Easy fortune telling for love on a piece of paper. Fortune telling on paper: correct implementation for accurate results

Man has long been attracted by everything unusual. And there is no such guy or girl who, if possible, love failures We wouldn’t want to resort to magic to tell our fortunes. Some people decide to turn to professional fortune tellers. And some find a way to curb their curiosity about the future using fortune telling on paper. In order to learn this, a lot of work and great knowledge are not required. But at the same time, many claim that all the predictions for them with the help of fortune telling on a piece of paper came true.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for the future

It is very simple to carry out fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen. But if a person decides to do fortune-telling, then this process must be approached as seriously as possible. After all, if you spend time, then with the greatest benefit. First you need to study the process algorithm and prepare the necessary materials.

The main factors on which the reliability of predictions depends:

Preparing for fortune telling on a piece of paper requires following these rules and having paper and pen.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen involves answering questions not only about matters of the heart, but also about success in life in general. There are many ways to tell fortunes on a piece of paper. The main ones are:

  • questions about various problems;
  • prediction of the near and distant future;
  • fortune telling for a guy.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen based on questions

In order to get an answer to a question of interest, you need to state it concisely on a piece of paper. The question should be briefly worded. Then you need to count the number of letters in the question without taking into account punctuation marks. If you get a number with two or more digits, you need to add them up to ultimately get just a digit. After this you need to turn to decoding.

As an example, you can consider the following question: “Will I buy an apartment this year?” Let's sum up all the letters of the question: k+y+p+l+yu+ya+k+v+a+p+t+i+p+y+v+e+t+o+m+g+o+d+y =23. Since the number turned out to be ambiguous, we add up the numbers in the number 23: 2+3=5. The answer to this question will be the decoding of the five.

Interpretation of answers:

  • Listen to your subconscious. Only it gives the correct answers to your questions.
  • Yes. Favorable result. The outcome will be beneficial for you.
  • No. This is impossible. New difficulties may arise.
  • Fortune is favorable to you. Everything you plan will come true.
  • Ambiguous answer. The wish may come true, but it will not lead to anything good. Or it won’t come true, but that’s for the best.
  • To achieve what you want, you need to make a lot of effort. The saying “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself” is appropriate here.
  • Your intentions will be fulfilled. But this will happen when it is no longer important to you.
  • You need to look around - the answer is in a visible place. Be careful.
  • It is unlikely that the situation will be resolved in the way you want. The percentage of wish fulfillment is very low.

Predicting the future

In order to find out about the events that await you, you can perform fortune telling rituals on a piece of paper with a pen, asking questions about the future. The main ones are: fortune telling using ten leaves and fortune telling for a specific date.

Fortune telling 10 sheets

With the help of ten pieces of paper you can predict your near future or get an answer to a nagging question. For this fortune telling, on each piece of paper it is necessary to draw pictures: a house, a door, a fence, a tree, a river, a flower, a cat, a bird, a man, a woman. Then fold each sheet several times, shuffle it and, thinking about your question, pull out the first piece of paper.

Explanation of the selected picture:

For events of a specific day

Many people know that dates play a role in everyone’s life. big role. But few people know on which days they are lucky. If a person needs information about what awaits him in a specific period, he can resort to simple fortune telling on paper with a pen for a certain date.

The essence of this divination is that on the top of the piece of paper the date, month and day of the week are written in words, and on the bottom - the person’s full name. Abbreviations and initials are not allowed. Then cross out the letters that are repeated in the words of both the date and the surname of the first and patronymic.

Example: Ivanova Zhanna Grigorievna is interested in the events in her life on Tuesday, April twenty-fourth.

After crossing out identical letters, the entry will look like:

The letters c, ch, e, p, l, i, k, zh are not repeated. Total - 8 pieces.

Explanation of the meaning of the obtained numbers:

Based on Ivanov’s interpretation, Zhanna Grigorievna can expect romantic events on Tuesday, April 24.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for a guy's name

The surname, first name and patronymic of the girl and guy are written down on a piece of paper. After this, you need to write down the letters that are repeated in each name. Then count the number of letters that are repeated the same number of times.

Example: Vasilyeva Glafira Dmitrievna, Prokhorov Arkhip Vadimovich

Letters that appear more than once in a girl’s full name:

B - 3, A - 5, I - 4, L - 2, E - 2, R - 2.

Letters that are repeated in the guy's name:

P - 2, R - 3, O - 4, X - 2, V - 3, A - 2, I - 3.

Thus, only the letter B appears the same number of times (namely three times). The result of fortune telling is the number one.

Interpretation of numbers:

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for feelings

Girls love to guess about a guy as in school times, and more mature age. It is very important for a woman to know how the man she likes feels immediately after meeting her. They can tell you about it interesting fortune telling to feelings. The main methods in this type of divination are: quick fortune telling by cells and fortune telling with the strange name Rodnistle.

By cells

For quick fortune telling, you need not a simple piece of white paper, but one from a notebook in a box. With a certain hand (left-handed - left, right-handed - right) you need to draw a heart of any size on a piece of paper, while thinking about a certain person. Then cross out all the cells in the heart that were not affected by the lines. Count the number of cells along which the line was drawn. If the number of these cells is more than one digit, then the numbers in it need to be added so that the result is a single digit number.

Interpretation of the number of cells that were affected into the feelings of the partner:

  • 0 - love and a quick date;
  • 1 - partner doubts;
  • 2 - only friendship;
  • 3 - modesty interferes with the expression of feelings;
  • 4 - loves, but is very jealous;
  • 5 - all his romantic thoughts are connected with you;
  • 6 - indifference;
  • 7 - there is another person in the partner’s thoughts;
  • 8 - you can quickly attract his attention, but soon you yourself will not be happy about it;
  • 9 - relationships will soon begin to develop at lightning speed.

The advantage of this fortune telling on a piece of paper is that you do not need to know the full name and surname of the person you like. It is enough to imagine his image during the sacrament.

Method native

The method is more complex than other fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen. To do this, first of all, you need to know the last name, first name and patronymic of the person of interest. Then on paper in one line you need to write your full name. Below is the name of the person you are interested in.

Without haste, you need to carefully cross out the letters in your name, patronymic and surname, which are also found in your partner. For example, Zhanna Grigorievna Ivanova wants to know how Tihomir Andreevich Polyakov treats her. Step by step, you need to cross out the paired letters that match between the partners.

The meaning of the letters in the word rodnistle:

No one knows why some people’s predictions are true, while for others everything happens exactly the opposite. Perhaps it’s just the subconscious transmitting the necessary information. It is generally accepted that the “placebo effect” plays a large role in the success of fortune telling. Therefore, if you tune in and fully believe in the prophecy, then it will definitely come true.

Everyone wants to look into their own future, and those who say they don’t want to just want it in secret.

To find out whether the tender feeling is mutual, whether happiness is expected soon, whether a dream will come true - all this can only be done with the help of mysticism and fortune telling. It is not necessary to perform complex rituals at midnight, burn candles and cast spells, because ordinary paper and pen can help you find out the probable future.

Fortune telling on paper is ideal for girls who are tormented by important questions - should they expect the first step from their beloved guy, will their plans come true, and what fate awaits them. All you need is a notebook sheet and a simple pen.

Numbers will help

Numerology is a serious science, and it is what is used most often in “paper” fortune telling. With the help of simple mathematical combinations, you can find out the near future and get an answer to an exciting question.

What will happen today?

This is a simple and pleasant fortune telling on paper, which will allow you to understand what events are coming up today. Need to write given name, last name and patronymic, as well as today’s date (day and month) in words. You can write another date - a day that you are waiting for in the future.

Then you cross out the repeated letters in what you wrote, and count all the remaining, not crossed out, letters so that you get simple digit. The meaning of the numbers is as follows:

  • 0 – the day will be normal.
  • 1 – joy awaits.
  • 2 – you will be sad.
  • 3 – an interesting walk or trip.
  • 4 – there will be news.
  • 5 – you will hear something pleasant.
  • 6 – meeting.
  • 7 - you will be sad.
  • 8 – wait for love.
  • 9 – beware of betrayal.

Will what you want come true?

An interesting fortune telling on paper - with a “li” particle. Write down your current issue, one that requires a “yes” or “no” answer. Does Sasha love me, will I pass the test, and so on.

After this, we count the letters in each word you write, and write the resulting numbers below, under the words. We add all these numbers in pairs, then repeat the procedure until we get one simple number - it will give the answer.

  • 1 – you know the answer.
  • 2 – probably yes.
  • 3 - don't wait.
  • 4 – definitely.
  • 5 – most likely yes.
  • 6 – there is interference.
  • 7 – unlikely.
  • 8 – yes, but later.
  • 9 is not the time for this.


A heart is not only a symbol of love, but also a good tool for fortune telling about possible love, on plain checkered paper. You need to close your eyes and imagine your beloved guy, and draw a heart on a piece of paper, using your non-dominant hand (a left-handed person draws with his right, a right-handed person with his left).

Then we look at what happened and cross out entire cells in the heart. Cross out 6 cells at a time and count how many are left. Let's find out the future!

  • 1 – the guy has feelings for you.
  • 2 – only friendship is possible.
  • 3 – the guy has sympathy.
  • 4 – he is jealous.
  • 5 – sees you in dreams.
  • 6 – no feelings.

No math

If fortune telling, which is done on paper with a regular pen using numbers, is not suitable for you, and you do not like to count, there are other good options for finding out the future.

1. A game of tic-tac-toe will help answer the question! For this simple fortune telling on paper, you need a piece of checkered paper and a pen.

You make a wish and simply play tic-tac-toe with yourself, relying on intuition and without thinking about each next move. It is important to put X's and O's without thinking. If the cross wins, the wish will come true, if the zero wins, then not.

2. From time immemorial, chamomile has answered the question that torments girls: “whether she loves or not.” There is a simple and interesting love fortune telling for girls on paper using a drawn chamomile.

Make a wish for a guy. Draw a flower with the same number of petals as there are letters in your lover’s full name. Draw a stem and start writing the letters of the full name young man into the petals, moving clockwise, starting from the stem.

Then write your own full name in the same way, in each drawn petal with a letter. If there is no space, write the name incompletely. You will get exactly 2 letters in each petal.

Then see if there are petals in which one vowel and any one consonant letter stand side by side. If there are no such people, you are unlikely to have a great future with this guy. The more there are, the greater the chances for romance and love!

3. Yes interesting fortune telling with plain paper and a ballpoint pen, for a wish or question. This is fortune telling with sticks (dashes).

Make a wish or ask a yes or no question and start drawing lines. Stop when you feel it and start crossing out two lines at a time.

If a line remains, the wish will come true, and the answer to the question is positive. If there is nothing left uncrossed out on the sticks, then the wish will not yet come true, and the answer is negative.

4. There is one more fortune telling with sticks, but we will have to return to mathematics. But this fortune-telling with plain paper and a simple pen will help you learn a lot of interesting things on sticks and look into the future.

The sticks are drawn not in one row, but in six, stopping by intuition. Then cross out three lines and count the remaining ones in each row. We add the resulting numbers until we get one simple number. She is the answer to the question of what the future holds.

  • 0 – in the near future everything will be calm, no changes should be expected.
  • 1 – something not very pleasant will happen soon.
  • 2 – your lover or girlfriend will bring some trouble or make you worry, be careful.
  • 3 – there will be an unexpected and very pleasant surprise.
  • 4 – you will be forced to break the rules and take risks.
  • 5 - they are waiting for a change of place, you will find yourself in new circumstances.
  • 6 – there is a walk, a journey or a trip ahead.
  • 7 - an important meeting awaits you with a new person who will change your destiny.
  • 8 – important news will come.
  • 9 – open up to great love – it’s nearby!

Many people like fortune telling using paper because of its simplicity and the fact that it often comes true. Believe only in the best and do not be afraid if you experience a not very favorable event. Remember that the paper predicts only probable developments in the plot of your destiny, and everything is ultimately in your hands.

You yourself, knowing the probability of the future, can contribute to good luck or avoid difficulties and troubles.
Author: Vasilina Serova

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is very popular due to its ease of execution. This ancient fortune telling for the future was used in fortune-telling for Christmastide and Christmas. In order to find out what awaits you in the new year, you need to take 12 identical small pieces of paper and write on them with a pen different events that you plan to accomplish. These can be small events such as shopping or life-changing and major life changes such as marriage or the birth of a child. When making notes on pieces of paper, do not forget to write, for example, “the wish will not come true soon” or “the wish will not come true.”

Make a wish and put all the pieces of paper on Christmas night, under New Year or under the pillow on Old New Year's Eve. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out the piece of paper and read it. You will know whether your wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for a loved one

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for a loved one will help you find out about the attitude of your loved one. To do this, take 10 identical pieces of paper. On just one piece of paper, write the name of your loved one with a pen. Carefully roll all the pieces of paper into paper tubes and place them in a large open cup or bag. You can remove the tubes for “luck” only three times. Each time, examine the piece of paper you take out and throw it back into the bag with the other tubes. If he comes across one empty piece of paper, it will mean that he is indifferent to you. If an empty piece of paper appears two or three times, then you know that good luck is coming your way. If you come across a tube with his name on it once, then you are his dream. If twice, he doesn’t love you, and if three times, then you should be together.

Many different fortune telling for the future on the page

You can choose another method of fortune telling on the page

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for the groom

This fortune telling for the groom will allow you to find out the name of your future betrothed. All you need is paper and a pen. Before fortune telling, say magic spell 7 times in a row:

“I’ll take a piece of paper and tear it,

And I will name the scraps after my husband.

I'll hide you in a secluded place in the darkness,

And in the morning I’ll open it and read the name.

I recognize the one who is inspired by fate,

Who will be endlessly in love with me.”

Take a piece of paper and randomly tear it into seven pieces. Write one on each piece of paper male name. Mix them and hide them in a dark place at midnight. After that, go to bed. In the morning, when you wake up, take out one piece of paper from a secluded place and read the name of the future groom.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for love by name

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for love by name will allow you to find out how many chances you have to attract the attention of a guy, whether he suits your character and whether you should try to attract his attention to yourself. If you know very little about a guy, only his last name, first name and patronymic, then this fortune telling is for you. Perhaps you have known him for a long time, but for some reason your relationship is not going well.

Fortune telling with paper and pen for love by name will tell you how many chances you have to be together. To do this:

1. On a piece of paper, write down your last name, first name, patronymic (full name), and the same letters that appeared in your full name earlier must be written under the same letter. Then you need to write there the last name, first name, patronymic (full name) of the guy you have chosen for fortune telling.

3. After this, recalculate the sums of two adjacent numbers and write them in the next row.

4. In this row, recalculate the sums of the three adjacent numbers and write them in the next row.

5. In the next row, write down the sums of two numbers next to each other. If in the next row you do not get a single-digit number, then you need to continue the fortune telling and add each adjacent numbers again. Do this until you get just one number.

This number tells you how many chances out of 10 you have. For example, 2 out of 10 will predict only 20% of 100%. And if you have so little chance, then most likely you shouldn’t even try. But, don’t forget that everything is in your hands, and 20% is also a chance, it will be difficult to achieve his love, but it is possible, so if you really want it, then act.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen in fortune telling by question

Fortune telling on paper with a pen in fortune telling for a specific question is similar to the previous one. Only instead of your full name, you ask and write down a question that begins with a verb, for example, “Does Sergei Ivanov love Svetlana Petrova” and start counting the letters in each word, sign the numbers below the words, as in the picture.

In the next line, add up the adjacent numbers and write them under the numbers you are adding, in the middle. If the sum is made up of two digits, for example 12, then again you add these numbers 1 + 2 = 3 until you get one digit.

In the next row, you again add adjacent numbers until you get one number and write it down, and so on until one number remains. This figure will show the number of chances out of 10 that you have to answer yes to the question. In our example, this is 2 out of 10, i.e. only 20% of 100%. The chances are not very great; most likely, Sergei Ivanov does not like Svetlana Petrova at all. When a number greater than 5 is rolled, the chances are sufficient to answer the question in the affirmative.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen, love chart

In this fortune telling, you need to know the name of the guy you are telling fortunes about. Write your first and last name first, and below the first and last name of the guy you are interested in, for example:

Sokolova Svetlana

Kononov Vladimir

Cross out the paired letters in each surname, and then the paired letters in two surnames, for example:

WITH about lov and Svetlana

Kononov Vladimir

Then cross out the paired letters in each name, and then the paired letters in two names, for example:

WITH near the catch of St. Bethla on

Kononov Vladimir

And now for each line with last name and first name from one point different colors you need to build a love graph. Each uncrossed out letter is a line in the cell to the right horizontally, each crossed out letter is a line diagonally up the cell. Based on how the lines are located relative to each other, a forecast is made of your future relationship. If the lines converge or intersect, then your relationship will develop, and if they move away or end earlier, then the relationship will not work out well. Maybe you will be together for a while and then break up, as you can see from the graph in the picture.

Fortune telling on paper with a LURNIST pen

Fortune telling on paper with a LURNIST pen will allow you to find out about the attitude of this or that guy towards you. Each letter in the word LURNIST stands for the first letter of a word that denotes some feeling or attitude. On a piece of paper, write your last name, first name and patronymic (full name), and below the last name, first name and patronymic (full name) of the guy you are guessing for. Also, as in the previous fortune telling, cross out the same letters at the top and bottom. After this, you need to count those that remain uncrossed out. At the bottom, write the word LURNIST, and then count the letters in the word to a number that corresponds to the number of uncrossed out letters, for example, 15, and cross out the letter you stop at.

Then again start counting to 15 from the next uncrossed letter and count only the uncrossed letters, cross out the one you stop at, etc. The letter that remains the only one uncrossed will be the result of fortune telling. By the meaning of this letter you can find out about the guy’s attitude towards you.

Decoding of the word LURNIST: L - love, U - respect, R - jealousy, N - hatred, I - betrayal, S - suffering, T - melancholy.

This fortune telling has a lot different options, for example, another one like this.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen LURNISTKHvKhdEd

Fortune telling on paper with a pen LURNISTKHvKhdEd is a little different from the previous one, but you will also need paper and a pen. For fortune telling, draw a rectangle with a pen, 10 cells wide and 4 cells high, for a total of 40 cells.

Above the table, as in the picture, write the word L U R N I S T XV XD ED above the table.

Below the table, in random order, are numbers from 1 to 10. Here you need to remember that the numbers are not in order anywhere, for example, 2 and 3 are not allowed, but 2 and 4 are possible.

To the right of the table you write the names of four guys whose attitude interests you and who are not indifferent to you.

Decoding of the word LURNIST L HvHdEd: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - likes, I - is interested, S - dreams, T - yearns, HV - wants to see, KhD - wants to be friends, ED - there is another.

The first number written below is 6. From the upper left cell you count 6 cells and cross out the sixth cell - the letter C. Now you can’t count the crossed out cells; in fortune telling, empty ones are important. The next number from the bottom is 4. You count from the letter T, count out 4 cells and cross out the fourth cell - ED. You continue with the letter L - cross out the seventh cell - T, etc. etc. When three cells have already been crossed out in one column, place a zero in the uncrossed fourth cell. When counting the following numbers, you count only empty cells, and do not count crosses and zeros. When there are no empty cells left, you look at the circles and zeros. In the picture on the top line in our example, the zero is at the intersection of Max and P, HD. This means that Max is jealous and wants to be friends. With the rest of the names we look exactly the same.

Fortune telling on paper with pen LURDNISTEKHB

This is one of the easiest ways to tell fortunes on paper with a pen for several guys at once. Think of three guys you have a crush on or just want to know how they feel about you. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what each of the planned guys feels for you. First, write down for yourself who you wished for under what number, for example, number 0 - Igor, 1 - Andrey, 2 - Anton. On a piece of paper in a column, you write the letters LURDNISTEKHB and quickly begin to draw sticks opposite each letter, draw an arbitrary number and mentally tell yourself “stop.” After you finish drawing sticks opposite each letter in all rows, cross out 3 pieces in each row and count: if there is not a single stick left, then write 0 in this row, if 1 remains, then write 1, if 2 sticks - write 2. And so on in each row. And then you look at which row which number is in, and by the number you determine how each of the three guys treats you.

Decoding of the word LURDNISTEKHB: L - loves you, U - respects, R - is jealous, D - thinks about you, N - he likes you, I - is interested in you, S - suffers, T - is drawn to you, E - there is another, X - wants to be friends with you, B - will be friends with you.

There is something similar on our website

Fortune telling on paper with RONGLIS pen

Fortune telling on paper with a pen RONGLIS will tell you what awaits you, your girlfriend or the guy you like. For this fortune telling, you will also only need a pen and paper. On the top line of the sheet, you write his full name and surname with a pen. On the line below you write the month, date and period of the day, for example: Roman Kuznetsov and Thirtieth September morning. After that, cross out 2 identical letters, one from the top and the other from the bottom line, and count the number of letters left uncrossed out, for example - 20. Below the lines write the word RONGLIS, then cross out every twentieth letter, starting to count from the next one after crossed out until only one remains. The letter that remains uncrossed out will determine what awaits you or the person you were wondering about.

Decoding of the word RONGLIS: R - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - betrayal, S - date. If the letter C remains, this means that Roman Kuznetsov will have a date today.

Imagine a situation where you urgently need to find out about the feelings of some interesting person, but, as luck would have it, you don’t have your favorite Tarot deck, runes, or even ordinary ones at hand. playing cards. What to do in this case? Can you remember school years and conduct fortune telling for love on paper. Surely, in your youth you tried at least one of the methods given in the article. All you need is a regular landscape or notebook piece of paper and a ballpoint pen or pencil.

How accurate is fortune telling using paper?

Of course, as much as you believe in them. Any attempt to look into the future or into the head of the person you are interested in (which is what we are going to do this time) works provided that you are serious and really want to get important information, and don't do it just for fun.

In our carefree school years, we all often did not care about the rules and guessed thirty times a day on the same question, so the predictions often did not come true. Although, if you look at it, do you remember at least anything from those fortune-telling sessions held in your childhood? For example, I clearly remember how we called the gnome, but what the “paper” fortune-telling predicted was somehow not registered in my head. In any case, you can do love fortune telling on paper yourself and check how true it turns out to be.

Fortune telling “Loves or dislikes” by strokes

This fortune telling for a guy on paper and a pen will allow you to quickly and accurately find out whether the young man you are interested in has loving feelings for you. It’s very simple: take a piece of paper and a pen, mentally imagine the image of the person you are interested in, and then start drawing strokes in a line on the paper. The most important thing is not to count their number, but simply keep the image of a guy in your head and think about him. You should intuitively know when to stop.

Now let’s see what we’ve got and start crossing out the drawn strokes two at a time. If as a result there is not a single free stroke left (that is, you have drawn an even number of “sticks”), the young man has feelings for you, but if there is only one left, then he is indifferent to you, or he is deceiving you.

Heart fortune telling

This is another simple fortune-telling about a guy, about his feelings for you on paper and a pen. The main thing is that the leaf must be in a cage. You need to close your eyes, imagine your beloved young man, take a pen or pencil in the hand that you use less (right-handed people take it in left hand, left-handers - to the right) and draw a heart on paper. Then we open our eyes and begin to trace the whole cells inside the resulting heart. We don’t take half or incomplete ones into account. After circling, we begin to cross out these cells with crosses, six at a time, and then look at how many are left and evaluate the result:

  • 0 - the guy is indifferent
  • 1 - loves
  • 2 - perceives you as a friend
  • 3 - sympathizes
  • 4 - jealous
  • 5 - you come to him in dreams

Fortune telling "Answer to a question"

This easy and interesting fortune telling for a loved one on paper will answer any question you have about feelings. The most important thing is to formulate this very question and write it down. If you, for example, are interested in whether Andrey loves you, you can directly write “Does Andrey love me?”, and if you constantly call your boyfriend Andryusha, you can formulate it differently - “Does Andryusha love me?” In theory, you can ask absolutely any question, the main thing is that you write it down on paper exactly as it came to your mind. You can ask “Will I marry Pavel?”, “Will Anton cheat on me?”, “Will I date Sergei?” etc. You can use the person’s full name, you can call them by full name yourself - in a word, nothing limits you. The only thing important rule- so that the question can be answered “yes” or “no”.

Now count the number of letters in your question, excluding punctuation marks. If we take as an example the question “Does Andrey love me?”, we will get the number 17. Now we need to bring it to a single digit using a numerological method - we simply add together the numbers that make up this number: 17 = 1 + 7 = 8 - this is will be the result of fortune telling.

Let's see what happened:

  • 1 - you already know the answer
  • 2 - yes
  • 3 - no
  • 4 - of course!
  • 5 - unknown
  • 6 - yes, but the person is hiding it for now
  • 7 - most likely the answer is yes
  • 8 - yes, and you will receive confirmation soon
  • 9 - most likely the answer is negative

Fortune telling for the betrothed “Four numbers”

This fortune-telling for your betrothed on paper is as easy as shelling pears: think about your loved one, and then write four numbers on paper in random order. All that remains is to look at the meaning of what is written on the sign.

The numbers you wrote Meaning
1234 He feels sympathy
1243 Jealous
1342 This guy hates you
1324 If you like him, you have a future together
1423 Sees him as a friend
1432 A young man likes someone else from your circle - your girlfriend or sister
2134 He's mad at you
2143 Will invite you on a date
2341 I like you, but he hides it
2314 Indifference
2431 The guy has another girl
2413 Loves
3124 Wants to talk to you, but on what topic - you’ll find out later
3142 Experiences romantic feelings, slight infatuation
3241 I only like your appearance, but not your character.
3412 Changes
3421 You will soon meet alone
4123 Thinks you are beautiful
4132 Respects
4231 He will never be able to love you
4213 There will be a romance that may even end in marriage
4321 Does not respect, seeks to offend, offend, offend
4312 Wait for a declaration of love

Fortune telling “Loves or dislikes” almost like a daisy

Among the fortune telling about relationships on paper and a pen, one more can be distinguished, but you can use it only if you know the guy’s last name, or even better, his full name. To make a prediction, you need to write down on paper the first and last name or full name of your chosen one and your own, putting a “plus” sign between them. And then we remember the well-known counting rhyme used in fortune telling with chamomile: “He loves, he doesn’t love, he will spit, he will kiss...”.

There is one letter for each word in the counting table; we do not take into account the “+” sign, we simply skip it. Those. in our example, the letter “G” will correspond to the phrase “Loves”, the letter “R” - “Does not love”, the letter “A” - “Spit”, the letter “H” - “Kisses” - and so on until the end. If the counting rhyme ends before the letters, we start it over. The phrase that matches last letter lines - and will be the answer to the question about the attitude of the mysterious guy. In our example, this is the phrase “Does not like.”

Prediction "Will We Be Together?" by first and last name

Another simple fortune-telling on paper with a pen for the love of the person you are interested in, or rather even for the future of your couple. You need to write down in block letters on paper, the full name of yourself and your chosen one, and then begin to cross out the repeated paired letters separately in your names, separately in surnames, and separately in patronymics. However, if you don’t know the young man’s middle name, you can simply get by with his first name and last name.

So, for example, if we tell fortunes to a couple with the names Alexey Petrov and Oksana Ivanova, we will cross out the paired letters “A”, “K”, “C” in the names, and the letters “O” and “B” in the surnames. Now let's count how many letters are left uncrossed out - this number will tell you about your relationship. If it turns out to be two-digit, we bring it to a single-digit one using the numerological method (18 = 1 + 8 = 9, 13 = 1 + 4 = 5, 20 = 2 + 0 = 2, etc.)


  • 1 - great future for the couple, possible wedding, starting a family
  • 2 - you are very different, you shouldn’t be together
  • 3 - a short-term but very stormy romance
  • 4 - the chosen one is experiencing feelings, but you have not yet figured out yourself
  • 5 - relationships based on some kind of benefit, they are unlikely to be long-term
  • 6 - perfect pair
  • 7 - in the future you will remain friends
  • 8 - mutual feelings
  • 9 are suitable partners, but together you will have to go through a series of tests, but whether you will overcome it successfully is still unknown.

You probably remember this fortune telling for boys on paper and a pen from your childhood. The mysterious word “LURDNISTEKHB”, with which the sheets torn from school notebooks were covered, is in fact nothing more than an abbreviation of several words: Loves, Respects, Jealous, Thinks, Likes, Interested in, Suffering, Attracted to you, There is another, Wants to be friends , Will be friends.

The fortune telling process is very simple. You need to make a wish for three young people, assigning a number 0, 1 or 2 to each of them. Next, we write the mysterious phrase LURDNISTEHB vertically on a piece of paper. And then we begin to intuitively draw lines opposite each letter, mentally ordering ourselves to “stop” when we feel that we need to stop.

After all the rows are filled, we begin to cross out the sticks in each row in blocks of three, and carefully write down the remaining number (it will be 0, 1 or 2) near the desired row. Now all that remains is to evaluate the result: the guy to whom you assigned the number 0 experiences for you those feelings that are indicated by this number (in the example in the picture - it Loves, Jealous, Thinks about you), guy 1 - those with the number 1, 2 - respectively, with the number 2. See how simple it is?

To carry out this fortune telling for love on paper, you need to know the guy’s full name. Then you write your own name and the name of your chosen one on the line, but in an unusual way: We write all repeating letters one below the other. Now we count how many letters there are in each column and put the number 0 under it if the number of letters is even, and 1 if it is odd. And then we will have to do a little calculation: we take two adjacent numbers from the resulting digital series, add them and write the sum below. And we do this with all pairs of numbers. In the example, we added 0 and 0, getting 0, then 1 and 2, getting 2 - and so on.

After this, we begin to add three numbers in a row, using the numbers of the second row and thereby filling in the third digital line. We calculate the fourth line by again adding two adjacent numbers. We repeat the operation until we finally get a single number - it will be the result of fortune telling. In our example we got a six. The higher the number, the greater the chances of building serious relationship with a mysterious person.

Fortune telling “Love graph”

This fortune telling for a guy on paper will allow you to find out whether the lines of your lives will intersect. On a piece of squared paper we write our first and last name and the first and last name of the person of interest. In our example, the guy’s name is Pyotr Kuznetsov, the girl’s name is Maria Petrova. Now we cross out the same letters in your names, and then in your surnames, as we did in the fortune telling “Will we be together?” Now you need to build two graphs starting from one point. It's better to do it in different colors. First, we draw our graph: we look at the first and last name and begin to draw: if the letter is not crossed out, we draw a diagonal line the size of one cell up, and if it is crossed out, then to the right, also one cell, and so on until we run out of letters. Then we draw a similar graph for the guy, starting from the same point as ours.

After the fortune telling, we evaluate the result: if your lines coincide or intersect on large segments, something will connect you, but if they run parallel or intersect only at points - love relationship You won't have it with this person.

Fortune telling "Sotka"

Let's finish the article with a popular fortune telling for love on paper using numbers up to 100. We wish for a guy, take the paper and start writing numbers from 1 to 100 in random order, but without writing down the zeros, i.e. We will write the number 20 as 2, the number 40 as 4, etc. We fill the first line with as many numbers as you like, the rest - with the same number as the first line, and the last - as it turns out. At the end of the number series we write the date of the fortune telling. If, for example, we were guessing on March 2, 2018 - last digits numeric matrix will be 2, 3, 18.

Now the most interesting thing: we begin to cross out two numbers from the matrix according to the principle:

  • pairs that add up to 10 (7 and 3, 5 and 5)
  • same numbers (1 and 1, 3 and 3)

There are two ways of fortune telling. In the first, we have the right to cross out only those numbers that are next to each other horizontally or vertically, without skipping over those that have already been crossed out. In the second method, we do the same thing, but you can cross out numbers by jumping over already crossed out numbers. Those. if, for example, in the first and third row we have the numbers 1 under each other, and in the second row there is already a crossed out number in the same position, we can cross out these ones. If we guess using the first method, then it’s impossible.

After carrying out this operation, we check that there is nothing more to “reduce” and then write out all the remaining uncrossed numbers into a new matrix in the same order as they are located (from left to right from the first row, then from left to right from the second, and so on), but now the first line will contain as many numbers as there are letters in the name of your chosen one. Next, we repeat the deletion operation, again draw a new matrix from the remaining numbers, and so on until only numbers remain that can no longer be deleted. We count their number and look at the result - the guy’s true attitude.

For those who guessed the first way:

  • 1–10–19 - experiences real feelings
  • 2–11–20 — jealousy
  • 3–12–21 - indifference
  • 4–13–22 - sympathy
  • 5–14–23 - pays attention
  • 6–15–24 - nothing binds you
  • 7–16–25 - friendship, communication
  • 8–17–26 - wants a relationship
  • 9–18–27 - there will be love between you

For those who guessed the second way:

  • 1 - you won't be together
  • 2 - you will be a couple
  • 3, 6 - a guy loves another girl
  • 4, 5, 14 - truly loves
  • 7 - jealous
  • 8 - will come to visit
  • 9 - separation is coming
  • 10 - hear from him
  • 11 - there will be a meeting soon
  • 12 - there will be a conversation
  • 13 - he will become your husband
  • 15 - bored
  • 16 - complete indifference

Of course, you won’t get such accurate predictions as with the Tarot using “paper” fortune telling, but, nevertheless, you can have a fun time and learn something interesting with the help of this simple way predictions.

Falling in love - great time. The heart trembles, the world around is painted in different shades, the head is spinning from one look. But I still want certainty. What kind of relationship awaits you in the future, what does he think about you, does he love you? Will help answer questions simple fortune telling for a guy's love on paper.

The heart will tell you

Draw a heart on checkered paper. If you're left-handed, do this right hand, if not - left. Draw whole squares inside. Cross off 4 pieces at a time and see how many are left.

  • 0 – loves;
  • 1 – respects;
  • 2 – wants to be friends;
  • 3 – he likes you;
  • 4 – jealous;
  • 5 – he dreams of you;
  • 6 – indifferent.

Couple or not

Write your first and last name on a piece of paper, and his below. Cross out all paired letters. Count the ones that are left without a pair. Reduce to prime number. Let's look at an example. Anna Belogolovtseva and Maxim Chernous. That leaves bgtskichernu, only 10 letters. 1 + 0 = 1. Read the interpretation.

  • 1 – you are definitely a couple and you have a wonderful future, a quick wedding is possible.
  • 2 – you are clearly not a couple, you shouldn’t waste time on each other.
  • 3 – you are united by love, but this is temporary.
  • 4 – he loves, and you?
  • 5 – relationships are based on mutual benefit.
  • 6 – you are simply one.
  • 7 – a period of romantic relationships is possible, but in the future you will remain friends.
  • 8 – complete mutual harmony.
  • 9 – he is the lock, and you are the key. Try to keep these feelings.

Good old chamomile

Draw a daisy with as many petals as there are letters in the name of your chosen one. Write each letter in a separate petal. Insert the letters of your full name into these same pieces of paper. If the last one is longer, discard the outermost ones. Now count the number of petals with a vowel and a consonant. This will be the interpretation.

  • 0 – you have nothing in common, the couple is doomed to friendship.
  • 1 – such unions are successful, and when feelings fade, mutual respect reigns in them.
  • 2 – the couple turns out “not very well”, you will get bored very quickly.
  • 3 is a good tandem.
  • 4 – you have a lot in common and your love will soon turn into a great feeling.

Circle with numbers

Draw two circles and randomly write numbers from 1 to 15 into them. You can additionally circle each number so that they do not merge. One symbolizes your present and the other symbolizes your future. Close your eyes, touch the picture with your finger or pen, and see what number you get.


  • 1 – trouble;
  • 2 – carefree life;
  • 3 – he will always be a true friend;
  • 4 – you will quarrel;
  • 5 – love;
  • 6 – he likes you;
  • 7 – he deceives;
  • 8 – happiness;
  • 9 – he loves you;
  • 10 – meeting;
  • 11 – joy;
  • 12 – separation;
  • 13 – tears;
  • 14 – failure;
  • 15 – trouble.


  • 1 – happy love;
  • 2 – you will leave him soon;
  • 3 – meeting;
  • 4 – trouble;
  • 5 – he will deceive;
  • 6 – he will remain a friend;
  • 7 – you will meet;
  • 8 – you will meet someone else;
  • 9 – easy life;
  • 10 – happiness;
  • 11 – separation;
  • 12 – you or he will leave the relationship;
  • 13 – quarrel;
  • 14 – you will break up;
  • 15 – a long relationship awaits you.


Suitable if there are three guys you are interested in, and you don’t know who treats you differently.

Think of three names and number them. Example: 0 – Vasya, 1 – Petya, 2 – Anton. Now write the letter combination LURDSTECHNIB in a column. Draw random lines next to each letter, without thinking about their number. Cross out three in each row and see what's left. If 0 is Vasya, if 1 is Petya, if 2 is Anton. And the letters are deciphered like this

  • L – love;
  • U – respect;
  • R – jealousy;
  • D – thinks;
  • S – suffering;
  • T – stretches;
  • E – there is another;
  • X – wants to make friends;
  • N – like you;
  • I – interest;
  • B – you will meet.

My own fortune teller

You can predict your own destiny. There is a simple principle of fortune telling, the interpretation of which you come up with. It's called "Sticks". It looks like LOURDSTECHNIB.

Before fortune telling, think about what worries you. Write in the column possible options answers to your questions. There should be 27 of them. Substitute to the left of each combination of numbers - 001, 002, 003, 100, 101, 111, 112, etc.

Then you draw three rows of sticks at random, cross out 3 pieces and get the remainder three digit number. See your own interpretation.

Whichever of the suggested fortune telling for a guy you choose, remember that the result is not the ultimate truth. If you are good, smile, if you are bad, never be upset. Life sometimes presents such surprises that it is impossible to predict.



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