Boiler and auxiliary equipment. Hello student Boiler burner

The TGM-84 boiler unit is designed according to a U-shaped layout and consists of a combustion chamber, which is an ascending gas duct, and a lower convective shaft, divided into 2 gas ducts. There is practically no transitional horizontal gas duct between the firebox and the convective shaft. A screen steam superheater is located in the upper part of the firebox and the rotating chamber. In a convective shaft, divided into 2 gas ducts, a horizontal steam superheater and a water economizer are placed in series (along the flow of gases). Behind the water economizer there is a rotary chamber with ash collection bins.

Two regenerative air heaters connected in parallel are installed behind the convective shaft.

The combustion chamber has the usual prismatic shape with dimensions between the axes of the pipes 6016 * 14080 mm and is divided by a two-light water screen into two half-fireboxes. The side and rear walls of the combustion chamber are shielded with evaporation pipes with a diameter of 60 * 6 mm (steel-20) with a pitch of 64 mm. The side screens in the lower part have slopes towards the middle in the lower part at an angle of 15 to the horizontal and form a “cold” floor.

The two-light screen also consists of pipes with a diameter of 60 * 6 mm with a pitch of 64 mm and has windows formed by pipe routing to equalize the pressure in the half-furnaces. The screen system is suspended from the metal structures of the ceiling using rods and has the ability to thermal expansion freely fall down.

The ceiling of the combustion chamber is made horizontal and shielded by the pipes of the ceiling superheater.

A combustion chamber equipped with 18 oil burners, which are located on the front wall in three tiers. The boiler has a drum with an internal diameter of 1800 mm. The length of the cylindrical part is 16200 mm. In the boiler drum, separation and steam washing with feed water is organized.

Schematic diagram of steam superheaters

The superheater of the TGM-84 boiler is radiation-convective in nature of heat perception and consists of the following three main parts: radiation, screen or semi-radiation and convective.

The radiation part consists of a wall and ceiling superheater.

The semi-radiation superheater consists of 60 standardized screens. Convective superheater horizontal type consists of 2 parts located in 2 gas ducts of the lower shaft above the water economizer.

A wall-mounted superheater is installed on the front wall of the combustion chamber, made in the form of six transportable blocks of pipes with a diameter of 42*55 (steel 12*1MF).

The outlet chamber of the ceiling substation consists of 2 manifolds welded together, forming a common chamber, one for each semi-furnace. The output chamber of the combustion chamber is one and consists of 6 manifolds welded together.

The inlet and outlet chambers of the screen superheater are located one above the other and are made of pipes with a diameter of 133 * 13 mm.

The convective superheater is made according to a Z-shaped design, i.e. steam enters from the front wall. Each substation consists of 4 single-pass coils.

Devices for regulating the superheat temperature of steam include a condensing unit and injection desuperheaters. Injection desuperheaters are installed in front of the screen superheaters in the screen section and in the convective superheater section. When operating on gas, all desuperheaters operate; when operating on fuel oil, only the one installed in the convective subcooler section.

The steel coil water economizer consists of 2 parts located in the left and right flue ducts of the convection shaft.

Each part of the economizer consists of 4 packages in height. Each package contains two blocks, each block contains 56 or 54 four-way coils made of pipes with a diameter of 25 * 3.5 mm (steel 20). The coils are located parallel to the front of the boiler in a checkerboard pattern with a pitch of 80 mm. The economizer collectors are placed outside the convective shaft.

The boiler is equipped with 2 regenerative rotating air heaters RVP-54.

Description of the steam boiler TGM-151-B

Laboratory work №1

on the course "Boiler installations"

Completed by: Matyushina E.

Pokachalova Yu.

Titova E.

Group: TE-10-1

Checked by: Shatskikh Yu.V.

Lipetsk 2013

1. Purpose of the work……………………………………………………………………………….3

2. Brief description boiler TGM-151-B……………………………………………………………..….3

3. Boiler and auxiliary equipment……………………………...……………….4

4. Characteristics of equipment……………………………...…………………………7

4.1 Technical characteristics……………………………….………………….7

4.2 Description of design……………………………………..……………….7

4.2.1 Combustion chamber……………………….…..………………………….….7

4.2.2 Superheater……………………...…………………………….8

4.2.3 Device for regulating the temperature of superheated steam………………………………………………………………………………………….…….11

4.2.4 Water economizer…………………...…...………………………......11

4.2.5 Air heater…………………………...………………..…..…12

4.2.6 Draft devices……………………...………………………..…12

4.2.7 Safety valves………………..……………………………13

4.2.8 Burner devices…………………………..………………………..13

4.2.9 Drum and separation devices…………………………………......14

4.2.10 Boiler frame…………....……………………………………………………………16

4.2.11. Boiler lining……….…....………………………………….…….….16

5. Safety precautions during work……………………………………….16


1. Purpose of the work

Thermal testing of boiler installations is carried out to determine the energy characteristics that determine their operating performance depending on the load and type of fuel, identifying their operational features and design flaws. To instill practical skills in students, it is recommended that this work be carried out in production conditions at existing thermal power plant installations.

The purpose of the work is to familiarize students with the organization and methodology for carrying out balance tests of a boiler unit, determining the number and selection of measurement points for boiler operating parameters, the requirements for installing instrumentation, and the methodology for processing test results.

Brief characteristics of the TGM-151-B boiler

1. Registration number No. 10406

2 Manufacturing plant Taganrog boiler house

Krasny Kotelshchik plant

3. Steam capacity 220 t/h

4. Steam pressure in the drum 115 kg/cm2

5. Nominal pressure of superheated steam 100 kg/cm2

6. Temperature of superheated steam 540 °C

7. Feedwater temperature 215 °C

8. Hot air temperature 340 °C

9. Water temperature at the economizer outlet 320 °C

10. Flue gas temperature 180 °C

11. Main fuel Coke blast furnace gas and natural gas

12 Reserve fuel fuel oil

Boiler and auxiliary equipment.

1. Type of smoke exhauster: D-20x2

Capacity 245 thousand m3/h

Smoke exhaust vacuum - 408 kgf/m2

Power and type of electric motor No. 21 500 kW A13-52-8

No. 22 500 kW A4-450-8

2. Blower type: VDN -18-11

Productivity - 170 thousand m/h

Pressure - 390 kgf/m2

Power and type of electric motor No. 21 200 kW AO-113-6

No. 22 165 kW GAMT 6-127-6

3. Burner type: Turbulent

Number of burners (natural gas) - 4

Number of burners (coke blast furnace gas) 4

Minimum air pressure - 50mm

Air flow through the burner - 21000 nm/hour

Air temperature in front of the burner - 340 C

Natural gas flow through the burner - 2200 nm/hour

Consumption of coke blast furnace gas through the burner - 25000 nm/hour

Figure 1. Gas-oil boiler TGM-151-B for 220 t/h, 100 kgf/cm^2 (longitudinal and cross sections): 1 – drum, 2 – remote separation cyclone, 3 – combustion chamber, 4 – fuel burner, 5 – screen, 6 – convective part of the superheater, 7 – economizer, 8 – regenerative air heater, 9 – shot catcher (cyclone) of the shot blasting unit, 10 – hopper of the shot blasting unit, 11 – box that removes flue gases from the economizer to the air heater, 12 – gas box to smoke exhauster, 13 – cold air box.

Figure 2. General diagram of the TGM-151-B boiler: 1 – drum, 2 – external separation cyclone, 3 – burner, 4 – screen pipes, 5 – lower pipes, 6 – ceiling superheater, 7 – radiation screen superheater, 8 – convective screen superheater, 9 – 1st stage of convective superheater, 10 – 2nd stage of convective superheater, 11 – 1st injection desuperheater,

12 – 2nd injection desuperheater, 13 – water economizer packages, 14 – regenerative rotating air heater.

4. Equipment characteristics

4.1 Technical characteristics

TGM-151/B gas-oil boiler, vertical water tube, single drum, with natural circulation and three-stage evaporation. The boiler was manufactured by the Taganrog boiler plant "Krasny Kotelshchik".

The boiler unit has a U-shaped layout and consists of a combustion chamber, a rotary chamber and a lower convective shaft.

In the upper part of the furnace (at the exit from it), the screen part of the superheater is located in the rotating chamber, and the convective part of the superheater and the economizer are located in the lower gas duct. Two regenerative rotating air heaters (RAH) are installed behind the convective flue.

Operational indicators, parameters:

4.2 Design description

4.2.1 Combustion chamber

The combustion chamber has a prismatic shape. The volume of the combustion chamber is 780 m3.

The walls of the combustion chamber are shielded with pipes Ø 60x5, made of steel 20. The ceiling of the combustion chamber is shielded with pipes of a ceiling superheater (Ø 32x3.5).

The front screen consists of 4 panels - 38 pipes in the outer panels and 32 pipes in the middle ones. The side screens have three panels - each with 30 pipes. The rear screen has 4 panels: the two outer panels consist of 38 pipes, the middle ones - of 32 pipes.

To improve the flushing of screens with flue gases and protect the rear screen cameras from radiation, the rear screen pipes in the upper part form a protrusion into the firebox with an overhang of 2000 mm (along the axes of the pipes). Thirty-four pipes do not participate in the formation of the overhang, but are load-bearing (9 pipes in the outer panels and 8 in the middle ones).

The screen system, except for the rear screen, is suspended from the upper chambers by means of ties to the metal structures of the ceiling. The rear screen panels are suspended using 12 heated hanging pipes 0 133x10 to the ceiling.

The panels of the rear screens in the lower part form a slope towards the front wall of the firebox with a slope of 15° to the horizontal and form a cold floor, covered on the side of the firebox with fireclay and chrome-plated mass.

All firebox screens expand freely downwards.

Figure 3. Sketch of the combustion chamber of a gas-oil boiler.

Figure 4. Screen heating surfaces of the boiler: 1 – drum; 2 – upper collector; 3 – lowering pipe bundle; 4 – lifting evaporation beam; 9 – lower manifold of the rear screen; 13 – mixture drainage pipes of the rear screen; 14 – heating of the screen with a torch of burning fuel.

4.2.2 Superheater

The boiler superheater consists of the following parts (along the steam path): a ceiling superheater, a screen superheater and a convective superheater. The ceiling superheater shields the ceiling of the firebox and rotary chamber. The superheater is made of 4 panels: the outer panels have 66 pipes each, and the middle panels have 57 pipes each. Pipes Ø 32x3.5 mm made of steel 20 are installed with a pitch of 36 mm. The inlet chambers of the ceiling superheater are made of Ø 219x16 mm from steel 20, the outlet chambers are Ø 219x20 mm from steel 20. The heating surface of the ceiling superheater is 109.1 m 2.

The pipes of the ceiling superheater are attached to special beams using welded strips (7 rows along the length of the ceiling superheater). The beams, in turn, are suspended using rods and hangers from the beams of the ceiling structures.

The screen superheater is located in the horizontal connecting gas duct of the boiler and consists of 32 screens located in two rows along the gas flow (the first row is radiation screens, the second is convective screens). Each screen has 28 coils made of pipes Ø 32x4 mm made of steel 12Х1МФ. The pitch between the pipes in the screen is 40 mm. The screens are installed with a pitch of 530 mm. The total heating surface of the screens is 420 m2.

The coils are fastened to each other using combs and clamps (6 mm thick, made of X20N14S2 steel), installed in two rows in height.

A horizontal type convective superheater is located in a lower convective shaft and consists of two stages: upper and lower. The lower stage of the superheater (the first along the steam path) with a heating surface of 410 m 2 is counterflow, the upper stage with a heating surface of 410 m 2 is direct flow. The distance between the steps is 1362 mm (along the axes of the pipes), the height of the step is 1152 mm. The stage consists of two parts: left and right, each of which consists of 60 double three-loop coils located parallel to the front of the boiler. The coils are made of pipes Ø 32x4 mm (steel 12Х1МФ) and installed in a checkerboard pattern with steps: longitudinal - 50 mm, transverse - 120 mm.

The coils are supported by racks on support beams cooled by air. The spacing of the coils is carried out using 3 rows of combs and strips 3 mm thick.

Figure 5. Fastening a convective pipe package with horizontal coils: 1 – support beams; 2 – pipes; 3 – racks; 4 – bracket.

The movement of steam through the superheater occurs in two immiscible flows, symmetrically relative to the axis of the boiler.

In each of the streams, the pair moves as follows. Saturated steam from the boiler drum flows through 20 pipes Ø 60x5 mm into two headers of a ceiling superheater Ø 219x16 mm. Next, the steam moves through the ceiling pipes and enters two outlet chambers Ø 219x20 mm, located at the rear wall of the convective flue. From these chambers, four pipes Ø 133x10 mm (steel 12Х1МФ), steam is directed to the inlet chambers Ø 133x10 mm (steel 12Х1МФ) of the outer screens of the convective part of the screen superheater. Next, to the outer screens of the radiation part of the screen superheater, then to the intermediate chamber Ø 273x20 (steel 12X1MF), from which pipes Ø 133x10 mm are directed to the four middle screens of the radiation part, and then to the four middle screens of the convective part.

After the screens, the steam enters a vertical desuperheater through four pipes Ø 133x10 mm (steel 12Х1МФ), after which it is directed through four pipes Ø 133x10 mm into two inlet chambers of the lower counterflow stage of the convective superheater. Having passed the lower stage coils in countercurrent, the steam enters two output chambers (the diameter of the inlet and outlet chambers is Ø 273x20 mm), of which four pipes Ø 133x10 mm are sent to a horizontal desuperheater. After the desuperheater, the steam enters through four Ø 133x10 mm pipes into the Ø 273x20 mm inlet manifolds of the upper stage. Having passed through the upper stage coils in direct flow, the steam enters the output collectors Ø 273x26 mm, from which it is directed through four pipes into the steam collection chamber Ø 273x26 mm.

Figure 6. Diagram of the superheater of the TGM-151-B boiler: a – diagram of ceiling panels and screens, b – diagram of convective pipe packages, 1 – drum, 2 – ceiling pipe panels (only one of the pipes is conventionally shown), 3 – intermediate manifold between ceiling panels and screens, 4 – screen, 5 – vertical desuperheater, 6 and 7 – lower and upper convective tube packages, respectively, 8 – horizontal desuperheater, 9 – steam collector, 10 – safety valve, 11 – air vent, 12 – superheated steam outlet .

4.2.3 Device for regulating the temperature of superheated steam

Control of the temperature of superheated steam is carried out in desuperheaters by injecting condensate (or feedwater) into the steam flow passing through them. On the path of each steam flow, two injection-type desuperheaters are installed: one vertical - behind the screen surface and one horizontal - behind the first stage of the convective superheater.

The desuperheater body consists of an injection chamber, a manifold and an outlet chamber. Injection devices and a protective jacket are located inside the housing. The injection device consists of a nozzle, a diffuser and a pipe with a compensator. The diffuser and the inner surface of the nozzle form a Venturi tube.

In the narrow section of the nozzle, 8 holes Ø 5 mm were drilled on desupercooler II and 16 holes Ø 5 mm on desupercooler I. Steam enters the injection chamber through 4 holes in the desuperheater housing and enters the Venturi nozzle. Condensate (feed water) is supplied to the annular channel by a Z 60x6 mm pipe and injected into the cavity of the Venturi pipe through Ø 5 mm holes located around the circumference of the nozzle. After the protective jacket, the steam enters the outlet chamber, from where it is discharged through four pipes to the superheater. The injection chamber and outlet chamber are made of a pipe Ø G g 3x26 mm, the manifold is made of a pipe Ø 273x20 mm (steel 12Х1МФ).

Water economizer

The steel coil economizer is located in the lower gas duct behind the convective superheater packages (along the gas flow). The height of the economizer is divided into three packages, each 955 mm high, the distance between the packages is 655 mm. Each package is made of 88 double three-loop coils Ø 25x3.5 mm (steel20). The coils are located parallel to the front of the boiler in a checkerboard pattern (longitudinal pitch 41.5 mm, transverse pitch 80 mm). The heating surface of the water economizer is 2130 m2.

Figure 7. Sketch of an economizer with a double-sided parallel front arrangement of coils: 1 – drum, 2 – water bypass pipes, 3 – economizer, 4 – inlet collectors.

Air heater

The boiler unit is equipped with two regenerative rotating air heaters of type RVV-41M. The air heater rotor consists of a shell Ø 4100 mm (height 2250 mm), a hub Ø 900 mm and radial ribs connecting the hub to the shell, dividing the rotor into 24 sectors. The rotor sectors are filled with heating corrugated steel sheets(stuffing). The rotor is driven by an electric motor with a gearbox and rotates at a speed of 2 revolutions per minute. The total heating surface of the air heater is 7221 m2.

Figure 8. Regenerative air heater: 1 – rotor shaft, 2 – bearings, 3 – electric motor, 4 – packing, 5 – outer casing, 6 and 7 – radial and peripheral seal, 8 – air leakage.

Draft devices

To evacuate flue gases, the boiler unit is equipped with two double-suction smoke exhausters of type D-20x2. Each smoke exhauster is driven by an electric motor with a power of N = 500 kW, with a rotation speed of n = 730 rpm.

The performance and total pressure of smoke exhausters are given for gases at a pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art. and gas temperature at the entrance to the smoke exhauster is 200° C.

Nominal parameters at highest efficiency η=0.7

To supply the combustion air necessary for combustion into the furnace, boiler No. 11 is equipped with two blower fans (DV) of the VDN-18-II type with a capacity of Q = 170,000 m 3 /hour, a total pressure of 390 mm of water. Art. at a working environment temperature of 20° C. The fans of boiler No. 11 are driven by electric motors: left - 250 kW, rotation speed n = 990 rpm, right - 200 kW, rotation speed n = 900 rpm.

4.2.7 Safety valves

On boiler No. 11, the steam collection chamber has two pulse safety valves. One of them - control - with an impulse from the steam collection chamber, the second - working - with an impulse from the boiler drum.

The control valve is set to operate when the pressure in the steam collection chamber increases to 105 kgf/cm 2 . The valve closes when the pressure drops to 100 kgf/cm2.

The working valve opens when the pressure in the drum increases to 118.8 kgf/cm 2 . The valve closes when the pressure in the drum drops to 112 kgf/cm2.

4.2.8 Burner devices

There are 8 gas-oil burners installed on the front wall of the combustion chamber, arranged in two tiers of 4 burners in each tier.

Combined burners are made of two-flow air.

Each burner of the lower tier is designed to burn a mixture of coke and blast furnace gases and fuel oil, and separate combustion of coke or blast furnace gases in the same burners. The coke blast mixture is fed through a Ø 490 mm manifold. Along the axis of the burner there is a pipe Ø 76x4 for installing an oil nozzle for mechanical atomization. The diameter of the embrasure is 1000 mm.

Each of the 4 upper tier burners is designed to burn natural gas and fuel oil. Natural gas supplied through a manifold Ø 206 mm through 3 rows of holes Ø 6, 13, 25 mm. The number of holes is 8 in each row. The diameter of the embrasure is 800 mm.

4.2.9 Drum and separation devices

The boiler is equipped with a drum with a diameter of 1600 mm, drum wall thickness 100 mm, sheet steel

The boiler has a three-stage evaporation scheme. The first and second evaporation stages are organized inside the drum, the third in external cyclones. The first stage compartment is located in the middle of the drum, two second stage compartments are at the ends. Inside the drum, the water volumes of the salt compartments are separated from the clean compartment by partitions. The feed water for the salty compartments of the second stage is the boiler water of the clean compartment, which enters through the holes in the dividing intercompartment partitions. The feed water for the third evaporation stage is the boiler water of the second stage.

Continuous blowing is carried out from the water volume of remote cyclones.

Feedwater entering the drum from the economizer is divided into two parts. Half of the water is directed through the pipes into the water space of the drum, the second half is introduced into the longitudinal distribution manifold, exits through the holes and spreads over the perforated sheet through which saturated steam passes. When steam passes through the feedwater layer, it is washed, i.e. purification of steam from the salts it contains.

After washing the steam, the feed water is drained through boxes into the water space of the drum.

The steam-water mixture, entering the drum, passes through 42 separation cyclones, of which: 14 are located on the front side of the drum, 28 are located on the rear side of the drum (including 6 cyclones stopped in the salt compartments of stepwise evaporation).

In cyclones, a rough, preliminary separation of water and steam is carried out. The separated water flows into the lower part of the cyclones, under which trays are installed.

Directly above the cyclones there are louvered shields. Passing through these shields and through the perforated sheet, the steam is directed for final drying into the upper louvered shields, under which the perforated sheet is located. The middle level in the clean compartment is located 150 mm below its geometric axis. The upper and lower permissible levels are 40 mm above and below the average, respectively. The water level in salty compartments is usually lower than in the clean compartment. The difference in water levels in these compartments increases with increasing boiler load.

The phosphate solution is introduced into the drum into a clean staged evaporation compartment through a pipe located along the bottom of the drum.

The clean compartment has a pipe for emergency drainage of water in case of excessive rise in water level. In addition, there is a line with a valve connecting the space of the left remote cyclone to one of the lower chambers of the rear screen. When the valve opens, boiler water moves from the salty compartment of the third stage into the clean compartment, due to which it is possible, if necessary, to reduce the salt content of water in the compartments. Leveling the salt content in the left and right salty compartments of the third stage of evaporation is ensured by the fact that a pipe comes out of each salty remote compartment, which directs the boiler water to the lower screen chamber of the opposite salty compartment.

Figure 11. Scheme of three-stage evaporation: 1 – drum; 2 – remote cyclone; 3 – lower collector of the circulation circuit, 4 – steam generating pipes; 5 – lowering pipes; 6 – feed water supply; 7 – removal of purge water; 8 – water transfer pipe from the drum to the cyclone; 9 – steam transfer pipe from the cyclone to the drum; 10 – steam pipe from the unit; 11- intratympanic septum.

4.2.10 Boiler frame

The boiler frame consists of metal columns connected by horizontal beams, trusses, braces and is used to absorb loads from the weight of the drum, heating surfaces, lining, service bells, gas pipelines and other elements of the boiler. The columns of the boiler frame are rigidly attached to the iron foundation of the boiler, and the bases (shoes) of the columns are poured with concrete.

4.2.11 Brickwork

Sheets of lining are layers of fire-resistant and insulating materials that are attached using brackets and tie rods to a steel frame structure with cladding sheets.

The shields are located sequentially on the gas side: layers refractory concrete, sovelite mats a layer of sealing coating. The thickness of the combustion chamber lining is 200 mm, in the area of ​​the two lower economizer packages – 260 mm. The lining of the hearth in the lower part of the combustion chamber is made in a pipe manner. During thermal elongation of the screens, this lining moves along with the pipes. Between the movable and stationary parts of the combustion chamber lining there is an expansion joint sealed with a water seal (hydraulic seal). The lining has holes for manholes, hatches and hatches.

5. Safety precautions during work

On the territory of the power plant, students are subject to all safety and security rules in force at the enterprise.

Before the start of the tests, a representative of the enterprise briefs the students on the procedure for conducting the test and on safety rules, which are recorded in the relevant documents. During tests, students are prohibited from interfering with the actions of maintenance personnel, turning off devices on the control panel, opening peepholes, hatches, manholes, etc.


  1. Sidelkovsky L.N., Yurenev V.N. Boiler installations industrial enterprises: Textbook for universities. – 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1988. – 528 p., ill.
  2. Kovalev A.P. and others. Steam generators: a textbook for universities / A.P. Kovalev, N.S. Leleev, T.V. Vilensky; Under general ed. A. P. Kovalev. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985. – 376 p., ill.
  3. Kiselev N.A. Boiler installations, Training manual for preparation. workers in production - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: graduate School, 1979. – 270 pp., ill.
  4. Deev L.V., Balakhnichev N.A. Boiler installations and their maintenance. Practical classes for vocational schools. – M.: Higher School, 1990. – 239 p., ill.
  5. Meyklyar M.V. Modern boiler units TKZ. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Energy, 1978. - 223 p., ill.

Compiled by: M.V. KALMYKOV UDC 621.1 Design and operation of the TGM-84 boiler: Method. decree/ Samar. state tech. University; Comp. M.V. Kalmykov. Samara, 2006. 12 p. The main technical specifications, layout and description of the design of the TGM-84 boiler and the principle of its operation. Shown are drawings of the boiler unit layout with auxiliary equipment, general view boiler and its components. A diagram of the boiler's steam-water path and a description of its operation are presented. The guidelines are intended for students of specialty 140101 “Thermal power plants”. Il. 4. Bibliography: 3 titles. Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of SamSTU 0 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOILER UNIT Boiler units TGM-84 are designed to produce high-pressure steam when burning gaseous fuel or fuel oil and are designed for the following parameters: Nominal steam output ……………………………. . Operating pressure in the drum ………………………………………… Operating steam pressure behind the main steam valve ……………. Temperature of superheated steam………………………………………. Feed water temperature ……………………………………… Hot air temperature a) when burning fuel oil ………………………………………………………. b) when burning gas……………………………………………. 420 t/h 155 ata 140 ata 550 °C 230 °C 268 °C 238 °C Boiler unit TGM-84 vertical water tube, single drum, shaped layout, with natural circulation. It consists of a combustion chamber, which is an ascending flue duct and a descending convective shaft (Fig. 1). The combustion chamber is divided by a two-light screen. The lower part of each side screen passes into a slightly inclined bottom screen, the lower collectors of which are attached to the collectors of the two-light screen and move together with thermal deformations during firing and shutdown of the boiler. The presence of a two-light screen provides more intensive cooling of flue gases. Accordingly, the thermal stress of the combustion volume of this boiler was chosen to be significantly higher than in pulverized coal units, but lower than in other standard sizes of gas-oil boilers. This facilitated the operating conditions of the two-light screen pipes, which absorb the greatest amount of heat. A semi-radiation screen superheater is located in the upper part of the furnace and in the rotating chamber. A horizontal convective steam superheater and a water economizer are located in the convective shaft. Behind the water economizer there is a chamber with receiving hoppers for shot cleaning. Two parallel-connected regenerative air heaters of the rotating type RVP-54 are installed after the convective shaft. The boiler is equipped with two VDN-26-11 type blower fans and two D-21 type smoke exhausters. The boiler was repeatedly reconstructed, as a result of which the TGM-84A model appeared, and then the TGM-84B. In particular, unified screens were introduced and a more uniform distribution of steam between the pipes was achieved. The transverse pitch of the pipes in the horizontal packages of the convective part of the steam superheater was increased, thereby reducing the likelihood of its contamination with fuel oil soot. 2 0 R and s. 1. Longitudinal and cross sections of the gas-oil boiler TGM-84: 1 – combustion chamber; 2 – burners; 3 – drum; 4 – screens; 5 – convective superheater; 6 – condensation unit; 7 – economizer; 11 – shot catcher; 12 – remote separation cyclone The boilers of the first modification TGM-84 were equipped with 18 gas-oil burners placed in three rows on the front wall of the combustion chamber. Currently, either four or six burners of higher efficiency are installed, which simplifies the maintenance and repair of boilers. BURNING DEVICES The combustion chamber is equipped with 6 oil-gas burners installed in two tiers (in the form of 2 triangles in a row, with their vertices up, on the front wall). The burners of the lower tier are installed at 7200 mm, the upper tier at 10200 mm. The burners are designed for separate combustion of gas and fuel oil, vortex, single-flow with central gas distribution. The outermost burners of the lower tier are turned towards the axis of the half-firebox by 12 degrees. To improve the mixing of fuel with air, the burners have guide vanes, through which the air swirls. Along the axis of the burners on the boilers are installed fuel oil nozzles with mechanical spray, fuel oil nozzle barrel length 2700 mm. The design of the firebox and the layout of the burners must ensure a stable combustion process, its control, and also eliminate the possibility of the formation of poorly ventilated zones. Gas burners must operate stably, without separation or slippage of the torch, within the range of regulation of the boiler’s thermal load. Used on boilers gas burners must be certified and have manufacturer's passports. COMBUSTION CHAMBER The prismatic chamber is divided by a two-light screen into two half-combustion chambers. The volume of the combustion chamber is 1557 m3, the thermal voltage of the combustion volume is 177,000 kcal/m3ּhour. The side and rear walls of the chamber are shielded by evaporation pipes with a diameter of 60x6 mm with a pitch of 64 mm. The side screens in the lower part have slopes to the middle of the firebox with a slope of 15 degrees to the horizontal and form a floor. To avoid stratification of the steam-water mixture in pipes slightly inclined to the horizontal, sections of the side screens forming the underside are covered with fireclay bricks and chromite mass. The screen system is suspended from the metal structures of the ceiling using rods and has the ability to freely fall down during thermal expansion. The pipes of the evaporation screens are welded together with a D-10 mm rod with a height interval of 4-5 mm. To improve the aerodynamics of the upper part of the combustion chamber and protect the rear screen chambers from radiation, the rear screen pipes in the upper part form a protrusion into the firebox with an overhang of 1.4 m. The protrusion is formed by 70% of the rear screen pipes. 3 In order to reduce the effect of uneven heating on circulation, all screens are sectioned. The two-light and two side screens each have three circulation circuits, the rear screen has six. TGM-84 boilers operate according to a two-stage evaporation scheme. The first stage of evaporation (clean compartment) includes a drum, rear and two-light screen panels, and 1st and 2nd side screen panels from the front. The second stage of evaporation (salt compartment) includes 4 remote cyclones (two on each side) and a third panel of side screens from the front. Water from the drum is supplied to the six lower chambers of the rear screen through 18 drainage pipes, three to each collector. Each of the 6 panels includes 35 screen pipes. The upper ends of the pipes are connected to chambers, from which the steam-water mixture flows through 18 pipes into the drum. The two-light screen has windows formed by pipe routing to equalize the pressure in the semi-furnaces. Water from the drum flows to the three lower chambers of the two-light screen through 12 drainage pipes (4 pipes for each collector). The outer panels have 32 screen pipes, the middle one - 29 pipes. The upper ends of the pipes are connected to three upper chambers, from which the steam-water mixture is directed through 18 pipes into the drum. Water flows to the four front lower side screen collectors from the drum through 8 drainage pipes. Each of these panels contains 31 screen pipes. The upper ends of the screen pipes are connected to 4 chambers, from which the steam-water mixture enters the drum through 12 pipes. The lower chambers of the salt compartments are fed from 4 remote cyclones through 4 drainage pipes (one pipe from each cyclone). The salt compartment panels contain 31 screen pipes. The upper ends of the screen pipes are connected to chambers, from which the steam-water mixture flows through 8 pipes into 4 remote cyclones. DRUM AND SEPARATION DEVICE The drum has an internal diameter of 1.8 m, a length of 18 m. All drums are made of sheet steel 16 GNM (manganese-nickel-molybdenum steel), wall thickness 115 mm. The drum weight is about 96600 kg. The boiler drum is designed to create natural circulation of water in the boiler, cleaning and separation of steam produced in the screen pipes. The separation of the steam-water mixture of the 1st stage of evaporation is organized in the drum (the separation of the 2nd stage of evaporation is carried out on boilers in 4 remote cyclones), all the steam is washed with feed water, followed by the capture of moisture from the steam. The entire drum is a clean compartment. The steam-water mixture from the upper collectors (except for the salt compartment collectors) enters the drum from both sides and enters a special distribution box, from which it is sent to the cyclones, where the initial separation of steam from water occurs. There are 92 cyclones installed in the boiler drums - 46 left and 46 right. 4 At the steam outlet from the cyclones, horizontal plate separators are installed. The steam, having passed through them, enters the bubble-washing device. Here, under the washing device of the clean compartment, steam is supplied from external cyclones, inside of which the separation of the steam-water mixture is also organized. The steam, having passed through the bubble-washing device, enters the perforated sheet, where steam separation and flow equalization occur simultaneously. Having passed the perforated sheet, the steam is carried through 32 steam removal pipes to the inlet chambers of the wall-mounted superheater and through 8 pipes to the condensate unit. Rice. 2. Two-stage evaporation scheme with remote cyclones: 1 – drum; 2 – remote cyclone; 3 – lower manifold of the circulation circuit; 4 – steam generating pipes; 5 – lowering pipes; 6 – feed water supply; 7 – removal of purge water; 8 – water transfer pipe from the drum to the cyclone; 9 – steam transfer pipe from the cyclone to the drum; 10 – steam removal pipe from the unit About 50% of the feed water is supplied to the bubble-washing device, and the rest of it is drained through the distribution manifold into the drum under the water level. The average water level in the drum is 200 mm below its geometric axis. Permissible level fluctuations in the drum are 75 mm. To equalize the salt content in the salt compartments of the boilers, two drainage pipes were transferred, so the right cyclone feeds the lower left collector of the salt compartment, and the left one feeds the right one. 5 STEAM SUPERHEATER DESIGN The heating surfaces of the superheater are located in the combustion chamber, horizontal gas duct and drop shaft. The superheater circuit is made of a double-flow design with multiple mixing and transfer of steam across the width of the boiler, which makes it possible to equalize the thermal distribution across individual coils. Based on the nature of heat perception, the superheater can be divided into two parts: radiation and convection. The radiation part includes a wall-mounted superheater (NSP), the first row of screens (SHPS) and part of the ceiling superheater (CSP), shielding the ceiling of the combustion chamber. To the convective one - the second row of screens, part of the ceiling superheater and the convective superheater (CSC). Radiation wall-mounted superheater NPP pipes shield the front wall of the combustion chamber. The NPP consists of six panels, two of them have 48 and the rest have 49 pipes, the pitch between the pipes is 46 mm. Each panel has 22 down pipes, the rest are up pipes. Input and output collectors are located in an unheated area above the combustion chamber, intermediate collectors are located in an unheated area below the combustion chamber. The upper chambers are suspended from the metal structures of the ceiling using rods. The pipes are fastened in 4 tiers in height and allow vertical movement of the panels. Ceiling superheater The ceiling superheater is located above the firebox and horizontal flue, consists of 394 pipes placed at 35 mm intervals and connected by inlet and outlet manifolds. Sheet steam superheater The screen steam superheater consists of two rows of vertical screens (30 screens in each row) located in the upper part of the combustion chamber and the rotary flue. The pitch between the screens is 455 mm. The screen consists of 23 coils of equal length and two collectors (input and output), installed horizontally in an unheated area. Convective superheater A horizontal type convective superheater consists of left and right parts located in the gas duct of the lower shaft above the water economizer. Each side in turn is divided into two direct-flow stages. 6 STEAM PATH OF THE BOILER Saturated steam from the boiler drum through 12 steam transfer pipes enters the upper collectors of the NPP, from which it moves down through the middle pipes of 6 panels and enters the 6 lower collectors, after which it rises up through the outer pipes of 6 panels to the upper ones collectors, from which it is sent through 12 unheated pipes to the input collectors of the ceiling superheater. Next, the steam moves across the entire width of the boiler through the ceiling pipes and enters the superheater outlet manifolds located at the rear wall of the convective flue. From these collectors, the steam is divided into two streams and sent to the chambers of stage I desuperheaters, and then to the chambers of the outer screens (7 left and 7 right), after passing which both steam streams enter the intermediate stage II desuperheaters, left and right. In stage I and II desuperheaters, steam is transferred from the left side to the right side and vice versa, in order to reduce the thermal spread caused by gas misalignment. Having left the intermediate desupercoolers of the second injection, the steam enters the middle screen manifolds (8 left and 8 right), after passing through which it is directed to the input chambers of the gearbox. Stage III desuperheaters are installed between the upper and lower parts of the gearbox. Next, the superheated steam is sent through a steam pipeline to the turbines. Rice. 3. Boiler superheater diagram: 1 – boiler drum; 2 – radiation two-way radiation pipe panel (the upper collectors are conventionally shown on the left, and the lower ones on the right); 3 – ceiling panel; 4 – injection desuperheater; 5 – place of injection of water into steam; 6 – extreme screens; 7 – medium screens; 8 – convective packages; 9 – steam exit from the boiler 7 CONDENSATE UNIT AND INJECTION STEAM COOLERS To obtain its own condensate, the boiler is equipped with 2 condensate units (one on each side) located on the ceiling of the boiler above the convective part. They consist of 2 distribution collectors, 4 capacitors and a condensate collector. Each capacitor consists of a chamber D426×36 mm. The cooling surfaces of the condensers are formed by pipes welded to a tube sheet, which is divided into two parts and forms a water drainage and water supply chambers. Saturated steam from the boiler drum is directed through 8 pipes to four distribution manifolds. From each collector, steam is discharged to two condensers by pipes, 6 pipes to each condenser. Condensation of saturated steam coming from the boiler drum is carried out by cooling it with feed water. Feed water after suspension system is supplied to the water supply chamber, passes through the condenser tubes and exits into the water discharge chamber and then to the water economizer. The saturated steam coming from the drum fills the steam space between the pipes, comes into contact with them and condenses. The resulting condensate through 3 pipes from each condenser enters two collectors, from there through regulators it is supplied to desuperheaters I, II, III of the left and right injections. Injection of condensate occurs due to the pressure made up of the difference in the Venturi pipe and the pressure drop in the steam path of the superheater from the drum to the injection point. Condensate is injected into the cavity of the Venturi pipe through 24 holes with a diameter of 6 mm, located around the circumference at the narrow point of the pipe. The Venturi pipe, at full load on the boiler, reduces the steam pressure by increasing its speed at the injection site by 4 kgf/cm2. The maximum performance of one condenser at 100% load and design parameters of steam and feedwater is 17.1 t/h. WATER ECONOMIZER The steel coil water economizer consists of 2 parts, located respectively in the left and right parts of the lower shaft. Each part of the economizer consists of 4 blocks: lower, 2 middle and upper. Openings were made along the height between the blocks. The water economizer consists of 110 coil packs located parallel to the front of the boiler. The coils in the blocks are staggered with a pitch of 30 mm and 80 mm. The middle and upper blocks are installed on beams located in the flue. To protect against the gas environment, these beams are covered with insulation, protected by 3 mm thick metal sheets from the effects of a shot blasting machine. The lower blocks are suspended from the beams using racks. The racks allow for the possibility of removing the coil package during repairs. 8 The inlet and outlet chambers of the water economizer are located outside the flue ducts and are attached to the boiler frame with brackets. Cooling of the water economizer beams (the temperature of the beams during lighting and during operation should not exceed 250 °C) is carried out by supplying them with cold air from the pressure of the blower fans, with the air being discharged into the suction boxes of the blower fans. AIR HEATER Two RVP-54 regenerative air heaters are installed in the boiler room. The regenerative air heater RVP-54 is a counterflow heat exchanger consisting of a rotating rotor enclosed inside a stationary housing (Fig. 4). The rotor consists of a shell with a diameter of 5590 mm and a height of 2250 mm, made of sheet steel 10 mm thick and a hub with a diameter of 600 mm, as well as radial ribs connecting the hub to the shell, dividing the rotor into 24 sectors. Each sector is divided by vertical sheets into P and S. 4. Structural diagram of a regenerative air heater: 1 – box; 2 – drum; 3 – body; 4 – packing; 5 – shaft; 6 – bearing; 7 – seal; 8 – electric motor three parts. Sections of heating sheets are placed in them. The height of the sections is installed in two rows. The top row is the hot part of the rotor, made of spacer and corrugated sheets, 0.7 mm thick. The bottom row of sections is the cold part of the rotor and is made of spacer straight sheets, 1.2 mm thick. The cold end packing is more susceptible to corrosion and can be easily replaced. Inside the rotor hub there passes a hollow shaft, which has a flange at the bottom on which the rotor rests; the hub is attached to the flange with studs. The RVP has two covers - upper and lower, with sealing plates installed on them. 9 The heat exchange process is carried out by heating the rotor packing in the gas flow and cooling it in the air flow. The sequential movement of the heated packing from the gas flow to the air flow is carried out by rotating the rotor at a frequency of 2 revolutions per minute. At each moment of time, out of 24 sectors of the rotor, 13 sectors are included in the gas path, 9 sectors are included in the air path, two sectors are turned off and are blocked by sealing plates. The air heater uses the counterflow principle: air is introduced from the outlet side and removed from the gas inlet side. The air heater is designed to heat air from 30 to 280 °C while cooling gases from 331 °C to 151 °C when operating on fuel oil. The advantage of regenerative air heaters is their compactness and low weight; the main disadvantage is a significant flow of air from the air side to the gas side (standard air suction is 0.2–0.25). BOILER FRAMEWORK The boiler frame consists of steel columns connected by horizontal beams, trusses and braces, and is used to bear the loads from the weight of the drum, all heating surfaces, condensate installation, lining, insulation and service areas. The boiler frame is made of welded profiles and sheet steel. The frame columns are attached to the underground reinforced concrete foundation of the boiler, and the base (shoe) of the columns is poured with concrete. LINING The lining of the combustion chamber consists of refractory concrete, sovelite slabs and sealing magnesium coating. The thickness of the lining is 260 mm. It is installed in the form of panels that are attached to the boiler frame. The ceiling lining consists of panels 280 mm thick, freely lying on the superheater pipes. The structure of the panels: a layer of refractory concrete 50 mm thick, a layer of thermal insulating concrete 85 mm thick, three layers of sovelite slabs with a total thickness of 125 mm and a layer of sealing magnesium coating 20 mm thick applied to a metal mesh. The lining of the turning chamber and the convective shaft are attached to panels, which in turn are attached to the boiler frame. The total thickness of the turning chamber lining is 380 mm: refractory concrete - 80 mm, thermal insulating concrete - 135 mm and four layers of 40 mm sovelite slabs. The lining of the convective steam superheater consists of one layer of thermal insulating concrete 155 mm thick, a layer of refractory concrete - 80 mm and four layers of sovelite slabs - 165 mm. Between the plates there is a layer of sovelite mastic 2÷2.5 mm thick. The lining of the water economizer is 260 mm thick and consists of fire-resistant and thermally insulating concrete and three layers of sovelite slabs. SAFETY MEASURES Operation of boiler units must be carried out in accordance with the current “Rules for the design and safe operation steam and hot water boilers”, approved by Rostechnadzor and “Technical requirements for explosion safety of boiler installations operating on fuel oil and natural gas”, as well as the current “Safety Rules for servicing thermal power equipment of power plants”. Bibliography 1. Operating instructions for the TGM-84 energy boiler at the VAZ CHPP. 2. Meiklyar M.V. Modern boiler units TKZ. M.: Energy, 1978. 3. Kovalev A.P., Leleev N.S., Vilensky T.V. Steam generators: Textbook for universities. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985. 11 Design and operation of the TGM-84 boiler Compiled by KALMYKOV Maxim Vitalievich Editor N.V. Vershina Technical editor G.N. Shankova Signed for publication on June 20, 2006. Format 60x84 1/12. Offset paper. Offset printing. Conditional p.l. 1.39. Conditional cr.-ott. 1.39. Academic ed. l. 1.25 Circulation 100. P. – 171. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State educational institution of higher professional education “Samara State Technical University” 432100. Samara, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244. Main building 12

M. A. Taimarov, A. V. Simakov



Key words: steam boiler, testing, thermal power, nominal steam output, gas falling holes.

The work experimentally showed that the design of the TGM-84B boiler makes it possible to increase its steam production by 6.04% and bring it to 447 t/h by increasing the diameter of the gas supply holes of the second row on the central gas supply pipe.

Keywords: the Steam caldron, test, heat power, nominal capacity, gas giving holes.

In work experimentally is obtained, that the construction of the boiler TGM-84B allows to increase it Potency at 6.04% and to finish it up to 447 t/h by magnification of a diameter Gas pipe of orifices of the second number on central Gas pipe.


The TGM-84B boiler was designed and manufactured 10 years earlier, compared to the TGM-96B boiler, when the Taganrog Boiler Plant did not have much practical and design experience in the design, manufacture and operation of high-performance boilers. In this regard, a significant reserve of area of ​​heat-receiving screen heating surfaces was made, which, as all experience in operating TGM-84B boilers has shown, is not necessary. The performance of burners on TGM-84B boilers was also reduced due to the smaller diameter of the gas outlet holes. According to the first factory drawing of the Taganrog Boiler Plant, the second row of gas outlets in the burners are provided with a diameter of 25 mm, and later, based on operating experience to increase the thermal intensity of the furnaces, this diameter of the second row of gas outlets was increased to 27 mm. However, there is still room to increase the diameter of the gas outlet openings of the burners in order to increase the steam production of TGM-84B boilers.

Relevance and statement of the research problem

In the near future, the demand for thermal and electrical energy will sharply increase for 5...10 years. The growth in energy consumption is associated, on the one hand, with the use of foreign technologies for advanced processing of oil, gas, wood, and metallurgical products directly on the territory of Russia, and on the other, with the retirement and reduction of power due to the physical wear and tear of the existing fleet of heat and power generating equipment. The consumption of thermal energy for heating purposes is increasing.

There are two ways to quickly meet the growing need for energy resources:

1. Introduction of new heat and electricity generating equipment.

2. Modernization and reconstruction of existing operational equipment.

The first direction requires large investments.

In the second direction of increasing the power of heat and electricity generating equipment, costs are associated with the volume of necessary reconstruction and additions to increase power. On average, when using the second direction of increasing the capacity of heat and electricity generating equipment, the costs are 8 times cheaper than commissioning new capacities.

Technical and design possibilities for increasing the power of the TGM-84 B boiler

A design feature of the TGM-84B boiler is the presence of a two-light screen.

The double-light screen provides more intensive cooling of the flue gases than in the TGM-9bB gas-oil boiler of similar performance, which does not have a double-light screen. The dimensions of the furnaces of the TGM-9bB and TGM-84B boilers are almost the same. Design versions, with the exception of the presence of a two-light screen in the TGM-84B boiler, are also identical. The nominal steam output of the TGM-84B boiler is 420 t/hour, and for the TGM-9bB boiler the nominal steam output is 480 t/hour. The TGM-9b boiler has 4 burners in two tiers. The TGM-84B boiler has 6 burners in 2 tiers, but these burners are less powerful than the TGM-9bB boiler.

The main comparative technical characteristics of the TGM-84B and TGM-9bB boilers are given in Table 1.

Table I - Comparative technical characteristics of the TGM-84B and TGM-96B boilers

Name of indicators TGM-84B TGM-96B

Steam capacity, t/h 420 480

Combustion volume, m 16x6.2x23 16x1.5x23

Dual-light screen Yes No

Nominal thermal power of the burner when burning gas, MW 50.2 88.9

Number of burners, pcs. b 4

Total thermal power of burners, MW 301.2 355.6

Gas consumption, m3/hour 33500 36800

Nominal gas pressure in front of the burners at gas temperature (t = - 0.32 0.32

4 °C), kg/cm2

Air pressure in front of the burner, kg/m2 180 180

Required air flow for blasting at nominal steam 3/ load, thousand m / hour 345.2 394.5

Required performance of smoke exhausters at rated steam 3 / 399.5 456.6

load, thousand m/hour

Certified nominal total capacity of 2 blower fans VDN-26-U, thousand m3/hour 506 506

Certified nominal total capacity of 2 smoke exhausters D-21.5x2U, thousand m3/hour 640 640

From the table 1 shows that the required steam load of 480 t/h in terms of air flow is provided by two VDN-26-U fans with a margin of 22%, and in terms of removing combustion products by two D-21.5x2U smoke exhausters with a margin of 29%.

Technical and constructive solutions to increase the thermal power of the TGM-84B boiler

At the Department of Boiler Installations of Kazan State Power Engineering University, work was carried out to increase the thermal power of the TGM-84B boiler st. No. 10 NchCHPP. Thermal-hydraulic calculation was carried out

burners with central gas supply, aerodynamic and thermal calculations were performed with an increase in the diameter of the gas supply holes.

On the TGM-84B boiler with station No. 10, on burners No. 1,2,3,4 of the first (lower) tier and No. 5,6 of the second tier, 6 of the existing 12 gas outlet holes were drilled out (evenly around the circumference through one hole) 2- 1st row from diameter 027 mm to diameter 029 mm. The incident flows, flame temperature and other operating parameters of boiler No. 10 were measured (Table 2). The unit thermal power of the burners increased by 6.09% and amounted to 332.28 MW instead of 301.2 MW before drilling. Steam output increased by 6.04% and amounted to 447 t/hour instead of 420 t/hour before drilling.

Table 2 - Comparison of indicators of the TGM-84B boiler st. No. 10 NchCHPP before and after burner reconstruction

Indicators of the boiler TGM-84B No. 10 NchCHPP Hole diameter 02? Hole diameter 029

Thermal power one burner, MW 50.2 55.58

Thermal power of the furnace, MW 301.2 332.28

Increase in thermal power of the furnace,% - 6.09

Boiler steam output, t/hour 420 441

Increase in steam output,% - 6.04

Calculations and tests of modernized boilers have shown that there is no separation of the gas jet from the gas supply holes at low steam loads.

1. Increasing the diameter of the gas supply holes of the 2nd row from 27 to 29 mm on the burners does not cause disruption of the gas flow at low loads.

2. Modernization of the TGM-84B boiler by increasing the cross-sectional area of ​​the gas supply

holes from 0.205 m to 0.218 m made it possible to increase the nominal steam output from 420 t/h to 447 t/h when burning gas.


1. Taimarov, M.A. High power and supercritical thermal power plant boilers Part 1: training manual/ M.A. Taimarov, V.M. Taimarov. Kazan: Kazan. state energy univ., 2009. - 152 p.

2. Taimarov, M.A. Burner devices / M.A. Taimarov, V.M. Taimarov. - Kazan: Kazan. state energy univ., 2007. - 147 p.

3. Taimarov, M.A. Laboratory workshop at the course “Boiler installations and steam generators” / M.A. Taimarov. - Kazan: Kazan. state energy univ., 2004. - 107 p.

© M. A. Taimarov - Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, prof., head. department boiler plants and steam generators of KGPP, [email protected]; A. V. Simakov - aspirant. the same department.

The typical energy characteristics of the TGM-96B boiler reflect the technically achievable efficiency of the boiler. A typical energy characteristic can serve as the basis for drawing up standard characteristics of TGM-96B boilers when burning fuel oil.




Moscow 1981

This Standard Energy Characteristic was developed by Soyuztekhenergo (eng. G.I. GUTSALO)

The typical energy characteristics of the TGM-96B boiler are based on thermal tests carried out by Soyuztekhenergo at Riga CHPP-2 and Sredaztekhenergo at CHPP-GAZ, and reflect the technically achievable efficiency of the boiler.

A typical energy characteristic can serve as the basis for drawing up standard characteristics of TGM-96B boilers when burning fuel oil.



1.1 . TGM-96B boiler of the Taganrog Boiler Plant - gas-oil boiler with natural circulation and U-shaped layout, designed to work with turbines T -100/120-130-3 and PT-60-130/13. The main design parameters of the boiler when operating on fuel oil are given in table. .

According to TKZ, the minimum permissible boiler load for circulation conditions is 40% of the nominal one.

1.2 . The combustion chamber has a prismatic shape and in plan is a rectangle with dimensions 6080x14700 mm. The volume of the combustion chamber is 1635 m3. The thermal voltage of the combustion volume is 214 kW/m 3, or 184 · 10 3 kcal/(m 3 · h). The combustion chamber contains evaporation screens and a radiation wall-mounted steam superheater (WSR) on the front wall. In the upper part of the furnace, a screen steam superheater (SSH) is located in the rotating chamber. In the lower convective shaft, two packages of a convective steam superheater (CS) and a water economizer (WES) are located sequentially along the flow of gases.

1.3 . The steam path of the boiler consists of two independent flows with steam transfer between the sides of the boiler. The temperature of the superheated steam is regulated by the injection of its own condensate.

1.4 . On the front wall of the combustion chamber there are four double-flow gas-oil burners HF TsKB-VTI. The burners are installed in two tiers at levels of -7250 and 11300 mm with an elevation angle to the horizon of 10°.

To burn fuel oil, Titan steam-mechanical nozzles are provided with a nominal capacity of 8.4 t/h at a fuel oil pressure of 3.5 MPa (35 kgf/cm2). The steam pressure for purging and spraying fuel oil is recommended by the plant to be 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2). The steam consumption per nozzle is 240 kg/h.

1.5 . The boiler installation is equipped with:

Two VDN-16-P blower fans with a capacity of 259 · 10 3 m 3 /h with a reserve of 10%, a pressure with a reserve of 20% of 39.8 MPa (398.0 kgf/m 2), a power of 500/250 kW and a rotation speed of 741 /594 rpm of each machine;

Two smoke exhausters DN-24×2-0.62 GM with a capacity of 415 10 3 m 3 /h with a margin of 10%, a pressure with a margin of 20% of 21.6 MPa (216.0 kgf/m2), power of 800/400 kW and a rotation speed of 743/595 rpm for each machine.

1.6. To clean convective heating surfaces from ash deposits, the project provides for a shot installation; for cleaning the RVP, water washing and blowing with steam from a drum with a decrease in pressure in the throttling installation. The duration of blowing one RVP is 50 minutes.


2.1 . Typical energy characteristics of the TGM-96B boiler ( rice. , , ) was compiled based on the results of thermal tests of boilers at Riga CHPP-2 and GAZ CHPP in accordance with instructional materials and methodological instructions on standardization of technical and economic indicators of boilers. The characteristic reflects the average efficiency of a new boiler operating with turbines T -100/120-130/3 and PT-60-130/13 under the conditions below, taken as initial ones.

2.1.1 . In the fuel balance of power plants burning liquid fuels, the majority is high-sulfur fuel oil M 100. Therefore, the characteristics are drawn up for fuel oil M 100 ( GOST 10585-75) with characteristics: A P = 0.14%, W P = 1.5%, S P = 3.5%, (9500 kcal/kg). All necessary calculations were performed for the working mass of fuel oil

2.1.2 . The fuel oil temperature in front of the nozzles is assumed to be 120 ° C ( t tl= 120 °C) based on fuel oil viscosity conditions M 100, equal to 2.5° VU, according to § 5.41 PTE.

2.1.3 . Average annual cold air temperature (t x .v.) at the entrance to the blower fan is taken to be 10 ° C , since TGM-96B boilers are mainly located in climatic regions (Moscow, Riga, Gorky, Chisinau) with an average annual air temperature close to this temperature.

2.1.4 . Air temperature at the inlet to the air heater (t ch) is taken to be 70° C and constant when the boiler load changes, according to § 17.25 of the PTE.

2.1.5 . For cross-coupled power plants, the feedwater temperature (t p.v.) in front of the boiler is assumed to be calculated (230 °C) and constant when the boiler load changes.

2.1.6 . The specific net heat consumption for the turbine unit is assumed to be 1750 kcal/(kWh), according to thermal tests.

2.1.7 . The heat flow coefficient is assumed to vary with the boiler load from 98.5% at rated load to 97.5% at 0.6 loadD nom.

2.2 . The calculation of the standard characteristics was carried out in accordance with the instructions of “Thermal calculation of boiler units (normative method)” (M.: Energia, 1973).

2.2.1 . The gross efficiency of the boiler and heat loss with flue gases were calculated in accordance with the methodology outlined in the book by Ya.L. Pekker “Thermal engineering calculations based on the given fuel characteristics” (Moscow: Energia, 1977).



α х = α "ve + Δ α tr

α х- coefficient of excess air in exhaust gases;

Δ α tr- suction cups into the gas path of the boiler;

Ugh- temperature of exhaust gases behind the smoke exhauster.

The calculation includes the flue gas temperature values ​​measured in boiler thermal tests and reduced to the conditions for constructing the standard characteristics (input parameterst x in, t "kf, t p.v.).

2.2.2 . Excess air coefficient at the operating point (behind the water economizer)α "ve assumed to be 1.04 at rated load and varying to 1.1 at 50% load based on thermal testing.

Reducing the calculated (1.13) coefficient of excess air behind the water economizer to that accepted in the standard specification (1.04) is achieved by correctly maintaining the combustion mode in accordance with the boiler regime map, complying with the requirements of the PTE in relation to air intake into the furnace and into the gas path and selecting a set of nozzles .

2.2.3 . Air suction into the gas path of the boiler at rated load is assumed to be 25%. With a change in load, air suction is determined by the formula

2.2.4 . Heat loss from chemical incomplete combustion of fuel (q 3 ) are taken equal to zero, since during tests of the boiler with excess air, accepted in the Standard Energy Characteristics, they were absent.

2.2.5 . Heat loss from mechanical incomplete combustion of fuel (q 4 ) are taken equal to zero according to the “Regulations on the coordination of standard characteristics of equipment and calculated specific fuel consumption” (M.: STSNTI ORGRES, 1975).

2.2.6 . Heat loss in environment (q 5 ) were not determined during testing. They are calculated in accordance with the “Methods for testing boiler installations” (M.: Energia, 1970) according to the formula

2.2.7 . The specific electricity consumption for the electric feed pump PE-580-185-2 was calculated using the pump characteristics taken from technical specifications TU-26-06-899-74.

2.2.8 . The specific energy consumption for draft and blast is calculated based on the energy consumption for driving blower fans and smoke exhausters, measured during thermal tests and reduced to conditions (Δ α tr= 25%) adopted when drawing up the normative characteristics.

It has been established that with sufficient density of the gas path (Δ α ≤ 30%) smoke exhausters provide the rated boiler load at low speed, but without any reserve.

Blower fans at low rotation speed ensure normal operation of the boiler up to loads of 450 t/h.

2.2.9 . In total electrical power The mechanisms of the boiler installation include the power of electric drives: electric feed pump, smoke exhausters, fans, regenerative air heaters (Fig. ). The power of the electric motor of the regenerative air heater is taken according to the passport data. The power of the electric motors of the smoke exhausters, fans and electric feed pump was determined during thermal tests of the boiler.

2.2.10 . The specific heat consumption for heating the air in the heating unit is calculated taking into account the heating of the air in the fans.

2.2.11 . IN specific consumption heat for the boiler plant's own needs includes heat losses in air heaters, the efficiency of which is assumed to be 98%; for steam blowing of the RVP and heat losses due to steam blowing of the boiler.

The heat consumption for steam blowing of the RVP was calculated using the formula

Q obd = G obd · i obd · τ obd· 10 -3 MW (Gcal/h)

Where G obd= 75 kg/min in accordance with the “Standards for the consumption of steam and condensate for the auxiliary needs of power units of 300, 200, 150 MW” (M.: STSNTI ORGRES, 1974);

i obd = i us. pair= 2598 kJ/kg (kcal/kg)

τ obd= 200 min (4 devices with a blowing duration of 50 min when turned on during the day).

Heat consumption with boiler blowing was calculated using the formula

Q cont = G prod · i k.v· 10 -3 MW (Gcal/h)

Where G prod = PD no. 10 2 kg/h

P = 0.5%

i k.v- enthalpy of boiler water;

2.2.12 . The procedure for testing and the choice of measuring instruments used during testing were determined by the “Methodology for testing boiler installations” (M.: Energia, 1970).


3.1 . To bring the main standard indicators of boiler operation to the changed conditions of its operation within the permissible limits of deviation of parameter values, amendments are given in the form of graphs and digital values. Amendments toq 2 in the form of graphs are shown in Fig. , . Corrections to the flue gas temperature are shown in Fig. . In addition to those listed, corrections are given for changes in the heating temperature of the fuel oil supplied to the boiler and for changes in the temperature of the feed water.



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