Thinking about the task Before you start writing the presentation, you need to carefully read the wording of the task and understand what needs to be done to complete it well.

Compressed reproduction of a text is one in which only the main content, the main ideas of the text, are conveyed, and secondary content, such as details, is omitted. The text that will be offered at the exam includes several micro-topics, that is, parts, each of which has its own semantic core, the main idea, and together they all make up the text united by the author’s intention.

Criteria for assessing the presentation No. Criteria for assessing the presentation IR 1 Content of the presentation The examinee accurately conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, reflecting all the micro-topics important for his perception. The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, but missed or added 1 micro-topic. The examinee conveyed the main content of the listened text, but missed or added more than 1 micro-topic. Points 2 1 0 Attention! When writing a presentation, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the source text or in information about the text.

Criteria for assessing presentation No. Criteria for assessing presentation IR 2 Compression of the source text The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them throughout the entire text. Points 3 The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 3 micro-topics of the text. 2 The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 micro-topics of the text. 1 The examinee used 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 micro-topic of the text, or the examinee did not use text compression techniques. 0

Techniques for compressing text To write a concise presentation, you must be able to: select the main, essential, main thing in the source text; shorten the text, make exceptions and generalizations; find relevant speech means; build condensed text. Text compression techniques Elimination Generalization Simplification

Criteria for assessing presentation No. Criteria for assessing presentation IC 3 Semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: - there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; - there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work. The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: but 1 logical error was made, and/or there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work. Points 2 1

Criteria for assessing presentation No. Criteria for assessing presentation IC 3 Semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation The examinee’s work shows a communicative intent, but more than 1 logical error was made, and/or there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text in the work. Maximum quantity points for a concise presentation according to the criteria of IC 1 - IC 3 Points 0 7

Let's understand the terms The composition of a text is its structure, the relationship and relative arrangement of its parts. As a rule, a composition includes 3 parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Logical error- this is an error associated with a violation of the laws of logic, for example, contradictory ones, unsubstantiated judgments, violation of cause-and-effect relationships, lack of sufficient grounds for the conclusion given, violation of the sequence of presentation, repetitions or omissions of something important. Speech coherence is one of the characteristics of a text, which consists in the fact that the writer expresses his thoughts and formalizes them in writing in such a way that the addressee cares about the connection between individual segments of speech. Factual accuracy is the bringing of facts in strict accordance with reality, including the absence of distortions of thought when interpreting the author’s text, as well as providing illustrations to support the argumentation

Recommendations for students: “How to write a concise presentation” The source text for a concise presentation is listened to 2 times. Between readings there is a break of 5 - 10 minutes. The main task after the first reading is to understand its topic, write down keywords, determine the sequence of events or reasoning (microtopics, paragraphs).

Plan of work on the presentation Stage I 1. Carefully listen to the text for the purpose of general familiarization. 2. Understanding what you heard. Draft notes of individual words (KEY). Stage II 1. Secondary listening to the text in order to clarify understanding and memorize the content, determining by ear the number of microtopics (paragraphs) by the number of intonation pauses of the reader. 2. Correction of draft entries (making additions and corrections to the schematically compiled text base). 1. Writing a draft: a) separating main information from secondary information. b) selection of text compression techniques. Stage III

Plan of work on the presentation Stage IV 1. Checking the content. 2. Text correction. Correction speech errors and shortcomings. 3. Working with a dictionary. Checking spelling errors. Stage V 1. Rewriting into a clean copy. 2. Final check of clean records.

How to check what you have written: 1. After writing the text as a draft, read it at least 3 times. 2. Read for the first time to check the content. Answer the questions: - is the main content conveyed? - is there any repetition of thoughts or omissions? important information? - can the written text be called summary original? - are all the micro-topics of the source text reflected in the presentation?

How to check what you have written: 3. Read it a second time to correct the text. Answer the questions: - can the text be called coherent? - are the paragraphs highlighted correctly? - are there any grammatical errors? -Are there any speech errors? - Is the speech expressive?

How to check what you have written: 4. Read it a third time to check spelling and punctuation. Use a dictionary! 5. After rewriting the text into a clean version, check the final version.

Exclusion - exclusion of individual words, phrases, sentence fragments, exclusion of one or more synonyms in a series of homogeneous members, exclusion of introductory, clarifying and explanatory constructions, exclusion of one or more sentences.

1. Read the text. The goal is always specific, measurable, achievable. For example, a goal could be to enroll in a university or buy a motorcycle. In any case, you can think through and calculate in advance what needs to be done to achieve this. (Based on materials from periodicals) Highlight secondary information. The goal is always specific, measurable, achievable.

2. We collected huge armfuls of fallen leaves and carried home beautiful, sad bouquets, and ourselves were saturated with their bitter smell. (According to Yu. M. Nagibin) What can be excluded from a sentence without damaging its content? We collected huge sad bouquets and were saturated with their bitter smell.

3. Read the text. Then, from somewhere around the corner, Buska, a brown bulldog, the favorite of the entire Gorky family, jumped out with a deafening bark. She flew into a rage, smelling the smell of a bear's fur coat, her amber transparent eyes flashed with a prickly spark of canine hatred, the skin gathered in folds on the back of her neck, her elastic thighs tensed before a decisive leap. (V. A. Rozhdestvensky) (43 words) Cut the text in half.

Suddenly Buska, a bulldog, jumped out from somewhere. The enraged dog, sensing the smell of the bearskin, tensed before jumping, its eyes flashed with hatred, the skin on the back of its neck gathered into folds. (24 words)

4. Read the text. Love for native land, to one’s native culture, to one’s native speech begins small - with love for one’s family, one’s home. And also - out of respect for the same feelings of people who also love their land, their - albeit incomprehensible to you - native word. (D. S. Likhachev) Shorten the text by D. S. Likhachev. Love for one’s native land and culture begins small - with love for one’s family, with respect for people.

5. From the very beginning scientific activity M. V. Lomonosov was guided by the principle of conservation of matter and motion (force), which formed an integral part of his ideas about phenomena studied in the natural sciences. Eliminate unimportant information in the proposal. From the very beginning of his scientific activity, M.V. Lomonosov was guided by the principle of conservation of matter and motion (force).

6. Read the text. Chaliapin became the world's first singer and great actor - after all, it is difficult to say what was more exciting in “Boris Godunov” - Chaliapin’s singing or acting? Russia is rich in talents, but how many of them manage to develop and not die out in complete obscurity? But Chaliapin did not die. He rose from the very grassroots of the people, came from Sukonnaya Slobodka to give the world, as Stasov put it, “immeasurable joy.” (A. Sedykh) What can be excluded from the text without damaging its content?

Chaliapin was the first singer in the world and a great actor. It’s hard to say what excited the audience more: singing or acting. Russia is rich in talents, but many die without revealing themselves. But Chaliapin survived. He rose from the very bottom to give people “immeasurable joy.”

RECEPTION OF GENERALIZATION GENERALIZATION (TRANSFERING PARTICULAR INTO GENERAL, COLLAPSE OF ORIGINAL INFORMATION DUE TO GENERALIZATION) replacement of homogeneous members with a generalizing concept, replacement of a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a generalizing meaning, generalization of content.

1. Read the text. He was “one and many-sided.” “One” because he was Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - an artist of words, original and inimitable. “Many faces” because there were also Kuprins: one was a land surveyor, another was a loader, the third was an accountant at a factory, an athlete, a porter at a station, a singer in a choir. And many, many others. But all this workers' army was combined in one person - the writer Kuprin. (According to B. D. Chelyshev) How can a phrase characterize Kuprin’s “many faces”?

He was “one and many-sided.” “One” because he was Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - an artist of words. “Many faces” because there were also Kuprins of different professions. But all this workers’ army was combined in the writer Kuprin.

2. Read the text. Our pure-fruit autumn was no less generous. The boulevard was drowned in fallen leaves, yellow, red, marble, foliage of birches, aspens, maples, lindens. (According to Yu. M. Nagibin) Replace the words of one lexical group general concept(in a word). The pure-fruit autumn was no less generous. The boulevard was buried in the colorful foliage of trees.

3. I was born and lived most of my life in Leningrad. In its architectural appearance, the city is associated with the names of Rastrelli, Rossi, Quarenghi, Zakharov, Voronikhin. (According to D.S. Likhachev) How can you characterize the architectural appearance of Leningrad in a few words? I was born and lived most of my life in Leningrad, the appearance of which is associated with the names of famous architects.

4. Is it possible to be absolutely equally interested in the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the riddle of Ivan the Terrible’s library, the design of a computer and still lifes? . . (According to I. Miloslavsky) Shorten the sentence by replacing expressions that are similar in meaning with a general concept (phrase). Is it possible to be equally interested in different branches of science? . .

5. Do we, for example, have enough imagination? After all, imagination is not needed at all in order to come up with something non-existent or unrealizable. Imagination is needed in order to embrace with the mind and heart all the richness of life and its situations, in order to see with the mind’s eye the hidden corners of the human soul. Without imagination there is no image of the world and no image of man. And without these images, life becomes flat and simplified, in which we are surrounded only by models and diagrams, and not by real people. (Based on materials from Internet sites)

For example, do we have enough imagination, which is necessary to embrace all the diversity of life and the human soul, and without which life will become simplified and people will become schematic?

6. Read the text. Cut it in half. These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. The conversation was about new books. It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste and independent judgment. They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava, they had already read new novel Gabriel Garcia Marquez. They were aware of the latest films and premieres that I had not yet seen, and new book releases that I still had no idea about. (According to D. Granin)

SIMPLIFICATION RECEPTION SIMPLIFICATION OF SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTIONS - merging several sentences into one, - replacing a sentence or part of it demonstrative pronoun, - replacement complex sentence simple, - replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression (replacing a subordinate attributive with a synonymous definition), - replacing a subordinate adverbial clause with an adverbial phrase.

1. Tchaikovsky’s house stood on a hill. The forests went down into the cheerful distance, where a lake lay among the thickets. The composer had a favorite place there - it was called Rudy Yar. (K. G. Paustovsky) Tchaikovsky’s house stood on a hillock, from which there was a view of the cheerful distance. There, by the lake, was Tchaikovsky’s favorite place - Rudy Yar.

2. Read the text. How to choose a time so that several family members can gather at the table at once? How to choose this time? It is there to watch TV together! Don't we sometimes sit in front of it for hours, even when nothing special is shown? The page of a book is a huge screen that the best TV never dreamed of! (According to S. Lvov) (52 words) Cut the text in half.

If you can find time to watch television, you can find time to read together. The page of a book is a huge screen that the best TV never dreamed of! (28 words)

3. Read the text. So, sign language can be of an auxiliary nature, accompanying sound language. Gestures make our speech expressive and help us make a greater impression on the interlocutor. State the content of the text a simple sentence. Sign language accompanies sound language, makes it expressive and helps to impress

4. How to relate to historical and cultural heritage your country? Everyone will answer that the inheritance we have received must be protected. But life experience awakens in memory other, sad, and sometimes woeful pictures. (D.S. Likhachev) Build complex sentence With different types connections from 2 and 3. How to relate to the historical and cultural heritage of your country? Everyone will answer that he must be protected, but other, sad pictures still arise in his memory.

5. Read the text. On the field road I came across two village girls. They must have come from afar. Dusty shoes tied with ribbons hung over their shoulders. They were chatting about something and laughing, but when they saw me, they immediately fell silent, hastily straightened their blond hair under their scarves and pursed their lips angrily. (K. G. Paustovsky) Write down two simple sentences.

On the field road I met girls. They walked along, chatting cheerfully, but they noticed me and fell silent, pursing their lips.

6. Read the text. Caesar and Hannibal climbed steep slopes. They warned the riders. The riders held firmly in their saddles. Write its contents using a complex sentence. Caesar and Hannibal climbed the steep slopes, warning their riders to stay firmly in their saddles. (A. Volkov)

They hung it in the new hut good door. Beautiful Door. And everyone praised her, because the door opened easily and closed tightly, keeping the winter cold out. In general, there was nothing to reproach the Door with, and they stopped talking about it. But in the hut they talked a lot about frames. And how could you not talk about them when they were bad. They were difficult to open and close. Swelled. We missed the cold. The frames received a lot of attention, and this angered the envious Door. “Here you are,” she said, “I’ll show you how not to notice me,” and she began to warp, grimace, and creak. It was trimmed, straightened, and insulated. They babysat her as much as they could. Its hinges were often oiled, but it did not let up and creaked. She creaked with such frenzy that it became unbearable for those around her. Then they took it off its hinges and threw it into the woodshed. Another one was hung in its place. An ordinary pine door, which honestly serves in the hut to this day, knowing that it is easy to open and close tightly not at all with any special advantages, but with its door responsibilities. Thrown into the woodshed, the Door soon realized that outside the hut and without the hut it was nothing. Absolutely nothing. It can’t even creak outside the hut. This is the sad story of one arrogant Door who was left alone. (198 words)

Underline those semantic parts in the text that can be eliminated without compromising its understanding.

Perform a condensed retelling of the text.

“In the autumn of 1794, the French army entered the territory of Holland. The Dutch opened the floodgates and flooded the area. The French wanted to retreat, but then a report arrived. that spiders will begin to weave webs. This sign indicated that dry and cold weather was coming soon. Indeed, when it was frosty, the river froze, and the French captured the city.”

(Draw a conclusion that illustrates this case.) A man noticed a connection between natural phenomena and in the management of living objects.

(Find questions in paragraph 4 that help highlight main problem text. Combine them into one sentence.) What devices help representatives of the living world learn about upcoming changes in nature?

(U There are several examples in the text (paragraph No. 3 and paragraph No. 4) that reveal this amazing phenomenon. This is cutting material. Choose only one, the most striking example from the text: birch tree, anthill, pika, cow fight and weather bureau.)

(Ask the question from the last paragraph.)

. (Give him that one

Exercise No. 2. Necessary questions

Determine what problem the author poses in the text, what stages in the movement of his thoughts we can highlight. When analyzing the text, pay attention to how the text is divided into paragraphs, because each paragraph is a separate semantic part that needs to be conveyed in its presentation.

I. Read the text.

(1) Is it possible to be absolutely equally interested in the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the mystery of Ivan the Terrible’s library, the design of a computer and still lifes?.. (2) Well, let’s say a person is multi-talented by nature, he instantly understands and remembers everything. (3) But he is a man to ask: “Is this just interesting or do I need this for something?” (4) And having understood why this is needed, become even more inspired or, conversely, cool down.

(5) Whatever a modern schoolchild does in the future - medicine, economics, technology, he can and should imagine himself at a computer. (6) But imagining yourself in the desert, the animal world of which must be learned for tomorrow’s lesson, is not so easy. (7) But the beauty of life is its unpredictability. (8) Maybe we will have to build cities in the desert, treat people there - how then without knowledge about the animal world of the desert?! (9) Moreover, what only a few people need to know today may be useful to many tomorrow.

(10) And yet the question of why this or that knowledge is needed is completely natural and legitimate. (11) Not putting it in means showing either unforgivable infantilism or unjustified indifference to one’s own activities. (12) And even if the passion for a subject is so great that the question of its necessity does not arise at the moment, it must certainly arise sooner or later. (13) And it’s better if this happens earlier in order to avoid bitter disappointments in wasted efforts or regrets about wasted time.

(According to I. Mi.1oa1avsky) (212 words)

II. Complete tasks that will help test the depth and accuracy of perception of the source text.

    1. What problem does this text raise?

a) necessity computer literacy in the modern world

b) responsible attitude towards acquiring knowledge

c) the nature of human talent

d) reasons for people’s reluctance to acquire new knowledge

      What type(s) of speech does/are she using in this text?

a) narration

b) reasoning

c) description and reasoning

d) storytelling and reasoning

      What sentence(s) can refute the following statement: “ A person must clearly know what knowledge he will need in the future, and not be distracted by studying unnecessary things!

      Complete the annotation to this text by inserting the necessary words in place of the gaps.

A person, in his opinion, must decide for himself: this is for him or... Of course, none of us can fully guess what knowledge he will have.

However, we must think about how we spend our precious time. The sooner a person determines the desired area for himself, the better it is for him.

      Indicate the semantic parts in the text that correspond to the main theses of this annotation.

6. Write a concise summary.

        Is it possible to be equally interested the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the riddle of Ivan the Terrible’s library. computer device and still lifes?..

[Let's replace the underlined homogeneous members, which concretize the thought with a generalizing word.)

Is it possible (How?) be interested (in-1; different

branches of science; all sorts of things; everyone; all kinds of knowledge).

        Well, let's say Human multi-talented by nature, he instantly understands and remembers everything. (3) But that’s why he is a man to be sure to ask: “Is this just interesting or do I need this for something?” (4) And having understood why this is needed, become even more inspired or, conversely, cool down.

(Let’s combine these three sentences, taking into account the underlined means of connection of sentences Me 2 and 3, as well as the parcellation in sentence No. 4.) Even a multi-talented person must ask himself: “

” and, having realized this, or.

(5) Whatever a modern schoolchild does in the future - medicine, economics, technology, he can and should imagine himself at the computer.

(Let's eliminate homogeneous terms in this sentence.)

          But imagining yourself in the desert, the animal world of which must be learned for tomorrow’s lesson, is not so easy. (Proposition No. 6, given its importance in the development of thought, will not be seriously shortened.)

          But the beauty of life is its unpredictability. (8) Maybe you'll have to build cities in the desert, heal people there- How then without knowledge about the animal world of the desert?! (9) Moreover, what is needed today

know only to a few people, tomorrow it may be useful to many.

Life (which?). May be, (replace the underlined part of sentence No. 8 with a generalizing concept) will have to (what to do?) in the desert, of course

then without knowledge about?! (Proposal No. 9 May

which adds to the idea. that in our unpredictable life, no one knows what knowledge may be useful. so it can be omitted.)

(10) And yet question about why this or that knowledge is needed is completely natural and legal. (11) Not putting it up means showing either unforgivable infantilism or unjustified indifference to one’s own activities.

(Let's combine sentences No. 10 and 11; the conjunction, which is used as a means of connection with the previous sentence, should be left.) And yet, only infantile people can avoid asking themselves the question of why this or that knowledge is needed.

(12) And even if the passion for a subject is so great that the question of its necessity does not arise at the moment, it must certainly arise sooner or later. (13) And it’s better to let this happen earlier in order to avoid bitter disappointments in wasted efforts or regrets about wasted time.

(We will omit sentence No. 12 entirely; we will connect sentence No. 13 with the previous one using a personal pronoun.) In order not to regret later, it’s better to

answer him as much as possible.

Exercise No. 3. Alphysics

Working with this text will help you master new ways of processing the source text. Remember that the key to successful condensation is an accurate 1 deep understanding of the source text. Only by understanding what is most important in the text, highlighting the main stages of the development of thought, will we be able to identify secondary information that may be omitted in a concise presentation.

I. Read the text

            Both at the dawn of civilization and in our era, approximately the same percentage of humanity is overwhelmed by “crazy” ideas.

            They have long since given up on “ philosopher's stone", the seekers of the "panacea" have turned into ordinary healers, but they continue to construct "perpetual" engines and inertoids. (3) The creators of “perpetual” engines are no longer scary to us, they only evoke a smile of regret, and the “inertoids”, these genuine alphysicists (by analogy with medieval alchemists, with whom they have much in common) of the 20th century, represent with a problem full of drama. (4) The adventurous idea of ​​building, contrary to the laws of mechanics and common sense, unsupported movers has captured thousands of people who have some contact with technology. (5) These modern alphysicists, having heard enough about scientists’ debates about inertial forces, about inertial vibration displacement, which is often given a supernatural meaning in foreign journals, set out to create a machine that moves without interacting with the environment.

            1. Who are they - modern alphysicists?

              The majority of them are people without any special education. (8) They either admit this themselves, or sign themselves with the strange title “natural scientist.” (9) Their letters usually contain illiterate, incomprehensible diagrams, equipped with emotional signatures with many exclamation marks.

(U)Alphysicists almost never undertake the solution of “minor”, ​​from their point of view, problems. (11) The global nature of the problem is their strong point. (12) Conveyors, combines, pile pullers and many other useful machines that use the principle of cycle asymmetry, characteristic of an inertoid, attract the attention of such would-be inventors. (13) No - unsupported movement, flights into space, the “strategic” significance of their creations. (14) The thirst for quick and noisy fame, prestigious publications, tinsel, and not serious and thoughtful work - this is their beacon.

(According to I. Gulia) (231 words)

II. Complete tests that will help you check the depth and accuracy of perception of the source text.

                Explain the meaning of the following words.

                1. Philosopher's Stone

                2. overwhelm



a) - doubtful, calculated for random success;

                  The remedy for everything bad, for all troubles [original. an all-healing medicine that al-chemists tried to invent];

c) - undistinguished, mediocre;

d) - about thoughts, feelings: embrace with great force;

e) - according to the ideas of medieval alchemists: a mysterious, miraculous stone, supposedly capable of turning all metals into gold and curing all diseases.

                What is the meaning of the word strategic (sentence no. 13)?

a) important

b) secret

c) military

d) scientific

    What type(s) of speech does she use in this text?

a) narration

b) description

c) reasoning

d) description and reasoning

    What new fix idea are modern inventors obsessed with?

a) they try to implement ideas that contradict physical laws

b) they passionately and selflessly serve their dreams

c) they have nothing to do with technology

d) they do not listen to the opinions of scientists

(Insert offer number)

a) with sincere delight

b) with fear and hatred

c) with a kind smile

d) with bitter irony

    Make an outline of this text.

    1. There have always been people who are obsessed.

      Modern inventors dream of creating.

All about concise presentation thinking about the assignment assessment criteria. Russian language lesson "teaching concise presentation"


to conduct an exam in Russian

in 9th grade

Prepared by:

Chernaya E.B., teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7

Alatyr, 2011

Part 1

Listening text
(1) Is it possible to be equally interested in the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the riddle of Ivan the Terrible’s library, the design of a computer and still lifes?.. (2) Well, let’s say a person is multi-talented by nature, he instantly understands and remembers everything. (3) But he is a man to ask: “Is this just interesting or do I need this for something?” (4) And having understood why this is necessary, become even more inspired or, conversely, cool down.

(5) Whatever a modern student does in the future - medicine, economics, technology, he can and should imagine himself at a computer. (6) But imagine yourself in the desert, fauna which needs to be learned for tomorrow's lesson is not so easy. (7) But the beauty of life is its unpredictability. (8) Maybe we will have to build cities in the desert, treat people there - how then without knowledge about the animal world of the desert?! (9)) Moreover, what only a few people need to know today may be useful to many tomorrow.

(10) And yet the question of why this or that knowledge is needed is completely natural and legitimate. (11) Not putting it in means showing either unforgivable infantilism or unjustified indifference to one’s own activities. (12) And even if the passion for the subject is so great that the question of its need for at the moment does not arise, it must certainly arise sooner or later. (13) And it is better to let this happen earlier in order to avoid bitter disappointments in wasted efforts or regrets about wasted time.

(According to I. Miloslavsky) (212 words)
Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks A1– A 3; B1 B 14; C2.


(1) The Sura is the second major right tributary of the Volga after the Oka. (2) The length of this river is 841 kilometers. (3) It begins in the southwest of the Ulyanovsk region and flows from south to north, flowing into the Volga at Vasilsursk. (4) The river flows through the Ulyanovsk and Penza regions, the Republic of Mordovia, Chuvash Republic and Nizhny Novgorod region.

(5) In the 16th century, the Sura was a border river dividing the possessions of the Moscow and Tatar kings. (6) Prince Andrei Kurbsky, a close associate of Ivan the Terrible, having visited the banks of the river, called it great and fishy. (7) And in fact, there used to be people in Sura various fish: pike and burbot, ide and catfish, roach and crucian carp, bream, pike perch, perch, but fishing did not exist on it almost until the 19th century.

(8) The Sura, flowing through the territory of the Ulyanovsk region, is fast, winding, flows in low banks. (9) During high water, it overflows and often, straightening its path, rushes through the bushes. (10) On the May holidays, the river almost everywhere already enters its channel. (11) Having accepted the Truev tributary on the left, the Sura becomes wider, the flow is calmer, the banks are higher, covered with beautiful, mainly pine, forests. (12) The forests in the Penza region are especially good.

(13) After the confluence of the Teshnyar, the loops of the Sura become larger, and sandy beaches are found. (14) Below Penza, the banks of the Sura are relatively flat, the valley is wide.

(15) The picturesque banks of the Sura near the village of Prokazna are shrouded in a pinkish haze in spring. (16) These are the blooming gardens of the large horticultural state farm located here.

(17) The spurs of the Volga Upland come close to the river, in some places there are beautiful cliffs to the water. (18) Particularly good places are on the border of the Penza region and Mordovia, where there are outcrops of limestone and chalk.

(19) Gradually the Sura becomes fuller, the depth at the riffles increases. (20) From the village of Surskoye the river is navigable.

(21) Near Alatyr, the width of the Sura in low-water periods is already about 200 m, and in high water the river overflows 2-5 km. (22) Therefore, the villages are quite far from the water.

(23) In the lower reaches of the Sura it is calm, although fast. (24) The left bank is predominantly low, floodplain, the right bank is steeper, steep, its height increases closer to the mouth. (25) Treeless areas alternate with good, mostly deciduous, forests.

(26) The Sura energetically moves its bed along the valley. (27) After each flood, new shallows, sand islands, spits appear, and oxbow lakes are formed.


Tasks A1A3 complete based on an analysis of the content of the text you read. For each task A1- A3 is given 4 answer options, of which only one is correct. Answers to tasks A1- Circle A3.
A1. Which sentence contains the information needed to justification answer to the question: “Why is the Sura a winding river?”

  1. It begins in the southwest of the Ulyanovsk region and flows from south to north, flowing into the Volga at Vasilsursk.

  2. In the 16th century, the Sura was a border river dividing the possessions of the Moscow and Tatar kings.

  3. During high water, it overflows and often, straightening its path, rushes through the bushes.

  4. The Sura energetically moves its course along the valley.
A2. Please indicate which meaning the word is used in the text "large"(sentence 1).

  1. Large in size and size.

  2. Significant in social status.

  3. Strong in its influence.

  4. Important, significant.
A3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is personification.

  1. (15) These are the blooming gardens of the large horticultural state farm located here.

  2. (23) The left bank is predominantly low, floodplain, the right bank is steeper, steep, its height increases closer to the mouth.

  3. (25) The Sura energetically moves its bed along the valley.

  4. (26) After each flood, new shoals, sand islands, spits appear, and oxbow lakes are formed.

Tasks B1 B 14 complete based on the text you read. Answers to tasks B1 - Q14 write in words or numbers.
B1. Choose a synonym for the word "possession" in sentence 5. Write this word.

B2. From sentence 3, write down the word with alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

B3. From sentences 13-16, write down the word in which the spelling consoles is determined by the rule: “If a prefix is ​​followed by a voiceless consonant, then at the end of it is written a letter denoting a voiceless consonant.”

Q4. From sentences 12-16, write down the word, spelling suffix in which it is determined by the rule: “In complete passive past participles, NN is written.”

B5. In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) for homogeneous terms.
And indeed ,(1) Previously, various fish were found in Sura: pike and burbot, (2) ide and catfish ,(3) roach and crucian carp ,(4) bream ,(5) zander ,(6) perches ,(7) but fishing did not exist on it until almost the 19th century.

B6. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connected creative communication
Prince Andrei Kurbsky, ( 1 ) close associate of Ivan the Terrible, ( 2 ) having visited the banks of the river, ( 3 ) called it great and fishy. And in fact, ( 4 ) previously there were various fish in Sura: pike and burbot, ( 5 ) ide and catfish, ( 6 ) roach and crucian carp, ( 7 ) bream, ( 8 ) pike perch, ( 9 )perch, ( 10 ) but fishing did not exist on it almost until the 19th century.

B7. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication
The spurs of the Volga Upland come close to the river,( 1 ) in some places there are beautiful cliffs to the water. Particularly good places are on the border of the Penza region and Mordovia,( 2 ) where outcrops of limestone and chalk occur.

B8. Replace the phrase "on the banks of the river"(sentence 6), built on the basis of management, synonymous with communication coordination.

Q9. Specify grammatical basis proposals 12.

B10. Find an offer among 8-10 offers with a separate circumstance. Write his number.

B11. Find an offer among offers 5-7 with separate application. Enter its number.

B12. Specify number of grammatical bases in sentence 11.

B13. Among offers 13-16 find complex non-union offers. Write the numbers of these sentences.

B14. Among sentences 17-21, find a sentence with a subordinate clause. Enter its number.

Part 3

Using the text you read from part 2, complete the separate sheet ONLY ONE of the tasks: C2.1 or C2.2. Before writing the essay, write down the number of the selected task: C2.1 or C2.2.

C2.1 Read the opinions of Anton and Kirill on the role of dashes in writing.

" On a letter without a dash

impossible to get by...

Why is this dash needed?

Is it really impossible without him?

get by? Here's to XV

there was no century at all

punctuation marks.

Now!.. Try it

figure out where it is

put a dash!

Anton Kirill
Give 2 examples from the text you read to illustrate different dash functions.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic only on linguistic material and/or in general cultural terms.

You can start your essay either with a phrase belonging to Anton or with your own statement.

You can write a paper on your own behalf or on behalf of Anton.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

C2.2Write essay-reasoning. Explain Based on this text, how do you understand the meaning of the statement: « But rivers, like souls, are all different... "from a poem by V. Nabokov.

Bring in an essay two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 50 words.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

1. A. I. Korobkov, Yu. Z. Mikheev Along the rivers of southern and south-eastern Russia. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1977.
2. A.B.Ruchin, V.S.Vechkanov, V.A.Kuznetsov, V.Yu.Ilyin, A.N.Dobrolyubov, V.V.Osipov, A.A.Klevakin, D.Yu.Semenov. History of ichthyological research in the Sura River basin: review. – News of the Samara Scientific Center Russian Academy Sciences, 2009. T.11.
3. Demo version exam paper for carrying out state (final) certification in 2011 (in new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE of students who have mastered the basic general education programs basic general education.

Compressed text task -

  • Compressed text task -

  • briefly, in a generalized form, convey the content of the text, select essential information, exclude details, find verbal means of generalization and at the same time preserve the main idea in each paragraph

  • exclusion of repetitions;

  • exclusion of one or more of the synonyms;

  • exclusion of clarifying and explanatory structures;

  • excluding a sentence fragment;

  • exclusion of one or more sentences.

  • Important! Only irrelevant information can be excluded! Paragraph openings contain the main information!

replacing a phrase with a word

  • replacing a phrase with a word

  • merging several sentences into one;

  • replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun;

  • replacing a complex sentence with a simple one;

  • replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression.

  • replacing homogeneous members with a general name;

  • replacing a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a general meaning

  • (everyone, anyone, no one, nothing)

Well, let's say Human he is a man And having understood why it is needed, get even more inspired or, conversely, cool down.

    Is it possible to be equally interested the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the riddle of Ivan the Terrible’s library, the design of a computer and still lifes? Well, let's say Human multi-talented by nature, he instantly understands and remembers everything. But that's why he is a man so that you will certainly ask: “Is this just interesting or do I need this for something?” And having understood why it is needed, get even more inspired or, conversely, cool down.

  • It may seem paradoxical, but people need not only rational goals, but also not rational dreams.

It may seem paradoxical, but people need not only rational goals, but also not rational dreams.

  • It may seem paradoxical, but people need not only rational goals, but also not rational dreams.

  • Condensed version

  • It’s paradoxical, but people need not only rational goals, but also not rational dreams.

  • Simplification

The goal is always specific, measurable, achievable. For example, a goal could be to enroll in a university or buy a motorcycle. In any case, you can think through and calculate in advance what needs to be done to achieve this.

  • The goal is always specific, measurable, achievable. For example, a goal could be to enroll in a university or buy a motorcycle. In any case, you can think through and calculate in advance what needs to be done to achieve this.

  • Condensed version

  • The goal is always specific, measurable, achievable. You can always think through and calculate in advance what needs to be done to achieve this.

  • Exception

  • Simplification

  • ?Explain the expediency of the exception

  • But a dream is a completely different matter. It's something magical. A dream is always connected with something, of course, good and beautiful - with what is commonly called a moral ideal. After all, the dream itself cannot appear to someone who does not know how to distinguish good from evil. People simply believe in a dream, and it allows a person to believe in the best, that in the end everything will be fine.



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