We determine the amount of RAM and how much RAM is used. How much RAM does a computer need?

Good afternoon.

Today's article is dedicated to RAM, or rather its quantity on our computers (RAM is often abbreviated as RAM). RAM plays big role in the operation of the computer, if there is not enough memory - the PC begins to slow down, games and applications open reluctantly, the picture on the monitor begins to “twitch”, the load on the computer increases hard drive. In the article we will focus on issues related to memory: its types, how much memory is needed, what it affects.

How to find out the amount of RAM?

1) The easiest way to do this is to go to “my computer” and click right click mouse anywhere in the window. Next, select “properties” in the explorer context menu. You can also open the control panel and enter “system” in the search bar. See screenshot below.

The amount of RAM is indicated next to the performance index, under the processor information.

4GB- amount of RAM. The more, the better. But do not forget that if the processor in the system is not so powerful, then there is no point in installing a large amount of RAM. In general, sticks can be of completely different sizes: from 1GB to 32 or more. See below for volume.

1600Mhz PC3-12800- Operating frequency (bandwidth). This table will help you understand this indicator:

DDR3 modules


Bus frequency


As can be seen from the table, the throughput of such RAM is 12800 MB/s. Not the fastest today, but as practice shows, the amount of memory is much more important for the speed of a computer.

The amount of RAM on the computer

1 GB - 2 GB

Today, this amount of RAM can only be used on office computers: for editing documents, browsing the Internet, and mail. It is, of course, possible to run games with this amount of RAM, but only the simplest ones.

By the way, with this volume you can install Windows 7, it will work fine. True, if you open five documents, the system may begin to “think”: it will not react so sharply and zealously to your commands, the picture on the screen may begin to “twitch” (especially for games).

Also, if there is a lack of RAM, the computer will use: part of the information from RAM, which is in at the moment not used, will be written to the hard disk and then, as needed, read from it. Obviously, in this state of affairs there will be an increased load on the hard drive, and this can also greatly affect the speed of the user’s work.

4 GB

Most popular amount of RAM in lately. On many modern PCs and laptops under Windows control 7/8 put 4 GB of memory. This volume is enough for normal work with office applications and will allow you to run almost everything modern games(even if not on maximum settings), watch HD video.

8 GB

This amount of memory is becoming more and more popular every day. It allows you to open dozens of applications, while the computer behaves very quickly. In addition, with this amount of memory you can run many modern games at high settings.

However, it is worth noting immediately. That this amount of memory will be justified if you have a powerful processor installed in your system: Core i7 or Phenom II X4. Then he will be able to use the memory to its full potential - and there will be no need to use the swap file at all, thereby increasing the speed of operation significantly. In addition, the load on the hard drive is reduced and energy consumption is reduced (relevant for a laptop).

By the way, the opposite rule also applies here: if you have a processor budget option- then installing 8 GB of memory makes no sense. The processor will simply process a certain amount of RAM, say 3-4 GB, and the rest of the memory will add absolutely no speed to your computer.

We warmly welcome you, dear guests of the site! Performance of any modern computer to one degree or another depends on technical characteristics RAM installed on the motherboard. In fact, these cache memory modules are the second most important component, after the processor, for system performance. When choosing RAM sticks, it is of great importance amount of computer RAM . Frequency and type of memory - these parameters are, of course, very important from the point of view of upgrading ultra-fast PC memory, but the most interesting property RAM modules are considered their overall size virtual storages. Today we will try accessible ways tell you about the most common RAM sizes in desktop electronic computing devices.

RAM capacity - this refers to those parameters of a personal computer system that characterize the performance of the entire electronic computing complex. One very simple rule is relevant here: the larger the virtual amount of RAM, the better. A computer with RAM strips with increased digital data capacity is capable of simultaneously working with a large number various applications. For example, a system with 512 MB of RAM will not be able to provide its owner with comfortable work simultaneously with several resource-intensive programs, but on a computer with 8 GB of RAM you can easily load a couple of “heavy” software. On weaker (budget) computer builds, the lack of memory of this type is partially compensated by the PC's virtual memory. In fact, such a scheme does not compensate for the lack of RAM memory, because free space is used as storage for system information hard drive, the operating speed of which is significantly lower than the speed of RAM modules.

As a rule, there are several standard volumes for modern personal computer systems. Most RAM sticks produced today are equipped with 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, or 8 GB of rewritable cache memory. As you may have noticed, on motherboards desktop computers And laptops have not one, but several slots for these RAM modules. Installing several memory chips in two (dual-channel mode) or three (triple-channel mode) pairs allows the PC user to increase the performance of his system to some extent. This means that you have the right to equip your computer assembly with either absolutely identical brackets or completely different ones. Agree, this solution is very convenient in cases where the owner of the computer has in stock different sizes, operating frequencies and manufacturersRAM boards. For example, you can attach identical RAM modules to the first two slots, and insert sticks with different amounts of memory into the remaining slots (if any).

Not only the performance of a particular computer, but also the choice of the type of Microsoft Windows operating shell depends on the total amount of RAM on all RAM modules installed on the motherboard. The technical capabilities are such that a 32-bit operating system Windows system recognizes only up to 4 gigabytes of total RAM memory. If this type of platform is installed on a computer with 5 or more gigabytes of RAM, then the system will use only 4 GB, and the rest will simply be idle. We think that few of you will want to buy modules with large memory and use only a certain part of these components. Therefore, the optimal version of Windows OS for personal computers with volume RAM memory up to 4 GB can be considered a 32-bit system. The 64-bit system shell is perfect for computers with 8, 16 and 32 gigabytes of random access memory.

Today it is difficult to find 512 MB RAM on desktop computers and laptops. Time goes by, and now such a virtual cache memory compartment is no longer enough for most modern tasks. The current standard of RAM in the DDR-3 format gives us the opportunity to carry out high-quality modernization of our electronic computers. As practice shows, 2 gigabytes of fast rewritable memory is currently quite enough for the stable operation of a particular system. Office, small multimedia editors, movies and undemanding video games are designed just for this total RAM size. Professional software and many modern gaming applications require a significant amount of RAM, so you need to worry in advance about the possible increase in the system memory of your iron friend.

Almost any computer equipment includes two types of memory. Permanent (non-volatile) memory is used to store MP3 songs, photos, videos, documents and other important files. What is the difference between RAM? What does RAM affect, how many gigabytes does a modern smartphone need? This article will answer all these questions.

Any smartphone consists of many components. Strongest on performance operating system influences central processing unit (CPU). The second place in this ranking is definitely taken by random access memory (RAM). If this component is very slow, and the free space is very low, then the system and most applications will experience stuttering. As an example, let's remember the very first Symbian-based smartphones, the amount of RAM in which was measured in a few megabytes. On those devices, it was almost impossible to pause music playback to answer an incoming call - when returning to the music player, the track would start over again, since there was not enough space in the RAM to store the current position.

The main difference between RAM and permanent memory is volatility. When the power is turned off, the RAM is reset to zero. But this type of memory is much faster than ROM.

Both then and now, RAM is divided into several conventional sections:

  • System- here is the operating system (Android, iOS), as well as all sorts of service modules pre-installed by the smartphone manufacturer. A branded shell may also be present in this segment. It is the system section that is filled with information first. The faster the memory used in the device, the faster the operating system loads.
  • Custom- this memory is available after the loading of the OS finishes. It is in this section that the executive files of various applications are contained - Internet browser, instant messengers and others. Also here, firmware additions may gradually appear here, released by the gadget manufacturer in the form of updates.
  • Available- a small section reserved by the operating system. This “reservation” is needed to prevent problematic situations and quickly launch new applications.

What does RAM affect?

What benefits does a user get if a smartphone has an increased amount of RAM? On such a device, more applications can run in the background. That is, the Internet browser will not load the page from scratch if you return to it after visiting many other programs. Also when large volume RAM in the background can work huge amount messengers, torrent client and other types of applications. But the performance of the operating system itself depends not so much on the volume as on the speed characteristics of the RAM. Affects the operation of Android or iOS OS and optimization of the operating system.

Bill Gates once said that 640 KB of RAM is enough for any computer. Now even a mobile operating system requires approximately 1 GB, and to this you also need to add a proprietary shell and applications that are then installed. And if the code is poorly optimized, then slowdowns and freezes will occur in any case. A good example are Samsung smartphones and tablets released before 2015. There was a sufficient amount of RAM in such devices, but the cumbersome and unoptimized interface literally forced the gadget to slow down from time to time.

The battery life depends on the amount of RAM. Everything here is banal. A large number of background processes loads the CPU quite heavily. And this, in turn, entails increased energy consumption. Smartphone manufacturers are fighting this with a thinner chipset process technology, a larger battery, and better optimization of pre-installed software.

How much RAM does a smartphone need?

As mentioned above, the Android operating system can take up from 512 MB to 1 GB of RAM. Also, RAM is needed for those applications that will be installed as the device is used. This means that now you should not buy a smartphone that contains less than 2 GB of RAM. And this is already the minimum parameter! If you need to buy a device that will definitely not unload recently launched applications from memory, then you need to think about a device whose characteristics include 4 GB or even more RAM.

Please note that you shouldn’t overdo it either. 8 GB of RAM is just a marketing ploy. Android simply cannot yet consume such a huge amount. Only future versions of the operating system will learn how to do this, which, quite possibly, will never arrive on the selected device.

How to free up RAM?

Many smartphone owners think that to free up RAM they just need to open the list of previously running applications and then click “Close all”. In part, this actually helps free up some RAM, which will help, for example, run the game better. But sometimes more effective methods are required.

Many branded shells have built-in tools for freeing up RAM. Applications can be unloaded from it automatically, once every certain period of time. But much more often you have to free up memory manually. Let's consider the user's actions using the example of a smartphone from Samsung:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Click on the item " Optimization».

Step 3. Wait until the device check is completed, then click on “ RAM" Or click on the button " Optimize"if you want to free up permanent memory at the same time.

Step 4. An additional check will be launched in the “RAM” subsection. Then you need to press the button " Clear" The system will first tell you exactly how much RAM will be freed.

On smartphones and tablets from other companies, the built-in optimizer utility may be located somewhere in the menu; in this case, visiting “Settings” is not required. There are proprietary shells without a built-in ability to free up RAM. Fortunately, no one is stopping the user from downloading a special application from Google Play that does the same thing. The site has a separate article about the best optimizers for Android - all you have to do is choose suitable option. Let's try to download and install CCleaner.

Step 1. Launch the installed application. When starting for the first time, you will need to press the " Begin».

Step 2. The program may also offer to upgrade to a paid version. It is devoid of advertising and supplemented with some useful features. If you don’t want to spend money yet, then click the “ Continue for free».

Step 3. The main window of the application indicates the filled amount of ROM and RAM. In order for the program to understand exactly how much volume can be freed, you should click the “ Analysis».

Step 4. When starting for the first time on fresh Android versions A warning will appear stating that the utility requires permissions to work with certain sections of the operating system. Click the button Clear" and provide the requested permissions.

Step 5. Analysis can take quite a long time long time- it all depends on how long ago CCleaner was launched in last time. When the process is completed, you need to check the boxes next to those elements that can be deleted from permanent and RAM memory. After this, all you have to do is press the “ Clear».

Step 6. In the future, you can order the program to automatically clear RAM and ROM. This is done in a separate section. However, to activate this feature you will need to purchase a paid version of the application.

Clearing RAM in modern versions of Android is rarely required. Basically, this action may be needed before starting some very heavy game. In general, you don't have to think about RAM if the amount of this type of memory is equal to or greater than 4 GB.

Summing up

This article made it clear what RAM is in a smartphone. RAM is much faster than flash memory, but it requires a constant supply of energy, without which all information will simply be deleted. We advise you to familiarize yourself with how to increase permanent memory - this article is also very relevant for owners of budget smartphones.

Anyone who has ever thought about upgrading their “iron horse”, i.e. PCs, we have repeatedly asked ourselves the question of how much random access memory (RAM) is needed for stable, comfortable operation of the hardware. The only trouble is that few people care about the rest of the hardware configuration. But since the question exists, let's look at it.

What is RAM?

RAM is inconspicuous PCB strips with chips that are responsible for the speed of the OS and other components. It works in conjunction with a video card and processor, and is attached, accordingly, to the motherboard. The performance of this element is determined according to the following principles:

  1. standard;
  2. frequency;
  3. delays (timings);
  4. volume.

Regarding the first point. The second and third generation trims are now widely represented on the market, i.e. DDR2 and DDR3. DDR4 is also gaining momentum, but they are too expensive now, so we won’t consider them. DDR1, in turn, has long been obsolete, and the second generation faces the same fate.

Frequencies. DDR2 is capable of operating at frequencies from 533 to 800 MHz. There are variations at 1066 MHz, but they are extremely rare. DDR3 extends the range from 1066 to 2400 MHz. The higher the indicator, the faster the memory. Timings are a purely overclocking concept, and will be of interest only to those who overclock components. But let’s look at the volume in more detail, since this is the key element that determines the speed of data processing.

Required volume for different systems

Remember that every operating system has such an element as bit depth, namely 32 and 64 bits. In the first case, the system will not “see” more than 4 GB of RAM, and no more than 3.25 GB will be available to the user. The 64-bit OS is devoid of these shortcomings and is able to recognize about 192 GB of memory. Another thing is that only a few will need such an impressive amount.

As for the minimum resource consumption, for Windows xp, for example, it is only 256 MB. But this figure does not mean that the system will “fly”. Enough to start, but no more. To comfortably launch office applications and not wait for several minutes, you will need at least 1 GB. It is noteworthy that the OS interface is not demanding, so there should not be any problems with display.

The "seven" requires much more memory, even if we are talking about a 32-bit system. Let's start with the fact that this OS has a “gluttonous” Aero interface, which by default consumes half of the system memory installed on the PC. In other words, in order to work in more or less comfortable conditions, you need to install at least 2 GB of RAM, or better yet 4. For Windows 7 64 bit, the entry threshold is already 4 GB. It is highly not recommended to equip with less memory, because the system will require much more “for itself”.

If we talk about the “eight”, then it will feel comfortable even with 1 GB, because the tiled interface is not demanding in terms of resources. But for Windows 8 64 bit , the old fashioned way, you need at least 4 GB.

Memory gradation for comfortable work

As a basis, we will take a basic office assembly, in which 2 GB of RAM is installed. With this amount of memory you can work with text, surf the Internet, or watch movies online. Another thing is that you won’t be able to open Full HD pictures, because everything will depend on a cheap video card. And such a “budget” amount of memory will not allow you to reproduce an impressive stream of data.

Working in Photoshop is also difficult. You simply won’t open more than 1 high-quality image, and if you do, the work will be carried out with huge delays. The system will be forced to constantly access the swap file located on the hard drive, which is extremely slow in relation to RAM. When it comes to laptops, a small volume is characterized by rapid battery drain. But it's all about the same access to the swap file.

By increasing the volume to 4 GB, you can get an impressive performance increase. Firstly, it will be useful for games with a lot of textures. It is desirable that the video card be appropriate. Access to the paging file will be kept to a minimum, and this may increase the battery life of the laptop. You can even activate various “beauties” on Windows in the form of widgets and smooth opening/closing of windows.

8 GB will be simply necessary for those who professionally engage in video editing, editing, or creating graphic and 3D objects. Moreover, you can activate several resource-intensive applications at once, which will be used in parallel, with complete impunity, and play relaxing music in good quality in the background.

But such a large volume is only advisable if the overall configuration of the PC allows it to accommodate such an amount of memory. The main stumbling block is the motherboard. Firstly, she must have full support RAM 8 GB and above. It is desirable that there are two strips, and they can operate freely in dual-channel mode. This will further improve performance and improve power consumption. In case of downtime, the computer is unlikely to use its entire capacity.

The processor must be high-performance. Preferably, quad-core, or 2 cores, with a frequency of 3 GHz or more for each. Such a “stone” will reveal the full potential of all your hardware, while there will be practically no calls to the swap file.

Generally quantity required memory determined by the tasks you are going to solve using a computer.

For example:

  • for browsing the Internet and working in office programs 2 GB is enough;
  • more demanding programs, games at medium and maximum quality settings - 4 GB;
  • retouch photos 4 GB;
  • for the newest games at maximum quality settings and very memory-demanding programs - 8 GB;
  • work professionally in Photoshop at least 8 GB;
  • for rendering it is a floating figure. For those who are professional renderers, it costs 22 gigs on Windows Ultimate. But in general you can render with both 4 and 8 - depending on the size of the scene. But still, the more the better. Moreover, it is the volume that is important; the memory frequency does not play a special role.

What happens if there is not enough RAM?

So far, the total amount of RAM that is used by the operating system and running programs, less than installed, the system runs on full power. If there is not enough RAM, the system begins to use the hard drive as the missing amount of memory and then a sharp decrease in system speed is observed.

If the amount of data does not fit in RAM, then the operating system or programs will be forced to use virtual memory for temporary storage. This involves using a page file that is located on the hard drive. The operating speed of a hard drive is several times slower than RAM. That's why the computer will start to slow down a lot.

The more RAM, the better. Then all calculations will be carried out at lightning speed and calls to the hard drive will be minimal. But there are still limitations.

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The main components that affect the speed of a computer are the system bus clock speed, processor, video card, RAM, hard drive, and even the availability of free space on it. It is the combination of these devices that determines the performance of the system as a whole. If at least one of them is slow, then no matter how much you increase the performance of other modules, the computer will still slow down.

The amount and characteristics of RAM installed in the system directly affect the speed of the computer.

used for temporary storage of data for the correct operation of currently running processes, programs and applications. It serves as a buffer between the central processor and the hard drive.

How much memory can you put in a computer?

The amount of memory that can be installed in a computer depends on the number of slots motherboard and operating system. For example, 32-bit Windows only sees 3.2 GB, even if you set it to 4 GB.

64-bit Windows 7 versions do not experience such problems:

  • Home Basic supports up to 8 GB.
  • Home extended up to 16 GB.
  • Professional, Enterprise, Maximum up to 192 GB of memory.

How much does RAM cost?

RAM modules for laptop

  • Kingston KVR1333D3S9/4G DDR3 4GB SO-DIMM - RUB 1,910.
  • Kingston KVR16S11/8 DDR3 8GB SO-DIMM - RUB 3,750.
  • Corsair CMSA16GX3M2A1600C11 DDR3 16GB SO-DIMM - RUB 8,100.

RAM modules with cooling system

  • Kingston KHX1600C9D3X2K2/4GX DDR3 4GB DIMM - RUB 2,340.
  • Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1866C9/8G DDR3 8GB DIMM - RUB 4,260.
  • Corsair CML16GX3M2A1600C9 DDR3 16GB DIMM - RUB 6,570.
  • Kingston KHX18C10AT3K4/32X DDR3 32GB DIMM - RUB 12,210.
  • Corsair CMX64GX3M8A1333C9 DDR3 64GB DIMM - RUB 26,120.

RAM with cooling system



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