow. They collected juicy sorrel leaves. For tea, grandma will bake a sweet cake for her grandchildren. (22 words)
Words for reference: collected, baked.

How many sounds there are in the meadow! Grasshoppers are chattering in the grass. Funny swifts are squealing above. The sad voice of a cuckoo is heard from the forest thicket. (22 words)

Grisha has a shepherd puppy. The boy gave him the nickname Brave. Grisha walks the puppy on the dog park and teaches him how to serve. (22 words)


Grandfather Grisha has rabbits in his village. Grandchildren Anechka and Sasha feed the furry animals. Children treat the animals with carrots and cabbage leaves. (22 words)

At the zoo*

Various animals live in the zoo. Red foxes live here and spiny hedgehogs. Chimpanzees are jumping along the branches. IN cold water Walruses swim. (23 words)

It's time to sleep!

In the evening, forest babies fall asleep in the dense thicket. Fluffy bunnies doze lightly. Siskins do not squeak in the nest. The red squirrels calmed down in the hollow. (23 words)

After the rain

The rain cloud rushed away. The sun smiled broadly above. His mischievous little smiles sparkled in the transparent puddles. Butterflies swirled above the fragrant rosehip flowers. (23 words)

A dark cloud covered the sun. A strong wind rose. Leaves flew from the birches. And at home there is silence. Only frequent drops knock on the glass. The clock ticks faintly. (25 words)

Katya woke up early. The girl washed herself and quickly dressed. For breakfast there was fragrant tea and a bun. The silence of the morning was broken by the striking of the clock. We have to hurry to school. (25 words)

The boys were fishing on the river. Misha has perch in a bucket. Little Alyosha has ruffs splashing with their tails in a ladle. Barsik will have fresh fish for dinner! (25 words)
Word for reference: (y) small.

STRESS. Stressed and unstressed vowels


1. Write down the words, select test words for them.
1) Wall, window, pancakes, wave, runs, stable, heat, rock, bee, bank, hole, face, throw, flower garden.
2) Breeze, protect, fin, sea, straight, island, glass, back, meet, trap, squirrel, silence, starlings, home.
3) Shakes, singer, hurry, gardener, live, seat, fox, lies, good, eaglet, whistle, top, carries, cleanliness.
4) Feeder, sculpted, builder, water, grass, winter, shady, crackling, leaves, watch, dew, watchmaker, flying, snowman.
5) * Maria, Vasily, Polina, Alexey, Ekaterina, Stepan, Tatyana, Grigory, Svetlana, Leonid, Nadezhda, Georgy, Anastasia, Mikhail.

2. Change the words so that they mean many things.
Word, row, forest, ball, rain, trunk, mushroom, fruit, snow, rook, business, place, thrush, floor, umbrella.

3. Change the words so that they refer to one thing.
Nests, thunderstorms, lakes, owls, countries, legs, villages, slabs, springs, grass, sisters, stars, paths, boards, rivers, pine trees.

4. Choose two test words for each word. Green, stripe, golden, babble, furrow, head, side, beard, spikelet, refrigerator, voices, guard, fuss, starve, help, evening, young, having fun.


Spring. The sun is warming up. The drops are ringing. The darkened snow is melting. Streams gurgle merrily. Young green grass will appear soon. (18 words)
Word of reference: will appear.

It became cold in the forest thicket. The bear made a den under the roots of the tree. The clubfoot went into hibernation until spring. (18 words)
Word for reference: den.

Native spaces

The vast expanses of Russia are great! There are wide fields, green meadows, pine forests, deep seas. We are proud of our country. (19 words)
Words for reference: here, Russia.
The teacher pronounces the placement of commas.

Spring worries

The sparrows had a nest in the attic. In the spring, chicks squealed there. Sparrows carried flies and mosquitoes to their children. (19 words)


The snow has melted in the forest clearing. Green needles of grass appeared. The flowers of the lungwort are colorful. The first bee flew in for sweet nectar. (19 words)
Words for reference: melted, nectar.

Spring again*

Spring. The trees in the park are green. Cheerful starlings have returned to their native birdhouses. Their melodious voices rang. The old park came to life. (20 words)

Spring chores

Spring has come. Rooks appeared in the yard near the nest. They are having fun. The chicks will have a large and durable home. (20 words)


The frost drew wonderful patterns on the window. Here are the trees in the snow. There's a bouquet of flowers. And this is a fabulous bird. Very beautiful! (20 words)


Grandfather has a young apple tree growing in his garden. In spring it blooms with fragrant pinkish stars. In autumn, the tree treats us with rosy apples. (20 words)
Word for reference: growing.

Beginning of summer. Swifts fly over the city with a cheerful squeak. In the heights they catch midges and mosquitoes. It's time to feed the chicks! (20 words)

Autumn sadness

Autumn. Cold rains are coming more and more often. The starlings and rooks have long since flown away. There is silence in the fields and forests. It's a sad time. (21 words)

Gifts of Autumn

The vegetable harvest has ripened in the garden. Cabbage and carrots grew in the beds. It's time to harvest the potatoes too. We are happy about the bountiful harvest. (21 words)
Word for reference: grown.

At the top of a spruce siskin made a nest. Here, on a soft feather bed, lie five colorful eggs. Soon little chicks will squeal in the nest. (21 words)

Linden blossoms

Linden blooms in summer. Its flowers are small but fragrant. Bees fly to the tree in response to the sweet smell. Linden honey is tasty and healthy. (22 words)

First snowflakes

Cold. The leaves flew away. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. How they look like wonderful flowers! The first snowball covers the ground with a shiny carpet. (22 words)

Spring danger

In winter, the river slept under a thick blanket of ice. In spring the ice darkened and became fragile. Now going out on thin ice is very dangerous. (22 words)

Grandmother has many flowers in her garden. They delight us with their wonderful outfits. Graceful butterflies fly over the bright flower beds. Very beautiful! (22 words)
Word for reference: admire.

Heralds of Spring

March. There is still snow on the ground. But the rooks are already flying to their native places. They are the first to bear the news that spring is coming. (22 words)
Word for reference: messengers.

By the seashore

Wave after wave hits the seashore. Small pebbles are visible in the water at the bottom. The light surf slightly shakes the green algae. (23 words)

Girlfriends draw on the asphalt with colored chalk. Polina has a mischievous kitten in the picture. Katyusha's hedgehog is running along a forest path. The drawings turned out beautiful! (23 words)
Words for reference: (on) the asphalt, mischievous.

First lesson

In the spring the ducklings hatched. Soon she led the children to the lake. The fluffy babies rowed diligently with their paws and swam after their mother in a slender chain. (24 words)

Spring in the yard

The days are warm. There are puddles on the roads. Cheerful streams run in the yard. The boys are launching boats. Girls jumping rope. How nice it is in spring! (25 words)

Autumn chores

Winter is coming. Forest animals rush to hide from the frost. The bear is looking for a den. The prickly hedgehog will sleep in a deep hole. The squirrel will hide in the hollow. (25 words)
Words for reference: take cover, hide.

Caring parents

There's a nest on the tree. Rooks live there. In spring they have a lot to worry about. Rooks need to feed their chicks. The parents fly to the nest all day. They bring food to the children. (27 words)



1. Write down words with paired consonants at the end.

b - p: bread, oak, forehead, soup, pillar, dove, box, tooth, ladder, mushroom, crab, log house, shot, sheaf, thorn, ice hole, dill, lumberjack, hawk, sickle, club, snowdrift, bruise, headquarters, gallop, baobab, sheepskin coat, trench, ledge, diamond, skyscraper, chain, coat of arms, cube, steppe; Gleb, Osip, Arkhip, Ob.

v - f: wardrobe, lion, giraffe, shoes, carrot, branch, beak, island, sleeve, call, eyebrow, pilaf, scarf, bay, worm, composition, breakthrough, love, tune, roar, body, disposition, sowing, motive, reserve, call, charter, myth, boa constrictor, black grouse; Lev, Yakov, Yaroslav, Saratov, Rostov, Kirov, Pskov.

g-k: step, iron, magician, pie, ravine, flag, overnight, feat, shore, boot, run, haystack, crackling, south, snow, lighthouse, meadow, octopus, tongue, beetle, horn, glare, chest, enemy, threshold, circle, bank, bow,
Thursday, friend, varnish, sound, sign, duty, pearl, delight, hose, source, century, preposition, eraser, stream, poppy, start, syllable, cottage cheese, rally, hearth, moment, man, heather; Mark, Oleg, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Bryansk, Kursk, Veliky Ustyug.

d - t: leaf, horse, honey, cold, transition, fruit, rain, people, pond, city, outfit, pilot, grapes, square, ice, salad,
vault, swan, factory, bear, warehouse, thrush, shell, notebook, fireworks, raft, trail, vegetable garden, light, artist, hail, brushwood, seine, leopard, fleet, binding, lunch, glad, bush, labor, year, squad, poster, view, nail, robe, port, charge, train, bouquet, sunset, ice drift, west, wire, ford, beret, record, vest, grandfather, mole, Swede, ticket, pirate, tablecloth, cake, advice, stomp, brush, parade, plaid, brother, copper, neighbor, handful, skat, alphabet, secret, look, guest, Internet, turn, fund, hunger, fruit, comfort, network, bridge, gymnast, fort, round dance, camel, garden, crossbill, portrait, row, March, tail, shield, square; Vlad, Leonid, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod.

f - w: walrus, garage, swift, turn, pencil, floor, snake, bucket, carriage, hut, drawing, watchman, beach, hedgehog, reeds, march, knife, stained glass, baby, ruff, luggage, playpen, siskin, landscape, line, lily of the valley, mirage; Voronezh, Irtysh.

zs: elk, belt, story, convoy, cargo, knight, service, diamond, elm, order, ear, watermelon, eye, space, bus, nose, mowing, compass, frost, forest, pump, brought, prince, question, cone, pineapple, frozen, interest, coconut, climbed over, sailor, cut, mustache, dirt, advantage, surprise, virus, order, office, globe, course, saved, taste, address, voice, gas, cactus, connection, slope, basin, height, focus, pier, image, pile, satin, ointment, competition, union, caprice, cliff, apricot, lynx, pole, oats; Boris, Taras, Denis, Elbrus, Mars.

2. Write down words with paired consonants in the middle.
1) Birch, pointer, mouse, duck, cover, headband, crumb, pillow, riddle, carving, guard, legs, hat, boat, bookmark, boots, nails. 2) Cart, box, daisy, book, spoon, gazebo, harness, girlfriend, cup, toy, matryoshka, net, accordion, hen, path, cage, habits.
3) Bench, skirt, upholstery, trip, folder, cap, toffee, mittens, fish, find, cap, curtain, paw, trail, sheep, purchase, sending.
4) Shell, traffic jams, bug, reconnaissance, fur coat, fairy tale, booth, beds, exercises, paints, hazel grouse, masonry, ancestors, basket, buckle, blouse, socks, cap, smile.

3. Write down words with paired consonants at the end and in the middle.
1) Younger brother, biting frost, ready to go on a hike, sparse forest, song thrush, rye bread, clatter of hooves, slippery ice, sharp sound, sparkling eyes, large snowdrift, neat appearance, deep ravine, juicy watermelon, frozen pond.
2) Short sleeve, high pillar, close friend, narrow belt, ripe ear, low threshold, mighty oak, light luggage, winter cold, rocky shore, sweet pie, detachment of soldiers, beautiful landscape, brought to the warehouse, hard diamond.
3) Outfit of birches, good catch, already crawled away, climbed over the fence, bookcase, exit to the arena, city square, strong beak, saved the flag, flew over the pole, brought it on Thursday, bruised forehead, timid voice, overgrown garden, light stars, space flight, paper folder, stack of newspapers, elevation difference.

4. Fill in the missing paired consonants. Explain the meanings of the words.

1) le.. - le.. (s - h)
lu.. - lu.. (g - k)
ro.. - ro.. (t - d)
ko.. - ko.. (t - d)

to.. - to.. (g - j)
gray.. - gray.. (p - b)
bu.. - Boo.. (k - g)

2) flat.. - flat.. (d - t)
blo.. - blo.. (k - g)
pr.. - pr.. (d - t)
ma.. - ma.. (g - k)

Young.. - young.. (d - t)
gr.. - gr.. (here - st)
gr.. gr.. (b - pp)


Grandma gave me a hat, mittens and socks. I knitted the scarf myself. Now the frost is not scary! (17 words)

Heather grew among the rare pines. The bright colors of the small flowers captivated the eye. Bees buzzed all day over the low bushes. (19 words)
Words for reference: mesmerizing, bees.

A sharp wind blew. The young oaks swayed and were sticky. An old elm creaked at the edge of the forest. Fell on a russula cap yellow leaf. (20 words)
Reference word: yellow.

My brother built us a hut. Father gave me a compass. My friend Vlad and I played scouts. Our headquarters was in the hut. (21 words)


Nadya sewed an outfit for the Masha doll. Mashenka is wearing a blouse with short sleeves and a skirt with a narrow belt. The head is decorated with a beret. (21 words)
Word of reference: takes.

Oleg and Denis go into the forest. Barbos runs nearby. Suddenly a hazel grouse flew out of the bushes. The dog barked sharply. A faithful watchman protects the children. (22 words)

A sparrow was jumping along the path. He found a crumb of bread. The sparrow took it in its beak and flew into the attic. The chicks were waiting for him there. (22 words)
Words for reference: found, him.

A narrow path led us to a quiet lake. Its bank is overgrown with soft grass. light clouds and a distant forest were reflected in the blue water. (23 words)
Word for reference: reflected.

Mushroom time

It's mushroom time in the forest. There is a strong saffron milk under the spruce tree. A milk mushroom hid under a birch leaf. Russulas ran out to the path. Nice mushrooms! (23 words)

First grader

Boris is going to first grade. The boy has a textbook and notebook in his briefcase. In the pencil case there is a pen and pencil. Boris keeps things in order. (23 words)

Spring. Gleb and Denis went to the river bank. They looked at the ice drift. There are many puddles on the shore. Gleb's boot got wet. It's time to go home. (24 words)

Vlad walked into the forest. He brought a basket of blueberries. Mom poured sugar into the basin. She dipped the berries in sweet syrup. The jam turned out delicious! (24 words)
Words for reference: poured, sugar.

The arrival of spring

Spring has come to our city. The snow is melting. There is ice on the river. The frost is no longer scary. Birches and oaks will soon put on a green outfit. (24 words)
A word of reference: not scary.

Grandma's worries

Grandma Dasha has a vegetable garden. Onions, carrots, and radishes grow in the beds. Vegetables need watering and good care. Growing a rich harvest is a lot of work, (24 words)
Words for reference: grow, grow.
The teacher pronounces the placement of commas and dashes.

March has arrived. The ice on the rivers has cracked. Ice drift has begun. We followed the path to the shore. The snow has already melted. The ice carried away the winter cold. (24 words)
Word of reference: melted.

On Thursday, Vita’s friend Oleg came to see him. Mom prepared dinner. There is fresh bread, salad and soup on the table. Then there will be sweet cake and tea. (24 words)
Words for reference: came, prepared.

Winter fun

It was frosty. The pond is frozen. Vlad and Gleb took their skates and ran to the pond. There were a lot of guys there. Skates jingle merrily slippery ice. (25 words)

A narrow path ran through the meadow. We followed it to the river. There was a willow bush growing on the bank. Grandfather Oleg was sitting on the sand. He was fishing. (25 words)

After the snowfall

It snowed. A large snowdrift grew near the house. Oak put on a white hat. Birches dressed up in fluffy fur coats. The cat Barsik left the first mark on the snow carpet. (26 words)



1. Take dictation.
The city of Semenov, the Yenisei River, poems by Fyodor Tyutchev, Sergei Yesenin Street, Lake Baikal, fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky, the Laptev Sea, Sakhalin Island, cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, teacher Sergei Borisovich, Pobedy Avenue, planet Earth, stories by Nikolai Sladkov, Mount Elbrus, poet Ivan Surikov, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.

2. Continue the sentences.
I know five girls' names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five boys' names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five cat names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five dog names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of cities: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of rivers: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of the seas: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of countries: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of planets: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five fairy tale heroes: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....

3. Write down the words that need to be written with capital letter(proper nouns), together with the words to which they refer.
My brother Seryozha Koltsov is in third grade.
Zhukova Street leads to Victory Square.
The city of Tchaikovsky is located on the left bank of the Kama River.
Nanny Nadezhda Ivanovna read fairy tales by Sergei Kozlov to the kids.
The city of Moscow is the capital of Russia.
Our school is located on Michurina Street.
Artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was born in the city of Elabuga.
The most high mountain on globe called Everest.
Cosmonaut Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov is the first person on the planet to go into outer space.
The Lena River flows into the Laptev Sea.
Grandfather Ignat has a horse, Buyan, and a puppy, Jim.


Little Yura Gagarin wanted to fly. Soon the dream came true. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut on planet Earth. (17 words)
Word for reference: astronaut.

Furry babies

Murka gave birth to kittens. The children gave them nicknames. The kittens were named Fluff and Barsik. Murka took care of her babies. (20 words)

Kuzma Minin*

Many years ago, Moscow was captured by enemies. Kuzma Minin gathered an army in Nizhny Novgorod. It drove the Poles out of
Moscow. (20 words)
Word for reference: drove away.

Small Motherland

My name is Seryozha Smirnov. I live in the village of Okskoye on Lesnaya Street. Behind the village there is Lake Svetloe. It's very beautiful here! (22 words)

Solar family

The sun is a hot star. Eight planets revolve around the Sun. Our Earth is among them. Sun and planets
form solar system. (22 words)
Word for reference: rotate.
The placement of the dash is announced by the teacher.

Sasha Troshin and Kolya Shishkin are friends. They live on Minin Street. The boys are in first grade. Their teacher's name is Vera Ivanovna. (22 words)
The placement of the dash is announced by the teacher.

The Volga River is wide and majestic. On its banks are the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. (22 words)
Word for reference: Volgograd.
The teacher pronounces the placement of commas.


Friends Katya Shilova and Alena Luzhina are drawing. Andrey Grishin and Seryozha Molchanov solve the puzzle. Artyom Chugunov and Gena Kruzhilin play checkers. (23 words)

Little Aibolit

Mom read Kolya a fairy tale about Aibolit. It was written by Korney Chukovsky. The boy also wanted to treat animals. Kolya bandaged the cat’s paw. Don't worry, Murka! (24 words)

Our planet

We live on planet Earth. She has a satellite, the Moon. The Earth revolves around the Sun. This star gives our planet light and warmth. (24 words)
Word for reference: rotates.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great poet. All children know his fairy tales. Tsar Saltan, Prince Elisha, and Balda live in them. We love to read Pushkin's fairy tales. (24 words)
Word for reference: Alexander.
The placement of dashes and commas is announced by the teacher.

At the zoo

In Nizhny Novgorod there is the Limpopo Zoo. The Irtysh deer, Murat the bison, Emir the tiger, and Balu the bear live here. Children love to visit animals. (25 words)
The teacher pronounces the placement of quotation marks and commas.

In the library

Our school has a library. Elena Alekseevna works there. We love listening to her. She reads about Dunno and Mowgli, about Gerda and Cinderella. (25 words)
The placement of the comma is pronounced by the teacher.

In kindergarten

Lena, Vanya, Slava, Galya go to kindergarten. Teacher Nina Andreevna plays with the kids. Nanny Vera Ivanovna reads fairy tales to the children. It's good here for the kids. (26 words)
Words for reference: teacher, here.
The teacher pronounces the placement of commas.

On a rainy day

It's been raining all day. Children play at home. Slava and Kolya are drawing. Little Olechka's mother reads poetry by Sergei Mikhalkov. Grandmother knits socks for her granddaughter Sveta. (26 words)



1. Write down the words that answer the question who? in the left column, and those that answer the question what? in the right column.
1) Frequent, sound, flies, evening, pine, cow, lemon, rustles, school, Ivan, free, sail, squirrel, tall, boy.
2) Student, blue, mountain, hurry, ball, sparrow, bright, rook, oak, hears, forest, ostrich, grass, notebook, distant, dog.
3) Word, strong, bush, Olga, found, colored, hedgehog, grove, grandmother, cold, giraffe, pencil, autumn, junior, seagull.

2. Write the guess words. Ask them questions: who? or what?
1) Not a king, but wearing a crown,
Not a horseman, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up. (Rooster)
2) Born in the forest, lives in the water. (Boat)
3) Not a tailor, but has been walking around with needles all his life. (Lie)
4) He comes without legs, talks without a tongue. (Letter)
5) An eagle flies across the blue sky,
She spread her wings and covered the sun. (Cloud)
6) I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose)

3. Complete each sentence with three words, ask questions about them: who? or what?
..., ..., ... are trees,
..., ..., ... are pets.
..., ..., ... are flowers.
..., ..., ... are birds.
..., ..., ... are the seasons.

4*. Write the proverbs and fill in the missing words. Underline the words that answer the questions who? or what?
See the tree in its fruits, and the man in... (deeds).
Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart... (in the winter).
Learning is light, and ignorance is... (darkness).
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man... (knowledge).
Don’t rush with your tongue, hurry up... (in deeds).



July. Sweet cherries are ripe in the garden. The grandmother treated her grandchildren to delicious berries. Nice berries! (14 words)

There was a guardhouse at the edge of the forest. The forester Pavel Vasilievich lived there. He protected the forest from fires and deforestation. (17 words)
Word for reference: (from) fires.

Signs of autumn

The days have become shorter. It often drizzles lightly. The leaves on the trees are turning yellow. Birds fly south. Sad. (18 words)
Word for reference: sad.

The fox lives in the forest. Everyone knows her cunning nature. The fox is an intelligent and cautious predator. Its prey is mice and hares.
(19 words)
The placement of commas and dashes is announced by the teacher.


The days have become colder. The birches and poplars have turned yellow. Birds fly south. The starling sang a farewell song. It's sad to leave your native nest. (20 words)
A word for reference. sad.

Baikal is the deepest lake on our planet. The water in it is clean and transparent. The shores of Lake Baikal are surrounded by mountains and hills. (20 words)
Word for reference: (on) the planet.
The placement of the dash is announced by the teacher.

Sister Olya does cross stitch. The picture shows a meadow and a river. Fluffy clouds float in the sky. Olya will give the embroidery to her beloved mother. (20 words)
Word for reference: will give.

Children are playing in the meadow. Lena is weaving a wreath of daisies. Little Igor catches a butterfly. Nadya collects a bouquet of flowers for her mother. (21 words)
Words for reference: wreath, collects.

Mushroom pickers

Slavik and Vasya went to the forest. They have baskets full of mushrooms. There are mushrooms and mushrooms here. Grandma will pickle mushrooms for the winter. (21 words)

On a walk

On the weekend, the whole family went on a river walk. Seagulls were flying behind our ship. Sister Katya fed the birds pieces of bread. (22 words)

Poplar fluff

June. The days are fine. A warm breeze carries the fluff of poplars through the city streets. Light clouds of white fluff enveloped the lawns and paths. (22 words)

Happy housewarming!

My grandfather and I made a birdhouse. The grandfather tied the house for feathered guests tightly to the trunk of an apple tree. In the spring, starlings moved into their new home. (23 words)

Night Hunter

Evening comes to the forest. A hedgehog crawls out of a hole. He goes hunting. A hedgehog is looking for food in thick grass. A hunter catches insects. (23 words)
Word for reference: insects.

My room

My room is big. There is a sofa against the wall. There is a bookcase nearby. There is a table near the window. There is a notebook on it. The surroundings are clean and comfortable. (23 words)

Bird's dining room

The birds are hungry in winter. Dima and Vitya made a feeder. The boys took it out into the garden and sprinkled it with grains. All winter the children took care of the birds. (23 words)
The placement of the comma is pronounced by the teacher.

Autumn. The birds have gathered for a long journey. Swifts and starlings flew away in flocks. Swallows and cuckoos said goodbye to us. The cranes moved south like a wedge. (24 words)

Mushroom time

In autumn there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Here the honey mushrooms are crowded around the stump. Chanterelles gathered at the forest edge. The butterfly caps shine under the pine tree. Nice mushrooms! (24 words)

For grandchildren

The plums are ripe in the garden. Grandfather Hera picked up a large basket of sweet fruits. Grandma Nina made jam. My grandchildren love this fragrant delicacy for tea. (24 words)
Words for reference: ripe, delicacy.


Autumn has arrived. Because of the cold, flies and butterflies crawled into the cracks. The snakes hid under the roots of the trees. The hedgehog disappeared into a hole. Everyone is hiding from the winter cold. (according to V. Bianchi) (24 words)
The placement of the comma is pronounced by the teacher.

A kitten was walking in the yard. He was thin and dirty. Misha took it home. The boy gave the kitten the nickname Barsik. The cat began to live with Misha. (24 words)

Who lives where?

A fox and a bear live in the forest. Bream and catfish swim in the river. Bees and bumblebees are happy in the meadow. Everyone has their own houses. (25 words)

Forest houses

There are different dwellings in the forest. The squirrel lives in a hollow. Birds are making nests. Beavers build huts. Hedgehogs hide in holes. Forest dwellers are good builders. (25 words)
Word for reference: hiding.
The placement of the dash is announced by the teacher.

Sunny summer morning. Children play on the seashore. Little Dima is building a castle. Sveta and Dasha make Easter cakes from sand. Good for children on the beach. (25 words)

Winter is coming!

The forest dwellers are ready to welcome winter. The bunny put on a white fur coat. The hedgehog and badger fell asleep in their holes. The squirrel keeps a supply of dry mushrooms in its hollow. (26 words)
Word of reference: stored.

Control dictations and texts for cheating

for 1st grade in Russian language 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter

1. Bori has a cat. Barsik was rolling a ball. We were in the park. There are linden and pine trees. Zina is small. Zina has a doll.

2. Roma is small. He washed his hands himself. Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens.

3. Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot. And here is the key. He's clean. Alyosha drank water.

4. Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes. Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton drew bushes.

5. In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest.

6. Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks.

7. Lyuba and Masha were herding ducklings on the river bank. The ducklings were small. Suddenly a kite appeared in the sky. He grabbed one duckling. The girls screamed. Vanya came running. He also started screaming and waving his arms. The kite released the duckling and flew away.

8. The morning was warm. The bees woke up early and flew into the field. There are many flowers there. These are buttercups and daisies. The fragrant linden blossoms. Bees fly around the linden tree. They work all summer. We get a lot of honey from bees. (35 words)

9. Our forest is big. Children came to the forest. They are looking for mushrooms. Borya and Andryusha collected a lot of saffron milk caps and butter. Yura and Yasha found a hedgehog under the tree. They put it in a hat. The hedgehog pricked Yura. But Yura did not cry. The guys touched the animal and released it.

10. Taras, frost, lesson, top, luggage, boy, horse, sailor, student, snake, beach, boot, nail, cargo, bear, circle, shore, ear, pie, order, ice, oats, canopy, snow, haystack ( hay), turkey, friend, flag, student, beetle, shore, overnight stay, hunter, top, iron, bunny, circle, boy, boot.

In the forest.

Brothers Ilya and Tolya went into the forest. Tolya collected pine cones and dry branches, Ilya collected berries. The boys sat down to rest by the stream under the shade of the trees. Aunt Marya made jam from fresh berries.


It was freezing at night. A bird sang merrily on the ice of the river. So she jumped into the hole and began looking for food there. This is a dipper. Its feathers are covered with fat. Soon the bird jumped onto the ice and began to sing.


In the summer we lived in the village. We often went to weed the grass in the garden or vegetable garden. We helped grandfather Arkhip. He gave us a horse, and we carried a haystack from the meadow to the barn. The meadow looked like a colorful carpet. The hay is lush, fragrant, dry.


The first streams wash away dirt and ice. I like to go to a grove or park in the spring. Siskins and blackbirds are singing. Over the long winter, the eye has become unaccustomed to bright things. In spring everyone is happy about the first flowers. How beautiful are the first tulips in the flower beds!

The starlings have arrived.

The village stands on the banks of a beautiful river. The birds have returned to their homeland. Each bird renews its nest. In the evening they sat on a rowan tree under the window and sang. During the day they worked in the garden. The chicks will appear soon. We need to feed them.

On the island.

The hare lived on an island. At night he gnawed bark from aspen trees. During the day the animal hid in the bushes. The water in the river began to rise quickly. The hare was sleeping peacefully under a bush. He woke up. There was water around the bunny. The hare managed to jump onto a thick tree branch.

Storm .

The sky was gloomy in the morning. A cloud emerged from behind the forest. Dust swirled in a column. Thunder struck dully. A wave rushed quickly across the lake. The first drop of rain fell. And suddenly water poured out as if from a bucket. A thunderstorm has begun.

On the mountain.

The school has a big mountain. There are crowds of children on the mountain all day. There are big snowdrifts everywhere. The fields and hills are covered with fluffy snow. Grisha and Sasha have a big sleigh. They take the kids for rides. The sled is rolling quickly down the mountain.



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