Description of the STD120M machine. Description of the STD120M machine Kinematic diagram of the equipment


Wood lathe STD-120 M: The cast iron bed is the base on which the main components of the machine are mounted, and is mounted on two legs. The headstock is attached to the left side of the frame. The holder with a tool rest and a tool rest are moved along the guides of the frame and secured in a certain position. tailstock. The headstock serves to install and fasten the workpiece and transmit rotational motion to it, and also serves as a support for the spindle. The spindle is a steel shaped shaft, on the right end of which a thread is cut for screwing on a chuck, faceplate and other special devices for securing workpieces. At the left end of the spindle there is a two-stage drive pulley, which receives movement through a V-belt transmission from an electric motor. To start and stop the machine, a push-button control station is located on the headstock. Tailstock: Slides along the guides of the bed, serves as a support when processing long workpieces, supporting them with the rear center. On one side, the quill has a hole bored to a Morse taper, into which the rear center, chucks or drills with a shank with the same taper are inserted. On the other side, a bushing with internal thread. The quill moves freely in the hole in the upper part of the housing. The quill is prevented from rotating around its axis by a set screw that fits into a groove on the outer surface of the quill. A quill (feed) screw is paired with the threaded bushing, at one end of which a flywheel is mounted on a key and secured with a nut. Rotating with the flywheel, the quill screw moves the quill through a threaded bushing. Securing the quill in in the right position carried out by the clamping handle. The tailstock is secured with a nut on the frame with a block and a bolt, for screwing which a combination wrench is included. A tool rest with a holder serves as a support for the cutting tool. The tool rest holder consists of a rectangular block with a boss, into the hole of which the tool rest rod is inserted. The hand rest is secured at the desired height and in the desired position with a handle. The tool rest holder is secured to the bed guides with a special screw, washer and handle. The machine is equipped with two tool rests, 200 and 400 mm long. V-belt drive is closed by a metal fence, the opening cover of which is interlocked through a limit switch with an electric motor so that when it is opened, the electric motor is switched off and the machine stops.

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The height of the centers of the machine is 120 mm, the distance between them is 500 mm. Possible diameter of the workpiece being processed is 190 mm, turning length is 450 mm. The spindle revolutions per minute are the lowest 980/670, the highest 2350/2050. Electric motor power 0.4 kW. The length of the machine is no more than 1250 mm, width - 575 mm, height - 550 mm. The weight of the machine is no more than 100 kg.

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Details Category: Wood processing

Device lathe wood processing

Manufacturing cylindrical parts by hand is labor-intensive and long work. And it's hard to get the product good quality. You can do it much faster and more accurately cylindrical part on lathe. It processes wood blanks by turning. Main parts of lathe - bed, headstock with electric motor, tailstock and tool rest.

Lathe for wood processing STD-120M and its parts:
– base; 2 – electric motor; 3 – bed; 4 – belt drive guard (casing); 5 – magnetic starter; 6 – front headstock; 7 – spindle; 8 - handyman; 9 - tailstock.

IN headstock (see picture) installed spindle - a shaft that receives rotation from an electric motor using a belt drive, as well as bearings.

1 -headstock body;2 - belt drive pulley;3 -washer with locking screw; 4 , 7 - shaped lids; 5 -thrust ring; 6 - spindle; 8 - special nut.

End spindle has a thread and is screwed onto it special devices for fastening the left end of the workpiece. Depending on the size of the workpiece, use various devices: trident(see fig. A), faceplate(see fig. b), cartridge(see fig. V).

The blanks are not large diameter and up to 150 mm long are fixed in cartridge. Before this, the end of the workpiece is slightly beveled into a cone, clamped in a workbench clamp and driven into the chuck with a mallet. For more reliable fastening, a screw is screwed into the workpiece through the side hole.

Long workpieces are fixed at one end in trident . To do this, make a recess in the center of the end of the workpiece with an awl (or drill a hole with a diameter of 4-5 mm to a depth of 5-9 mm). After this, a cut is made through the center of the workpiece with a hacksaw with fine teeth to a depth of 3-5 mm. In the center of the other end, make a recess with an awl.

Short workpieces of large diameter are fixed in faceplate , screwing the workpiece with screws.

Tailstock(see fig.) serves as a support for the right end of long workpieces. The tailstock is brought to the workpiece along the frame guides and secured motionless with a bolt and nut. Finally, the end of the workpiece is pressed with a special part - the center. It is moved by rotation flywheel and secure with a clamp.

1 - frame; 2 - center (Morse cone); 3 - quill; 4 - clamp handle; 5 - hole for lubrication; 6 - quill nut; 7 - quill screw; 8 - threaded bushing; 9 - flywheel; 10 - screw for fastening to the frame; 11 - cracker.

The support for the cutting tool is handyman(see figure). It can move both along and across the frame, and is secured by turning the handle.

The tool rest is installed in such a way that its upper supporting part is 2-3 mm above the level of the center line of the machine and is no more than 3 mm away from the workpiece. To check the gap, the workpiece is turned by hand one or two turns.

The transmission of movements in mechanisms and machines is shown conventional signs on kinematic schemes .
They depict details that are directly involved in the transmission of motion. For clarity, outlines of other parts are often given.
The kinematic diagram of the lathe is shown in the figure.

You can turn on the lathe and work on it only with the permission of the teacher.
Do not place tools or foreign objects on the machine bed.
The belt drive parts of the machine must be protected
Do not lean on lathe parts.
Report any malfunctions in the machine or electrical wiring to the teacher immediately.

Modern factories are equipped with lathes (more complex and productive than those you will work on in a training workshop). Serve them woodworking machine operators . In addition to mastering all the techniques of turning on a machine, they must know the properties of wood, the structure of machines, be able to read drawings and diagrams, sharpen a tool, and set up a machine. Working on machines requires accuracy and precision, attentiveness and caution, and coordination of hand movements.

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Modernization concept Russian education on modern stage determines the need to focus on the development of students’ personality, their cognitive and creative abilities. This requires an appeal to modern educational technologies. For three years I have been working using the project method. In the educational process I use the technology of multi-level training, technology project activities, information Technology. While introducing the technology of project activities, I studied the manuals of I.A. Sasova “Project Method in Teaching Technology”, a methodology for project activities developed by E.S. Polat. In my work I rely on methodological manual project activities of the author I.A. Sasova. Based on the experience of these articles, I have developed and improved my system for introducing technology in the educational process

Working according to the project method, I use the following classification:

Conditions required to complete the project:

  • The presence of a socially significant need or problem;
  • Planning actions to satisfy a need or solve a problem;
  • Research work students;
  • Creative approach to completing tasks;
  • Preparing a presentation of the finished product.

Evaluation in project activities can be divided into 3 types:

Self-esteem depends on the assessment of the teacher and the assessment of the team, since the student listens to the opinion of the teacher and the opinion of the team. And the teacher’s assessment depends on the assessment of the team and on the student’s self-esteem. In my opinion, every teacher, before giving a grade, listens to how the student rated himself and what his classmates say about his work. And the team’s assessment depends on the teacher’s assessment and the classmate’s self-esteem. The team sees how the teacher rated the student, how the student rated himself, and draws a conclusion from this.

I want to emphasize that none of the three types assessments are not primary or secondary. All three types of assessment are interconnected, significant for each other and equally necessary in the educational process.

In grades 5-6, I use the group project method in my lessons. And in high school there are individual and group lessons. The composition of the group is selected so that it includes students with high motivation and level of training and less successful ones. Groups have consultants who are responsible for the work of the entire group. The topic of the project is determined in advance, and at least a week is given for preparation. The guys have a list necessary requirements to complete the project, distribute roles in this work. If necessary, I provide consultations for each group.

The result of project activities is the work of students, presented in the presentation “Development creativity through project activities"


  1. General structure and principle of operation of the lathe STD machine– 120M.
  2. Expand knowledge about the history of the development of wood lathes
  3. Enhance polytechnic culture

Tasks: Study the structure of the STD-120M machine using multimedia.

Equipment: multimedia projector, wood lathes.

Lesson progress

I. Updating knowledge:

In 5th grade we studied the structure of a drilling machine.

1. What parts does it consist of? drilling machine? (Consists of three components: engine, transmission and actuator).

II. Slide 1 (General view of the STD – 120M lathe)

History of the creation of lathes

History dates the invention lathe by 650 BC e. The machine consisted of two established centers, between which a workpiece made of wood, bone or horn was clamped. A slave or apprentice rotated the workpiece (one or several turns in one direction, then in the other). The master held the cutter in his hands and, pressing it in the right place to the workpiece, removed the chips, giving the workpiece the required shape.

IN XIV-XV centuries were distributed lathes with foot drive. The foot drive consisted of an ochep - an elastic pole, cantilevered above the machine. A string was attached to the end of the pole, which was wrapped one turn around the workpiece and the lower end was attached to the pedal. When the pedal was pressed, the string was stretched, causing the workpiece to make one or two turns, and the pole to bend. When the pedal was released, the pole straightened, pulled the string up, and the workpiece made the same revolutions in the other direction.

Improvement of machine tools

Lathes were improved.

WITH early XIX century, a gradual revolution began. The old lathe is being replaced one by one by new high-precision automatic machines equipped with electric motors that make it possible to automatically turn different shapes made of wood

Modern woodworking machines

Universal lathes allow you to perform various technological operations.

Machine device

Wood lathe:

1 – base;
2 – electric motor;
3 – bed;
4 – belt drive guard;
5 – magnetic starter;
6 – lamp;
7 – front headstock;
8 – spindle;
9 – tool rest;
10 – tailstock;
11 – protective screen

III. Primary consolidation (crossword)


1. Washer for turning large diameter workpieces. ( faceplate)
2. The base on which the machine mechanisms are mounted. (bed)
3. A rotating part to which the workpiece is attached. (spindle)


1. Part for fastening short workpieces (cartridge)
4. Mechanism used to support the workpiece (grandmother)

IV. Lesson summary

“Design of lathe STD-120M”

    A lathe is:
    a) technological machine
    b) transport vehicle
    c) energy machine

    The kinematic diagram of the machine shows:
    a) transmission of motion from the motor to the spindle
    b) sequence of part processing
    c) machine device.

    The support is intended:
    a) to maintain the workpiece
    b) to maintain the incisor
    c) for figure turning

    Used in a lathe:
    a) flat belt drive
    b) V-belt drive
    c) gear transmission

    Main cutting movement:
    a) rotational movement of the workpiece
    b) longitudinal translational movement of the chisel
    c) lateral movement of the chisel

    Pinole is located:
    a) in an electric motor
    b) in the tailstock
    c) in the headstock

Pre-assessment (students swap tests and test each other)

Three errors – “3”; two errors – “4”; one or no errors – “5”

V. Reflection

  1. What new have you learned?
  2. What else would you like to know?

The installation is designed for processing short wooden blanks. The small dimensions of the unit allow it to be located in small spaces. The equipment is quite simple, so it is called a school machine. The unit is especially appreciated where high precision is not required. Critical points of the working area are protected. Directional illumination of the workpiece, improved electrical diagram, waste disposal plant distinguish this equipment from its analogues.


The machine is used to process rotating parts by influencing them cutting tools. The workpiece is clamped on both sides by a faceplate and a chuck. IN work area a cutter is fed, which has 2 freedoms of movement - along and across the workpiece. If you attach a drill to the chuck, you can make an axial hole.

Using this equipment, the following operations are performed:

  • processing flat surfaces using a faceplate;
  • longitudinal turning of wooden parts;
  • facing, rounding and trimming the workpiece at various angles;
  • axial drilling.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include the following characteristics:

  • mobility;
  • durability of components and parts;
  • perfect security system;
  • availability of all equipment necessary for passing full course for working on a lathe.

This installation is suitable for studying, but professionals generally do not use it, because:

  • the installed three-phase motor makes it difficult to connect in rooms where a household electrical network is installed;
  • the maximum length of the workpiece is 500 mm, this greatly limits the capabilities of the unit;
  • the two-speed mode does not allow performing a number of high-precision work.


One of the attractive features is that the device is quite simple. The lathe installation diagram is shown in the figure.

The machine consists of:

  • three-phase electric motor,
  • headstock and tailstock,
  • button block,
  • assistant,
  • spindle,
  • lantern,
  • belt drive,
  • center-forks.
  • enclosing screen,
  • protective casing,
  • beds,
  • flywheel,
  • quill,
  • carriages,
  • handles and locking nuts,
  • sinuses for discharging wood processing waste,
  • other small parts.

Headstock device

The unit is a shaped cast iron casting. Two radial bearings are inserted into the bored holes of its body. The spindle rests on them, which is the connecting shaft between the drive pulley and the faceplate. The pulley transmits rotation from the engine to the faceplate, chuck or other device through the spindle.

At the bottom of the housing there is a rotation control unit. A lantern is installed on top.


This is a support for the workpiece. The bed moves along the platform on runners. Fix the device with a bolt fastening. On top there is a quill - a holder for a conical tip, the sharp end of which enters the wooden blank on one side.


In the registration certificate, which is the main document turning equipment, the following data is provided:

  • weight - 100 kg;
  • dimensions - 125 × 57.5 × 55 cm;
  • power supply of the electric motor from a 380 V network;
  • motor power - 0.4 kW;
  • workpiece diameter - up to 19 cm, length - up to 50 cm;
  • spindle rotation speed - 1100 and 2150 rpm.


The delivery set contains a list of a number of items:

  • machine STD-120M,
  • protective casing with viewing window,
  • replaceable spindle attachments.

Recommendations for use

When using a lathe, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The unit must be installed on support table with a wooden or metal tabletop 600–800 mm high. Fastening is done with bolts.
  • The floor must be covered with rubber before installation.
  • The protective screen must be lowered during operation.
  • When cleaning the unit and the area around it, the power supply to the power unit must be turned off.

The manufacturer of the wood lathe Std-120m is IP Chuprakov Roman Viktorovich, city of Kirov. Website address:

STD-120M, STD-120 Wood lathe, desktop training. Purpose, scope

The STD-120M wood lathe is designed for the manufacture of small-sized wood parts. It compares favorably with its predecessor, the STD-120 machine, primarily in that the traumatic zones have a protective fence, workplace equipped with local lighting, the electrical control circuit has been improved, measures have been taken to reduce noise and vibration levels, and a specially developed system for mechanized waste removal - a dust collection unit.

The educational lathe for wood STD-120M is designed for performing light turning work on wood and in centers, on a faceplate or in a chuck, as well as for performing simple drilling work:

  • turning of cylindrical and profile bodies of revolution
  • facing, rounding and cutting of workpieces for different angles
  • internal turning according to a given profile and drilling
  • profile and decorative treatment flat surfaces of large diameter on the faceplate (such as a plate, cup)

STD-120M General view of a woodworking lathe

STD-120M General view of a woodworking lathe without a protective casing and guard

Composition of the STD-120M lathe (Fig. 2)

The machine consists of the following assembly units and details:

  1. electric motor
  2. push button switch
  3. V-belt drive
  4. spindle
  5. headstock
  6. button block
  7. lamp
  8. body with center-fork
  9. handyman
  10. protective screen
  11. clamp handle
  12. machine guard
  13. tailstock
  14. flywheel
  15. bed with guides
  16. support foot
  17. fastening nut
  18. quill
  19. center
  20. stop handle
  21. holder (carriage)
  22. double nut
  23. wooden platform
  24. support bars
  25. waste suction slot

The headstock of the STD-120M lathe is used to install and fasten the workpiece and transmit rotational motion to it.

The headstock consists of a shaped body cast from cast iron. It has two coaxially bored holes for radial spherical bearings.

The spindle is a steel shaped shaft, on the right end of which a thread is cut for screwing on a chuck, faceplate and other special devices for securing workpieces.

At the left end of the spindle there is a two-stage drive pulley, which receives movement through a V-belt transmission from an electric motor. Covers with felt padding are attached to the headstock on both sides.

To start and stop the spindle of the STD-120M machine, a control post is placed on the headstock body, and a lamp is located on top.

V-belt transmission. A two-stage pulley is rigidly attached to the electric motor shaft of the STD-120m lathe, which, using a V-belt, transmits rotation to a two-stage pulley mounted on the spindle of the STD-120 machine. By moving the belt from one stage to another, you can change the spindle speed. The V-belt drive of the STD-120m machine is covered by a metal fence, the opening cover of which is interlocked through a limit switch with an electric motor. When it opens, the electric motor is switched off and the spindle of the STD-120m machine stops.

A two-stage pulley is rigidly fixed to the electric motor shaft, which, using a V-belt, transmits rotation to a two-stage pulley mounted on the machine spindle. The V-belt drive is closed by a metal fence, the opening cover of which is interlocked through a limit switch with an electric motor so that when it is opened, the electric motor is switched off and the machine stops. The guard cover is locked with a screw.

  • a - spiral self-centering cartridge
  • b - cup cartridge
  • c - trident
  • g - vice chuck
  • d - faceplate
  • e - cylindrical cartridge
  • g - body with a fork center
  • z - special cartridge with teeth
    • 1 - teeth
    • 2 - central tooth
    • 3 - fencing of teeth
    • 4 - cartridge cone

Depending on the type of workpiece and the work performed, one of the devices included with the machine must be installed on the spindle of the STD-120m machine: a chuck, a center fork or a faceplate. The STD-120M chuck is used to secure short workpieces when processing from the end. The center-fork of the STD-120 machine is designed for securing long wooden workpieces when processing in centers. The faceplate of the STD-120m machine is a metal disk, in the center of which there is a boss with an internal thread for screwing onto the spindle.

Depending on the form and purpose future details the workpiece is installed in the centers of the headstock and tailstock or on the headstock spindle. In all cases, the workpiece should be positioned so that it can withstand the rotational movement of the spindle. For these purposes, there are many devices that can be divided into the following groups: for securing the workpiece in the centers, for securing the workpiece to the outer surface and for securing the workpiece to the holes.

To secure the workpiece in centers, the most widely used trident. One end of the trident has the shape of a cone corresponding to the cone in the headstock spindle, and the other end has the shape of a trident fork. When securing the workpiece, one end of it with the intended groove is inserted into the trident, and the second is pressed by the center of the tailstock quill.

To secure the workpiece to the outer surface, the following devices are used: cup, vise and jaw chucks, and a faceplate.

Cup chuck has a cylindrical cavity on one side and a conical shank on the other for installation in the headstock spindle. The rounded part of the workpiece is tightly inserted (hammered) into the cavity of the cartridge or clamped with bolts.

Vise chuck used in cases where part of the product has the shape of a quadrangle (faceted surface). For processing, the workpiece is inserted into a chuck vice and clamped with a screw. Cup and vice chucks sometimes have screw threads instead of tapered shanks for installation on the outside of the spindle.

To secure products to the outer surface, they also use three-jaw self-centering and four-jaw chucks with independent movement of the cams. The three-jaw chuck ensures fast and reliable clamping and centering of the workpiece due to the simultaneous radial movement of the jaws. Each three-jaw chuck can be used to secure the product to both the outer and inner surfaces. To do this, such chucks are equipped with two sets of jaws.

For the tailstock, it is advisable to use a self-rotating center (on bearings) with a Morse taper.

Large workpieces and flat disks are processed on the faceplate, for which it has holes through which the workpiece is secured with screws. It must be taken into account that the screws should not extend onto the workpiece surface. The faceplate is screwed onto the spindle after securing the workpiece.

Various frames are widely used for fastening products from holes. Frame designs are chosen depending on the purpose of the product; they are mainly of two types - corrugated and collet.

For the production of various parts on a lathe, a cutter-saw is used. This device can also be used for cutting rings from aluminum and brass tubes(on a metal lathe) and for cutting blanks made of plastic, plexiglass and other materials.

During operation, the cutter-saw is installed on the machine tool rest so that the bar rests on the workpiece surface to be processed. The cutter is then fed forward evenly. The limiter makes it possible to set the required depth of cutting in cases where the workpiece is not cut off at all.

The device is easy to make. The cutting saw is made from hacksaw blade. The remaining parts are made of semi-precious steel.

The tool for grinding turning products is used in grinding finished products on a lathe. It allows you to achieve good quality grinding, convenient and safe to use. This device is easy to make in any workshop. A plate of porous rubber or felt is glued to the bar, on top of which a sanding paper(preferably on a fabric basis). The edges are clamped between the slats using a wing nut. Stopper hooks ensure safe operation. The hooks are attached to the base with a rivet. The device can also be used when polishing products.

The tailstock of the STD-120 machine serves as a support when processing long workpieces, supporting them with the rear center, and for securing a drill chuck, the drills themselves and other tools in its quill when processing holes. The tailstock STD-120 consists of a body with a quill, which slides along the guides of the bed. The tailstock of the STD-120 machine is fixed to the bed guides.

On one side, the quill has a hole bored to a Morse taper, into which the rear center, chucks or drills with a shank with the same taper are inserted. On the other side, a sleeve with internal thread is pressed in. The quill moves freely in the hole in the upper part of the housing. The quill is prevented from rotating around its axis by a set screw that fits into a groove on the outer surface of the quill.

A quill (feed) screw is paired with the threaded bushing, at one end of which a flywheel is mounted on a key and secured with a nut. Rotating with the flywheel, the quill screw moves the quill through a threaded bushing.

The quill is secured in the desired position using the clamp handle. The tailstock is secured with a nut on the frame with a block and a bolt, for screwing which a combination wrench is included. To lubricate the quill and screw, there are oil-conducting holes in the body of the headstock and quill.

The tool rest with a holder for the STD-120M machine serves as a support for the cutting tool. The tool rest holder consists of a rectangular block with a boss, into the hole of which the tool rest rod is inserted. The tool rest of the STD-120 machine is fixed at the required height and in a certain position with a handle. The tool rest holder is secured to the guides of the STD-120M machine bed with a special screw and a handle through a washer. To work with short and long workpieces, the machine is equipped with two tool rests, 200 mm and 400 mm long.

Bed of lathe STD-120m

The cast iron bed of the STD-120m machine on two legs is installed on a stand and is the base on which the main components of the STD-120M machine are mounted. The front headstock of the machine is fixed to the left of the bed. The holder with a tool rest and the tailstock of the machine are moved along the guides of the frame and secured in a certain position.

Fencing of the cutting zone of the STD-120M machine

The cutting zone fencing on the STD-120m machine serves to protect the worker from flying chips and reduce the concentration of dust generated in the worker’s breathing zone to established sanitary standards. It consists of a metal casing and folding screens.

Devices for installation and fastening of workpieces of the STD-120 lathe

Cutting tools

The machine is equipped with two types of cutting tools: raves and maisols. The rails for the STD-120 machine are a grooved cutter, similar in shape to a semicircular carpenter's chisel. Maisels for the STD-120 machine are cutters having the shape flat chisel with a blade.

Electrical circuit diagram of a woodworking lathe STD-120M

Electrical equipment of the woodworking lathe STD-120M

The electrical equipment of the STD-120 lathe is designed to connect it to a three-phase network AC voltage 380 V with solidly grounded neutral. The control cabinet of the STD-120 lathe also contains a 380/24 V lighting transformer. The machine drive is asynchronous motor. The machine is controlled from the control station located on the front headstock of the machine. The electrical equipment of the STD-120M lathe is connected to a three-phase network with a voltage of 380 V and its grounding is carried out by the Customer. Turning on the machine without connecting it to the grounding line is not allowed.

Technical characteristics of the STD-120M lathe

Parameter name STD-120M
Basic machine parameters
Center height, mm 120
Maximum length of the workpiece installed in the centers (RMC), mm 500
Largest diameter of processed workpieces, mm 190
Maximum length of workpiece turning, mm 450
Number of spindle rotation speeds, rpm 2
Spindle speed, rpm 2350/ 2050
Electrical equipment of the machine
Type of supply current 380V 50Hz
Number of electric motors on the machine, pcs. 1
Electric motor - rated power, kW 0,4
Dimensions and weight of the machine
Machine dimensions (length x width x height), mm 1250 x 575 x 550
Machine weight, kg 100



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