What is zero level in an apartment? Zero level How to carry out a zero level

As you know, any ship has a waterline, which is clearly visible to everyone and its meaning is clear to everyone. There is something similar in every apartment - this is the zero level. Although the meaning of the zero level follows from the name, it is not visible and it is not clear how and where it comes from.

When preparing the base of the floor with or, main goal- reach zero level throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment. Make the floor surface at the same level throughout the entire apartment so that the finishing surfaces are one flat surface parallel to the horizon line.

How to carry out a zero level

The zero level is carried out based on two conditions:

  • the highest point in the relief over the entire area of ​​the apartment is determined
  • special tools are used -

To the very high point 3-5 cm is added to the floor relief and the zero level is drawn. The run-up of the additional segment of 3-5 cm depends on the type of screed used. For wet screeds, a run-up from 1 to 10 cm is possible - it all depends on the specific conditions. Screeds based on a self-leveling mixture provide a thin layer of a few to tens of millimeters, while traditional concrete screeds start from 5 cm and thicker. For dry screed there is a limitation:

  • minimum thickness- 3 cm
  • maximum thickness is 5 cm when using one layer of dry backfill and one prefabricated base, and 7 cm when using several layers of precast base.

Variations of floor screed technologies are also possible. There are technologies where a concrete screed is used on top of a layer of large expanded clay, and there are known method laying plywood on concrete base- each method is good in individual execution.

How to coordinate rooms by level

It’s great if everything in the apartment is simple - linoleum or laminate everywhere. This means the screed is made to one level. What if, say, there are tiles in the hallway and bathroom, but in the rooms? It will be necessary to coordinate the premises according to level before laying the finishing flooring.

The idea is simple: count all the layers of the future floor covering, subtract them from the finishing level and determine the height of the screed in each room. The truth is completely transparent, but it’s worth talking about it, since it is necessary to coordinate premises by level at the very preliminary stages. If you don’t do this, you will have to use the well-known Russian ingenuity or put up with the resulting mini podium and the inscription “beware the step” :)

Methods for marking the zero level

Measuring with a water level

The most logical and familiar way is to measure the premises with a water level - a spirit level. Two communicating vessels filled with water and connected by a long hose allow you to measure not only the levels in one room, but throughout the entire apartment.


  • Ease of measurement
  • Inexpensive measuring tool


  • Two people are required to measure
  • The measurement accuracy depends on the condition of the liquid; if air gets into the liquid or the hoses are kinked, significant measurement errors appear
Method using an auxiliary level.

IN convenient location, a horizontal line is drawn at an arbitrary distance from the floor and the heights to the floor are measured after a certain distance. The number of marks increases the measurement accuracy. This method is


  • The versatility of the method: suitable for working with horizontal and vertical lines, and even for measuring inclined surfaces
  • No assistant required


  • Large number of measurements
  • Limited measurement accuracy, increased accuracy is achieved by a larger number of measurements. In the case of erroneous measurements, the measurement error accumulates.
Using a laser level

Strictly speaking, the measurements do not involve laser level, and a laser level. About this method The essence of the method follows from the principle of operation of a laser level: the line outlined in space is the desired level.


  • Highest measurement accuracy
  • Possibility of measuring without assistants


  • Using an expensive tool
  • Measurements are difficult when strong sun or high level dustiness of the room.

Let's summarize. Any method is good in its own way and if applied to the place, a very decent result is obtained. Moreover, when you are armed with a good, serviceable tool and a faithful assistant, it is impossible to do something bad, because you are doing repairs in your own apartment for yourself.

The zero level can be compared to the waterline of a ship, only it is in plain sight and everyone understands why it is needed. From the name it seems clear what it is for, but where and how it appears is not clear.
The main task when preparing to level the floor is dry or concrete screed, reach zero level throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment. The floor, ultimately, should be one perfectly flat surface parallel to the horizon.

What is zero level in an apartment? How to carry out a zero level

Place a mark at the highest point of the relief in the apartment.
We duplicate this mark strictly horizontally on all other walls in all rooms in the apartment. To do this, it is best to use special tools - building levels.
Then you need to connect all the dots, and then you get a zero level, and you need to align yourself with it when screeding the floor.
Selecting a mark: add from 10 to 100 mm to the highest point; how much is added depends on the type of screed used. From 30 to 50 mm is added with a dry screed, and there are restrictions, the minimum thickness is 30 mm, the maximum is 50 mm, if several layers of prefabricated base are used, then 70 mm. For wet screed the additional length can vary from 10 to 100 mm - it all depends on the specific conditions.
Moreover, there are different screed technologies: you can use a concrete screed on top of a layer of large expanded clay, or you can lay plywood on a concrete base. Different ways good in different ways.
How to coordinate rooms by level.
When the apartment has the same floor covering, the screed is made to the same level. But often, for example, laminate flooring is laid in the room, tiles in the hallway and bathroom, because of this, it is necessary to coordinate the rooms by level before laying the final floor covering.
It's simple: to determine the height of the screed in each room, you need to count all the layers of the future floor covering and subtract them from the final level. Although everything is simple, if this is not done at the preliminary stages of renovating the apartment, then you are guaranteed a floor with steps.
Methods for marking the zero level
1.1. Water level.
The most accessible and simple way is to hit the zero point of the room with a water level - a spirit level. Two glass tubes with water connected to each other by a long hose allow you to measure not only the levels in one room, but throughout the entire home.
Ease of use.
Low price of the tool.
One person is not enough to measure.
Accuracy depends on the condition of the tool: do not allow the hose to bend, air to enter, etc.
1.2. Method using an auxiliary level.
At an arbitrary height, draw a horizontal line and measure the distance to the floor after a certain distance. The more marks, the higher the measurement accuracy.
Versatility: can be used on any horizontal and vertical surfaces.
One person is enough.
Many measuring tests to achieve exact result.
If there are erroneous measurements, then measurement errors accumulate.
1.3. Laser level
More precisely, in measurements it is not a laser level that is used, but a laser level. The method is based on the operating principles of a laser level, that is, the line outlined by a laser beam in space is the desired level.
The most accurate measurements.
One person is enough to measure.
High price of the tool.
The possibility of measurements depends on the conditions in the apartment; problems may arise in strong lighting conditions or in very dusty rooms.
Bottom line: all methods are good if you use them when necessary. The result will be on high level, especially if you arm yourself with high-quality and serviceable tools. We do home renovations for ourselves, so the result, as a rule, is good level.
P.S. And for dessert, I suggest watching a video: Comparison of laser levels

Let's draw an analogy with a ship in which there is a line called the waterline and denotes a single level. Likewise, in an apartment, in order to level the height of floors and ceilings at a single level, you need to find its zero level.

How to find it?

To make the level zero in the entire apartment, you need to proceed from two mandatory actions:

1. Determine the highest point of the floor along the perimeter of the entire apartment.

2. Using special tools to determine the level, find out the line that will be zero in the entire apartment.

Thus, based on this mini-plan, it is necessary to find the most protruding point of the floor relief, add 3-5 cm to it. And based on this point, draw a zero level, which you will then need to focus on when screeding the floor. The zero level around the perimeter of the entire apartment must be measured using special construction tools.

Which tool should I choose to determine the zero level in an apartment?

There are different types building levels. Let's consider the features of their application, availability, advantages, and also highlight their main disadvantages.

If there are no such tools, then you can use a simple, but not the most effective method calculating the zero level in the apartment. That is, first determine the highest point in the floor topography, and then measure an equal distance from the ceiling throughout the entire apartment, thereby determining the zero level. However, this is a labor-intensive process that does not provide entirely accurate measurements.

The zero level can be compared to the waterline of a ship, only it is in plain sight and everyone understands why it is needed. From the name it seems clear what it is for, but where and how it appears is not clear.

The main task when preparing to level the floor with dry or concrete screed is to reach a zero level over the entire area of ​​the apartment. The floor, ultimately, should be one perfectly flat surface parallel to the horizon.

What is zero level in construction

  1. Place a mark at the highest point of the relief in the apartment.
  2. We duplicate this mark strictly horizontally on all other walls in all rooms in the apartment. To do this, it is best to use special tools - building levels.
  3. Then you need to connect all the dots, and then you get a zero level, and you need to align yourself with it when screeding the floor.

Selecting a mark: add from 10 to 100 mm to the highest point; how much is added depends on the type of screed used. From 30 to 50 mm is added with a dry screed, and there are restrictions, the minimum thickness is 30 mm, the maximum is 50 mm, if several layers of prefabricated base are used, then 70 mm. For a wet screed, the additional length can vary from 10 to 100 mm - it all depends on the specific conditions.

Moreover, there are different technologies for leveling the subfloor in an apartment: you can use a dry floor screed with expanded clay on top of a layer of large expanded clay, or you can lay plywood on a concrete base. Different methods are good in different ways.

How to coordinate rooms by level

When the apartment has the same floor covering, then the floor screed is made to the same level. But often, for example, laminate flooring is laid in the room, tiles are laid in the hallway and bathroom, because of this, it is necessary to coordinate the rooms by level before laying the final floor covering.

It's simple: to determine the height of the screed in each room, you need to count all the layers of the future floor covering and subtract them from the final level. Although everything is simple, if this is not done at the preliminary stages of renovating the apartment, then you are guaranteed a floor with steps.

Methods for marking the zero level

Water level

The most accessible and simple way is to hit the zero point of the room with a water level - a spirit level. Two glass tubes with water connected to each other by a long hose allow you to measure not only the levels in one room, but throughout the entire home.

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Low price of the tool.
  1. One person is not enough to measure.
  2. Accuracy depends on the condition of the tool: do not allow the hose to bend, air to enter, etc.

Method using an auxiliary level

At an arbitrary height, draw a horizontal line and measure the distance to the floor after a certain distance. The more marks, the higher the measurement accuracy.

  1. Versatility: can be used on any horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  2. One person is enough.
  1. Lots of measuring tests to achieve an accurate result.
  2. If there are erroneous measurements, then measurement errors accumulate.

More precisely, in measurements it is not a laser level that is used, but a laser level. The method is based on the operating principles of a laser level, that is, the line outlined by a laser beam in space is the desired level.

  1. The most accurate measurements.
  2. One person is enough to measure.
  1. High price of the tool.
  2. The possibility of measurements depends on the conditions in the apartment; problems may arise in strong lighting conditions or in very dusty rooms.

Bottom line: all methods are good if you use them when necessary. The result will be at a high level, especially if you arm yourself with high-quality and serviceable tools. We do home renovations for ourselves, so the result, as a rule, is at a good level.

P.S. And for dessert, I suggest watching a video: Comparison of laser levels



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