The Krasnoyarsk governor will resign. Viktor Tolokonsky was fired: we tell you what is happening

Main topic last days- resignation of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky.

The news spread across local and federal media in a matter of minutes. The Kremlin has not yet officially confirmed the information, although Tolokonsky has already said goodbye to the team. Political experts and residents of the region are already racking their brains over who will become the new head of the region? AiF-Krasnoyarsk talks about possible candidates for the post of governor.

Thus, one of the most likely successors to the current head is the head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Mikhail Kotyukov. He is a native of Krasnoyarsk and is familiar with administrative work in the regional authorities. At the age of 40, the official built a very successful career in Moscow and became a member of large offices at the Federation level.

Kotyukov is one of the main contenders for the post. Photo:

The second candidate is Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Yuri Shvytkin. Yuri Nikolaevich is familiar to the residents of the region for his military merits. In 1992, Shvytkin was transferred to serve in the internal affairs bodies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Served in the Department private security, then was commander of the SOBR of the Department for Combating Organized Crime, commander of the riot police. During his service, he went on business trips to “hot spots” more than once. He was awarded three Orders of Courage, a medal “For Military Merit”, and a medal “For Distinction in Military Service”. Rank: Police Colonel. Yuri Shvytkin is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2002-2016), since 2016 - a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation (United Russia faction), deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense.

Yuri Nikolaevich is familiar to the residents of the region for his military merits. Photo: / Andrey Burmistrov

The position of governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is also predicted for the well-known Sergei Sokol. The politician is very closely connected with the region. In 2000, he headed Vladimir Putin’s headquarters in Norilsk, and 2 years later he was appointed deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 2005, he participated in the preparation of a referendum on the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. In 2007, he was again appointed deputy governor, but of a united region.

In the same year, Sokol was involved in a scandal involving the poisoning of IQ Ball participants. Then more than 200 people ended up in hospital beds with a diagnosis of salmonellosis. After this, Sokol’s connection with the region was interrupted, but last year he decided to restore it and ran for State Duma deputy from the region, but was not elected. Let us note that he did not get into the single-mandate constituency, but still got into the Duma on the party list.

The current head of Krasnoyarsk, Edkham Akbulatov, also has a chance for a vacant position. My political career Edkham Shukrievich started in 1998 as chairman of the committee on land resources and land management of the city of Krasnoyarsk. 4 years later he became deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - head of the main department of economic development and planning. In October 2008, he became the first deputy governor of the region - chairman of the government. And two years later he took the place of head of the regional center. He was awarded the medal “1000th Anniversary of the Repose of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir” (2015) “for his personal contribution to the restoration of many churches.”

Edkham Akbulatov also has every chance to take the vacant seat. Photo: Akbulatov.rf

Another likely candidate is Viktor Tomenko. The 46-year-old politician graduated from the Norilsk Industrial Institute. For a long time he worked at the plant: as a hydrometallurgist operator, process technician, labor technician, then took the position of economist. Tomenko began his career as an economist in the accounting department in the bureau for accounting of materials and fixed assets of the Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine named after. A.P. Zavenyagina. Ten years later, he rose to the rank of director of the Polar Branch of Norilsk Nickel. In 2012 (during the governorship of Lev Kuznetsov) he was appointed first deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, retaining this position in 2014 to Tolokonsky’s team.

Another likely candidate is Viktor Tomenko. Photo: press service of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory / Andrey Burmistrov

Also vying for the post of head of the region is Oleg Budargin, who also studied in Norilsk and worked at the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant. From March to December 2000, Budargin was temporary acting. head of Norilsk, after which he became mayor. The last governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug in 2003-2006. Since 2013, by decision of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rosseti, he was approved as General Director of the Public Joint Stock Company Russian Grids.

Budargin was the last governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug in 2003-2006. Photo:

Another native of Norilsk is Alexey Teksler. For 17 years, he held various positions at Norilsk Nickel, after which he was appointed head of the Norilsk administration.

Since 2011, Texler has been the managing director of Polyus CJSC, and in 2013 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy Russian Federation. Since November 2014, he has held the post of First Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia.

According to a survey conducted on the AiF-Krasnoyarsk website, the majority of residents of the region want to see Alexander Khloponin, who led the region for almost eight years (from 2002 to 2010), as governor. In 2010, Khloponin was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District. He was relieved of his post in 2014, but at the same time retained the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Khloponin oversees the activities of the Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs.

The majority of residents of the region want to see Alexander Khloponin as governor. Photo: AiF/ Elena Pankova

It is still unknown when a new governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory will be appointed. Obviously, delaying the appointment will give rise to even more rumors and speculation, so the list of candidates may soon become even wider.

The former speaker of the regional Legislative Assembly, Alexander Uss, became the acting governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Having taken new post, this experienced politician sharply criticized the work of his predecessor Viktor Tolokonsky, whom he had previously supported in all his endeavors. Uss publicly stated that Tolokonsky created a full-scale crisis in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In addition, the new head of the region suddenly spoke out against the financial and industrial groups operating in the region, with whose owners he has long-standing friendly relations. And at the same time he criticized his other friend - the ex-mayor of Krasnoyarsk Edkham Akbulatov, who ruined the city economy. What is the reason for Uss’s sudden insight?

Alexander Uss is one of the luminaries of Krasnoyarsk politics. For more than 20 years, he continuously headed the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He managed to serve as deputy head of the region and show gubernatorial ambitions: exactly 15 years ago he lost the election to Alexander Khloponin, now Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation. Then, in 2002, Krasnoyarsk residents first heard the song of the Russian chanson performer Vyacheslav Medyanik “Our trump card is the governor of Uss!” But then the region did not have a chance to play its “trump card”. Only at the end of September this year, after the scandalous resignation of the former governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky, the reasons for which were written by The CrimeRussia, Uss finally received the position of acting head of the region. Thus, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the almost 20-year period of rule by “Varangian” governors ended. All four of Uss’s predecessors were not local - Alexander Lebed, Alexander Khloponin, Lev Kuznetsov and Viktor Tolokonsky.

Alexander Uss

Having taken the coveted chair, Uss was determined to prove to his fellow countrymen that he was ready to fight for a better future for native land. The new head began demonstrating his concern for the region, as one would expect, with sharp criticism of his predecessor.

Speaking at the congress of deputies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in early November, Uss criticized the work of the previous government on several points at once.

The sharp criticism of financial and industrial groups especially surprised Krasnoyarsk residents. After all, it is known that Ussa has close friendly relations with almost all groups operating in the region. In the nineties, he was on the board of directors of KrAZ and worked closely with the “authoritative” businessman Anatoly Bykov. In January of this year, he offered to sell Oleg Deripaska, with whom he is on short terms, a state-owned stake in Yemelyanovo airport. He supported the idea of ​​​​building a center for storing spent nuclear fuel in the region, promoted by Rosatom. In addition, Uss has repeatedly stated that he has good relationship and with Norilsk Nickel, and with Rosneft, and with the largest coal company in Russia, SUEK, which produces a third of raw materials in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and belongs to the oligarch Melnichenko. Previously, Uss had never opposed the financial and industrial groups working in the region. Why he decided to change his position by becoming governor is still unclear.

Uss made another bold statement: thanks to the inept policies of the previous leadership, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is rapidly losing its position in Siberia and in the country as a whole. “The regional divisions of Sberbank also left the management of the Central Bank in Siberia. This happened quietly, without objections or struggle,” noted the acting governor. The region also lost a number of branches of large Russian banks. To illustrate how unfavorable the economic situation is in the region, Uss announced the indicators industrial production for 2016. In fact, we are talking about a drop in its level by 1.3%. For comparison: for the same period Kemerovo region showed an increase of 6.3%, the Irkutsk region - by 4%, and in the Russian Federation as a whole this figure was 1.1%.

Policy in certain areas also raises many questions. economic development. In particular, Uss expressed concern about the situation in the forestry industry: “In 2016, the regional budget received 461 million rubles in the form of fees for the use of forests. But to clean up the city of Kansk alone from the results of the activities of timber processors, it is planned to allocate 300 million rubles. This is how much money we make in the forest...” The head of the region separately emphasized: the regional government had the opportunity to influence the implementation of large projects in the forestry industry, but they did not bring “significant economic effects.”

The situation is particularly difficult in the alcohol market. “Excise production capacities have been reduced to a minimum. Of the remaining enterprises of this profile, only the Krasnoyarsk Vodka Factory makes a noticeable contribution, which, by the way, is managed from Kemerovo. And this is against the backdrop of loud assurances about supposedly strict control of the alcohol market. I note that only the liquidation of the production of the Baltika-Pikra company, which happened in 2015, meant a loss of taxes of 2 billion rubles for the budget. Quite a lot,” notes Uss. As for the support of small and medium-sized businesses, it is now, according to the new head of the region, carried out in the region only “for reporting, on paper.”

Another object of criticism was the ineffective management of state property in the region, as reported by The CrimeRussia. As Uss put it, “everything is very bad” in this direction too. “There is no understanding in the region of what to do with all this farming. For representatives of industry bodies, participation in the management of these enterprises is a burdensome duty. They do not set specific goals and are not responsible for the results of their activities. Indicative was the intention to get rid of Krasnoyarsknefteprodukt, as well as to sell two regional road enterprises.” A critical situation, according to Uss, has also developed at one of the key enterprises owned by the region, the Krastsvetmet plant. The new governor believes that “the most important system-forming enterprise of the region has turned into a mutual aid fund. Over the past 1.5 years, more than 880 million rubles have been withdrawn from it for various purposes, from supporting the forest fire center to financing the KVN.” Non-core expenses led to the halt of the enterprise’s development program, and today the region risks losing this asset - the tax authorities are making claims against Krastsvetmet for billions of rubles.

A direct consequence of ineffective economic policies and “very dubious management decisions“There was also, according to Uss, a decrease in the profitability of the regional budget and an increase in public debt. According to the forecasts of the acting governor, by the end of the year it will reach 100 billion rubles: “We are among the top three Russian leaders, but with a minus sign.” According to the regional Ministry of Finance, from October 2016 to October 2017, the region’s public debt increased from 90.75 billion to 92.79 billion rubles. At the same time, Uss expressed concern about the high share of the commercial component in regional borrowings, “which it is advisable to replace with loans from the Russian Ministry of Finance.”

Uss sharply criticized not only the economic policy of his predecessor, but also the rest of his work.

The new head called the work of the Tolokonsky government in preparation for the Universiade 2019 “the pathetic approaches of the day before yesterday.” Due to the absurd use of federal funds, Krasnoyarsk almost missed its chance to transform the city for the upcoming world-class sporting event.

Uss also spoke sharply on one of the most pressing issues - the ecology of Krasnoyarsk. As The CrimeRussia has repeatedly reported, the city almost constantly lives under a “black sky”, in the mode of “unfavorable meteorological conditions.” The new governor did not follow Tolokonsky’s example and simply wait for the wind to clear the air, but proposed moving on to specific actions, drawing up a clear road map to improve the environmental situation.

Uss also commented on the scandal with the increase in parliamentary and bureaucratic salaries, in which he was directly involved. The CrimeRussia told how local parliamentarians “quietly” tried to double the fee for their hard work. The acting governor confirmed his position on a slippery topic, already voiced earlier: he really believes that officials’ salaries are paradoxically low, they need to be increased.

Alexander Uss and ex-governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky

Having destroyed on all counts the work of Tolokonsky, with whom he had established great relationship, Uss sharply criticized another of his friends, the former mayor of Krasnoyarsk Edkham Akbulatov, who left his post at the end of October. The new head of the region held a press conference, which he began with the following words: “I really, I’m not lying, have a long-standing friendly relationship with Edkham Shukrievich, I know him from many sides. We live here, as they say, nearby. But as Anatoly Petrovich Bykov said, I don’t agree with him on everything, but in this definition it’s absolutely impossible to combine work and friendship.”

Uss expressed his main complaints about the progress of the improvement of the regional center. Having walked around the city center in front of television cameras, the new head of the region was personally convinced that Akbulatov had successfully destroyed the city economy. The former mayor was unable to cope with even basic street repairs—piles of paving stones made it almost impossible to move around the city. This is how Uss commented on what he saw: “In recent months, I have shared the bitterness and disappointment of Krasnoyarsk residents in connection with what the city authorities are offering us in terms of improvement. You see, well, laying paving stones is an elementary task. Elementary. This is not an airport. And of course, it’s impossible to delay deadlines and organize work like that, even purely externally.”

Ucc believes that the former mayor of Krasnoyarsk, his old friend Edkham Akbulatov failed to cope with even basic street repairs

Uss confirmed: Akbulatov failed to cope even with the most simple tasks. For example, create a paid parking system in the center of Krasnoyarsk. The acting governor described the failure of the project as follows: “Let’s take the same paid parking. Torment the city for two years, and in the end everything falls out of hand. It's a symptom. The paid parking system has existed in the world for 50 years! If we can’t do it ourselves, let’s invite so-called technocrats or managers, let them do it.” The new head of the region also expressed hope that the new mayor of Krasnoyarsk will cope with all the city problems created under the leadership of Akbulatov.

Uss sharply criticized another of his friends - the former mayor of Krasnoyarsk Edkham Akbulatov (in the photo they are standing next to each other in the center)

Krasnoyarsk residents reacted ambiguously to Uss’s unexpectedly harsh critical statements in his new post. On the one hand, everything is fair: the sharp deterioration of the situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is obvious to everyone in many respects. And it’s good that the new head decided to admit this. On the other hand, why did Uss regain his sight so suddenly? As already mentioned, the acting governor is not just one of the most experienced Krasnoyarsk politicians. Over the past decades, he has been the speaker of the regional Legislative Assembly, which approved all initiatives of the executive branch. Uss's signature was on all the documents proposed by Tolokonsky.

If Uss considered his decisions wrong, then why didn’t he oppose them? For what reason did he never announce the critical situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory?

Therefore, most Krasnoyarsk residents were skeptical about Uss’s sudden “epiphany.” The general conclusion is that the new head of the region is simply trying to “fix the low start” of his governorship. And he wants to blame all the problems that arise under the new government on his predecessor. Indirect confirmation of this point of view is that, having become acting governor, Uss practically did not change Tolokonsky’s team. This means that he hardly really considers it so ineffective and involved in creating a full-scale crisis in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Acting Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss, who for the past 19 years has been the Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Legislative Assembly. Uss took over the leadership of the region after the resignation of Viktor Tolokonsky, who had led the region since May 2014.

Alexander Viktorovich Uss was born on November 3, 1954 in the village of Novogorodka, Ilansky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory, into the family of Viktor Petrovich and Maria Fominichna Uss. Father - Hero of Socialist Labor, for almost 30 years headed the collective farm named after the VII Congress of Soviets of the Ilansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In 1976 Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Krasnoyarsk State University (now part of the Siberian Federal University) with a degree in jurisprudence. In 1981 he graduated from graduate school at Tomsk State University (TSU).

Candidate of Legal Sciences. In 1981, at TSU he defended his dissertation on the topic “Conflicts between convicts, accompanied by violent attacks (based on materials from high-security correctional labor colonies).”

Doctor of Law. In 1994, at Tomsk State University he defended his dissertation on the topic “The Social Integrative Role of Criminal Law.”

Professor. Specialist in the field of criminal law.

In 1976-1977- research intern, in 1977-1981 - graduate student of Tomsk State University (now - National Research Tomsk state university).

In 1981-1986- assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of criminal law and criminology at Krasnoyarsk State University.

In 1985 joined the CPSU and remained a party member until 1990.

From 1986 to 1988 engaged in scientific work at the Institute of Foreign and International Criminal Law named after. Max Planck (Freiburg, Germany).

In 1988-1990- Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law. In 1991-1993- Senior Researcher at Krasnoyarsk State University.

From 1993 to 1995- Head of the Legal Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration.

In 1993-1995- Deputy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 1st convocation. Was elected December 12, 1993 in Evenki two-mandate electoral circle No. 88 (28% of the votes). He was a member of the International Affairs Committee.

In 1995-1997- Deputy Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Valery Zubova. Supervised legal issues.

Since 1996 member of the socio-political movement "Our Home is Russia" (leader - Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin).

Since 1997 to the present - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

December 7, 1997 year was elected in the regional constituency from the electoral bloc “Union of Business and Order - the Future of the Region.”

In January 1998 took the post of Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the 2nd convocation.

From 1998 to 2002- Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Was endowed with the powers of a senator January 28, 1998. He was a member of the Committee on International Affairs and was a member of the Commission on Rules and Parliamentary Procedures. February 17, 1999 years voted in the Federation Council against the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The senator's powers were terminated January 1, 2002.

In March 2001 joined the Unity party (since 2003 - United Russia).

In December 2001 ran for the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: he headed the list of the Nashi electoral bloc, and also participated in the elections in the Zheleznodorozhny single-mandate electoral district No. 4. December 23, 2001 was elected as a deputy of the regional parliament of the 3rd convocation for the Railway District (65.9%). The list of the Nashi bloc received 19.8% of the votes (first place) and also entered the Legislative Assembly.

January 9, 2002 Alexander Uss was again elected chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In September 2002 took part in the early elections of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (they were appointed after the death of the head of the region, Alexander Lebed, in a plane crash). He was nominated by a group of voters.

September 8, 2002 received 27.62% of the votes as a result of the elections and advanced to the second round together with the governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug Alexander Khloponin (25.25%; ran from a group of voters). In the second round on September 22, Alexander Uss took second place, gaining 41.83% of the votes. Alexander Khloponin won, with 48.07% of voters voting for him.

April 15, 2007, shortly after the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenkey Autonomous Okrugs, Alexander Uss was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the united Krasnoyarsk Territory of the 1st convocation. On May 14 of the same year he became chairman of the regional parliament. Subsequently - in 2011 and 2016 - he was elected as a deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly of the II and III convocations on the list of the United Russia party, and was again elected to the post of speaker (December 28, 2011, October 6, 2016).

Since March 12, 2010- President of the Siberian Federal University (re-elected on March 30, 2015).

He was a member of the Government Commission for the implementation of the Concept of State National Policy, the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on issues of federal relations and local self-government. He headed the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia", and was a member of the presidium of the association.

Member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy.

Chairman of the Coordination Council on Problems high school Interregional Association "Siberian Agreement".

The total amount of declared income for 2016 was 24 million 492 thousand rubles, spouses - 23 million 781 thousand rubles. According to SPARK-Interfax, Alexander Uss owns Tsentralnoye LLC (Krasnoyarsk; rental and management of non-residential real estate).

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2010), noted with gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (2005).

Winner of the "Russian National Olympus" award in the category "Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Year" (2005), the highest legal award "Lawyer of the Year" (2014).

Author of seven books and scientific publications on issues of law, economics and state building, including “Raising a teenager in the family” (1987), “The social and integrative role of criminal law” (1993), “Problems of changing the composition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” (2007). In April 2000, Alexander Uss's article "Russia - an imperial federation" was published, in which he proposed centralizing the system of government and reducing the powers of regional leaders.

Married, has three children. Wife - Lyudmila (born 1954), graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University. Daughters - Maria (born 1977), a lawyer by training, and Alexandra (born 1992). Son Artem (born 1982) also received a law degree from Krasnoyarsk State University.

Speaks German.

He enjoys skiing, tennis, golf, and horse riding. Plays the guitar and sings.

Political life is a changeable thing. One moment you are in power, “on horseback,” and now, before you know it, you are leaving your home and what seems like your home office. In September of this year, many regions of the country lost their governors - some left on their own, others were “left” from above. The governor of Krasnoyarsk also resigned. Now the region is waiting for new elections, and on the eve of them we can remember where (or rather, with whom) it all began.

Who is the governor?

First, it’s worth deciding who the governor is. So, a governor is a person who leads a separate administrative unit - a region, a territory, and so on. Before the revolution, this was the head of the province (hence the name of the position) - this is how the region was previously called.

Today, the governor is elected by residents for a five-year term. Any person who is at least thirty years old can apply for this position. However, you cannot become a governor more than two times in a row, and in addition you need to remember that residents of the region have the right to recall their chosen one. In this case (if the seat is vacated ahead of schedule), an interim governor is appointed by the president of the country.

Krasnoyarsk region

In a region in the very center of Russia, and at the same time in the heart of Siberia, rich history. Previously, what is now the largest region in our country was called the Yenisei province. It existed until 1925, and then all the provinces were abolished, they were united into a single region, from which separate ones were later formed, in particular, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It began its official existence in December 1934. Ten years ago the region was reorganized - Taimyrsky was added to it and however common name region remained the same.

Over the entire long-term and even centuries-long history, if we consider the Yenisei province, there were a dime a dozen leaders in the region. Alexander Petrovich Stepanov is considered to be the very first governor of Krasnoyarsk - a man who really did a lot for this Siberian city.

Alexander Stepanov

Alexander Petrovich came from a noble family. He became the head of the then province at the age of 42 (this happened in 1823). He studied in Moscow, served in the army, was on the staff of Suvorov himself, participated in the War of 1812, after which he retired, but, nevertheless, accepted an appointment to the post of governor of a distant region.

Thanks to the fact that Alexander Petrovich was an active and energetic person, with his arrival life in Krasnoyarsk changed dramatically. He immediately directed all his activity towards the creation of hospitals and charity homes in the city. Wealthy Krasnoyarsk residents donated funds, establishments opened one after another. Thanks to Stepanov, the first pharmacy appeared in the city on the Yenisei. By the way, its building has survived to this day; moreover, the pharmacy is located there to this day.

The expansion of the police force, the repair of roads and houses, the emergence of a city garden, a printing house, a library - Krasnoyarsk of that time owes all this and many others to Alexander Petrovich. Unfortunately, he remained in his post for only eight years, after which he left for another region. Subsequently, the townspeople more than once remembered the first governor of Krasnoyarsk with kind words and regretted that there was no second one. Life in Krasnoyarsk began to decline sharply after his departure.

After Stepanov, the post of head of the region was replaced by many of the most different people. Some of them were better, some were worse. But let us dwell in more detail on those governors of Krasnoyarsk who “ruled the show” already in Soviet times.

During all the years that the Krasnoyarsk Territory existed under the Soviets (which is 57 years), 12 people managed to serve as governor. The very first of them was Pavel Dmitrievich Akulinushkin: he worked for two years, from June 35th to July 37th. Little is known about him, only that he left his post not voluntarily, but because, like many in that terrible year, he became a victim of repression.

After Akulinushkin, the position was occupied by Sergei Sobolev, Pavel Kulakov, Ivan Golubev and others. It is worth dwelling in a little more detail on the ninth governor of the region - Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh.

Vladimir Dolgikh

Vladimir Ivanovich was born in the village of Ilanskoye. He became governor of the region in 1969 for three years. Before that, he served in the army, graduated from the Mining and Metallurgical Institute, and worked as an engineer, including as director of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

Leading Krasnoyarsk Territory, achieved a lot for him. So, in particular, it was thanks to Vladimir Ivanovich that the region’s economy began to develop, coal industry, hydropower, metallurgy. It was under the Dolgikhs that such powerful facilities as a hydroelectric power station and two plants that operate to this day appeared - an aluminum and a metallurgical one. The region's energy and industry have grown so much that it is enough not only for its own needs, but also to help other regions. All this happened thanks to the competent leadership of Vladimir Ivanovich. By the way, the former head of the region is still alive today.

Pavel Fedirko

After Dolgikh, Pavel Stefanovich Fedirko took the helm. He remained in the post of governor for 15 years, until the year 87, and during this impressive period he managed to do quite a lot.

Pavel Stefanovich was born in Krasnodar region in 1932, by profession he is a railway worker. Before his appointment to the post of head of the Krasnoyarsk region, he worked as an engineer and director of a plant in Norilsk, and was also secretary of the Igarsk city committee.

Under Fedirko, Krasnoyarsk received a new airport (the old one was located within the city, there was always a risk of human casualties, since the takeoff was carried out over the city), a new bridge across the Yenisei - Oktyabrsky, new enterprises aimed at strengthening the economy of the region, as well as cultural institutions. For example, the Great Concert Hall, which still delights Krasnoyarsk residents. Pavel Stefanovich generally cared about the culture of the region: it was with his active support that the Siberian Dance Ensemble, known throughout the country, and the Krasnoyarsk Symphony Orchestra were created, and a choreographic school and the Institute of Arts were opened.

Governors of Krasnoyarsk after the collapse of the Union

While the country of the Soviets was still alive, two more people managed to serve as governors in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And the first leader of the region in the post-Soviet era was Arkady Filimonovich Veprev. An economist by training, an agronomist, he served in this post for just over a year. His actions were repeatedly criticized, and there were proposals for his removal, as a result of which he eventually retired. After him (and to the present), there were six governors of Krasnoyarsk. It’s worth saying a little more about each of them.

Valery Zubov

Valery Mikhailovich was born in the Tambov region in 1953. He worked as a mechanic and a driller's assistant. At first he wanted to receive his education at the Faculty of Geology (his parents were geologists), but then he transferred to the institute national economy in Moscow, defended his PhD thesis and went to work in Krasnoyarsk. In the city on the Yenisei, Zubov first worked as an ordinary teacher, later becoming the dean of the Faculty of Economics (and even a Doctor of Economics).

IN political life I've been diving since the early 90s. After Veprev's resignation in January 1993, he was recommended by him as his successor and in April of the same year he took the seat of governor of the region. He remained in office for five years. Those years were very difficult for the country's economy - there were not enough jobs, not enough money, but in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, unlike other territories, there were no delays in payments to pensioners.

Everyone who remembers Valery Mikhailovich’s work as governor notes his integrity, honesty and fairness, as well as the fact that more than a million people voted for him in the gubernatorial elections in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - a phenomenal figure. Due to disagreements with Moscow (according to some), Zubov was unable to remain for a second term as the leader of the region. Later he worked in Moscow, but died last year due to illness.

Alexander Lebed

The next four years in the Krasnoyarsk Territory passed under the auspices of the reign of Alexander Ivanovich Lebed. He was born in Novocherkassk in 1950, worked as a loader and grinder. Graduated from the Airborne School, military academy named after M.V. Frunze. He had the rank of lieutenant general and participated in real combat operations. Having retired to the reserves in the mid-nineties, he began to climb the political career ladder.

In 1998, he won the gubernatorial elections in Krasnoyarsk, beating the then head of the region Valery Zubov. The elections were scandalous, with many irregularities. Some believe that Lebed’s victory was dishonest, and everything was aimed solely at “destructing” Zubov. One way or another, since May 1998, Alexander Ivanovich took the governor’s chair.

The most important thing that happened during the reign of Lebed was the discovery of Krasnoyarsk cadet corps, which now bears the name of its creator. Many criticized the activities of Alexander Ivanovich, something did not work out for him, but who knows how everything would have turned out if not for the tragic death - in April 2002, the governor, along with several administration employees and journalists, crashed in a plane crash.

Alexander Khloponin

From October of the same year, for eight years, the new governor of Krasnoyarsk was Alexander Gennadievich Khloponin, who had previously worked as a governor, only in Taimyr. He served in the army, graduated from the Faculty of International Economics, worked at Vnesheconombank, and was the General Director of MMC Norilsk Nickel. He stayed as the leader of the Taimyr district for just over a year, after which he left for Krasnoyarsk.

It was under Alexander Gennadievich that the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with Taimyr and Evenkia took place. Under him, the development of the Lower Angara region began, and regional social programs aimed at improving life in the region. Reconstruction of the airport, agreements with various energy companies, development of the Vankor oil and gas field, discovery and much more - all this happened during the years when Alexander Gennadievich led the region.

By the way, it was Khloponin who initiated the holding of the so-called Governor’s Ball in Krasnoyarsk - an event for students who have distinguished themselves in their studies or any other field. Khloponin's work as governor of the Krasnoyarsk region was terminated due to his appointment to another, more honorable position.

Lev Kuznetsov

From February 2010 and over the next four years, Lev Vladimirovich Kuznetsov was the governor of the region - he was put in this place “from above”, the residents did not choose him. Like many others, he is an economist by profession. He worked in banks, then at Norilsk Nickel, like his predecessor. Having started to make a political career, he worked in Khloponin’s team - both in Taimyr and in Krasnoyarsk: when Alexander Gennadievich was governor, Lev Vladimirovich was his first deputy.

As the leader of the region, Kuznetsov paid close attention to improving the education and healthcare systems, and also sought to develop the infrastructure of Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the region. In May 2014, he left Krasnoyarsk because he was assigned to another region.

Victor Tolokonsky

Viktor Aleksandrovich Tolokonsky arrived in Krasnoyarsk from the neighboring region - Novosibirsk region. The president of the country appointed him acting governor, and before that he served high position plenipotentiary representative of the country's leader in Siberia. He spent four months in Krasnoyarsk as “acting”, and in September he was elected by residents to the post of head of the region.

Viktor Alexandrovich was born in Novosibirsk in 1953. Economist, teacher of political economy, mayor of Novosibirsk, later governor of the region - these are Tolokonsky’s steps in the political field. He began his work in the Krasnoyarsk region by reducing the bureaucracy - he fired four people from among his assistants. Under Viktor Alexandrovich, a new, fourth bridge across the Yenisei was opened in Krasnoyarsk.

Governor Tolokonsky in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was met with great anticipation, but later many dissatisfied people appeared. Thus, a big scandal and indignation among residents was caused by the governor’s proposal to reduce bus routes to improve the traffic situation. Another scandal erupted this summer, when officials' salaries were doubled. Due to a gigantic wave of indignation, this decree was eventually canceled.

In September of this year, a wave of gubernatorial resignations swept across the country. In several regions, leaders have changed, usually older ones. Because of this, some have suggested that Moscow wants to “rejuvenate” the heads of territories. The resignation of the governor also affected Krasnoyarsk - Viktor Tolokonsky officially resigned.

Alexander Uss

Known to Krasnoyarsk residents a long time ago. A native of this region, lawyer, Doctor of Law, professor, he began his political career in the 90s. He repeatedly tried to take a dominant position in the region, but everything did not grow together. For the last 20 years he has been Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. And only after the departure of the former governor of Krasnoyarsk in September of this year, Uss received an offer to become the interim leader of the region.

Governor elections in the region will be held next fall. All this time, Alexander Viktorovich will act as head, who, of course, will run for the post of governor of Krasnoyarsk. Whether Uss will be at the helm, or someone else - we'll wait and see.

The upcoming resignation of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky - main topic the last three days. We would like to add that there is no official confirmation yet that Viktor Tolokonsky has left his post. We have already published everything regarding his resignation.

As of Tuesday morning, as the regional government reported, they had no information about Tolokonsky’s work schedule for this week; the governor does not plan to appear in public.

Political experts predict the place of head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to five candidates at once: First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexei Teksler, head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations Mikhail Kotyukov, current Chairman of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tomenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oboronprom, former Deputy Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Sergei Sokol and ex- Deputy Director of Rosseti Oleg Budargin.

NGS.NOVOSTI decided to introduce its readers in advance to the potential future governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The youngest and, according to the publication “Continent of Siberia”, the most likely is a 40-year-old Mikhail Kotyukov. He was born in Krasnoyarsk, graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University with a degree in Finance and Credit. He worked in the main financial department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory administration, then as head of the financial department of Krasnoyarskagropromstroy, then in the Krasnoyarsk administration, and then as deputy head of the main financial department and deputy head of the finance department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory administration.

For three months in 2007, Kotyukov served as vice-rector for economics and finance at Siberian Federal University, and then Governor Alexander Khloponin appointed him as his deputy - head of the department of finance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. After this, the career of the young politician went up and he became Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov, and in October 2013, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev appointed him head of the FANO, created as part of the reform Russian Academy Sci.

Sergei Sokol is the second most likely candidate

According to the author of the Nezygar channel on Telegram, the new governor of the region will be the well-known Sergey Sokol. The 47-year-old politician is very closely connected with the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 2000, he headed Vladimir Putin’s headquarters in Norilsk, and 2 years later he was appointed deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where he oversaw several issues, including tariffs for electricity and thermal energy. In 2005, he participated in the preparation of a referendum on the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia, and a year later he developed the draft Charter of the united region. In 2007, he was again appointed deputy governor of this united Krasnoyarsk Territory.

At this point, Falcon’s connection with the region was interrupted for some time. Last year he decided to restore it and ran for State Duma deputy from the region, but was not elected. On at the moment heads Oboronprom, a corporation that is planned to be liquidated.

By the way, Alexey Teksler is now a witness in the case of Alexey Ulyukaev

44 year old Alexey Teksler- another candidate - graduated from the Norilsk Industrial Institute with a degree in Economic Engineering, held various positions at Norilsk Nickel for 17 years, after which he was appointed head of the Norilsk administration. Since 2011, Texler worked as managing director of Polyus CJSC, and in 2013 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. Since November 2014, he has held the post of First Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia.

Viktor Tomenko, as a rule, accompanied the current governor at all major events

Another likely candidate is Victor Tomenko, say insiders. Now he is already working in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The 46-year-old politician, like Texler, graduated from the Norilsk Industrial Institute. For a long time he worked at the plant: as a hydrometallurgist operator, process technician, labor technician, then took the position of economist. In 1994, Tomenko was appointed as an economist in the accounting department in the bureau for accounting of materials and fixed assets of the Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine named after. A.P. Zavenyagin, in 2004 - director of the Polar Branch of Norilsk Nickel. He was appointed first deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory first in 2012 (still under Kuznetsov), and then again in 2014.

Oleg Budargin is the oldest of all candidates for the position of governor

The oldest of all possible candidates is Oleg Budargin. He is 57 years old. He also studied in Norilsk, worked at the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, and then before the fall of the USSR he worked in the Norilsk City Committee of the CPSU. Several times Budargin left and returned to work at NMMC, and from 1995 to 2000 he was deputy general director.

From March to December 2000, Budargin was temporary acting. head of Norilsk, after which he becomes the mayor of Norilsk. In 2003, Oleg Budargin was elected governor of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, where he received 70% of the votes in the elections, and when the joint-stock company was merged with Evenkia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, he lost these powers.

Since February 27, Budargin has been working as the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Siberian Federal District (let us recall, by the way, that Tolokonsky also came to us from this position). Further - a number of appointments in the state corporation and in 2013 the Board of Directors approved Budargin as the general director of Rosseti.



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